Minecraft, but THE NETHER is EXTREMELY OP...

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in this video we play minecraft but the nether is op now what i mean by this is every block in the nether as we approach it gets replaced with overpowered all blocks such as diamond blocks or even netherride blocks now let's make sure to make insane gameplay and means we can beat the game pretty easily so if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to hit that like button subscribe you guys know without further ado let's jump straight into the video all right boys welcome back to some minecraft we have this spot and then we have this box let's go ahead and get some materials get ourselves some things and of course ian as always we have cut clean because otherwise we're going to cry no we don't have a minor okay you're the worst you're actually the worst all right you guys get what i'll get food question what what does this mod consist of you'll see you'll you'll see when the time comes i gotta kill the angle and see if we can get ourselves some iron okay i got i got four which is just enough to go to the nether quite conveniently why do you need four iron to go to the next you need to make one you need a bucket and then you need to fly still what do you need bucket for you you don't know the first thing about speedrunning do you you don't know the second thing about speed running do you well hey i'm gonna try and find ourselves a lava pool and a little bit of flint and then maybe just maybe we can get ourselves into the nether where things will get a little bit more interesting hey i found it i found it i found it i found the beef what'd you find he found the i'm looking for a gravel pit and a love pool oh where did you guys go oh this could be quite useful actually hold on if you're finding it it's not going to be useful oh boys come over to the swamp um i got something i've got something to show you is good all right boys it's just over this way if we come over this way there's something a little bit interesting going on over at this portal wait go ahead take a few steps forward ian what what wait welcome to a minecraft but the nether is op and um yeah i think we can actually go to the another one as we can okay puppet go go take a step inside schedules and see what happens [Music] oh this is about to get really really really good um what's happening wait why is everything diamond wherever you want everything blocks turn into opo so netherrack is diamond i think sawsan down here is going to be iron things are pretty great yeah here we go we got iron blocks down here oh this is so opaque look at the emeralds wait where wait where's the emeralds on the wall where oh wait basalt turns into emeralds oh my goodness look at the turn as you walk in why is this a thing because you know minecraft itself is too boring so we had to make things a little bit more interesting living too boring you can literally get one million level engine oh boys i'm gonna go ahead and make yourself a little quick full set of inaudible you know because the that was easy i'm already i'm already diamond oh how did you get diamond already i guess we could just make a diamond an iron oh my goodness this might be the quickest game of us getting food diamond ever i think also guys remember to mine the gold blocks so we could trade like endless gold oh my god what are you two doing what are you what are you two give me that no i'll kill you i do have full diamond which i'm gonna go ahead and craft real quick there we go question covered in diamonds what's your question how do we get nether right foots with a diamond pickaxe and gold ore and then we smelt it up and then we can turn ourselves into full nether right oh wait it's also got clean medium we don't even need to smell anything i forgot about that we can literally just mine this and uh craft it with gold and then we can get ourselves some netherride armor this is gonna be op this is gonna be really really okay look at that i think i know where there's some ancient deborah i'm gonna go get it there's literally everywhere dude there there there are another right blocks guys don't mind me just casually just mine in a hole guys guys did you say never there are wait i need to see this what is it turn it into it didn't break though crap would you mind do you mind it with an iron pickaxe no a diamond pickaxe oh unbreakable what i'm trying to mine it oh wait that's right you could you could only buy another i got it what you did yeah i got it yeah you can mine nether right oh i thought you could only mine it with another right pickaxe okay well let me go ahead and get some of this and then i can literally upgrade my entire set with a upgraded bench things are gonna get great okay so let's make one of these real quick it's like a little piston smithing table perfect and there we go that's finally finished mine in guys this is literally killing the server let's do it yes you're telling me and then let me just go through this and question my goodness what's your question how do i make nether right armor yes oh no and smith and table come on we told you this in the last video who's smith and why do they have a table all right now that we're all ancient debris let's go ahead and trade with some of these pig boys try and get ourselves some ender pose the pig boys what the the piglets the pigments did you just call me a pig no i didn't call you a pig i call look around ian look around guys let's back out let's back out let's go first let's go all right somebody just stay by this hole and try more gold with him until he gets i got it you got his schedules okay and then me and ian will go on the search for another fortress i'm already at a fortress we don't need more gold in i need go oh where's the smithing table i need a thingy here smith table right there go ahead and fill yourself up on all of the beautiful ancient wait no the nether right is it another right yeah never right really bad at this game do you have any food i'm hungry yes i have a stack and a half of here take it oh thank you why thank you okay let's go ahead and find ourselves a blaze spawner and slowly turn the world into laughing that would be damn everything else whoa oh we do that oh boy this is going to kill the server 100 yeah there's one over here oh my goodness we're looking at the server so much look how slowly all this lavas fool is wait the fortress turns into netherride blocks dude we have to come away with a van miner get made mine no we cut dude i'm not breaking the server i'm oh my goodness it's literally let's get up here and let's try and find ourselves a blaze swan and hopefully we don't turn the blaze spawner into something bad because that'll be kind of difficult anyway i'm going in i hope you are because i'm following you and oh no um um oh no um oh no um what okay how do how do we break in how do we um i don't know how do i have this how did i have black oh i got it from trading every black stone i place turns into a different type of oh my goodness okay all right here we go i got the terrible fortress there's the spawn of your left yeah yeah sorry it's up top here right take him out here and take him out hey come on come on give us some place spawners place roads oh we're not invincible i'm taking quite a lot of damage actually oh i've done three hearts do we have any i did not get any oh no okay well we gotta keep fighting them until we get ourselves seven you know maybe eight blaze ones yeah we'll take correct and then we'll make our way back to the decisions what is our what is our pill count right now uh i'm at 12 right now i'm still trading that's actually not bad by the time you get back you might get a couple more as well ow they set me on fire this is just this is just bullying this is bullying oh we got one two two nice okay i'll break this spawner we still need a lot more they're doing a lot quite a lot of damage to me actually i'm kind of worried i'm a little bit worried there's no one good wait unless you want daddy to take him out you want daddy to take him out stop stop recording yourself that why why are you calling yourself that yeah see how i have soul sound in my inventory yeah oh no we have three do you have any i have zero okay you're really you're already helping out the team here and you're really helping out good at life do you do yes do you remember oh there's another one shooting at it oh okay i'll go get that one you stay on the sport and let's get ourselves um as many blazers you're making me fight the hard one because i'm the one taking all the damage huh well maybe get better learn how i'm working on it i'm working on it i got another one less i have four how many do you have i didn't get a single one yet keep working on it i'm gonna kill this with this guys and see if you can get a quick quick score give me give me a score please oh my god oh my god we are killing the server and i did not i did not get a score can you get a skull already i'm working up oh i found our way back home yeah i'm looting up these chests seeing if there's anything i have three i have three you have a total of three right now so i have i'm fighting more i'm fighting more right now okay so that means we have seven in total that means we could leave with this but i wouldn't mind one more how how are you doing how are you doing i'm fighting dude did he escape this morning oh no and do you have four yet do you have four yeah high five i have five if i have five okay okay here i'm gonna loot this last chest then i'm gonna come back to you and we'll head back we'll follow the diamond block path back to schedules and uh schedules and to pull count and pull count 18 18. just like taylor swift i'm feeling 22. oh what are you doing not bad okay okay ian meet up with me at the top of the fortress and let's head back over to sigils yeah we're almost back we're almost back i recognize these diamond blocks from anywhere you know wow they look the same because the portal's right there what do you mean hal okay uh sigils how's it going sigils oh i'm doing great i'm you got a lot of piggies in that hole okay okay do you have what we need somebody help help did you punch them again okay well scissors well he's worried about that do you have the string arrows and end posts because those are the things we need i've got the fire resistance okay well that's literally not a single thing we asked for no um you guys help guys give you help okay nice okay just throw out the whole stack just shift shift ian what have you done to the portrait and hope can we i need help i see that i see you know what you know what i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i mean he's not wrong he's gonna die he's actually gonna he's gonna die oh my god look the baby guy has a diamond block oh my goodness i'm going home yeah you should probably hop through that puddle as soon as possible but he literally built a whole pillow back off there wait this isn't the poodle that we came through originally oh my goodness now that we're out of the nether the server is so much more smoother oh my goodness so much that's a word so much more smoother okay i have the blaze rods okay yeah you do give it give me give me those blazers let's go ahead and give me those no the slime's gonna eat the slime's getting the slime doesn't eat blaze even when when will you love it it's the brand new update oh my goodness okay okay let me go ahead and take some of those put some of those there i have an eye vendor i'm gonna go ahead and just start see which way we should start running oh no do we have enough do we have enough diamonds to make an enchant table it's two i have 19 blocks what do you mean i have 19 blocks guys let's start running over towards the sunrise over i think this is southeast and this is towards the pool and hopefully we can find ourselves some sugarcane some leather and hopefully a lava poor something like that that's what you you don't have to look anymore i'm the sugarcane that you need because i'm so sweet i i hate i hate that you said that and i i just found sugarcane i found sugarcane okay great all right guys i'm gonna throw another one and okay it's still heading in this direction honestly i don't even need to pick that up we have 50 and we need to keep an eye out for obsidian maybe a lava pool or something that could be good oh boy come on we got some more diamonds what oh no okay i got upsetting there's one obsidian there's one there and i mean we have nothing right picked axes so we can literally just you guys just madness no we've been to the next go together in this modpack what do you mean what's in the nether you've you've seen the nether you know what the nether is the small chicken and there's leather over there i'm gonna get the leather i'm gonna get the sugarcane and let's finally get some enchants boys let's finally get some insurance boys boys do we have obsidian and leather wait no we don't even need that just give me the opportunity you got obsidian wait you had nine wait where'd you get that from another dude when i traded with the guys so you're saying this entire time that we were looking for a sit wait what what did i just try well i just tried to make an intro table with an eye of ender all right hey let's go ahead and get some enchants going question can you get sharpness on an axe yes you can no you can get it on a book but then you have to inch on the you have to put it on the axe that way you can't like get that straight on the next you know what i was just doody ud and it just started raining okay nice and there we go fully insulted i have protection protection two protection one protection one power one is sharpness one this is gonna be good this is gonna be great actually wait wait i think i think it just went down hold on wait how far back are you guys hold on i might i have to wait here but yes it's directly below me um i'm at two thousand i'm already in the end no you're not already at the end okay i'll wait here for you boys to finally get here and then we can start digging down oh i found it i have a good feeling yes let's go wait what i have never seen one like this before hold on wait you guys come over here wait how does it have two entries that's what i'm saying i've never seen that i've never seen it before like that before ian you almost just made me fall in love i hate you with a passion i'm trying to fix it i'm out of food this is bad actually um boys do you guys have any food guys i only have 43 steaks thank you thank you dad all night so all right guys let's go ahead and knock out the all of the all the generator things all of those healers and then we can take out the ender dragon once up for right here that might be why okay scroll like this dude my water bucket just saved my life oh my goodness oh my god what did you just do pick up my stuff i'm dead do you have the beds did you have the best yes i have so many beds on my dead body okay well here i'll go find oh oh wait wait where did you oh he's over his body his body fell over here i'll pick up his beds because we're actually probably gonna need those perfect okay i have a bunch of beds so you're saying this tool is still activated right for that dodger enough for long oh there we go no i hit that i have done you guys res me no that's not how it looks all right i can't believe you had all these beds but you didn't you decided not to set your spawn behind okay which way is head facing this way let's go warm um oh wait no he's that girl why is he how good on you i don't know you guys kill him already i'm working on it four oh he's gone okay okay well we're going down below half health dude this could be easy oh wait wait wait wait wait time perfect it's game time we are in the end game now we are in the end game now let's go ahead and finish it dab hit him with the dab i'll hit him with a dab and i'll hit him with a foot and i'll hit him with a dab foot lip fam dab what there he goes here we go where's his head his head is facing this way we need to destroy this go like this boom go like this go like this [Music] if you guys did enjoy this video you guys want more op videos in the future then go ahead and hit that like button down below subscribe you guys knew without further ado i'll see you guys all again next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 283,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: henwy, henwy minecraft, minecraft, minecraft henwy, minecraft but, minecraft but the nether is op, op nether, minecraft but the nether is the overworld, minecraft but the nether spreads, minecraft but the nether spreads into the overworld, nether, nether op, nether overpowered, overpowered, henwy challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft but challenge, minecraft survival, beating minecraft, minecraft mod, memes, minecraft op items, minecraft challenges, speedrun, game, gaming, gameplay
Id: 3j8x8CRFiu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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