Minecraft Cave Factory | A NEW GENERATION OF STONEBLOCK! #1 [Modded Questing Stoneblock]

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this is cave factory a fairly new questing 1.16.5 mod pack which has a very similar start to a mod pack like stone block or stone block 2 those were feed the beast mod packs that came out a few years ago now for minecraft 1.12 this is a very similar premise in that you start the world inside of this small cave and the entire rest of the world this is the overworld by the way is stone so all the way up to y level 255 and all the way down to y level zero the entire world is stone in fact if we right click and open this quest book here the very first quest in the quest book says welcome and it says welcome to cave factory your mission here is to create an underground factory and automate as many things as you can in the overworld you'll find only stone the ceiling is made from bedrock though feel free to dig around but you will not find any structures underground diamond shaped quests are challenges van miner is in the pack but you need to finish the twilight forest to unlock it this is a very simple tick box quest and as a reward we get a plus 10 xp there which is added to our levels not entirely certain uh why we need xp right at the start but we have it and then the very first quest here is to dig out pebbles sneak right click on a stone block with an empty hand to get some pebbles make sure the quest to the left of this is one that is checked scroll to zoom in and out on this here you can use the scroll wheel once this is checked you can then begin over here and as it mentions we can sneak right click so if we hold shift and right click we get pebbles out of the wall and i don't believe this is kept so if you can right click quickly you can get quite a lot of pebbles and if like me you have a macro on your keyboard you can do something like this and you can get a very large number of pebbles very quickly but just sneak right click we'll get that for you real quick before we go any further we do start with a mini map in the top right there and i don't know about you but i'm not entirely convinced that we need a mini map for a cave mod pack like this and so right out of the gate if you just press m and then go to settings and then down to visibility you can click that set this to zero accept tick and it's gone also by default the quest book in this pack i don't think if we go to uh options controls and then type in quest yeah by default in this modpack there is no keybind to open the quest book so you will always have to use this uh this book here and right click it if you want to get here there are other ways to get to this quest book for example in your inventory you can just click up here so even if you don't have the book you can click here and get to the quest um alternatively what i like to do is options controls type in quest and then i like to bind this to the grave key which is the key underneath escape and to the right of one on most keyboards but anyway now we have completed the first quest here to get some pebbles even more xp as a reward and then after that we have our first cobblestone quest very simple we can craft four pebbles here up into cobblestone i do also believe that we have the mod installed that lets you hover over and press care so if you hover over any of these stacks of pebbles and press care it will auto craft them into a two by two grid like this so if you just press kk it crafts them all up automatically just a nice little thing there that makes life a little easier especially at the start and so uh really i believe the beginning of this pack is quite simply shift right clicking to get a bunch of pebbles i'm right clicking very quickly there to get a bunch of pebbles nice and quick and then we can press ok to very quickly craft all of those down into many many stacks of cobblestone as a reward there we do get a furnace and then the way that you generate wood in this mod pack is a little different it says to get wood throw a cobblestone on the ground and wait around 30 seconds so all we have to do drop the cobblestone and 30 seconds later that should turn into wood i'm not quite sure if we're going to get different kinds of wood or if we're just going to get one kind of wood like just oak i guess we'll find out in 30 seconds following that we do have tinker's construct in the pack so we're gonna use that for our early game tools and even our late game tools i guess as well uh while we wait for that i can walk through a couple of the uh the mods in this pack i call the key mods one of the biggest mods in the pack and quite possibly the biggest mod that we're maybe going to spend the most time working with is the create mod which is a super cool super nifty tech mod which is kind of hard to explain and you'll see how it works once we start working with it but it has a lot of moving parts it's got a lot of structures a lot of systems that we can set up and work with we do also have blood magic here is a fairly early mod uh in this game you may have noticed as well um that we do have also did i get uh did i get any wood oh i did i couldn't see that there for whatever reason but we did get uh 64 o'clocks and we do start with a zombie spawner right here so right out of the gate we can turn that on if we do want to start spawning in zombies i believe that is going to be specifically useful for something like blood magic where having a spawner can be so helpful early on over on the left here if you hover over this little arrow you can choose to pin this and that way this will never go away you'll just have these uh tabs on the left hand side um or you can choose to unpin it at which point it will leave when you're not hovered over it but we have a couple of different quest lines in the quest book we have basic automation which is tinker's it is blood magic and it is create we also then have the factory quest line which has mods like immersive engineering we have the tech section which has pneumatic craft we've got magic in quotes there because we have mods like britannia which is sometimes referred to as a tech mod and then also blood magic as well at the top there we have storage two types of storage we've got a simple storage networks at the top which is a fairly early game storage system a digital storage system i should say which then moves on into something like refined storage a little bit later on in the pack the food quest line is quite hefty uh and includes a lot of seed quests uh these seeds here from pam's harvest craft too there's a lot of quests there to be done uh with the mechanical harvester being the the center quest there so i'll see how that unfolds i guess later on in the pack the exploration quest line has twilight forest as well as the end by the looks of it at the top there and then finally there is also a challenge questline which has some challenging quests things like the ultimate singularity this is made from a bunch of other singularities and singularities are made by getting very large quantities of any given resource so for example if you want to make this ultimate singularity in this giant ultimate auto crafting table you have to get a copper singularity which requires 5 000 copper inside of a quantum compressor but that is getting far too far ahead of ourselves we are going to start all the way back and basic automation we have our wood and as a reward we're going to get planks and a stick and i do believe yes the first thing we're going to make here is a crafting station which is a crafting table from tinker's construct but it has the benefit of allowing you to leave items in the crafting table even when you're not there so to make this we need a regular crafting table and then a blank pattern if memory serves me right a blank pattern is two planks and two sticks it is indeed and so if we do something like that we get a crafting station and as mentioned before the benefit of this over a regular crafting table is that you can begin crafting things and then when you leave those things remain in that crafting table for you to come back to in the future following on from this though we have uh two options for quests um on the left here we do have the storage draw mod in the pack i'm a big fan of the storage draw mod and especially given how easy it is for us to get wood in this pack because all we have to do is drop cobblestone on the floor and as you can see we can get cobblestone nice and easily it should be fairly easy for us to get quite a large number of storage drawers uh the very basic storage drawer is a chest with six planks like so that gets us a regular one by one irk draw and if we drop this down this is basically a box that can hold up to 2048 of any one item these can be upgraded if you were shift right click there are spots for upgrades that we can add in the future but for now if we just double right click with the cobblestone it will take all of the cobblestone out of our inventory and if i hold shift you can see in the top left corner there that we now have 154 cobblestone stored in here and we can continue to start up to at 2048 kabul in this uh this one storage door which is super nifty back to the quest book uh we do get a competitive drawer as a reward there this is probably not going to be super useful just yet but is going to be super useful uh fairly soon once we start getting a couple of resources like redstone and iron the next quest up actually there were two quests up i guess uh there is this quest down here called the gunpowder which says also by throwing rotten flesh on the ground you will get random mob drops so basically what we should be able to do um i won't do it yet because we don't have a sword but once we do get um a weapon of some description we can spawn in these zombies and also we do have uh trapdoors here by the way that we can use to fully lock them in but we can spawn in a zombie or two kill those zombies get their rotten flesh and then much like we just did with the cobblestone we can throw that rotten flesh onto the ground and it will turn into randomly one of these six items here and so going forward if we can ultimate the killing of zombies and ultimate the production of rotten flesh we could then also try and automate the dropping of rotten flesh to produce automatically all of these resources here which will be super useful for us either way backup part builder will let you create two parts tinker's construct allows you to create only upgradeable tools which are also easy to repair to get started you'll need some parts to create your tool with so to get started with things construct we need the part builder which i will go ahead and bookmark right there for those who don't know if you want to bookmark something which is over on the left all you have to do is find that item in ji and then hover over it and press a so if i clear this real quick and we go for say dark oak saplings if i hover over it and press air it bookmarks it over here so that in the future when i'm searching for other things it's still available quickly and easily for us to check the recipe you can also do that while you're like in the quest book so for example the next quest here requires a tinker's station if i click on this hover over it and press a now when i back out it's still there and i can still click and see the recipe nice and quickly going forward i don't have to keep searching for it over and over again so part builder wise this is two blank patterns and two oak planks both of which we have perfect and then in terms of the tinker's station a very similar recipe here with three blank patterns and four book planks boom boom and boom nice there's also a quest up here to make some parts so if we put down both the tinker station and the part builder inside of the pod builder what you can do is you can place your blank pattern in on the left um i keep calling these blank patterns by the way um because they used to be called blank patterns in earlier versions of modern minecraft they are now just simply called patterns but if we put the patterns in the part builder you can then select a part to make for example this quest wants us to make a pickaxe head and a tool binding and so in here if we select a pickaxe head and placing some cobblestone in the material slot we will get a stone pickaxe head and if we do the same with the binding we get a binding each time it uses one pattern and then depending on what you choose it will use a different number of resources for example at this pattern here for the tour binding it says in the top right cost to one whereas the pickaxe head costs two uh some things like the large plate here costs four and so different things have different variable costs the hammerhead has eight so different things cost more and more also if you place down these tinker's devices all these tinkers blocks i should say next to each other you can actually access all of them from this top menu here so normally if you don't do that if you like for example pick this up and place it down on its own you'll see there's nothing else along the top however if you place them all next to each other so they're all touching you can access all of them and flick between them from any single one so that is this quest complete we get a tool rod as a reward this quest gets us a wooden tool handle and this quest gets us a stern small axe head so now we actually have to assemble that tool uh which we can do inside of the tinker's station on the left here you can see the tinker station is capable of making a couple of rudimentary tools and weapons to start with we want a pickaxe and we also i'm going to assume probably want uh some kind of hatchet as well a handx if you will so if we put in the stone pickaxe head the stone 12 binding and then the wooden tool handle that will get us a stone pickaxe nice and we could do the exact same thing if we head on over to the pot builder let's say we put in some wood here let's make another wooden tool handle you can make this out of cobblestone however i'm fairly certain that wood is a better material for making tool handles out of on the right here you'll see that we have a bunch of stats associated with the wooden tool handle you'll see here that with wood it has a durability modifier of one x and attack damage attack speed and mining speed modifier of one x whereas if we were to put in the cobblestone here you'll see that the cobblestone is actually slightly worse it has a durability modifier of 0.8 x so any modifier multiplier below one will actually make your tools durability lower and so if we were to try and make this same pickaxe here with a stone handle it would actually have lower durability than if we made it with a wooden handle so when it comes to making handles at least wood is better whereas for the head for example um it's much better to use cobblestone because here you'll see that the durability of a wooden head is 16 whereas the durability of a cobblestone head is 130 with a mining speed of 4 which is much higher than the mining speed of 2 on the wooden head so different materials are good for different things for now though all you really need to know is that cobblestone is usually the best material for the head of a tool and wood is usually the best material at least early game for the actual handle of a tool so let's go ahead and do the exact same thing here just as soon as we get another 12 binding again here i think that cobblestone is the better tool binding so we'll do that back over in the station we can do tool handle binding small stone x head and that gets us a stone handx nice we do get a diamond here as a reward for our first pickaxe which is very nice indeed and i believe the idea that they want us to do here is you can place your tools into the tinker station and you can then modify them to make them better than they are by default so for example if i take this diamond here and i put it in one of these two slots you'll see that we actually add that diamond or we can add that diamond i should say to the stone pickaxe as soon as you take it out of this slot on the right the diamond will be used up and this changes a few things if you check the durability uh adding the diamond increases the durability from 630 all the way up uh sorry from 130 all the way up to 630 and it also increases the mining level uh from stone all the way up to diamond so this will be able to mine things like redstone obsidian all kinds of stuff anything that diamond pickaxe would normally be able to mine it also increases the mining speed and the attack damage but it does lower the number of upgrades because by default you can only have three upgrades on any given tool and adding this diamond would be one of those three upgrades however i do think this is going to be worth it because we as you're about to see are going to do quite a bit of mining in this pack as is going to be told to us by the next quest here getting basic resources wherever you mind you have the same chance to get random ores so you can make some space for your factory and find some diamonds at the same time so if we take our brand new stern pickaxe and we just begin mining away at let's say the back wall here every time that we mine we have a chance of getting random ore so right there we got iron ore we also got some granite cobblestone we've got nickel oil we got weathered uh we are weathered limestone cobblestone dolomite cobblestone coal ore regular cobblestone and gabriel ore and also diorite cobblestone as well so we've got quite a bit of kind of junk at the top here but we also got a couple of oz as well and i believe as we go um as the quest book states that we do have a random chance to get uh basically all of the orcs so we can get redstone lapis diamond emeralds all of the ores in the game are available from just breaking cobblestone like this and i also do believe that later on in the pack that means that we can probably automate this process if we can set up some kind of system that can generate regular stone and then also some kind of system that can break that stone we should be able to automate resource production very easily i think just by using some kind of stone production and braking system as a reward for this quest we do get a wood to iron chest upgrade this is from the iron chests mod and essentially how this works is if we get a regular minecraft chest like so we can then place that down somewhere in the world for now let's do that uh maybe over actually let's put it like right here next to our uh crafting station one of the benefits of having the oak chest next to the crafting station is that the chest is now accessible from within the crafting station so uh anything that you put directly next to that is available in this ui here so if i put in like this compacting drawer you can now see it in here now what's even more useful is that let's say for example i have my oak planks in here and i want to make a chest all i have to do is type in chest if i shift right click the move items button it will then move those items from the adjacent chest directly into the crafting station so i don't have to go get them from the chest and then go crafting you can just do it all in one move but also uh this wood to iron chest upgrade here all you have to do is right click it on a wooden chest and it will upgrade that to an iron chest which is essentially a double minecraft chest but in the space of a regular chest which we can now use to dump all of this stuff that we just received including this redstone here i do believe at the start to actually get the redstone we're gonna have to replace down and re-break that redstone and one thing we can do with that redstone at the start of the pack if we'd like is we can add that redstone to our pickaxe because redstone as you can see here gives us the haste modifier which actually makes our tool faster so by default our pickaxe here has a mining speed of five if we add some redstone to it that goes up to 5.44 which is not huge uh the way that the redstone modifier works by the way is that you'll see that we can put on more than one bit of redstone and it still only uses one upgrade slot the reason for that is that down here you'll see it's at 4 out of 45 and so you can put on up to 45 redstone before you then need to add another or before you then need to use another upgrade slot so if i was to try and add 50 redstone that would use two of our uh remaining upgrade slots and i think i will do this i think uh given how much uh like stone breaking we're going to have to do at the beginning i think it's going to be well worth investing some of our early game redstone into making our tool faster so a little bit of mining later we have a couple of all this here not a ton um again i think for now i will take this redstone and again add it to our pick inks just to try and make it a little bit faster right now at 5.44 that takes up to a mining speed of 7 which is hopefully a noticeable increase in speed it definitely is that's going forward we should be able to get resources even faster as we add more and more redstone to that but looking in the quest book here though this is where things kind of branch out and we get a bit of a choice as to where we want to go in the quest book if we head straight down we start with the create mod if we go down to the uh the seed stone we can start with some more tinkers and start working towards the smeltering which is going to allow us to upgrade our tools and make even better tools things like iron pickaxes and whatnot and if we head right we start working on blood magic as well and then some more create further down here i am quite interested i think on getting to wheat fairly quickly because right now we actually don't have any source of food whatsoever which does mean that as soon as we run out of hunger we are going to start going very slowly and that's going to be a bit painful a couple of these do intersect for example i do believe that in order to get the actual smell stripping running we are first going to have to make these crushing wheels from create because in order to get sand we have to run i think it's cobblestone uh through these cushioning wheels and so these two quest lines do kind of converge and also i think we actually might have to go down here and do this before we can do uh blood magic as well because in order to make a blood altar we need oh no you don't need glass for the blood altar however in order to get the sacrificial knife which is needed to actually use the blood altar we do need glass and i'm pretty sure that the only way for us to get glass is of course via sand so i think we are going to have to start by going through this create section of the quest book and then we can move up this way but i do want to again try and get to wheat as soon as possible so that we have something to eat technically the twitch chat is right that we can use rotten flesh as a food source and if we head on over to our tinker station we should be able to make a dagger here using this uh small blade that was given to us as a as a quest reward so real quick if i take some sticks and make another wooden tool lot we can then go to our tinker station and then combine that up with the small blade and we get a very very small little dagger i actually don't know if it's worth using this dagger like at all i feel like it's probably a better choice oh we can actually make a can we make a real sword out of this if i get another if i get another handle oh we totally can i didn't know if the star if the small stone blade could be used to make both of these but it looks like it can cool so we'll take a regular stone sword here i think it's going to be better for us than the small dagger and then if we go ahead and turn this on we get look at that our first zombie so they should yeah slowly but truly walk towards us i'm going to try and like knock this guy i think into the corner i want to kill him in a spot where we can actually get the rotten flesh ideally if he actually drops anything which i don't think he did i also don't know if we're better off closing this i do think that if we close this and then press f7 does that change anything no so f7 by the way it toggles the light levels on and off so if there are red x's on the ground and that means that mobs can spawn in that area and so i was thinking it's possible that um if they're yellow it means that mobs cannot spawn there or if there's none of them you'll see like here mobs could not spawn here so um it looks like even without this clothes mobs can spawn there so i don't think there's much point in closing those trap doors and there we go look at that we got some rotten flesh nice so it is true that we can use this as a food source so while we can use rotten flesh like as a food source it's not a particularly good one i don't know if we can like smelt this into anything edible or like crafted into anything super usable at least not just yet um so yeah food is definitely something i want to get to sooner rather than later but to get there we have to go through sand first so this quest right here wants us to make this endocyte alloy so to make these we simply craft together at two endocyte with two iron nuggets we do have 13 iron all ready to go and the game did give us a furnace at the start of the pack so we can throw that down throw some iron in it and throw i guess for now some wood in there as well because we don't actually have any coal yet i did see there is a quest for coal over here uh before getting crushing wheels you need to place ores and break them again yeah so if we do have coal or which we do we got 24 you can take that place it much like the redstone and get the coal nice oh so i think what we have to do here is i think we have to take endocyte cobblestone and smelt that into regular endocyte interesting it's probably in that case going to be well worth those crafting up a few more furnaces here to try and make this process a fair bit faster because especially um and obviously these are temporary placements the whole base will get rearranged at some point in the future but um especially if we look at something like uh the crushing wheels here uh to make these we need a lot of endocyte alloys uh we also need 21 mechanical crafters thankfully the mechanical crafters are significantly easier to make but you'll see here we need a lot of andesite right now i actually don't think we have anywhere near enough endocyte uh let alone you know thinking about how long it takes to process that um so i think what we should probably do here chet is we should probably get some more cobblestone by shift right clicking on the wall um it does stop if you're holding something so it has to be with an empty hand one way you can get around that is if you do something like this all of these stacks here will fill up before the empty hand and so especially if you're going to use a macro like this that just simulates right clicking very quickly and that will fill up all of those before it goes and then fills up your first slot also the care trick that i showed earlier hovering over something and pressing care um only works i believe if you have inventory space yeah so right now it doesn't work um however if we had a bit of cobblestone honours um it would then work because it would then put the cobblestone into that slot so let's throw a good amount of this on the ground we're going to use this as fuel and i think we should also chat spend also let's move back just a smidge uh probably spend a good deal more time at digging out and trying to get as much andesite as we possibly can so a little bit of mining later we do now have a few more o's we also got our first diamond ore as well but chat has also pointed out that there is a vanilla recipe that i was not aware of and that is that you can craft diorite with cobblestone to make endocyte like this and we actually did have quite a bit of thyroid lying around or at least direct cobblestone that was smelting currently into diorite and so we can use that to get endocyte nice and quickly and i think 44 should be enough here so we'll start by making one because that is all that the first quest wants us to do like so following that we then have the getting a power quest uh this is to make a windmill bearing and eight sail frames so the windrail bearing is made with a turntable which is a shaft and a slab a shaft which is two endocyte alloy you get eight at a time there and then any kind of stone so i think we will put some regular cobblestone into one of these furnaces here to start getting regular stone uh we will quickly craft up some planks and then some celebs we will also then craft up a couple more andesite alloys we can use those to make the shafts once we have a little bit of stone we could take that and then from there we should be able to craft up the shaft with the slab to get the turntable and then the turntable with the shaft and the stone to get the windmill bearing so that is part one of the quest complete following that we then need to make eight sail frames these are made with eight sticks and one endocyte alloy and as look would have it you do get exactly eight from one batch here so boom and boom that gets us eight sail frames nice so now uh for that we do get a wrench and a bit of super glue which i'm not familiar with but we'll find out how that works as we go here it says probably the easiest way to get some mechanical power is to create a windmill place the windmill bearing and attach the sails to the sticky side the power will be outputted on the opposite side mouse over a window bearing item and hold w to see how it works so this is a super nifty feature of the create mode if you hover over something and press w and hold w it will actually show you how to assemble the structure and how the structure actually works so this might look a little confusing here at the start but it shouldn't be too bad i don't think so let's see if we can actually make this work if i get a bit of cobblestone here let's say we put down the windmill bearing and i'm gonna put this down it's gonna sound a bit odd i'm gonna put it down like here ish you'll see why uh hopefully momentarily uh if we do that i actually want this the other way because the power comes out of the back here so i'm gonna put this down this way like that and then once we have this down we can then add the sales again if you hover over this and press w you'll see that we have the base and then we can use a wood and then attach the sails to that wood so let's say we grab a plank and we put that down like so i believe you can build it horizontally as well i don't think it has to be vertically like it showed in the picture now the tricky part is getting these down correctly which is always something i have trouble with because i do believe these have to go down in a very specific way which is not like this so someone in chat has helped me out here if you place them down like this so by default when you place them down they don't really go on how you want them to um and rotating this does nothing but if you rotate the side here it will actually rotate it to where you want it to be and then from there you can do this and this and i believe that this is done yeah so all you have to do is right click the actual windmill bearing once you're done and look at that it is going to start slowly but surely rotating and that rotation is what we use for power so basically all we do now is we take the shaft and we extend this out of the bank and you'll see the shafts also rotate in line with the windmill the reason we want that is that down here we'll also claim our engineers goggles which i believe we can just wear on our head perfect uh though maybe slightly above our eyes but that's fine so the next quest on um is the quest to make the mechanical crafters and also the cog wheels some machines require a cog to power them others will connect with shaft so the clog fairly easy it is one and a side alloy and then a bunch of buttons we can get the buttons nice and easily by crafting some planks and then if we do something like this we get eight small wheels there are two different sizes of cogwheel that we're going to use in uh create we can also of course use some of this andesite here to get even more endocyte alloy we know we're going to need quite a few actually for the creation of the two cushion wheels in terms of the mechanical crafters 21 of these should be super easy for us to do and they're made in batches of seven and they are made exclusively from crafting stations so if we go ahead and do something like this and like this we can do 7 14 21 we'll make 28 just to be on the safe side we might need more in the future as a reward here we do get the barrel it says in this questline by the way some items will require unconventional crafting methods assemble crafters in a pattern shown in jei empowered with a cog a direction of item movement is defined by the arrows on each crafter they need to connect in one final spot where the crafter arrow is pointing to an external space ideally a chest slash barrel so these are actually super nifty in the way they allow you to craft stuff again if we hover over and press w here you'll see that you use i can't rotate this unfortunately um but you assemble these in a crafting pattern and this could be as big as you like you'll have noticed maybe that uh the recipe for the crushing wheels requires quite a few items so this is where we need 21 mechanical crafters and again if we look in here you attach all those you give it mechanical power and you rotate the actual crafters so they all point to one final location then you can place all of the items into the mechanical crafters and if you if it has power all of those items will start to move together and converge on that final point as you can see here once they all reach that final point the created item will be ejected into the chest that's next to the output spot and the power comes in from the side like this using wheels um which are getting their power from you guessed it this guy so what else we want to do the gearbox we could use i don't know if we necessarily need the gearbox just yet um the gearbox can be used to change the direction of shaft power so right now it's going in a straight line this way if we wanted it to go up or if we wanted it to go you know that way for example we could use a gearbox to change that direction for now though let's go ahead and let's put down the mechanical crafters so again you're going to think i'm a little insane i'm going gonna move these i'm gonna put these quite far back here to give us some space so we need three and then it's like five i think like this and there's three rows of five right let me check the recipe actually let me bookmark the recipe for the crushing wheels real quick thankfully we do get two of these but yeah so it's three five five five three okay that is fine so we have all of these down and again we do wanna make sure they all point in the right direction so using the wrench we can change the way they point like this we're going to have the final output go here that's where this barrel is going to come in because we can open the barrel even if it has a block above it and then we need to rotate all of these at the point to this end spot so it doesn't matter how you do this for example these lines here are completely fine because all of these lines eventually get to this end spot these are actually perfectly fine here like all of this is for is fine and actually i think everything here is is a okay we could change it for example we could have them go this way and then down there's no reason to but uh right now everything here should converge on this final spot and then should make its way out as well so now all we need to do is we need to get some cogwheel power to one of these like any of these will do you'll notice they all have a cogwheels on them we're going to use our small cog wheel and put it right there so as soon as this one starts spinning this will this whole structure will have power and each of the uh mechanical crafters will power all of the other mechanical crafters as well now there is a pretty nifty thing that you can do to speed this up because right now this windmill is pretty slow so one thing we could do if we really wanted to let me get a few more endocyte alloys here if we do something like this and get some more of these just to make some more shaft what you can do and what would work here is we could do this that one's spinning and then we always need to get it over to here so one thing we could do if we wanted to is we could get some cobblestone do something like this and i believe that doing this will work yeah you'll see these wheels are spinning and so if we did that over to here and then we did something like this this wheel should spin and i think technically this system should work like this should begin doing what it's supposed to do let me test that real quick so here we need three 6 7 8 16 and a site alloy right now we've got 14 so we just need two more and a side alloy here the only other thing we need is planks and stone which i believe we have we got one stone and we got planks so for example if we put the stone in the middle we put the planks here here here and here and then we put the andesite alloys in all of the remaining slots once they're all in we should see them very very very slowly in fact i don't even know if we can see just how slowly they're going but i believe oh yeah there it goes look at that he's going he's going they're all starting to move it's going to very slowly but surely make its way down now there is something we can do to make this faster if we use my patent-pending blend of big and small cogwheels you can make this quicker so i believe the way this works is you have a small clock wheel if you take that small cog wheel and convert it to a big cog wheel that big cog wheel spins at the same speed as the small cog wheel by default not particularly useful however if you then place down a small cog wheel diagonally adjacent to a big cog wheel that small cogwheel because you're going from a big one to a small one that small one is now faster than the big one which means it's actually faster than the small one so as you do this it gets faster and faster so we can do the same thing again and then let's say we go and put another one up here this one is now spinning quicker than before and then we can do this and you can see actually this gear is already starting to spin a fair bit faster than this one this one's going fairly slowly over here this one's going quite a bit faster and then look at that now they're moving significantly faster than they were previously and all of this stone here by the way is not required it was just there to actually place down the gears so we can get rid of all of this now none of this is uh is necessary and we have a structure that starts off fairly slowly and by the end of it is going a fair bit faster and therefore over here all of these items are slowly but truly converging on the same spot and once they get to the barrel here and you'll notice that as they kind of coalesce they do get uh slower so i think it is like when you're setting this up i think you want to set it up in such a way that the items uh kind of don't get together too quickly if that makes sense like for example we could have them like all kind of connect together and snake like this but i think that would be worse because i think that would slow it down i think you want to make sure that each line has as few items as possible until the end and look at that we have two crushing wheels nice so that is that quest complete we get a shoot as a reward so place the crushing wheels one next to another and make them spin towards each other then you can throw items to get crushed items so this is where we might actually need some gear boxes and we also might have to change the way this works also by the way i'm not a fan at all of the fact that like this is like sideways and horizontal and just kind of slapped in the middle of the factory of course going forward and we will try and move this and make it look a little bit more uh presentable uh also i'm starting to regret the direction in which i i built this here but um what we need to do now is need to put these two wheels down and just for example we'll do it like not like that we're going to do it like this and then we need to have this wheel spinning clockwise and we need to have this wheel spinning counterclockwise those wheels both spinning in opposite directions will then allow us to drop items in from the top and those dropped items will then get crushed by the cushion wheel and deposited below and i believe what we want to do is we want to take cobblestone run that cobblestone through the crushing wheel and like it says gravel and then if we do the same thing with gravel that gets us sand flint and clear the sand is what we're after because the sand is not only useful for the quest it also allows us to get into uh late game tinkers or mid game tinkers with the tinker smell tray and it also allows us to make that sacrificial knife for the blood altar that i mentioned earlier i don't think we'll leave these here and again it's probably easier to just shift right click um with the the wrench as opposed to using upstairs pickaxe storability um but yeah we have to get these down hmm let's go ahead and craft up i'll see if we can't craft up the gearbox for the quest i think that is also a potentially going to be useful here it says can't get power where you want it use these uh we can use these to control both the rotation and the direction so to make the gearbox we need four small cog wheels with one and a side casing which is planks and decide alloy and wood boom and we need one more cog wheel which requires of course a bunch of buttons we need eight in total and then at that point we also need like one more endocyte thankfully we do have more dye right here so diorite plus cobblestone equals endocyte at double amount of underside as well which is very nice indeed take a few of those with the buttons to make another set of cogwheels and then once we have the cog wheels we can go one two three four and casing and that gets us the gearbox so the gearbox is useful in that you can take it and if you put it down you can not only use it to change the direction of the shaft so for example we could now come off like this but you can also use it to split the shaft power as well so now we have not only shaft power going that way but we also have it coming out this way as well okay so a little while later i've dug out some more of this cab area where we've been digging out initially and we have a lot more stuff here now we're actually very close to having our pickaxe at uh max speed at least for the one modifier we've added you'll see what 44 out of 45 redstone so real quick if we get just a bit more redstone here we should be able to add one more that's going to take us up to minus p10 if we try and add two more uh it is doable actually i think we have to do this first um it is doable but then it's gonna take up our final uh upgrade so we could go and make it even faster by adding an up to another 45 redstone uh but for now i think we'll hold off because we might want to add a different modifier for that last upgrade also now you'll notice the pickaxe is almost broken thankfully we can repair it uh by simply putting it in the tinker station with some cobblestone and in fact if we get a stack of cobblestone we can throw that in like so and fully repair that pickaxe which is now nice and fast but essentially i've moved all of this like wind initial wind turbine setup into a hole in the wall that i've made over here and the reason for that is i want to give us a good amount of space to accelerate the speed of that wind turbine using the big cog small clock method uh before we actually connect things to the cogwheels so the cogwheels need to go one block apart so it's first clockwheel one gap and then second cog wheel and so basically what i'm gonna do right now is i'm gonna make a few more cog wheels i have made more gearboxes and basically the plan is to go a fair like a good distance out i think like a few more blocks like this put down a cog wheel and then begin using the small cogwheel big cogwheel method and i think we can actually start with a big cogwheel there was the the beginning uh using this method by having the small clock wheels on a diagonal and then a big hog wheel and then you guessed it small wheel um until they come together in the middle where we're gonna have our two crushing wheels approximately here and here like that so the twitch chat actually very handily pointed out that it makes a lot more sense to speed up the shaft and then split it as opposed to splitting it and then speeding up both shafts so we've sped this one up with the cogwheels that we had and then now if we do this and this that's almost working but not quite because they're not currently going in the right direction right now this one and this one like we could put the wheels down but both the wheels here will be spinning in the same direction which i'm pretty sure doesn't doesn't work so at the advice of the twitch chat it looks like the easiest way for us to do this uh is i guess we don't need this gearbox here but if we take the shaft we set it to a gearbox and then we just have a shaft connected to a second gearbox like so uh these are now rotating in opposite directions um although this might work i actually don't know these are rotating in the directions i don't want them to rotate in like they're going outwards not inwards i actually don't know if that works or not i don't think it does yeah they need to be rotating the other way so adding in another gearbox here does make that happen so previously it was just like this they spin outwards if we replace this with a gearbox here that changes the direction and now they are spinning together nice so now we have this and you'll see the little uh particle effects in the middle there we should be able to drop things like cobblestone into the middle they get sucked down and look at that we get gravel nice i think we can if we want drop like a full stack of cobble on there and that will slowly but surely get sucked through it does take longer like the the middle animation process takes longer when there's more stuff to be processed but there we go we get 61 gravel and if we wanted to we could then take that let's say we take half a stack throw that in and that is of course going to get us half a stack of sand nice now i think the shoots can be used to collect these items i don't know if they can be used to drop them oh they totally can nice okay that is very useful so i believe what that means is that if we were to go ahead and make two chests we can put one chest up above the center here and above a shoot so we want to put the chest like here maybe and then if we put a shoot beneath that pulling out anything that we put in there so let's put some cobblestone in actually let's have a gravel in that gravel gets sucked out and gets dropped down which is perfect right now they're stuck there because they're uh waiting on the sand to finish that we put in mere moments ago there it is and then the gravel's gonna start and then it's gonna move on afterwards and then at the bottom here we can do a similar thing i actually don't know if you can go into a chest like you would with a hopper i don't think you can like i don't think this works it doesn't unfortunately but what we can do is we can take this chest place it down here and then we might have to move this down by once i don't know if that works or not that might work i'm actually not too sure but let's give it a try if we put in one cobblestone that cobblestone gets dropped out of the chute and then hopefully it gets started to grab nice that does totally work and then we'll take that gravel put it in again it gets dropped down gets crushed by the wheel and then boom sand nice chat is telling me to jump in the wheels i uh have played with create before and so a quick warning for those watching at home if you do jump into the wheels you will start to take damage as the wheels try to crush you so i would not recommend that um but we do now have send and so that is that quest here complete we get a random amount of glass somewhere between one and a 64. uh we got 54 which is a a nice high number there we got lucky i guess on the randomness uh and then back up here the blood also it says to get dirt or lava in this world we will need some kind of magic you can get blood into the altar either by stabbing yourself with a sacrificial knife which does require glass or by killing monsters near the altar with a dagger of sacrifice which you do get as a reward for completing this quest to complete the quest all we need is four of any stone one furnace and three gold ingots that seems incredibly easy for us to do we can start smelting some gold right away we do have stern ready to go got 27 in our inventory and then uh the furnace we can make nice and easily using the large amount of cobblestone that we already have making sure of course not to be a fool don't try use the endocyte cobblestone instead use the regular cobblestone that is necessary following that the dirt quest here oh i see so we can use granite and 10 lp to make one dirt right now we do have 51 granite i will start smelting that because i assume we're going to need it in smelted form not in cobblestone form once we have dirt in order to get kelp it says throw that on the ground and wait 15 seconds to get a random plant a random plant interesting chat's also telling me you can wrench the chute here to make it have glass like that you can just right click with the wrench and at that point i assume we can watch the uh the items fly through a bit uh a bit more in real time and presumably we'll see the the cobble yeah make its way down there as well nice that's good stuff over here this is done so we'll take you we have three gold we needed four stone and one furnace and there we go we have our blood also so if we were to place this down we could place this down anyway we could always move it now you can pick that back up just fine the sacrificial knife might be a quest it's not but the sacrificial knife isn't too difficult to make it's one gold one iron and then five glass boom that gets us a sacrificial dagger so this is a fairly easy way of getting lp so with this if you're close to the altar you can just right click and that will take some of your health away it will take away uh life points but it will give you a quick and easy lp we do also get this dagger of sacrifice from the quest reward and so if your blood altar is close enough to a zombie i don't know necessarily how close it has to be i think it has to be fairly close but if it's close enough to a zombie when you kill that zombie the life points should make their way into the blood altar i think this might be too far away but we can give it a try we'll see if we can get zombie to spawn in and see if we can't kill that zombie with this um dagger of sacrifice and then if we hold shift while looking at the blue dot you can see in the tank there in the top left uh right now it's a zero out of ten thousand oh that totally does work nice so there's a 436 lp uh you'll see the number is going down i believe that is because there's an internal buffer in the blue altar that fills up so that only happens like initially and once that internal buffer is filled up then that will stop going down and i believe you still can use the lp that's in that buffer if i'm not mistaken and i'm very happy about the fact that it's an instant kill as well on the zombies but now for example if we go and take some of that granite that we have over here and we put that in like so it's going to very quickly turn it into dirt now most things in the blood altar are not that fast the reason this one is so fast is that it takes such a small amount of lp you'll see we've got you know hundreds and it only takes 10 uh per bit of dirt so this is nice and quick going forward though there are things that are probably going to be a little slower so there is the dirt quest complete and then if we go ahead and throw the dirt on the floor as the quest book states hopefully it's not going to be too difficult for us to get kelp what do we get here we got cactus we got sweet berries we got sugarcane uh if we go and get a bit more dirt here once we have some more dirt we can do a couple of things i guess right we should be able to grow some more berries so we can leave that berry bush there to grow as more berries over time and if we get some kind of ho which we can do with tinkers uh in the future we can get uh a matic which acts as a shovel a hatchet and a hoe i believe all in one but for now we can do something like this we can do this and we can plant down some wheat seeds and slowly but surely those hopefully will grow into wheat albeit not incredibly quickly cactuses or cacti contain a lot of water i've heard maybe we'll be able to extract it using a mixer throw a dirt on the ground and wait 15 seconds to get the chance of getting cactus so we can take that cactus and we can put that through a mixer from create which i believe is this one and yeah look at that so each cactus that you run through a mix that's a mixing device again we would connect up with our kinetic power it looks like we need a gear to connect to this mixing device and then that will allow us to turn cactuses into water we also need to basin for that and then therefore four cactus would get us um one water so i guess it's probably also gonna be our best interest uh to see if we can't start growing cactus because we're going to need at least four in order to get one bucket and then you know maybe more in the future ideally we want i guess two buckets so we can make an unlimited water source after the fact there um i guess we do probably want to do more dirt here because we are going to need kelp if we want to get conveyor belts so these conveyor belts allow you to move items around uh for example right now we're doing everything somewhat manually all right we're taking our cobblestone we're putting it in here we're turning into gravel we're taking the gravel putting it back in turning it to send once we have access to builds we could set up a second set of wheels and for example we could have kelp no kelp uh but for example we could have cobble go into there come down turn into gravel we could then have that gravel go onto a belt back up to a second set of wheels then turn it into sand to try and automate that that sand making process um i will take the remainder of our granite here and i will try also you'll see here that we're no longer losing lp that's because that internal buffer is now full but we can try and get that bit of kelp we did also get a potato there actually which is also another item that is probably quite useful we should probably try growing those as well as our our wheat farm there we go we've got two help in there and we've got more food as well which is very nice indeed i will eat a few of these sweet berries it's actually fairly easy for us to get more of those although actually we should probably also again these are actually fairly easy for us to plant oh maybe do we have oh it looks like we actually do have the mod installed that allows us to shift to make this grow faster that is super useful thank you mod pack developer for adding that to the pack so essentially if we stand close to this wheat and these berries here we can just shift click very quickly and that will accelerate the speed at which these grow look at that so and we have we actually do now have thankfully a source of food that we can use going forward we can eat these i was thinking like a big old deal of wheat or a big old you know field of sweet berries but thankfully it looks like if we need food we can just come over here and twerk for it beautiful and uh the sacrificial knife that we just made uh works in the exact same way we've got 644 ml buckets of lp if we right click with the knife it goes up to 844 so you get 200 lp uh in the blood altar for every right click that you do so you can do that but again the dagger does work on the zombies as well but i think chad that is probably where we're going to go ahead and wrap things up for today between streams i think i might do a little bit more digging to make this room a little bigger and also to get a few more of the key ores that we might need in the next stream uh but next time we will come back i think we'll probably look at making a smell tray now that we have glass we can actually make the full multi-block smell tree and i believe we're probably also going to start looking into the beginnings of some more blood magic getting some water and getting that mixer with the cactus and getting further and further into both tinkers and blood magic and of course create as well and we might have a look at getting a better power source than the current one that we have because this windmill might not last us too too long and then of course in the future we can start working on some of the other quest lines as well all working towards the challenge quest lines at the very end of the pack [Music] you
Channel: Gaming On Caffeine
Views: 985,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Cave Factory, Cave Factory, Cave Factory Mod Pack, Mod Pack, Minecraft 1.16.5, Minecraft 1.16, Modded Minecraft, Let's Play, Cave Factory lets play, Cave Factory Playthrough, GamingOnCaffeine, Survival, How To, Best Mod Pack 2021, Getting Started, New Mod Pack, Best New Mod Pack, Mods, Modded, Minecraft mods, FTB, Modded Stoneblock, Modded 1.16, Modded Survival, Stoneblock, Questing Stoneblock
Id: C2D5xnr4n7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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