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in today's minecraft video we're gonna be showcasing 12 different mob armor types that you can craft and you can actually wear in Minecraft make sure to let me know down below in the comments which mob armor type would you choose hey guys welcome back to a brand new video I got a haircut yes I know wow that's enough about the haircut though today we have mob armor types that we need to be showcasing yes mob armor types oh no no no this is not regular diamond armor or leather armor or iron armor every other armor this is mob armor you don't believe me take a look inside of this chest here we have zombie armor Enderman armor iron golems pigments spiders blazes wither skeletons even gassed armor huh I am so curious to see what these armors have to do so I'm just gonna go we're gonna get right into this I'm gonna grab the zombie armor let's check this out the zombie armor is really cool not only does it give you night vision but it also makes your resistance to instant damage in poison potions the total armor value is 20 ok so I have a zombie armor on right now this looks so cool I look like a I look like a zombie that goes to the gym man Wow is my zombie ever ripped holy cow so when I'm walking like this it doesn't show that I'm wearing any zombie armor on my arm but if I press f5 then it obviously does so first things first is this armor set gets night vision so if I go ahead and change it to night time here you'll notice I have a permanent night vision effect on 24/7 now that explains why all the zombies can see me clear as day when I'm down in the caves and no torches dang zombies also harming and poison potions and they don't matter are you worried about getting stuck on and killed by potions don't even have to worry because the zombie armor is completely immune to poison and instant damage potions look the Sheep doesn't have any zombie armor on that's why your poison my guy go ahead here all here you go take it there you go ok now you're better see he's not poison anymore happy birthday mr. sheep next up on the list here we have an Enderman armor if you hold for a few seconds you'll launch an ender pearl in the direction that you're looking at any contact whatsoever with water will make you instantly teleport away and the total armor value is 29 a little bit stronger than the zombie armor so very similar to the zombie armor we have night vision at nighttime that's cool but I want to see some more cool effects it says here if I hold shift in look in any direction for a few seconds it'll throw oh it did work it'll actually throw an ender pearl in the direction that you're looking at and boom you can teleport like a real oo I'm about to go far uh uh no what about going oh okay we made it back I got scared for a second now the cool part is any contact with water whatsoever you teleport away let's open Wow really wasn't kidding you really do teleport right away you cannot touch water with this I guess it's kind of a good thing but if you forget that you're wearing Enderman armor and you just hop in for a swim uh yeah you're gonna teleport back sorry now yeah the Enderman armor is pretty cool but what about iron golem armor so when you decide to suit up in some good old iron golem armor it gives you water breathing and increases your health by eighty by punching someone or clicking your mouse twice you'll smack enemies high into the air you will not take any fall damage and become knocked back resistant because I mean you're you're a golem best part about this you will deal 14 damage each hit when only using your fist Wow okay so first thing I noticed when wearing this armor is yeah the slowness definitely does pull you back a little bit now if you run and jump like I am now it's not too bad actually you know it's holding up pretty it's holding up alright but if you're walking normally like this it definitely it takes a toll here now if you look look how many hearts I have right there there are so many extra arts that I have now if I had some food obviously I'd regenerate all those hearts but I don't so I'm not now does the slowness effect outweigh how much damage and health that this suit gives you I don't know let me oh my gosh wow that sheep went flying so if I double click with my mouse the sheep will actually go flying what's cool with this is the iron golem armor is a one-hit kill to the Sheep at least I'm not too sure about other mobs you can also throw mobs in the air too which i think is just super cool that's a that's a cool special ability that we know iron golems can do which I mean let's be honest yeah who wouldn't want to heat a bunch of chickens am i right I've got to say other than the slowness this is probably gonna be one of my favorite armored types so far just because of all the cool things you get from it you get extra protection you get extra damage and you can throw people in the air come on you ever wanted to eat someone before well now you can next up we have zombie pigman armor similar to the other armor types zombie pigman armor gives you night vision and fire resistance makes you resistant from any instant damage and poison potions when you reach below 10 health your armor will increase your speed by two times and also increases your damage by nine the total armor value is 27 okay so I'm not too sure how I feel about the zombie pigmen armor I didn't see anything about it being I would have been I didn't see anything in there that was really a special ability I mean we all know when you go to the nether and you hit one pigment all of them are aggro'd on you it would be really cool if maybe when you attacked a mob more Pigman would spawn and go after that same mob I don't know just a thought seemed pretty cool now let's check here so one two three four five six seven eight eight hits to kill a sheep whereas the Golem armor was only one so if I get my health low enough here I should see a speed increase holy cow yeah what my health is low like it is right now you actually get a speed increase to get away faster which you know now that I think about that is actually kind of cool if you're in a battle you don't want to be in - this is the perfect armor set to be wearing because you can zoom on out of here faster than anybody else will unless you get stuck in a cave like I did then then you're probably dead next up we have spider armor spider armor gives you night vision unfortunately your health is decreased by four you become completely immune to poison potions and it allows you to climb walls just by walking into them if you punch someone or something you'll start leaping just like a spider will total armor value of this is 23 I think the most intriguing part of wearing this armor is the fact that you can climb walls that is super cool it's like real life spider-man am i right look at this I can walk right up it and I'm climbing I'm climbing like a spider will do no wonder they're always able to get over my super tall castle walls dude I have to say this is definitely really cool although the climbing speeds a little slow I still this is a cool feature that all these other armor suits can't do so the fact that you can climb walls and all the other armored suits so far can't do that I really like that it's a special unique ability besides the iron golem this one is certainly one of my favorites a scythe then again though you lose a little bit of health with the spider armor I don't know it's really iffy now let's see we're supposed to launch like a spider yo you do look I'm not I'm not even pressing space when I hit the sheep I literally go towards like jumping towards them deke come here whoa dude that's so cool get over here mr. sheep give me okay yes I must say I do like this armor next up we got the one and only blaze armor blaze armor gives you night vision and fire resistance and jump boost three it allows you to glide down by holding shift holding the space button will make you fly if you press C while you're in the air you can actually shoot blaze fireballs on top of that you will not take any fall damage however water will damage you so be very careful the total armor value of blaze armor is 45 okay so there's a lot to go over in this site in this armor set specifically here there's a lot I mean you can already see just by pressing space I can literally fly now I thought the spider armor was cool but the fact that I can just launch up in the air and just levitate and float is kind of sick I think it adds a super big advantage over the other armor types seeing as you can literally just fly away from your opponents and we'll never have to deal with them on top of that - if you press C while you're floating you can shoot fireballs at your enemies which is an ability that no other armor types actually have available to them so the fact that the blaze armor does that makes this one it takes the spiders place and this certainly is my second favorite armor type aside from the Golem maybe even first it's pretty close to being first now if you're in the air and you hold shift you can glide which is actually kind of cool I'm not falling down actually I'm falling down ever so slightly but I'm gliding which is I guess kind of kind of cool kind of lit now how much damage just water due to us exactly is the water to the new lava lava the new water is that out we're doing okay yeah yay oh go ow okay that's not too bad actually oh wait yeah okay yeah that is kind of bad and water is the new lava okay yeah if you're wearing this armor stay away from water next up we have wither skeleton armor wither skeleton armor gives you night vision fire resistance invisibility makes you resistance to poison potions instant damages and wither when you punch someone or something you will wither them for 10 second the total armor value is 23 okay so I'm not sure what it is something about this wither armor looks a little funny to me just a little bit now it says I'm supposed to be invisible which I mean I can see right through my body which I mean yeah it looks like I'm invisible but it's kind of scary because you can see all my bones look at this dude what the heck now aside from night vision and resistance to potions the only unique thing this set of armor actually does is wither an enemy when you punch them but it only withers them for 10 seconds so if I go ahead and punch this pig here or this pig or this pig you'll see the withering particles all surrounding them right now they're there scrambling hoping for the withering to stop and now I got some dinner thank you very much let me just grab thank you a perfect now we're good yeah unfortunately as much as I like trying to hunt it for wither skeletons I don't know if this is my kind of armor personally how you guys let me know down below in the comments what do you think the next armor type is the one we've all been waiting for and if you're ready for it I need everybody right now to go ahead and leave a like on today's video yes you I can see that you haven't left to like on the video yet so go ahead just take two seconds like the video come right back you're ready to see the armor okay let's do it the one and only ghast armor aka the perfect super villain for any scary movie this is literally perfect Gast armor gives you fire resistance unfortunately your health is decreased by 10 it allows you to fly up by holding space you will not take any fall damage and if you press C while you're flying you'll shoot giant fireballs that are the size of a creeper explosion to any enemy the total armor value is 42 all right so the ghast armor is pretty cool I allows you to fly you can shoot fireballs gives you resistance I like it but it does decrease your your overall health a little bit which can be a little concerning so now it says the explosions here are the same size as a creeper explosion now I want to test if that's the case oh my gosh Jeff that's the case holy cow wait so if I hold see will it start shooting fireballs yeah well oh no wait dude that's actually sick look at how big of an explosion they make oh my gosh dude you can really do some damage you would have to be very careful now of course I am pressing space right now which is allowing me to levitate it's pretty cool I have to say it's a little slow especially I feel like gas or a little bit faster than that but I won't complain it's very unique armor it's definitely very different and I do like the fact that the explosion size is much bigger than compared to the blaze watch ohh is that creeper no it's actually just me next we got creeper armor the creeper armor gives no special effects or buffs if you hold see you'll cause a giant explosion just like a real creeper would the total armor value is 24 and I truly thought creeper armor could have been better than that maybe they saved all the special abilities for the charged creeper armor which by the way if you guys want me to do a review on charged creeper armor which is the electric version of the regular creeper makes you leave a like and if we hit 30,000 likes I'll do a part two where we review that one I gotta say other than the exploding aspect this armor doesn't do a whole lot as it said there's no buffs there's no immunities nothing you just explode so if I press see here and hold it should explode and cause a big boom oh I mean yeah I guess personally I'd rather have the gas armor than this one seeing as not only can the gas shoot explosions that are this size but you can fly as well yeah it's kind of cool it's okay I feel like creeper one could be a lot better but then again what else do creepers do that would make as armor I mean they don't really do a whole lot but if you ever wanted to destroy your friends this is perfect for it next up we have the loved and hated cave spider armor cave spider armor gives you night vision your health is decreased by eight you become immune to poison your fists will poison everyone in anything that you hit it allows you to climb walls just like the regular spider armor when you punch something or someone you will leap it just like a spider and the total armor value is the lowest one here on the list and that is 18 okay so the cave spider armor is extremely similar to the regular spider armor that we have reviewed earlier the only difference is every single punch that you give to an enemy will poison them instantly so if I walk up to these sheep here and I just start hitting them yep you'll notice I am poisoning them all so it looks like I'm hacking because I am able to float when I constantly hit the Sheep I really like the leap effect that the spiders do that's so cool the fact that you can do that as a player is actually really unique I think that's a great addition to this mod now I wonder is the climb speed up walls any faster than the regular spider let's see so if you were ever doing a cave spider versus a regular spider yeah there's no disadvantages or advantages because they're pretty much the exact same ender dragon armor this is a long list of armor abilities so stay with me here ender dragon armor gives you nightmares and makes you resistance to fire you will get a hundred and eighty bonus health plus 9 attack damage plus you don't take any fall damage you become immune to wither poison blindness and instant damage potions you can hold space to fly if you hold C you'll shoot dragon fireballs from the main head if you hold X you can create a massive roar that will damage and knock-back mobs that are all around you your health will recover one-and-a-half times faster than regular and the total armor being the highest on the list is 100 now of course guys you guys know the famous saying okay you got to leave the best for last and that's why we were reviewing the dragon armor here this one is by far the coolest one has the most immunities has the most abilities it is just super cool all around first things first here you'll notice that I am able to levitate just by holding space similar to the ghast armor that we tried earlier it is the same mechanics I can hold space and I will fly and float just like so now it says here if I press C it should shoot a massive fireball now let's see it hold C down I'm holdin C and it's hello okay well only work there we go Oh oh my gosh look at this dude I just shot like three of those things holy cow yeah that sheep just dodged it one of my favorite things about this armor just like it was with the iron golem armor is a one hit kills I love that now the super interesting part about this armor is the fact that you can roar and push all mobs away from you so if you're in a massive little group of creepers like this go ahead press X this is awkward it's uh it's not roaring it's not doing anything I don't know if I like this okay well it says it's supposed to push all the mobs away but for some reason its overall I'm gonna have to say on this list the ender dragon armor is definitely very very close to the top for me as side as the iron golem armor I want you guys to let me know down below in the comments so would you what is your favorite armor type out of the entire list we've gone through today now wait before we end off this video there are still several more armor types that I have to showcase to you guys that are included in this mod so if you go ahead and leave a like I'll do a part two video where I go ahead and go over all of the armor types all the ones that we haven't gone through and you guys can let me know which one out of all of them in this mod is your favorite ladies and gentlemen thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys in a safe and fantastic arrestor day and of course I'll catch you guys tomorrow and a brand new video thank our thank you guys all so much for watching today's video if you guys did enjoy and want to see some more from me you guys see the videos over there like that one there's a playlist and then another video right there go check them out they're really really awesome I think you would really love to to watch them but ladies and gents until then I'll catch you in the next video take care [Music]
Channel: Shark
Views: 394,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shark, challenge, minecraft, 09sharkboy, minecraft trolling, best minecraft mods, minecraft troll, minecraft mods, squad minecraft, modded minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft challenge
Id: 95AWlyfASM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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