Minecraft BUT You Can’t LEAVE The NETHER (update)

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in today's minecraft video me and Craner will be trying to survive only in the meddler and when I say nether I'm talking about the brand-new one that's just been updated with new firearms new bulbs and even a material that is stronger than diamonds so click like on this video if you think it's better anyway let's get into the video once we enter this portal we can never leave we chose our choice we have to go in now let's go pray now more come on see you at the other side Oh Josh crater oh my I actually have what Allah we're in the new never well actually a new see it right now this look over here there's a blue tree excuse me mr. pic man excuse me and a snap made out of this is one of the new biomes what Oh piggies oh my god it looks so much like jelly oh wait I'm looking at from behind but I guess that looks like jelly to your own risk crater at your own risk okay oh my god Kelly crazy physical Oh God grace go ahead again Josh cannot die the video ends if we die I know I'm trying not to I just wanted to pies hide hide ha ok we need to we need to do some work ok thank you for I guess we need to get some crafting equipment what's wrong with this this is a city just a tree what do you mean Crimson's did all this with a cost right above us oh so this stuff we can actually turn into crafting waste wood stuff pranks look ok you make a crafting bench I'm not doing it as well we always do a crafting table have been made okay call Josh okay okay now I guess oh you make sticks yeah we can make the basic equipment to make it pick up whatever I got the pickaxe I'm not gonna make a wooden saw well we can never get anything better right now so we need to get okay I'm gonna get some more work while we can okay okay good so our goal is we cannot die and we're gonna try and get the new best resource in the game true wait this is a new best resource yeah it's a nether right I think so what yeah it's better than diamond yeah well we need diamonds for it obviously which we probably won't have but we're gonna at least try and get it okay so I'm just gonna make like full equipment shovel Oh there's no way we're gonna survive with wouldn't you you know I mean we do really have a choice or a crane I'm even hungry because I got hit by a gas yeah okay let me eat it I think yeah no we can it won't let me eat the water what about weeping I don't think we can eat any of this stuff right now let me eat you wait what about the plans here we pick no we can't hear right okay it won't let me eat anything John okay so what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to eat I think these piggy things over here do they drop meat I I hope so okay let me try to punch it okay whoa funny why is he coming to angry okay I think we should go to kill it hello oh great now don't hit me sorry sorry don't stare too close okay finish it come on it feels kind of bad cuz it's not really doing anything so tanky ow sorry oh there we go one flesh I'll eat it well that's what we have to live on apparently come on I got poisoned okay we need to find more piggies well I think I saw one over here but we're gonna see when I see one we're gonna need a lot of rotten flesh if this is our only food source down here be careful okay and I got poison as well that's our thing okay well it's our only food source down here John yeah my god I can't think of any other okay well there's another one over here we may as well stock up on supplies okay I'm sorry Peggy my girl that's a new mom and we're just killing it over no okay I didn't get poisoned from that oh that's good that's actually really good food sauce if you don't get poisoned I guess watch out don't take fall damage oh okay that was actually close if I died right there wouldn't have been good blue fire what oh so this is the new there's likes granite II stuff that falls down that block yeah let's just go over to it and we'll check out this is one of the new biomes this is the soul sand by him I don't actually remember you really know what yeah I don't know but it's like blue in here I think so if we had coal or our torches we could actually make blue torches if with this soil how do we do that well we need call oh yeah we don't have that well at least right now we're doing it oh there's blue let's see you know what yeah oh oh oh my thigh your buddy great crane up great ow I went off oh I'm literally on all fell what how would they do so much damage great there's another one it's very confused don't die don't die oh I am on to hearts right now oh my god that was so close here a fungi I can't eat the fungi Craner just being a fun guy you should just go and walk in that lava okay okay baby wait I want to look at the blue okay all right where's and I did you oh wait you ate that other piece of meat what is this well this is course long this is no it's bone block bone block all right thoughts was course I guess you can get bone meal out of it look wait it's a bridge whoo you several wait Oh actually what pretty sure mm-hmm bye how on a second tree we have made infinite trees Josh yes that up at the top is that a fruit can I eat it no it's just a light oh wait yes should we can probably use that I'm gonna try to eat it okay well okay if you want that's fine wait this could be our torches oh oh oh but run-run crate a moose h2o2 watts this is so small and I can't need anything not even the light fixture okay I'm getting out of here right now I think we need to go and find a never Fortress I think that's where we're gonna get our next equipment otherwise I don't think we can get much yeah well we can't find chests and stuff this forest is actually really deep it is I really like the lava flowing down dude this is beautiful actually I can lift on your wits against whoa hi our dead end Oh what I found another fortress I think yeah barely see it but that is definitely one okay I got planks I could build over there with playing okay all right you go I'm trusting year we go we're gonna have we're gonna have to go down a little bit no no I can survive this fall I've done a play right we we barely have any food Craner trust me I have very strong knees are you ready no why don't you go to the priest pit first you go stop in okay here we go look strong knees like I told you okay well you know it's get that high that's fine well we need a way to get back up to right yeah that's well yeah I guess why don't you make a beautiful staircase sorry sorry they don't meet the ruing of the staircase oh yes it's just perfect okay hopefully there's diamonds in it we need diamonds to get the nether right come on please please please good good good yes well that's pretty good right yeah okay we can make iron pickaxe I'll make it right now don't wait don't make it on pickaxe because we can't mine the new block with iron so we may as well use the iron father we may as well make iron swords or armor Oh sorts okay good idea I'll make I'll make one sword for me okay please and then and now I can't make boots I'll have to make a salt for you dang any time I know I know okay so okay so we need to find we're definitely upgraded I'm gonna keep the crafting table good idea yes okay sir and I have gold armor now so that's that well I have nothing that is that true that's true okay let's keep moving we do need to find more chests ideally Oh some more iron yeah you kidding me Josh what I'm making ourselves some equipment be boots right now if you don't make me boots I'm jumping off this is right now I'm angry okay I made peace first of all I'm gonna make you pay Josh that's what I've got left over for boots okay your video right now I gave you the rest of the iron hey we're here you take that make your boots Josh I have two pieces there you go you're halfway there look at that can you not let's just find another chest I don't want to talk about it okay such a jerk man wait this xhs here oh really come on I'm inside with that Oh golden salt I'll take that yeah that's not better that's worse than mine I know the chest another chest Oh diamonds where are the diamonds yes golden armor I'll take that I'll take the gold now yeah they're not already here some yeah yeah yeah yeah oh let us get up I see it okay we gotta fight oh okay you got it well that's pretty easy actually we're strong I lost a lot healthier what did you get from it um experience and like nothing else at all oh great really loving that so I just realized to have these room lights that I should have probably been using oh you know nice thanks always teamwork oh my god oh my god oh my god no diamonds oh my god wait wait what I just turned to for damage down and you put it down in front of me oh you've got enough for a PK well that's perfect so we can actually made that so quick so you had no chance at making one yeah well I was gonna give us you anyway all right let's go mine let's go see if we can get this stuff word what do we do now I we have to basically mine through to the lowest level we can go like diamond level okay but I'm guessing you never dig straight down in the nether right I mean I mean there's probably going to be a la lover okay so where do we go I think down yeah we need to go down I guess we'll go down from here okay okay you just need to find our way out now okay we need to get lower okay hang on yeah I build a staircase down here I know I please okay we're nearly back to the way we got in don't worry okay good Wade you actually found your way back yeah we were quite close to where we were we just went in the other direction human GPS system I already forgot where we were I an oh yeah I'm awesome surprise okay I might just ruin that me sorry yeah Josh shows the head wait maybe just jump down here right yeah I do not I have like no hunger I cannot afford to lose like crazy yeah why not thank you so it's just further off okay thank you make sure you eat all that I am I am so we need to just go as low as possible now we don't dig straight down you maniac no it's fine I checked the local ball okay okay good wait jump on the tree no that Craner no stop that really yeah we need to go down some stiff and plate gonna die okay I think if we dig down over here we should be safe why do you do things like this brainer look I'm okay oh my god Oh Josh I've ever had so I really fell in lava oh my god okay I was actually gonna die raining crater credit let's just go down Oh Josh I'm panicking what was that yeah randomly ignites here Josh I'm gonna dominate come into the hole quick are you coming at all joy my pickaxe broke I need to make a new one well I have a diamond one don't worry about it yeah okay that's already touched that Mac made okay you got any more iron helping you out anymore any more iron oh you have two pieces here you go oh that's not enough for a pickaxe okay well I guess we making gold pickaxes today I'm just digging wait we need how much what have you got not enough for crafting table looks like we're going back up for that craft table movement you're kidding me well I I was trying to do stuff right there you were digging too quickly see anything yeah I think we're on the level that it spawns that suggests okay what is it my pickaxe is almost broken again what am I looking wait here is it like time wait I think I already found it wait really yeah I think this is it oh my god we're gonna put a torch down okay there you go all right this is all first ancient oh boy me I've never even seen it before this is actually rarer than diamonds is it wait did you get it Josh I guess you needed a birthday cake Oh Mike you know this without you I'm finding one without my pickaxe broke so I don't really have a choice oh you're not welcome here hey I'm going on play I can break netherrack pretty quickly oh wait found it is that it yeah oh my god the say my god if you got another light block putting it down that is it yeah okay break it break it break it don't Eve is going this is my first time fighting this all I'm so excited oh dang it's hot - Maya is it really is okay so basically if we actually wanted to do anything with it we would need a what a furnace and we don't we don't have a furnace Josh no se so what are we so we can't do anything with it no I think we should probably just go back up to the surface like I don't think that there is a way that we can get like furnace I'm trying to think because otherwise we'd stuck like this forever right now I think I mean I don't think there's any way to get a foot oh my god Tantra Josh great and why would you do that Kratos I would you know Jake grittier up one job dig the tunnel up and you basically flooded us with love hit lava it's not my fault if you enjoyed that video there's gonna be some more videos of the screen you can click them right now it'll take you straight there you're welcome I like to make things easy for you guys so you could just sit back relax and keep tapping that next video or this video over here whatever whatever one tickles your fancy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,716,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, crainer, nether, new update, can't leave
Id: 1B6Ex2XJny4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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