Minecraft But The World Progressively Updates...

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minecraft but the world progressively updates i start in the first ever version of minecraft and as each new day goes by the game updates until we reach 1.18 are we able to survive our way through all 20 versions of minecraft and beat the new 1.18 enter dragon watch to find out alright guys and we're in and oh there's a tree on fire uh i don't have hunger bars and i can't sprint so yeah this is minecraft beta so this is this is the version of minecraft i started playing on back in i think 2010 and uh i think what we're gonna do right now is just grab some wood and then start exploring for some of you this might be a trip down memory lane but uh for a lot of you guys you've probably never seen this version of minecraft and wow this forest fire is spreading really quickly i need to get out of here there we go okay what can we uh walk oh oh there's no crafting shortcuts you you have to click every time this is so slow okay let's uh let's see what tools we can do at least can we make a can i make a pickaxe okay yeah so we still got pickaxes and all that oh i see a sheep over here maybe i can uh can i get oh oh so he literally just dropped wait can you not kill the sheep are you oh yeah there's no there's no crips yeah so he didn't give me any food oh yeah so pigs are the only things that give you food so let me uh there we go wait but what happens if you oh it just disappears oh wait no i think it heals you if i jump and i take some it's been a long time since i've heard that noise let me if i eat this oh yeah it literally just insta heals you okay wait and now i have three wool i want to see what happens can i can i make a bed is that a thing no you can't okay so i think for this version i'm gonna cut myself some slack and update the version but uh from uh once beds are introduced to the game every time we sleep is when the world updates all right we're now in minecraft 1.0 this was the uh this was the adventure update so we've got some new mobs uh some new structures we can add enchants and as you can see as well we now have hunger bars okay come here piggies oh my god so much knockback well this is nuts what i think i'm gonna try and do as well is grab a furnace and i i can start cooking up my food because i realize hunger's actually quite a important thing right now because you can die from hunger okay so we have some food let's grab all of this and get out of here before it turns night i'm pretty sure in this version as well the stronghold has now been added so technically we could go to the end i mean we've got a lot of work ahead of us before we get there and already it's turning tonight and i'm pretty sure now i can make a bed should we test we go one two three one two three boom we can make a bed so let's sleep and go to the next version okay we're now minecraft version 1.1 i i don't think anything's really changed here although there's lots of chickens lots of food to get so let's grab some more food as food is still a pretty big issue right now all right we have some more food now and our hunt for a cave continues i'm thinking if i don't find a cave in a minute though i'm just going to break minecraft's number one rule just dig down do i dig down i'm gonna do it i'm gonna what's genuinely what's the worst that could happen right i can hear a zombie i can definitely hear a zombie oh okay we're in the cave okay we need to be very very careful now okay okay here's the zombie oh there's two of them there's another oh that's quite a lot let's uh let's keep getting the torches down okay i think we're good can we see any iron now that's the question we need to we need to have a look oh did i just hear an enderman oh no but i found i wait no there oh there's an enderman should we go for it this might be dangerous oh god is he angry at us okay i think the enderman's gone but let's grab this iron that's sitting here like so so kindly for us and just like that it's becoming night so i'm gonna eat a bit more food throw down my bed oh any second now there we go we can sleep now and off to the next version all right guys we're now minecraft version 1.2 and this is the update that i think brought us jungles and iron golems so i mean if we can find one of them that would be uh that'd be pretty exciting so some new mobs have been added to the game it looks like where where is the skeleton is he underneath me what they're up there too oh no i'm running oh my god okay are we good are we good okay i think we're good i mean i guess it worked out because i've found some more iron now i just i need to keep my eyes open we've got a bit more iron let's start smelting it up now and hopefully try and get some armor and ten boom okay so i'm pretty sure armor is part of this um bit of minecraft let's yes okay we can make a chess play okay we have armor bars i feel somewhat safe now let's cook up a bit more food throw down the bed and then jump into the next version all right guys we're now in 1.3 and oh great the creepers still there nice but this version is pretty cool because it added i'm pretty sure temples added villager villager trading oh and look over here that looks like that looks like a jungle and i'm pretty sure when they added temples they added jungle temples at the same time oh they're slow swimming oh no this is painful okay well it's night time already so i think let's jump up a version and then we'll uh we'll explore this jungle and hopefully find a jungle temple okay it's a new day and we're in minecraft 1.4 and i'm pretty sure this is when they added the wither to the game but i mean i'm going to be honest i don't want to spawn the weather all right so let's just search through this jungle and hopefully we can find ourselves a temple which would be pretty cool to explore oh wait is that yes that's one okay good we found one we found one okay let's uh oh new mobs as well i guess hello guys i'm not sure if this is the official entrance but uh i'm calling it my entrance now i need to be very very careful uh there's levers okay i'm pretty sure if i just mine through here i get to the chest no yeah here we go what's in the chest two gold and uh honestly i'm going to take the wrong flesh for food anyway is that it okay now if we come around the corner uh ah there's the straight ah pretty cool the red stone all right what we got some more iron and some bones we can use them to tame uh tame wolves and whatnot can't we all right now we're out i genuinely think the best thing to do is try and find a village eventually we will find one so i'm just going to run for a while and we'll cut to hopefully me finding a village oh hold on this isn't uh this isn't a village but there is a lava pool and it makes me think should we go to the nether i might i might try it i'm hoping i can do my speeder on a portal like i'd like i normally do in videos i don't know if it's gonna behave the same though so far so good and hopefully if i place this here nice oh no something's gone wrong no no no no no no slight slight problem okay so it's it doesn't quite work how i would have liked i'm hoping maybe there's still enough lava do what are you pushing me through you're going to the fire go on burn burn that's right that's what you get i think i've done it now i think i've figured it out and we go like that has that worked i mean this looks complete to me and there we go we got our flynn all right let's uh quickly make a flint and steal and i'm hoping this works and you know right now it's night time so i think we're going to sleep go to the next version and then jump into the nether okay we are now in minecraft 1.5 this is the big redstone update although i'm going to be honest i'm uh i'm not that interested in using redstone at the moment what i am interested in is jumping into the nether oh i'm no oh oh wait what a spawn and this is disgusting this is horrible this is vile dude what well i mean i definitely need to go into a fortress can i get wait can i get blaze rods now maybe we can just get all our blaze rods now oh with a skeleton because it's the old pvp i can click really quick and hopefully he just won't touch me there we go i need to be very careful right now that i don't uh i don't die oh i hear some fire is this okay this is blazers hold on i want to be careful i need a wall to run back to you just in case here we go let's go oh and he's already doing damage i'm on fire okay i'm already on fire let's break this again come on did i get one oh no wait oh wait i did i've got two oh did i not even see them drop okay you know what two's enough we're gonna remember where this is we're gonna head back to the overworld okay safe and sound in the overworld and the food is done so we'll grab them and we'll uh we'll head to sleep and jump into the next minecraft version okay guys we're now in 1.6 and i believe the only difference here is they added uh horses i think right now i'm just gonna go to a cave and find some more iron and hopefully find some diamonds too oh i think i just yep i hear mobs okay all right guys oh okay looks like there's a cave here i decided digging down was probably the best approach because i mean i couldn't find a cave wait there's cop wait am i in a mine shaft i actually i am oh this is awesome oh there's a chest four iron some coal and gold nice looks like there's a pretty cool ravine here i'm tempted to jump in you know what let's just jump in oh i see gold as well we're one step closer to our notch apple all right guys it's come to that point we're strip mining i need to find diamonds come on oh oh wait diamonds wait how many one oh my god finally i you guys have no idea how long i've been searching for okay four i am i think we're ready to head back to the surface and smelt up let's go all right well and i'm gonna be honest it looks like night time so i think what i'm gonna do is just put my bed down we're gonna sleep and jump into the next version all right guys we're now in 1.7 the update that changed the world and this is a really cool one because i'm pretty sure we get achievements now if i yep i open my inventory that's pretty sick oh my that's a village that's a village and wait is that that's a blacksmith as well okay let's see what's in here come on please be something good i will take it a bit of iron a night i already have a helmet that's a temple as well okay wait hold on let's uh let's check out this desert temple all right we're in let's uh let's go through here let's uh i'm gonna heal up and let's make sure we don't screw up the wait it's wool oh that's weird what do we have gold nice sad already have one of them and more iron more gold nice and now let's grab the tnt there we go all nine sweet let's get out of here at this point guys i'm thinking of just making a temporary base whilst i wait for it to turn night because i mean the next update we can literally enchant with lapis oh and you know what never mind it's becoming nighttime so i think i'm gonna grab my stuff well i will head to sleep and we'll jump into the next version all right we're now in 1.8 which means we can uh we can start enchanting so i mean well i mean i can't i need to finish melting but i'm going to finish smelting and then we're going to go find some uh some diamonds oh i see some lava around here maybe the oh diamonds okay good oh and quite a lot as well one diamond two diamonds three diamonds come on four diamonds i think that's it right okay wait so that's it we can do an enchant table now obsidian book two diamonds oh let's go we have our enchant table so let's throw this in what are we getting on here let's just do that sharpness one nice let's take off our armor as well uh protection one nice protection one nice now the leggings protection one look at me i look so good let's kill that spider as well oh more lava maybe oh yeah more diamonds okay let's start mining one two okay three anymore okay no fourth but you know what three is enough and at this point it must be night time where did i put my here's my bed surely it's night right yep perfect all right let's sleep and jump to the next version all right guys we're in 1.9 now this is the combat update and honestly my favorite because now i'm pretty sure we can make a shield so if i go like that boom we have a shield and we can put it in our offhand and now we are safe and look they recharge now we're back at the portal we can go through and get the rest of the blaze rods we need because we need to start thinking about getting to the end because also electrodes and n cities have been added to the game now so uh potentially we could check them out okay we're back through ins and yeah it's still the disgusting old never and yep i think it's just around the corner yeah i remember this so let's oh god okay okay it's fine i have a shield now i have a shield so it's okay there we go all right let's keep going until we have at least eight and i think yep that's eight all right but i think we're good with the nether because there's no bastions right now so i think we're just gonna head out and uh head back to the overworld all right safely back at the portal let's jump through oh and it looks like night time which is perfect so we can throw our bed down and jump into the next version all right guys we're now on the frost burn up oh and yep i remember frostburn adds auto-jump so let me turn that off pretty quickly and um not too much happened in this update polar bears were added but um the next update is pretty sick wait another blacksmith okay i mean there can't be two oh wait this is bugged oh my god but diamonds six obsidian what oh i should have saved my diamonds from early i could have made a chess play and i think it's time to jump into the next version really so we'll throw our bed down and i'll see you guys in the next one alright guys it's daytime again and this is now the exploration update for 1.11 which means woodland mansions and more specifically totems and it looks like it's about to become night so wait is that another village god the other one's only a few hundred blocks back this is pretty cool but anyway i think we're just gonna go to sleep now and jump into the next versions let's sleep i'll see you in the next one okay whoa whoa whoa whoa that's a lot of achievements all at once i'm guessing they are they added some more but uh yeah this is the world of color update so they've uh they've added what they added colored beds they're different color beds and and parrots i think i i did a bit of googling in between these versions and yeah wooden mansions are like impossible to find but i really want to i really want to explore one for the sake of the video so what i'm going to do is i'm going to open to lan and we're going to enable cheats and we're going to locate one and teleport ourselves there all right yeah now you can see that's 12 000 blocks out that is ridiculous there we go all right let's uh let's heal up we're at the mansion now um if i just oh god he's right there okay he's the one he's not attacking me is he he's the one who gives uh the totem so let's do it let's drop in and get him let's do it quick quick quick oh they're all angry oh they're all angry oh no that's a lot of damage holy moly are we good we good for a second let's get these boys okay let's go back let's go back oh it's what no no oh god what are they phantoms or pixies i don't know what they are wait did i kill him the totem yes oh what do i drop seeds okay one is enough let's get out of here let's get out of here let's get out of here oh my god they're chasing me okay quick quick quick okay i have a totem now but i mean considering we had to you know cheat to get that i think it's only fair that i sacrifice my four diamonds i think that's a fair trade considering i haven't had many diamonds i mean if you guys don't think that's fair let me know in the comments uh your opinion anyway let's uh let's throw the bed down and i'll see you in the next version all right looks like we're in 1.13 now which is the aquatic update so if we find an ocean potentially there should be diamonds although we might need to travel to a chunk we haven't been in we're at body of ocean i mean wait do i have the new swimming yet oh wait i thought it was a fish that's a dolphin wait do i have dolphins grace now oh dude that's nuts let's go oh my lost dolphins grace oh i did okay well it was nice while it lasted let's get to 1.16 as quick as possible and then find a bastion and trade some ender pearls honestly well i'm gonna be honest it's not a village but it is night time so i think it's time just to jump into the next version all right guys we're now on the village and pillage updates so in this one we get some new villages like all the biomes now so we get like the acacia village and all that stuff dude hold on look at this this definitely doesn't look natural okay so from jumping from minecraft version to minecraft version the uh the walls do bug out a little bit and this is clearly just one example of generating differently that's a that's quite funny i think i might head over the top and yeah see if we can find a lava pool or a village oh and i see a village nice okay uh wait is that there are hay bales oh and wait is this it is okay so we're gonna make our portal to the nether here i think yeah okay let's do that but first let's explore this uh this village okay hay bales for days i'm gonna be i was getting a bit nervous about food but now i can chop i can chuck that out and okay so we've got a chunk of hay bale now and yep the sun is setting so i think i'm gonna run into one of the houses i'm gonna use their bed why not what's theirs is mine and uh in a second once it lets us we'll uh we'll jump into bed and there we go all right time to jump to 1.15 all right guys we're now in 1.15 the buzzy bees update and this update i mean from the name you can kind of tell and that's bees these are pretty fun they're pretty cute gonna be honest adds nothing to me so what i'm probably gonna do now is i'm gonna go make my uh portal to the nether now and just kind of scope out the area see where we are and then uh interesting to see how that changes once once we're in 1.16 we get to add bastions and uh piglon brutes my favorite all right let's jump through okay we are in i mean it's kind of weird it never looks normal but it's just weird knowing there's no bastions here honestly i think i'm good i think what i'm going to do is just head back and make sure i've got everything i need i'm gonna get a bow and i'm gonna get enchanted up ready for 1.16 and it's finally dark outside so let me jump in my bed and we'll see you in the next version all right and we're in and oh hello mate oh was there a chest here before well well there is now but we are we are in 1.16 now the nether update and this means bastions ruined portals piglens piglet brutes all of it so our portal's still here i think let's jump through come on okay so it looks the same as when we went through before so i think let's just uh let's just go running for a bit and eventually we'll find a bastion oh and i don't recognize this from uh previous versions this is definitely part of the new nether update and we got the hoglands as well they're they're not ah yeah they're not they're not very happy oh what if oh let's tell them oh no no no no no no okay we're running we're running we're running oh wait no that's sebastian right there oh are they oh my god they're actually following me still oh i already see one of the gold block i know what type of bastion this is i think the gold should be up and at the back ah it's up here there we go let's start mining quickly all right let's uh we've got some gold in our hand now and now buddy gold come up in the in the hole go go go yes okay we've got him in and in he goes nice all right i'm gonna leave them to trade for a bit let's uh what do we have oh i see pearls in there and more arrows so how many ender pearls do we have no don't want to take the gold okay four pearls or eight okay eight never mind there was some more let's jump out and just let them finish trading all right i think we're good um are they still trading oh there's more pearls in there though oh at least wait there's more than eight i have 18 po wow okay dude yeah i think we're good this is it it's time to dip i see the portal just there this is perfect let's uh jump our way down and the next version's 1.17 which means we're one away from 1.18 and all the cool lush caves boom and it's night time couldn't be better timing let's sleep and jump into the next version alright guys this is 1.17 now the caves and cliffs update which i mean this is really cool because we get what axolotls we get glow squids we get the new oars i mean at this point we've got our eyes we've got our blaze rods let's just do boom boom let's get 16 eyes because i mean we got so many to spare and i think it's time to find the stronghold it is this way let's go it looks like there's a temple i mean let me see i mean we're still going this way so i may as well check it out oh okay i'll take the diamonds they'll take the string this would be really cool if i hadn't just traded a load of arrows but it's it's fine i mean infinity's still sick i'll probably use it all right let's grab the tnt though because we can we can use the tnt on the dragon and that'll be quite funny all right let's get out of here all right it is getting dark now so oh wait it literally just turned around okay okay you know what i'm gonna sleep right here and then we're gonna jump into the final version minecraft 1.18 and hopefully bump into any like lush caves on the way down because that'd be pretty cool all right guys this is it caves and cliffs part two 1.18 i'm gonna be honest this is my first time ever playing 1.18 uh there's so much cool stuff but let's just uh okay let's back this way a little bit i'm just going to pick a point to dig down because honestly i kind of want to check out this uh some of these new caves okay uh i guess it's right here let's just have a quick explore see if i don't know if this chunk will be new in fact no let's just keep digging down i just wanna i want to see how deep we can go oh wait hold on this is so ah oh my god that was close okay okay this is so cool so i'm guessing this is one of the lush caves maybe whoa yo this is actually so cool i mean i'm not saying anything useful now so i think at this point i need to stop marking about let's just get back to the stronghold and beat the dragon oh it's there okay nice oh let me break the spawner quick quick quick quick quick quick let's throw the eyes in and there's already oh there's already two in well luckily we've got about a trillion all right let's throw down our bed set our spawn are we ready let's go okay we're in let's build up let's build up let's do this where are these towers at come on let's purl up boom let's get them all now really quickly oh god oh no i'm one half are there any more left i think oh yeah there's a few more there's a few more there's another got it is that all of them i think we're good i think we're good this is it wait tnt i'm gonna use the tnt to do as much damage as possible yep this is a perch come on oh so much damage ah what oh my god this is horrible run run run run run run oh oh that is a lot wait she's still there queenie let me get some headshots come on come on bang oh so much damage oh she's perching again okay let me go on the back around the back come on headshots only headshots only headshots only get a smack oh no i'm too close she's still there where's the head where's the head come on come on come on no she's so close come on oh this is it the final perch i'm purling in now this is it we've got to finish it with the tnt and smack this is it here we go she's not dead what come on yes oh my god surprise
Channel: Jagster
Views: 267,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but, mrjagsters, jagster, challenge, minecraft challenge, speedrun, speedrunner, wisp, jago, beating minecraft, dream, dream minecraft, minecraft but there are custom, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, surviving 100 days, minecraft but challenge, sb737, minecraft update, hardcore minecraft, cave update, new cave update, alpha, minecraft alpha, minecraft first version, silver, minecraft but the world updates, minecraft snapshot, minecraft 1.18, 1.18, version
Id: lkJs-8w1m5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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