We Transformed The NETHER Into The OVERWORLD in Minecraft!

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today in minecraft we're gonna be doing something so bold so courageous so epic that it will literally blow your minds we are gonna be turning the nether into the overworld wait what was that people have done this before oh uh that's awkward well anyway we're still gonna be doing it and it's gonna be awesome we have a bunch of special tools and abilities that will help us complete this mega task and it'll be up to you guys to let us know how we did now in the next episode if you want us to build our own tropical island click the like button and also head over to slogan.com for the merch and anyway let's get into the video so we turned the overworld into the nether okay oh what about we turned the nether into the overworld okay that sounds good he actually likes the nether whoa this is an ugly ugly place so we're going to go we're going to go through our tools right so first of all we have the tree that leaves wait yeah well there are trees in the nether just not in the bio of that already oh okay whoa it goes red wait guys no no no no no come with me wait come with me there's trees over here hello joshie oh there are trees here okay wait don't we kind of need these trees oh it doesn't work yeah these dudes we need these trees you know what i'm gonna throw my treat the leader in the lava oh there we go it's gone now okay it's the super strong leader well we don't have any sponge i'm draining all the water in here there's no water here these abilities some of them only work in the overworld work on the opposite way wait guys earth charge swapper oh earth wait dodge forester earth charge why are you over there no never mind fluid swapper all right oh yeah that's the one we got to use [Music] okay so that's the step one i guess look if you do it up there look use the um use the earth charge oh what the no wait guys there there's not this stuff in the normal world what are you doing no but this is like you know we're just we're weird like water things from the sky what use the earth charge on the trees we have dirt that actual this is like a jungle okay i actually read this is so satisfying look at these pigs they're going to live on a healthy land you guys realize that kind of like the the whole like the whole view changes it's not so red anymore when you're over here oh yeah so we really gotta make sure we we uh we changed everything okay so let's start by turning this forest into a normal one we'll be the world you're right let's work together in the same forest over here josh i'm with you buddy okay once we've done this and laid the foundations we can start building up i guess exactly josh foundation's first oh i'm sorry okay i'm not really sure about these massive water things that kramer's made though no they're good okay guys we need to be jelly you're spamming it too much wait guys look over here look guys come with me come with me look this is gonna be our sand biome yeah we're gonna make a beach in the nether yo this is awesome oh this is great oh it's more like a desert yeah i don't want to go to the beach each let's go what's your question jelly careful with the sand falls a lot doesn't it let's have a question go on jelly the overworld doesn't have a roof like the nether house oh my guys sorry sorry to distract you but oh my god the roof falls oh no you're gonna crash this game dude don't do that don't do i love that so much instead of changing at the same time wait wait wait it's the eraser guys look there's actually a sky guys guys try something we've got trainer can you follow what we're doing please all right guys i think what i want to do next is start building up like a bit more land uh i do like the idea of that so first of all i'm going to use the block wand and start with stone for a foundation oh we're going to make mountains at the bottom at the bottom so let's start this is no don't not too high because this is just a stone layer yeah layer of stone yes that's right really good so now we're building the bottom of the world correct yes correct it's crazy then after this we put dirt on it we can even have some caves and such okay well i'm trying to put the no oh jesus just put water down guys no erase erase it you have a super sponge no i threw it off oh the super sponge is good yeah remember i got mad okay guys i'm finishing the dirt layer josh is that guy that you work together in a group project and i do all the work yeah yep and crainer you're the one that just self sabotages all of it i think i think you're just the guy that doesn't do anything greater yeah to be fair anyone else who's doing that okay what about the nether fortress guys what about the never oh no what another fortress we're gonna have to delete the nether fortress where is it where's the near the fortress like over here why does josh always say over here but i don't know because like you like because like you guys are just dumb hello pinky okay so now we cannot change we have to erase it we have to erase it maybe use some tnt or is that not um now let's go guys the eraser is more convenient let's go to the left or the right oh here you are just figure it out crazy kind of like it's spawn hello i'm starting to feel like our our change is getting a bit messy there's like a lot of nether fortress to it yeah i'm just going to leading the nether fortress right now this is how you do it okay would you prefer we're just changing the trees would you say that's done um i would say that well should we you know what why don't we go find a different nether biome to adjust next i like that i like that this is looking pretty this is looking natural now would you say josh you actually have the worst suggestion i gotta say the saplings like putting down that layer and then the other layer that was the worst okay well let's move let's move on to a different biome then let's change this into a normal biome this is pretty oh it's purple okay let's guys this is gonna be looking amazing this is gonna be our best one yet okay so focus up only use the earth change guys that's all you gotta do change the lava into water guys okay this is gonna look good here we go and then i don't know the other thing we should do is also open the ceiling up a little bit a little bit like some natural lighting you know okay this is gonna be our best project yet guys yeah yeah yeah and i'm gonna help this time erase that water that water is ugly look at this look i'm actually breaking through okay the ceiling working there okay this is actually starting to look good this is genuinely starting to look good who's much better it's a stone right now well it's kind of just the earth charge doing it okay well there's a lot okay i'm gonna get rid of some of this water look we opened up the the ceiling quite a lot now how do i what's the bit oh super sponge right there we go we got this is all the nice this is looking good i like this oh no i actually kind of started to enjoy the nether now you know what i mean it kind of looks like paradise doesn't it it does with the purple glow oh look i can totally chill right here okay i'm trying to get some of this this water is really annoying there's there's literally lava still coming out guys oh no the forest is burning down who placed the water okay i'm going to quickly stand in the forest and enjoy it wow i'm in the oven it's raining guys it's raining and now it's getting rain okay this is this is a lot more than what if you put the fluid water up here well you know what if it's all water then it's a no it's an ocean biome oh we made it an ocean biome oh there's no trees underwater and there's no fish yeah wait no no we can spawn fish we can spawn fish okay let me spawn some fish fish we need to we need to put some fishies what about dolphins guys tropical fish oh i'm gonna spawn a bunch of dolphins yay we've got fishies dolphin time just go to the massive ton of dolphins yo just listen to the dolph itself i placed a lot of them myself i don't know where you are jay oh here you are whoa you guys see all the dolphins it's like an aquarium yeah i'm not really sure if this is successful what happens if you use the fluid swapper on it oh no crainer those poor dolphins oh hold on um person guys this is like this is like a giant this is starting to look a lot more like the nether now yeah i don't like that well we have already changed something is successful just change the water and super sponge it have you guys ever seen a dolphin bounce around in the nether because i just saw that okay look at that yeah this super sponge isn't working you've got dolphin wow this is uh guys i think this is a bit much you know no i think i feel like we're losing our focus on on the goal a little bit no i think i think that's how it's supposed to look like guys okay well maybe we should check if there's another biome maybe how many biomes do you want to change well there are multiple biomes okay well i've got another forest we've already done that one oh pretty pretty forest okay let's just keep going until we find a new place oh wait i found it oh this is perfect guys look at all this this is earth change oh i love that wow all the lava will be watering this is going to be oh no this is our this is our mountain biome yes look at this guys okay let's let's drop down and join me join me convinced that this is the old guys come to me come to me it's snowing do you guys feel like you're in the overworld here yes why okay wait i'll help i mean look at the ceiling no i'll help i'll help how about now okay you just suffocated yeah i'm sorry oh man okay i thought i thought maybe it would feel like over the world if i place the pig i might put a bit of too much gravel josh the server is lagging why am i crashing josh i might have put down too much gravel why would you do that this was the best project we yeah i think i crashed the game guys oh thank you very much josh i've just got like a black screen i'm actually fine you're alive bye now i have i'm fine yeah yeah yeah i'm fine well guys i think we have to yeah i've changed good parts of the nether into the over world the thing is we always do good and then we just ruin it well good job guys i guess good job thanks for watching the video if you want to watch some more there are videos on the screen while you're there also head over to slugo.com to grab the merch and yeah well that's it enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 712,396
Rating: 4.9448156 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, jelly, crainer, overworld, nether, transform, mod
Id: myxt83mKa6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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