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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's Patton welcome back to lucky loft bed war guys so today dudes we have a special one we are using the structures lucky block we've never used this block before every single one of these creates a cool structure some of them are completely massive so it's actually gonna be insane especially if we like make something bit like destroys our own bed acts in that way late but they don't give us any item know there could be items in chests in the structure so there's cool items that we can actually get to so we have 10 of these we have 10 I mean 5 super lucky ones and we have 5 unlucky ones as well all right alright so Chad basically how does bad horse work since I went over this part ok so basically what you do is you have to protect your bed that is pretty much like the main purpose of the series is to make sure your bed does not get destroyed if it does and if the other person kills you then you lose it's kind of like this so now now Jen would be at the loser for the round because she's dead but that doesn't count no that's right one no not really alright let me just write down the score all right I'm up one two zero because guys there's no holding back in bed boys you just have to take the person down whenever you can round 2 starts now oh I'm sure I'm joking I'm sorry I know I'm sorry about that so basically that's the way it works guys um so what we need to do is we need to get towards the middle the diamond generator generates lucky blocks which you guys probably already saw but I'll point out it in un momento so over there the amber generator generates lucky blocks twice as quick the middle has super special lucky blocks that are super lucky it has enchantment materials it has something very very useful defensively for today again so I figured since you know we're doing structures you know that's like blocks and stuff through 16 obsidian sitting in that chest to protect your bad way oh that's so good so if you would get over there and protect your bed before the other person gets you you have an impenetrable defense yes yeah I like that word patches of all but off dudes if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button definitely pick up any structure you see around you which in real life is like any object at all it's smashing into that like but also smash it into that subscribe by it as well especially if you're enjoying bed Wars we've got new lucky vlogs coming and stop so there'll be a bunch of more coming I'm thinking about having this place redone maybe with like a theme or something oh yes you should because it's look the same for so long we should do Alice in Wonderland oh yeah let's do that yeah well start a hole okay so yeah we've got some trades over here let's go over those really quick so basically I skylersays find all kinds of useful stuff over here there is potions there's gold apples then we have tad the block Stratos blocks protect your bed with you need a good defense there's also an iron pickaxe and finally joke doors all the over power trees it's obsidian all kinds of stop a crafting table some lovely stuff as well and that is about it but there are some really important rules that we must go there all right what are those so we're not allowed to build to the other players of standing area we can break any blocks and we also can use this beautiful enchantment table alright so that is it we out of the bed it is three rounds best out of three so you need two wins to be a winner are you ready for that yes three two one go this is extremely serious guys on leave a comment down below he thinks in winter dang hey I'm alright oh okay so I didn't get a structured I got oh alright oh I got a sponge oh wait I just got a oh my god I won what what did you get I got everything what do you mean what everything I got literally everything a chance of golden apples all kinds of duties oh yeah really oh my good wit now I'm kind of ha it's still wet Oh have an idea it takes me quite a while to break these though with my hands oh wait you here what are you trying to braid with your hands the beak is oh can you pick them up if you break it with your hands you can oh I didn't even know that yes all right I'm sorry it's just a Minecraft pro job all right that's our fault all right so the truth is I am a rich man so I may protect my bed with very good riches today right now oh I do have a sponge I'm probably going to watch there's diamond blocks everywhere all right need to come up with a strategy here all right so I have a sponge for you my friend which only will give me three obsidian that's nothing all right just do this be a rich man oh my gosh I have 50 blocks insane all right all right I've totally got this I'm gonna beat you anyways I have a plan okay I do have a plan today you're gonna see what it is is pretty epic I just hope that you don't kill me before that happens all right so it's kind of like a dragon egg so right now Jenna's a huge advantage obsidian you need an iron pickaxe to break it but an iron pickaxe can barely breaks her obsidian as it is it takes forever and with that much of them it's gonna take me years to get through why are you coming here what do you what do you have I'm gonna get here I don't have anything I don't even know how I got over here give me this I don't even know what's going on right now you see what are you doing I don't know like going mad get off my bridge get off my bridge lady oh no this is bad this is a bad side is the bad side why did you I need to break this bridge oh my god why do you have all these lucky blocks I don't know and I was here Golden Apple let's take me forever to die one of your blocks is killing me oh okay so you tried to open the blocks which is kind of a that might mess you up a little bit all right it looks nice now you made like a nice bridge yeah wait how am I gonna pass this now oh this this is very annoying oh yeah all right so you see all right so I do have a method here and I really think it's gonna work out if I can ever possibly get ready to go all right so you why can't I break anything I'm just glad you came oh this is so annoying okay what I need to finish opening up my blocks all right yes you have quite a lot wait how many do you have left to open um five six five or six six six seven six nine twelve blocks it's gotta be gone it's gotta be gone come on it might be gone look behind you nothing stops there anymore killer somehow know what's going on yet what are you up to maybe underneath everything I hope no I I think it's gone I think it's gone too I'm coming over to sit yeah there's no way of selling it with this huge structure you really think this is here might still be there I don't know I know you're trying and I'm way quicker than you are all right we have the double checking guys on this one we should we should definitely give it a check right yeah check it I think it's gone no there's like lava and stuff all right so if there is a little scene but I'm pretty sure it's gone um the bet is going that is round one to me so I use the structures to my advantage in this one too the first round so don't worry jet that gives you some ideas probably for the next round and we're heading out to route 2 I ought to be honest and I was a little bit nervous last round you got so much obsidian but there's so many ways to break a bed in bed Wars yeah there's actually a lot of good things these are really good blocks for bed Wars it's odd all right here we go so so many different strategies we can go with but I had to go for your bed right away after you got all that obsidian for you there's so many sporters now it's waters inside it so I'm never gonna be happy again oh I really need a pickaxe all right give me pickaxe the whole area is all messed up now wait I got some really really cool weapons oh you did yeah I got really cool weapons but oh my god let's use the tower I got really nice I'm afraid to open blocks and like mess up my bed I spawned one over here let me just get this little guy give me other dude hey wait don't mess with me we're good oh there's so many monster I'm not I don't know what to do open give me something please so far not the best I think I'm getting a little lag as well Oh a huge structure smarted that's why yes it is okay okay I have just complete garbage at this point and I'm not sure what to do about it you guys didn't get anything good no matter what I do no I'm trapped in a structure what I don't even how to get out of where I am right now all right dying works dying definitely works Oh God oh my villagers are dead I'm just gonna reload alright what do you want me to do during this during this time you could just do whatever it's okay no I won't be like that alright just don't do anything then I'm just gonna organize my inventory a little okay I'm back on alright I can start again yes what I just want to be fair I am NOT unfair because that wouldn't be nice okay so the saddles give me Abyssinian wait why am I getting this I'm sure that will be just dandy for you wait may I'm buying some stuff it's not enough what do I do I have no suggestion for you good luck this man he's going after my villagers all right so I've got that going for me now let me see what I could do next I'm a little bit nervous about everything why would I even do what I just did why would I put wool around it when I can put something better around there you pull wool around it good I think you should keep it I mean I'm gonna keep it but I'll just double layer it I don't know why I chose that it's my first layer not that it matters at all after I put a second layer on I have a little sandstone to put around so got another star okay I'm not gonna lie because you can just look over here okay all right so it's really dark now it's like the middle of the night I don't really like that at all I'm trying to figure out what I should use to try to fight you in because I don't have any weapons or anything are you lying no not why you had a really good weapon ohno-san garish no it's 10 it's an axe it's funny it's called you are alive it's called Robert can't lie to me I'm not lying it's called Robert oh wait to you not Robert yeah I got Robert that's pretty awful Roberts not awful how dare you say that about my main man alright that was kind of mean of you oh I was hoping that you would tell me about your sandstone yes I got some beautiful sand suit oh that's good I just wanted to make sure that you had samseong sandstone you're not even driving a human being so you get more iron um but I'm a little nervous about you putting some blocks right now are you getting anything good I feel like I'm not getting anything good yeah I got some some things you got some things all right at this point you sound like you're just you're just making things up well I don't want to tell you what I got it's a mystery wait you're on the way to my base what oh no all right so let me just tell you what's going on right now stop moving your beds gone right don't come at me just wait there I would explain it's good it's good I got your bed I'll prove it don't hit me I'm gonna explain something to you in the situation that you're in I have your bet you see yeah and your beds gone you have nowhere to run you ran out of blocks and the weapon I'm holding is called the one-shot wonder this is 100,000 I'm sorry let me tell you what happened jack all right I got an approach an approach to the middle I grabbed the stuff in the middle because I wanted to get that stuff as well then I enter pearled from that pink one over there no actually the one all the way on the side how do you have time to do all these things I don't even is just to build this thing around my back you tried your best oh we're headed on to round 3 guys for the final round all right dudes we are on to the final round we've got all of our blocks right here and Jen remember do something fast I can't all right you're like an old lady it's like I play on a 70 year old woman so what you need to do is just do everything you can I'm not even a tip right now do it open the box quick defend the bed quick and then attack my eyes I do is super quick are you do you just are like super you're like the flash all right thank you really appreciate that are you ready for the round three two one go all right I'm like the flash and you're like what is it the turtle and the hare the tortoise and that you're the tortoise alright here we go alright have you opened a mock already my first block I try to be methodical about it though about opening I'm getting some interesting items I haven't got any structures yet alright so I got myself a nice beat Oh what what happened I got a horrible well it killed me when I jumped in all right good I'm getting tools like crazy I've got one structure really yet not even you in full diamond and you just got beacons oh no no not no wait I don't get it I haven't gotten one structure I've gotten tools and weapons on every single thing you look like you're doing amazing so I don't even want to hear you completely I'm not complaining I'm just I'm just saying that's kind of odd alright so I've got these things ok so now three beacons are getting nothing I'm not getting any structures either I mean I'm really getting like nothing oh well that's a shame all right so I have this nice pickaxe as well in case you build a good defense you really want the structures yeah like um oh no just try to blew me up I mean blow me up ok because you tried to blew me up your English is just really really good it's crazy to think that Jen was an English major or she was in college I just got like a million doors oh no I got the structure that you know the horrible one with the lava and stuff in it did but my stuff's so good I escaped it alright I'm gonna do it I'm gonna open my super unlucky ones this time really nice bread oh your four-leaf clover oh yeah that's what I got oh cool that's awesome don't have the same thing okay oh I got something else that's kind of nice alright everything I'm pretty happy with so far okay oh this is cool okay it's amazing alright I'll put this one down then this one alright here we go I got spiders everywhere now okay that was like dark all of a sudden ya hate when that happens we can't change it back either doing alright so I have to be oh you have all kinds of structures over there don't you alright so I'm going to need a very good defense luckily I do have some obsidian all right oh no I don't actually have enough obsidian to cover the entire pad bomb do you got like ten beacons they blew off what do you mean they blew up they blew up well they didn't blow up a structure killed ball really yeah structure killed them I only have enough for like the side of one man that's amazing no it's not am it what you couldn't get past me anyway Jeb okay getting so much bread oh is it the bread glitch from alright so if you have bread so much use it to your advantage is fine alright that's probably good I think my buckyball just turned into wood when I clicked on it but maybe I missed I should probably start working out of defense now yeah you got that smart all right yeah you probably should okay so what I want to do just cover this up as much as a we're gonna build a really unique structure this time alright good idea put artistic alright very good idea I just need to get through over here need to finish this defense I don't think you can get through wood you don't have an axe right um new axe okay so let's just make this look really sweet actually yeah I do have an axe wait you do Oh diamond one wait really yes why don't I get wood aye sir just got something else I'm like really quick I have something that makes me like really speedy but I can't break through whoa oh if you want to put wool around I can't get through that I don't like you can't get through wool everybody in the world can get through wall Chad okay I hope I can get somebody forgot what was I doing oh I'm building a defense this games about speed you can't just forget what you're doing that's just not a good sign at all it's such a bad sign alright I hope that you're doing good right now this game is made for me I know it is you're very good alright a little nervous so ok do you have a diamond pickaxe pen so I have a diamond hoe a diamond shovel a diamond pickaxe and a diamond axe so you do have a diamond pickaxe oh yes a diamond baguette all right well it doesn't matter all I have is what anyway is everything all right you're gonna I still got you ok I hope all right so I need to trade some stuff so that I can get to the other side to visit you alright maybe get a little bit of wool as well alright then my friends in over here all right are you ready to lose yep I'm ready wait I'm not ready where are you are you in the middle um no I don't see you so I'm a little bit nervous okay I'm gonna jump off no I'm not gonna jump off I was thinking about doing it cuz my health is kind of low looks kind of cool wait I just like lagged and froze yeah I put down wood so quick it frozen what not - or dudes everything is cool now oh oh hello I see you over there you're a full diamond as well aren't you yes I am a little nervous about this okay here we go okay so um I just need to come over say hello are you on your way to me as well you just wait why do you doors everywhere cuz I got all these doors and I want to use them or you can make like a door means maybe yeah that's what I'm trying to do this looks really good by the way just thought you should know okay so get a little bit closer to you I don't know how I'm gonna get through that intense maze I don't know how to make it it looks unbelievable like I just don't even know what to do at this point oh I'm nervous I don't know what to do why did I make this sacrifice I don't have any protecting my bad oh no oh what are you up to you right now I saw you going to my base wait did you get did you get my bed what do you think wait did you break my bed even the wood you can't break it with your hand oh god this mom's coming at me where are you I died oh no your beds gone well you got through this intense me yeah I got the Vitesse amazed oh my god I hope area stop break it with my hands but you know why did you go for it no I was too nervous my whole base just got like a dilated by all the stupid creepers you been gone no no oh God isn't it no yes no no where where is it then it's gone oh no you didn't that was the decoy kill you but the stupid creepers blew me up and I got knocked out of the Lord no I mean serious with you that was the decoy wait what that was fuzzy toy bed I had you going for the decoy bed hey what that's not the right bed Jen oh my god you really thought you had me are almost had me I had up sitting around my bed the entire time and it is deep underneath this spot right here what oh there's my bed he see it now I had a decoy bed that I put around and told you you know we had what around I'm good no no it's called strategy over 9000 right there Dormy I really wanted you to I was letting you by the way go for my my fake bag because I wanted you to go for and think you won again like that other time which you would have if you would have just broken it with your hand but uh there was a decoy in full obsidian because obviously there was you could have looked up there I think Jen you know what I might you about the because you could see them from here oh they're still there but love dudes hope you adjust the video if you didn't definitely smash that subscribe but also smash that like button as well especially if you enjoyed this I'm so quick I don't want to fly it off the edge hope you'll have an amazing day thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 4,102,395
Rating: 4.8977823 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, bedwars, bed wars, minecraft bedwars, minecraft bed wars, lucky, block, structures, build, lucky block bedwars, lucky block challenge, modded mini-game, minecraft mods, defense, diamonds, emeralds, sword, weapon, armor, items, blocks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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