Minecraft, But You Can Craft Any Portal...

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for the most part everybody has been locked inside for over a year now but i've decided it's time for me to go on a world tour inside of minecraft i mean i'm not leaving my house in this video i'll be going on a literal world tour because i can make portals out of any block these portals i can make take me to different worlds every time and they go from having infinite netherright inside of them to having deadly new monsters i need you to subscribe before we get into any of that we're less than twenty thousand away from one million and i think if i'm really lucky we could get there by the end of the week i'll even say please and thank you so please and thanks if you did and now we're starting minecraft but i can craft portals with every block i'm going right now this is now the third time in the last few weeks i've tried to beat minecraft first two times i tried to do it i died in the end fighting the boss today's my third attempt and you know what they say about the third time normally as lucky hopefully i don't die hopefully we can finally beat the game for the first time in my life to be able to beat the game after we get this wood in a few other steps i'm gonna have to go through the end portal and fight no not the ender dragon a brand new mysterious youtuber boss who's waiting for me in the end instead i've got the wood now but i did mention there's some other steps one of them is making a pickaxe and getting some stone to make some stone tools after this though before we can go into the end portal there's going to be a load of other porters we're going into because today boys you saw in the intro but i'm attempting minecraft but there's loads of portals i'll be traveling all over the place like the minecraft christopher columbus or dora the explorer i'll be going all over the place through different worlds they'll be able to get away from this awful weather and very cold up here on this mountain let me show you an example i don't want you to be confused i'll be the last thing i want they're more like the second to last thing i'd want first thing i want is for you to subscribe to me please taking all these portals isn't gonna be easy i need some support my family and friends don't support me doing these minecraft challenges whenever i try and talk to them nowadays they call me an idiot and tell me to get back to mine in diamonds then they laugh at my face we'll prove them wrong eventually but there is a load of mobs i really need food that is my problem right now i'm trying to dodge them all i prefer not to die right now that'd be a pretty short video i've got 10 muttons hopefully that'll hold us over but we need to find a cave right now and he's here iron and i need flynn you know what that stuff is used for there's a cave right here it's used to make a flint and steel you need a flinders steel to light portals hey pop lads see my job is so tough i'm doing this digging for you for your entertainment you're welcome no need to thank me while i'm digging i'll cook my dead sleep being a pro gamer it's all about time management hey we got flynn oh while we're getting food time management boys it's what you need and maybe like another idea that'd help as well and i have a cave as well with a lot of iron only need one for the minute to the furnace i met the furnace well that was exciting i'll cook the iron right now eat get ready for what's to come fill up my belly i'll leave the rest of the iron to cook i'll come down here so it's more open if i'm back in fact before i do anything i will grab a bit more iron i'm going to different worlds i've never been to before i don't know what to expect a little bit of iron armor can't hurt this cave over already tell me this isn't a dead end or the cave continues there's more a roller coaster of a minecraft video i am making this is the absolute best storytelling i've ever seen any more iron any more iron once i get this bit we'll go up we'll get prepared i didn't get that dirt at the start for no reason no i did not do some sun though first we are back up and it's night time no sunlight for me however i left my furnace that poor thing it's alone down there i'm worried sick i hope he's okay if he is if it is and either way i'm cooking up my stuff i already have a flint and still whilst we wait for that to cook i'm gonna get my dirt you already know what's coming but i'm gonna build it in the shape of a portal what is that noise what is happening oh it's them sleeping things it's my inner demons you're really interrupting this was like an exciting part of the video i was about to show everyone what we're here for you're swerving down at me screaming or tension seekers i guess i could lay down my head but that's what they want i'll do it tweet dream zed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i'm asleep anyways the whole point of the video is so this looks like a nether portal it was obsidian anyway but ours is done it's in the same shape i'm gonna light it and we have a portal this won't be taking me to the nether this will be taking me to a dirt world why it's a dirt portal i can do this with loads of blocks no doubt we're gonna be seeing some interesting stuff i'm ready i'm ready hurry up furnaces i wish i had one of the crispy furnaces from the cooking video one more bit of iron we've got a full set of armor then we make a lot of leggings all right i'm ready to go grab my furnaces i'll grab my bed it's time to go through the first portal of the video dirt world i hope you welcome me with open arms don't be throwing like dirt mobs at me throwing a villager at me with the dirt world resident he is also floating everything here float i can't float i just see dirt what's up mate how are you doing welcome to the dirt world i'm sorry you are here oh okay i wouldn't recommend putting that on the brochure don't get too many visitors here we are though in the dirt world if you're wondering what this is this is how i get home to the overworld i sneak on this and it teleports me back that's all i really know though you know in a few worlds there's a few bosses i have to fight i can't get away from the street it's all dropping down i need to find out where the boss is within the other worlds there was pretty much a mystery to me like the other videos like this i told my developer go wow go crazy go bananas even it doesn't seem like you went two bananas in the dirt world here seems pretty tame can't get any items but that's all right i came to the del one because it was easy this is more of an example i'll figure out somewhere else to go but i think this is where we need to go fight the dirt boss i'll give it a smack five what do these numbers mean i was right that's the double boss oh he is fast also looks dirty and it's a skeleton and you know how i do with skeletons let me just crime out he's not even shooting that fast i'm getting slowness from his hours though good thing i made the iron oh he does have speed then he's not too powerful oh he's already dead what was that i got a diamond single diamond for all that i risk my life and you give me a diamond that's fair it was only the dirt boss it's pretty simple to fight is there anything else here for me it doesn't seem like it does it let's go find something better this diamond does remind me though i do want to go to the netherworld i know that exists most places exist okay by dirt guy i'm teleporting back like i was saying i do want to go to the netherworld or at least try but i won't be able to get diamond or unless i get silk-touched but i'm gonna have to use diamond blocks to make that portal and it takes 10 blocks to make a portal that's 90 diamonds but that doesn't even matter right now the sun is going down i don't want to get stuck here i'll make a sample so first thing i saw not fighting anymore because i had to fight the dirt boss i want to break 20 sand this build it up like the dark one over there same thing oh i can't do sand i forgot gravity was a thing okay next best thing sandstone driving enough to make sandstone i have ten blocks so i have four five six seven oh it's not enough do you need twelve blocks to make a portal can i do this will they let me and boom do you work oh sandstone i see a skeleton over there this is why i want to get away one more block we have it what is it total one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen and that concludes today's episode of counting with billy i'll keep that in mind please like so there is a sandstone world don't need sand i guess it probably is sandy here oh no it's temporary here in another village though 12 skeletons of the desert to get a new cactus chestplate he says skeletons of the desert i was like some poetry waffle all right shakespeare oh if i looked over this hill like 30 seconds later i didn't have to be rude to him that's what he means by skeleton of the desert so if i kill 12 of these i get a new chest plate it's doing slowness arrows at me get our first one it's dead that's dropping arrows as well i'll take these i'll get a bow at some points that's two down i'm way more interested in these temples oh they're spawning in here as well so i'm a weak man i only have two pieces of food i haven't seen any animals around here let's get some stuff though as a temple has eight diamonds it must be buff that is no way possible oh yeah obviously two stacks of emeralds and eight more diamonds or 17 now that was from one temple remember like 30 seconds ago when i was talking about not getting enough diamonds to go to the diamond world i'll jump down i can do it i'm grabbing all the tnt as well i'm hoping there's a tnt world look at the c3 no thank you oh that's a lot of moolah gold portal thinking emoji old apple back up we go have a bonus skeletons always be coming day time maybe they spawn in the daytime i'm not sure i won't risk it though just kill these that's four i've got not even hurting me now are you here oh he slowed me i think that's five being slow though this is dead i see a couple over here i will take you on in this archery battle i will fight you to the death i will do it and i will win you are gone your friend over it is also going to sleep i've lost count how many have killed we'll know when i get this chest right no they're burning i need to get the kills i can't even hit the shots alright i got that kill this one over here don't burn yeah go inside be smart always after me i killed him i would just play in my inventory yeah i'll come in here though get more stuff so many emeralds i don't want him even more and he used this book take the eye and it wasn't bad the timers are though we've got 33. hear more skeletons they must be spawning in the temples there's one just over here hanging out my guy oh that was the 12th if that's not a cactus chess play i don't know what it is three prop three i know i'm uh goodbye i am now the cactus boy i want more diamonds please i can jump down here because of my prop the amount of diamonds i'm getting this is not right don't miss one book i'll take that with me it's even more already got a stack and i just got a stack of eyes why is there suddenly a stack of iron in here there was three in the last one i got i like that oh i really like this world i was about to say i like it i love it give me god apples and all i think i've done everything i need to here i say that though there's still tons of temples let's see can i get enough to make a diamond portal or do i even want to the sandstone portal brought me here and this has tons of desert temples in it i'm going back to the overworld for a second i have a theory that's done resident i'll be back to steal more diamonds from you in a minute but until then do i have stone on me i do i'm cooking up the stone i'm making a stone brick portal i probably need more stones the furnaces make my stone bricks pull them up like this i'm a god of making portals if you need someone to do it for you get me for a cheap price already have enough fighting this right up it works bonuses come with me let's go through if i am correct there is gonna be strongholds waiting for us i was right this is exactly what i was expecting once i saw them desert temples sandstone takes it to desert temples it makes sense stone bricks takes you in looks like we're about to end the video let's go to the end let's fight the boss no no no i don't have isa vendor portals probably aren't lit they're not see there's only one eye or two we're gonna have to get some more good to know this exists though skeleton mate i'm just gonna leave peace out don't follow me zombies before i go back to the sandstone world i do need more food i have a god apple that's it that's it by the way only i got apple and the steak getting the steak you know it's me i'm getting the steak i'm also buying servers from bisect hosting using code shallow apples whenever i need a server to play minecraft on please do it on them to keep giving me money link down below okay selling out is over things are also dead oh i'm so high i can see my portals from up here let me get this wooden shut up grabbing my food and we are dipping our toes back into the sand whatever i said desert temples are here as 14 blocks of diamonds we need if we want to make a diamond portal that's about 130 diamonds 125 this has been blown up i haven't been down here that's sad time is an iron gap oh and another gap oh and no more diamonds i could dig right into it oh yes yo diamonds there is no doubt we're doing this and i have found a silk touch but now we're not getting diamond we're going to the diamond block world we definitely are this is probably very boring as well let me just go through these quick i think there's only two or three of these i haven't checked yet enough to stop building up or maybe i won't i've got enough two stacks of diamonds i'm gonna double double check before we go that's seven blocks that's fourteen we can go to the diamond world i'll do that these things are spawning again i don't have to look in the other one i'm going instantly all i've been to is sand and dirt so far i've been playing for about an hour someone wants to see this and treat myself to a diamond pick and i need it because i place that in the wrong place having this time flint and steel like that up by sandstone world for the last time hung around here for the most so far but i think we found an upgrade that's a nice looking mountain no villager again have they just sent out a memo saying oh there's a guy traveling around the world don't greet him i'm going around stealing stuff from everywhere to be fair oh he's over there yo no you couldn't have built a bridge that does not look like something i want to be friends with it wants to be friends with me though stop getting close what do you have to say be careful with the diamond pigs you don't say other than that you should be good to go all right cheers this thing is drowning itself maybe i don't have to be careful i think i do oh there's more of them there's a lot more of them there's a load of diamonds though as well very happy about that i'm minding some of these as long as these things stay away don't hurt me ow they're giving me slowness they keep throwing me in the air diamond pigs are bad pigs also very aggressive don't really see a need for it to be honest personally oh they're coming to me from all angles i'm getting thrown around like a baseball there's a baby diamond pig look at these trees that's pretty zany and wacky the leaves are blue glass cool maybe they drop something when i kill them though custom diamond stuff maybe i got this pork excuse me then this place looks sick like a dark horse forest but diamond a fied and it's like a pig the diamond a fired your fat face out of it i guess i'll head back though there's six diamond blocks it's already a stack of diamonds again i don't need to make a chess play what is that sudden diamond rain oh it's raining diamonds that was some sudden diamond rain i'll collect all these just got a stacked bottle i'm grateful the diamond picks on is still making them angry i appreciate the diamond reign why are you trying to kill me all the time a stack of diamonds right there maybe this is where minecraft lets players come when they say they're pausing the recording to go mining they're like gonna pause the video guys i'm gonna go mining you won't want to see this go through a diamond portrait have them all pop on their face no one knows the wiser i'd do that i've never got diamonds easier but i've never got angry or easier either diamond pigs trying to hate them more than i hate skeletons i got full diamond gear so i can't really be upset about anything it's the overworld and this is there's something in the caves ow or is it all just diamonds it looks like it but i can't expect anything else i'm speeding this up we're going in a box because i did that as well realize the tnt in my inventory i think that'll be the next portal we make i really hope i don't have to go to the nether i haven't even thought about this yet i'm yet to get blaze rods around the pose though actually seeing as the desert temple are stacked i bet the strongholds are as well at least i hope if not we will have to go to the nether that sounds pretty boring after all these other worlds yes that was simple enough and that answers the question hey ender pearl's right here yeah we'll be good let's go to the tnt world let's get stacked up before we move don't ready for this how do i do this without blowing it up i sneaky okay no death for me no time like the president for the tnt world what's up be very careful moving around but go through the buildings and try and find some new tnt i see no buildings only red and only black like a roulette table oh i see a building it's like a desert temple but i guess like tnt there's lava everywhere i'll grab a lava bucket remember i'm not just going through worlds this game at the end of the video once i finally get to the end or if i get to the end they say i am stacked but i could die every block i'm breaking is exploding i already forgot what i was saying oh i remember now so everything i'm getting right now is helping me prepare to go and fight the new boss that new boss is a portal bosses themed around the whole video he's waiting in the end we're gonna have to fight so everything we get here is helping us we got a golden apple ah no stacks of ender pose this time that's nothing good in that one in here we have nothing in this one we have gold tnt i will take the gold tnt that's what the villager was on about i know there's a netherright world i have to go to to fight another right boss my dev told me it dropped something pretty good so i'm gonna place this here am i right about this this is gonna explode into gold isn't it it is of course kind of wasted the gold tnt that's all gone maybe we'll find some more but i bet we find netherride tnt in a building let's keep exploring that's how we're gonna get to the nether right world see a village oven in lava poor guys gonna kick them while they're down and steal some of their bro let me go through the chest then there's nothing in there over here you have no chest it's definitely gonna be near the right tnt if there is not i'll be very surprised i don't know maybe i'm wrong i'm not there it is the other right tnt i knew it that probably means there's a gold world as well there's probably other pieces of tnt as well oh look quick not really wanting to hang around in a tnt world though you know what i mean i'm on fire but i'm not taking damage do i have fire resistance or is it a bug i'm not dying i am invincible i guess you don't take fire damage in the tnt world okay thank you i'll take it that's pretty much every house maybe there isn't anymore i was lying i'm wrong i got green tnt that sounds super sick i'm gonna use it on this house green tnt what block is it gonna be emeralds oh it really is just green here i'm so smart you guys i knew that's how we get to the nether one can you tell i'm happy with myself for figuring that out i've already looked in it yeah nothing i placed that in let me out wanted to give it a big surface area to turn into another right oh very pleasant time to mine 14 of these i won't get more yeah i do want near the right armor but with the portal we'll be going to the netherright world i think it's safe to assume we're gonna get nether right there but really i haven't got tnt here maybe i'll get one extra the reason i was worried about finding netherright and getting to the netherright portal was because my dev told me i need to before i get to the end he said it was essential and i listened to that man if he wasn't around helping me i'd be in a normal cave mining normal iron playing normal minecraft instead i'm in a tnt world finding netherright of course i'm going to listen to his words this is taking so long definitely i'm going to wait until i get through the portal to get more another right i'm not mining more than i have to that is 14 hour back off was it the spider that exploded let me check that this one over here let me shoot it is it gonna blow even these cows i don't get food i can't lucky i got my steak earlier i'm staying away from mobs there's so many spawning now no no i can't get more in the right we need to get back i can't fight anything if it explodes what's the way back i'm completely lost it still looks the same here's my gold here's the desert temple i'll leave the gold there i don't think i'll need a gold world but this is time to go home got a bit of a close call there i'm fine so is there anything i think i need let me just go running up on the right block i'll get water bucket before i go now the right equals nether equals lava equals fire equals death equals me being very sad i'll have a water bucket to help me and i will do a spin oh i like that my real esporter and i've made it what do you have to say welcome you are now in the netherright world fight the boss to claim some netherright for yourself also be careful of the sudden monster hordes i knew i'd have to fight a boss here i'm now also starting to think that's probably how i get blaze rod at this point i really doubt we have to go to the nether there's a village right here and a load of ancient debris don't understand you remind this i'll take forever i'm thinking i'll probably find some maybe in these houses the villagers didn't say anything about it maybe some custom the other right stuff apples i would take apples i can make a load of god apples to be fair i'm sure i'll find a use for them what are you brewing in here hope it's just water bottles mate i'm going on to your roof there's no chest up here is that i can get a nice view though look at that purple mountain one of life's many wonders that is god where did they come from bro i swear i didn't make that happen what is happening i'm getting underwater i'm getting underwater i'm getting underwater that is the only thing i can do bro there is gas everywhere can they still hit me are they gonna go i was on the roof and they suddenly appeared why did i get back out i'm seriously gonna die no no no no no no no no not after all this i can't fight the boss like this i gotta sit here bro can i kill him they're all moving around it's too fast there is no stop i'm out of arrows now bro is it over the whole village is gone what were them ghosts on i'm leaving this village i think i activated it by standing on the roof that's what it looked like anyway it's like i got to a certain height and they just spawned i don't want to experience that again right so this is where i fight the boss inside that sphere i don't even want to look around anywhere else saying that though i haven't got another right yet do i have to mine the ancient debris i swear you need like four of these and one gold to make a single nether right another right boss huh enderman where did they come from and i'm in police i don't know how you just spawned why is that four of them okay please pass away please go you're not doing as much damage to me as the ghast i'll take the end of the poles there's more down here looks like they're dropping a lot i've got a stack and seven they are i don't know where they came from lost my train of thought as well another one up here oh can i have some more in the pose you teleport away okay i'll go into here i see the button never mind he's back he wants to get more in the video i've got my two stacks of owner pose that's going to be enough do i want to just break in i'm to press the button i think this is the last boss i can fight before i go to the end it's counting down another boss is going to be here he is there and he is a blaze though i am going to get blazer odds at least i think oh there's baby zombies in here they're dropping booze and never right brews put two i'll put these on there's more zombies spawning out please sir another boss is spawning stuff but i've got the right boost oh i killed it already oh piglets these things are powerful no why am i running through the cactus plate why am i even fighting these i could run i see blaze rods on the floor they get these under the right of course obviously i got stuck in another right oh i'm gonna die to these and get the blaze rods i gotta stack another writing ghost yes i got these i'm going out i'm going out where's the hole i don't have any blocks oh they followed me out they got free i'll fire off fire on fire then i have succeeded it's becoming night time here in the nether right world let's go back to the overworld i'm definitely ready to go to the end now i'm gonna have another right stuff i've got all the stuff to make the portal gold portal no what other one's gonna really go to that'll be useful i think we hit on all the big boy blocks now it's home time what we have to do is go through there and we can fight the ball i lost my last two of these videos i am not doing it again got my legs and my helmet they're turning into another right not my chest play i don't want her to be another righted i'll keep my cactus abilities but i'm now basically full near the right let's go ahead and make some eyes of ender tina don't even know how many slots there are it's gotta be enough i guess it will be we can make more if not that was a portal right up here though i'm ready nothing anymore this is down the last one there we have the full portal not gonna be fighting the ender dragon we're gonna be fighting the new portal boss wish me luck fingers crossed it's time all right we're here let me end the part of the middle the portal boss is over is somewhere he's been waiting in there for like two hours for me i feel kind of bad where are you mate i see you down here i see you i see you i see you the portal bus is right here you're a big mistake coming in oh i don't have any arrows for jumping though thanks for that but i have some extra special powers okay you're spawning pigs and cows oh they're attacking me why are they attacking me william william that was incredibly rude let's just overload the system what are you doing what is that i can't even hear anything i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i just turned down my sound i was way too loud i didn't even hear what you were saying hello wildo are you spawning these animals like you attacking me ah you ever got a good sword i did not understand anything lava oh i'm proud of that one please stop spawning angry mobs oh i almost died bro they're all walking towards me that noise bro that is so loud they're all attacking me this is horrible this is horrible i'm actually gonna die right now i'm actually gonna die right now i think i've said about three words to you and i'm already gonna die like you've just jumped into the video and i'm dead if you couldn't tell where was the portal boss if you're gonna hear him over the screaming oh they're back well i'm talking a bit louder because i can't really hear anything bro i never have a chance in any of these videos i'm going to talk to a pig this is so dumb okay no what will you kill me i'm going to die to pigs i'm going to die two pigs and cows i'm on a heart i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead okay okay will okay and you didn't have to hit me with a nail that was so rude i did have to hit you with the l i just died to a pig oh i couldn't take on the cooking boss i couldn't take on the lucky nether i boss i couldn't take on the portal boss this video i am a loser thanks will you you really just upset me and wasted my time i mean i didn't actually kill you it was a pig i guess yeah that's fair okay goodbye please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video videos like this take ages to set up and organize so your support does mean a lot i'm not gonna waste more of your time though because i'm appreciative of you i respect your needs so i'm gonna let you leave now goodbye
Channel: ShadowApples
Views: 672,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shadowapples, shadow apples, minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, portal, portals, worlds, world, new portal, portal mod, any block, any item, every block, every item, diamond portal, netherite portal, diamond world, netherite world, diamond, netherite, beating minecraft, But You Can Craft Any Portal..., manhunt, custom portal, custom portals, there are custom portals, minecraft but there are custom portals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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