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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to lucky block bed wash today dudes it is gonna be an interesting one it is super super late at night right now we are leaving for vacation very soon we want to make sure that we have some videos ready for you guys while we're gone so we're gonna see who is actually skilled in PvP in the middle of the night tonight so exhausted woke up so early I like I never even wake up early you know I can just go to bed by the way your beds like - all right so guys the way that this works is once you lose your bed and you die it is over and you have lost that round genders died her beds gone villagers are gonna have to realize all right they're over oh yeah second round is over - oh yeah dude so basically today Jen we in the middle the center go well wait what all right so you know how every time in the middle we have like special items that's what makes our bed Wars so much better than anyone elses bed wars right yes of course so in the middle we have super lucky blocks in today we have what I like to call the opie god apple when you eat this Apple it gives you everything that you ever need you have about 500 help you could fly you could instantly kill people so if we can get over to that middle jet it will be an easy win today we can instantly kill eachother with it - I think so okay all right so you're really gonna want that Apple off also guys diamond Jenner is not a diamond generate generates lucky blocks every generator generates lucky blocks twice as quick and we have tons of trades and stuff but guys it is gonna be added today no one else does this on YouTube either that means it was a horrible idea or we're very unique so please stick around subscribe to our YouTube channel that would be amazing smash your hand right into that like button in that subscribe button it would mean the world to us dudes but we've got some trades to go over right here and I think Jen actually said she was gonna do a race yes I will go over the all right okay wait before you start you have to do it quick without just reading all the trade okay so Kylie Jenner she has a bunch of stuff as you're scrolling through you can see all of the items the black strategist has some really cool blocks oh yeah you guys I'm Chuck Norris has a bunch of really awesome cool things too as you can see oh that was helpful hopefully you guys learn enough from looking through that but there's like a pickaxe in there this is lucky stuff as well there's a Golden Apple but I will go over the rules so no building to other plants obsidian area the obsidian area is where we open our blocks so it's unfair to just build over to that you may break any blocks in you must use your enchantment table because it's very lonely but there is some lapis in the middle that we can grab so hopefully it'll happen today yeah I love you okay so grab your blocks today oh my little pony is no thinking of like a space one that I couldn't think of the name of it if there is no space one no one knows why it's actually like outer space and called my little pony but it does drop my little pony things okay so we get ten lucky blocks we get five super lucky blocks and five unlucky block and we do three rounds so it is best two out of three we must stand on our beds or I guess I'm up once you're already um yeah yeah yeah you are why are you like torturing the bed two one go okay it is on it is so long it's ever been oh wait I got nothing nothing again wait really we remember this happened right in the mod showcase and I had like the worst loss ever yes we that just happened to me twice in the room but you should have given us like extra blocks all right no that way we can you know force ourselves to go to the middle to get some of the other things I think it's actually a little bit more interesting that way so that way we're like forced to get over there and you can generator there's something in here that can make us fly cuz I kind of remember all right I believe there may be a couple things or something poop you said no boots Oh boots maybe Duloc boy - ding its Opie that's very tasty yummy why is he saying off ice cream interesting things but um none of them are gonna actually help me get over to you I was really hoping for flight please no I'm already done opening up all my lucky blocks I got a pretty decent sword wait for some reason this armor leg makes me on fire wait oh I have the same thing what'd you do all right no all right so do you have anything cool or not really oh yeah oh wait wait I have a helmet it's really nice looking all right so I have like a staff which i think is gonna be extremely useful and manage the staff seven million what's seven million no yeah no snaps don't have damage are you doing I'm Jen I'm just using our generator doing over there nothing hey literally just got electrocuted I know did you right-click what's all that you just don't do anything that's totally you I literally did nothing I do I think they're dead I don't literally died he killed them I didn't do it why would you kill the Chad are you talking about if you're anything I don't know the pony I don't think I don't know that there really is a pony okay but seriously how am I supposed to trade now if they're all dead oh yeah my supposed to go you're supposed to just deal with it I think all right so what we need to do is we need to get to the middle remember what I taught us in the middle have any blocks to protect my bet I have nothing Lee so I can just walk over to your bed hey how did this happen I don't know what you did maybe you right-click the generator when you had a weapon okay wait am I allowed to take like wool from my base yeah you can do whatever you want okay I'm just gonna have to grab a bunch of wool there use grab whatever you need what are you doing right now what do you what are you saying I'm just trying to make my way over to you I really want that Apple I heard it's really good why did you kill my poor villagers what do they do to you I literally did nothing blame me for something there was not even a just the Lightning K it was your wand no it was mon Dieu it's just damage stability No can you stop blaming me for things it's very hurtful all right I need to get some cool things I just got an air out of my block and nothing okay cool epic things did I know that I could win with I'm using the generator because I think we should use the generators and we're often okay so I'm actually like literally trapped here oh that's good good ooh that is a sweet looking chest but hopefully I can fly no but if you jump really high we have gathered my mini a lot though oh you need like a hundred pieces so you need to protect your bed but you also need to leave at the same time so there's two things all right I got some nice boots to put on I feel like I've liked a lot of really cool thing I don't want this one cause it makes me go on fire all right so what are you doing everything's fine don't worry it's not even enough food for me to build a bridge all right no don't worry you just need to get a little bit more so the tiny bit more and you're gonna be fine I don't know you have to figure that out I'm trying to get some cool things but I'm having a pretty bad luck I've opened like a hundred blocks and I'm getting nothing that I actually need ooh oh wait like this oh my jump boost is so useful what are you doing I don't know you sounded quiet usually would you're like that you do it's just horrible I'm trying to figure out what I can do I'm sure you think right now okay okay think think think all right so I need to head over to the middle since Jen's not doing anything killed my poor villagers I can't do anything I did what is this blanked on me you guys have seen the video you've seen that I've done nothing and that Jen's just making things up I don't know maybe they were they were sick of you so they just jumped off struck themself but lightning is that possible no I'm pretty sure that happened no but literally it happened like right when they saw me oh they were there's something wrong with my armor your face you think they got scared of your face I am so much different armor I'm just not sure what to use oh this one looks really cool okay that's what I needed are you in the middle yet I'm trying to go over there for you why am I taking so long I tried my best you could just run to the middle grab the thing come over here and kill me and it would be it's not that easy you are like you just making fun of me it's not nice okay but where are you I don't know I'm just chillin I'm trying to relax I need to gather more bucks cuz I might still be able to win this all right can you just win this already I'm trying you it's getting ridiculous where are you it was not me whoo laughing where are you Oh give me a hug what you did it I ate the apple yeah I do I'm seeing what I have right now well Jen I don't know what she's doing I'm trying to kill you but it's not working all right okay so that's nice how long this sword it does on infinite damage wait why can't I die oh the armor wearing is still good oh you so I can't kill you well you haven't yet oh wait you know that's insane I have to hit you three times I crashed my sword at infinite damage I'm just saying you lasted three heads my sword had infinite damage we learned a very important lesson everyone if you take to infinity swords and attack each other it destroys the very fabric of time itself in Minecraft it's like all the time just completely stops why does no the game crash no it's not cause you're lagging and it's like it froze entirely just the game just completely died on me alright we're on round two three two one go now you how do you not have your blocks let me start Jen is really tired today I'm gonna kill you Oh wouldn't let you scare I got an enchanted pair it's the best pair of ever at oh I was hoping I made me fly aways today I really thought it was gonna make me fly it I'm just gonna fly over and win but sadly I have wasted something beautiful please don't get whatever you do do not get that wand and kill my villagers again I do bush no one's Jen I wasn't even involved I literally did nothing are you serious yeah happened twice that was just a coincidence that was you it was not me are you joking no not joking I don't know how you did it but you did it sorry dudes Jen started coughing so you missed something really cool-looking on my screen oh hey what happened how do you tell you sorry remissness nice nice know about everything happened this is a competition against each other I just can't give you all the information I just can't give it up easily why not oh oh I got something cool oh it's just like appeared out of nowhere oh that's fabulous all right so I have a fish let's say rip on your screen all right Jen is going to die any second I'm hoping this thing oh that's the sound of something good like I know what if you give it away so easily like no one just goes oh alright I just know it's amazing it might be amazing it might not be I don't really know okay Varanasi soon alright so what are you up to right now you chilling uh yeah just chilling are you hunting the way to my bases you certainly sound like here no I'm not she's flying me what is this do believe to it oh no what was it it was called a galaxy boom oh when you threw it I tried I thought I would like reach you but it didn't quite reach you wait so you just threw it in the void wait did you really get like an amazing weapon and then just like throw it in the void yeah that's really embarrassing just so you know alright so the thing is we have no idea who was gonna win this round but right now I am up one day zero and I seem to have an advantage because Jen wasted the one good thing that she had me to get some really good things very very hoppy okay what are you doing right this moment alright I'm just you know building some cool things why did you say that Zoe what are you doing are you so do what are you doing what are you doing what is that what's the play so look evil hog alright let me did you run out of blocks or something no it's really not here we you killed yourself - all right I guess that's what that does alright you figured out all right okay just throw this one up here okay I can't get high enough you've messed up my whole situation yeah alright can I break sad while you do it yes all right I'm just gonna bring a little sin I'm not gonna move forwards or anything I'm just gonna break some sand until you get back all right what do you need this for though oh I just kind of needed it to like build Bob I'm not moving I'll move now but you're back okay all right so I wouldn't really do anything too unfair or is that what you're putting around your bed my beliefs and around it yeah oh are you not yet are you not using Santa yours nope I have nothing but how do you have nothing where are you Jen just come out just come out we I need to put stuff down all right catch what is that No what's wrong Oh the Infinity would catch Oh oh my got it knock you out of the world it was called galaxy gas it was like spelled wrong I think it was galaxy gas but this is what I really wanted to do I have some really cool things look at the legendary lasers north north souls I feel like this is unfair I'm not in the right frame of mind to be playing right now I'm tired yes I worked out for like three hours okay and you woke me up early too so that means right now guys trying to make excuse I just learned it from me but you're not as good at it what's wrong with you why do you buttons I like weird blue buttons buttons we're wasters so it's to zero right now guys but we were heading on to around three artists we are on to the final round right now I am up to 2-0 I'm hoping you have your blocks wait a second I'm just gay I got him I looked at your screams and you said it really weird but I knew that you were lying horrible so all right here we go so yeah your box are you ready 3 2 1 go all right I'm not even gonna go upstairs because there's nothing email that comes out of these blocks wait I think you're actually right I don't think there's any mobs right there's nothing there's nothing bad can happen there's literally nothing Oh mmm hey I got some cool things already but Jen you want to get that God Apple but God Apple is amazing no I really want it it's like such a huge advantage if you can get your hands on that puppy you're gonna be in Syria a shape for today guessing again you want talking about it no all right why don't you share information with me I'll tell you it is called the galaxy hand spinner I don't even know if it's good or not it kind of looks like a fidget spinner ooh that sounds cool that might be useful oh wait I got something cool too but I wasted one accidentally cuz I didn't know it was just gonna throw out of my hand oh okay okay so what are you doing oh all right oh wait I'm glad to hear that I'm gonna have to just gather some iron and build a bridge to the middle so what are you doing me I what I want I'm not allowed to do what I'm doing I started I started grabbing obsidian for my obsidian area it's gonna photograph my head that's like that's not allowed I've decided I was thinking I was like wait I don't think is actually is know why all right so what I need to do is I need something that will intimidate Jen right in the face this way that's no fun I got all these cool faces and they face in the wrong direction I've got like these really epic faces I was gonna put like on the side just so you would have to see them but now I can't even use them oh okay you saw what I'm talking about I have no idea what you're talking about oh I'm gonna gather some gold okay good do that do that do that noob nice my base right now I'm in your base no you're not I'm just trying to see what I want to do here I got the crass I got all kinds of stuff what is the crass what are you saying everyone knows what the crass is I need to get some more things do you know this no stop right there should be enough to cover my back completely I hope okay just get my map this correctly okay probably didn't all right so you see nature and I just get lots of stuff that's 25 blocks perfectly oh I'm so glad that I got this unique material right on top just add to like the ambiance all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come to the middle I'm gonna get that Apple and I'm just gonna win and then it's gonna be over I'm gonna win for the day that's perfect oh I wasn't talking to you all right well I miss you I want to come over I wanna see how long we are you building to be the same time oh yeah this is gonna be nice it was gonna be so nice okay oh wait what are you doing what do you mean I thought you're like Jillian okay so what's your weapon my weapon I don't have one you don't have a weapon yeah we well I don't even want to go back there so you can break it all you want all right no come back no no I don't want to before I can break it oh [Music] oh it's still there oh yeah no I didn't get rid of it oh okay good okay don't know where you going oh that's embarrassing um no I'm just coming over to say hello I'm sure I'll have fun over here and you're just crazy let me just fix my bed all right yeah cuz you need a defense check you shouldn't make defense it's so easy to pass trade all right that should be good all right so what are you doing right now uh right now I'm just doing you know what are you doing will you fell off oh this is so embarrassing no I'm not that kind of person wait you're in the middle fine play it out wait I'll stop messing around I'm gonna break your bed your beds gone now I was messing around a little bit because I'm trying to have some extra fun with it to go to the middle all right of course you are I'm kind of lost you don't even know where our bases are I throw you bone let me just fly over there my bets still there no your bets gone yeah remove that oh okay just disappeared for some reason it was still there there's like a flying cookie what are you doing give me the win on achievement round when you spawn in the middle all right gene I didn't control what happen because you'd already lost without anyone to to zero that is the ugliest video spinner I've ever seen wait I'm like invisible yeah I know you look weird I didn't even have a normal weapon I figured I was just legend take it since she already lost her today and you see the faces now oh yes they're my intimidation faces I couldn't kill you with the dynamite because apparently your armor is too good man I look good though you look real good what up dude to this victory for me today I hope you guys enjoyed the video if it is definitely smash that subscribe button also smash the like but as well that would be amazing thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you next time guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 4,493,127
Rating: 4.8897333 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, bedwars, bed wars, minecraft bedwars, minecraft bed wars, my little pony, lucky, block, lucky block challenge, lucky block mod, modded mini-games, overpowered, minecraft mods, sword, weapons, armor, items, blocks, defense, diamonds
Id: z1_oui0b4eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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