Minecraft, but you can COMBINE EVERY SWORD!

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in this video we go ahead and play minecraft but you can combined every single sword in the game and they get pretty powerful so if you guys do enjoy this video be sure to hit that like button subscribe if you guys knew and without further ado let's hop straight into the video boys welcome to minecraft but we can combined every single sword can we combine our sub count we need to start off by um you guys know how this is you guys know how this is we're going to start off by punching a tree but before we do that we're not going to be finding the product we just need to find ourselves one eye of ender once we have the strongest multi sword there is and we'll find ourselves one eye of ender and defeat the enemy with it see how opi it really is but in the meantime um yeah let's go let's go punch through my gray white crayons okay i'm gonna go ahead and make an axe and get some more wood so go ahead and bevel make as many wood swords as possible make as many woods as possible we need a total of 24 wooden swords for all of us trust me trust me we're going to need a lot of wooden swords for this they're not even that old yet okay well yeah but you know but yeah but no hey take three swords take three of those and wait no i need one more wait no no give me a stick do you have a stick do your stick oh okay perfect okay so if i go ahead and do that get a stick if you go ahead and put all of your swords in a circle around like a big old circle without one in the middle you're gonna get you go ahead and get a knowledge but now go ahead and click on that knowledge book oh my god and you get yourselves a wooden spinning blade look at this thing hey just how much damage is this thing looks crazy and now this is the wooden version of it so it's not as great as the other versions you can go ahead and drop it down it won't go too far but it will go it will go a little distance because it's wooden and wouldn't it's bad um wait wait i have it wait did you give it to me i accidentally it said throw to spin so i threw it at you grabbed it and then out here i took my sword dude okay okay hey you can have your one back wait how do i drop it i caught i guess i keep dropping um i don't know how it worked this is an issue this is an issue i'm gonna die wait no wait yeah wait uh no no wait no it's fine let's make a stretch just make a chest just make a chest we need to make a chest so we can actually drop these sides we can just make a bike oh my goodness this this is getting way too confusing way too quickly do you have a chest okay just over there yeah okay perfect i'll go put your sword back in the chest there you go you want some more sauce here i have some more swords i think maybe here's five one two three four five there you go therefore where did you go careful i'm mining stone no we don't need stone yet we need to go ahead and kill things with this wooden sword because it's so powerful oh it's so powerful it's no no look at this look at this it literally one shots any mob you go in there you just need to drop it on the ground but does it one shot of sigils i unfortunately no unfortunately not well it one shots chickens wow wow this wood so really sucks okay you know what before you might be right you might be right let's get our hands on the stone sword so you're going to need eight stone for four so medium for two you're gonna need 16 stone okay i have 40 stone you have 40 stone hey biffle yeah yeah hey before good god you could have just asked thanks for the stone okay okay here let me go ahead and make it before before i'll give it back to you i'll get back to you crafting table i can go ahead and put this in here put this here over there and then this hair because i didn't want to run all the way over here this is like our little like looting area i guess so let me go like this and wait where'd it go how did you do it can i get something there it is oh you want sticks here you go you can have some wood for sticks and then there's also some sort of swords why is it raining oh no i don't have oh my god into the air right here i don't know where you're at boys check this bad boy out look at him look at it yeah it's it's pretty it's pretty menacing uh first of all let's test out how much damage was this decisions that's not bad or too short with the stone so that's not too bad but now let's go ahead and throw it oh oh my look at this thing that's what is that noise i'm hearing it's like a little boomerang and it comes straight back to me dude look at this i mean we can't hurt each other but if we come across any hops or anything again oh i did no i didn't it's where is it where where is it wait wait before what did you do with your stone sword oh there's an animatronic wait wait there's linda we need one of i have ender but it's raining so it's teleporting like crazy well i can't because he's still pointing like crazy oh no oh no dude this sword is crazy at once just any mob any mom that comes into this area essentials like right where there's a meat standing yeah he'll die wait are you serious hey hey hey should i punch him into the meat wait wait should i punch him this way punch him with this one before i think you're crazy zom no a zombie walked right here and he died yeah maybe maybe you just yeah before i think you might be going slightly crazy i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it okay i'm watching i'm watching therefore i don't think i threw mine into the ocean and it didn't come back and now it's gone oh henry what did i say wait this is literally like a death zone right here i'm gonna go ahead and start mining because i want to get myself an iron spinning blade and some armor and then once i have that i think it's time for us to go to the nether boys i found myself a cave i found myself a cave and it's got some iron in it and one two three three irons there a little bit more here wait these bats are in my way wait wait wait am i invisible it's invisible again dude this thing is like overpowered like just one shot in these like stupid little bats and then it goes invisible which is awesome your voice gets to mind as well and then we'll meet back on the surface and make some more weapons of mass destruction this is gonna be powerful many many minutes later honestly though i do need more armor okay yeah you do go mine some more but hey let's go ahead and get ourselves the oh there it is okay okay okay we got our iron blades but we can't really use them down here because it works really weirdly so we're going to use the most of this what's your question i need pants yeah honestly all right here here we go there's a skeleton down here hey oh i killed the bat by accident oh no it's disappointing oh no it just it keeps hitting the rocks right dude this is so much damage to these skeletons once we find some diamonds i i think we're going to need to put all our diamonds together because i feel like finding 16 diamonds for every single post that's going to be a little bit difficult wait is that oh that's gold dude we can make a goldsmith zone if you want i mean it's your choice oh this is the blue thing we're looking for diamonds okay nice diamond hopefully i don't bother before i mine these oh there's one there's two uh there's three okay i got three we need how many more thirteen more oh boy it's gonna be a long minus session with the boys oh boy oh look what i found okay you got diamonds nice and difficult monster we need gold we need to indian diamonds goes just about every single diamond every single gold you see also does anyone have any food i'm gonna come back to you guys i need i need some food oh there's there's more diamonds down here boys boys boys we need a diamond check right now we need a diamond check how many diamonds did you guys say you found because i think you guys found a few more right i have third the what you're kidding me i'm kidding i'm kidding i was gonna say you can you can make it more for us okay after this i have eight math is hard math is hard okay now if we go like this go like this stop throwing just throw your trash to me stop stop it okay well we have one two three four five six seven eight diamond swords but i'm sorry because uh they're all gonna be for me so i'm gonna go ahead and make this now um let's go like this go like that yeah i kind of just scanned you for your diamonds thank you and what are you gonna tell me nothing okay you know what you know what i looked up wait did you break something check this out we can now mine with the sword look how far it goes oh my goodness hey guys wait where what what are you guys doing oh oh my god don't destroy the end portal do not destroy the importer all right boys well hey let's go ahead and head into the nether so just so just so just please tell me you have gold on you uh okay so we need one blaze rod and one eye vendor so it should be too difficult we don't need to trade to get ice venom we just need to find one of those blue forests and then we also need to mine deep down for some ancient debris but wait we're also going to need a diamond pickaxe oh no um does anyone have any spare diamonds before do you ever spare diamond on you yeah i know you gave me yours but before do you have like one or two spare diamonds please tell me i was i wanted to keep it wait what you do you have a spare diamond yeah i have yeah but i wanted to keep it before that's literally all we need we need one spare one for a pickaxe nope don't oh okay okay that already scared me for a second i thought you threw that in the level okay um well let me go ahead and make it now so that we don't forget so we have 16 diamonds left over for the swords and then we have a pickaxe to my asian debris this is gonna be good we just need to find ourselves a fortress and i need to get out of this hole boys i see an enderman i see an enemy off in the distance oh oh oh i made him mad i made him mad i made him mad and my diapers was blown away we're ready to go come here oh my goodness that's my sword okay oh well he didn't drop us an end to post so i guess we'll just have to keep searching oh boy so we need one ender and one blazer boys boys boys i see it i see what we've been looking for it's the fortress what's the fortress it's the fortress i see blazes i see lots and lots of blazes wait this is the road first oh no okay we need we need a blue forest so that we can get poles and then we need to kill one blaze one singular blaze and this soul sound is getting really really annoying i just killed all of them oh my god oh wait where'd my thing go oh there it is it came back around get out of here you stupid pig come on okay then therefore before oh before's dead we need to still find a eye vendor anyway so you're good no he's in dropper place already though okay so we still need to find a blazer as well come on give me a blazer give me your blaze rods dude why don't these guys drop in their blazers they're just bullying us sanjols i found the blaze water okay come on come on we just need one we just need one single blaze road nope okay come on are you getting the guy up there are you got him easy oh where's my oh no wait wait where's where's she going um okay it's back all right come on give us pleasures give us pleasures give us pleasures please who ha [Music] oh no that doesn't look good oh oh okay hold on there's a lot of places right here hold on oh no oh no oh no oh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad um i just hit a zombie pig man i had a zombie pick me but i also got a police one okay um let's get out of here and find a uh and a pole somewhere i don't know boys i've been running around this blue bottom for a while and i i can't see any enderman anywhere oh boy we just need one ender pole as well that's the worst part you know what you're looking for this whole time i spent ages to find this blue bomb i've been running around this blue bar i'm trying to find out that i learned from another nether fortress before i got another enderpearl yeah no i have an enterprise you're kidding i'm joking i don't have it therefore where's where's the enemy come on give me your pole give me your po boy yes okay i've got another pole oh that's it that's that's all we need because i could turn the end into an eye vendor boys i'm on my way back and uh you better have the beds ready uh yeah i got a couple beds like six couple yeah oh okay hopefully that's enough boys come back through come back through i'm back at the border here sigils is here i thought you just jumped into the void again i thought i thought that's what just happened i really thought for a second that you you were dead okay right i think if we go down here we should have a safe area to probably mine down a bit um hopefully i'll i'll go first just to make sure it is safe it looks somewhat safe so let's just go ahead and dig let's go ahead and dig and see um this is we're not do not dig straight down in another that's a terrible idea especially when we're in a bottom like this okay this is just yeah look right here there's lava right see i mean look at this like look at this like this is just danger i am out of food though um so that's not good so the reason we can't use these swords to mine like we have um is because apparently they just don't work here like i tried to throw it it's not breaking anything so um that that kind of sucks but hey we're just gonna mine it as long as you have explosives if we get down to the right level we might be able to find ourselves some ancient debris and uh we only need we only need technically four i think because if we put one of those together with gold we get a ingot and then if we put the gold with the diamond one that we have we should get another right one if that'll make sense but we we've got to keep digging down we got to keep digging down we got to keep um roger we're going to go a lot deeper than this and wait no there's lava oh this could be a lot harder than i thought boys boys we're down at the right level i think do you have do you have the explosives before i know it's confined spaces but do you have any explosives beds sure yeah i think beds do count as explosives here give me give me as many beds as humanly possible oh my goodness you did get a lot of beds okay um um how many she promoted in the making of these beds okay you know what you keep the wall you keep the wall you keep the wall because i need to go ahead and do this safely pick up the rope pick up the wall okay now back up ready three two one oh ah oh my goodness oh my god okay okay i think everything's i think everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine we didn't get any of this first one which is okayish maybe um but hey we're gonna do one over here and then another good way to mine so we go like this way and then we'll go this way as well that's probably the best way to do it because i don't want to go towards lava i think that might be a lava pool over there and i do not want to go towards it okay so let's go ahead and do this one first let that go like that oh okay okay okay come on come on we need a total of four so i don't think they even spawn in fours there we go we got one piece that's that's definitely three that's definitely three that's two come on i think we might just have a three right that's fine though because we only need one more piece okay we only need one more piece um there was nothing this way nothing that way i'm guessing we go this way i think we go this way because there's no there's one piece this way so let's go and get this weird fire fire fire heavily nothing tell us next time okay there's nothing here you know what let's go back the other way let's go back the other way i don't trust that way anymore you know he gave us some debra and now he needs some more debris so let's go get the other deck from the debra you know all right boys you ready are you ready let's go ahead and place one down placement down three two two three two one ah ow ah everybody's enemies dying ow okay okay debra i only should cover oh damn give me all the good debris wait was that literally right there bruh diablo wait we have enough that's two five we're good we're good we're good to go we're actually good to go because we can go ahead and put this gold to get one another ingredient and turn my diamond sword into a netherrite sword um so if i go like this turn that into that turn this into that and now we have one of these bad boys let's go now we just need to go back to spawn get back to the smithing table and you guys are actually you guys are actually the one guys come on let's just get back to the portal come on please please guys all right boys boys boys let's go ahead and see if this works okay put one in here and put one in here oh it does okay we have a diamond spinning blade what it is oh that is this is dangerous this is actually dangerous watch scientific purposes uh-huh no no no no i can't i can't damage him but i can't hit him ow how much how bad is it oh no he's in the hole nice the jaw's nice i'm excited to see how much there's just the entertainment okay so i was actually wrong we don't need these diamonds that i had spares so who was the diamond one i'll take it okay well there you go you can go ahead and make it and let's go ahead and use the eye vendor no no no i'm insist i'm science you guys are actually so bad imagine you guys remember when you had diamond armor but now you guys don't like i don't want to talk about it all right before you have the diamond one i have another one which one do you have huh which one do you have remember when you died i've got the you know what henry i've got the bad attitude all right time to open to the end oh boy wait is it safe it's still safe it smells safe everybody be careful everybody slow step slow shorts don't don't even think about it don't even yeah yeah yeah don't don't don't don't punch me stay back oh oh okay okay um did i destroy it oh okay good thing somebody has a bow because yeah lucky like you said i didn't i didn't really think this went through oh boy okay i just haven't done this correctly and oh who gave me a diamond ones wait why are they multiple diamond ones did we just get a duplication glitch oh no oh no this is just this is just turned into a mess oh boy okay i have let's go this one well that enemy didn't stand a chance it doesn't go through obsidian but it does goes through end stone uh i tried before and wait what where's the sweat when we need you okay it's fine you spawn right next to it we need to get like wait let's see how much there is to the energy dragon first okay because honestly i'm not too sure let's wait for him to get close let's just see how much damage this thing does to an enemy drinks if it does a lot of damage we might be able to just one shot him mr dragon come over here mr dragoon where's he going where's he go oh oh i think he's on vacation no i missed him dude we need to wait for him to purge but we also need to get rid of the other pillars so before give me your bow and arrows please clearly clearly you didn't do a good job with it before so i broke one thing and then i the army event 19 you already have knight oh oh boy i'm good you didn't have any what just happened why are the things over when i saw you what hit him he explained okay well hey you know what since we beat the game we beat the game with this i'm gonna go ahead and respond the interstate because i i want to see that have i just went into the wrong portal i'm actually a bot [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 371,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: henwy, henwy minecraft, minecraft, minecraft henwy, minecraft but, minecraft but you can combine swords, combine swords, minecraft challenge, minecraft but you can combine any items, minecraft but you can combine items together, minecraft but challenge, beating minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft videos, minecraft op items, best sword in minecraft, best sword minecraft, minecraft op sword, minecraft mods, memes, meme, funny, prank, trap, comedy, gaming, game, speedrun, minecraft survival
Id: e90v976JrPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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