Minecraft but the LONGEST ANSWER WINS!

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this is Minecraft but love words save you you have a long answer to build a bridge but watch out because it explodes behind you the player who makes the people in without dying wins the longest answer you give will save you oh name something that goes up okay I got it you should write this um this is exciting so we're just making a bridge but what's stopping us from going back to where we started um oh looks like that's stopping us yeah the letters explode behind you so you have to make a bridge across with the longest answers oh cheese what would you find in a haunted house oh I got this one oh let's see let's see uh what can I put hurry up oh come on already spooky ghost chainsaw wielder that's dark you know what that oh okay don't don't go by the explosions they can explode you I forgot today a day of the week oh okay uh today oh yeah you want to play but now I'm far away because of the Box you told me the bridge would explode uh there we go all right got it oh you do Wednesday we Saturday wait yeah is it the same amount of letters I think what stays longer that says wetness day [Laughter] is so short and that's only four it's still good I know see if you can top this one um slack with the color of your soul oh no this is the game okay that is a stretch that's food you're cheating yellow green half what what whoa It's a Long color why do you say play oh okay let's see oh no um uh uh sure all right I hope this works cannot sleep I said sleep is that like like aft that's what what that's two words it cannot sleep sleepovers stay over here anyway uh there's a Golden Throne so um oh oh oh I don't know this one um isn't there something called like the toothpick or something oh no no no no no okay uh okay let's try this one will it take this one uh how about this one okay let's hope this works berries okay that's that's good oh yeah there was a dance with the left ah I did the boss I'm so basic excuse me every time see if you can catch up I'm gonna win oh um probably a tick tock dance yeah that's a good one um really all right uh uh I'll give you a little chance to catch up okay I think I got something all right does this work do I whoa you're so ahead of me no eating a donut do a tick tock dance ah you all caught up nice and well I I don't I don't like this [Music] oh there we go okay this should do it rubber ducky out no way okay all tied up evening out oh oh what what are you afraid of um um I'm not sure if I oh the deepest darkest Secrets [Music] um your secrets quiet Ian go back to your guys you got it uh got it yep yep there it is locked in I really don't know if I want to use this got it got a two yeah oh hush over there Tim oh it's been spider they're big they're huge there's like video oh there's like videos of them jumping on people and it's scary oh that's a good one name us school subject oh um so I can get this oh oh oh oh I am smart hey I went to school I got to the fifth grade I was cool all right but can you top science what oh [Music] [ __ ] Anatomy it's like that's true that's true two words anatomy and physiology it's one subject they cheated Ian just go and get a closer look name the best desserts a big one uh okay all right got it I got one oh what's is that a real is that a real no one is scary okay it's close it's fine use your brain is that a real is that a real dessert of course it is I wouldn't put it if it wasn't real well the game's not not getting it some cheese I can't stop can't spell guys running out of time what is it's a delicious cheese is that from Wendy's wensley Dale Wendy's Dale oh okay I'm gonna come up with a big answer this time I just know it crackers all right all right you got this screen you got this oh this one oh it's a long Pixar movie let's think good luck I've watched all of the pickle movies Pixar movies you're a colorful pickle okay I like pickles thank you very much thank you Kim thank you Kim pickles are gross you're gross you're grossian you're gross yeah this was a Pixar movie I guess the rabbits I put bosses in Cincinnati [Music] oh that's that's just a Disney movie not Pixar all right [Music] um well time to sit back and watch the magic um laughs you know what's actually pretty nice to watch this from the other side it is uh insect and inside [Music] a biter wants a biter you know most people don't know that spiders are not bugs I'm right I said what is a bug is that what is the other Zane Ian it's my job to well actually oh oh I got this oh everybody knows it is a insect it is a bug it's insect insect drinking blood I put Twilight you're almost there Kim you're almost there jump over there don't tip me no well if you missed the shark will catch you [Music] then there are two what is this question what kind of the question is that these questions are interesting okay [Laughter] um you'd be surprised he took with you okay [Laughter] did I win I put my credit card for Robux it crashed right into that okay okay this time I'm really gonna do it yeah I'll keep telling yourself that you do a good job Ian and look there's poison at the bottom I don't like that name something you eat are you okay I'm just trying to think a little too hard it's fine I got this I was the question name something you'd eat at breakfast um all right something is going on [Music] I put strawberry oatmeal is your head okay [Laughter] [Music] beforehand Kim I just love [Music] those explosions name something well speaking of Fire okay let's get creative guys I got a really smart answer this time just think what's the opposite of a snowman a fire A Fire Woman A Fire Woman okay the game hasn't snowman might think she's hot okay okay and Sons oh I'm so good at this yeah yeah I get on the naughty list every year Ian you better have like the best answer uh name something that gets kids on the naughty list right okay get the kids on the naughty list okay just think about what Ian does all the time yeah exactly I'm a professional at getting on the naughty list all right got it let's do this oh no toilet paper in a house what does that say over there breaking toys not listening to uh pranking pranking your friends that's a good one Ian you know what that is okay a job that begins with J job job yeah your right job Ian good job why don't you put that in it sounds like a great answer I feel like you're trying to trick me got one got one got one you marry people as a justice of the peace I guess that makes sense I got a lot of baloney I don't I don't get it bye-bye Kim hey I didn't get lost jeans mine said jeans model because I look great in these but you I mean all of them useful body part um you got this um are there any are there any long-worded useful body whatever here I'm generous today give me a chance to catch up okay I got it I put brain as well the best part of the body to use very useful yeah but it is a brain for the both legs what is that okay he said brain too what do ducks do lots of stuff uh it should be too hard okay let's bring this home okay [Laughter] I had a good one everything it's okay Ian you'll do better next time ducks fly together oh come on you didn't get the poison you're fine oh yeah don't worry everything's gonna be fine yeah everything will be perfectly fine what are you doing welcome oh thank you coming in for the site [Music] there's a candy Golem over there guys [Music] oh no that's a big one it's a big candy Golem name my makeup um yeah there we go got one got one let's go yeah what you got boys yeah I don't know how to spell this what you got show me what you got try your best see what you got Miss mascara mascara I want to check your spelling even wait no how do you use it wait the game has a gun yeah the game hasn't gotten you it's okay oh isn't this a bit better all right let's go let's yeah it's a topping what's a pine what's a Pepe a pepper a tree oh a slow-moving animal I'm judging from the looks of it that giant Golem I'm I'm laughing because I want to just scoot up a little bit and he'll say hi all right oh elephant tortoise three toads oh man Kim oh my behind ears I'm surprised you both spelled that correctly tortoise what is a fruit what is a fruit what is a what no ah it's let me see these questions are weird what is a Fritz I'll give you a hint it's not a potato oh nice pineapple I just went delicious banana without the banana the pepper fruits are delicious they are delicious something red oh [Music] wait I got this it's something red oh oh oh [Music] yeah those are red oh my rival Aaron well that's true what a faster car um we're gonna delicious apples ah fire truck yeah red delicious apples you've never had regulations they are not the best go to Grandma's full what what oh it's pretty boring building I know but no actually cold building that's cold okay all right all right I got it my favorite kind of store ice cream store the ice cream store the ice cream store your eye Library [Music] well I made it here first hang on she got one two ain't that what you're supposed to do library you lost whatever I'm gonna hang out with the giant candy Golem en it's okay and you can get some money is that thing alive maybe it won't come for us I can't you call him hey do you think we can Farm chocolate off of that thing I [Music] go along candy Golem so friendly look at him go oh he can't get us all right bye we'll see you later all right come on guys bye bye one let's get out of here we should probably leave before he gets closer fine don't worry about him he's gonna take forever to get here we'll be good he's my friend huh yeah actually yeah let's he'll be our friend or maybe there's nothing to worry about yeah yeah best friends forever best friends forever [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,841,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: thpCj1rfKbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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