Morphing into OP MONSTERS to Prank My Friend!

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my friend smirky is currently trying to beat Minecraft but little does he know that I installed a morph mod meaning I can transform it to tons of op bosses some of these mobs are so crazy but first of all I'm gonna morph into this thing called a Thunderbird look at how crazy he is and he has insane attacks to electrocute smirky all right let me just get this one and with this command I could strike it with lightning look at that whoa what the heck is happening why am I getting struck by lightning no no no wait I know what I need to do I need to build a house so I can't get struck by lightning okay I gotta build build build uh place a crafting table uh place the door right here wait smartcast even seen me yeah he's building a house well little does he know that my command can strike him through the house what the heck if I had a roof on my house I went against struck by lightning but I guess that is not the case what do I do I want him to see me so I'm just gonna fly in front of him so he knows I'm doing this to him oh my gosh is that a Pikachu Pokemon came on but he takes up a Pikachu Pokemon well you know what I'm gonna do this murky I'm gonna throw the electricity potion out of die smacky I'm being electrocuted wait my doctor actually told me I should hide in water to get away from electricity oh I wouldn't expect you do it you do not hide in water when there's electricity that just shocks him even more well this is a sex image I feel electric it's so energetic right now oh my gosh oh my gosh this electric bird is so cool I'm just gonna strike it with lightning a few more times and I think that is very funny maybe I should just build super duper duper duper duper high up he is just building High okay well sits up an electric bird I can actually set this thing on fire so since it's made out of wood this fire is gonna spread all the way to the top and it's just a matter of time until the entire thing burns down oh no wait uh is there fire wait this bird set my build on fire okay well if the fire is coming up I shouldn't go down because that'll lead me into fire wait so what I should do is keep building up to get away from the fire oh my God he's building so high well I'm just gonna strike him with lightning and bring the fire up here there's so much fire okay I need to build more and I think I should make a house up here probably uh he's gonna make a house here well I'm just gonna throw a bunch of electrocution and he has to jump off now oh my gosh I gotta go I gotta go wait good thing I over a lake and let's go I clutched it like a boss oh my gosh she just jumped off the top of that and landed in water I totally thought he was about to die but since he's running off I think I should morph into my next Opie boss so let me choose what mama I should morph into ah there's a lot a very very cool mobs but I need to choose something that can destroy and very much scare Sparky and I think I have the perfect idea look at what I am morphing into oh my gosh he is so scary when I walk I literally waddle side to side and I am a giant monster when smirky sees this he is literally going to poop his pants and would you look at that I see smacky right there so I'm just gonna go fly in front of him and let's see if he poops his pants because he definitely is hello Sparky what the heck is that oh my gosh murky is so scared he literally just farted or something uh I think I need to wash off in the water now what the heck is that are you friendly oh my gosh she thinks I might be friendly but he is literally just chilling in the water well since I'm so scary I'm just gonna go fly and stare at him oh my gosh this is so freaky please stop it why did you walk like that wait you walk kinda goofy can we do that more he wants me to walk he's saying I walk goofy right you gonna like you're not even attacking me bro you ain't gonna do anything to me he thinks I'm not gonna do anything to him well we'll see about that I actually have this mini gun that I'm just gonna start shooting at smirky what the heck is that I think I just broke a few minutes I need to run oh my gosh this thing probably is doing so much damage so I don't want to hit him too much because I don't actually want to kill him but look at this many God this is insane okay I'm gonna hide by this horse and it literally died oh wait I should hide behind this horse too that's not gonna work oh my gosh look how fast I kill those horses okay I need to go where am I gonna hide Sparky was really making fun of me for me not doing any attacks now look who's scared he is running for his life hey let's just hide behind you Mr Cow please don't see me wait yeah he thinks I can't see him and uh oh he's just trying to hide behind the cow but I think I have a funny prank what I'm actually gonna do is morph into a cow and hopefully he won't see me morphing I think he said this inventory and then now I'm just gonna blend in with these cows and maybe he'll like think the monster's gone Mr monster I just blinked for a little bit and I don't see you anywhere okay well this is good because what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in this cave and start mining oh he's just gonna go into cave and start mining he literally thinks the monster's gone but little does he know this cow is actually that monster and I'm just gonna be a super super mean cow and I'm gonna break everything around here I'm gonna break all the coal bruh how are you serious right now why are you breaking every block ah you know what I think of this um oh he's eating steak in front of me as a cow that is messed up okay I think I need to turn into an Opie boss again and completely scare him so I'm gonna morph into this super super scary demon mob and look how scary this guy is and the good thing about him is he's super small and can fit in these caves so I see smirk is an attack right there so I'm just gonna walk over to him and look how scary this thing is I'm just gonna stand in front of him I've been walking around the cave in this thing that looks a little bit friendly just up here hello sir friendly man oh hell you good he thinks I'm friendly how this thing is so scary well I think I know what we need to do I have this command that could completely turn all the stone around here into this super scary black void block look at how scary this place is now you literally could barely see anything so now when smirky comes up he's gonna see all of this okay I just got some really good loot from this Justin yes farmer okay this is perfect because it looks like uh my favorite color because it's called let's go anyways let's just go back up into the cave and where am I I have no idea where I am he literally sees that the entire boy turned into this black blocks and now I'm just gonna keep following him and just scare him even more I'm just gonna punch him because I am literally the only thing he can see in this cave what the heck is smooley on me oh it was the gravel right here okay why is gravel falling on me wait I don't even think Sparky can see me because everything is the same color as me so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna undo all these Black Blocks I made and then he'll be able to see me again whoa wait were you always here Mr monster you kind of scared me a little bit but I'm not that scared because you're friendly he thinks I'm friendly wait wait I'm gonna grab another super op weapon and I'm gonna use it on him and once you look at that I see Smokey right there and I have this giant grass sword so I'm just gonna shoot it at him oh that's a super shitish what is doing that to me I think something was barfing on me I gotta mine away he thinks something is barfing on him I guess this kind of does look like barf when I swing the sword but that is so funny we just pranked Sparky even more and now I I mean since I've been so mean to smirky I know he's trying to beat the game so maybe I should build another portal just like this so he can get to the nether and get some Blazer odds so let me go to smirky and I will literally build this for him so look he's right there he's probably crafting something so I'm just gonna start building this right here and he is gonna be so happy when he sees this why is there a pearl right here uh this is pretty good and wait are you building it Mr um thing oh you're jumping yay let's go but um I need you to light it because it's not gonna wait I was gonna say it's not gonna light itself but it's not gonna light itself I I thought I could light it because I had a floating steel I guess I can't what the heck for whatever reason Smokey can't light up with his own Flint steel so I'm gonna have to light it for um well smirky can't like this for a certain reason it's because this portal needs a very very special show kind of lighter um hello Mr portal please light up uh maybe I use a pickaxe uh sets up so nice I'm just gonna drop him the correct flint and steel type please light and oh wait uh okay well I guess my are you kidding me please like the portal he was just trying to go to the Nether and I just broke the block so I'm just gonna keep doing that to prank him bro please light my board I'm gonna sit in the fire if it doesn't light oh my gosh that Smacky's trying to die okay okay I won't break it this time I don't want to break up too hard and there we go now he went into The Nether and I think I can start morphing into op nether mobs so I guess I mean what should I morph into before I go there I have some really cool bosses but I think I have the perfect idea for this first one so as you can see when we go in the nether there's this giant warped forest biome which has a bunch of blue trees everywhere so I'm gonna morph myself into this giant muscular warped mosquito and look at how cool he is when he flies he has this super cool animation that makes him look like he's running and I'm pretty sure I could even like smash into blocks and break them that is so cool that's just how strong this guy is and he also has wings meaning he can fly and I am going to do the best pranks on smirky with this guy so speaking of smirky let's go see what he is doing oh and would you look at that I think I see smurkey's name right there yeah he's adding Fortress meaning he can start killing blazes now and I actually don't want him to see me just yet because I'm gonna do pranks before he can even see me so let me just grab a really funny weapon so I grabbed this giant blue sword and when I swing it it literally sends out a mini tornado and I'm pretty sure this is just gonna send smirky flying so let's just go hide behind here and hopefully he doesn't see me and then I'm just gonna fire some tornadoes over the Sparky places get over here and what are these tornado things appearing what the heck I like in the middle of like a tornado I have no idea oh my gosh she sees the tornadoes spotting so I'm just gonna keep firing as many as I can and kill everything here look at this this is crazy wait what the heck the smirky have he has like the giant sword weapon what how did he even get that sword uh blazes you gave me the sword for whatever reason I don't know why he did but now you're all dying get over here places wait what the heck those blazes gave smirky that giant weapon wait wait wait we need to take that weapon from smirky because it is way too powerful before he sees me I'm gonna do a little command that clears his entire inventory and now he has nothing pleases I just lost everything somehow please please give me another sword look he is so sad he lost that sword and I think it's finally time that we reveal myself so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna kill all these blazes real quick just like that and then I'm gonna break the spawner and just say hello to smirky hello Sparky does he see me whoa whoa I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run there is some giant buff thing chasing me oh I did already he is so scared but I'm literally just trying to be friendly wait wait he's gonna stop running for now so I'm gonna grab myself a sign real quick I'm just gonna place this right here and right I'm friendly honest so hopefully he reads this sign uh you placed down aside Mr buff guy I'm friendly is what the sign says okay well if you're friendly uh give me some really good stuff please shreky is literally the first thing he asked for is stuff he is so greedy but since I'm so nice and I pranked him so much I wrote on this sign if you could do a 360 spin off this build I'll give you op items so let's see if he reads this if you can do a 360 spin off this build I'll give you op items um okay where is the best place to do a 360 spin I guess it's over here into this giant pit okay I gotta mentally prepare myself for this so I'm gonna try closing my eyes and spin that's not 360. it looks like he's practicing to try and do the 360 spin well he better do it quick because I'm about to push him in okay well I did the spin look at this oh I guess he actually did do a 360 spin that was actually really funny it's probably really low on I'm kind of dizzy I can't see what I'm doing oh my gosh she is does he spitting his head all around well anyways I did promise him items so let's grab some super OP armor to give to him what kind of armor would he like he'd probably like some yellow stuff so I'm gonna give him this molten sword a honey keep a shield and some super gold armor and then I'm just gonna drop all this stuff to him and let's see how he reacts super gold helmet super cool assessment and really good armor yo like me okay well what we need to do now since you're a very cool person we need to build a nether portal also as a vendor and we're gonna go beat the game together you heard rookie is really trying to use me a lot he's trying to use me to beat the game and just give him free items he is getting way too greedy and I am supposed to be pranking him so I think it's time we morph into something a lot more scarier and I actually have the perfect idea I'm gonna morph into this thing called a loafy and look at how crazy this guy is he's a huge mouth what the heck are you wait you're so cute you're like a little dog he thinks I'm a dog how does he think I'm a dog well I'm just gonna open my mouth and now he'll definitely be scared um you have some pretty sharp teeth well maybe you can Chomp away at the swan there's another portal behind it Becky really wants me to build another portal well I think it's time I start to eat him oh wait I'm strapped in this pit wait I could probably defeat you with this new gear I have if you stop attacking me hey you heard dog I'm gonna kill you if you keep attacking me he thinks he's gonna be able to kill me I'm literally in creative mode what I'm gonna do is I'm actually just gonna spawn a bunch of duplicates of me and I'm gonna make a fight all of them look at this there's so many here I didn't destroy these things but I can't see anything he is literally getting eaten by them it's kind of hard to see because I spawned so many but he isn't about he is in the mouths of all of them hopefully this teaches them the lesson to not mess with giant mouth monsters oh no I gotta run I gotta run oh this is so funny wait wait I just gotta get a sword so I can kill some of these guys let me just go in here and kill a couple of them and then smirky will only have to fight one of them oh wait I think you killed a few but I still get Eden please stop dog he still thinks it's a dog too this guy is so silly this guy is so beautiful I can't I need to run oh my gosh murky cannot get away at all okay I'm just gonna kill him so he can actually get away and I'm just gonna chase him instead of the soul s oh my gosh oh my gosh this is just evil I'm just gonna slowly approach smirky while chopping up and down and he is about to be so scared why don't you jump in my mouth Smoky yeah gonna run I gotta buy another block to get out of here I have an idea and it didn't work I think I'm stuck in this hole forever Smokey is completely stuck here and I think that's enough pranking I totally got him with all those things I almost killed him actually so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna repay him by doing something nice for him what I'm about to morph into is an enchanted golden apple cow so let me turn into this guy and this guy actually drops ton of enchanted golden apples for smirkies so I'm just gonna punch him and see what his reaction is um wait Mr coward Golden Apple do you drop anything hello yes I actually do drop stuff I'm just gonna give him a bunch of enchanted golden apples here you go Sparky What The flippity Flop did he give me I just gave him so many enchanted golden apples so I'm literally just gonna drop all 64 of these everywhere whoa this is so sick wait this is probably super duper duper duper healthy for me wait or is this super duper duper poisonous I have no idea maybe I might need to throw these in lava oh just a smoky trust me I'm actually just gonna build an obsidian portal once again because I don't want him thinking those golden apples are super poisonous so I'm gonna build this real quick and there we go he should definitely trust me now why did you destroy my lanterns in the portal I guess he was placing lanterns I guess you could place them back if he wants no I didn't please I literally gave shorty a lighter earlier and he's asking me the light it come on Mr Cow my inventory got cleared please light it oh I forgot I cleared this inventory okay let me just grab one of those sliders for him and then I'll just give it to him so he can light it himself and you have everything you gave me a lighter too let's oh all right I'm gonna go be the game now and just like I pranked up before I'm just gonna keep breaking the portal over and over cast why did he break s why I broke his portals because I'm trying to prank you Sparky I'm lighting it again and if you break it again he just said he's gonna eat me if I break it again okay okay I'm not gonna break it again okay I'm gonna break it again Mr Cow you learned what I was gonna say I'm gonna eat you stay there I'm not gonna stay I'm gonna break it again and if he tries to eat me I'm gonna prank him oh my gosh he's trying to burn me okay this is time to prank him hey Mr Cow I'm leaving now uh-oh Mr Cow I'm gonna put a bunch of TNT everywhere I just fly away hopefully he could go to the end so hopefully he can go to the Overworld fast enough please let me out okay I got out let's go that was a close call Smoke you almost died by all that TNT I guess I'll just go through this portal too and wait wait what did it bring me straight to the struggle and wait it's literally in the portal room that is a one in a million chance okay smokey it looks like he's at the portal we're at the portal now and I need to light it and why did my eyes offender turn into blocks these are supposed to be circles I think he was trying to light the portal with Eyes of Ender but these are Eyes of Ender block what the heck oh is why I'm a game broken can I go the portal um why are these block seats are supposed to be circles like ender pearls oh my gosh okay we'll set up a super nice Golden Apple cow I'm just gonna break all these blocks and then light the portal for um Golden Apple cow I see you broke my blocks can you please uh fix the portal oh wait you are let's go okay I'm gonna jump in oh I just lit the portal for Smokey and now I can finally turn it to my end op bosses and they are so fun and so cool and very very op so I guess we could just jump in and then I'll morph into him when I get there let's go so what should be my first end mod that I'm morph into well I have the perfect idea I'm gonna morph into the robo powder and look at how crazy this guy is he is literally enormous and he is just gonna smash all the blocks around Sparky let's just go walk over to him and completely troll him and the last thing okay uh now we just need to break in it and come on let's go oh my gosh okay I just found smirky and looks like he's destroying all of the end crystals right now he's doing this really fast he's just trying to speedrun the game well what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna replace all these obsidian pillars with a bunch of air so it's super hard to mine these and oh my gosh I almost just set them in the void and wait maybe instead of hiding that iron bar I accidentally mined the whole obsidian he thinks he's that strong that he could mind all the obsidian with one thing well he's gonna have a little bit of a hard time getting out he blew it up oh I'm a pro and now I just gotta build up let's go please get me out though let's go I did it oh my gosh that was crazy but has he still not noticed this giant robot where I need to fly in front of him and see his reaction to this thing okay and I think I literally just destroyed everything let's go I'm a pro come on shark yellow Do You See Me Now oh that is a robot hello robot come on don't get close to me wait I'm gonna go hide in the shed oh what the heck there's a little convenient house right here I think Smokey's gonna try to hide inside out of it there's a bed in here and I just clicked it it explode my house oh my gosh well since the house has exploded now I'm gonna grab some more of these giant robot pounder mobs that I'm gonna place them all around the house so he'll never be able to leave it look at how many I'm spotting this is crazy there are so many robots I can't hide in this house so I think I should go somewhere else maybe I should jump off the void well hash mark you think she should jump off the void I think the server's lagging a lot right now too because of how many robots I spot this is crazy these guys are so powerful oh smirky what are you doing right now nope I'm going the other way get me out of here I every time I spawn a robot he just goes the other way oh my gosh these robots hate me bro why do they hate me this is hilarious right now look they're all ganging up on them and now for the final thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna spawn a cosmic fiend right behind smirk yet this is gonna scare him so much look at how crazy this guy is oh my gosh is is insane it's shooting fire at me I think I'm literally gonna die too I there's a second one I I kind of want to jump in the void oh I just bought a second Cosmic feed and now I'm just gonna spot a bunch of this hole with Sparky no no no no no wait there are so many Cosmic fiends in here this is so funny and I'm even gonna morph into my own Cosmic feed let's go oh this is the most monsters I've ever seen there's a giant battle in the sky Sparky is literally so scared right now but he's gonna be out of here he does not know what to do at all so I think I know how to end this misery what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go all the way out on the void put a glass block right here and literally just TP smirky right above it there we go I think I just dropped Sparky onto it look at that um Cosmic feed you teleported me onto the void I give up man let's take everything I have oh my gosh freaky doesn't even want to try to kill the other dragon now I've completely made him give up wait wait before he jumps off into the void I'm gonna morph back into cardi so I can reveal it all to him I was like Pete I'm gonna jump off in a second wait what do you mean you're gonna jump off Sparky wait what the heck carty why are you here um I just threw up my Loop but we gotta fight the things over there so Becky if you can't tell I'm literally flying right now I'm in creative mode why are you even creative because Sparky I literally have been pranking you this entire time what the heck actually yup Smokey I've been using the morph mod and I could literally turn it to anything I can turn into this cute little fox even what the heck is that this is hilarious you totally fell for it you were so scared at the end when I spun all those Cosmic fiends I was super scared Anna I don't even want to play this game anymore bye Smokey thanks everyone for watching if you want to save smirky from the void you need to subscribe so many of you guys watch all the videos but aren't subscribed so please subscribe and thank you for watching bye guys
Channel: Carty
Views: 516,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pranks, minecraft troll, minecraft prank, minecraft, carty, smirky, morph mod, morph, morph prank, op bosses, op monsters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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