Minecraft, But You Can Go Inside Blocks...

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today we can go inside any block from diamond blocks to bedrock to even the end portal each block contains custom items now we need to defeat the final block boss can we do it watch till the end to find out let's do this gamers and it looks like oh check inventory uh oh my i knew it magical pearls disguised as normal ender pearls except allows you to travel inside the block universe okay wait what we gotta be careful with these pearls because if we throw them at any block i'm pretty sure that's exactly how we're gonna get inside of them and of course we spawn on an island hold on i have a crazy idea should i just throw one of these pearls over there and then whatever block it lands on which is probably gonna be grass it'll teleport us inside because usually you place down the block and you just throw it like that and then you get teleported inside the block not screw it you guys subscribe because i'm a crazy cyborg man yeah oh god oh god what's gonna happen what's gonna happen what's gonna happen oh oh what where the butt we're inside the grass block i knew it hello mr dirk cow wait oh my god there's a dirt pig this is actually wait grass block where is it i'm kind of scared what if we just break outside oh okay yeah it's it's it's just void i knew it we're in another dimension what the there's dirt lamps i'm gonna make myself a uh wooden sword just in case and then using the crafting table oh we can get some food what oh my god yo oh what did he just yo it's throwing pebbles at me the boss is right there let me just oh no come here you son of a oh my goodness okay let's just get the food yo we need to defeat the grass block he doesn't even seem that hard i'm not trying to kill you nerds i don't want dirt for food don't like okay we only have literally a wooden sword should i just go down there whoa whoa whoa it throws pebbles i'm not kidding wait there's a chest right here oh my goodness we got dirt okay a lot of dirt but a dirt pickaxe okay okay you know what i'm gonna take any armor that i can get wait what does this do what the heck why is it mine ins okay this pickaxe is probably due to cheese oh okay okay come on come on come on come on dude i'm going in i'm going in i'm gonna oh what is that it drops some seeds and then a note this is my only message to you i don't know grass could talk you must travel through the block universe and obtain power strong enough to defeat the final and block okay wait what what did we just sign ourselves up for whatever it is i'm honestly so i can't get out of here because of the dirt boots and i don't think there's any other secret chest okay it doesn't look like it let's grab our crafting table sayonara dirt animals beasts no help okay there you go we're out okay so gamers what we need to do is literally go inside every block that we can because every block gives us loot not gonna lie we got kind of trashed loot but it's okay the dirt boots spawn flowers and then we got this dirt pickaxe wait can it even mine still oh wait it can mine stone okay then it's just really bad i mean obviously there you go just actually broke boom stone pickaxe and let's go inside the wooden block we have two gamers okay i'm kind of scared oh my god oh what the nuts oh my god oh my god i'm dying i'm literally dying what the what an oak log bar seriously okay wait there's a chest here oh a wooden sword wooden on breaking this wooden store does four attack damage this one 5.5 okay whatever i'm taking it whoa wait what just happened to the tree it just went from like dead gray to gold and oh my goodness there's trees growing i see another chest over there can we reach we can okay just more wood dicks and regular apples okay let me go down these vines and then oh what he gives me splinters okay wait wait this is good this is good we got him trapped here no no no no no yes we defeated him oh my goodness every block boss is getting harder i'm so scared bro like what's gonna happen when we fight the diamond block or even a bedrock block yeah i think that's why we should loki start smalling oh wait the crafting table if my memory is correct we've traveled inside a crafting table before and it's had insane loot let's yolo it dude oh no no no no no no what is that i can't build i can't build oh my goodness wait oh wait what the heck whoa it is dropping random items every time i smack it i'm gonna die oh no that was way too i can't hit him from here wait but i swear it dropped a diamond axe somewhere oh i picked it up yo okay okay what if i do something like this come down here and oh my god he can hit me i can hit him and what is that okay hold on i'm going to drop down yeet oh hold on wait what if i smack him oh my god he just command block wait a second yo i should take advantage of this and just literally pvp him a little bit to see what crazy items we can get come on come on oh my goodness he's going to knock me down oh what he knocked me down oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not no no no oh oh my goodness we're good wait i have a stone shield i don't know why it's made out of stone but it just is and i picked it up it's an amethyst hammer a three by three pickaxe bro that is insane i literally think i can win this all right let's go over here and yay he's one he's one battle oh he dropped a what the balls an obsidian excavator dude we're getting custom items oh my god yes check this out we're inside the crafting table and oh my goodness someone was crafting i mean because it wasn't me an iron sword that's a stick right wait can i just mine this oh we can wait can we mine the hammer in the crafting table oh my goodness we can we can actually mine it boys and girls and everything in between look at this can i break this no i can't whatever i do i do not want to fall in there oh my goodness okay let's just get out of here donk never would i have ever guessed that these blocks are so dangerous to go inside of this video is literally changing how we perceive minecraft oh wait there's so much iron around but we have basically infinite we can just go like this and go inside are we geared enough no we're not if the crafting table was hard then i can only suspect the iron block is gonna be way harder so yeah we're making some programmers that's what i'm talking about and wait we got this amethyst hammer what does this even oh okay this is insane we have nine magic pearls left let's travel inside the iron block don't miss oh my i'm scared what is that is that like a ring and why is there no iron block boss there's a chest there's so many chests steel boots whoa whoa whoa steel protection i have a bad feeling if we step in the ring something's gonna happen i'm pretty sure we can all guess what's gonna happen but you know i gotta do it break the chest oh we got a dude we got so much iron and oh my goodness we're getting wait wait why am i getting geared up who am i gonna be facing oh an even better shield and iron shield okay i'm definitely yoinking this whoever they think i'm gonna be facing is making a big mistake i'm a cyborg i'm overpowered what the heck yo yo he just jumped the fence what oh my goodness oh my whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my oh you knocked me out he knocked me out the arena he's out the arena too oh i'm going up i'm going up oh my goodness oh my goodness bro what i thought i was literally strong i guess not wait i have my iron shield i gotta use it hello bow oh god no no no no no no no no okay okay okay okay we're doing good we're doing good where are you running bro oh my goodness i'm i'm actually dead no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not come on come on come on come on yes there you go i gotta create i gotta create oh my god you were a fool mr iron block chan to give me a shield oh my goodness he knocks me back so hard oh my goodness oh my oh i'm not half heart i'm a half hour i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i don't have any health to gain hp i'm actually screwed it's fine it's fine it's fine shield up shield up he's nearly defeated oh my goodness we traded we traded yes we did it we defeated him oh my goodness wait can i mine all of this bro this is literally an infinite iron who would have guessed inside of an iron block there's just more iron and a sumo wrestling arena don't die okay we need food yeah how about we never do that again i don't usually eat sheep but i must do what i must do mister man peppermint broth point 15 wrong button and yes we have our meat all right hold on we got to focus oh this is so sick this makes it so much easier just to grab a bunch of stuff but i think right now what we need to get is we need to find either lapis diamonds or even some gold oh my goodness or copper this works too i'm literally not complaining oh we have enough oh we found a ravine boom let's make a lapis block and before we enter the lapis let's leave our copper smelting and okay i'm a little scared yeah okay what there's a chest right there and there's another one whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait oh my goodness hello lapis block it doesn't look too scary but what is the is this amazing are you kidding me can i just get this one right here i can't let's go and we got lapis lucky toes oh my goodness these boots are insane can we just make our way through this invisible maze oh my goodness oh yes i made it to the second chat it's just lapis i'm coming for them cheeks i'm not scared of you okay okay oh my goodness wait ah he just whoa he just hit me my entire inventory just got enchanted i'm protecting one of my diamond axe wait a second even my meat's enchanted every time he hits me oh my goodness yeah i get a random chance wait this is actually gonna pog get back nerd oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay okay hold on we're wrecking him wait do i want it to hit me though i feel like i do yo this is insane okay hold on i'm gonna just smack you a little bit let me just heal up real quick one second stop okay hold on i'm gonna die hold on i gotta i gotta defeat him sorry lapis block oh my god wait wait i'm actually gonna die all right all right pop thank you for all the crazy enchants and yes copper ingots copper block we have these lucky toes to get the gold over there but first let's do this okay wait why is he in the corner wait what just oh my god he doesn't need to attack he doesn't need to attack me from close oh my goodness oh my god dude you set yourself on fire what the heck copper block i barely even spawned in oh my goodness bro yeah okay okay okay come on come on stop with the lightning no oh my goodness bro that's what you get and whoa whoa whoa wait what is this it seems pretty empty inside of here it seems like a factory oh my goodness dude we're literally inside a factory what what that i'm not touching anything else oh my goodness i think did the lightning spawn in the chest okay hold on i don't want to touch these lightning rods just in case hello chess oh what a lightning star oh this looks like more of a lightning blaster bro wait what oh my goodness look at that we can spawn lightning probably should not be doing inside here or else i'll probably die it's just oh my okay i saved it let's go for the gold right here let's put on our lapis lucky toes oh my goodness i'm pretty sure with this we get multiple drops bro our drops multiply i'm just gonna literally mine the gold like this oh my goodness we got five from one is that seriously it i need more cheese cheese has been located oh no no no oh bro it's okay we have 13 raw gold i'm really surprised we haven't found diamonds let's smell our gold diamonds should be super easy to find okay we'll go inside the diamond block in a second first hole three two one g oh my goodness gold block please okay he does actually decent amount of damage but he's literally dropping gold blocks everything wait he's saying dude i'm dealing damage with him just through thorns in that case yes keep hitting me nerd we literally have two god apples already and there's a chest there and then another one up there no no no no no no okay there i just i just killed them we got three gold apples and nine regular golden apples let's see oh my goodness so much gold we got 12 golden apples and now we have four god apples and yoink yo we got dude seven got apples okay we're becoming stronger and stronger which is awesome and now gamers we have to find some diamonds okay we found iron i don't need iron how did we find emerald oh my goodness wait a second we have five we have to five the lapis toast how do we find emeralds before diamonds okay never mind we found diamonds right here yes and we found so many well not really it's just our lapis toes boom this is like our 50th crafting table don't know which one we should make first block of emerald ooh or the diamond block which one do we go inside i don't know i feel like emerald might be more difficult i just have a feeling it's like based off rarity boom oh my god oh my what is this no no no no no no no no no no no wait a second oh my goodness that is literally diamond block there's a chest there and there's a chest hidden right there what are these things okay wait we have to be very careful i think i might honestly just eat a god apple right here because if we die this lady i'm gonna be so freaking annoyed oh my goodness oh my goodness come on come on come on come here nerd oh my god wait he's spawning in this guard whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my goodness oh my goodness diamond guardian oh my no no stop stop stop oh my goodness every time i hit him he's spawning in more oh no i'm gonna i can't tell if i'm gonna die i can't tell if i'm gonna die oh my god i'm actually chugging i'm actually chugging i'm dead i'm actually dead no no no no no no this is insane no come on come on come on oh my god i'm almost dead oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness what is happening do you see this i don't even see the diamond block oh my goodness there he is these things are just statues huh thank goodness red bull whoa this is so cool okay wait a second i have the lightning stop let's go behind me diamond yeah you stupid diamond block guardians get wrecked i actually hate with their skeletons man especially if they have diamond blocks on their head well there you go now we have a bunch of coal and just in case i don't trust them it doesn't seem like they're actually statues and now for the chest okay we get what we have a shovel that's literally sharpness 10 and it's stronger than my axe that's one way to get rid of an axe and a diamond chest plate protection 10. oh my goodness yes my gear is almost broken anyways and let's go up to this other chest and it seems like yeah you won't be able to open it so there you go oh my goodness protection 10 perfect now we're looking stacked bro but if the diamond block was hard oh no all right let's just do it we have four magical pearls left three two one yeets what the balls is this okay i don't know where the emerald block is i'm just gonna tower up we are inside wow this is actually beautiful there's a chest right here might as well yoink it let's grab these emeralds oh my goodness emerald chest plate joint and an emerald axe with emerald reach okay maybe we'll need this to defeat the emerald block which i don't even know where it is oh there's no there it is hello idiot there's another ch oh no oh no no no no no hold on i gotta get up i gotta get it what wait what did he just what oh my god my shield it just hit me and i dropped my entire inventory no no no no no this can't be possible wait a second oh my goodness i could reach him with the emerald axe i see hold up i'm trying to jump on this okay we got emerald toes emerald toes bro and then emerald pickaxe okay i'm gonna take this as well it's probably better than the iron and honestly i'm gonna save our lucky toes just in case i'm doing damage okay screw it i'm going down what wait what the oh my goodness oh my goodness no i'm dead i'm actually dead i'm actually dead oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i need my axe i need my axe i need my axe i realize why he's so difficult bro he's trying to strafe me what the heck stop oh no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god stop yes we killed him with the freaking no my stuff didn't just burn oh my goodness some of my stuff just burned that was insane yes we still have our lucky toes we got our iron shield back emerald pickaxe lightning staff no i lost my god weapons no there you go okay this isn't too bad and yes we still have our magical pearls i lost my god apples it's fine we still need to defeat the end boss it was a difficult victory but we still did it let's dig straight down this is the only way gamers we nearly died to emerald several times but if we're gonna become strong enough to defeat the final end block we need to at least defeat the bedrock not only that get the luke i have only three left geet oh my no no no what the balls nah nah take that wait we did no damage oh no oh no oh no no no no no oh my god wait is he immortal is there a prisoner here look at this this is like a jail cell oh my goodness bro the bedrock is following us every move i see a chest i actually see a chest i hear someone i don't know where he is oh my goodness what's inside bedrock and oh my goodness yes the bedrock sword heroes blade 50 attack damage ladies and gentlemen this is exactly what we needed to defeat the bedrock hello how are you doing sir oh my i need that wait is this the final end block listen bro i'll trade you i'll legitimately trade you here take this come on drop it to me just give it to me yes the end portal frame oh my goodness we can get out of here now i don't know how to save you but i can tell you this if you help me reach 5 million subs by subscribing then i'll come back for you that goes for you two watching if you're not subscribed subscribe okay let's do this bedrock sword what the nut can i not attack him what is this oh no no okay no never mind never mind never mind never mind no oh my goodness oh my goodness okay i already got what i needed oh what it says end block peace nerd we got out of there actually alive and we have the end portal frame oh we're finally out and it is time we're basically back at spawn let's just place this down oh god just in case we screw up somehow i have an extra magical pearl you know what chess boom let's leave one in there just in case and honestly just a bunch of stuff all right here goes nothing three two one oh my wait where are we gamers um i'm actually so terrified bro why what the oh what oh shoot wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my goodness oh my god yo wait what oh my goodness oh my wait can i walk through here what was that what the nuts was that hold up was that oh my goodness i see it ah oh my goodness i'm on the edge of this end portal block what the nuts is this let's go up oh my goodness it's so laggy in here boom okay wait what what the ah what the heck is spawning oh no oh no i'm dealing damage to oh my goodness bro it's literally summoning lasers from the ground wait what oh my goodness i don't even know what's going on i have to go in with the bedrock sword come on come on come on oh my goodness oh my goodness we're doing damage oh my goodness no oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh wait what i think we're good i think we're good he's literally one bro wait what we're actually destroying him the bedrock sword bro i would have been dead if i didn't have it he's right there no i just placed bedrock on top of me oh my god i'm actually dead okay okay okay okay okay okay wait wait how am i dealing how am i taking damage how am i actually taking damage three two one boom yes we did it oh my goodness okay no time to exterminate boom baby yeah oh my goodness this is the inside of an end portal frame honestly i'm not even surprised let's go thank you guys for joining me on this insane journey and if you want to help me defeat more awesome bosses and do crazier things then watch these two videos right here left or right i'm not gonna force you i love you bye
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,654,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, whats inside minecraft block, minecraft mod, mods, minecraft mods, mod, bionic, challenge, family friendly, Minecraft But You can Go Inside Blocks, minecraft challenge
Id: xCu1IvtS5xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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