Minecraft, But I Can Only Walk Straight

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this is an exact map of our entire earth and i'm gonna walk across it in a straight line i'm starting right now on the west coast in the united states and behind me is the pacific ocean which means in front of me is the entire united states that i'm about to walk across i only have 24 hours to complete it is this a canyon oh my gosh this bridge is a little bit broken but that's okay i think we can still make it across here if not i got some good old trustees now i have to scale up the side of this freaking mountain and i know you guys are probably curious and speaking of what happens when you cross this red line basically this i die instantly we made it up to the top of the other side oh boy this is literally just the beginning i guess i'm just gonna keep walking oh my gosh bro do i have to climb another freaking mountain oh got a little too close for comfort i guess oh let's go oh my gosh bro how many freaking mountains am i gonna have to look at this i don't have enough wood i think we're getting to the point where we're about to cross like colorado maybe the rocky mountains come on bro i only have oh there's a tree within the line i can get this one piece of wood but i don't know if i can get the others can i get that oh yes i can cobblestone cobblestone please come to me oh what the diamond there and i can't acquire it that is just wonderful mr diamond i'm gonna say bye to you i will be back i got trapped in the deep dark forest during the night it got late pretty quickly and i needed to build a house in this forest i finally finished the house but i couldn't sleep since i did not have a bed after about an hour into the night i heard some strange noises outside and decided to go outside and check when i went outside i saw that i was surrounded by creepers however it was really late and i didn't really have time to deal with that by the morning a single cat walked by and scared the horde of creepers away which is good because i still have a straight line to follow and a lot of ground to cover is this an entire city whoa we about to get some resources up in here ladies and gentlemen we are now in new york city are you freaking kidding me bro this is amazing what is this is there a hole in the oh it's a subway keep going down here oh nope nope nope i don't like subway rats stop it why you hurt so bad there's so many rats wait is that iron nope that's quartz i'm gonna cry am i on the other side oh iron should i go back and get the diamond i don't have enough time to get a diamond plus it's only one freaking diamond my time is much better spent continuing traveling getting across the world before the 24 hour timer runs out ahaha call me the king of new york city yeah dude only there was some diamond blocks along this path that would be so helpful whoa whoa whoa whoa new york zombies you can back up what's on the other side of new york city it's the freaking ocean gotta be kidding me zombies back up why's there so many of them they're dropping potatoes though this is freaking amazing be gone so i can craft my boat i don't have enough resources uh to make a boat i'm just kidding i do right in front of me right here is the atlantic ocean and we're about to freaking sail across it boys let's get it i gotta like keep my boat like perfectly straight because if i accidentally go off the line it's not gonna be good what is this whoa whoa is this a waterfall farewell soldiers i'll see you at the bottom oh it was crazy what is this place dude oh is that a guard no no no no no that's a guardian go go go go go go oh there's diamonds should i take one i'm gonna take it i deserve it oh my gosh why is there so many guardians please stop please stop please stop all right i'm ready to make a run for it go go another diamond oh there's so many diamonds oh i don't need it i don't need it what is this bro is this atlantis oh oh my look at the diamonds in the ceiling wait asw what are you doing here why is there a button right there i'll just press the button right now what did i just do what what is this why did i go all the way to the top let me come back down let me come back up before we go any further i'm gonna have to crawl up to the ceiling real quick get these bad boys i need to grab those diamonds oh dang it you know what i could just go to the other side and get more whoa whoa whoa whoa you're gonna have to give me those diamonds bro no no oh what are you tempting me now this is the way i have to go so i gotta follow you anyways first off how many diamonds do we have oh yeah we good carry on aswd with your weird life i am going to continue my journey on a straight line in minecraft oh okay i did not really sign up to climb up a water slide but i guess that's what we're doing today up we go whoa the water is only on one side that is so weird oh well i guess a waterfall in real life has opening pockets underneath it we are now landing on the french countryside oh wow look it's so pretty over here this is freaking beautiful this is a dream yeah is that the eiffel tower that boy this is insane i can't even see that i can't even see the tip there had to be a bus parked in my way let me just dig through the bus what the heck oh no oh no no no no no no this means i have to climb over the eiffel tower are you freaking serious we're falling back boys we're running i gotta give me some resources i've made a diamond shovel we're gonna try to get as much dirt as possible and build over the eiffel tower i know that sounds insane okay i'm digging out this hole i'm gonna build over this boy maybe not over the whole thing but maybe just right up to there and that little crack i'm building to the top everywhere will i be able to cross the eiffel tower whatever you do unspeakable do not fall in the zombies that's a pretty fall drop you only got two hearts you know definitely not going to survive that one oh how do i build all the way down no i'm out of food i got rotten flesh that could work temporarily okay that did not work i think i'm gonna literally have to build like to the ocean or something how are you supposed to build down in minecraft wait is that a slime block oh they're traffic lights oh god oh my god let me go ahead and land on this board oh it's right within the bounds too who's this guy give me bread or i won't let you pass i only have one piece of wheat my guy wait hold on hold on hold on what are you gonna do you're a villager you're not gonna like insta kill me or something right i'm going past i just passed you you're not doing anything about it all right well on to our journey ladies and gentlemen we've gone from the eiffel tower to the country lands again we're headed out of the farmlands and it looks like there's some freaking mountains i love the mountains we still have quite a ways to go but luckily enough we have all the diamonds in the world and that's all that matters we're not in the forest should i get wood i didn't even see the line wait is this the himalayan mountains this is mount everest hey bro give me your food by the way i don't mind if i do no please don't run away no no his food is on the other side ah but it's fine that's what makes a great adventure right it's like one of those horror movies that you watch and you tell the actor that he's dumb and he should go in that super scary room but he does it anyways yeah that's me and now i'm climbing up the side of a freezing cold mountain with absolutely no food all i have is seven carrots but you know it's fine it's fine it's fine it's everything's everything's fine really really like it's it's it's totally cool dog one of the toughest areas for me to climb was the alps i had to use most of my resources to even get to this point in the mountain when i finally made it to the top i was in shock to see a sign so i went up to read what the sign said aswd first to climb this mountain i couldn't believe aswd beat me to the top of this mountain there was no way he did this legally he must have cheated i decided it was time to move down the mountain and keep going on my journey i was about to run out of food when i found another sign r-i-p-a-s-w-d well i guess aswd died and left all his fish well thank you my friend i'm literally walking for so long this mountain is so fat is that it oh it's a mountain goat hi i come in peace i'm on my way to tokyo if you guys want anything now we're going through the european farmlands and forest i should probably grab some of this wheat that would be the smart thing to do yeah let's get this bread bro 35 pieces of bread that should be enough to make me get across the entire world smell the roses while they're here because pretty soon we're going to be fighting some wild kraken ah yes very nice very nice very nice is this the egyptian desert if i'm correct on my geographical class that i learned like four years ago that on the other side of this desert should be the great wall of china i i i could be totally lying i have no idea i then wandered the desert for what seemed like forever i was running out of food and had to survive on tumbleweeds and iron ingots i was dying on the ground when i looked up i saw something i couldn't believe is that who i think it is yeah that's aswd i'm saved i ran towards aswd as fast as i can and gave him a big hug wait why why does this hurt why am i hurting turns out it was a cactus but don't worry i got my revenge it was at this moment i realized i had been in the desert too long but i did eventually get out oh these are some tall trees where are we but what is this oh i see what's going on here mr spider no bad boy bad boy i'm gonna have to remove your existence from this planet can i open this chest if it's on the other side of the wall i have not tried this yet hold on oh oh look it's more bread should i even take the gold nap yeah i guess i'll take it and also the water bucket i could definitely use that i'm gonna dig up to the surface see if i can find anything i'm right on the line of the wall right now oh wow look at the diamond that doesn't make any sense oh look another diamond i'm not even gonna get that one if i have way too many oh where the heck am i i did not go like a thousand feet underground am i digging up mount everest there's dirt and where there's dirt there's air whoa whoa whoa whoa wait what is that behind me oh i just dug under the great wall of china all right well continuing on my journey there oh oh wow this is amazing i still have to walk in a straight line so i'm gonna have to climb some roofs but that's okay hopefully no one gets mad at me i'm sorry i'm having to climb through your front yard it's just just on this crazy mission right now you wouldn't even believe it hello anyone home no all right cool what the heck is that is that the chinese dragon oh my gosh that thing is insane look at that hello mr drac look at your tail it's so pretty we're making good progress though i mean we've almost made it through a whole nother country i feel like i think we're reaching the end or oh what is this is this an ocean if i'm correct this ocean should be the sea of japan all right let's craft another boat because i left mine on the waterfall sailing across the seas and on the other side of the sea i don't know because my geography is not very good look at how deep this ocean is there could be some massive sharks in it oh oh i'm sailing oh stay straight unspeakable stay in a straight line we have found another mountain range and it looks like there's like a crane up there i don't know what that is i'm gonna climb this mountain and once i get on the other side of this mountain i'm gonna eat this freaking carrot cause i deserve it i can now have my carrots thank you what the heck what is this tokyo this this has to be tokyo there is a crane up there i know tokyo is like always doing construction this is such a massive city yeah this is definitely a construction building we're walking through right now oh my gosh this is so cool i'm digging down this oh hello how are you wait are you guys ninjas that's kind of cool please don't beat me up i'm just gonna continue on my day yeah yeah i didn't really think you could do that okay okay okay who's got the ninja skills and are you cuz you kiss your mother with that mouse could have had like a nunchuck or something oh there's another one back up going keep going and speak we'll go go dig dig no oh okay we're good i'm like literally digging through the middle of a building right now oh ninja goodbye you don't touch me crawling was way easier i guess no one has uh leased this office space yet oh there's another ninja uh-huh oh oh oh juked you out this is actually insane oh now i'm supposed to dig through a freaking library dude i want like what how much stuff i'm gonna have to take through because the digging is kind of working yeah yeah definitely digging it so okay what is that is that the kraken no freaking what look at that dude i've been informed by some really good people that there is some treasure in your mouth that i must receive would be oh wait i don't want gold i'll take these i'll take the golden apples i don't really want the gold i already got diamonds that's way better see you later alligator get it because he's an octopus alligator never mind sorry i love how i haven't even made diamond armor yet i've just been chilling with the iron armor if i just got done with tokyo then that means that i'm in the pacific ocean and at the other side of the pacific is the west coast of the united states which means this is where i started which means i just traveled across the entire freaking world in a straight line let's go yes oh i pat myself on the back
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,447,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Funny, Unspeakable, Minecraft, Mineacraft but, Unspeakable plays
Id: i22ZRnC-tWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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