Minecraft, But With $1,000,000…

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being poor in Minecraft is insanely depressing so today I'm gonna try and collect as much money as I can to become a Minecraft billionaire let's get one billion likes on this video to help up the cause I'm struggling to survive I only have a bunch of wooden tools and rotten flesh hello Grazer we have heard you are poor and in need of money have you ever heard of the billionaire games the billionaire games what you're saying I could become a billionaire we've recreated it just for you in Minecraft when you complete the trials we'll give you enough money to become middle class so I'll finally be able to upgrade from wooden tools you'll have to become a billionaire on your own what is this there are five different trials oh brother there's now a progress bar at the top of my screen what in the world where am I so I now have a billionaire wallet which I'm assuming the more money I collect oh my goodness the more it stocks up into here before I become a billionaire and then I also was given this rocket launcher and these blocks in front of me are changing colors what happens if I shoot it oh who's away hold on do I just have to shoot all these blocks wow that hurt okay wait I think that the blocks need to be green to be shot oh wait oh gosh dude I keep messing this up I'm never gonna become a billionaire if I can't get the right one great great oh did okay and green oh wow okay whoa okay um what is this there seems to be an exit at the other side of the room so I will just go that way ow what the what's happening wait a second that happened when I went on the color green okay I cannot touch the color green and I have to get to the other side this actually seems way easy I just have to avoid all of the green little things oh okay no no no I can't I think if I even just jump over it I'm gonna take damage so I just gotta get there and get to the exit and oh okay now I'm 205 and I have zero dollars so this is the next one this looks like some sort of obstacle course but it is very easy actually this doesn't seem hard at all wait a second whoa what's going on funny behind me dude okay have to go quickly then oh my gosh I can't afford to get stuck in any of the honey it's catching up I need to get under these bars okay I gotta go Between the Bars oh God okay I found water the lava can't get me from here thank goodness that was almost way too close for comfort and we are okay not quite done I have to make this jump oh [Music] bam okay oh gosh what is this there's like a bunch of Minions that are chasing after me right now looks like I have to go up this Mega parkour course and they're all underneath so I cannot fall or I am dead and I have nothing to eat but this stupid rotten flesh please grizzler please make it and we are good okay what is this place there seems to be a chest at the end here I wonder what's in it a money sword okay I can replace my wooden sword at least but wait I just leveled up again but now do I have to go through this door what is through here oh my goodness I'm going down into a portal here goes another thing whoa holy smokes wait I'm back where I started the guy who talked to me at the beginning just became a billionaire Master do I have to kill him with the money sword oh I get you beams out of this thing okay yeah he can't even get close to me duh you stupid Master he dropped a diamond I'm grabbing that and I'm getting the heck out of here oh and there we go I've completed the billionaire game Trials he dropped a middle class Diamond which means I'm now officially middle class but I need to get the heck out of here so what happens if I right click this thing whoa holy smokes is this my new middle class house oh it comes with a chest inside there's a bone a steak and a clock what would this be used for do I have to tame my own pet look at this some wolves okay I only have one bone so hopefully this works let me give him the steak first oh are they fighting each oh they're hating the Sheep here you go buddy some steak and your bone what the he just ate my bone he just cracked my bone in half well thanks for nothing you stupid dog now I have no bone and no steak and you know what this house is not even that great anyways I could do so much better oh well thank goodness there's at least some food in here so there's that I mean I am middle class I should be able to afford food but what the heck do I do with a cracked bone anyways I don't get this what the whoa whoa what is big is it a werewolf why didn't you just come out of nowhere why are you in my house no no no no no get back buddy I don't really want to do this inside my house so get outside and oh oh holy smokes this rocket launcher why is there another one dude I'm at half a heart I don't even think I can afford to shoot this dude what did they drop a flower grinder what is it do we put flowers in this thing or something everything is so weird all I want to do is become a billionaire what is this all right well let me break some flowers I guess I don't even know what this is supposed to do do I like take these flowers and put it into my oh what in the world hold on a second if I take the flower grinder and click it on any kind of flower it's creating me money robot remnants what in the world is this give me all of the flowers this is gonna generate me billions of dollars let's see let's see can I do anything with these whoa it creates a thousand dollar Emerald token what in the world what is this thing what why are you going towards my house what is going on right now hey hey hey that's my place you're not welcome here what you just destroyed my entire house whoa okay I'm suddenly inside my house again where'd that robot go what just happened billionaire progress a thousand dollars okay and down here is what appears to be a billionaire shot with tons of items on display uh hello sir whoa okay so this is the money man I can buy a money jet pack a money gun money machine money tree and even a money Farm but I need all kinds of money to buy any of this stuff and in the chest is an ultimate money pickaxe so that'll actually come in handy I'll replace my wooden pick with that what is this money pickaxe even do okay so in the backyard of my house is a ton of money and I'm assuming I have to use this pickaxe to then mine all of this cash he's got 350 dollars and obviously that's like nothing towards billionaire status but with all that Newfound cash I can actually go to Mr shopkeeper here and purchase the money jet pack I can actually also go into my wallet and grab one of these guys and a thousand dollar Emerald token and buy the money gun but now I'm down to 230 dollars so I'm close to broke but I have a whole bunch of new items I can use to try and get more money how do I even equip this thing okay money jetpack alert coming through dude literal coins are outputting from my fuel I'm getting richer as I just fly around wait hold on a second a floating island over here let me check this out wait there's like a man who lives up here um hello sir please I need your help my cat is stuck in the tree oh what over here oh yeah I see him up there okay I mean I can try and grab them down for you just jet pack up and uh hey Kitty there you go you're all saved and you didn't take any damage thanks for saving my kitty take this Emerald token I hear the shopkeeper might be interested in it he gave me another a thousand dollar Emerald token thank you so much old man I will go ahead and put that into my wallet so now I'm back up over a thousand dollars I only need like 999 million 999 900 and like you get the point all right well we don't really have enough money to buy anything else yet since we already did buy the money gun wait what's happening why are there Rockets coming down to my house hey no no no do you touch my ass way out wait hold on every time I'm breaking one of them they're dropping a bunch of money everywhere hold on a second I'm over two thousand three thousand four thousand five thousand bro I do not know who is attacking my home but they are giving me basically an unlimited supply of money unless these Rockets hit which that one just made it through so that's not good but we now have 26 000 and we have a smidge on our billionaire progress bar but down in the shop here I think with this amount of money we can purchase the money machine which is gonna bring us all the way back to only a thousand left but we have a money machine now which means we're gonna make a lot of dough baby so what can I do with the money machine oh it's like a drill what the holy spot folks it's drilling everywhere everywhere I go I'm generating about a thousand dollars every single second come from everywhere I mean look at this thing money machine this is so sick let me go ahead and put it on my wall I'm up to 39 000 40K already oh my gosh you can even fly all the way into the air dude oh okay but I believe the next item is a hundred thousand dollars which we have just achieved so we'll go ahead and grab our wallet grab all of our money and purchase the money tree now they always said money does not grow on trees but that all changes today I am going to plant a money tree whoa that looks sick okay so how do I make money from this thing oh is that oh are those money apples aha you need something called a money Harvester to harvest the money apples like you're crafting a shovel but I'm using a thousand dollars but I think it'll be worth it depending on how much these apples are actually worth so it's time to answer the ultimate question does money grow on trees well it just fell down and created kind of like an explosion I'm just gonna break a ton of these and if I pick them up Okay it definitely does every single one of these apples is worth a hundred thousand dollars give me all of these apples and with this we'll be able to get a million dollars quite easily actually we'll have a lot more than that even and then we'll finally be able to purchase that last remaining item from the shopkeeper so there we go we are now at one million dollars oh what my entire progress bar reset so I wasn't even that close to becoming a billionaire after all I'm only one one thousandth of the way there I guess it's time to see what this last remaining item that the shopkeeper has for me is a money Farm okay I will take this it's gonna cost me a lot of money but this should hopefully generate me enough wealth that I'll never need money ever again holy smokes I just right clicked it and it created a whole farm for me okay so do I have to set some like Farms up on the dirt or something whoa holy smokes it's just automatically generating new trees and new trees and then inside the chest it's storing millions of those green apples [Music] dude look at this place this is the ultimate money farm this is insanity wow and now my progress bar is creeping just that little bit up to a billion whoa what the who the heck are you guys um are you here for the money okay you guys can have it I'm out of here oh gosh I need to use my Millions to hire some personal bodyguards how the heck am I gonna take out this many pillagers at once um hello sir I need help there's been a raid on my money farm please come back well do you have the adequate funds to afford our army I do I have over a million dollars with like close to a billion dollars being generated in this Farm glad to help but you also need adequate equipment oh thank you so much what did you just give me a rainbow money Cannon Goods attack all the villagers I'll use my money gun holy smokes dude what it turns the pillagers into friendly emerald pillagers and now I think they're helping me wait and now is my money for okay you get out of here my friend I don't want to ruin my farm with the gun but I need to get rid of all these guys dude there's so much money being generated it's like oh my God and with that I am pretty much a billionaire it's at the very edge of the progress bar just need a bit more money but I think I'm gonna buy myself a new house what do you guys think I didn't like my current house anyways and why are there so many people all over my house do they want money or something they're like all the way surrounding it and stuff too holy smokes this house is way bigger than the last one it's even got its own pool and its own basketball court as well as tennis all right well luckily I have a new gravity gun that I bought with all my billions because I don't want these people here so I'm sending them off into space get out of here oh you innocent civilians I feel so bad what in the world is this a rocket can I ride this thing can I fly it into the air whoa dude oh my goodness and my rainbow gun can spawn money everywhere I'm turning the entire world into money all over the place okay I'm literally so rich I can't handle it maybe I should have given some of those civilians my money uh well my bad you will pay for not having given your money away what the who the heck was that huh it's time you meet your ultimate fate what in the world where'd you bring me wait a second need the call of money dude that's the guy it's a very oh my goodness dude no no no no no no no no uh oh he's throwing money all over me and this is the only person in the universe that is actually more Rich than I am dude he's shooting out all sorts of green money mobs everywhere there's three big screen cows dude okay this is not good wait a second okay she's my gravity gun and shoot him with it and then shoot him with a gravity gun oh my gosh dude I just floated him off into space you know what the heck what's up he just died I just killed the money Master using my gravity gun okay that was kind of the sickest ending I've ever seen so I got away with not giving my money away and I killed the money Master but you know what I feel bad now I feel like I should give some of my money away so I'll give it to all of you moms take all of the money everywhere just kidding you're all gonna die goodbye
Channel: Graser
Views: 26,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft crafting, graser, challenge, minecraft xp, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft, minecraft if
Id: Ry6Nq2u61kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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