Minecraft, But You Custom Shapeshift...

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hey man how you doing are you ready oh and he's the tiger in this video i made it so you shape-shift into a custom mob every minute so me and my friend have to try and beat the game whilst turning into the most random mobs and apparently a load of you guys aren't subscribed so if you enjoyed this video then please consider subscribing it is completely free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind and now just enjoy the video jacob we are literally about to shape-shift so we've got to oh i shape-shifted where's turtle jacob with turtles okay dude dude don't we hurt each other if you kept people oh god okay okay okay now what you need to do is you need to keep your first slot completely clear because you get a random item in your first slot whatever the mob is you get the special item with it wait i have spike turtle shell put it on oh it's a helmet water breathe we can breathe underwater yeah man oh i just shape shifted again what what am i what are you come here i actually don't know what you are you're adorable you look sad jacob is everything okay no it's not oh jacob we're shocked oh dude i can't fit down a one by one this is terrible what okay we can't mine jacob we need to go find a cave right now we have shark tooth arrows what do they do oh i'm guessing you need to use a bow so we can't use them oh god okay just get some wood get some wood i mean some stone what am i talking about wait we've changed again oh my wait we can fly i'm flying oh my god i can fly too and then there's a village yes okay cool cool cool and there's a room portal here thank you oh so much stuff let's go right we've got a fight where is everything we need there's a golem right here i'm gonna kill him yes oh no oh god no jacob you're an idiot i'm now this weird dinosaur thing i don't even know what i am i'm gonna kill this they're not angry at me and there's a raccoon over here i'm pretty sure that means we can turn into a raccoon at some point okay kit i'm back okay nice i'm just killing this guy i've got iron which is that oh oh god you're so ugly well if i hit you how are you doing oh dude we have 14 hearts okay we're fine this is disturbing we are wham yeah we look ridiculous right now but i'm just getting us loads of stuff we can fly again what are we jago you look ridiculous okay right we need to get food now and then we can just explore the world as much as possible okay wait do you get the food whilst i can fly i'm just going to fly around today don't do it nice okay there's some good caves and lava pool lava pool this is actually correct oh no no no no no okay i'm dead again oh i'm a bald eagle no way let's go i'm flying okay now i've got all the food we need let's find something there's a cave over this way yeah okay okay let's find a cave okay wait land before we change before we change good point okay cool i'm down oh the cave entrance is here let's see what we can get oh oh dude i have a maraca oh we're rattle snakes oh my i've become a giant bug i've got 50 hearts i've got a gun i just killed something oh it's the machine gun hold it down i'm firing oh jake i'm killing you i'm sorry i'm sorry no don't shoot me wait i'm trying i'm trying no no no no no no stop oh dude we changed back we changed what are you no we are not mega sus this is minecraft i made you a shield day one man and i'm gonna make your pickaxe as well boom thank you so much oh my no no way you're a whale we need to go to the nether come on we need to go you think we're gonna fit in the nether as a whale we're buzz again i'm holding the axe in my mouth this is perfect here we are this is where the portal is kit you're a sand tornado we need to build this thing boom boom okay we just need oh almost fell in we just need to get this one and place lava okay i need to make a bucket oh we can fly oh mosquitoes we are so ugly hey yeah nice you got this there we go boom okay i have now got a flint and steel as well we are giant bugs and we look stupid but it's fine we just go boom we got it let's go ah what oh my god we're in a bastion wait jacob are you an anteater oh god i'm making some gold armor here i have boots for you take them we've got one heart we've got one hot okay thank you can we fly we can fly at least let's scope out the area then there's a fortress the gold is in the fortress kit oh get down quick and quick oh i made it okay i'm down i'm down the gold is actually here in the fortress nice i'm here with the gold and i'm now a lobster i'm just lobstering up this gold right now i am one tasty specimen right here oh we're giant bosses now how do we even use any of this we can't use any of it we can't fly either this is so dumb i have 14 blocks of gold though which is plenty of gold oh oh we're bears hello do you go take food take food we can't move because we're so big so don't knock me into lava jacob be careful oh god we're just so wham and we're just so huge and muscular well one of us is yeah me thank you oh oh we're a monkey you're a little chimpanzee hello we just need to be so careful here just do not fall in the lava right i'm going to trap you in here i hope you don't mind there's two in a hole already right here oh okay cool i'll come up there then so we can literally get everything we need so easily because there's a fortress right there oh uh wait what are you a giant caterpillar maybe i have no idea what we are go and get trading boys get trading oh i've got 10 more gold i'll throw in as well yeah go for it oh wait pearls pearls poles oh yeah actually my team i see him okay getting another guy in there i've got one trapped over here as well so i'll keep him completely i just chucked me pulse i've got four wait so we have eight poles so far perfect i'm here buddy and you go over there get him and get him in yes got him got him oh pose i have eight as well we have 16. oh let's leave i'm done with this to the fortress to the fortress oh the fortress is right here i didn't even realize oh yeah of course we don't even need to find it oh you look are you a spider yeah dude i am oh oh i don't like it no i don't like dude if we sneak we look so creepy oh i don't like it i'm getting some anxiety right now oh i got six seconds of fire come here come here let me splash us one two three okay let's go oh god they do a lot of damage there's one nice there's another one i got it oh okay i'm a hammerhead shark you look so good okay trying to get over the side oh no oh no one hot one hot i drank it just in time oh wow oh we're parrots we can fly we can fly we can kill them from the sky yes there's got it i've got four ah i've got three run run run just go just go just go get out of here get out there's a chest here i'm gonna nab it ah wait i can get him i'm in the sky i got him i got him in the sky we need to get out of here oh what are you we can't fly we can fly i can't fly sucker how come you can fly the portal's right here the portal's right here come on okay i'm coming wait can we fit oh my are you kidding me your shield is spinning are you a helicopter you're a slime ball you look so dumb okay i'm gonna make some eye vendors so we can actually get going now okay i'm throwing one i'm holding it it's spinning around boom it goes this way okay this way hopefully we get a flying mob again because that is what we need right now oh that is exactly what we need you are so ugly once again no you look cute look at the way you run let's just go you are a weirdo they look so dumb i love this mod oh we're now some sort of fox i think did someone say fondy did someone say fondy no no no no two foxes in a boat follow me we are straight foxes jago oh let's go oh what we're here oh we can fly of course we can fly now away we go my friend yes we are toucans we look so good there is a shipwreck down here this is oh i'm gonna go in i have to i've just changed to one heart i am a bug wait here we are oh dimensional carver and tnt okay i'm taking both of these i'm gonna drown no no no no no no no no no no okay that was close that was close we can fly now let's go you said you found a dimensional carver i'm gonna be honest okay i don't think that's standard minecraft um jago i want to test something here look oh my ah what is that oh it just teleports me through somewhere around him wait i went through be careful because i don't know where it takes us let's go back through go back through quick okay let's just find this thing this is a bad idea there's a beluga whale and we're birds okay yeah nice nice is perfect hello my friend hello friend look at him just swim in there i'm gonna go in here grab this oh dude the gun we got i just got another one you got another one oh we can fly again we can fly it doesn't matter i'm throwing another one right now boom it's still going the same way we're going dude it turned around okay oh it did okay nice we're going down here come on come on i'm just digging straight down this might be a bad idea i just realized we may have gone straight past it i'm a dummy oh no we did find it okay we're good and i found the library here we are oh good oh an infinity book oh i found it okay nice we can actually smelt up our iron now okay i'm coming i'm coming right now i've won eye vendor i'm gonna do my part okay nice there's there was a three i so there's loads already boom there's our portal oh okay you're an ugly bird if you place down a crafting table i can make this infinity book now i have six arrows so we'll have enough perfect i've got 63 so i'll just give you all of them except for one boom infinity we got it i'll keep one arrow there you are all right jacob i'm ready we are anteaters we are beautiful and we're going oh right like that okay nice i'm through oh we're sandstorms now oh be careful be so careful come on bertha let's do this i have got unlimited arrows you're done doesn't matter if i'm a random swirl of sand or a fox okay i'm going up i'm going up oh yes okay i made it just wait until we're a bird and then we can shoot them out the sky oh that's genius okay i'll do that next time oh that hurt okay it's fine now i can get a load from up here you have to tell me if we become a bird because i'm just getting all these things right now got it is that all of them i hope so oh yes we became the best mob in the game shooter with the blasting gun come on please go quick yes come on go go go go go just completely use up the gun oh this hurts i'm gonna die oh wait what if we fall out the sky oh dude get down get down don't fall don't fall oh my i miss the muscle and i'm a deer i'm on one and a half hearts she perching this to perch i've got tnt remember i'm staying up i'm just gonna shoot her yeah keep doing it keep doing it i've got tnt i'm gonna place it go for the headshot go for the headshot i don't know if i can i can't steer boom that's tnt go go go come on oh that did so much ah oh my goodness i'm the big beluga whale again there's lots of more shots come on yes we got this come on come on come on oh oh no i'm on one heart again this is bad she's perching i'm gonna place the tnt okay i'm staying underneath this is so dangerous because i have little to no health what okay i got it i got it oh running running running go go go we've got this yes that's a good chunk of damage we've got our jager she's almost done oh this is it come on this is surely it this is it you're gone bertha come on that's it yes we got this subscribe
Channel: Wisp
Views: 1,172,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, wispexe, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, hacks, op items, custom, custom item, there are custom, shapeshift, shapeshifter, custom shapeshift, shapeshift every minute, every minute, minecraft but you shapeshift every minute
Id: SoOgcJuswMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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