Minecraft but it's RATTY CATTY!

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this is ready Cutty in Minecraft most players have to find food to bring back to their starving baby but watch out because cat players are ready to pounce and squish the mice which team will win oh look at the babies who is my husband oh no need to be so shocked I can't believe it's you okay all right look at the little mouse shoes it's okay you oh so many others my eyes oh well I think they all do when you look at them okay all right Mr smart mouth let's get out of here I wanna play at the playground now we gotta look for Luck first I wanna jump on the treble oh [Music] excuse me cats were not rats we're out here mousy oh we're mouses you gotta say with a mouse what are you are you a rat or a Mouse a mouse oh well I mean aren't we all rats or Mouse at some point what I mean I guess you can't you can't catch me I'm too sick for you oh yeah Kim it's hard to see them in the Tall Grass oh Kim I found a bat they're in the shed you found a bat I found a bat okay guys you know how small we are compared to you yeah perfect for hitting with the bat yeah oh no up here uh to go wait um I think you have to go in this bathroom no no no no no no no I think it's not for boys it's not for cats either huh get on there where you still can we have children to feed yeah there's popcorn laying around here yeah I've got I got four Pop I got seven popcorn whoa there's a cow in the back okay okay okay [Music] are you sure you want to feed the children because you know I don't know if popcorn is good for babies well I don't know I got a ride in my traps they put a rat trap right in front of those how dare they I know how horrible I can't ow knock me out of the sky oh I got teased again [Music] okay I'm gonna try I'm gonna try to break the Trap okay go for it all right let me feed the children all right children here you go yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yep from you oh no you have to stop you have to stop the mice we're really trying hard to run here yeah grab all the cheese grab all the cheese don't let the mices no you're cheating no we're cheesing it hey Apple what not the worst cats can we actually eat cheese um no apparently I guess we're oh okay only those of us that have been deemed by our ancestor Charles entertainment cheese hey look there's some bats and mouse traps here we can get them got him okay where's the bat where's the rats I want a bat I'm gonna break into there I'm gonna break into their house because they're feeding their kids and I guess because we're cats wow let me get a bat while you do that oh okay all right I'm gonna break in give me a second I feel a strong disturbance oh nice I can do this and then ah what's happened hello hey look there they are I see them look at the babies [Music] I know I can't see they have secret emeralds they got emeralds yeah yes I need gold in there and you watch the babies if they come if the parents come you gotta smack them I'll get them you got it I am on yeah I've never felt more danger than I am in right now okay all right let's see uh over here I got I got I got oh no no she's here [Music] oh yeah I'm definitely taking care of it [Music] there we go they can't feed the baby mice [Applause] it's fine I'm trying to try it I'm trying to stop them from pretty debates I'm supposed to be a fun game and we are having a delightful time here here I'll give you some cheese ma'am here you go oh hey I think I helped the rats win did you bring home the food oh I I thought you were going to do that what me what do you mean me I I watch the kids all day no I thought today was your day for this grocery shopping no no oh God three minutes okay okay we can fix this we can fix this um we are in a mall after all so we can just uh okay I'll find some leftovers okay all right you know what oh McDonald's I think that's so healthy for the kids let's go okay oh yeah we can never be led Wrong by a giant Corporation ma'am ma'am I'm gonna need you to step away I know your order is wrong I wanted we don't have buckets that's the other place yes hello welcome to McDonald's please yes can I can I Whopper Whopper Whopper junior Whopper junior Whopper wrong place we do not have Whoppers at McDonald's could you deep fry this thing I'm not a Nike oh yeah you know what let me uh hey Kim Kim I found uh I found a bat perfect what do you need a bag for to make at the McDonald's yeah you need a bat for your no he's got a point where I am in the Hot Topic I don't see you I have 11 fries okay okay don't worry I protected the Hot Topic oh did my mouse trap go off can't get me cat then I'm up here okay what's that where is here I'm up here look at the cats cats are scared of water and he's supposed to be scared of water hey water okay I see you I like water I got you covered ah hey hey can y'all go meow and make cat sounds um how does it what does the cat say meow meow what the is that what is that whoa I don't I don't know I just I flipped inside myself for for my uh uh inner cat and it was just like yo yo oh you know what um because her husband was cheap and taking the food oh hey I am standing right here well you're supposed to be the food breaker but you didn't bring the food again I thought it was your day we we had the board up there there is no board don't think I'm bored of is this relationship I'm feeding my babies the mikhails the Michelangelo the micellis the Micaiah and the Mickey they're really they're really they're gonna block me oh no you don't you need to learn to be a better parent okay we gotta feed those kids them kids need them food all right all right hey can we see your kids you may have to do this on your own [Music] Kim I got him I got him do you see how cool that was did I look cool wait wait wait I just let me talk to you okay passwords go on without me I lost I lost my it was my everything sure he forgot the food all the time oh now you show me sympathy no you got that was beautiful look at my kids that's a pretty cool dance [Music] watch me moonwalk um that is pretty impressive not to feed these kids by myself guys why do you keep playing mouse traps up sucks because they're working well five six Foods seven foods didn't make it you can make it close to the wall okay it doesn't look like you're doing that right now [Music] oh look at the Zane Juniors I hope Kim doesn't destroy them to the tables the tables have more food yeah help me from the beyond the grave sir please before they break in and get my kids that's not fair all right I'm almost ready I can feed the children okay I think I can get it not again actually it's a little it's a little short in here I can't see yeah gonna throw Yarn yeah yeah you're gonna do huh oh [Applause] babies the weather you're so big how did I marry you why I hear something outside you think it's those cats I hope those cats don't stop us from feeding our babies yeah we gotta we gotta feed the babies since the disturbance in the force Kim outcome okay I think they see we gotta go another way oh yeah okay okay okay oh we can sneeze look at us we're so cute I guess let me reach in there just let me get one good hand in there okay all right about I found the cheese but also I didn't know we had cheese spray and jet packs what does cheese spray do can we feed it to the children [Music] no they only want real cheese okay all right let's go find some real cheese maybe we can spray the cat some nice little toys in the garage I got it oh we gotta find Jesus I'm on the fish tank slippery little ones aren't you hey okay um well how do we get back to the kids there they are cheese eat the food children well we need more about where are we gonna get more cheese I don't know I don't know uh let's go this way dog wait the dog's in here who let the dogs in [Applause] okay all right Zayn and Kim can't work together because they're really bad at it yeah they they are oh my God when was that technology available since forever oh I got and I got the cheese yeah perfect chasing me there's a rat trap they're chasing me in the kitchen it was in the kitchen [Applause] dear children one oh okay Kim here's the deal we're at the mall all right at the mall okay we have to avoid shopping we gotta steal some foods okay okay all right come on because this is a late night Mall you know there's bound to be mice in here somewhere true somebody's gonna steal our fries oh if they get their hands on their fries why do I sense french fries being stolen yeah such an atrocity are they in the food court hello wait a minute wait a minute no mouse um how do we how do we reach them get distracting them and feed the kids okay feed the kids you know I'll stick with this one oh never mind it ran away what I turned around for two seconds there you are sorry um okay let's go there maybe we can find some more food I've got seven food but we should bring back more for all the kids there's too many uh oh hey why are there french fries I are they I mean they're looking pretty good this might be helpful okay okay all right so let's see uh eat children eat eat the food oh no no where are we going Kim are we getting food I'll go to the park let's give them something food healthy how about popcorn it's popcorn I'm telling you I'm telling you here's the plan we just load this whole Shack with TNT and then we blow a hole all the way down to the rats uh oh that that's your big plan yes that that doesn't sound good um yeah it sounds like a terrible plan listen I'm trying to come up with a plan here comes out anyway hey what's that oh cotton candy wow wow that's healthy it's popcorn oh you sound so disappointed ah like water how do you get water balloons Kim everybody's trash can so buy the trash cans there you go oh this is wet oh oh now you're gonna smell like an actual wet cat I don't want to be around you now smells like good one you wanna peanut butter it's not nice genius plan jokes on you you fed me so I could uh feed my king Jeff's on you they all happen to have a peanut allergy what how would they know they haven't been an elegant if they don't eat them I know their house is underground so just need to send a little something to drive him out okay okay I'm following oh he's farting ah oh he's driving me away there they are can't we just need one wait wait wait oh my God if we can just get one I'll be happy Oh Mr Katz please come here look look at my baby uh what look this is my baby right over here come here let me I'd like to give you a speech come here come here come here oh oh okay look this is what's happening this is our bit my baby look see right here see this little baby this is my there's a baby on your head yeah no is the baby cute see yo I think this baby could use a little bath what about you Ian [Music] oh yeah baby can't swim oh well I'm sorry I can't hear you what's that babe [Music] [Applause] why are you eating the food
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,802,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, ratty catty, comedy, minecraft comedy, improv, minecraft improv, cats, kitty, mouse, rat, animals, minecraft animals, funny, keeping it real, clean comedy, game of cat and mouse, park, hot topic, mall setting, picnic, summer picnic, fountain, house setting, park setting, cheese, popcorn, peanuts, ball of yarn, doggo, puppy, dog, epic battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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