Minecraft, But Structures Are Custom...

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what happens when you can transform any structure in the game to go from completely normal to absolutely gigantic let's go and find out first my goal is to mix together as many structures as i can to form superstructures where i can even combine that temple in a village into a village temple what second i have subscribed and explores special megastructures where the loot is so good that you won't want to miss what's deep inside and last but not least i have to find the ultimate netherride structure and use its loot to help me defeat the final structure boss can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 3 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video all right so uh this is going to be a little big curse but when we open up this chest yeah okay i was kind of expecting that but at the same time i was not really ready for it and just like that guys we're gonna be getting a village out of a village and when we right click this village we get another village okay welcome guys to minecraft but we can pretty much transform any structure and also get some pretty crazy structures uh and i actually am gonna need another village so let me try to find another village again that that's a weird sentence oh okay another chest and oh there we go guys again just like that we're gonna be getting another village i'm not gonna use it just yet because we have a temple over there so uh we're gonna go down and i'm gonna give you guys a fair warning i was told that this video is just gonna get weirder and weirder so before we do anything i don't wanna unexpectedly blow up the tnt so let's grab the tnt just in case we need it for later and once we open this chest we're gonna be getting a literal desert temple appearing inside of it one golden apple some sand we don't need some string and then another desert temple literally every single chest is gonna have a desert temple so we're now collecting these like they're infinity stones i mean call me the thanos some desert temples there we go that that's the comment for the day go ahead if you made this from the video four dozen temples are cursed bunny and change the book no no no not about that and there's just so much more to this challenge guys because these are just the normal structures and once we get done with the normal structures we're gonna be getting to the very custom one so why not let's go through one more desert temple see what this one has since we kind of just placed it down does that have any lore no it's literally just a normal desert temple with like stone over the chest which has ron flush infinity one book okay yeah sure why not i'll gladly take that some more string rotten flesh wow these are amazing chests and one golden apple on the bright side we did get 15 gold which actually leads me to make our next item that we need to make and that's gonna be eight gold ingots surrounding one crafting table and just like that guys we're gonna be getting a literal structure table so now that we've made it this far into the structures which uh which isn't really very far we have so many things to do today it's time to introduce you guys to a structural table and also an opm anvils with this super anvil i'm gonna be able to do really cursed stuff like put one desert temple and then one village and just like that oh no it costs levels we're gonna be getting a oh my gosh it's so cursed it doesn't even have a name but a desert temple village thing yeah i mean we need literally one more level so we can't place it down just yet so i guess we'll be doing that later but on the bright side for now we can go ahead and actually make one thing which is gonna require us to use two gold ingots one golden sword one more sandstone and oh my gosh okay i didn't expect that one a pharaoh's tomb okay these things are getting crazier and crazier also this thing is so hd oh and i also have three diamonds i guess i'll make it down pickaxe why not let me diamond pickaxe i did not even realize i had that right away and just like that the challenge has got a lot more crazy hopefully there's not anything to op inside the structures to but if there is then i'm kind of screwed but you know what we're going for it let me go all the way back up all right here we go pharaoh's tomb all right so how do i place this down do i just throw it oh okay well that just happened all right just like that we got a literal pharaoh's tomb just right in front of me i don't know what to expect inside there's some buttons right there and uh so where's the loot at that's the main thing i kind of want okay is there something down here oh there is okay so it's kind of like a normal desert temple but straight up just upgraded interesting this is a really cool challenge so far i'm liking this a lot okay grab the tnt and oh my gosh okay well not apple sure why not i might use this in crafting later a literal gold block and a lot of gold okay so whatever pharaoh was in here was definitely very rich with a lot of gold oh my goodness okay this is gonna be enough gold to last us the rest of the challenge though it kind of gets scared when i get a lot of good stuff because the better stuff i get the harder the challenge gets later on so this is not really a good sign because i have no armor right now and i'm gonna look around real quick and see if i can find any other chests it looks like it was only that room and that's it so that was pretty much our first custom structure and it's becoming nighttime already and i don't have two levels yet so i think i'm gonna have to go mining real quick all right it's becoming nighttime i need to get some more levels and honestly nothing better than getting a skeleton and maybe we can get two levels and just like that two levels not bad all right op amp now let's get to the next best thing which is gonna be one desert temple one village and then we get the weird name thing but i'm pretty sure it's a desert temple village which is kind of cursed but nothing is too close to the next tutorial video so actually before we get to this there's actually something we can make wait what the heck is wrong with this crafting table okay anyways there's actually something we can make and that is gonna be what is that monster's domain that looks like kind of like a slim jim i don't know if you guys know what a slim jim is and holy that thing is big okay we're gonna be placing that down i guess very soon but i don't really have any armor yet i guess i can make some gold armor yeah why not gold armor it is and do we either do the monster's domain or the the desert temple village thing i'm not sure i think a better answer is why not both so uh i guess i'll play some of the monsters domain real quick all right here we go oh my gosh and okay that's huge um literally instantly spawned and i'm gonna break whatever this is and i'm pretty sure this is from like rl craft and it gets harder and harder as we go up but oh our tools i mean sure and maybe the loot gets better as i go up oh my goodness okay i kind of want to see what's inside here before i keep going up in case it gets harder so uh oh okay that was instant again and we got emerald blocks on the outside which i'm gonna go ahead and grab just in case we do need emerald blocks so much stuff going on right now but i'm not complaining because this challenge so far is getting really fun all right we got seven blocks of enrolled just in case i'm gonna keep that somewhere in my inventory and now that we're inside it looks like a pretty normal desert temple i'm gonna go down here the safeway just in case i don't wanna blow whatever is down there i'm not sure what's gonna be in the chest though so well the first dress is absolutely nothing that's good to know okay wait all three of them are nothing what about this one oh okay well that's a little bit confusing that's very confusing actually so three of the chests had absolutely nothing and then one of the chests have a sharpness for iron axe sure why not mending oh my gosh wait nether i pickaxes fortune yes okay wait so touch though oh so touch and fortune oh man that's not that good actually i guess why not we're going to be getting the mending level 43 nephrite pickaxe and also a really good golden pickaxe i really was not expecting that only one of the chess had luke and the loot was really good so that being said what's gonna be on the top of this all right well let's go do the challenge why not alright so second floor a lot more of the iron stuff i'm gonna break the spawners as fast as i can uh okay some more apples not bad some wood i'll take the wood oh okay they're getting harder okay that is zombie right there so i'm guessing that was normal as pig spotters up until we got to this floor we need some iron leggings though is there anything else okay iron sword definitely need that as long as we don't get anything bad right away we should be good there's some torches already here that's helping me a lot but oh there we go iron leggings but i still hear a lot of mobs so whatever's up here please don't kill me okay just one zombie for now that's not too bad anything good here just some cobblestone i'll see i'll take it and what's gonna be up here oh no nope nope nope nope uh creeper no please please please please no what was in the chest on the bright side we got a bottle of water and some wood what oh and tomarrows i guess i'll take the arrows why not oh man that was like a whole lot of nothing yup absolutely nothing at the top so i mean on the bright side we did get some iron stuff but we didn't get much of anything else i can't really complain though because we did get materials to grab some next things but i actually need to go mining real quick to get the next item so that being said i can't really jump down so let me go downstairs alright so what i need right now is gonna be definitely some coal definitely some iron or actually i don't even need iron anymore because i already have the super amble so coals is really the only thing all right got some coal and that should be it for now so now with the structure table we can use eight oak logs with one goal in the middle and what is this gonna make oh wait what is that a village a blacksmith a village okay so straight up just a normal village all right all right blacksmith village what is this thing gonna be oh and what it's literally a entire village made out of blacksmiths what's inside the chest oh okay well the blacksmiths i'm used to do not make literally loyalty one trident and they have a really cool texture interesting wait so is it like a special trident oh oh it's a lightning trident with loyalty one now that's actually really cool if that's from one blacksmith what do the other ones give me okay iron that's kind of lame we we don't like iron here on the exterior channel we only use iron for buckets and with the buckets we go and steal water from the village which this village only has one source of water so i'm gonna steal that real quick and what else is gonna be inside of here okay these doors auto break every time okay some gold blocks some apples not bad uh i won't be surprised if all of a sudden i find like a super robot or something or maybe it's a trap i don't even know okay one gold ink it so i've almost gone through all the blacksmiths now the only good thing we really got was to try them which i guess i'm not really complaining about oh and some obsidian maybe we can use this obsidian sooner or later some gold ingots an iron chestplate and some brandy app i'll rate the custom village a nice eight out of ten what if we can make like a golden apple village or temple or something like that that'd be kind of cool something else we got from the tower that actually is gonna help us a lot is not a furnace don't worry with eight cobblestone and one water bottle we're gonna be getting a what is that a witch's den okay well i generally don't know much about witches in minecraft so this is gonna be a bit of a surprise to me so why not let's place it down right here all right which is then what's it gonna be wait what the heck it's literally a den okay gotta spawn it at the perfect spot all right let's go inside why not and it's literally like a random little hole with some potions okay instant healing too why not love me somebody's healing too slow falling lingering potion of damage i will take this healing and why not potion of leaping place it down i don't really use leaping anyways oh is this like a level 30 enchantment spot oh man i wish i had some diamonds right now all right what else is in here hopefully no traps though regen two instant damage some bender pools okay actually really good potion of strength yes okay and a lingering potion of turtlemaster not not a fan of that one oh an ancient table okay i'll grab that honestly these custom structures are really nice right now anything else we need a really good golden pickaxe a lot of more potions honestly i'm only going for the strength ones right now or speed two why not i like me some speed so very surprised we didn't see any witches or nothing a little bit suspicious but you know what i'm gonna keep going and maybe we can make some more custom structures or maybe combine another structure again though i haven't seen one in a while maybe we should look for something okay so i've been looking for a while but i finally found a jungle pyramid which will be a perfect thing to try to mix together with potentially a desert temple so let's see if we can actually get a jungle pyramid from a jungle pyramid oh and it worked okay literally a jungle temple inside of a jungle temple cat of curse not complaining given irony gets in let's see if we can get any other good loot in here oh and i get shot all right that's never good luck might as well grab the arrows and grab the arrows there too and what's gonna be in this chest oh another jungle temple why not might as well take two and i could technically combine a village and a jungle temple which i'm not sure what that's gonna make i think i'm gonna need to find another village first and actually as we come out there's another desert temple over there and a savannah bomb right here i might be able to find another village so i think that might be our next goal oh yep i was right okay village in the savannah and i've never seen a village like this okay well this is definitely advanced three diamonds off the bat sure why not and what we really needed which was the village so i'm gonna go and grab that village i think it's finally time to use though pm bowl again so with one jungle temple and one desert temple and just like that we're gonna be getting a jungle pyramid which i guess is that but now we get literally a weird name a literal jungle pyramid and we're not done there because i kind of want to see if we can get a jungle village oh and we can two levels i have 11 in total another weird name and just like that i don't know which one to do first i guess i'll do the jungle village first and then once we're done with these we'll get straight back to the structures but might as well three two one oh my that was instant okay it kind of literally just looks like a normal village but just run down okay um so inside we have a curse of binding level 38 elytra which i'm not sure if that's worth it a silk touch smite three iron axe i prefer sharp message four and some pretty good gold arm right now chris vanishing oh my gosh that's an amazing sword too okay uh but with that being done actually pretty small village is there any other chests okay frost walker two diamond boots sure why not i'll take it i mean the better items we get the harder i feel like things are gonna get so i'll take the diamond boots why not we still only have diamond boots though and i still need to get some eyes of under let's see what's at the top of the church maybe there's a chest up here anything and absolutely nothing okay and we're not done there because we also have the jungle pyramid which i guess we'll just right click and oh and it's literally a jungle pyramid okay all right no mobs nothing down there let's just i guess slowly go inside mlg mlgn all right yet again nothing yet again nothing and in this chest we get actually some pretty good stuff i guess blocks gold why not uh is this one gonna be nothing no oh okay a iron hoe some diamond items i get some emeralds why not we really don't need that fortune level 47 golden hoe does fortune even work on hoes what if you made it this far in the video calming down fortune level 47 completely legit there you go oh my gosh that strider level 39 and soul speed level 35 iron boots um i think i'm about to break the game with these this is a little bit too overpowered but we're gonna test it out either way hold up all right so how fast are we gonna go now oh it's it's not that much faster at all that's kind of anticlimactic okay but on the bright side we can go ahead and make the next item which we actually need some feathers and some wool for so i'm gonna kill some chickens and get some more real quick all right so we got enough feathers we got enough wool and now for a weird crap which i generally don't have any idea what's about to happen here so what is this wait what so we made suddenly an angel's cloud wait is it literally just a cloud okay let's go ahead and place this down angel's cloud what's this gonna be holy okay i might need my elytra but i don't have any fireworks um do we come back to this thing i think we might need to come back to this thing maybe instead we can make another custom structure try to get some fireworks first and gets it up there so stay tuned what if instead we just do maybe eight gold ingots and then with one diamond we get a miner's mine shaft okay maybe i should do this one underground yeah all right this might be the best ball i could do it all right we got the miners mineshaft let's see what it does and then we'll get back to the cloud so right click and what is gonna happen now oh okay maybe i should have done that up there because then i could have gone up to the cloud so that's definitely some op structure and i'm pretty sure this is like a end city wait what even is this some choker boxes they have absolutely nothing some coal we really don't need coal and i guess the next way to get up is just going through up here it's still in the middle of the cave so i gotta be a little bit careful now we got the iron room which is gonna give me 20 diamonds 15 copper ingots do we even need copper i guess i'll grab copper why not and it's getting better and better what the heck how good are the structures gonna get okay uh enchant room we really don't need any of this uh do i need to enter anything wait um oh okay i can now see why it's getting better and better but that's literally a ravager up there and i'm not sure if i'm good enough armor to fight this thing i should probably not be going up here all right look look i don't know how many trident hits is gonna take but honestly the strata is saving me a lot of time i'm about to die okay i gotta be a little bit more careful god i forgot i had some golden apples let's read those real quick probably the best idea right now and figure out whatever's at the top of this thing how many hits does this thing take oh never mind i died all right well rest in peace ravager 2021 all right so while i go in here it looks like there's literally ravagers on every single floor up there so i'm gonna take advantage right now and just try to do as much damage as i can to the ravages with this trident what's in here uh okay whole lot of really nothing good but it's the gold tiers so i'm not really that surprised anything still in here i think we should be good okay they're only above me now so what's in here oh one other right ink it sure yeah i love me some another way i might as well use this now okay so four of that and two iron ingots and just like that good old smithing table might as well and i can actually make full diamond and i think the best idea for us is probably another chess play yeah not a bad idea at all all right so next floor anything here oh hello hello do you happen to have an extra lunar game no you don't you don't okay i get it you can have a free code right there boom okay he's done anyways uh what's in this chat oh two nether right he gets that time okay so slowly we're getting to the full netherlight but we still don't have enough to actually get to the end beat the dragon or whatever the dragon is maybe there's a dragon structure or maybe i can mix structures together to get the dragon structure either way though at the top no roushers just one skeleton and a lot of emeralds looks like a whole lot of nothing oh and three iron golems where were you guys when i needed you guys anyways though chest right here what's in here oh no nether i a sharpness my book which loki is better than what i have currently so i'm gonna go and grab that i'm gonna wait till i get another right sword first though also where did you come from what the heck oh wait don't powder i i just need one paper now to actually get to the cloud okay i think that's what we're gonna be doing next okay so that should be it for the entire tower this thing was humongous and all we have left now is literally that giant cloud above us so where can i get some paper real quick all right sugarcane and with the structure table might as well let's go ahead and make some paper and the best part now is we literally get some firework rockets but i gotta be careful now because for some reason i made the netherlight chest plate but once we put on this elytra we can't take it off can we oh no it's chris binding level 38 so it's extra stuck on there well we gotta get all the way up there so wish me luck okay one firework and oh well i only need one and it's literally just a whole thing of clouds okay well what's gonna be inside the chest alright so the first chest is gonna have special arrows which is an arrow of slowness and an arrow invisibility and we literally get a normal elytra which would have been knights earlier but now we're stuck without would just play but i mean electro's nice dude what else is in here oh just a lot a whole lot more arrows poison arrows i'll take why not maybe we can transform the cloud into something good oh bedrock sure i'm not sure if we need bedrock for anything but yeah i'll take bedrock and i'm not sure what i expected but it feels like the cloud only has arrows so maybe the arrows from down under got into the cloud weird place for the next custom structure we actually need to go to the nether but before we do that let's go down to the caves get some lava and hopefully we don't die right away once we go inside oh and some diamonds all right and the main thing i actually need from this lava pool is not the obsidian even though i do need obsidian but instead we actually need a weird thing which is gonna be lava bucket so and then after that i gotta make a fire charge which i think i need one coal for a creeper and blaze powder so oh look at that thing i just gone oxolotto oh look at him all right we gotta get one blaze powder and also the stuff for the isabender all right we're inside and literally we spawned right by a bastion what i need though is another fortress and a lot of ender pearls so oh we found one okay all right we just gotta get the blaze rods and then we'll be good gotta remember i also only have an elytra so i don't have that much armor so that being said probably a smart thing to actually go ahead and make a shield now it should be good okay we found the blaze rods but i'm thinking about it right now if we find a chest in here we might be able to get the structure itself kind of like the village in the temple and then combine a fortress with a village or a temple which uh would be a little bit cursed but you know what we're going for either way all right so this should be enough we got four place pattern total which isn't exactly what we need for the ender pearls but i'm gonna trust that we might get isa vendor from something else but i think it should be one blade spotter one gunpowder and one coal and just like that we get the fire charges so now we can go ahead and make our next custom structure which is gonna be i guess the evil corridor interesting okay what is this gonna give me all right evil corridor uh what are you oh ow that is a lot bigger than it looks oh my gosh um i guess i'll go straight down the middle there's some chess on the sides what's in here oh okay all right i guess i'll be taking all this and just like that we got cover me in debris all right it just kind of looks like everything's good how's it going buddy oh no you're mad at me all right let's fight you i guess what i need right now is definitely a netherride sword or something oh there we go now the right sword all right so far the evil corridor has definitely promised a lot of good stuff i'm not seeing a lot of you though so uh okay this kind of makes sense now okay that is a lot of weather skeletons how do i get through this one okay wait oh gosh oh gosh okay that is way too many loki i did not prepare for this at all all right this is getting a little bit too close but that should be the last of them oh no there's even more how's it going guys i am uh sorry about this but i'm gonna have to come in real quick this place literally never ends there's even a room inside and and a portal interesting i gotta give this structure some props because that was actually pretty cool anyway so i guess we'll be going back here we go it's pretty good to be back now all right so what structure can we do next i don't want to go back to another to get my eyes of under so i'm trying to see if there's any other better structures i think it's time we finally go ahead and make one of the better structures which is gonna consist of one another white ingot four gold ingots and then four apples i really don't know what i'm gonna get from this one but i guess we'll go for it and oh what is this it's like a little box wait never mind that's not any box that is the evoker's mansion oh my gosh and it is definitely lagging my computer i guess we'll just go ahead and place it down right now all right here we go evoker's mansion what is this thing gonna be holy okay that is a big boy um and just like that we have a giant evoker's mansion which has a lot of totems in each chest but i don't really like totems and challenges because i feel like it makes challenges a lot too easily so we're gonna ignore the totems and keep going because we at least gotta have a chance of dying a lot of chess in here too do these just have anything literally every single chest just has a ton of totems what the heck i'm gonna assume that there might be something at the very top if not then we can just fly away yeah this might just be a really good mansion but we really don't need a really good mansion right now what we need is some eyes of ender so i'm trying to see if any of these structures can give me a knife under so there actually is something else we could make which is oddly enough kind of an easy crop but it's gonna be one gold block then eight arrows and is this like uh whoa that is not what i expected oh a rainbow archers tree house okay don't know what to expect from this one but you know what i'm not gonna complain let's go and try it out what is this gonna be oh i'm so sorry chicken but that is one big tree holy all right so what's gonna be up here i hear gonna say i hear a skeleton but i actually hear a lot of skeletons okay that's one two skeleton and okay that's uh that that's a lot of skeletons okay i'm not taking that much damage at least and now they're all fighting each other i think two more skeletons it looks like nope nope they keep coming oh my gosh they are literally non-stop and there's another floor to the street house awesome what's inside that chest okay all right that should be the last of them and now we can finally loot up this treehouse i don't know what's gonna be inside of here and also all the doors still don't work oh my gosh thor's level 45 netherride chess play i wish i could use that but i can't because of elytra and what about down here are there any chests down here sharpens two diamond axe an infinity bow oh actually i'm gonna use that why not bending and breaking through the right leggings and a stack of gold we actually do need some gold for the next structure which we could go ahead and make right now so all right so with all these gold blocks let's go ahead and make one of the final things which is going to be four gold blocks and actually no we need an iron sword oh and we don't have the last thing never mind one sec let me grab that real quick so i came down to get some stone we got the stone and then some gold blocks and then finally with this iron sword we're gonna be getting a whoa that is a full-on king's castle okay we're pretty much getting near the end but i might as well go ahead and place this down and hopefully we can get something good from this one and all right just like that we got it immediately and now let's see what's inside it kind of looks like just a pretty empty castle is there anything down there nope there is a chest room right there though i think that might be it so let's see what's inside oh so it looks like just a lot of mobs left here interesting all right well that might be it for the castle that was one of the smallest castles i've ever been in to be fair i haven't really been in many castles but maybe there's another custom structure that's better i'm not really sure so there's only really one more thing we can make and it's gonna require a lot of iron and a lot of buckets of water and oddly enough this might be what we really need because it's gonna require one diamond block but now what we gotta get is one water bucket let me real quick grab nine buckets and wet these buckets real quick place these right there and we're gonna go straight for probably what's gonna be the final custom structure that we can make and with one block of diamond i'm not sure what this is gonna make maybe some like uh uh monument ocean monument oh okay so the loop might actually be in this one poseidon's castle which literally just looks like the same exact castle but maybe different not sure but i think i'll place this on the surface so one second let's why not do it in the desert here we go oh oh okay so this might be the same castle again all right it looks pretty normal for now i'm gonna guess the chests are inside here and yep that was right this is like the last structure we can make so please be worth it and there we go okay so the structures at least at the very end actually gave me something i needed and we finally got the eyes of under so just like that i'm gonna guess every single just a size avenger okay dang all right we only need 12 so 17 has avenger yeah okay that is more than enough is there anything else on the top besides maybe the same old stuff okay yeah it's really pretty much the same stuff all over the place and now we can actually go and make maybe one more structure if we just go this way and figure out where the stronghold is now wait where'd it go oh it went down okay all right so it should be somewhere down straight here and there we go okay before we find the portal i lowkey kind of want to see if i can find a stronghold within the straw gold so it worked okay just like that we got a stronghold inside the stronghold and loki i kind of want to spawn to sit right now so why not oh well this might not work wait this is definitely not gonna work i gotta find the portal room build fashion way don't i i only have ten nights of vendor the portal might have at least a couple eyes so let's go find the normal one where's the other portal room okay okay please please please please please oh okay thank you i already had three eyes okay all right and just like that guys we can finally go into the end so with that being said guys i wish me luck and here we go hopefully there's no extra structures inside but if there is i guess i welcome it not really i'm gonna guess that's the final end structure and it's a bow okay i kind of want to fly up there actually all right let's go up here real quick see what's up here and i'm gonna assume that this might help us fight the dragon i'm not really sure but before we go inside of it let me real quick break all these crystals uh yeah i can definitely do it from here at least okay so that should be the last of the crystals now what's in here or is it just straight up just a random boat in the sky all right so what's in here that is a lot of netherway for the final battle sure i don't really need another right and a sharpness five fire raspberry two netherlight sword i mean it's way better than what i have right now and uh now the other chest has a lot of emeralds for sure and another really good bell flame infinity power five punch two definitely something good for the final battle i think i'm definitely content with that so now that we have that i think we might be ready to actually kill this dragon or hopefully not die to him so let's fly all the way down a little bit safely actually i could probably chase him down with my bow might as well do that the old-fashioned way i haven't flown at the dragon in a long time ever since i did manhunts but i think this might be a good strategy oh i gotta be careful here do i have the strength pushing still i don't let's go all the way down eat it going apple just in case sherman's five do your job all right almost down to half health and if you made this far in the video go ahead and comment down below your favorite structure in this video because for me it may have been the end city or thing because that thing was insane a few more hits hopefully doesn't fly away last second like it always does but i think we should be good here and with that by the way guys that is gonna be it for minecraft but every structure is just very overpowered or whatever the title is but but now we can finally grab this dragon egg i don't think there's a structure what the that has never happened oh my gosh wait what are the ch i didn't even know that could happen okay well with that being done guys i hope you guys all enjoyed it go follow my instagram besides i here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,808,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft structures, minecraft op structure, minecraft but you can transform any structure, minecraft but you can combine any structure, custom structure, temple
Id: uUy6SjH2aEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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