Among Us Funny Moments - I Know My Friends Too Well (Vanoss The Lie Detector)

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Try searching for game show music, it sounds like music from an old-ish game show. Closest I can think of is "You are (/not) the Father"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Conrexxthor 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SnooStories3123 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
here i'm going to put toilet paper on my head since have you seen my banana have you seen my butt i do i see your pen all right anthony do you know how this game works at all not a [ __ ] clue let me explain let me explain it to you there's eight of us and among us there are two imposters who are trying to kill the other six players if you find a dead body you report it and then we talk and try to decide who did it all right how long after i find a body do i have to report it in case you know we've been in space for a long time and i'm lonely um all right i'm gonna start it we're just gonna see how the first game goes if you die stay [ __ ] muted don't give anybody any all information it's just me and you people all right i got my banana i'm gonna look for some tasks to do oh great so i'm playing a single player game now this is awesome i love being in a group chat with my friends not being talk to them what's up panda holy [ __ ] everybody unmute unless you're dead oh [ __ ] i saw who i thought what did it but they disappeared i was next wait there is no orange who the [ __ ] was next to me i was with panda i guess someone was right next to me he had the papier toilet i had the banana i went to navigation i had to do two tasks with the little poop uh w spaceship and then i went down and to the left towards the middle when did the gas stand in storage and then bottom fuel i did the gas cannon storage i didn't see you there i don't believe marcel at the moment i trust all of you guys so what are you guys talking about so so now so now so now what happens is you click on a name and vote but we don't have to pick anybody we can hit the bottom and skip vote will you know who i voted for at the end yes we will yes but you should skip vote because there's no we don't have enough evidence yet [Laughter] i just got a feeling yeah sure what it would be is there it mute yourself oh [ __ ] my bad okay next task what do we got to do what do we gotta do where am i all right i don't know i feel like i'm at the mall oh going the wrong way no right here okay we're gonna do this little task download the porn files boom boopy let's go let's go i swear to god if it's brian i win what the [ __ ] i don't know this ask i don't know what this ask i don't know how to do that i've never done that one before in practice upload the porn files open up the video i swear to god if i die um first of all why is no one fixing comms there was like five people at comms i know but i saw you running into cons i ran out of comms and saw the dead body all right so anthony so comms is a part of the map where if the killers decide to sabotage it which they did your map doesn't show where your tasks are unless you go fix it gotcha i believe anthony is innocent uh evan where were you what were you doing oh i was murdering for i mean i was downloading the files so how the game works is right now if we don't vote someone off the killers have an advantage so no matter what we should vote someone i don't know doing i was i was far left side i was doing my engine uh brian it's brian vote marcel vol marcel i think it's more selling brian but vote marcel it's brian it's brian how dare you sir i'm voting for vanoss because he's fun for me okay i can tell i know brian's acting voice i know when he's always brock i think it's brian too it's marcelo and brian what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] oh god oh [ __ ] oh my favorite part about this game is when people forget to mute what are we supposed to do so much writing and [ __ ] on my screen what the [ __ ] where'd i go what do i do i'm just scared i'm gonna stand here wildcat he seems like he's like he knows what he's doing i'm standing near this [ __ ] why does he look like a purple stormtrooper a lab coat on [ __ ] where you going all right ladies and gentlemen i called this meeting it looks like someone else is dead no it's marcel because you got voted off how close are you guys to finishing your task you guys need to finish i didn't do any tasks that round i was just following you i did it well you need to do [ __ ] tasks so we can [ __ ] win all right we just vote for the guy who's the killer which is bright i do kind of want to vote brian but it also could be brock i'm down to vote brian though i'm down to side with you evan [ __ ] finalists you're a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] i'm so close to voting for you what could you vote for i voted for a move because he was the first one outside of evan to vote and i told him right what the [ __ ] i knew my decision when i woke up today i i'm voting off bro [ __ ] dude god damn it no i'm confused finish your test finish your task if you're a ghost also finish your task let's go all right i'm done i don't like being alone i don't like this oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] does that mean what does that mean what does that mean where's my name we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go do i do [ __ ] it's top left corner i don't know that's where that's where i saw moo i'm pretty positive moo went medley and then vented up there i was not by med bay you saw me by reactor actually he was in top left corner brock's movement was super suspicious i saw him up there in the top left i'm voting moo okay have fun losing rock vote for yourself wait what would you vote for brock i could save you i voted for brian all right don't [ __ ] save him he's the killer evan will lose don't say don't say kill are you idiot evan's gonna vote for me evan don't vote for brian i voted for brian with you the first round i don't think it's brian i'm pretty sure it's move all right vote vote moon we win brock's acting has been really good lately so i'm not acting guys oh my gosh you guys are looking bronze let's go i'm pretty sure if we didn't someone needs to hit the emergency button asap because i don't have one but i'm pretty sure we won [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i don't even know what that [Music] what the [ __ ] because of the way brock got into that room i didn't i thought he vented into the room i thought i wasn't even close like i just walked there i was like anthony's got to rejoin and i could and i could hear it in your [ __ ] voice too brock can i just say you're acting has been superb in uno shut up evan no i'm just saying that's why that's why that's that's part of the calculation is this guy gonna kill me this guy's [ __ ] murder i don't like this i don't like this okay i found i think a dead nogla in the furthest left room one thing i observed as i was moved around scotty was in front of me and then suddenly magically disappeared but he was in that proximity area near the comms room which is just beside where i found the dead body yeah what do you have to say to that what do you have to say that what part of the map is that oh you know scott you've been you've been playing this for a long time you know where comms is i literally don't and that is why i'm asking if all right 4-0 is the killer i could tell it i could hear it in his voice let's [ __ ] vote him off i know my friends i love you 4-0 that's why i know ryan follow your instincts i'm going i'm going with scotty because of what i saw magically just follow your instinct it literally came from the right side of the map where's anthony where's anthony and brock at cause i'm with evan right now marcel were you going to kill me but you didn't i skipped both that's good yeah really marcel okay look at everybody else that's good yeah what are you talking about in today's day i bet you guys i pay you whoever's watching this i may use 4-0 and marcel it's 4-0 and marcel [ __ ] know it five minutes later oh my gosh what happened let's go evan was right yes i know my friends too well let's go marcel you were really good at acting what the [ __ ] up did we win because they didn't do 02 yeah they didn't do it you killed brian evan evan they're gonna start killing me first because i'm so good at knowing who's who that's what they're gonna do that was suspicious did you see that panda just staring at me like suspicious navigation marcel was with me the whole time he knows i'm good i know he's good we did the exact same i went to the right i went to that room and i did the uh little download thing that was on the wall and then i left this looks like it could be a double kill it is it could be a difficult report well then it's a hundred percent tyler and marcel because they vouch for each other and then brock instantly accuses someone into this thing brock instantly accuses someone after i've been accused yeah i'm gonna defend myself that was a weird tone right there yeah you don't want to lose your footage stupid wait there's a subtle difference between the way he said you guys are so stupid this round the first time we're all trying to use in-game logic evan is just like i know how i know i've known you for eight years i'm not sure i'm not sure i'm not going why are we voting saying anything okay enjoy losing it's okay it's only one person gone all right we gotta be suspect of anthony and [ __ ] vanoss they gotta wait i think he was just staring at me real creepily just saying it might be anthony that's it might be anthony it could not be i don't know i could i don't know because marcel and [ __ ] wildcat are good at this game so it could be them i'm a lone warrior folks someone don't worry you don't trust anyone oh he's gonna kill me [Music] what the [ __ ] that else just killed this man in front of me yeah you just killed whoever is brown what racist i'm down in the south vanoss just killed someone in the hallway at the bottom right no i didn't yes you did okay wait did you actually see me with your eyes yes what are you talking about but did you see me kill somebody yes you saw me like you saw like oh the action of the action i saw the the weapon come out and slide okay so that is delirious because i didn't where's the other crewmate please vote delirious please he tried to frame your ass the tone of his voice too i do not know who's who it could be wildcat because wildcat was saying to vote for delirious right and that would help him that would help his case [ __ ] i better not die i don't want to die i want to i want i want to be the one who figures this [ __ ] out this one is so long annoying jesus [ __ ] christ wow i knew [ __ ] terrible i was right i just want to say i was right again with delirious you [ __ ] up great job man great acting [ __ ] [ __ ] well that was completely biased decisions no let's be honest it was two things one your voice was suspicious as [ __ ] and the second thing evan i could tell evan was genuinely confused he had no idea what the [ __ ] just happened sorry it doesn't matter dude you want to talk bias i get killed at the start of nearly every round when i'm not imposter okay don't [ __ ] talk about bias i don't want to hear it okay i think it's panda and then i think it's delirious because he hasn't been talking this much this is the first time he's talked a lot so i know my friend is definitely true it's very true i knew it was novel dude stupid ass let's play voice [Laughter] thank you very much [Music] [Music] the [ __ ] will always be mine
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 6,768,780
Rating: 4.9673462 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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