Minecraft But We Walk In A Straight Line

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it's minecraft but you can only walk in one line it is possible to survive minecraft by going only one way and never going for a classic but a favorite we are taking minecraft to the next level we are walking in a straight line that's it no backwards no fords no going to the other people's lines like this we are doing surviving by staying in one line from this point board all we can do is go to online that's the joke this point board this point so minecraft but we're going in one line guys ready can we no but yeah can you what they build up and down you can build up and down you got a break what about what if I need to like cross a lava pond or some figure dogs you go here we go ready you can't go back remember that right ready here we go in three two one our first obstacle first yeah Eddie's got the first obstacle oh no I I have a house in the way nice I can go oh I'm gonna see if I can take this torch I took the torch anything I'm taking the materials from here yeah yes I have a potatoes do you want a potato of course I do yeah I have some bait oh my god watch all thank you thank you oh I can actually grab the potato will you toss Jess a potato and then have her toss me a potato oh sorry I want that chicken I want that chicken to come into my lane how's that chicken in the house here but I will do what I will do is I will go back I can't go back I got his house ahead of you oh yeah there's some Sami I have chicken no oh we're gonna go down oh no how are you guys doing anybody potato I have a raw chicken raw chicken okay I built a bridge so I'm above you guys Wow I do I'm uh I'm trying to dig my way up guys yeah you're deep in the mountain is a mountain welcome oh wow there's lots going on here okay all right okay all right so let's just keep going I got weed and salmon over here I can see if I can catch it okay we can't write it so it might make a bow I'll make a boat for us all yeah I'm getting a lots of wood here I can make a boat oh you know what fine I don't wanna make you about anyway no I'm saying I can't yes you don't wanna make you don't tell them guys you know you know you know what you know what just you make a boat cause it'd be better thank you thank you I made a boat and I'm gonna throw another boat over here in case somebody wants it okay somebody wants it but whatever you get a boat and you get a boat and we all get a boat I'm still cutting down trees in case we need more wood later oh okay well we're gonna have a fun little race - other side without you then or nevermind and he can't hold his pants I guess this is hard I can't try to keep on my line this is really hard I alright I'm gonna um this is probably my line as long as they're - apart from each other this is my life I'm not in my lane right now but yeah I'm just walking stupid tree yeah nature take that we're on a journey that you're trying to stop by me trying to stop our journeys yeah yeah I know right what a nerd ever seen any mobs yet thank goodness yeah no it's but it's getting gonna get it's gonna get night night he's gonna get get got good gonna get gonna get knighted we're gonna get night story I have a torch oh my god my god I do without you Oh Chris there he's okay all right got a keep on our lane oh this is where over there chickens chickens just yeah I see a chicken I it's right there take this out so I can crouch and go as far as I can't it worked yeah pretty fun I like I like Minecraft like right yes I don't have a like any journey Road Trip stories or games they want to I don't want to play footsies Chris stop that is that a car game do you mean with Jason especially when he's driving quiet all right I haven't you died I like those not even like how have you not dies just Y as in yeah you did I should really get some stone next time we see him out I'm bettin oh my gosh we got to dig through a mountain or over it I got stone I got stone I make it oh and it's getting nighttime too guys yeah I don't know about this guy's I say we dig straight through the mountain so we just have found some oh my god I found some coal 50 total Wow first all we've ever seen I love or guys what's your favorite block in Minecraft gold diamond gold Andy that's not a quick answer good girl look I'm smelting some coal in here all of us and my mom eating there too oh my god oh I'm gonna shower you in spuds oh thank you thank you we're making food over here guys that's nice turn back oh hey girl how about we put our mind but Ohno I'm not ready for this oh I thought some iron guys what I found iron yeah I'm digging up Chris Chris are you okay you seem to have some minecraft oh my god oh let's keep going let's keep going I've got iron I got oh no oh no I see the sky guys I have a badge I have a confession to make pick up the iron I didn't pick up the iron in my inventory was full and I walked off all right let's run until we find something all right something cool ready hasn't been that been the point I'm gonna Park for over everything yes oh I see oh my god oh I can't I can't parkour noise first Chris Chris I have a present for you what word is it it's not gold it's a hole can I get close enough hang on got it bill nice yes I its I acceptable thought that counts guys what would you name your favorite block in Minecraft it was if it wasn't I would name mine Naruto oh my god I would make a lot of money 2020 girl god yeah it's still our dough still going strong ah in the event that your favorite block was not a pet anymore but it was a real person would you date your favorite block no I don't want to date because I'm imagining it in the real world if my dog suddenly turned into a real woman I'm not gonna want to date my dog thanks I'm good yeah okay okay all right all right your favorite block was no longer was never a pet it was just a person that had a personality would you date your real block okay in the event that you were not married in event that your wife was a block and would you so you would date block gay me okay good good to know would you go steady with your favorite block absolutely I mean I feel like a gold block might have a little bit of a rich personality but you know it yeah got a hard to go she's got a heart of gold exactly exactly she a gold digger oh yeah true you never know tikkun dead could she be digging for a girl you know would you consider marrying your favorite boss yeah you know she can provide for sure would you have some black kids maybe think about that I kind of just feel like that's what like that's a client in Minecraft Superboy yeah New Kids on the Block all right so let's get let's get real if you divorced your favorite block do you think that your favorite blog on boobs for alimony I think we skipped a big-time skip there look we're going in a straight light in Minecraft I'm straight-up asking y'all some questions here no I gotta say no so did you get your favorite Blancas had a prenup but Oh Andy I think we left them too far behind get back I can't go back oh my god you stop being such a pipe and get over here all right I'm working on it God try throw away to me if your favorite block was a youtuber would you subscribe to them liking is discovery dumb topic really buy the like it subscribe rule okay I'm so proud of this community subscribe is your favorite block actually contributing to minecraft or was it there just to make up for the lack of an actual update Wow well I mean yeah Morgan's section line provides light under the ground under the water it was there to look for an update that never have no no no if they made these if they made you the water stuff but it was completely pitch black and you always see anything would another day I would say it's quintessential we have sea pickles all right speaking of sea look good to see pickle okay yes I got a question for you yeah what's the question first of all what's your favorite Block in my craft a beacon all right you like the beacon the beacons beacons great or what it does an update comes out and there's an even better beacon block to you do you ditch your old cruddy beacon block for the new handsome awesome beacon block or do you stay loyal hey no golden hose so of course I'm not gonna do that leave you Chris I think I just know it's so nice to have a boat man super nice to have a boat yeah only I had a friend who would make me one here here Chris come get a boyfriend take a boat here oh it's sank it is way too far Jess Jess also I'm starving again oh my god you and baby you don't have to feel you're in for a surprise when you see this what happened a zombie stole my boat it sounds like a great book title and there's a sheep naughty got him oh yeah Dom be to take your boat look at that Oh guys guys I think we come to the end you're right all right I finally got everything I need to cook everyone get their boats out and wait for Chris because he's cooking again Josh I asked if you can give me food and you're like oh my gosh so intermedia I make my own food here I go my gosh so everyone get on the boat I don't I don't have a boat oh my god you don't have a bow I may get you a boat I got a bag through it you threw it into the ocean oh my god oh my god Andy can you believe this way I made my own boat we're leaving let's go near all right let's go [Music] it's kind of nice to just be on ocean with you guys you know I like I like this ship that we got going you know over your legs land ho would you call me oh wait can I ask a question what's the question tickly to Chris what Chris if your favorite block fold and your favorite item a golden ho we're in danger which one would you save you can only say one oh okay okay I would save the golden ho okay so but then you would never have any more gold once your golden hope breaks then your owl you don't have any more golden huh you don't have no more games you know what the important thing is though that the golden ho and I lived our best life and you know what that that's enough oh shoot gravel oh oh no don't die no not not trapped in a mountain like we are so close guys like this you have no idea there's a whole range of purpose to everything oh I'll break in your pigs stop it dude oh I heard like someone shopping in Walmart with a very eggy like a home depot are like a home depot thing that got too many like a cart that got too many stuff what are you talking about man you're gonna have to uh I have to ask you to leave the store I think we got to get out of this mountain she's going crazy I'm trying to get out of the mountain but we're trying to dig straight through she's getting mounting crazies we could just dig straight up out like stairs you know what Chris maybe nobody asked for you okay nobody yeah you know like normal people I'm sure I think I found it oh my god alright alright guys here let's wait for them let's wait for them to be birds from the mountain I like I said we're all here and only two of you were there all right we're all here let's keep walking guys come on we've got now we've got no guys it's here it's there what's there there's serious we want even go in it yeah I know look at this oh yeah I can't either ah it's all wrong but I love it it's so right it's not even made correctly no we walked through all of Minecraft just to get to the nether and we did it you guys thought that we weren't going but we did my favourite block is the nether are you saying that the end of Minecraft is just another portal yeah guys we have broken the curse we may all go into the nether let's go we can move sideways oh my gosh alright everyone please get into lines you know like get into our lines get into I know we gotta go alright so everyone everyone watched in a straight line please oh we're back [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,469,459
Rating: 4.8880248 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft aphmau, aphmau, minecraft but, minecraft but aphmau, minecraft but challenges, minecraft tiny mod, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, no swears minecraft, minecraft funny moments, minecraft straight line, minecraft walking in straight line, minecraft survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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