Minecraft But The World Border Expands (#2)

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okay so what do we have that's unlocked next oh can I gain access over here I bet there's something that we're gonna have to do to place down on that smooth quartz we can check out a little bit more I'm not supposed to zoom in to read the sign though that would be against the rules we don't yet have the second here we have some Bush um can I gain access to this this seems maybe if I hold on let me let me move time move time backwards and maybe this opens up oh yeah we have this go dude by the way if you missed the first part of expand three I think this Coral will grow to be very pretty hmm you missed the first part check the playlist in the description oh that's out of range gosh dang it oh wait so that's where the bars lead from the outside that we just saw make sure to like the video subscribe to Kevin Sparkles too follow on twitch.tv slash captainsparkles and uh there's the oh wait the Villager the Villager is unlocked no okay all right cool cool let's go check out the Villager man's and see what the Villager is cooking hey what's up dude okay well that's how we're getting some stuff then that is how we're getting some stuff magenta and purple concretes give us some interesting things but hey there's Cole wait is this oh this is repeatable like we can just keep doing this fireworks hold me in the offhand of fire so is that like crossbow plus fireworks potentially I'm assuming and then okay so that's a one time and that's our upgrade basically for the crossbow um or upgrade for the bow but like we have to do what are we gonna do what are we gonna do with this I got no idea what we're gonna do with that well we have it loaded just in case I need to get more iron don't I we gotta load up on okay now we gotta move wait hold on if we move time forwards does that does that change the trades do you get old that's where the skeleton comes bro he starts shooting yes second so so if you see the skeleton maybe consider going uh going back in time all right got it understood oh there's a wait there's a button up there hmm wait does this have anything multi-shot oh wait just a darn minute yeah [Music] I have a I'm sensing a plan here I am sensing a plan with the cross spell yes indeedly do let me just get some more diamonds in case we want to do more of the trades for that stuff okay cool cool oh yeah wait I can smelt the uh chorus fruits maybe that'll allow me to do some fancy stuff hold on let me smell the chorus fruit with the coal now I know at least I don't need to use the Azalea right I can just use the coal and I can wait I'm not smelting the copper until I have the amethyst that I need in order to make the Spyglass okay that is the rule that I'm oh wait Frick I don't have the uh I don't have it yet Frick I need to go trade for it but that's gonna be the rule that I give myself because otherwise I feel like I'm just gonna freaking wreck everything [Applause] I did not do a great deal for us um this doesn't multi like you can't multi-shot fireworks again you can I did not realize that that is crazy okay so we got to figure out the exact spot doesn't work either that or it was like huh maybe it was just the angle was wrong no because it did light it did light it up the first time I think right hold on I need more fireworks I need more fireworks yeah it might have just been the angle wasn't working for us thank goodness that everything is nuggets instead of full ingots right ah frick hold on one moment I've got a gotta go change time all right bringing it back to life dude sorry I killed you have multiple I didn't even realize dude I've just I've I've slain this guy on multiple occasions okay here we go this is definitely how many attempts it is going to take we got chorus flower I wonder if it's going to take multiple attempts to do whatever the frick I need to do in order to teleport in or what have you right so let's see offhand you and if M2 shoot if I shot like directly underneath doesn't do it um I swear it did activate from horizontally didn't it let me just let me get back higher up okay that does it does activate from there yeah um okay so just gotta get it like perfect right right dang it [Applause] it's not wide enough um [Applause] just aim directly at the center no that now hit right in Middle hang it right in Middle still hold on right and middle wait did that hit them all or did that just hit right or left the middle that hit them all it must not be it yet am I and we we just hit them all check the lights check the lights Frick God dang it hold on one sec why are you beat oh I did I literally just did it now I'm trying to reproduce oh my God [Applause] okay well whatever I did it I did it I just I think it's I think it's not yet I think we have to do it later on um I think it's just not the particular step that we're trying to do right now so um cappium indeed let's do this and we get chorus fruit and then like I don't know I'm I'm must be supposed to like use this in order to get somewhere I just don't know like where exactly I am supposed to use it in order to get oh wait wait what about down here down here down here hold on hold on wait that's balls dude it says no it says no you cannot do that oh wait oh oh I'm getting hungry I'm getting hungry oh it takes me to the right SP oh you have to be here you have to be here for it to work [Applause] what what I did it I did I just did it what do you want from me I literally just did it I just did it again did the Border expand I don't think the Border expanded right but I I did it you saw them all light up I got to the exact spot that I needed to be in clearly if it just teleports me there what a what did I do wrong I don't understand what I did wrong like did I not light them up like was there just a too much of a millisecond in between the lights I don't know what else it wants for me bro I don't know what else it wants from me uh you're a skeleton right now God dang it what do you want me to do how is that not it maybe it has to be in in different time zone maybe it's got to be in this time zone right all right let me let me stock up on some more fireworks and then try it in the I have a habit of forgetting that you only have a 50 chance of something working because of the uh multiple timelines that we're in and there is no way to try it without fireworks there is simply no way to try it without fireworks I don't have an arrow anymore I was forced to trade the arrow for the fireworks all right come on allow me to eat here we go so maybe this maybe this now light up didn't get all nope God dang it dude I I got them all cut them all again try without the fireworks I'll throw myself can I apply multi-shot to myself and I'll shoot myself out of a cannonball and I'll hit all three of them simultaneously with my face maybe that'll do it if you hit all three in one shot you complete the puzzle [Applause] I'm going pee we did it guys who did it I'm I'm so happy I'm so happy that we did it something must have something to do with these uh planks down here right right hey maybe there's a way to get in here now um there's shulkey and there's a quartz and hold on now wait wait wait we can access the button that was underground right right we can ask the button we get the button we get the button oh it opens though what does this do for us it allows us to complete the loop oh wait oh I can get in here oh wait we got a NE oh hold on dude okay so there was we could buy an Obby for uh oh that must be this is the quartz go on the thing there was trades that we needed to do but okay if you're missing an Eye of Ender look for gray concretes and then probably use the concrete breaker so we have uh we need to find a good bit more out of enders here in order to complete the uh portal it would seem and also we have at least we have at least holy frick five more expansions before we can get that oh my God that is a lot more expansions um anyway okay so there's still uh much to do much to do around here and for us to figure out and all and and really it's like you know you gotta figure out what's in the forward time and what's in the early time you know it's not the easiest thing to decipher between well let's see does this uh have we unlocked anything else downstairs we just got to check in all the areas that we possibly can that is just the Villager dude bro I think this Coral will grow to be very pretty but the problem is when the when time is forwarded you can't get in here right I'm pretty sure what else um what other trades let me just refresh my memory on the trades hold on what is it what is it what is it um Flint oh wait wait wait so flint and then we get the irons we can make the flint and steel we can use that to light the portal um but where do we get the magenta and purple concrete so you have the concrete breaker I wonder if we've just got magenta and purple concrete kinda chilling there must be something where we drop water on somehow this water has to get here how though how is that gonna happen huh so water goes away what the frick guys how do we change the flow of water okay let's keep looking around because maybe something else has unlocked that we couldn't do before let's see let's see anything on the back side of the ship is there anything wait hold on if I go up top maybe I can check out what is bake their hello anybody home been there before this is all is there anything else there I doubt there's much else for us to do um okay no nothing back there feel like there's gotta be something else gotta be something okay so we can't we still can't reach that um oh wait we know we were able to reach that a while ago um is there anything else oh there's a barrel hold on that's new there we go there we go there we go creeper spawn egg can be placed on Bedrock huh where's the Bedrock Bedrock over here no where is the Bedrock um oh wait wait I haven't been in that's how I get in here duh I forgot dude so I was thinking like making the flint and steel and trying to like burn something but yeah that wasn't the case at all dude okay now we can get in here oh and we can put the Creeper down in there oh my God wait then we get the shulker glass cutters oh that gets us inside the thing holy frick what is that I don't know what that allows us to do if we put time backwards does that do something to the creeper I wonder so that's why the iron bars were important doesn't so that we could get in when we otherwise wouldn't be able to with time being yeah that's clever okay but now can I get in here oh let's go I can't reach though um yeah dude everything's coming together okay let's see what happens now when we send a Time uh backwards again and we still have the creeper down there okay clearly there's nothing I can do yet with that it must be for future but those uh what does this do well the creeper is still chilling so I don't know does that do anything to our like we'll have a H we gotta get a music disc do we have to get a music disc or something like that hold on wait wait oh yeah hold on was there glass down there hold on yeah okay okay it's uh yeah we gotta get a music disc I think that's what it is so we're switching back to the skeleton and then the skeleton is gonna shoot and then I don't know what we're doing with the music disc at all but that must be what's up there we go never been an easier music disc as long as I've lived oh you have to break this every time fascinating okay what does this do what it is there anything do I have any blocks that can or anything that can break that block I don't think I do well hmm have we seen a jukebox anywhere I mean jukeboxes are a classic way to make progress happen in a map right absolutely classic way to do things there's oh there's something oh there's a chicken hey chicken but what else what is there anything yeah is there anything to crack wait oh I can craft glass bottles am I supposed to cry wait was there was I was that a lingering potion that oh no I can't do I can only bottle dragon's breath but um hmm I don't know if I have any like the other stuff this is where the Warped planks come in this is where the warp planks come in well I've been waiting this whole time I've been waiting all along it can be placed on lapis oh there it is I don't remember where the lapis was it was up it was uh right up there it's right up there right right right I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure yes there it is it's all coming together now there and then we did it we freaking did it we freaking did it did say something about using glass bottles I don't know that we're there yet I I haven't seen any ingredients that look you know potion related but okay another Eye of Ender let's go Crimson pressure plate can be placed on Crimson stem uh right here right here right here either there or there which one though I don't know which oh it goes on both what the frick wait huh obviously we're allowed to throw items on the ground so I'm gonna wait what is there a time limit hold on oh wait um so there is clearly a path that I need to take but I don't know wanting to use let me check if we move time oh yeah I don't think it has anything to do with simultaneous activation I think it is there's a path I have to take but as to what that is huh it'll wonky about the whole thing um okay uh oh do I need to go on each block once oh like color the whole thing why does it keep being wonky about um it's an interesting concept like change all the blocks to a particular color and maybe frick I think I fricked that dang it watch that completely not be what we're supposed to do here but it'll be fun to do a uh a self-imposed challenge a completely unnecessary right so there and then freaking frick now that's not gonna work God dang it I want it am I gonna how am I gonna do that I don't think that's it right that's not it there's no way that I can do that there's no way that I can do that okay it's really weird about resetting itself there we go um uh okay what if we do this instead I don't know this is probably not gonna work no I think I ballsed it yeah I balls did dog iballs did okay um I'm so ready for my for like me to change all the colors why is it so weird on reset it's so weird about this like it doesn't work on the reset half the time there we go um okay instead instead what if I start off this way but then that uh that one right there is frict that one right there is frict unfortunately unless I can just go from that to well we'll see okay so if I do this hold on nope it it the same thing the same thing happens God dang it please thank you okay um try that instead no I stepped off God dang it maybe this um oh oh oh you're telling me there's a chance wait are you telling me there's a chance are you telling me there's a chance you're telling me there's a chance you're telling me there's a chance you're telling me there's a chance better be what it is yes it is let's go come on all right you love to see it you really do now we can get in here oh it levitates us up okay cool I can't punch it doesn't let me wait wait is this where the water happens okay we can't get in there yet there must be something to do with this though right right right right right right hold on but real quick there is a chest over there oh water it wasn't even it wasn't even as complicated as redirecting the water it was literally just grab a water bucket and make the concretes make the concretes concrete oh it's back okay cool keeps me give me the water back I was like what what are you what are we doing here we go and now we can trade it up all right dude now the progress is progressing nobody has progressed like I've progressed here let's go all right so now we can uh time forward need one more iron unfortunately so [Music] boom I feel like things are moving a lot more smoothly now then perhaps they were you know like on some of the earlier puzzles were actually we're cooking we're letting him cook thank you iron much appreciated now we get a flint and steal and now presumably we're gonna go into here and be able to yep oh it's all good to go it's all good to go boom and we're going to the nether baby oh feed me chicken now so freaking demanding I mean really dude okay sadness of you know we're still gonna need some more look for gray concrete they say I wonder if this is how we get the amethyst for the Spyglass dude how is it all gonna like tie back into the Spyglass after all this time after all this time maybe this is the gray concrete that they're talking about I have seen that over there but anyway um poor chicken poor chicken is over here oh oh no poor guy poor fella do I have to well I don't really have a way of punching them directly do I do I explodey I exploding him wait is this frick hold on guys I gotta bring the time back not your Champion I'm so sorry you guys go right wait wait don't wait hold on um did I need more iron no no it's good it's good it's good we're good we're good we're good we're good so go back down there can't I punch him now he's appeared to be on the other side of the uh barrier which was a slight issue I actually don't even know if this is gonna work with the firework explosion through the barrier we'll see sorry bud God that was just that was brutal bro we meet him and then we're just like okay bye-bye and then we meet him you know what I'm saying you want it did he say you think you think he cares about salmonella you really think this guy cares about salmonella seriously this guy you're literally a zombie pig and you're gonna hit me with the no excuse me but I only accept very well cooked chicken I would never eat your uncultured rare chicken I simply would never all right this guy this the the kind of zombie pigman to send things back at a restaurant can you even freaking believe it converting my diamond back into cold talk about moving the time backwards I'm taking the diamonds and I'm turning them into coal that's crazy that's just crazy I'm moving the time forward now and then maybe my coal will turn into Diamond no no that's not how it's gonna work should be how it works man should be how it works Gordon hamsi yeah God freaking dang it bro okay here you go God what if I soft lock myself what if the man's actually didn't want raw chicken I just wasn't figuring it out correctly there we go all right is that it did we do it I heard the ding I heard the ding what is that oh hold on can I place the water bucket on it's another concrete powder right there but no okay so that did yes that expanded it one further um what is the next step though dude can we get there was a whole area up um Frick not supposed to zoom sorry sorry is there a way to get up there let's see let's see okay that's open there's a oh that Barrel is still barely outside the bounds we gotta remember that for when the Border expands next time and there is okay so there's that whole area up there but the question is how the frick do I get there um wait if I levitate now will it take me up there no um what the frick wait oh hold on does the water let me get there let me see let me see maybe the water uh allows me to get through oh there we go that's it okay this can break amethyst cluster smooth quartz block oh and then this can be placed on Lime concrete powder I know where that is I know where the lime concrete powder is okay okay so we are in fact supposed to do that and then we're supposed to smelt this up using the water okay so it turns out we are actually in fact supposed to do that crafting recipe cool and then I'm also supposed to do the experience block over here and then the amethyst cluster uh right here okay and then I have one more durability for the smooth quartz guys I have a feeling we're going to be making ourselves the what the heck mid is down there I have a feeling we make the copper now I have a feeling what the frick the code is that you huh this is a it's a real throwback here what the frick paper insert code uh oh okay we can get back up if we need to so that's why we need the experience block um this is definitely a that's a little Switcheroo right there what the heck yeah what walk backwards duh okay so that gets oh I can just get levels I'm gonna just get levels all day long um that's crazy bro wait a freaking second so hold on yeah this allows us to rename oh wait if Thou Art observant the code shall come to thee press me again well yeah the code's five numbers in length wait am I supposed to keep is everywhere that has been already check everywhere from numbers that maybe appear in the oldest places yet also the newest well the question of course is what order right I wonder if it's the same as the last one where it kind of like appears in the you know in the world oh four Ah that's a four right there and that's a zero oh oh it's definitely new this is new though that was not wood before okay zero one four that has to be it is that a one or is that just logs that I don't know all right all right hold on do we go we probably have to go back up to the ship there's got to be some up there oh five yeah these are new these are new this didn't exist before okay um at least it's clear four five zero the question is what order though how do you know the order and then hold on let me change the time real quick here so I can get up does it change anything okay the code still stand doesn't change any of that um I am supposed to fill the glass bottles and do stuff there actually I do not know which is which when it comes to the puzzle that we're trying to accomplish I don't know if actually within the same like confines that you could do different puzzles right I don't know if that's possible maybe there are stages where you actually have options what you could do you know um [Music] okay it might also be downstairs that's possible I'm not saying anything up top so I'm assuming it's probably like the remaining stuff is downstairs but anyway I could also go up there and see what's up right here let me let me go downstairs just see if there's a number down there there's got to be a number downstairs right there just has to be also we're probably supposed to make the spot what the frick oh that's why you need a spy glass that's why you need the spy glass it's literally just so that you can see the sign and that's why they say don't use the zoom function I could cheese I could cheese you got a number no you got a number my man no okay that's lame that's so dumb dude all right what about what about in the other area maybe down here oh wait for that why didn't I say maybe down here I meant to go in the bars anything in here ah one yep there we go there we go there we go is there anything in here no okay It's gotta be a one it's definitely a one right it's definitely a one yeah and then maybe in here new is this a zero guys maybe it's a zero maybe it could be in the uh the Water Area let me go back up there um let's swap it up I just am not entirely sure how we're supposed to know what order it goes in any other number anyway okay let's make some awkward potions and then I don't know what we do from here but we'll see the end portal is a zero yeah same with another portal same with the wood portal over there um freaking heck dude freaking heck it always comes down to like we're missing one freaking thing okay so I have awkward potions what am I supposed to make what am I supposed to make maybe hitting the button tells you the order it might but um so it's zero one four five zero one four five and then what else yeah it might be in it might be in the order of the puzzles that's a good a good thought which means I'm like oh God what order did we do things in what order did we access these places one one would be for no one would not be first uh would be zero [Music] one five no zero one four five zero one five four I don't actually remember or it could be rainbow yeah uh anyway looking for one final number I feel like I'm I'm just supposed to take these right um yeah I don't have any auto crafting here ah where is the fifth number yeah probably a moment on the uh freaking Order of Things um unless it's a one unless that's a one that might be a one what if it's a one oh well no actually we already have one and it was like it was a very it was a very fancy one so it's probably that's probably not a one and no um God what could it be you know what maybe maybe now now is the time to actually make the spy glass I think it's time to make the Spyglass folks let's do it let's freaking do it and then we can actually use actually after we make the Spyglass I bet you we are allowed to use the zoom function so what are we are we at old are we at no we're at uh we're at BB time right now so we got to make it old and then we gotta de-age the copper do I do I use the azalea bush to de-age The Copper that's the real question at the end of the day you're gonna find out all right so we just need to de-age one of them right we just need to do that and then do that thank you cool now we got two of those and then we need to get back up to the ship but before that I got a um it'll be really great if I could just if you could just let me go up there so I can get myself more diamonds without having to go all the way up to the freaking ship over and over and over yeah that's the issue is I need to get um actually no I have enough die I think it's only three nuggies to get a coal so I think we're good um bruh the time mechanic is cool and all but I'm I am aging with the amount of time that it takes for me to keep switching back and forth to do the things that I need to do hmm okay let's go there we go oh it's five no three oh well we split the difference oh he just aged him but I didn't oh God okay there we go now we're gonna have a call even though I could probably use the azalea bush I should just use the azalea bush at this point truth be told oh boy okay there we go and then let me see let me see let me see so what do we got coal here boom Spyglass happening I assume that we can freaking do that now Spyglass huge plays and now I can read the sign the last number is nine this freaking guy dude all right all right all right hey you know we didn't cheese we use the spyglass I'm gonna use this by glass okay well then the last number is nine so zero one five four nine I'm gonna go with that and we'll see there's a lot of Frick dude I think it's like zero one five four nine I think I think let's try at least you don't have to worry about upper and lower okay zero and five four nine here we go and checking checking the code let's go come on not record God dang it okay we're trying uh four and five I was a little unsure about so zero one four five nine zero one four five nine Maybe just going in order of numbers yeah just just that God dang it anymore any more alphabetically the block the numbers are here's the thing I didn't know if it was going to give me like two big hints but you actually need to know that okay you actually need to know this you cannot do that otherwise okay so got it um goodness that it was uh okay so it was wait we had uh one Moss for Abby uh nine sign or is it type of sign is it is nine a type of sign oh it's crying Obby right cry was it just an oak sign wait nine Oak sign uh zero is Birch plank I think and then that is magenta five magenta right is that correct hold on yeah F3 that is a yes that is magenta terracotta um okay okay but the LA I don't did they mean the last number is nine nine for sine or just that like you presumably found all the other numbers so the last one is nine maybe it's just the last one is nine oh it is last either way oh oak or sign is last yeah yeah that's how alphabets work so zero four five one nine yep yep yep zero four five one nine I'm dwelling too much okay zero four five one nine yo let's go huge plays huge plays frick okay okay okay where do we go next oh we're almost fully unlocked we're almost there we're almost okay so there has to be something to do with the awkward potions then right there just has to be what else could there be to do what else could there be oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay there was the barrel the barrel that was out of range before has now become in range where was that Barrel that was barely accessible uh before it was somewhere I was over here oh another eye vendor a rabbit oh there we need the hopping we need a potion of Leaping tier two okay bring the time back bring the time back we're gonna need the water okay all right oh yeah then we can also do this for sure we got the this thing is now available right oh it's not available it's not available that's okay okay dude things have progressed so much faster and smoother in part two than they were in one you know okay okay what am I getting some Korean barbecue pretty tasty pretty good let's get that in there and then we're gonna do rabbit's foot and then we're gonna take it to the next level and where if I was gonna be a jumpy boy I would probably jump up there and then I'm gonna assume that's gonna get us the ninth eye vendor probably there's gonna be a chest up there and then the tenth one hopefully is down there in the concrete um well in the chest behind the concrete so yeah we'll see oh either that or yeah you're right we could jump onto the roof I'm trying to think trying to think yeah that's a possibility but I mean there's an up Arrow here so my guess is we're probably jumping up there come on let's go only you can fast forward this like you fast forward the uh furnace right oh oh what the heck wait that was it oh that was all oh it just cleared me of all jumps never mind not allowed to get up onto the roof doesn't want me to do that so that means though are we missing are we missing an Eye of Ender no way we have nine oh don't tell me I missed one oh don't tell me I freaking missed one oh thank goodness I was scared for a second huh after barrier blocks blocking it the end wait is it ender pearl insert crystals whoa do we like some ender pearl golf to do um you get multiple oh okay no one at a time okay okay okay okie dokie all right guys ender pearl golf well the world border is gone we've we've won we did it one Ender Pro Golf under Pro Golf yeah let's go give me another one give me another one laughs here we go Edis oh oh I got it okay wait hold on it's a levy it's a levy into a throw boom boom boom got it gotta got it oh oh oh yeah we're here wait Crystal's collected Enderman look at my head or feet then sneak to teleport me to you huh Enderman in here that's gonna be one unhappy Enderman dude bold oh I'm back I'm back everything's good so what the frick stop hitting me what does this do huh oh okay lifts me up oh there's a shulky in here hold up oh elytra Golden Pig actually can break Dragon egg what okay obviously I gotta like oh there's another shulker here okay man I need you to cooperate and get in the water okay mate you won't okay there we go stay in the water stainless go up go up go up go up huh it says Enderman what do we want here maybe I can just go in no uh slight confusion but I can put that on crystals collected is there anything else over here there's this here oh hold on they can go in here I don't know what that just did but maybe it did some uh oh there's more now okay server what I can't go through I'm not allowed I'm being prevented and what is this so there's a there's a chest here oh the water is go oh the water is gone okay okay here we go so I bring you in here now got it okay so that turned from yeah oh there we go crystals do we get them all oh that's not all oh God wait there's more but wait there's more huh can we go down here I wonder if all the crystals are they on this island can I do anything with them no they can't be placed in here is there anything that can be placed on an observer are all of the end crystals on this island or might they be on other ones too that's what I'm trying to figure out huh oh well how do I oh wait a minute okay so that was a one-time thing so I just need you to stand on this now okay there we go oh that's a bit more and now is this unlock new okay maybe do something there what did that do I don't know what that did maybe I need to like oh wait did that unlock the chest yep cool so I'm assuming they're all on it nope not hmm where else would the man's need to go can he oh you know what Frick he can probably trip off the Observer because he's a tall boy what the frick dog what the frick no get in here you need to go in front of the Observer yeah there we go is that it yo we got him oh monster I'm poor guy he helped me out so much but uh because he punched me so many times he died for his transgressions rip okay so we go back um but the real question is did I need to bring more fireworks in here oh I guess they did they take away the fireworks I wanted to put the crystals down I guess you just want me to drop them in here huh insert crystals okay if you insist are they gonna populate foreign are we there to fight the dragon like a miniature ender dragon or something like that we do it did we do it did we win did we do all the things dragon fight where's the Trap oh wait are we actually about to fight the dragon I don't have any fireworks left I'm gonna be good weapons left I'm gonna have to use the pickaxe oh uh can break dragon egg is this gonna work or is this a bait and it's gonna teleport somewhere else wow we just got a freebie dragon beat oh there we go can be placed on block of netherrites uh wait are we are we oh the whole goal was to hold on was it to re the whole goal was to make it so that we have an end Crystal in the forward time that's gotta be what it is it's the whole objective of the entire map is this that was it time 124 19. no no fancy Fanfare on completing the thing though I guess we get some music I figured it would have been like you won you did it [Music] oh there we go oh there we go thank you Kevin Sparkles for playing expand three I hope you enjoyed this map and the two before it I enjoyed making these and I'm glad people in the community enjoyed playing them if you missed the first two expand Maps or want to check out any of the other map slash data packs click here unfortunately there will not be an expand for but hopefully expand 3 was the best of them all I have exciting projects in the works so keep on the lookout for those [Music] we only get one expand per Dimension that's it That's all folks and there's the end there's the end hey sorry for not using the resource pack last time in the end at least I did it this time um thank you for playing expand three jardune and thanks to the editor for the great editing on the first expand video thank you Alex is pretty good editing it's a little while back pretty good editing um anyway all right I guess that wraps it up Mr moose I gotta look up more maps it was good it was good other than the little uh thing about the items and throwing them on the ground other than that it was very you know it's very good stuff um thanks for tuning in everybody and I'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 31,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, minecraft map, adventure map, puzzle map
Id: f5MWIwZZfo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.