today the more we color the world the more money we get we'll need to buy the craziest coloring items that will unlock us the most insane ability to defeat my friends in the final color oh my gosh it's beautiful can we win go go go go see n you're going to get colored up y going to get my oh my God wait I'm blue I'm dying and I'm blue alone oh my God come here come here stop stop oh my God I colored you I colored you wait I need water I need water I need to find water yozzy stop bro leave me alone yo get get off okay I'm muted bro they literally got me killed already wait what what is these wait hold on hold on hold on hold on oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I colored I colored skidy I colored skidy again no I'm blue again dude I hate being blue run oh my God he's trying to Color Me no no leave me alone yes get wck nerd wait what why is there yellow here is lagger oh my gosh all right keep hting the water we're already at 100 keep going keep going keep going keep going Y lagger is down there hold on should I try and kill lagger trying no no no no you know what no no no we got to focus Gamers we only have 10 points our color equals our money we got to color everything to gain the monies baby we also have ourselves a color shop portal which okay I think we're broke so I don't think there's a point of going yet let's go once we have 100 so hello Mr Cow I'm going to have to color you blue oh my God you look kind of cool are you happy about that sorry I don't speak mues yo oh my gosh moing take some noes guys look at this this blue grass is beautiful yeah go go go go we just reached the oh my God there's a village over there yo we should totally go to that and color the villagers blue what happens if we color a black sheep blue he's even cooler now please I need to kill someone everyone's been killing me please you are way too sus get away from me I want to feel the sweet release of death yes no SK they stck this is sick wait how are people dying these guys are trolling each other man we're definitely going to win come here chicken you ever seen a blue chicken I didn't think so subscribe okay so now that we're at 158 I think we should be able to afford our first item and oh my God look at this this looks amazing it's like a little canvas what the did the chicken just go through before me are you kidding me y oh what the hey hey hey hey guys hey what's going on here let's keep it peaceful hey hey no painting in the shop no painting at the Museum yeah yeah no no this shop looks insane wait he already bought the first item what is that what is he holding it's a roller Dozer skidy okay we need to get after green bro he's got a head start start on us wait did you just buy it too no I don't have enough monies oh you don't have enough Mone y yeah l no I'm just kidding okay wait wait wait yo yo yo yo yo yo Sky stop crying maybe blue and red Twin Dragon you know get a little Alliance going oo yo team Twin Dragon yes it yo team Twin Dragon yo that's freaking sick so y dude I'm getting so excited right now let's go you know maybe I'll go team with someone else no yo yo all right well listen listen what I'm saying is if you you know like figure out some sort of hack or something tell me and I'll help you back and if I figure some sort of hack I'll tell you you know what I'm saying little secret teag team wagon team wagon yo let's go yeah the IR what yep deal with it you can team up together on you can just stay stay slow that's it okay I got to focus I got to focus he just bought the minigun painter for 2,000 we just got to run through the Rainbow Road wait what the yo the blue chicken is right here that's so funny oh oh my God I almost just died oh my goodness why is everything yellow dude these guys are sweats Gamers yo I just placed down the roller doer is that what he used liger is literally painting the world yo we can paint over his stupid yellow yeah yellow's the color of PE you bought and the Beautiful Sun but whatever let's go this is sick Hello Kitty Cat no you can't run from did we just squish him I think I just squished the cat and I just squished this villager look at this Gamers this is insane hello villagers yo oh my God liger here lier hey hey come here you no no no no no no oh I just respawned right here wait how did you die you nearly killed me how did you oh my God I actually hate you bro all right just truce truce truce truce TR oh my God run jeez bro all right liger he can have the stupid Village I don't even think it's like the best part anyways yo there's a pink City or whatever over here you better get out of here because this oh my God I touch his color and I died we killed liers somehow oh my goodness ooh look at this Gamers yo hold on a second let's turn the nether blue and hold on there's a chest here oh we got some new uh stuff I guess some armor that actually might be pretty useful no way blue fire wait that's just Soul fire all right whatever it looks like lagger starting a war with everyone cuz he's killing everybody and we have 2,700 with the roller bro this roller was so sick I don't even know how I'm driving it though I how am I steering this thing no but I think this area is so flat and like amazing we actually we have a proper canvas here so I think this is a really good spot all right let's go through the portal again go go go wait what the pink chicken no I want blue chicken there you go it's my chicken go go go dude those guys both have the Bazooka already oh we're not winning this right now Gamers we got to turn on the Jets let's grab this mini painter boom we got the minig gun baby an efficient way to paint aggressively and quickly wait what the uh what just happened here he got his bulldozer stuck get the bulldozer out of the way I don't know what's happening any more Gamers y okay so we're back here wait where's my bulldozer did it despawn or is it still over here okay honestly it's so cheap it doesn't even matter but now that we got the minigun painter a yo yo look at this we can paint way more efficiently dude this is actually crazy wait we're already at 1,000 yo let's go we already made our money back and I think if we just shoot it in the air yes spray and prey baby oh my goodness 3,000 dude we're actually going cracked let's shoot the world Gamers look at this there's blue snow it just looks like blue concrete lowkey but it's beautiful we're at 10,000 so dude I think we can already buy something else and oh my gosh yo oh my gosh you're blue yeah how did you paint yourself don't worry about it don't even worry about here you want me to want to paint you no no no no no yeah yeah don't worry I wasn't going to do that that would be mean and I'm not mean okay let's see dude we can instantly buy the splash bazooka what else can we get yo we're halfway done the die drone interesting dude look at this stuff the color blimp bomber a million there's even a tornado for 5 million dude this is crazy and there looks like there's some insane armor for 155 I don't know what I should be going for probably I mean I guess since we can afford the splash bazooka let's go for that okay let's see how powerful this thing is let's load it up and ye oh my gosh wait did we just make a th000 from that hey yo hold on a second holy crap this thing is crazy dude I think if you're like really high up oh my gosh wait help I'm dead no no no oh my goodness dude we almost just died I don't even have any blocks ye getting up on those trees might be really op this thing is so powerful will just freaking blast your juices everywhere if we get up on a tree and just splash it like this kblo yeah oh my gosh dude I think we're about to crash the server look at this let's go though dude we're already at 20,000 wait this might actually be so op let's just go straight to the shop I mean we can already buy our next thing oh my gosh wait what I almost L what this little rat yo yo it's everyone's colors here what's going on yeah I know right hey hey good luck going good luck calling back man you guys have the color bomb wait they both have the color bomb we can afford it should we just go for that next even though yeah even though we can already buy the die drone maybe the color bomb is the move all right you know what I'm skipping the line baby let's go back to the die drone and maybe even get dude the paint tank is going to be so overpowered okay guys honestly I'm kind of scared let's mute up our mic just in case there's anybody nearby I haven't seen anybody okay but this is a perfect place 3 2 1 like a glitter bomb but more explosive hey yo why the cat face Ye Yo oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goodness what w that was crazy oh my God the bomb is insane wait I think is he just used it and blew up bro died to his own glitter bomb what a bot hold on I'm going to message skidy how are you doing we're kind of like teaming up here you know let's try and use the glitter bomo oh my goodness dude we oh wait we already made our money back yeah I just told him I skipped the Drone maybe that helps him a little bit I told him let's meet up in a bit so let's just keep using our glitter bomb there you go oh my goodness dude this is crazy we're at 28,000 boom let's use it again and oh my gosh we're at 35 we're at 35 boom okay there we go it popped but this is perfect we're at 40 3 44,000 oh my gosh maybe we should buy let's buy the die drone and maybe another glitter bomb if we can go go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh dude pink is actually so annoying here you know what hold on just so that I don't die there you go God darn kiple bro okay let's get the color bomb boom bro and we can still buy the die drone yo okay can anybody see that no I wonder where everyone is I want all this water to be pink all of it we already at 26,000 can this go over water oh my God no it cannot don't tell me it's broken now bro please can I pick it up oh I just realized too golden apples might be the wave once we get like a lot of money there's also iron maybe for iron armor or a water bucket too dude a water bucket might be coming clutch hold on is that skidy dude wait okay we need to strategize bro yeah yeah wait how are you dying to my color was it over there dude you put it on the portal I did that cuz kly put pink qu is coming qu is coming qu is coming hide hide hide hide hide one thing I wanted to say one thing what where you going coming you're right you're right okay he won't find us here one thing I think I I like he doesn't see us he doesn't see us I don't think he sees us you oh really that was actually neutralized neutral bro wait wait wait listen listen listen I think the shop sells iron right for maybe like iron like armor and stuff but dude dude dude dude water bucket a water bucket cleans you oh my gosh dude that is 10,000 IQ hey yo i' been I've been giving you a little bit too much help man where's oh I got you I got you bro There You Go Chicken on the house BR you're welcome you're welcome we'll keep messaging we'll keep messaging hey are you kidding me what do you want nothing I was just saying hi to Yellow oh hey blue hey how does it feel to be the color of PE how does it feel to be the color of uh SM absolute sadness don't man these guys I hate them dude we got to beat them and oh my gosh now that we have the die drone maybe we might we're at 2,000 right now okay let's keep track Gamers let's spawn this bad boy in it says uses a dangerous amount of paint to color the world I don't know what that mean but let's do it ye wo look at him he's so cute oh head it up buddy you don't seem so dangerous at all oh my woah we just gained 5,000 wait what yo he just keeps splashing the world dude I think wait where's he going is he just going to go out in the world for me yo what does it even work in water it Paints the water of course it's like a Dye oh my gosh wait the paint drone it's already pidt for itself oh no you know what this is crazy this is actually crazy guys and now with the glitter bomb bro this is insane woo dude I'm not going to lie we should probably probably get some wood though and wait I wonder does it like still work does the Drone still work if I'm not nearby it like does our money go up hold on yeah I think we have to have it rendered in so now we're like a slave to our drone cuz we got to just keep following it I guess let's use the glitter bomb over here oh my go yo yo someone is using something powerful cuz it is lagging dude we're about to hit 100,000 Gamers if we can get 100,000 we can buy the armor and maybe that armor makes us like I don't know what could it do but whatever it's probably really overpowered we should probably get some more die drones too right like what do you guys think oh my gosh oh my gosh please survive okay we did it we're nearly at 100,000 bro oh wait I'm acting like I don't have this Splash bazooka wait what the okay Gamers we got to watch out I think a lot of people are dying I don't know how what is happening right now oh yep this might be the best thing yo what is that yo bro what are you doing what are you doing y boom okay we're good dude 169 yeah funny number okay whoo whoo whoo wao wo hey not cool bro not cool skidy it's fine I think he just did that so he didn't keep dying to AR Blue and this color looks red what the heck ow I almost just died yo wait wouldn't it be funny if I lowkey just like paint this a little bit I think we could finally buy the Hue protector dude let's go y oh my gosh bro let's go I look sick and wo I just turned my thing gold wait is Qui about to buy it too what the heck yo nice drip bro nice drip hey yo how how you how you got that much money you know what are you talking about bro how did you guys get 155k man don't worry about slow don't worry about slow oh he's B the item yep yep Izzy I'll see you soon wait what you just you bought the laser okay wait so Gamers we got the Hazmat suit the Hue protector suit dripping what is that all it is it's drip it can't be though look at our thingy myob our Splash Bob sponge thing is now gold so what does that mean exactly our drone is right here but it keeps using it on the area that's already painted wait oh my gosh we gain a lot hold on a second wo maybe gold means we gain more money oh my gosh wait a second we're already at 100,000 Gamers I'm pretty sure I'm right wearing this new drift literally gives us more points oh my gosh oh my gosh yo and skidy hasn't helped us at all so much for Twin Dragon team oh my gosh cuz we could just go buy the laser gun right now and maybe even afford more dude let's go what did liger just buy okay you know what it doesn't matter let's buy another die drone there you go we could definitely now afford the graffiti Laser cannon yo let's go oh my God we still have 70,000 left what is he buying what what I've got the tank deal with it yeah look at you sadness your color is blue you're sad you are so sad yeah what the all right bro weird dude we got to get the tank and I think we easily could now that we have the graffiti laser cannon I think I know what we're going to do let's just spend all our money there you go I got four drones five if we're including the one back at like our base or whatever most of this area is literally been turned blue yeah before we spawn our new die drones we got to find a better area and I was right water does clean you okay that's interesting we got to make that water bucket guys cuz then if we get turned a different color we can just water bucket ourselves come on come on come on oh bro I can only make one iron ingot okay okay we can buy iron in a sec that'll definitely be our strap there's only 10 minutes left we need to hurry 10 minutes left that's it you kidding me I'm nowh near Rich enough 10 minutes left okay yeah we need to go we need to get stuff quick okay whose color is that I'm about to lose it and it looks like we have 10 minutes left to get as rich as possible and buy the tornado and that color blimp bro but honestly we're already at 69,000 combined with our new die drone Army let's spawn our bad boys in oh oh my God okay the server is barely keeping up dude let's see how much money we make now oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah Let It Rain baby go boys go we're at 100,000 already okay and now for the laser cannon 3 2 1 and boom Oh My hey yo what the wo Gamers it's spreading it's sizzling and it's like like a disease the color is literally spreading as it goes out oh my goodness wait a second this is actually insane we have a insane new technology we're at 200,000 we can buy the tank we can literally buy the tank dude I think our army of die drones are literally like I was going to say harming the environment but no just painting the environment you know what I'm saying dude this this is crazy we're at 300,000 oh my gosh we might be able to beat quick Orange right now is taking the world over dude we actually got this we actually freaking got this skidy just messaged me the laser is insane dude this is actually incredible guys 400,000 okay you know what let's go back to the shop let's get it let's get it oh no oh no oh dude I almost just died right there honestly we have so much money let's get the tank but then also get stacked on golden apples and stuff just for like the death match cuz honestly the death match is going to be all about painting the world so yes let's grabb ourselves the tank oh dude this it's going to be so sick we've used this in a previous video in our previous color War S&P video so we already know it's going to be insane but Gamers oh my gosh I'm just going to buy a bunch of gold apples there you go I got nine we should probably just buy way more oh let's also get our iron for our water bucket that's going to be crucial hey oh I forgot that's where Sky killed wh earlier let's get one two wait what the heck I just bought more Oh no I got two there you go we should maybe buy some better food but once we're super uber rich Let's spawn this bad boy in oh dude I'm honestly so scared do I just launch this thing boom Oh My yo wait wait we have infinite ammo we have infinite ammo Gamers holy crap look at this we can just Spam it and then oh dude no way wait no way this is actually too overpowered no this is too overpowered okay wait the forest is not the move though but we can just oh my gosh we're at 400,000 bro this is crazy yeah we got to find like a flatter area let's go this is insane oh I found the flat area go go go go go go go go shoot we're at 500,000 though oh my gosh baby we got this 999 oh my gosh ow ow yo what is going on K what's on Yo Friendly Fire dude yo is that you my bad yeah hey no way let's go all right all right here I'll take I'll take wait wait wait wait wait oh I didn't mean to do that hey sorry about that quit has the blimp he is actually ahead of us but dude we're almost there we're almost there we're at 700,000 about to be let's go honestly Gamers if it crashes the server it crashes the server we have to shoot this bad boy baby oh my goodness hold on a second are we above land here we are this is a perfect spot boom boom boom boom boom behind me 999 we're almost at a million Gamers we got this do I take fall damage I really hope I don't okay no we don't and there we go we hit a million we hit a million we hit a million we hit a million go go go go go go go oh my gosh move you stupid Red Cow oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yo yo yo yo let's go let's go we can do it we can buy the color blink bomber guys I didn't think we would actually get this far but if we can use this to get this we might be able to win the death match there you go oh my gosh y nuts we actually got it I'm actually kind of scared how destructive this might be it was rumored that this very blimp brought a color War to a destructive colorful end wait what this ended a color war in the past hey yo that is some sick lore dude this thing is huge all right I'm getting in I'm getting in oh my gosh yo yo it's not the fastest but it can go baby look at us dude this is awesome oh my gosh okay wait a second so I think we have to press an ability I want to get a little high just in case guys we just you know do a little bit of some recoil damage but here goes nothing I'm going to press X boom Oh my God there's the nuke there's the nuke yo yo oh my goodness wait we just made 200,000 from one freaking explosion look at it it's beautiful my goodness let's drop another one yo yo this is crazy dude let's go this is insane let's drop another nuke we're nuke in the world boom 4 500,000 500,000 oh my gosh there's a village over there are you thinking what I'm thinking guys dude the mushroom clouds thing leaves is so crazy we are literally nuking our way to Victory oh my gosh this is insane hello Village sound the alarms yeah from Village to Nuke Town baby oh my God okay I can't wait to use this on the boys I can't wait to use this on the boys committing war crimes is my specialty baby dude this is probably the coolest video ever if you guys haven't smashed like button I don't know why I I don't know what you're doing bro this is literally the official color War World War and there we go we broke 2 million oh my goodness come on come on this is crazy I'm almost dying to my own explosion this can't be good for our health bro M the radiation I love it guys come on come on one more million one more million dude come on 5 million okay we got to park this thing we got to park this thing as we descend we might as well nuke baby oh my gosh I almost just killed myself oh my goodness okay okay okay okay dude dude dude dude dude dude dude oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yo yo we got it we got it we got it oh my God oh my God we're not going to have time to test it but we did it we got the Super Sonic in NATO catastrophic yet artistic disaster that brings any want toe artist to their knees and since the death match hasn't started yet honestly guys let's just Spam golden apples go go go go go go go oh my gosh we can actually buy so many color bombs color bombs color bombs oh dude this is going to be crazy might as well just spend the rest on golden apples I guess oh my gosh okay the death match is starting Death Match starting oh Death Match starting okay quickly quickly go buy some stuff oh my gosh Death Match starting and we just went broke Gamers let's do this okay guys it's about to start lagers over there look at that little rat whff is over there that means everyone's spread out in the end woo okay let's do this go go go go quickly Mad Dash Mad Dash go go go go come on give me the go give me the go give me the go it started okay okay okay wo wo wo whoo wo he's shooting me yo yo I can do that too bro I can do that too oh I am off okay sk's got the same idea but I've got a B TR cuz I'm just going to keep going higher and higher quiff is already in the freaking blimp yo you know what I'm going to do that I'm going to do that I'm getting in I'm getting in go go go go go go go oh my God oh my God oh my God yo quiff is nuking I'm dropping a nuke un please is this doing anything is this doing anything please tell me it is please tell me it's doing something no Tiger's going to get n oh wait did we just kill liger did I just kill liger bro oh my God what why do I always have to be the first one man oh my God wait who's not in a blimp right now oh wait that's gidy that's not quiff yo quiff is all the way super high up what the wait oh my gosh oh my gosh wait what the yo oh my God oh my God no bro yo yo drop me off drop me off bro what yo drop me off no my blimp my blimp wait what is he you just carjacked is he what is wrong with him wait why did he just die oh my God above us above wait I can't see dude I'm in the wrong blimp what am I supposed to do I can't use this you got in the Izzy's blimp and you pushed him out he's dead wait yeah where did my blimp go I think my blimp died hi still alive where is he gapple gapple gapple gapple gapple there you go yeah double color ball oh my gosh it's beautiful okay hold on D I have an idea if I can get to Qui I can get inside of his blimp he has no idea that I can do that he's going to think it's easy he's going to think it's easy that was so close okay just keep aiming after I have to predict how are they going to land dude we're actually in cognito mode okay okay put there I don't want to say anything I don't want to say anything oh my gosh oh my gosh let's right click let's right click let's right click yes yes yes yes hey you little rat I can't do anything to him you B there's no way I will pull both into the ground oh my gosh wait yo now I'm in here what the are all three of Us in here what is going on what is happening oh you see that right there no stop not like this gosh oh my gosh oh my go we I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out oh my gosh oh my gosh wait I thought I died I thought I died oh paint paint oh we got to turn all of this into blue all of this into blue go go go go go go go wait the tank the tank oh my oh my gosh yo it might be time it might be time oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh quiff is right there oh my gosh the nuke let's make some blue right here boom boom boom boom boom yo yo it's working oh my gosh Come here quiff come here quiff oh my goodness what in the world is that yo come here you bots come here you bots oh my gosh wait we just lifted up skidy yo wait what did it just crash skidy oh my gosh gly gly G's got up on it I'm getting dragged I'm getting dragged yo yo what is going I'm I'm I'm at one heart I got one heart yo this is so stupid dude what is happening right now oh my gosh wait oh no oh no this is not good Qui still survived it we killed kipley and skidy oh my gosh it's just quiff it's just quiff it's just quiff oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm hiding get in the tank get in the tank come here Qui wait wait wait what he has one too wait what did he just die to Blue wait Qui just died to Blue oh my gosh he used the tornado and then stepped in there's no way I won that we have won the Great War of color that means uh blueberry subscribe