Minecraft, But You Can Combine Multi Tools...

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imagine combining any tool in minecraft this is a diamond pickaxe sword and this is a diamond netherright pickaxe sword shovel and as you can probably guess this is a diamond netherite pickaxe sword shovel axe welcome to minecraft but you can make multi-tools in this video i can craft a multi-tool and upgrade any of its attachments these upgrades give crazy abilities that include chopping trees in one strike and breaking entire chunks before we start be sure to check if you're subscribed because we're so close to one million without any more delay let's go okay so apparently i'm on a massive jungle tree oh there's a parrot with me hello how is it going he's just spinning in circles why do they all do this every mob in my videos just spins around okay we're not gonna question it anyway i'm just gonna collect a bunch of wood right now and we can straight away just craft our wooden multi tool all i need to do is make a crafting table also i see a pillager tower there i'm definitely gonna leave that after okay so we're gonna make some sticks and we're also gonna make one of every wooden tool and if we just put all of these together just like this as you can see we can now craft the wood multi tool look at this thing dude this is ridiculous now this thing actually has an ability called lumberjack where i can break an entire tree in one strike so we're just going to jump into this water here and try it out let's break the bottom of this tree and oh my that is so satisfying and also if you guys look at this my log counter is actually going up and if i complete that and minor all 50 logs the axe on my multi-tool is gonna upgrade to a stone axe so we can just break this and as you can see it's already a stone axe look how many logs i have right now dude the jungle biome is actually perfect for that i'm actually gonna upgrade the pickaxe before i go into the pillager tower just in case i need to dig down so let's find some stone as well and there we go the pickaxe is now stone all right we'll do the shovel as well i just want to get the stone multi tool as fast as possible and we can also upgrade the sword i think by killing mobs yeah so i can just use pillages to fill up that counter and upgrade the entire tool oh yeah and each time i upgrade it it gains a new abilities so by the end of this we're gonna have eight abilities on our multi-tool which is gonna be so good and there we go the shovel is complete look at this thing the final thing i have to do is kill 10 mobs so i think it is time to take over the pillager tower okay let's do this one down wait dude they've captured an iron golem if i can release this guy that would be so good yes golem attack kill them all for me okay it's getting kind of intense there's so many pillages the golem is taking a couple of them out for me and i can also just get like hay bales from these i'm gonna make some food to regen i need to play this kind of safe right there's another pillar here we're gonna oh dude we won't have to this one's going down we're making the stone multi tool and nothing is gonna stop us i've taken out all the pillages so the final mob is unfortunately gonna have to be the golems so let's just kill this guy and there we go the stone upgrade is complete so it's now enchanted with efficiency one and there are even more pillages dude okay i can just grind kills on these guys not even close dude okay but only on half a heart and that's the new ability okay i tried to eat but apparently we just started throwing rocks okay i'm guessing yeah rock throw ability honestly i'm just gonna keep speed running the upgrades on this tool because i just wanna see what the other ones have and also i just got a crossbow that is so lucky okay oh no there are ways oh why are there so many pillages wait no it's fine dude why are there this many okay we can just block up we're fine i'm just gonna continue mining and then i can farm these pillages later on and upgrade my sword that'll be so good oh i found some copper all i'm actually gonna take that because like i can make a spyglass or whatever you can make with coffee it's just cool okay it kind of looks like beans though i don't know anyway let's mine some stone oh and there we go literally after like two breaks we now have a gold pickaxe okay i need to kill 20 mobs with this thing to make a gold sword so we're just gonna go ahead and like keep tapping these guys we've actually just made a pillager grinder this is so good but we also do have the bad omen effect now all right let's break some more trees because this is definitely the most satisfying thing and i can probably also use my new ability rock throw to like kill some mobs maybe does this do damage oh it actually does that's so good this is actually a really good weapon and no way it breaks trees too can it break jungle trees it can oh my i just broke a massive jungle tree and now we have a golden axe all right pretty good pretty good now it's gonna upgrade the sword and there we go we have a gold sword now which is kind of a downgrade but it's fine once i upgrade the shovel we'll get a new ability and it'll be great and there we go the gold upgrade is complete okay oh it has efficiency two now which is probably going to be quite fast let's see yes okay this is definitely a lot faster but i think i have to break more blocks now so yeah we have to break a hundred stone but that shouldn't be too long oh and a new ability as well five percent chance to find a rare item when breaking blocks okay we're just gonna keep breaking blocks over and over and hope that i guess oh i got something a gold block and gilded black stone and a lodestone block dude this is actually amazing because i'm gonna have to go nethers so like gold blocks are definitely good oh and there we go my pickaxe is now upgraded okay and now this is an iron pickaxe i can actually mine this iron all veins so that's pretty good i actually can't get over how cool this thing is this is just so satisfying to use and i wonder how fast this breaks norway i can literally insta-break dirt i can literally just grind infinite lucky drops this is so good we got iron i have 10 iron and 9 gold now okay and if i just mine even more dirt because it makes me mine 200 now i think it doubles every time there we go we have the iron shovel which is even slower but it's okay because we get a new ability also once we upgrade the entire thing to iron we're going to get efficiency three and i think that will insta break stone again so let's just use our rock throw ability to start breaking down more trees and upgrade our axe to gold as well there we go this is just so satisfying to use dude i can just run around and right click there we go three materials are now iron so all i need now is some more mobs to fight and i think fish are the best bet right now because there's so many of them and i can just one tap them it's actually becoming night time so this kind of works out since i can just kill a bunch of hostile mobs oh dude i can keep breaking this gilded blackstone and get a bunch of gold nuggets as well if i ever need some so that actually works out pretty well i'm just gonna launch rocks with this skeleton right here so i can get another easy kill that we go we just obliterated it and we just killed another creeper how many more do i have to kill um dude that's so many moves we still have to kill 16 more oh i found sugarcane though which is pretty good because i can get in chance later on and a ruined portal with gold blocks too so we can use this for trading later on anything good in here we have all my two gold blocks obsidian so i think i can yeah i can complete this portal i gold pickaxe with mending which we don't even need and then we have a flint and steel as well that is actually an insane chest holy yeah i can probably fight a bunch of mobs in the nethers so after i kill these zombies and skeletons we're gonna go through oh yeah i can make a pigment grinder dude that'll be so good i can upgrade my sword like twice and there's a massive ravine down here too so if i want to go on a mining trip then i know where to go okay i'll just place these here and then light the portal and we can go through i really feel like this might be a bad idea but i just want to kill piglets dude if i just make a grinder it'll be fine okay so it's gonna speed bridge up here and i think there should be something hopefully nearby oh i see a bunch of piglens okay this could be quite good okay are you guys ready for my professional piglet grinder what we're gonna do is just attack this piglen and then dig straight down and then just let them jump down here and as long as i just tap these for a couple of minutes then we should be able to just grind our kills and upgrade our sword all the way to a diamond one oh and there we go the iron upgrade is now complete and the new ability is vein minor breaks all connected blocks when mining an ore okay is there any oars in the nether i mean i can oh my i just got ender pearls i have no idea what lucky drop that was but that is definitely good that means i don't even need to go to a bastion if i'm lucky enough actually what i'm gonna do right now is upgrade my sword again all the way to a diamond sword because once i have that it'll just be so good also i'm gonna have to kill pretty much every piglet that's nearby to actually have a chance oh no dude what just happened i think i insta broke the netherrack okay we're fine i'm gonna build a new piglet farm and just keep going until i get my diamond sword wait dude a hundred mobs this is gonna take so long i don't know if there's any other way that i can grind out mobs like oh there's a fortress here okay a blaze spawner could be quite good since that's just gonna keep spawning mobs over and over but at the same time i feel like a piglet grinder might be faster but let's just try this anyway i need to get my blazers to beat minecraft either way so like i might as well just do some fighting in this fortress let's just build up here oh i found a blaze spawner okay so i can't even dual wield a shield with this i have to like take it out and keep switching slots because otherwise i just start throwing rocks and that'll go horribly wrong so my plan is just to kill blazes until my sword turns diamond also there's a piglet here oh yes there's a magma cube pit this is so many free kills because i can split it and then just keep grinding the baby ones never have i actually wanted a magma cube in minecraft dude oh and i can try out my vein minor ability now so let's see if this works on yes there we go so much gold yeah i can mine so much gold like this this will be really good oh i found ender pearls let's go we got some trades i feel like this might be a bad idea but i'm gonna make a pit for zombie piglens to go in and let them collect so i can keep grinding kills because we're still only halfway dude this video is gonna be such a grind okay so if i just wait here the zombie piglen should just appear while i kill blazes and then once we're done i can kill all of the zombie piglens and it should be pretty good i am literally on one heart right now dude this is not good okay let's kill the blaze get out the shield i should probably get out of here to be honest there is actually a guard shooting me as well this is so bad get out of here ghost bang let's go there are so many piglets here dude okay we're gonna make another farm let's go down and we're just gonna grind until we get the diamond sword and there we go finally our first diamond tool that took so long dude okay now all i have to do is break 200 stone to upgrade my pickaxe to a oh a lucky drop it's a book with loyalty three okay well if i somehow get a trident as a lucky drop then that would be good oh apples yes literally just what i need i have barely any food right now oh i can even make a golden apple yes finally i can actually walk again okay and we're just gonna start giga drilling all of this netherrack that we go oh wait dude it's not even going up because this isn't stone that's so annoying okay well at the very least i've grinded a bunch of rare drops i got even more ender pearls which is amazing so i can actually go back to the overworld when i need to um there's a portion here i think super haste potion with haste three wait dude that might be enough for me to insta-break stones so if i go back through my portal we could use that ravine and just like go on a huge mining trip i think that's a good idea to be honest we have like everything i could possibly need from the nethers so or saddle yeah i will definitely take that okay now it's gonna go back to our portal and i'm just gonna get the rest of my pedals from the lucky drop things so we have our super haste potion now and i can also mine entire veins of oars dude this is so good this tool is actually so fun to use dude okay i scored diamonds no way it was only one but i will definitely take it so let's just drink up this super haze potion and no dude it's so close to insta breaking as soon as i get this diamond pickaxe it probably will insta break okay well at the very least this is gonna be quite quick so i'm not gonna complain dude i got another super haze potion from a lucky drop that is so good okay at least now when i get the diamond pickaxe and i wanna upgrade it again i can use a new super haze potion so this is pretty good and i can just like keep mining entire veins of wars and i got the diamond pickaxe i have no idea when i actually got it but on dude it still can't insta break i reckon once we get the entire diamond upgrade we'll be able to because like i'll get efficiency 4 then and efficiency 4 diamond with haste definitely works oh i found some dirt down here so i think i can just insta-break all of this and i should be able to upgrade the shovel as well while i'm down here and get lucky drops too dude i see a crossbow piercing 4 crossbow dude that is so good i also have 32 iron now this is actually amazing i need to dig 400 dirt though so this is going to take quite a while and wait did i just see dude 1.5 000 stone this is gonna take so long and we're not even at the nether right level like i'm still gonna have to upgrade the nether right version too this is just crazy and there we go the shovel is now diamond now i have to break 400 logs so we're gonna dig up the surface and just like find some massive trees and then we're gonna have the diamond multi tool which is gonna be ridiculous yes we're still in the jungle okay perfect bang let's go in one strike we went from like 50 logs to 150 that's so good and then in this one we go all the way up to 230 all right literally this tree and there we go diamond upgrade complete look at this thing we have a diamond multi tool dude do you see this panda do you see how cool this tool looks he does wait is the panda sick can i like how do you cure it this is so sad guys leave a like down below for the six panda wait dude i hear something crazy right now if i just go up here i think there might be no way dude a giant orangutan in the tree that is so crazy guys if you made it this far leave a comment about the real orangutan it's definitely not edited in and we will confuse everybody in the comments okay all right well it's inside wait what just happened did you guys see that it just started breaking a massive area oh wait it's only when i'm shifted dude no way i can break does so fast i have to break 2 000 of it though but that will give me the netherright tool and if this is just a diamond imagine the super one oh my this is getting even crazier oh i haven't even checked the diamond ability as well super pearl ability right click while shifting to throw a super enderpearl that spawns opie items um it gave me cobblestone anything good or gold ah more gold alright i think it's just giving me random materials i see redstone i see lapis although i'll actually be quite good for enchanting to be fair and we also have a skeleton which is going to take that guy out and we're just going to upgrade this entire thing together right okay it's not going to take that long surely especially if i drink the super haze potion for the stones so yeah let's just continue breaking dirt and there we go we have another right shovel right now and since i'm like already at the surface we might as well just do the second easiest one which is definitely gonna be the axe how many logs do i have to break 2 000 dude i am literally gonna chop down this entire rainforest by the end of this video i have to upgrade it another time after this too all right i'll be right back after i shot down like a trillion trees if i wasn't in the jungle right now i have no idea how i do this [Music] and there we go we've got another right axe okay so since i need lucky drops i think i'm gonna do the pickaxe next i'm gonna dig down to y11 and try and find diamonds while doing this because i feel like i might as well oh dude right away let's go i got diamonds four in total so i can make enchants later on and i'm gonna drink this super haste potion and i'm just gonna start mining really quickly and then break 1500 stone also look six thousand logs to get the super dude that is just way too much it better come with a good ability once i get it to nether right holy dude wait dude i think i can get netherrite scraps and diamonds no way wait i might die though but if i just spam the superpower i can get like enough diamonds to make full armor and everything so that's pretty good and there we go the netherright pickaxe has been obtained the final one is the netherite sword and i have to kill 200 mobs where am i gonna find 200 mobs i feel like the nether is actually the best bet i don't even know though i mean i could just find mobs underground since we're in a mine shaft so there'll be a bunch of cave spiders but at the same time these guys are kind of hard to kill so i don't know if that's actually a good idea oh i found diamonds though and i haven't even made armor actually we have 12 right now so i'm just gonna go ahead and make myself some diamond boots and a diamond chest plate and dude if i get one more nether right scrap as a rare drop then i can make a nether right piece which will be so good okay yeah we're gonna go to an ocean right now and just kill fish for like 20 minutes straight and as soon as i unlock the netherite sword we're gonna get an even crazier ability so i just want to do this as fast as possible yes dude there are fish right here okay it's time to literally kill 200 cod why does this video have to be so grindy and there we go the netherright upgrade is complete so first of all it looks like we have a new ability called netherright pets it says right click the ground to summon a pet wearing netherrite armor that fights for you okay that is definitely pretty cool all might look at this thing wait can i just get infinite pets although i can only get three but one of these is a wither skeleton which is so good wait do they follow me as well they do that is so good oh wait no they're gonna start drowning i need to get them on land come here zombie pets this is so strange dude oh wait dude look at these counters chop 6 000 logs kill 400 mobs okay do these guys like that's so good but i need to kill 400 more mobs like that is actually insane i just really want to see what the super multi-tool looks like so we're going to go back to the jungle and we're going to keep grinding oh yeah this has efficient d5 which means that i can insta-break blocks so this should be wait that's a bigger radius i'm pretty sure the shovel got an upgrade dude look how much dirt i can break that's way bigger than last time okay netherright pets protect me okay yes dude let's go good zombie okay well since we're back in the jungle i'm just gonna do the axe first because like this is definitely the quickest and we only need to get 6 000 logs okay oh wait dude i found a jungle temple while breaking trees so we might as well just loot this really quickly maybe we can get something good let's see we got one diamond okay gold which i'll definitely take because if i want to go nether and trade then i can even more gold and even more iron there we go and after 10 minutes i'm only halfway through so i guess it's back to breaking logs and there we go the axe is now super look how cool that is dude and it breaks things so fast all right now let's go for the pickaxe because that's gonna be so easy since i can literally break a five by five area holy i found an amethyst thing let's uh just break the entire thing down this sounds so satisfying dude oh dude and once my entire tool is super i'm tempted to just go nether and also i found diamonds i'm tempted to go to the nether since i can probably find so much ancient debris like this oh more diamonds there we go 16 extra in total so literally one more vein and we can have everything i want actually i think i can make myself full diamond domino we can make the leggings we can make the helmet and i still have enough left over for the enchantment tables so we're pretty much set all i have to do now is just like break blocks for let's see four thousand stone that's not too bad and we're so close as well even more diamonds holy dude this pickaxe is just solo p wait can i break bedrock with this i think i can no am i gonna sleep myself this yup that was way too close i can literally see the void oh and there we go i did it already this was actually so quick because the pickaxe is just solo p now oh i found a zombie spawner by just strip mining okay anything good inside we had some gapples iron gunpowder and a music disc which i could play but it's kind of pointless okay and since it's becoming night time right now what i'm gonna do is just run around on surface for 10 minutes and kill as many mobs as possible my sword is really strong so i should be able to kill quite a few and just work towards that 400 mobs i actually love using this dude this is so good if i need to keep a creeper away or something i can just stay back that's so good on dude i can use my nether right pets to give me even more kills so this is gonna be quite good are you guys ready for the rock throw combo there we go bang bang oh no i ran out of sprint attack near the right betsy yes no way dude and because it died from like another mob i got a music disc it's mole okay i'm gonna play this as fighting music let's just put this here this goes inside and there we go mole is now playing [Music] and there we go in one night i got 126 mob kills so we have to spend another 40 minutes killing mobs and then i should get the super sword oh dude i found an enderman if i can kill this guy then i can get one more enderpearl and i think we should have enough there we go 12. well i guess i'm just gonna kill random mobs in this planes until i reach 400. let's just do this and there we go the super sword has been acquired all i need is one more upgrade to finally get the full super multi tool this grind has actually been insane okay at least now all i have to do is mine dart which is going to be super quick so let's just go ahead and mine 4 000 more mulder and there we go the full super multi tool has been obtained so as you guys can see the counter is now gone and all it says is sheep cannon ability fires an explosive rainbow sheep that deals damage to mobs and breaks blocks okay this is gonna be interesting so if i shift it throws the rainbow pearl and gives me an op item but if i right click without shifting it shoots a rainbow sheep look at that oh and it turns into rainbow tnt and is this gonna blow up and like okay wait dude books diamond blocks okay there's a lot of cool items here no way dude this is like bastian chest lou there's enchanted diamond armor here protection two diamond chestplate mending wait dude i can probably get like ancient debris maybe if i'm really lucky so let's just throw down a bunch of sheep and let all of this rainbow tnt explode and uh hope that i get some good items or i see a potion potion of strength two for one minute thirty okay we're gonna do so much damage to the dragon now jump boost two potion a bunch of rainbow colored wool that's pretty interesting actually i'm just going to start traveling to the stronghold because i can use my rainbow balls to travel so quickly we don't take any damage so i can just keep spamming this pearl and also collecting diamonds along the way and when i get to the end we're going to use our canon ability to deal so much damage to the dragon and i'll probably upgrade my armor to netherright by just using rainbow sheep in the end so it should be pretty good it's literally been like a minute and i can already go to the stronghold and to be honest do i even need to thermal eyes i could probably just dig down like this all the way to y11 dude i'm even taking damage and we're in the stronghold dude no so many silverfish i can solve this with rainbow sheep let's go wait no that's gonna make even more it's tnt wait it should be fine i think it killed all the silverfish there's one here and i'm just gonna kill it like that there we go oh wait potion regeneration potion that's so good but i don't even need to run through the stronghold when i can just like do this and keep breaking blocks and we should yup there we go that's the portal room and there's two eyes in here so we can definitely go through place all of these in here and we are in there we go okay and i'm just gonna launch a bunch of rainbow sheep across the end and take out all of these end of them and dude what is that i have enderman on me as well this is so bad okay we're already on five hearts so this is kind of bad i'm gonna try and collect some food by getting op items from the rainbow sheep so let's just wait back here let all of this tnt explode and then hope that i can get some golden apples or something and i swallowed my nether right pets down as well oh golden carrots there we go 17 of them so that's probably enough for the fight okay now i'm gonna try and take out some of these blazers i think my tnt got quite a lot of them oh dude i'm being set on fire okay let's try and go in here hit it once come on die die dude it literally has a shield this is crazy okay i'm gonna shoot a bunch of sheep we're not showing any mercy against these guys and i'm also going to build up so it can't hit me with the fire oh no i can oh my and it's still alive okay zombie attack attack the yes it's doing it it's actually doing it oh my i think the zombie took one of them out so we're good as soon as i get rid of these things we will be fine okay i can kill the dragon i can break the crystals i am so low right now dude okay the final one is literally right here all i have to do is get one bow shot two come on i can get it three come on dude we can do this okay come on and there we go that's it i'm just gonna take out all of the crystals and final one there we go okay the dragon's first we're gonna go in how much damage does this oh my dude and that's a sword literally look how much damage i can deal oh no i have a powder we can clutch this we can clutch this come on there we go i got on my boat just in case but luckily we had a pile somehow wait dude what if i kill the dragon with rainbow sheep that would be so good because look how much tnt there is strength potion there we go okay as soon as the dragon punches we're gonna be fine and i think i can one tap enderman dude oh no this dragon's wrath right above me but i think we're fine as long as we don't jump okay that's his head look how much damage i'm dealing it's actually gonna die no it's flying away come back here come back here okay it's punching we're gonna shoot so many rainbow sheep down no those are poles those are the balls i don't want to be down here and i think the rainbow sheep might be able to kill the dragon as long as we get far away come on kill the dragon go please let's go let's go but there are endermen on me now dude i don't know if i can make it to the portal please oh no no no no no please please dude i'm literally on three hearts i can do it yes let's go all right well that was a kind of ridiculous time fight and a kind of ridiculous video hopefully you guys did enjoy anyway that's all today thank you guys for watching and i will see you all later peace [Music]
Channel: SpeedSilver
Views: 9,469,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunning, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, modded minecraft, hardcore, beating minecraft, minecraft funny, dream, wisp, silver, tapl, tommyinnit, custom minecraft, minecraft but there are custom, tapl mine chunk, minecraft but custom tools, custom pickaxes, mine chunk minecraft, minecraft but mine chunk, multi tool minecraft, minecraft super tool, minecraft but you can make multi tools
Id: TKS9lFvf_Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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