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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rocraft303777 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another minecraft video welcome to the future of mapmaking we have one man in our lives all of us have him his name is love cups in Hickory absolutely anything that I asked him to make and it's unbelievable at this point Jeff like really honestly I'm kind of like scared of him like I think that like he's like I don't know he's freaking me out a little bit at this point so I told him I wonder if you could make us a Tycoon game from roblox but make it in minecraft roblox games are you playing in Minecraft they're so cool somehow he even makes them better too yes so because there's a lot of cool games in roblox even if you don't like roblox that were really fun and then you play in minecraft news like a hundred times but err I know it's really weird actually so a lot of those games he's been able to recreate into Minecraft and some of them have been awesome the pet simulator one one of my favourite games I ever played today we are playing superhero tycoon bub Cubs version we'll have a little link down below to that so it says over here if you see four superhero coins then you have the textures you have those ya have them and dudes if you're new to the channel definitely smash that subscribe button you will definitely never see anything like this on any other minecraft youtube channel no one else is someone that could even do this we're very lucky here so guys also drop like on the video if you want to see more amazingly creative games like this one as well really mean the world to us but I think we gotta go dude let's do it right what's in this chest extra minecarts of case you messed us off okay so I would like to be the Hulk oh man I like them both alright you okay come on let's go yo ow oh hey somehow love times made us on my head in her oh hi one conveyor and one free dropper you must collect money to buy new droppers and in return they will produce product that will give you more money you can also upgrade you can bears and droppers to produce and transfer product quicker from the weapon shop you can purchase weapons suitable to defend against Kree soldiers and other players killing kriesel Jers will give you some money but killing players will give you at least three times as much money order to win the game you must kill the other player while wearing the superhero suit you get the superhero suit you must build your base completely the soup builder gets generated on the roof of your building use your money to upgrade each floor piece by piece until you can get to the roof guys don't forget to have a lovely time and please enjoy the game told me he was gonna put his mix I'm so bad really - all right it's on good luck goodbye oh look the winds are going first three dropper oh so I can get walls I get the weapon shop for 250 I get money if I kill you so if you implement you know how there's like the robots thing like so you can she imagines me messing up a pallet cause it looks like ten bucks and all the sudden your stuff starts going crazy actually pretty genius I would be like right now I'd be like alright okay take my money please oh the iron man asked you this redstone okay so money is coming in quicker so as you guys can see the money I mean all this stuff drops in the air and then it becomes money for babies do this $500 to the reactor wait there's like I was coming remember if you kill them you get money okay this is bad mm pistols are $500 oh that's much mine do I get oh you get some really good money when you kill them oh you do oh man if I kill Chad I get so much no please don't kill me 2,500 for arc reactor wait it's twenty thousand to upgrade the weapons ooh got my walls in alright here we go you know super quick now what are you doing buddy what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing you like you trying to kill me what are you doing oh oh no that's invisible wall in there oh yes this is scary sir the funniest thing is it's already better than the roblox version oh yes okay RK after pieces of 25,000 for the next one with your your place is looking nice as well now Jeff nice little door may I'm trying to get money alright one of the strategies is gonna be the just like mode these guys down there oh oh yeah I saw somebody go gotta go do this out she showed me she's crazy oh yes 25,000 don't have anyone near that amount okay so what do I need I have like no money it's really bad windows you can actually shoot out your windows with the gun I didn't even realize that you can yeah I just shot up my windows oh yeah I got the door I'm now safe I'm from Chad she's evil alright so what how much money do I have three thousand can i buy anything with that oh yeah I can okay we buy this alright how do I open the stupid door so expensive alright how do you open the door okay I open the door yeah you can't have anything in your hand okay I figured that out oh the money's rolling in now okay I've got about twenty thousand dollars now oh okay so I bought the second lure weight so she Jen's was a completely different strategy than bay um because I really want to upgrade my tycoon so we can get more money oh yeah that's alright I'm afraid you're gonna get to the top I get the suit would kill me okay there's so many coming towards me I can't stop them you have a door you know oh yeah that's true but I'm rich very rich okay let's get this right there we go alright so I'm a little bit nervous about this wait did you just spend twenty five thousand okay so I have this conveyor speed upgrade over here for twenty five thousand my money is coming in pretty nice at this point oh and it all for the money oh yeah I don't even have the second floor yet or anything I know but I'm trying to get the upgrades first all right speed up green oh my god the speed hump it is sick oh yeah it's really nice all right my money's really coming in now all right so what did Jen do she I didn't even buy the stairs yeah okay so I need to like kill more mobs and get some money all right okay I got the stairs done now the upper dropper is 50,000 up here alright so I'm checking that out really badly all right then I can upgrade the speed again for 50,000 I really need like I can get a better weapon too I'm thinking about doing it I'm gonna do it you're gonna do it upgraded my weapon okay oh no obvious amount of money you get oh okay okay oh wait they're a lot now wait I'm gonna get so much more money now alright so I want to kill as many of these guys as I can so I get more money I need to get more money a really badly alright I'm getting so much more I get like 2500 if I kill you now that's a lot alright about 25,000 here okay kill that guy dude this dude the thing is I'm afraid that you're gonna somehow get to the top before me because you've kind of went more for like house upgrades than I have oh it's wrong give me that's what give me the 2500 yes give me the 2500 about that 50k alright so do I want to do a speed upgrade or don't wanna get the upper dropper going I think I wanna get the offer dropper going probably valuable yeah that's a dropper over here right there killer get the upper trough or going okay how much it's so slow though but hopefully it'll really add some money to be 11,000 oh my god Chad the Ironman essence upgrade is a hundred and fifty thousand it's so much oh alright let's see what I can do there's a bunch of guys in my basement just fine I welcome you to come to my base sir how much is the next thing alright so I can get a power hammer for twenty five thousand oh wait this is getting this is getting crazy at this point twenty five thousand for the whole fist alright conveyor speed has been upgraded once again alright my money is really coming in now Chad alright you're attacking me aren't you no alright so they can't really get in here alright there we go do this another 50,000 here we go another speed upgrade oh yeah purchase that I've got all the downstairs upgrades done alright buy a power hammer now do you have a power hammer um no well I get the whole quest I don't have it yet oh wait this is cool oh man I'm excited to try to fight you now oh no walls anymore no oh what's up Jen oh no are you just gonna come in here oh you're too bad at shooting all right actually have some money now it's pretty good but yeah you are getting a lot of money aren't you okay I'm buying that all right so I have $100,000 okay I bought the upper walls all right see I need work on that stuff too because your place looks better than mine all right the next one is 50,000 for the upper windows that is so much I bet love comes didn't realize the windows would break when we shot oh yeah all right guys here we go Iron Man essence upgrade oh yeah a perfect oh man see you ever got upgrades like that I think it's gonna make a huge difference of my money compared to yours compare speed upgrade all right my money is really rolling in now I probably should yeah I'm thinking okay I think I know what I want to do oh there's a lot of people here it's coming in pretty good right good all right upgrade weapons all right I'm sorry to tell you Jeb you're really worth killing now would you like to get the final upgrade it's 10,000 to kill on you hammer ammo all right let me get a little more em over there so repulsor cannons are 250,000 so what is it that I need how are you how is your money coming in that quickly because I've upgraded like everything at this point there get my upper walls upper walls are done I have this cool outdoor area now 150,000 for the roof all right you're looking real good right now all right wait you've never gotten the roof yet right now I don't have to I'm gonna buy the room yeah roof is done no I need more stairs now okay it's five hundred thousand for the stairs okay Oh what are you doing no idea you think a lot of risks don't ya trying to hit you I'm sorry oh I'll just come over there since what you're asking me to do basically used power hammer I can kill all these guys and get huge amounts of money oh yeah you do it's like so much money you could be getting you're not getting the thing is I've done all those upgrades already and now I'm killing Solman you get the power hammer you never know okay $300,000 it's coming in pretty nice now kills a gem so valuable I need to do some stuff what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing right now but I'm just coming in what are you doing I'm just I miss you why are you coming in here just to see you you really think you'd like avoid me in my own face all right then we'll see what happens Jen I think you're just gonna run up there and jump off again knowing you but it doesn't really matter because I came back and I just got my upgrade no well I've got the OP grade where the money's really rolling in now oh wait I have like so much money right now like about it over here you're gonna finally start getting some money yes I'm hoping for I've been one hundred two hundred thousand so I need five hundred thousand for the stairs right now okay oh it's 1 million for the adventure essence to come out of the dropper it's so much Oh like I don't know do you think I should go for the stairs or do you think it's Martin away from it are you gonna die up there oh there's so much there's like a million mobs in my house oh yeah that's what happened to me this happens you leave the doors open for too long really not okay I mean you're staying alive pretty well though are you let me try to kill some of these guys I need to make the smart decision I know the smart decision is to get the better upgrade so I make more money to make the stairs wait I guess they like dying I can't kill them for some reason oh you're too weak oh this is bad there's too many for a little Chad a really strong like to shoot you Mike I can hear you breaking my windows alright I've done the next oh there's a window repair oh I'm sure there definitely is um I don't I don't see it window repair off oh I see it it's 15,000 right okay I'm just gonna learn these people outside and then I'm gonna go back there's too many all right I have upgraded to the final floor i believe dad did ooh oh my god there's a money generator up here in ironmouth sooo I found I found out what I need okay 25 million oh I know it's million good it's so much money um I don't know how I'm gonna get 25 nice to be like perfectly honest with me though okay wait 1 million dollars shows up good conveyor speed I'm trying my best you know what I kinda want to keep my windows broken so that you keep coming in so that I can fight them in between so I get more money feel like you wouldn't you wouldn't tell me the right thing to do so is it a bad I'm going to ok alright 5 million to upgrade the speed over there 2.5 for this one ok upgrade about 1 now we need more money faster it's not that easy to get money quickly is it ok so if I am ian-sue over there 25 million so the next thing I'm gonna purchase I'm gonna upgrade my there is a hundred and fifty okay almost have that much oh yeah you're actually doing pretty good now you were kind of falling behind before but I feel like you're catching up a little everything has been like upgraded right now because before you weren't like you have like nothing I'm great I know kind of man took some time this is for you where do you go where'd you go what are you doing oh I'm gonna attacked how do they able to make it there's so many moms it's ridiculous I just need this money alright this is totally worth it I've gathered everything together so that way I can get huge amounts of cash if she thinks she can escape right now doesn't she all right I gotta just take the money [Music] hurry up just wanted a little bit away all right I almost got the money I need we almost got 10 million we can I shoot from this far away no not really only close think it's 25 million upgrades and stuff there's still other things I need a buy I bought the cannon but it's weights 10 that oh ok that's not too bad ok repulsor cannon I get over there ok oh this one's 5 million for the speed upgrade over here and then if I get to the top there's 10 million for a money generator alright let's just do it money generate me baby million alright that was the final dropper and there's literally cash on the thing what this is literally cash coming in I can't wait to see how it's money goes babe you're insane okay I got everything that I needed oh yeah I got something too all right I need to get upstairs get eight million dollars you got 25 million alright I met six million now but I have all the upgrades I need to get money as possible thousands I need 500 thousand to upgrade the Gama thing all right what I need to do is I need to close my doors and I need to repair the windows finally I don't want them in here anymore I just need to generate my money in peace before I was happy they came in so it's trying to get money but I think I just need to clear everything out exciting yeah let me get this so dead remember I can't win unless I actually can kill you so you could literally stay alive if I don't kill you you'll still win that is true so I can only I don't win from buying this I only win once I get that kill yeah that's true okay need to buy the Iron Man suit and I am Iron Man oh I can't fly which is fair because I think maybe on Faris's hold can't fly oh yeah definitely um now I just need to come up with a plan and you get some ammo and stuff like that okay okay I decided to upgrade like the conveyor belt first wait what happened to me I like got stuck in the floor for a second okay I'm about to buy the stairs right now okay so um I'm now Iron Man so you know best of luck to you once I finally get out there death but first is way too many of these guys in my way but do you kill them first before I even for the money generator oh no that's bad Oh No are you are you coming here what are you doing what are you doing are you coming here cuz I can hear you wait where are you where are you where are you where are you where's that shot coming from hello hello where was that shout coming for I heard a bunch of noise what are you doing over Ironman wins is this way better than roblox version I think it is yeah it's like like not even close so good like there's so much more to it that he added in to make it like a real competition one person against others dead you can do so many more like this - guys I hope that you guys enjoyed the video if you did definitely smash that subscribe button also smash the like button as well really you're never gonna see anything this cool anywhere else hope you guys have an amazing day that you guys so much for watching and for your awesome support definitely bring that bail and we'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 5,748,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, superhero tycoon, superheros, tycoon, money, million dollars, minecraft mini-games, minecraft mini games, minecraft minigames, the hulk, iron man, modded mini-game, custom map, minecraft map, vs, minecraft games, factory
Id: 30EKADD3Rl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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