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oh this looking love is so overpowered those hands if you guys didn't know those are magically know those are Chuck Norris's hands oh right they're still youthful looking well yes you might be seven eight nine now whatever is but his hands are like that seven year old he has hands of an angel hereit truly does they're beautiful those are Chuck Norris's hands and that is the essence of magic and strength that comes out of that okay they look so smooth and nice already are you stop flirting with them in front of me because really hurt my feelings I like his head worse so do I [Applause] [Music] hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another watch okay so guys I know we haven't made a video in like five or six days we've been sick we've mentioned on Twitter I don't know if you guys follow my Twitter but we both have been horribly sick we are finally back we miss you guys so much yes we did were so happy to be back yeah we're not coughing like crazy anymore I tried to record so many times but we were just coughing so much as sound so ridiculous yeah we tried we couldn't do it but love you dudes but of old guys before we get sorry I did want to mention definitely check out our server played a popular m-most worldcom I figured I should mention it it's a brand new year and there's so many events and stuff always going on on our servers so if you have the child version of Minecraft and you want to check it out it is play that popular FMOs WorldCom but today news it is a brand new macho case our weekly series is continuing in jet I'm just gonna put on something I have with me and I'm gonna become even more epic looking look all right no no just look at me right now okay it's only one thing I'm putting on so right now how would you rate me out of 10 in my law a hundred million thank you all right here we got three two one P whoa look they look so much better what are you I don't know no we're not wearing a dress this is a kilt to the crown thank you very much this is only a helmet on but on guys today we're checking out the overpowered lucky block mod everything super overpowered one of the most insane lucky blocks you will ever see in your entire life is upon us it's killing Jen are you okay there's still some remnants of the cloth left inside me yeah we noticed this or a corner for Jen's channel but it's gonna be happy to know if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe but also smash that like button as well [Laughter] amazing Oh do you doing okay Chen went that way eyewitness we should close the door me the first time I ever meet you near the two parts of the ladder of you only one oh you put a permit oh you only won because you left without even saying anything so you cheated it I want the only way I could win I know I'm proud of you for winning either way what up guys we still do have a coffee and sometimes if we're talking like a lot like we're doing a video it might make a swell so we have a secret code that we have to do to let other person know that we need to stop in the video what is it it's like a bird noise so that will be that will remind me o mean you stop right here I'll stop my sentence will stop the recording we don't have time to do this just you're not alright that's extremely important okay it was beautiful so we do have trades guys we will be battling to the death in this today at the end after we open everything so for a beacon we will get the ultimate dark matter sword ten thousand in two and damage on this I have to test this out look at that oh it's gorgeous I love it looks like as a purple fish attached to it so really cool weapon right there guys simply another start we will get the magical avalancha bow which the model on it looks awesome how does it work you need em I didn't put it in there because you're not trust of all we have to test it no okay fine okay alright we're gonna test it right now so all I have to do is just grab this one's creative oh man just go like this alright are you ready hey no I have to test it I can't even move oh wait a crash dansgame guys do you know what how do I owe me a shot once what is it still going hit it please stop I mean we we knew it oh thanks no building there's nothing no building web why was it so laggy to do that nobody I don't think we should use this today no I'm using this in the battle I have a better computer than yours and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win because you're gonna freeze alright we are back I did put the a boy in the chest with Chum please please please please so this thing apparently is horribly evil guy said no idea was come back so bad if we get a dragon egg we can get the magical zoo sorted the seven thousand seven hundred and eighty attack damage alright since Jen said it I will take a look at it so you guys can see me you know cool looking so it looks awesome and as an amazing model and it tickles so we've got that beauty bed for Dark Horse arm we have the ultimate magma sword seven thousand six hundred and seventy nine attack damage look at it changes colors turn a little bit okay good alright guys we have the ultimate Zia chespin only put on the helmet before the chest plate is on imaginable look at this thing Johnny it looks just like the helmet so if you just get one of the pieces of armor it looks like you're wearing the whole set yes you look at me good no matter what you get you still get the amazing look on your body how do I look umm notice Goodis makes pink pants don't fit again so really cool you have a huge hand so put that back in there and five guys this is one of my favorites for the cake we get the magical demon sword with your six thousand six hundred and sixty nine damage the model on it is a flabbergast arranged look at it look at it I really like the model on this one just come here no no so let's notice all the weapons please never touch any of this ever again we got 20 overpowered Bucky blocks we get five super ones we get five our lucky ones we have the dark matter pickaxe we get a big crafting table and we get five destruction of food what does that mean so it will destroy the world and your stomach why would I want to eat that because you want to be overpowered like me Jen I eat that for breakfast I want to get hungry so I can eat it brunch eat it for um luncheon luncheon something I feel like this is a hobby I said they had luncheon alright so this is the block right here guys check it out it's beautiful oh look there's like a hands there's two so this lucky luck is so overpowered those hands if you guys didn't know those are magically oh those are Chuck Norris's hands oh right there you so youthful look it well yeah you might be seven eight nine malvert whatever is but his hands are like angels he truly does they're beautiful those are Chuck Norrises hands and that is the essence of magic and strength that comes out of that okay they look so smooth and nice already stop flirting with them in front of me because it's really hurt my feelings worse so do i but I will talk about it I got Superman well you know what Superman I got this weapon Superman oh oh oh my god he really was Superman it's really good so I got the ultimate Dark Matter sword on the first one oh my god is over a billion damage what better than anything yet okay you can only use that one round all right okay there we go second one I got every amazing orb wait I got some boots I get to move around like a crazy person I have every buff imaginable strength for regeneration for resistance for speed three oh I got the ultimate metal boots that sound really durable um that's that's horrible compared to what I have oh do you wanna put him on oh they are durable oh look at me ah you know you know you look like sub-zero for mortal combat kind of like an ugly one with a bag over his head a blue bag I think I look cool all right here we go oh I got Jeb it's good to see you yep I'm gonna take this off cuz you kind of hurt my feelings sorry I got a repair potion now which came to repair stuff like my armor I think oh no it's just whoa oh no it's okay baby oh baby standard me okay you know what I'm gonna do what I'm gonna open a super unlucky one and see what happens it's gonna be fine what no oh well this is so unfair I thought the room was in about your cases when you get a ton you owe me open one oh I killed the man does that mean I can only take one thing yeah all right let me see what the best thing is maybe the guy I killed that came out of it already today if there's another stars yeah but look at this way I killed the man to keep my armor oh I choose this all right I choose you red armor at least I got the ultimate magma see I'm gonna put it on I look so amazing oh you chose Charmander as your Pokemon I'm just kidding you look nice there we go I got myself a there's a bunch of things in the way a shield the fact when I right-click I'll have a shield on my boss this is gonna be so helpful oh I got straight bowling balls everywhere ball over there ball over there gotta be honest guys totally underestimate how stupid it was sad when you made the bird noise oh no that is still the rule okay no I'll kill him oh that's killer maybe he'll drop stuff Oh Jen I didn't realize something what would I kill that guy I may have dropped the armor but I picked up the weapon wait you dropped a weapon I'm holding it oh look there you go alright so now that is your beautiful sword well this is amazing I'm gonna make sure that that's what it was from I think it was oh maybe I got the bad massage I know would have made sense here we go I got rainbow hoop wait a second look at this I thought this was just a normal head the drop was actually a weapon wait his head is a way better the weapon that's not a way we know it's a helmet really not oh my god looks those dick this is like the coolest battle however all yours yet love that I got this is black hole material should be like a female version of your bride with like you know hair like long hair you know hero Brina herobrine oh I'll be really weird oh let me put that my crafting table I want to see if I can actually craft armor out of the yes I can I just gotta know why this doe huge don't do anything right now big I love it alright that is my crafting table don't touch it okay alright I got this and then I got enough for the entire black hole set if I put this on my god Baba Yaga oh you have probably stopped everything you have like armor Oh do I hear Baba Yaga's face why are you getting all these cool faces oh my god you can awesome so I have the black hole setup it looks amazing gonna see me don't want to lose the durability now someone forgot to say something extremely important look it thank you crafted me you just made me I did not somebody went truly wrong what I just get brick urban jet look at this it's not a furnace I cook pizza me some pizza oh okay okay wait take some of this your kind of looks like pepperoni all right okay I got that okay so let me this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna throw down delicious okay so first of all we are going to need the actionable um oh you could take this too it looks like hamburger meat oh I already have some of that okay all right so this is the pizza without anything on it why's it cream it's great okay it's frozen all right let me throw some sauce on ah let me get some mushrooms some spinach on there some white mozzarella oh yeah the parmesan and the Audrey pizza here we go I just oh I got more of the destruction food I'm gonna try it out cuz now I can actually use it in the battle okay it's amazing the food is like it gives you so much help ya know just gotta be kid alright that means you can buy the best weapon this is amazing Oh jump I'm so overpowered I jumped out of the face oh man here we go Oh Jen you're to love this look what what is that the beautiful heart says gives you a revival effect that must mean oh your attitude so if I use this we'll both live when we die oh okay look I've got a black hole helmet oh I have the whole black hole set that's what I crafted before really nice oh that guy's strong oh my gosh wait he has the really cool weapon I'm gonna try to kill him oh oh he's mine oh I killed him booty drop it you drop something I don't know what it is no coming back I really I really can't with you get it it looks like armor I am on my way oh what is that oh I think that's a helmets ultimate magical air helmet oh my God look at me you look amazing oh okay Iron Man no you do you look so cool alright I've been able to keep this one on for now cuz I have a lot of stuff guys don't have something on so I don't get killed by those noob mobs again I said I got Superman again alright here we go I got some arrows oh you have a cake red balls which are kinetic material I think this is the ammo for that weapon if I get a jab oh look I gotta repair effects oh you can repair your armor yes or I got some garbage I got something cool what is this I got the Dark Matter axe can only fell can only fell the old painting can only feel the opie also the durability so look at this accident show you right now show it to me okay so this right here is the opie a cuboid chop down the Christmas tree I want to see how quick it is alright I will chop down yours no no oh it's really quickly mess so it breaks it like instantly it's really nice so we've got that sorry about your Christmas tree oh it's not one of the epic weapons I have the star metal sword jet 4440 5.75 it's not there so it is the star metal sword so this is Captain Hook - Vader - oh my gosh I love that so yeah guys there's a lot of weapons in the over power lucky block mod as well even ones we didn't have his trades Oh magic potion it doesn't say what it does well okay I have five of them I could be a blaze I got the blazes hat it looks kind of evil those do you think I should drink this and or should I try one right now try right now all right go for it that's good oh it's good what do you think it's like random I hope so can be good or bad no biggie might suffocate you sujet look at this I got a blaze head which puts fire aspect 50% attack damage on you as I was saying I have this beautiful helmet that I can wear in the bowel the blaze Lord's head oh it looks nice wait well thanks yeah I'm gonna give us something white was it diamonds I don't know was it I don't know I guess it's yours I thank you Merry Christmas what are you trying to kill me or you go with one of these way I opened one and it gave me another one a little more alright wait no you can open two that means I think oh okay oh bunch of garbage alright fabulous not even get any too good I got a lucky potion I just got I just got the axe that you got alright let's check this out lucky potion jettison means you were generation three four five minutes resistance for three minutes in every buff you could possibly imagine for you alright so guys I so much stuff in my inventory including gold which I'm not going to need I don't even need diamonds I don't need iron I'm just gonna throw all of that away I have an entire amazing overpowered set I just need to get some room in here I have three lucky blocks left to open Oh Oh God oh sorry about that let me just swim out of here even the houses on fire we read that bar I'm so sorry I'm gonna turn fire tick off so the whole thing doesn't burn down okay good idea I'm panicking game bro damn fire thing fall will be don't worry okay wait only a little fire let me just catch up with you so I only have three blocks left to and then we can do them together oh I got notch and he brought his golden apples oh that's nice alright come over to me where there's everything like not blown off me I'll go over here let's get a little bit further away as you guys can tell this block is so overpowered there's so much overpowered stuff in it it fills up my whole inventory you three right now all right so this is what can happen having a block off the famous block if Labour takes the winner takes it all on this so whoever gets the better item wins ball okay three to you one girl I want did you get anything I got it guys seven thousand six hundred seventy nine attack damn I got the magma source of another weapon for battle we're doing again another block three two one go Oh what'd you get it nothing Oh yarns and maybe we shouldn't open about the same time every day maybe not you open yours first all right I got a helmet an eye sore ultimate star metal helmet oh did you get sick wait oh no I think it's something we look I got leaves Oh baby baby good other one I got something right into my emissary - so this is obvious star metal helmet it is or oh I look ugly like you did okay I told you all right guys what I have left is I fight super unlucky blocks but open these super lucky ones I'm going to get something big tabula Dias blue jack-o'-lantern man that's our fault wait it actually looks really cool with that weapon though cuz it goes oh yeah okay I think that's the look you should go for today about like really dig in that vibe alright you think I'm beautiful alright Aquaman like if I have like two dollars to make the outfit I sum all that I'm just gonna do my treat and get ready for battle alright so you're gonna do that wall go buddy my super all monkey horrible law exactly alright they're not bad so far since I got the beacon I get the best weapon ever oh I finished it nothing horrible happened to me are you see DOM okay oh and a little extra diamond arm I'm gonna grab that and I'm gonna tell power back to you and we are gonna get ready for battle alright so I think I'm gonna put on my ultimate magma set and then should I wear baba yaga spacer here bronze I'm thinking that you wear your O'Brien's cuz it's way cooler thank you it's actually better all right so I'm putting this said I guess I'm not sure which helmet is the way I'm gonna actually check to see if I can figure this out so if I put on this helmet here it gives me only a bar and a half I think this is my worst one I have so much time I just need to like get rid of things all right now it also is a bar in half what about this metal look you want the way all my helmets seem to be the same I think since Jen convinced three I'm gonna go with that one I'm gonna get that on and guys all I need to do now is organized by inventory I've got my set I've got my weapons I just need to make this look a little bit better and see who's in the arena all right ease we are ready for battle be a second when you walk there's obsidian everywhere this is also know this I just found out what a jobs so guys this is the way this is gonna work what's gonna happen is once you hit three wins you are the winner so Jen's dress is the karate King some reason you're literally just as The Crying Game we have a glowing eyes you look identical to him so anyways oh you're lose we can use all our weapons if it kills all the person in one hit we can only use it for one round that is cooler than me I'm kind of jealous all right wait I need a look at myself you look so good oh yeah alright are you ready for battle - what go oh it doesn't kill you in one hit does it okay she's on the ground okay I'm gonna go in the Rita okay I'm tracking obsidian everywhere oh this is serious we do not take damage with that head on maybe not oh my got the head is invincible yeah wait look at the head read the head what does it say okay the head protection five fire protection five there's nothing on it that would like make me wait oh my autumn er is broken yeah I know I heard it break you of resistance for what is it from I don't know well I have a resistance orb oh so do i but I still died oh my god how did you kill me alright okay round one is all I have no arm I'm naked I need to go get them I threw it away okay next round very soon all right let me try another one of the destruction through Jan 1 the first rat it was impossible to kill her somehow I don't have anything but like boost is good 3 2 1 yep yes you didn't die before you wouldn't die like a hundred times I set my spawn point in the arena but it didn't work let me tell her to you alright oh because I put them sitting down oh I can no longer use that weapon we are tied one to one are you ready oh so I don't have obsidian feet anymore cuz you broke that oh wait let me some more destruction food so it's fair for this round alright let me see what I have in here you were supposed to have everything with you okay oh I can wear the witches clothes alright ready ok I'm ready 3 2 1 go oh sorry can't use it again though you guys Batman is gone all I have left is my ultimate magma soar it's true - what if I win another what eat is over okay three two one wait wait wait I have to reset my thing because there's some last rat a million dollar wants to rebuff it all right what am i doing I'm not even drinking my magical potion Oh three three - why don't go okay run on herobrine all right oh the potion must have worn off last time and that's how I killed you at the beach yeah it is to to to you all I have to do is drink the potion and then I can't all right come to me you have to slash kill yourself or rebuff your potion that's that's cute alright so this is the final round three you want one go have to leave how long does it last Marv is curious I just need to ice it up you know mantasy leave I'll be back in a half an hour with your potion wears off yeah why are you so scared because you win if I can get away from the crazy baby she's bad at water oh oh no she's horrible on water you're drowning no no you are no oh man that potion you have is unbelievable those are those overpowered potions you have magical potions are actually really good oh man I wish I got one of those destruction food isn't anywhere near as good but dude it is all for fun hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did definitely smash that subscribe button also smash that like button as well hope you guys all have an epic that thank you guys so much for watching also don't forget to ring the little baby and I'm yeah we'll see you guys next time guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 6,062,909
Rating: 4.826962 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, overpowered, lucky, block, lucky block mod, mod showcase, modded mini-games, minecraft mods, jen's house, minecraft overpowered lucky block, sword, weapon, armor, items, lucky block challenge, minecraft lucky block mod
Id: 20WnRcU1YFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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