Minecraft Potion Randomizer...

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the minecraft potion randomizer in this video me and my friend are going to be trying to beat minecraft however every 10 seconds we get a completely random potion effect this could be something really good like regen 2 or something terrible like poison 2. the question is whether we can beat the game before we lose our minds can we do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed to the channel so if that's the case and you're not subscribed then please be sure to subscribe because it really does help me out it's free and you can always unsubscribe if you change your mind all right enjoy the video now as it's christmas i just quickly wanted to say thank you guys so much and let you know that i'm doing a little giveaway to say thank you i'm going to be giving away 100 to 5 different people over on my instagram all you have to do is follow me on instagram and look at my latest post and follow the instructions there it's just it's free money so definitely be sure to follow me on instagram and now we can actually get into the video jago are you ready to just do it i'm just gonna copy and paste it right now you ready let's do three two one go right we've spawned in a really good place strength two check it out oh no i actually might die because i was half health no no no no no no why is this this shouldn't be an effect no no that's what it was no i got poisoned where you where you at where you at oh yeah i can't even like track you it's not like a manhunt is it no this is so strange i have glowing what does that mean oh you can see me where am i quick look around i can't see you what the heck i'm oh okay it's gone anyway um i see you i see i see you i see i see i've got weakness oh that's great this is gonna be i'm just thinking when we're low we're going to get the worst disadvantages ever hey i got hate look at me quick look at me look at me look at me look at me i can't see you oh you're in this what the heck sorry i get some more words get me some um can you get me some stone and stuff yeah yeah sure we'll get some basic tools this is i didn't even know some of these like effects existed no i know i've got speed yes we're gonna complete this so quickly with a two what what i didn't know there's a wither two you're not gonna die dude it takes you down five hearts with a two okay that's dangerous sensible we need to be like sensible wait can we get like fire resistance is one of the effects when we're in the nether we can yeah we can no i go with it too again please don't kill me please come here don't kill me don't don't kill me please please please no don't don't no you're not gonna oh my i got regen too oh mate it's perfect are you kidding me take that 15 planks arches mate poison are you kidding me oh wait i got speed i want to run around okay are you a five-year-old what i'm just adhd all right i'm dead i'm dead okay wait don't pick up my stuff i'm coming back oh but i want it no no no no it's mine speed let's go oh you're glowing jago i have i've oh yeah i've got glow oh i've been with it i've been with it okay okay let's stick together let's just get a load of food now yeah and my worry is we're gonna get separated and one of us will die oh oh my goodness dude what if we get that in the nether or the end what do we do we have to have hay bales it's the only way yeah okay hay bales and water buckets right let's see what we can find there's gotta be a village or something we'll find we'll find again we're not against the clock are we no i'm not you're not chasing me and hunting me down for once oh i got fires oh my i'm on drugs i'm on drugs right now what's happening i hate this oh oh my that's so slow falling this is so weird oh village acacia village oh yes okay all right just to the right no jaco what are you good i'm in the sky okay look it's fine okay that's so good it's all good and now slow falling that's actually so helpful oh that was very very well complimented totally didn't try and sabotage you there was good water i heard you oh i got absorption just extra hearts perfect oh so you can take the hair all right i'm gonna head up to this village make sure you get all these like all this food and whatnot yeah yeah i am no i'm gonna die no you're not yeah i am wait let me right click your bed quickly please no no no please weather don't do it no don't do it one hot i'm fine and i'm on drugs again oh i've got a brewing stand wait is a potion randomizer oh yeah it would just get rid of two points i'm by the watermelon yeah i got withered and poisoned too i'm dead i'm saying that okay no oh there's a water bucket in the chest are you kidding i'm dead i wouldn't okay i sat my spawner no i i responded right off mate a second later nice get the i got one hay bale oh i'll have loads in a second it's all good should i kill this big boy uh i have regen let me do it now let me do it i don't know now i can hit him right and he won't hit me be careful though always got poisoned yeah don't jacob fine don't worry about it this is such a terrible idea i'm fine you worry too much nice there you go thank you how much five yes oh jacob take these there's a let's use the same thank you thank you let's use the same bed for our spawn and then take the rest okay yeah fine uh which one did you say your spawn asked uh the next one over there poison two ouch oh wow that hurts make sure i spawn set yeah okay i'm just gonna start destroying these i think i'm gonna need a lot of building blocks levitation are you kidding me oh my goodness i'm so lucky i was underneath the oh this village is huge again just remember to keep healing up because otherwise we're just gonna die to some stupid weather oh my i gotta weather right after i said that other two yeah what's that do you want do you have a bucket no no make a bucket and keep it yourself i'll do it no uh okay yeah two shields and then we'll do flint and steel oh i just got points again i'm dead no it only takes you to half a heart you're fine oh of course i like getting these simple easy ones that just make it easier to win the game like speed i think we should get more of you yeah okay this is ridiculous i can't keep okay yeah let's let's just find something now let's go find there's a cave over here oh no there's one right here there's one right here do you want to get the gravel oh i got poisoned i got so scared right now holy smokes regen baby that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about okay look there's a there's a i've got quite a lot of vine i've got 13 so far this is this is so stressful just always taking damage from something honestly this game is just insinuating that i do drugs all the time i don't like it no stop doing that sorry okay okay rng sucks right now i'm getting no i just got one flint from about 50. oh slowness two that's really annoying oh an enemy oh i've got invisibility i'm gonna do it wait can he not hit you if you're no none the mobs can see me quick it's only to last like two months come on come on i got it i've got another pole yes guys let's go oh and levitation in the cave thank goodness i'm making the front steel right now it's just flying oh there's a mine shaft here you literally dug one block away from it oh dude i heard stuff and i thought there would be one there i'm using this oh yeah i guess straight minecraft manhunt but you have infinite random potion effects in today's video that's me i'm getting a little bit lost in this cave but i don't really care i got fire resistance yes okay so you can't get it i've got us plenty of iron we're going to have feline each all right here we come right oh no it's okay oh gold yes okay we need that night vision that was could not have been better timed i'll be honest okay this is a huge cave so if you just come to me oh okay i found a lava pool so we're gonna be able to go to the nether here and i've got fire resistance yeah oh and i'm levitating diamonds what the heck already that was so lucky what they were just behind okay how many how many how many dude a lot oh no get back get back get back get back get back back i've got 10 golds we're both going to have enough for our gold pieces this is good this is going well you're right here right here turn to your left ouch with it no no please i can't die now i can't there we are hello buddy come on in um jake should we just go through to another i can't bother to get a chance okay we're done diamonds more times more oh shoot what let's have a look at these bad boys i don't know how many but oh levitation are you kidding me at least oh no i can mine them are you why am i why oh we got so many big vein big vein let me down no i just got levitation twice in a row what if this happens in the nether what do we do don't worry about it ouch did you just miss yeah i don't even know how just shut up let's go okay hey val's up there already let's go good sport bad spawn oh yeah good spawn because we can't float away perfect perfect perfect oh wait no no no no dude we're being done we're being dumb that's our spawns oh my oh my goodness okay place the bed down i'm i'm almost there no oh my if i got this in the nether be careful when you're jump sprinting as well because if you're jumping are you kidding me where are you oh my god how often is this going to happen one point ouch let's go embarrassing let's go whoa i'm on drugs and i'm going through the portal that was so weird okay oh promising no not promising it's a dry bone poison two no bad time bad time no no this is what you get this is where you get the massive fortresses the really good ones okay strength two where's the dragon come at me remind me of the last four things i've got i've got poison two three times oh no levitation limitation oh no are you good are you good oh no i've just gone up to another layer oh yeah i'm fine nice than ever okay i'll wait for you yes i'm here i see you hello yeah do you see it over here on the right yeah yeah i see i see it all right station two level two oh jake should be all right oh yeah i'm fine i'm fine i'm on half a heart uh oh my god the sky is flashing this guy is flashing no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please please please thank you there's a thing to your neck oh because i was i was on two hearts holy smokes i've got fire resistance quick i'll bridge you over oh no never mind oh i i have a slow falling slow falling this is perfect oh my goodness okay i've made i've made a little thing for us we're good to go over the two shoot with us as well oh this sucks i'm nearly out of food as well at the rate we're going okay yeah we've got to do this quick get him get him get him got him oh yeah blade spawner up here oh yeah right through the the fooling lava oh it's gonna be so easy we okay we no more jump sprinting i think as well no more yeah i think you're right i've got nine cooked pork chops and 25 bread and that is it wait what we should have made milk oh yeah there's no chance we should have got cows fire resistance come on spawn please blazer spawn now no oh never mind this game is actually insinuating that i do drugs all the time okay absorption so we have five blaze rods now oh two more here all right let me get them you got the left one oh we switched what the heck i'm oh we're done we're done we're done we're done let's go let's go well i'm levitating oh and i've been withered oh dude i might die i might die i might die right quickly okay and with a two now great no i am actually i this might be it no no three hearts i'm gonna eat i'm gonna eat i'm wasting time come on come on come on come on come on okay i think i'm okay oh my goodness okay dude what do we do i actually feel like a bastion would be quite a safe place to be yeah yeah let's find a bastion because it's like enclosed where are we going okay where are we going what are we doing what's up i don't know oh my goodness i gotta hide i gotta hide you're inverse you're fine or maybe they can see you what's that just trust me just trust me just trust me run i've got poison too no no no no i remember the way i don't care as long as your stuff doesn't burn your stuff isn't burning it's all good holy smokes i'm gonna make a chest and just put your stuff in the chest it was east right oh there's mobs everywhere i'm poisoned too i'm gonna die again please no not like this don't let it end like that okay i've got all your stuff you're good you're good you're good don't do this not like this no i got withered and i got poisoned and then i got shot by a skeleton creeper by the pads creep up by them the bed's gone the beds got destroyed okay i can't oh my are you kidding me it's fine there's nothing you can do jacob i'm just going to take your important stuff okay and i'm just going to come to you that is all we can do realistically i've just got to try and get your stuff to you i'm just going to i'm just going to hang out with uh poison 2. oh my god okay you know there's another fortress right next to him i don't care i got to focus right now give me one second oh my god jiggle your chords i have no idea how to get to you run west i'm gonna die no no no no no no no no could you put the spawn back it was there yeah you put it back in the exact same place jago oh my goodness okay we have to go now oh my goodness we are doomed let's do this okay i think i can make it i think i can make it i don't even know how i died because i slay yeah fighting a wither skeleton of course okay i'm probably gonna die but you can get our stuff right i think i can yeah it's gonna be hard i need i'm poison two are you kidding me are you kidding me this is it i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm half i'm gonna be half heart i'm going go go go go go i can't make this jump can i i have no no i don't dang it okay okay i'm going i'm going i've got i can make it where did where did you die where did you die oh and oh no i'm dead i just got with her too i'm doomed i'm doomed jacob this isn't working this this is not the um i mean this is this is harder than i thought strength too i'm just going to punch him to death okay i'm actually gonna be there oh what okay no are you kidding me poison okay i'm coming back oh i see experience on the floor yes that's it yeah it's here it's here i don't see it where is it i pick no is it not in there no it's decent this is obscene i'm not sure if i can do this again are you kidding me i think we just suck there's just there's only one way to end it all
Channel: Wisp
Views: 2,686,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but, minecraft death swap, minecraft speedrunner, speedrunner vs, speedrunner vs hunter, hunter, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc but, minecraft but challenge, wisp, wispexe, hypixel, challenge, minecraft challenge, vs, netherite, potion, randomizer, random items, potion randomizer, minecraft potion randomizer
Id: ZHZXMc4Nbso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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