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[Music] oh that was the best sleep i ever had i dreamed about eating so many cookies what's going on wait somebody texted me on my cell phone the professor said hello there welcome to town i hope you had a nice journey please stop by my lab just outside your house so i can give you a gift and you can start your new job as my assistant take your phone out of your hand to close this message you can look at your phone at any time to see your current objective well i guess today we're not going to be going into the lab with bessie it looks like i'm going to be the assistant of a brand new professor whoa what is this place bessie teleported me out here and told me that i had to help one of her lab friends but i have no idea exactly what we're going to be getting up to so right in front of me i think is the brand new lab let's go head over there and see exactly what the professor wants the lab let's go inside hello is anybody home i don't see anybody at the front desk is this the professor hi are you a robot wait what ladies and gentlemen wait i get to pick one of my pets so in front of me i guess we have three custom pets this reminds me a lot of pokemon professor zoe said i can pick one now it looks like we have some sort of like air egg some magical egg and then this appears to be a fire egg i think i'm gonna go with the fire one let's go over to the tutorial lab so we know exactly what to do each pet has three stages the egg the baby and the adult use eggs on incubators like the one next to me to watch them hatch babies must be tamed with pet food before they can grow up once tamed you can speed up their growth by feeding or playing with them when pets are ready to become adults they'll let you know it with an icon above their head then interact with them to watch them grow adults have special abilities unique to each pet we can buy different pet food and other splashs around the town using our pet coins and we can also get free pet coins from the professor so we have 10 pet coins this lady is gonna sell us a rule of fist which is one of the custom pets for just one coin and then i guess we should probably also get amazing pet food so we need to go ahead and put the real fist in the incubator and then we can actually watch it hatch it seems like it's working so this is powering it from the top and it worked what is this wait wait wait wait little buddy okay this is a really fist let's go try to tame it i think it worked look at that we can make it sit we can make it stand up what is it okay so it seems like it's a little tiny monkey pet professor zoe thank you let's go ahead and take the real office back to the main lab thanks professor zoe all right my little riladilla fist let's go see what you can do so guys if you do want to see me try to get the rest of the custom pets be sure to leave a like and also hit that subscribe button if you haven't already there are over 120 custom pets that i'm able to tame also i'm gonna need you guys name suggestions this is a really fast but that's not technically its name so whatever the top comment is on today's video i'll pick that and we'll name our fist after that come on you little blue monkey the next three pets i'm able to get is a doggo a telecat and a chunkanda i definitely need a chunk in and each one has their own different ability as well right now i don't have money what's up old man you know how to get money give me money i don't think he has any money he's also standing kind of sus he doesn't even look like a minecraft character i'm getting a little bit creeped out by this guy hello mustachio man okay so it looks like we can actually trade different things in order to get pet coins so we can get cobblestone redstone iron gold emerald and diamonds diamonds give us 20 pet coins i just found 20 petcoins in somebody's attic if you guys do don't tell anybody that i was here oh it's tim's pet shop wait a second so uh i need to do more quests for the professor before i can buy tim's pets what does the professor want me to do let's go head back to the lab and check it out hey what's up professor well i bought some more pet food let's see what happens if i just keep feeding your pet food wait it gets bigger what it just evolved it just stole my bed it just stole my pet professor zoe wait i didn't even get to see it's full evolution it looked like a giant gorilla okay let's go head back up to the lab maybe i can get my own i can do that all we have to do is raise three prints thanks professor zoe also i don't know what she's talking about she technically did not take back the little tiny skill of fist i don't know if i was supposed to take this thing so we're just gonna act like i didn't let's see i'm able to pick one i did we got the doggo egg i kind of wanted the chunk in but i guess that gives me incentive to go buy it now come on little skill of fist we got work to do okay let's go ahead and take it inside tim's pet shop and we should be able to hatch it it's working yo we got it okay we need to make sure to tame it oh tim tim thank you very much okay we need to make sure that we're taming this little buddy oh we got it and we can make it bigger too yo where's our skill of fist at our skill of fist isn't even following us it's staying back with professor zoe well i guess we'll need to get one of our own eventually okay while we're here let's go ahead and buy i guess some of the other eggs so let's get a telecat while we're here and also the chunky get some pet food as well and since a diamond is 20 pet coins you might as well get a pickaxe and just sort as well just in case my pets can't defend themselves put in the telecat in the incubator first and see what this thing looks like yo what are you growling at this thing is kind of a little bit scary it's like a little tiny fire hamster we did it okay we have the telecat let's make sure that we tame it this thing is so adorable look at it and it has a giant bow on its butt i kind of want to call you bobot but we also have the chunk in and i'll leave it up to you guys we need name suggestions for every single one of our animals that we attached today we have chongqing chocolate do not run chunking chunking stop it chunking level up our chunkin oh my goodness i need to evolve this thing come on oh we're so close look how big it is wait i just did it it's an adult okay so these are babies right now and they started out as exit so now it has evolved to full size and that means we could ride on it oh this is so cool oh what's up fake messi let's see if i pop this thing will they all attack i think they do they actually fight for me what this is so cool and then i can keep evolving them there's also a giant floating dungeon over there that i guess we can check out in a future episode let's go see what's at the ranch so we have a ranch trader we can get some more pet food here and we could also get a pet ball i also just covered a sewer it says dangerous do not enter um well i think i'm gonna do it the sewer dungeon wait we can actually fight dungeons this is definitely a good way to get petcoins sewer dungeon be prepared for bandits this door needs to be unlocked with the correct key wait so we actually need to find a specific key in order to get into the dungeon it has to be somewhere around so i have a jungle volcano over there i may be busted into your house nah sorry i'm gonna just take these coins don't look at me like that stop leaving maybe the professor will eventually give me the key to the sewer dungeon now i probably need to do a couple more quests are you having some problems with your door there don't worry i will help since we have 25 pet coins that i totally got legitimately let's go ahead and spend them all on more pet food and then we can evolve all of our different custom animals so we're going to plop down the coins in there pefu pefu pepper pepper pepper pepper that should do the trick a little fire hamster you will evolve to adulthood whoa it actually turned into a massive dog i think it's vicious does anybody know where the telecat went i do not have eyes on our telecat and i have no idea wait where could it have gone did it get stuck somewhere is it in the sewer this place is amazing i mean nobody really cares if i go into their house i'm just going in and taking all the pet coins oh what's down here the black market top secret there's no way oh wait i got in this dude looks suspicious man he's looking left and right all right hello i am the guy that's totally supposed to be here what do you sell at this black market a gemicorn egg wait we can actually get black market eggs wait we also have different dungeons so this is how we get into three different of the dungeons so while we're here we should probably buy all of these just in case i forget and then when we go get 50 pet coins we can come back and get the gemicorn egg it poops rare resources that's probably actually going to be really useful like what if it just poops out diamonds professor zoe who i'm pretty sure is possibly part robot i will do it so the next quest is to raise five pets to adulthood but we now have this super dungeon key before i go in there i should probably go into uh this pet shop and see if maybe i could buy some armor yeah this is gonna be very essential especially because i don't wanna die and leave my pets all by themselves so we're gonna plop all this on and before we go down there i actually just remembered that we're able to go into tim's pet shop and let me tell you tim's got some good deals we can actually get our very own real fist so let's do that we'll plop the real fist in the incubator stop stop stay still and i guess we'll feed you a bunch of this stuff to see if we can get it to be an adult i don't want to bring a non-adult down into the sewer dungeon so let's try to buy some more pet food this is like upgraded pet food all right let's see if you evolve we're so close tim tim tim i need more come on yes we did it we have a mega gorilla really fist he's so cute now let's take on the sewer dungeon let's see if the key works the door unlocks enter at your own risk did it did it unlock i don't i don't know what's going on what did oh it did it made it in custom pets are you guys ready let's do this whoa why are there people living in the sewers they're kind of everywhere but they're also really really really bad like i probably could have done this entire sewer dungeon myself these sewer people bro what are they doing wait there's a couple more up here oh wait what do we have we're oh what dude these people need to get outside they are so pale they are literally i don't understand why would anybody willingly live down here let's see what my pets can actually do they do so much damage the chunkiness able to just come over and then peck anything and it dies a rule of this does like a mega slam attack which is super cool and the telecat has little tiny minions that i can summon anna i'm just gonna stand here i'm not even gonna do anything look at it this is so cool oh my gosh oh my gosh the rule of this slam attack is like a dk smash bromance is going in look at him he doesn't even care he just smashed that dude in the face did we do it did we actually make it out wait a second i think we went deeper into the sewer not the problem for me and my amazing custom pets also what's up with the lightning yo who invited the big boy i'm also not entirely sure what happens if my pets take a lot of damage like can they die these dudes are literally shooting each other how stupid can they be down here i mean they are in the sewer so it kind of makes sense that they really don't have big brains okay so it looks like above each of our custom pets they have health some of them have only taken a little bit of damage but i can feed them food in order to get it back this is amazing dude we're just chopping through all of the sewer bandits hello pretty unicorn you want food wait no they're fighting it we're gonna have to kill it no no wait they're taking a lot of damage not cool not cool hold on hold on what's going on no teleporters no no don't do it why would you do that telecat you did amazing down there but at the same time i did not want to teleport i'm pretty sure they all just got slayed no no no no no this is not good this is this is bad this is really bad blues are gemicorns down there also the entire city is overrun with mobs nobody told me normal mom's bought him we need to get back down to the sewer so we made it back but i don't see my pets anywhere other than telecat we're gonna need to play this very very strategically so i don't know i guess whenever the pet goes down they just die i don't know if they faint like pokemon or not maybe i was just too late to come back and try to pick up whatever the heck they dropped because i'm pretty sure at some point professor zoe told me that when they die they dropped the egg but maybe because i wasn't down here to get the egg i just i lost them i lost them all luckily we have tons and tons of pet coins so i could always get them back that is if i can somehow figure out a way to get out of here these unicorn pets are insanely powerful i don't even know if i can do damage to them try to kill off all the bandits in the meantime look these things don't even take any damage we need to get to this next room wait i see one of the eggs okay let's try to collect it i got it and now let's get out of here it teleported me to the black market we made it out alive and we almost have enough pet coins in order to get the gemicorn but before i do that i need to make sure to get all of my pets back welcome back to the team little chunkin we'll make sure you're nice and big and strong there we go let's get our doggo back as well yes and then while we're here we might as well also hatch the gemicorn this is probably going to be our strongest custom pet yet oh my god it's so cute but it's running okay let's make sure that we get it back to adult size dude wait it takes much more pet food in order to evolve this gemicorn compared to the other three pets while we're at it we need to go to tim's pet store what's up tim you looking clever as ever we need some more pet food and we also need to get the ruler fill again okay we got ourselves the rule of fist let's see will you actually evolve this thing oh we did it it took so much food but we got the gemicorn on our team up and we have just enough food in order to get the real office back we already have one cute pet two cute pets three cute pets four cute pets and then our newest edition cute pet uh a unicorn that literally poops out different things i maybe got 45 cookies from our unicorn just pooping them out don't tell anybody that i'm eating poop cookies they still taste the same but anyway ladies gentlemen today i'm going to be naming all the different pets and then we're going to be exploring new areas what just happened all right well monkey turned into mega monkey the first name suggestion we have it comes from uh anarag d who wanted our red dog to be named hot dog hot dog it actually worked pi wanted our rilofis gorilla to be named harambe there you go harambe or harambe did you just poop out a diamond this thing poops out literally every single a valuable item and then i could use it in order to sell it to get even more amazing pet food and pet coins luigi wanted to name our cookie pooping unicorn rainbow welcome to the team rainbow keep pooping cookies please now go tell you wanted our chunkin to be named chuckles the chonkin uh what's up chuckles and then my password is this wanted our telecat to be named gypso also let's make sure that we feed gypsum no every single time i right-click on gypso she teleports me back luckily all the pets came with her all right gypsy you eat your food eat your okay cool you're back to full health so in today's video we're going to be exploring a brand new town because my current quest from the professor is to get five more different cute pets to reach adulthood uh do not teleport his tiptoe chip so please stop doing it gypso does not understand what's happening i can buy tons of new pants or we can find them in dungeons so let's go over here we're gonna trade one emerald that our our rainbow unicorn pooped out in order to get 15 pet wines and then we could trade all of these for pet coins as well rainbow is literally the best pet ever i completely forgot that they'll fight for me too so if i punch anything like this fake messy look at them all start attacking they're like really cute pokemon except they're deadly what's up ball boy i guess this guy doesn't want to sell me anything he's just looking at me all right whatever i'll be on my way so i remember in tim's pet shop in the last episode there was another pet that i could buy i'm pretty sure it was called a pack hole okay cool we have a packle it adds extra inventory and attacks with a shell spinner that sounds absolutely amazing let's get that there's also a color changer so i don't know if this is just a one-time use but i want to try it out on a couple different pets by the way you guys have crushed the support on this series so if you guys do want to see some more episodes all you gotta do is take your pinky finger take the like button and boop them together it's super easy it's free and it also helps me out a lot why are all the pets looking at me so sus like everybody's very very excited i guess about the new pack hole oh wait it's a turtle okay let's make sure to tame it welcome to the team little buddy this is the cutest little thing ever nobody step on it stop stop stepping on him i mean he does have a very very hard shell but at the same time he's just a little tiny baby turtle okay let's continue to feed him so we have more pet food pet food i also figured out from your guys comments that they can grow up naturally but the pet food speeds up the process a lot i'll leave you guys name suggestions in the comments down below for every single brand new custom pet that we get today is it ready to evolve yes wait this thing is insane it turned from super cute to super tanky bro what happened to its face i don't even care so if i right click on you uh do i get extra inventory space oh wait i actually do so i can store things inside here take some beef let's also see what happens when i use the color changer what wait this is amazing okay so let's i don't know if i like the blue or the green better let's go green for now harambe oh my gosh wait you could be red i think i like blue a rainbow unicorn can change colors hot dog definitely should be red i kind of like chuckles as a purply white chicken and gypso looks actually super cool when it's black and then it has the purple emerald on its forehead let me know what you guys think about the color changes down below in the comments you guys wait here i'm pretty sure i just discovered another pet shop cynthia's pet shop i need to do more quests for the professor wait a second oh my gosh okay so there's even more pet shops that we can unlock well i guess we're gonna have to leave town in order to go out and figure maybe there's more animals that we can tame yo chuckles you ready let's do this the sign down here says jungle volcano over there so i guess that there's probably some other dungeons that that we can go and try to conquer and if there's more dungeons that means that there's more pets as well so the jungles in that direction and then the volcanoes over in that direction i guess today we can check out the jungle let's move chuckles we discovered the jungle town i wonder if i can check out the pet shop here oh wait i actually can well hello there how you doing on this fine beautiful day here in the jungle do you have any pets i could buy you do you have a croquet ability jumps really high well i like jumping high let's get it all right we got one croak i guess i should also upgrade to diamond weapons too thank you lady i'm gonna name you char chiwa i have no idea why that just completely came to my head all right char chihuahua we're gonna go ahead and put the croak egg in there i'm guessing it's gonna be some sort of frock come on croaky did it work yes look at it wait it almost looks like a little baby dinosaur i just realized a little pet food no no no no no no no no trade trade trade trade straight straight straight straight straight okay that should be enough go go go go cokey come back we'll crunch her don't rip it away please stay with me forever love me is it working i think it's working yes croaky has been croaky look at his face wait can we actually jump really high we can no gypso no do not teleport everybody okay gypsum was just faking me out in the top left-hand screen it said that we were about to be teleported gypso if you teleport me one more time i am literally going to leave you behind i don't know if you guys remember in the first episode we were in a dungeon and i accidentally right-clicked on gypso and she teleported us all the way back and we lost a ton of our custom pets luckily we were able to get them all back hello lady okay all right calm down giant toad turtle let's keep exploring and see if we can maybe find a custom dungeon or just some pet coins that are lying around knock knock killer oh oh my gosh 20 pet coins lying around i didn't take those no totally not to hate somebody took your coins up there it wasn't um i'm gonna go bye nailed it he has no idea what just happened this way to the jungle dungeon wait let's go try to defeat the jungle dungeon now that we have i'm pretty sure seven fully grown custom cute pets i think we should be able to do it the last dungeon i need to take down is that one floating up there in the sky i have no idea how i'm going to get to it maybe one of our pets will be able to fly us all up there but for the time being we're not allowed to build here and we're gonna break it though that's what you get sign don't tell me what to do ever what is this hello hello i come in peace my name oh my gosh why bro this lady just went crazy what is the turtle doing the turtle's going rapid mode why are we going so fast why are we spinning so fast i guess that's just trying to copy this super cute panda bear oh wait there's a spawner over here let's go take it out okay there we go that's down and all of my pets are about to annihilate the skeleton turn them right back into bones well hello what is exploding right now oh wait it's gypso i forgot gypsum is able to summon in little tiny minions that explode we will rid this entire jungle of all of the weird creatures especially the little tiny stout dudes that think that they're really cool deputy boppity you're no longer abandoned anymore pal i don't see any more oh yes we got another 20 pet coins bro we are rich all of our custom cute pets seem like they're ready to annihilate anything that comes and tries to attack them so let's go see if we can figure out a way inside of this jungle dungeon wait even the sunflowers in this world are cute why is everything so cute and i'm so ugly we'll have to figure that out another time ladies and gentlemen now it is officially the day where we take down the jungle dungeon does anybody know how to get inside the jungle dungeon wait maybe we can use croak croaky hey bloody just hopping around let's see if you're able to jump up oh you are yes this is perfect we can hop all the way up here and now we should be able to go inside the jungle dungeon uh okay gypso i'm so sorry to do this but i'm gonna leave you up here just so i don't accidentally right click and we teleport all the way back into town because that would be terrible all right team it's gonna be dark it's gonna be dangerous and it's gonna be jungly down there that's all i got that's my speech let's do it we're inside why am i stuck with harambe and hot dog wait oh where are the rest of my pets did they not come down what it's just harambee and hot dog versus the world they are two of my strongest pets ideally i would like everybody else to come down maybe they were all a little bit angry that i left our gypso telecat behind them all right everybody this time chuckles uh rainbow everybody please follow me down the secret hallway oh it actually worked where is harambe harambe i honestly don't know where went okay wait there he is uh does anybody know where hot dog is do we have the eyesight on hot dog diggity dog i don't see him anywhere crap i think i found the next door down though wait croaks down here and harambe follow me wait are my pets just scattered throughout this entire dungeon are they just everywhere there's not enough time to figure it out though ladies gentlemen croak is hip-hopping it around he's getting bashed over the head i feel terrible but let's make sure that we're feeding him so that he doesn't die don't worry buddy he's licking himself to victory oh wait chuckles made her way down good job chuckles wait the rest of my pets are showing up it's hot dog everybody's looking super fresh and super fly now that the whole squad's here let's see how they do against two baby thugs hot dog please annihilate thank you hot dog rapid turtle is rapidly spinning and i think they defeated both of them crook was over here just like nah dude nah i'm not doing that today okay i think this should be the next dungeon door down oh it definitely is all right we took down the initial guys let's keep moving took down that dude okay i hear harambe somewhere behind me i ran babe oh wait uh okay we have rainbow did i find the next door down or we just oh wait this is back at the top this is not what i wanted oh i keep getting so lost down here i mean it is technically a dungeon so i guess you're supposed to get lost but at the same time i'm really bad at this okay so this was the next door down i need to make sure not to go through this one i think we found it okay this should be the next one down oh it definitely is wait hot dogs down here don't worry baby hot dog i will slice everybody that tries to touch you i think hot dog may have been one of the first cute pets that we got don't touch my hot dogs is that the next door i think it is i honestly have lost track of most of my pets the giant turtle is down here don't worry i will feed you pet food let's go down even further all of my pets are here wait hot dog is about to die don't worry hot dog i will feed you your hot dogs back in full health chuckles no jungle is about to die not today that lady was big these skeletons are ugly are they wait are these even skeletons i don't think they are i think they're just probably really pale people that haven't seen the sun for a couple years because they've been down here in the dungeons and then these guys just don't have lives they look like they just eat pop-tarts every single meal for the for their entire lives they don't look very healthy also i don't understand why they're wearing bandit goggles i it's not like i know who they are or who care because i'm gonna kill them anyway this giant lady is literally the biggest concern out of all of them we're just collecting so much pet food from them why are they carrying so much pet food i have so many questions and there's not enough answers let's get a little roll call i actually think everybody is here other than gypso comment down below if i'm missing anybody let's keep moving through the jungle dungeon this is it the final rumor what is that thing like that's the next pet that we get it looks magnificent it is a giant cute dinosaur actually i can't even say that that's cute it looks so cool all right we are going to initiate game plan steal the dinosaur patch we need to make sure to kill all the thugs and then we should be able to go into this room and steal the dinosaur pets this place was not guarded well at all what's up how you doing big guy it actually seems somewhat friendly maybe they had him locked down here and he didn't even want to be down here well let's go into this room and i should be able to collect the egg did i do it i did it we got a robo-rex anger it has almost maxed out health it has maxed out attack and the speed is insane okay let's go ahead and escape did it work i think it did what's up gypsy we did it all right now the only thing to do is to go back to the pet shop and we should be able to use the incubator where's croakie come here croaky go ahead jump to victory croaky cookie just takes no fall damage we did it we made it back to the pet shop hello lady okay let's go ahead and put down the robo-rex egg and see just how big it is at its full size it was huge this dude is really tiny actually why do they always run for me don't they want pet food all right well we tamed it it's so cute though and i know it's gonna get so big all right i guess we gotta do this ladies and gentlemen we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna make sure that it's bigger and bigger and bigger it's eating a lot of pet food but it just grew wait we completed raising eight pets now we can head back to the lab and talk to the professor and we'll do it in style on our biggest cute pet yet the robo-rex if you guys have any name suggestions for our brand new pets today please leave them all in the comment section down below so in the next episode i can feature your comment let's go head back to the professor while we're going there guys if you haven't hit that juicy red subscribe button yet i'm not entirely sure what you're doing you definitely do not want to miss out on future episodes of this series all of the cute pets are back so let's go ahead into the professor we did it wait that is amazing okay so that is what's in the giant castle in the sky it's an ancient legendary cupette and now we know exactly how to get to it we need to use the desert dungeon key which i think we can only get to the dedra dungeon she said by using a specific type of a cute pet so in the next episode we'll have to check that out and also eventually check out all of the other dungeons around too so that we can keep building our cup army [Music] you guys wanted the frog to be named croaky the giant tortoise to be named torto and the robot t-rex fat to be named the wrexonator if you guys don't want the rex inator to eat you be sure to leave a like with your pointer finger if you guys don't do it the rex nader will literally eat you and every single cookie that you own welcome to the cuphead army tortelle and kuroky alright everybody let's get ready for combat in the last episode the professor told us that if we go to the desert town we'll be able to find a secret pet that pet will allow us to dig and eventually uncover the desert dungeon key then we'll be one step closer to getting all the way up to the giant secret castle where there should be an ancient legendary pet well this sign says that the jungle and volcano are that way and it looks like the desert is all the way over there all right rex inator let's go all the way over here to victory who needs a horse when you have a ginormous robot t-rex that'll take you all the way around [Music] why does this place feel awfully empty you see normally there's something that's gonna pop out wait a second it looks like there might be a little encampment over here always big mama what's up big mama oh my gosh we have the bandits here it looks like we found a banded cam let's make sure that we destroy every single one of the spawners rextonator be sure to take them all out i'm so sorry to bust up your campfire party but i can't have you guys out here by yourself what's this dude dude up there do i even own a bow and arrow i don't think i do we might need to jump up there with with froakie froakie the croaky croaky my froakie come here croaky we have business to attend to let's see if we can just jump right up there no we hit our head let's try again come on croaky croaky is literally just missing it croaky's been skipping out on leg day why is this man running directly through the fire what is happening i guess he's just the type of person that really enjoys pain maybe croaky can jump up the side of the entire mountain come on croaky you can do it oh there we go and now one final jump should push us directly over and of course i fell wait we just jumped right back up why couldn't croakie do that earlier now is not the time to ask questions all right sick we found 20 pet coins and it looks like there's a secret tunnel there's a couple mobs in here but i'm not worried my cupid army should be able to defeat them wait this leads all the way over to the frost biome i don't think i'm supposed to go there quite yet i need to continue to go through the desert and locate the desert town that's where i should be able to find the cute pet called the digamol we're going to need that later on today's episode in order to uncover the earth dungena can't tell but up there it looks like there's some sort of city it looks like a building so let's keep going forward and maybe we can actually find out where the desert city is let's see this way to the desert dungeon thank you very much inconspicuous sign this way to the desert dungeon well yes yes i don't think i am ready for the desert dungeon quite yet you see the professor told me that i need to get a certain pet in order to dig through to the dungeon no building allowed in this area okay i don't plan on building but it seems like this is the desert town it's a pretty small town honestly does anybody even live here oh wait there are people here you guys realize you don't have like beds or anything right do you guys just sleep on the floor uh um okay all right well these people are strange hello hello there mr mustachio where this man is awfully short he's he's literally so tiny he's only one block tall oh let's see what he has the digamol perfect that's exactly what i need okay let's go ahead and buy one dig them all please thank you very much sir we're gonna go ahead and put the digamol inside of the incubator and as you guys know if you've been an og fan of this series you guys need to leave name suggestions down below in the comments what is this it's like a a little tiny mole it's like a naked mole rat well we're gonna make it a lot bigger yes yes yes yes yes yes it worked our digamol has gone to adulthood and wait we could ride on its back too okay let's bring our brand new cute digamal pet out here so it has a secret ability called excavation so whenever i'm riding on top of it we should actually be able to dig through blocks let's go test that out so we have our digamal right here and let's see what we can dig through well now that we have the digamol the professor said that we should be able to get into the dungeon desert dungeon um yeah there's definitely a couple blocks blocking it off where is digamo digamol you have literally have like a mining drill for a snout oh my goodness wait what if i hold down space it literally turns its face into a mining drill and now we have access to the dungen uh okay i think the entire squad is here other than gypso we do not bring gypso anymore because a couple times when i brought gypso and right-clicked on gypso it activated its special ability which teleports me and everybody back to the hometown it's not very effective especially when i'm inside a dungeon okay looks like we should be here though so let's go ahead and we're going to grab ourselves the desert dungeon key let's do this everybody's down roll call all right we got hot dog knuckles brand new digga mole harambee tortol the rex inator croaky and rainbow all right cool the whole cute squad's here and just in time too we got ourselves our pale archers uh very strange bandits that like to wear the goggles and the you know other things as well even though i don't really care who they are i'm not sure like who are they hiding their identity from it does really make sense to me but we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna steal all their pet food and also all of their pet coins they really enjoy stealing pets from other people so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna literally just kill them all those are the worst type of people and luckily all of my pets agree turtle is spinning around in circles and the rex inator is so overpowered all of my pets honestly work together amazingly we have one of the strongest armies ever harambe was slain by bandit brute wait a second uh croaky no we need to feed croakie the band didn't prove mamas get out of here abandoned proof i didn't realize they were that powerful wait a second directionator is about to die i need to make sure that i am healing all of our pets we already lost harambe luckily when a pet does die their egg will go back to the spawn so we'll be able to recover him later i have never seen this before it looks like a bow should i collect it i picked up a relic give it to the professor and then we can access the floating castle dungener yes that's why we came here in the first place okay so for those of you guys that haven't seen it yet we actually are now able to go to the floating castle in the sky i remember seeing it in the first episode but supposedly there is a legendary cupette that lives there i think that's the only reason that we came to the desert dungeon yeah i don't really see anywhere else to go if you guys think i missed anything please go ahead and leave a comment down below but it looks like that is everything that's in the desert dungeon so we should be able to go back to the top normally there's a couple more doors down but for whatever reason there didn't seem to be any okay let's go ahead and take this relic all the way back to the professor and then we should be able to get the dungeon key for the floating dungena there it is the floating dungeon in the sky that has the legendary cute pet it's definitely far away but i think we could probably use croaky in order to jump all the way up to the top either that or maybe there's a pet that i'm missing in the winter biome over there that's able to actually allow me to fly we'll have to check that out before we actually go into that dungeon but let's go ahead and take the relic back to the professor and make sure that there's no other quest that i have to do hey what's up gypso i feel kind of bad for leaving gypso behind but at the same time gypso does not seem sad at all gypso actually kind of likes being lazy all right hot dog sit down raxinator you did well rainbow jackals random digginator or is it dirtinator i digamol digabol i don't know how i forget name so fast portal karaoke and we also need to get harambe back but first things first let's go talk to the professor we did it okay i i did the key to the floating castle was inside the relic i am so excited i can barely contain it we must hurry to the floating castle and awaken the ancient pet that resides there you will need a flying pet to reach the floating i knew we would need a flying pad now let's see did i get the key you have the sewer dungeon the ice dungeon the jungle dungeon the volcano dungeon the desert dungeon but i don't know if the i have the key in order to get into it let's see the professor said to use the flying pet to fly up to the floating castle and she'll meet me in the final room we can purchase the sky ray pet at cynthia's pet store or find the sorgon pet in the dungeon by the lava town i'll leave it up to you guys comment down below if i should get the skyray pet or if i should go to the lava town and go to the lava dungeon and get the sorgon [Music] you guys wanted me to name our snail slimy steve you also have the name suggestion of snorkel for our sorghum snorkel the sorgon alright i dub the snorkel welcome to the cute army and we can also add in slimy steve you are indeed slimy and your name is now steve we can also change their color so let's go ahead and try to see oh oh i like red i really like purple too i think i want to stick with red let me know what you guys think in the comments down below by the way if you guys haven't already while you're down there you might as well slap the like button with a paintbrush if you don't have a paintbrush i guess you can use your forehead let's go change up slime steve wow slimy steve just became extremely purple all right we have blue and red i honestly i like the slimy steve looking like molten lava so we're gonna stick with this kill the porky wait wait wait snorkel slogan do not burn down cute city i was also reading your guys comments and a lot of you guys wanted me to go and check out cynthia's pet shop which is a pet shop that was originally locked when i first started out this series but now supposedly she's open for business i don't know why am i walking like a peasant we literally have snorkel the sorgon dragon there is no need to ever walk again alright snorkel you wait out here hello cynthia i see now you are accepting brand new customers like myself why is cynthia not looking at me why does she look disinterested whatever let's go see what cynthia has okay so we have two brand new pets the sky ray and the lion door the sky ray attacks with a ranged weapon and is also able to fly so if anything happens to a snorkel we could always use this as our backup flight dragon and we also have lander which is able to attack with ranged and melee weapons all right we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna get both thank you very much and what is this pet armor equipped to adult pets gives more health and makes them look cooler we can get pet harbor maybe my pets won't die anymore bro why does she sound so mad i literally i'm ju i'm giving her money why does she sound so angry all right i actually i don't know if i have 15 pets i kind of lost count of how many pets that i have he will hatch our lionder pet i guess i should also buy some upgraded pet food from her we have amazing pet food all right it looks like my dinner's done cooking what is this the lion door this looks like a little baby eevee wait that's crazy okay let's go make it full size it worked whoa dude now it has like a lion's mane at all fat tail this thing is amazing this thing looks so cute all right welcome to the cute army let's test out some different colors so we can make it completely white or we can make it look like an enderman i personally like this i need you guys to leave name suggestions in the comments down below but let's also get our skyray pat hatch hatch hatch yo yo do not run away from me come back this thing is so adorable what the heck i thought it was going to be some sort of dragon wait what what it's a manta raya that is amazing and it literally just floats in the air let's test out the different colors so we can make it pink we can make it green or we can make it blue i'll leave it up to you guys leave name suggestions before our sky ray and also what color i should make it this is fantastic i can literally just fly on its back we're just floating through the air before i forget let's test out our pet armor so let's try to give it to snorkel who is going to be one of our most important pets in the next legendary cute dungeon uh all right so we have loaded you up with armor let's also get armor for you wait this makes the pets look so cool alright my beautiful pet army come on bring those juicy amazing cute faces all the way down here you shall have armor as well the rex inator even though the resonator was kind of already made out of armor he looks even cooler with the armor on he now has spikes chuckles you can have some armor dig a hole turtle you also get some armor slimy steve hot dog oh hot dog looks so sick all right croaky you get some armor as well everybody gets strapped up today rainbow now has some rainbow jeweled armor harambe definitely needs some armor he now has a giant belt on with a gold coin and gypso i guess you can get armor as well alright snorkel let's go ahead and check out the brand new legendary cute dungeon uh i don't know exactly what to expect so i'm gonna leave all of my other cute pets behind then once we figured out what we're getting into we can bring them all up here at least i hope so i'm not entirely sure if they'll be able to make it up because most of them can't fly i guess we'll find out very very shortly the professor should be somewhere up here waiting for me a professor oh fessor does anybody see the professor anywhere maybe if i fly directly up to the center then we might be able to actually track down the professor nope i completely just lied yo what where'd it what portal maybe i can bring all of my pets up here wait let's go grab the rest of them harambe croaky prepare yourselves for combat rainbow you too we found it ladies and gentlemen we're at the front door no building allowed in this area do not worry i did not plan on building anything i came to conquer with my cute army of cuteness we shall kill everything with the power of love and cute this yeah anybody want to get cutified today also where is the professor whoa yes we made it what what is that that is amazing that is the coolest thing i've seen all day no wait turn into an egg i looked literally like the most mystical cute dragon ever yeah i did did we actually just do it was that it i guess the crystal dragon was able to see all of my amazing pets and and it was just like yes you are the one you are ash ketchum you are the chosen one oh gosh i did not mean to let that happen i am so sorry this thing was so poorly protected too it probably didn't even need protection i'm guessing this dragon has been just owning mobs left and right all day what the did somebody just attacked the the crystal dragon please tell me that i did not just lose the legendary cute pet is it in my inventory yes okay okay we got it ladies and gentlemen all right before anybody else does anything really really really dumb and idiotic let's go ahead and get the flip out of here follow me my cute army of cuteness also kill everything in my path we will destroy them using the power of cute everybody attack the spider jockey bro nothing stands a chance we have become too powerful especially now that we are going to have a legendary cute pet we are going to be unstoppable the cute army will rule over this world with a very delicate fist okay we're going to be good rulers let's make sure everybody's nice and fed around me please do not jump off the map i know it looks tempting he's a monkey so he can't help himself sometimes from just be popping around don't worry all my cute beautiful pets everybody gets fed today there you go croaky would somebody kill this albio everybody just attack the zombie the zombie just immediately decombusted all right guys let's go head back to cute city where i should be able to finally hatch the legendary cute chris chris dragon crystal chris tagging i think it's called a chris tagging crystal dragon i don't really know but you guys are gonna have to leave name suggestions i also just realized that i forgot to bring some of the squad i'm so sorry you guys really did not miss out on much hot dog looks vastly disappointed in me noog i'm so sorry you're beautiful and i love you and i'll never leave you behind again buddy where'd the rest of my pets go did i leave them behind what the flip is wrong with me sorry about that everybody it it won't happen again i forgot that a lot of you guys can't fly we shall bounce our way back to cute city now that my entire cute army is following me and then we can finally hatch the legendary cute dragon uh wait what's this place it's the ranch i don't think i've ever been to the ranch hello lady hi wait can i can i hatch my pets here oh wait what do you sell you sell pet food and also pet balls yeah i guess i probably should have bought a pet ball at some point so that i could have played with my pets well that's okay maybe i could do that with our brand new legendary dragon that is first off the most amazing looking egg and it just hatches on the flip and run oh my gosh oh my gosh wait wait hold on hold on what the crap is going on please stay love me forever so as a little tiny baby it looks so cool it is one of the cutest pets that i think we've gotten as a baby so far but let's see what it looks like when we raise it to full adult size all right that's right bring that cute little tail over here stay stay do not run running out of pet food come on hopefully this is enough a little bit more it worked this thing just grew like five times bigger that is amazing bro its colors are so cool too let's actually try to see what other colors it has so okay it looks like we really can't oh never mind so we can kind of change the color scheme with the first two it's either white and like a slightly different gradient of blue and purple and pink or we can make it more of like a blue and uh pink and duller pink maybe i don't know both of those are relatively the same but then we could switch it up to the complete opposite i'll leave it up to you guys let me know what we should name our brand new legendary q-pad and also what color we should keep it as wait we can give it pet armor too let's go and do that oh that is so cool it now has like little tiny cuffs on its hands and its legs so i'm pretty sure that means in total we have 14 pets now the professor said that for our final quest we need to raise all 16 pets so that means there's still two that i haven't gotten yet there's also a couple areas of cute city that i haven't explored future episode we'll have to go check out that island over there and that lighthouse to see if maybe there's another secret pet and we can also travel to every single biome just to make sure that we didn't miss anything in the custom pet shops now that we can fly on pretty much all of our pets we shouldn't have a problem exploring around super quickly i see bacon why hello little bacon i am so sorry but you must be a sacrifice i need to see what this thing can do oh my goodness it just headbutted it and then it breathed out some sort of like mystical air fire let's see what it does let's see what it does do do it oh okay it doesn't even need to breathe the air fire but i'm pretty sure that might be like a frost breath but today we will be taking our entire cute pet army including croakie to defeat the lava dungeya and supposedly we should be able to find the flying cute pet there before we do that we got ourselves a brand new pet in the last episode that you guys really really really wanted me to name i think there were over like a thousand comments a lot of you guys wanted to name the digimon pet dig a hole i have no idea why welcome to the team dig a hole he is extremely talented at digging holes his face is basically like a mining drill let's go ahead and gather up our extreme cute pet squad in order to defeat the lava dungeya croaky get your big butt off the ground we got work to do hot duke let's go i feel bad for not bringing gypso in the last episode so i guess gypso you can join us today i just need to be super careful not to accidentally right click on gypso because if i do we will teleport directly back to the professor let's make sure that i have my volcano lava dungeon key which should allow us to get into the actual dungeon and that's where we should find the sorgon pet don't worry everybody i will save the day and we will get the lost legendary pet that's my friend jeff he was really worried about me i love you jeff is the best jungle volcano well let's go to the volcano [Music] ship oh my gosh it's amazing to watch all of my cute pets turn from cute to vicious actually extremely powerful and they do so much damage it's a little bit scary i hope that eventually they do not turn on me i feed them pretty well so i don't know why they would if croaky ever tried to eat me ladies and gentlemen i would probably need to call the fbi there's a ton of lava here and it looks like we have a few different volcanoes so there's one right there there's one right there it looks like the volcano pretty much has flooded this entire area the professor said that the dungeon should be close to the volcano village so once we find that the dungeon shouldn't be super far away i found it okay there's the village and there is the floating castle off in the distance it's just tempting me it is basically just taunting me i will conquer it one day it seems like an awfully poor place to build a village i don't know about you guys but if i was living somewhere i probably would not want to live near a volcano and i probably also would not build a village near a volcano either it always confuses me why these houses are empty like do people live here i'm pretty sure people live here right look there is literally a dude inside this dude has a chimney he also has got a big head stonks baby what's up lady why are you turning awfully slowly that was creepy we're gonna leave what is this place i pet coins oh well hello little tiny mustachio man i love your red beard oh wow he actually is able to move his entire eyebrow together we could buy a brand new pen a snail lava don't mind if i do let's get ourselves a snail lava pet we'll go over here to the incubator and we can hatch this thing i didn't even know it existed until five seconds ago brad come on come on yes yes okay this thing is super cute look it has tiny little particle effects too those are legitimately the cutest eyes i have ever seen i wanna i wanna love this thing forever wow it just got big and its eyes got smaller its eyes were literally bigger when it was a baby what can i do what it is literally just a throne this is amazing this is my new favorite pet everybody else i'm so sorry i love you but this snail literally will carry me to victory on a golden molten lava throne i love you red mustache man i would like to also buy some of your finest pet food for all of my fine cute pets i need to make sure that they eat nutritiously and deliciously that should be enough do you have any cookies in the back room nope nope flip all right whatever i'll be on my way make sure you guys also leave a like if you're enjoying this series and also while you're down there you might as well leave a comment with name suggestions for our snail lava pet i'll make sure you guys get a good look at it it has a beautiful chair and it has really tiny eyes now and it's got a fat slug body okay looks like this sign says that the volcano dungeon should be over in this direction lava in the area so we need to be a little bit careful where is croakie crow keep croakie where are you croaky it is so difficult to figure out where all my pets are okay croaky you're gonna take us to victory here let's take the higher out i don't want my vets to accidentally jump in the lava lead us to victory croakie where is the entrance to the dungeon oh croaky why would you do this get out of there oh my gosh i'll be the lava the blaze is happening we lost two of our pets how did that just happen croaky just burned he got turned into frog lava soup i wonder if our snail lava is able to survive in the lava yes it is okay i probably should have guessed that also our other pets seem to be immune to the lava the heat somehow oh my gosh no rainbow is not get out of the lava rainbow this is terrible why am i here where is this dungeon ladies and gentlemen we've been looking around forever it said that the dungeon was this way but we literally just went in a massive circle where are they hiding the dungena where is it chicken you have two seconds to tell me granby slap him but seriously ladies and gentlemen i have no idea where this dungeon is and i don't necessarily want to go around in another loop maybe it's right in front of my face but i just can't see it hot dog what are you doing stop trying to cook yourself please get out of the water please get out of water please get out of water please get out of water that's not even water what am i saying that's lava we need to get our pets away from the lava they're cute they're they're too cute they're too darn cute and they don't understand that they can burn everybody go ahead and take a seat we're gonna use uh you know just a little bit of a new game plan here all right our brand new snail creature you are going to take me all the way over here going to see if we can maybe figure out where the lava dungeon is down here nope it's not over here wait it looks like there might be a structure up there oh there it is we actually needed the snail lava pet wait a second guys okay now that we know where it is i think we can figure out exactly how to get everybody in okay so we're going to take our snow lava pet over here and i think i can go ahead and use one of our pets in order to dig through let's go dig a hole all right let's see if this works no we're not able to do it this will be risky ladies and gentlemen but we're going to try it i might lose all of my cute pets okay so here's the game plan right we're going to go over here and then we're going to quickly go inside of the dungeon okay we're inside of the cavern and yes okay so they all teleported safely to me now we can bring all of the pets into the dungeon let's try out the volcano dungeon key it worked let's enter all right cute pets listen up i know you guys are cute and cuddly and you guys probably don't have massive brains but that's why i'm in charge whatever you do once you see the orange glow stuff do not go inside i know it looks warm and it looks fresh and it looks fun but at the same time don't do it it burns i have no idea if they understood a word i just said the only way to get through is own our brand new snail lava pet okay it looks like the next door is right here don't go in the lava don't go in the lava i don't understand some of our pets are immune to the lava there's our digger hole pat i even do i think it actually just shoots things oh no never mind that pale man is shooting the giant pale woman he is extremely casual about it and i have no idea why all right well while they're doing that we should probably go ahead and move along to the deepest part of the dungeon get out of the water why do i keep calling lava water please stop please stop please stop we lost harambe in the last episode i can't afford to lose him again please harambe please please please please harambe we've lost you one too many times please there you go there you go buddy that's using your giant monkey brain why can't harambe just understand let's go ladies and gentlemen okay we're just gonna keep making a break for it i don't even care about oh no a rambe he died why does he keep doing this i need to make sure i'm feeding the rest of my pets a dog hot dog hot diggity dog please do not die all of our pets are taking so much damage luckily i have tons of pet coins and we should be able to revive them but this is bad i don't understand why they continually jump in the lava i think we should hopefully be able to get to the next area of the dungeon without having to worry about any lava you see it looks like kind of a straight shot get out of here bald man that's right you jump in the lava you die you burn to death let's do a little bit of a head count i think everybody is pretty much here other than harambe and also croaky and gypso let's get back on our snell molten lava throne and we should be able to make a straight shot to the last part of the dungeon let's do this oh this is it this is the pet it's the sorgon why is nobody attacking me normally they attack me oh there we go i spoke way too soon you did hi yeah yes smack the big lady smack the big lady smack the old skinny man in the lava buddy oh i got it look at that we have the sorghum egg smack you how's everybody's health looking it looks like chuckles needs a little bit of pet food there you go chuckles there's only one more abandoned boy over here and wait a second we picked up another egg we can get two sorghums and we also unlocked the sorghum pet from the black market trader so that we don't have to come back here we can just go and buy it all right my slippery snail take us all the way out here to victory let's go into the pet shop and let's hatch at least one of our sworgon pets this is going to be our first flying pet no no no no no no you get back here buddy no escaping red mustachio man we're gonna need to buy lots lots lots more pet food all of my pets decided that they wanted to take a bath and lava today so i needed to use pretty much an entire stack this thing is adorable leave some name suggestions down below in the comments video you will get nice and big and strong yes there we go come on evolve yes we have a sore gun okay let's see how this works so if i press space oh okay so this thing is an actual dragon pet and it can literally burn anything and then if i look up it'll take off so now we can actually go to the flying dragon dungeon that subscribe button so you don't miss out on the next episode [Music]
Channel: BeckBroPlays
Views: 1,186,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, pets, new mobs, new pets, minecraft pets, minecraft pet mod, zoo, minecraft zoo, minecraft adopt me, beckbrojack
Id: YuHoYbWZtDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 34sec (3214 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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