Minecraft, But There Are Custom Potions...

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come on i need just a few more blaze rods so i could leave this place what can i even do ah okay i have an idea i'm gonna make this it's time for a new potion in minecraft it's time for us to use the redstone block yes it's working come on come on yes okay pause this is minecraft but there are custom potions so yeah i've added some custom potions that you'll be seeing later in this video and i am going to try to beat the game while having the ability of using these potions and it's going to make the game very strange also a small percentage of viewers who watch this video are actually subscribed so be sure to subscribe and also like so we could beat the youtube algorithm it's free and you could always unsubscribe later anyways that's pretty much it and i hope you have a great day three two one let's go mind my mind mind my mind and i've realized the area that we're around this is kind of like an island oh ooh shipwreck okay let's get to that let's go get stone tools first before we do it now obviously a huge part of the steam of this challenge we have to make sure that we go to the nether or else uh we're not gonna be able to do the custom potion thing of course let's make sure we go to another as swiftly as possible and try to find the fortress that's going to be the first step in trying to do all this custom potion stuff because we need brewing stance but it starts with getting stone tools so we're going to do this first let's make the tools boom boom this is actually a very promising area i've never really started in like an ocean area before i mean at least we got that going for us all right we're gonna go and make the boat and we are gonna go travel here we are oh there's a chest i see what's in here ew oh treasure map nice oh i see another chest ew all right i guess that's cool this is a not so normal start but you know this works too let's go back to the island let's go and see if we can find something nice maybe like a village or something we'll see we'll see actually wait hold on i forgot i have a very important piece of paper let's use the treasure map let's go and find some treasure treasure hunting nice it's right around here all right i think it's right about here oh it is yes perfect okay oh my gosh that is a lot of iron and emeralds too that's actually a pretty decent amount hey we have 22 pieces of ingots all right let's go and make iron tools then nice start and i start we're also going to make a shield and a bucket there you go oh there you go okay that took a bit for me to get some plant there you go flynn's still we're already like getting pretty prepped for like uh the nether because i want to get like those potions man i want to have some fun with those custom potions that we have let me give you the rundown okay i'll give you the items that we have to acquire in order for us to get potions get ready with this all right we need a fire charge netherright ingot lapis lazuli redstone block diamond sword this is already getting weird dude i mean i will put these items in a brewing stand that's how strange this is there's still more we're also gonna put wheat seeds fireworks ender pearl not even joking this is literally the thing that we need to like go to the end and like kill the dragon oh boy we're still going redstone torch and last but not least just these are the items that we need in order for us to unlock every single custom potion oh there's a village i don't even see that i see a little teeny tiny cottage just sticking out from the forest hey we gotta fill it yes it's really good there is actually a chance for us to find like a brewing stand here and that would like make the process kind of nice ring stand hello ring stand oh that that ain't a brewing stand that is a way more sharper version of a brewing stand if it were to be if i could find a brewing stand that would be perfect oh this is it this is it okay this is the first step of our journey to becoming a very custom man with our custom potions we gotta go smell we gotta prep we're just making extra food for later okay this is gonna go a long way i'm probably just gonna dig straight down i i just want to find some lava i really want to go to the nether let's do it we're pursuing it we got our food we know where the village is at we literally have a brewing stand we're good to go let's go i hear lava i hear lava it's literally right there i can hear it this is perfect yes yes what i'm hacking bro that would have been a much different video if i saw that and then this and died oh gosh okay i'll take it i'll take it screw it all right let's go make this portal shall we right before we go to another we're definitely most definitely going to take these diamonds six and seven seven diamonds nice yeah we'll do tools diamond axe blue pickaxe blue shovel nice oh why oh hey gravel oh what this is literally staged everything is 100 everything is staged about this video everything is staged about this world these diamonds are staged oh my gosh these zombies are stager paid actors that creep over there to literally this bat as well his name is jerry i guess we could get the diamonds as well sure oh it's an eight van holy crap i guess we could upgrade to a chest plate i i suppose why not chest plate in very good all right we're gonna take the iron ingots and then we're gonna go and make this iron leggings and now or three four it's nice i'm saving the boots by the way for gold because if we find a bastion then pearls are gonna be really easy if i just had no gold on my armor or whatever i'd be in pain a lot of pain oh boy gold oh nice okay we got gold that's gonna be really really nice okay we're gonna go and make the boots we're complete in our armor set i think we're looking pretty nice let's make this nether portal now there you go and complete there you go nice all right here we go it's time oh hello another let's go over here oh i see it i see it yes the dark red my favorite color for today yes we found the fortress let's go all right let's go find some nether warts and then we're also going to try to get those blaze rods okay oh my gosh this is really nice all right here we go let's go get these places real quick going there's one rod and the other one okay that went to the lava oh there's some blazes right there place rods bang there you go we got 11 all right i'm just leaving goodbye diamonds yes we could use this for the uh the diamond uh thingamabob the sharp stick that is blue a diamond sword that's one of the things that we need for the custom posts oh yes we got another wart yoink thank you all right i think we have everything that we need now i mean we could leave honestly we could go let's find the bastion now we're already done with the fortress this is really nice is that another fortress i just found another fortress before another bastion before the bastion in general brah you know what let's explore it screw it more netherwork for me oh nice looking good looking good more dude we're going ham we're actually going ham in other words right here we go even more yes okay we can make even more potions when he goes back to the overworld and start brewing it up oh my god even more yes dude there you go okay nice we got 47 another one we have doubled in another wart i am done with this fortress we need to find that bastion now hey what's up oh a pearl i know we will get more by the time we get sebastian so might as well just not even form the enderman because we're gonna get stacks and stacks when we get sebastian just need to find it man wait is that it yes i think it is yes yes yes bashed in time oh my gosh we did it we found the place here we go i'm gonna mine right down here i'll place that let's open it there you go ow take my gold whoa eight eight to start off nice oh what what how that's all right jesus what what that's the third trade are you kidding me it's so easy all of a sudden i can leave this area although i wasn't really lucky with the with the bastion today at least being in the bastion made me incredibly lucky that was just a different breed of luck hello i'm back i have stuff i'm just here for the obsidian guys just just give me obsidian i'm done with the pearls i don't need any more pearls okay yes okay we got them sit in all right i got my pearls i got my obsidian we're leaving now making the portal here we go we're back yes we got the netherwart we got the blaze rod and we got a brewing stand we could go start production for the custom potions this is gonna be really really nice this is going to be insane this is going to be absolutely bonkers first off we're going to have to do this please and then the next thing we're going to have to do is go and mine a bunch of sand because we need glass and glass for water bottles and then pog we'll start production in a bit sand in it's happening right now we're gonna go and make water bottles there you go and we are gonna go and put all the water bottles in there we're gonna wait for it to brew this is the start of production now we have awkward potions it has been brewed now we're gonna do this a chest you may be wondering oh you know yeah i get it yeah you're gonna make a chest to just like you know make your inventory less cluttered or whatever you're gonna put some items in the chest right no we're gonna do this [Laughter] and it is yoink potion of collections placing chests will make all chests have random blocks and items are you ready okay okay let's make more chests then here we go and crystals oh god we need to make more chests let's make more more more more let's go go go go yes six diamonds all right we have 30 more seconds of it oh gosh we need to make more hold on yes more more oh we got wee seeds wait this is actually huge having this custom chest potion i could get other items to make even more different potions this is actually monumental this is ridiculous we can get netherrite lapis redstone block wheat seeds i literally have it now wheat seeds wait what's the wheat seeds gonna give me then we're gonna brew more production increases today you know we should do with these chests we should go and get a bunch of wood and a bunch of chests and then drink the potion and just spam chests everywhere all right let's go make these chests there you go chest right there and then we're just gonna place place oh god they're individual why did i do that ah this is a lot of stuff let's get the diamonds we have enchanted chat to tablings yes netherright boots ooh that's an upgrade and a half whoa that is ridiculous oh we got spawners as well and it spawns pigs oh it does thank you for your xp juice oh my god i've even realized there's ned the right leggings we could get full netherright eventually if we keep doing this oh my god helmets we're literally three-fourths this is gross this is insane oh there's more barista ends here oh perfect look at it go look at our production it's going up up and up and up there you go and we're just gonna pull all of it in here i'm very interested to know what the wheatsies are gonna be well okay they're green oh oh boy potion of cloning when killing a mob it will multiply and drop a stack of its spawn eggs um oh god how do i get rid of these guys man get the diamond sword huh what's this oh okay okay oh what what did i even drink potion of annihilation all entries nearby are killed well done moving on what else is on the list we need fireworks okay apparently you need gun powder and paper we have that oh there's some gunpowder here thank you i'm getting the paper through the chest let's go get more wood here we go chest thank you we got 29 chests it's like a loot crate unboxing but it's free and i don't get scammed let's drink it right here here we go boom boom boom boom boom oh god oh there's oh my god jeez please no oh not again oh we need to sleep soon no we need to sleep now actually oh let's just look through this hold on is there any paper i don't think there's any paper unfortunately let's keep going let's keep going more oh my god there's eyes literally i could just take it from the chest this is literally op paper paper paper where's the paper come on elytra elytra brah i got wings i got the drip bro what it's enchanted three netherright swords stacked on top of each other brah scrap dude there's another right chest plate as well bruh i okay next stop let's go make this block of redstone let's brew it let's see what it has to offer hmm potion of creative this cat very real oh oh oh oh oh it's gone wait how long is it for three seconds i have to just speed run for three seconds in creative mode just to get whatever i need okay let's think let's think what do we need to do what do we need what do we need okay i have in my head three two one go go go go go i got it i'm gonna just replace my food completely now what else what else oh brilliant idea hold on again three two one go and ah no i could have gone i could have gotten it i could have gotten it at least we have the eyes of ender we need more redstone guys oh i see another one there's a little block of redstone right here okay we could go again here we go here we go we got nine seconds of creative nine seconds of creative here we go and bang oh i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it oh my god okay we don't even need to go to the stronghold at all this is so dumb and then we get the bra i just yep it's right there if we need it oh my god what else do we need let's get a totem totem bang oh i got one okay totem secured what else fireworks oh we can get whatever we want fireworks firework go okay we got it oh the ender pearl's ready potion of teleportation you will be teleported one million blocks away i'm not doing that i refuse look at us we're doing so well we got another right we got this that we got enchanted golden apple random tote of undying multiple pearls and literally the end portal hold on i'm gonna do a stunt i'm curious to see what happens i'm gonna purl up and then drink [Music] how's the world now oh my goodness oh where am i oh oh no it was a scam after all the chunks need to be loaded can i drink again maybe drink again please hey oh no no why please why did i do that why did i think that was a good idea this is unfortunate you know what i'm gonna speed run into the nether get my blaze rods and i'll go back i don't care how long it takes let's go and find an easy peasy lava lake let's just go oh ruin portal here it is we found it there okay let's go let's do it okay we need to find a fortress let's find it let's find it that's a bastion yes yes that was too easy just a few fireworks and we're here here we go safe landing give me rods and i could leave just take a few you know i'll i'll leave with four blaze rods screw it let's get out of here i want to go back oh no not the gas bye goodbye oh we're back okay that was an interesting experience let's just get out of here dude where even am i i'm in the middle of an ocean oh land nice okay so we're gonna go and make a shovel and we're gonna go get some cobble again because we are going back in production in the middle of this deserted island okay here's the plan we're gonna get more sand and then we're gonna use the creative mode potion to get the resources for us to get even more creative mode potions at that point we're gonna get everything that we're able to get through creative mode and then we're gonna pog off boom get ready here it is we got it i'm gonna put everything in a chest right now because i'm gonna prepare myself for creative mode first up redstone tnt redstone block block oh my god that was great okay it's in okay what's next what's next we're gonna get brewing stand okay i got it i got it it's a full stack production goes up today everything that we needed everything that we ever wanted it's right there we are turning into our own economy it is just fantastic right now more redstone please give me more creative mode now firework would ah crap i could only get like one thing at a time i can't type that fast and like swap my hands into the keyboard and then back to the mouse and oh it'll take a lot it's okay but we'll keep getting more rod we're gonna go and put the blaze rod powder thingy right there and we're just gonna up the production just keep going all right we'll do the lapis right here now we are resuming our production this is good bro boom we got a we got a bunch of pearls and and and and and oh got it got it all right we're going to place this again these are here we go all right let's prep that one ready holy moly wait oh we got a new one oh wow you will receive 100 random enchantments on tools armor weapons i just want to drink this now let's go [Applause] oh i'll drink more bang bang oh oh thanks i i guess thanks lapis totem yes okay we got six totems oh redstone torch right we could do that i think from my understanding i'm pretty sure we could use redstone torches as well so we're going to put redstone oh it works oh another right ingot right another right oh wow oh here's a new one when mind blocks drop random blocks and items huh let's try it with the randomizer shall we oh oh i got totem can we get more oh god we have literally like four minutes of this this randomizer stuff too this is great we could eventually get the things that we want then oh fire shark okay we need a fire charge as well so this is perfect for us i'm gonna just set the randomizer so i don't i don't want the randomizer anymore nope i'm good here let's try the let's try the right ingots wait what is this every half a second random loot drops from the sky okay oh this is like hail oh oh wow okay there's a lot more here oh my god thanks what is this what do we have here hogland gg oh the rain's gone oh well thanks for making my frames dropped that was that was most definitely worth it what else can we do we could try the firework rocket and see what that does we try the fire charge yet oh okay okay okay the fire charge is ready every blocky mine or every mob you hit you explode the block or mob hey all right i have a song for you it's called mining oh that was interesting how you want to be a test dummy bang can i mind this oh yep no 100 can your spider down there huh what's down here oh hey guys hey what's up hey hey what's up hi hey c6 that was nice that was nice that was a good time i think we have like a good gist of everything now i think it's time for us to go and kill the dragon finally i think we know exactly what type of potions we need to drink for this i mean look at this island this is wait a minute wait wait wait wait oh my god i forgot one more you could fly like in creative mode say goodbye to the elytra and say hello to potion of wings i'm going to heaven dude this dragon they're oh my god they won't expect it they don't expect it they're gonna expect a normal minecraft player just waddling around that's what she's gonna expect but what she's not gonna expect is a flying full diamond with hundreds maybe even thousands of enchantments and blowing the whole entire island up like it's nothing let's go we're gonna get a bunch of enchantments let's get thousands of enchantments why not all right we're gonna take all of it it's all ready to go here we go take everything okay how much is this anyways this is over a thousand chapmans let's go oh oh my god jesus christ what is this oh my god we gotta drink more well what is that oh it's the annihilation one will this work oh my god no drink the potion of annihilation jesus christ oh my god what was that never again i'm never using this cloning thing ever again why was it so bad we could just win we could just go out there and just win kind of down not gonna lie i mean just look at this look look [Music] oh my god yeah i i think it's time for us to go now this is it i did some off-camera potion making and now we have a whole rainbow we got wings explosives creative mode cloning ew showers annihilation enchanted golden apples bow with this sword with that net the right armor with this oh my god many totems many pearls tnt wood that's the best part of course water bucket and of course a very very op diamond pickaxe and blocks redstone because why not anyways this time here we go oh hi you don't want to be here sir you know why this is why bang let's let's get out of here let's mine away let's fly there let's go here we go yeah here we go what is this what is this situation oh god oh now that we're done with that come here dragon come on dragon holy crap okay i have an idea i have a plan come on dragon come down come down i dare you come here come here dragon i can just literally slap you oh god oh god all right i'm done guys i'm done and gigi i think that's pretty much it bye
Channel: TapL
Views: 7,883,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC, TapL Challenge, Challenge, Tapple Challenge, Minecraft But, Minecraft UHC But, MinecraftBut, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Hardcore, Beating Minecraft, Minecraft OP, OP Minecraft, Blessed Minecraft, Cursed Minecraft, Minecraft Scenario, Minecraft UHC
Id: h63EK0K9bC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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