Minecraft Funny Moments - The Hardest Game I've Ever Played!

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I'm pretty sure it was Kevin Macleod song

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/loggerdofu 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
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[Music] yo hey bud hey welcome to my crew you look so good you look great if you want to look at yourself press f5 ho wait Louie I think I see you look it's Brian look over here Brian where Brian what's up man where are you going Brian come here good man Brian give me you little you little piece of sh right you gonna fight back huh yeah Brian take that Brian's dead Brian's dead that's it's no-go these guys are mean shot me you have an arrow in your back yeah I know I know don't go down there that's exactly his plan to get up here how was that [ __ ] I don't know they're like evil villagers with crossbows what your dude this is the hardest game I've ever played they have [ __ ] crossbows what is this we're getting sponsored sniped there's Brian there is a you got a tree house you got a tree house a Brian I'm trying to figure [ __ ] what's up man is that your helicopter pad [ __ ] he was put to death by a sweet berry bush whilst trying to escape a blue-eyes to a bush there's a bush these bushes kill you oh that's yeah I was getting hurt by you wanna you have a sword right she have a sword oh [ __ ] I have half I'm half a health you're working real hard there and [ __ ] I'm using I'm breaking rocks with wood you know how hard that is hey who's this who's this guy heard man look at her he has a turd on his head he's a wizard he throws [ __ ] what run run run run run Doody throws like poisonous potions at us Brian where you at right I can see you I can see you I can see you I'm behind it I'm behind the wizard oh yeah he's right let's gangbang the wizard let's go I wonder if that's been ever said before hey guys let's go gang banger the Wizards getting blown out right now let's go oh I'm sorry I hit you this guy's gettin [ __ ] up healing okay let's build a base of operation right there Brian dig into that wall right there yeah yeah I need to get some stone in such a hurry oh yeah this is nice and cozy no don't use it that's just really like rare don't use that oh this is this like if we're in a big battle wait I heard if you heard to beat the game you have to like you have to make your way to notch his house and stick your mineshaft down his throat feel like I'm filming a documentary you pretty much are okay you gotta learn this game you're using right now from the david dobrik of minecraft hey Brian suck up vodka Andy footage did you get that how this I bring this a flimsy ass helmet bring this with me paper-thin hey hey you like the [ __ ] chicken thank you you go oh it's dark outside by the way yeah careful no scary things into each one boy oh [ __ ] hold on my hope you know to worry about hammer oh my God look there's a deadly bunny rabbit right here yeah where's the fiber intense chase music I hit it twice I hit her 420 shield down shield down hit over 24 it was not you hit me but I also hit the bunny going back in for eat that buddy oh no he's just following you to be cute them crash smash city's gonna take us so far away from home alright open doors I got it I got to do it I got to do it I don't [ __ ] did do anything I saw up two arcs where's my where's my sword guys I don't know where I am I got attacked by terrorists oh my god what happened a creeper blew you up they explode yes or a green terrorist alright what else is in here put some berries in there you can nibble on them if you want put some dirt in there yes you want some for later sick great contribution to those just imagine in real life you open up like a chest of all your supplies you just poured dirt inside we're going inward yes [Laughter] and word can mean anything nincompoop oh it's starting to be daytime guys want to come see the Sun right I'm getting gangbanged it's a gangbang I'm going back inside you have an arrow in your shoulder blade yeah I know there's no gangs inside come on what is that oh is that the big building thing you were talking about Brian over there yeah yeah don't go near that yeah they got crossbows and [ __ ] there all right so our goal today is to take over that Tower all right yes holy Dan yeah so we need to find a mine a mine shaft all right okay go down get some iron also need iron a sheep because we need wool to make a bed so that way if we die we respond this bed and not at the respawn Brian is like down in the depths of Hell right now yeah come down I found I found something Brian Wow did you have made what do you mean what could you have made this any more [ __ ] schedule what the hell is this this is the last scene Terminator 2 and then we may if we keep digging around we might find some iron I am digging what the damn wouldn't sore this is not good oh wait no it was a [Laughter] classic mistake and this is taking way too long this sword is not helping I need to make one of those yeah make a pickaxe yeah that's why you're not getting he's waited why he's not gonna college so he thought it was going into inventories cuz he's pickaxe in with a [ __ ] sword oh oh my god you almost [ __ ] walk backward into lava I know what I'm doing oh wait Oh a bad chicken I know what I'm doing how was I supposed to know realism with cooking eat this before you die there's some food to eat them when I die all right yeah no yeah I think so no I'm good oh this is nice I like this I found mine chef yes oh [ __ ] don't worry Evan I got this holy [ __ ] okay Evan be [ __ ] careful I'm gonna get us down there Brian I want my stuff back all right we need to build it we need to build a staircase funny holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that thing what the [ __ ] is that guy I don't know let's find out should we wait for a wild cat or no yeah yeah yes oh you're right oh he's right here he's right here I'm right here but I need to get down there but I was gonna go this way look right here Jesus water you can just use the water yeah I know you can all right we need to get your stuff come and help I'm coming oh what the [ __ ] is that you guys are crazy I'm getting this iron and I'm gonna [ __ ] make us swords come on we need help oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is this is not good this is not good I'm alive I'm alive a box where are you where are you where are you you know [ __ ] can I get in your hole I'm dead pie Brian's dead too we [ __ ] suck [ __ ] zombie that's a little zombie what dumb [ __ ] that's a baby zombie dude once we get a bunch of iron we can build ourselves some armor and iron swords then we can go after those people this is how iron man was built what does this go there's a disco disco I said where does disco and we're disco hey that attend disco is in words okay right look I'm gonna make your armor all right see the way it's burning that it's melting it smelting it into English and then you take the English and then you come in and to this call anklets there in England in got ing ot there's no L top left box middle top box right top box and then middle right box [Music] boom look at me look at my armor boom bang boom bang look I have a helmet on BAM take it off still got a hill thanks [ __ ] it nice shoes man oh thanks these are those the new off whites yeah I did or did you just stick your feet into two Kleenex boxes Oh check this out dude I got a new pair of shoes today I mean you won't see them you want to see yeah see that the butter Yeezys oh look at my feet wait yeah they're better why are they better just look how fast I am what do you mean that I would I better butter you Brian found diamonds it is nothing nothing nothing it is being a silent [ __ ] about it yes I found a spawner huh in here in here Evan this is where the spiders are coming from oh he poisoned me he poisoned me [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this looks very dangerous it is bad it is bad it's so bad I'm gonna go find help hold on I'm gonna send help okay I can the spawner I'm drinking I door I blocked it off I blocked it off we're safe everybody yeah but my shits in there I need my [ __ ] I that's my but our Yeezys are in there where the golden easy over here we okay don't you take my [ __ ] easy [ __ ] there's gold in here how did you die I just wouldn't a spider spawner got poisoned oh [ __ ] oh I got the same drills last time open it open it open it I don't want it to spread can't have Ebola spreading and [ __ ] mine shaft like a scooby doo case oh no got here what carry your fish I need food I have bread for you no bread yeah I'm gonna come for reinforcements poison I'm poisoned again this way come this way walk at not he's dead he's dead nice I'm getting out here I came out poison me again I'm gonna die I'm gonna die again [ __ ] sick and dying [ __ ] spiders I lost my Easy's I lost everything is there not a pig in the lobby Evan you're wearing my [ __ ] easy wearing my shoes oh these Oh yeah no reason these are night these are Nikes these are the these are the new banana Nikes back like banana like banana like the Nike swoosh like you want the the gold do you be any slower I want all my [ __ ] I don't know which one's yours man I I have an iron sword you go give me like g-got wood you got wood we're going back up or what yeah alright so we just gotta wait till daytime right yep just gotta put up with each other for a little bit longer have a video just answer hey guys we got nothing to do and I got three mushrooms this is where the video gets interesting let's play a game to spend the night okay let's do the story game one word each how do you play this game we just go one word at a time but we try to tell a story I'll start it out side clockwise once once just say a pong upon a time there was three little retards playing with their genitals you going while getting listed Italy story Minecraft is fine we're sneaking our way into the system we're still the game so we're fine that was fine that was appropriate three little retards what's the story it's educational hey once upon a time there could have been three really [ __ ] who enjoyed being in situations that required lubricants so they could masturbate hey is that the story and you started the sentence with an that's like great school mistakes here I just put capital fug in 2019 doesn't matter yeah at meanwhile it's the and the meanwhile it's your turn something additionally was happening as these retards continued making this video for is it [ __ ] daytime are okay it's time we need food food first quickly go out slaughter as many cows and pigs I gotta see snakes man that's not enough why do we do we really need more food yes yes I'm front of chickens it's the only way to heal five jackets is you use that [ __ ] is the healing potion number that get word use it properly you probably through it know a bit so I'll piss home huh I've been bunny on about this hour lathered myself in it oh you're a bed not just one bed oh we can make make bunk beds oh so much room for activity if we still can't make more pets just cuz they're here dude alright we're gonna film that video right no not that one okay Brian look you got a butter uses to dog [ __ ] where are my pants panty that's fine let's [ __ ] go let's go before it gets dark [ __ ] this [ __ ] these village idiots need to die we're storming that thing we're seeing what they got we're taking it all yeah roid it's a toy is it man this is what we've been trading for let's do it like the Spartans do just [ __ ] oh oh all right guys a lugar on three one two three Oh googa googa googa all right let's go these guys say the chants have to be a little bit like that yeah here we go oh here we go first enemy mine right kill him he slit shield off 20 shield up 20 let's go let's go I'll kill em this is all Asian live this one's like the Grand Poobah he's got some above his head kill him hey guys there's killing a lot there's actually a lot nice killing okay yep there we go there we go yes Kyoto nice no I'm sure there's more okay so many we're literally gonna kill a whole village yeah we're gonna murder them all let's do this I'll just kill this guy with a berry bush that's embarrassing for them Yotam this is cheap cheap I'll kill the shame I'm dead [ __ ] hold up where's my stuff it's near the front door okay hey go get anything I just have berries oh you have so many arrows in you like a porcupine get upstairs no there's so many there's so many there's so many you have anything for me Ryan there's a sword there's a sword thank you this is just absurd Evan Evan you did not want to go down there does a gangbanger bum down there I got this I'll be right back I didn't just seen a grenade they have grenades in this game yeah we got one down one down let's go let's push it I'm dying no no no no no no you guys are not dying yes I'm with you I'm with you yeah yeah noise noise noise I'm gonna chick eating chicken consuming chicken this guy this guy's try to flank us no look look good on me get a good on me [ __ ] let's go let's go got a crossbow let's go yes I think I've got a crossbow yeah I got a crossbow - we need to get home and go to sleep final run Syd and pillage that [ __ ] let's go let's go come on we did it yes we taken over another one we take it over another one I feel like we lost more than we gained out of that we did yeah time to go to sleep trying to go alright you guys have a good sleeper we'll go to sleep - wait wait look we claimed from those idiots we got banners that's that's that's it yeah that's that's how we did all that work for ya that's all we got and you shot an arrow through it what did you do that's fine that's an ending for me I have an arrow wait can I have an ending [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 9,629,037
Rating: 4.9524708 out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Vanossgaming, Terroriser, Wildcat, Silly Funny, Minecraft, Spider, Creeper, Bad chicken, butter yeezys, fail, building, blocks, lava, fall, pit, story game, tower, wizard
Id: 6g0K-NGXvpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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