Minecraft, But Eating Spawns Random Structures...

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in this video every time i eat food a random structure will spawn literally anything can spawn like villages end cities nether fortresses bastions and even the stronghold this video was hilarious and it was really fun to make also if everybody subscribes right now we can hit 1 million subscribers so please hit that subscribe button also my very own limited edition cookie plushie is finally out it will be the first link in the description but finally will i be able to beat minecraft while random structures are spawning everywhere whenever i eat food well it is time to find out and we are in alright every time i eat a random structure spawns in this video i'm really excited for this one imagine not even having to go to the nether to get like blazes do blazes even spawn in the overworld i'm not sure we're gonna have to find out this video but like i can get an elytra if an end city spawns and like fly around in the overworld it's gonna be so op so let's quickly grab some wood here and then we gotta make a sword and find some oh there it is find some food to eat all right let's make a crafting table make a pickaxe and i'm gonna have to make a sword let's go all right i got my sword and let's go kind of eat a squid he looks kind of juicy oh hello you're about to meet gordon ramsay invited me going to ramsay's kitchen oh my god there's a whole family over here give me all that meat i'm sorry cows but all right i got eight beef oh here we go i lost my hunger all right should i cook this up and eat a steak or just eat no i gotta eat raw beef come on all right let's see what i get first all right let's see let's eat something here and a four a fortress oh my god oh my god there's a blaze one right there oh my god i got a fortress so fast this early into the game okay i'll take it i mean i'm kind of scared i don't have any armor oh agent debris spawned with it oh no way oh this is exciting boys hey i have no armor and no tools at all so i should probably get at least the shield first it looks like there's a cave over here so let's quickly grab some iron make some armor and at least the shield all right please have iron in here oh grab me some iron oh what what it just got infested by creepers what is this i was gone for five seconds let's run around here and um i'll see you later i'm dead i'm dumb i'm actually dead oh my god oh hey where where where okay i'm building out of here oh my god where are these creepers coming from i'm finally out i really need to eat again do i do i eat now or do i wait until i raid this fortress no let's just keep eating let's keep eating i can eat so much right now let's eat a village okay i'll take it okay not too bad one more time a sunken ship okay uh my sunken ship it doesn't look so sunken anymore i mean it looks it looks pretty parked up here all right let's see one more oh another sunken [ __ ] this one has to be an end city come on come on come on oh jungle okay i got jungle pyramid what's in here i've never seen a jungle pyramid in a really long time i remember there was tripwire over here no does it still shoot at me okay let's break that that that's where the trip wire is what's in here okay nothing okay oh some gold emeralds bamboo useless oh my god there's structures everywhere there's a chest down here what's in here oh some armor okay leather not too bad i don't have a lot of iron so this leather would be helpful all right what's in this chest here please uh why are there so many pants everywhere down here oh okay a helmet all right let's check out this village okay i got a furnace here so let's melt up some iron here let's make some extra food oh wait wait i just remember when you eat a structure spawns okay let's eat one more get a pill oh a pillager outpost please don't spot anything okay let's do one more a bastion oh yes oh my god this has got a big no piglens would spawn though because we're in the overworld but go inside this pillager outpost while we wait for the iron to smelt oh my god engulf the ship let's dig in here oh my god the ship is actually built into this villager post now there's nothing here just the chest all right arrows would be helpful for the end and a bottom of enchanting yay okay i got my iron here and let's make a shield first thing because a shoe is gonna be really helpful let's make a sword and an axe and a pickaxe that should be good for now all right i think i'm ready to explore the nether fortress hopefully blazes spawn i don't see a i don't see any blazes yet this might not be good you might be out of luck here quickly build up i mean it's spinning i mean that's something i guess maybe it doesn't work or maybe he only spots a knife oh oh i keep forgetting stuff something's oh my god okay oh my god i almost suffocated i was so close i keep forgetting when you eat a structure spawns i just casually eat i mean at least i got up here man let's see what's down here oh keep forgetting i can't forget i'm sorry i'm sorry how do i manage to get so lucky every time i just lived by a couple blocks what is this okay my luck is actually insane okay oh hello oh my god what just happened why is there so much stuff laying on the ground it must have broken the chest or something what is this this is like a mosh pit of structures all in one what's in this oh diamonds okay let's go we got some more diamonds these are the only diamonds i have it's actually a mosh pit of blocks there's a jungle temple there's a sand temple and there's another fortress all in one this is the weirdest thing ever take a look at this there's a pillager outpost a village another fortress a whole mosh pit of random stuff and a bastion there's things everywhere all right all right let's get in night time it's getting night time oh my oh my god oh two fortresses spawned oh my god all right well let's just go up here then oh i hear blazes oh my god oh my god there's two right beside each other can you eat imagine another nether fortress spawns okay oh my god another one's oh what all right let's kill it's suffocating them yeah i'm eating a golden apple here oh oh and city oh my okay right beside me oh my god it probably would have been a good idea to get myself a water bucket i mean just a thought oh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i wanna have oh my god get another end city let's eat one more please don't spawn something on me okay another bastion all right oh this is crazy okay i got seven i got seven okay i'm good all right another end city spawned so let's see if there's a ship that has an elytra in it okay this is a mosh pit of everything hey i don't see a ship anywhere let's try to get a better view i got a better view and take a look how crazy this looks there's like three bastions two fortresses and three n cities in a row all joined into one but sadly there's no ships with the elytra i guess it's just bugged but i do have seven blaze rods and i need to get some ender pearls so i can go to the end and kill the ender dragon so let's get some gold here there's some bastion so this will be helpful let's collect some gold go to the nether and trade so let's see what's in these chests okay some arrows obsidian all right that'll be helpful a lot of gold all right this is a lot of arrows too okay perfect a lot of food oh asian debris guys you guys know what that means we just need to find a couple more i have so many golden carrots all right found some more chests oh a block of iron let's go okay got a lot of gold here okay oh looting two maybe we'll find some enderman on the way that'll be helpful oh yes let's go another asian debris okay we just need two more oh there's a crossbow in here i mean i could just use that instead of uh a bow and arrow i guess oh yes i found the pocket of gold boys let's go let's mine this gold here all right there's a chest over here oh oh another right scrap all right i just need to get one more asian debris so i can get three netherized scraps and i can make myself another red ingot i just want one piece another right but i think i explored the entire bastion and now we just need to go trade with some piglens i really want to see if we can spawn a stronghold though so let's keep eating here and i try to get a stronghold okay another end city kind of useless because i can't get an elytra all right let's just keep running around and try to spawn a stronghold because i'm pretty sure you can i'm really hoping oh my god look at look at this this is a mess look at these end cities there's just three in a row they're like cloned okay i'll get eat again let's try to get a stronghold please oh this might take a while all right let's just let's try to lose some hunger here i'm gonna just keep jumping off the staircase so i lose some hearts and so i can eat i never wanted to perfectly take damage before let's get a one heart in hardcore imagine if i die right here oh one heart okay let's eat a jungle pyramid i want to keep getting jungle pyramids i don't want that hey let's eat again end city come on please uh sunken ship out oh my okay um let's let's get out of this hole right here end city oh my god did strongholds even spawn end city again oh my god we're gonna have an entire country soon there's so many end cities a pillager outpost don't go pyramid oh my god this is gonna be hard i'm i'm starting to lose hope guys i'm starting to lose hope i don't think a stronghold could spawn this is the one this is the one a ruined portal hello where oh damn that's a big one that's probably the biggest rune portal i've seen yeah this is the first one i've ever gotten no more gold i'll take that i mean okay come on please i need a stronghold oh my i don't want a pyramid oh my god go away the cloner told me he did add strongholds and i'm not getting it so my luck is uh pretty bad right now but i will get it i'm determined i will get the stronghold come on this is it this is it ah oh my god please come on oh this is impossible it's actually impossible to get a stronghold it's not possible jungle let's go let's go finally we got the stronghold oh that's it's right there okay let's go let's go all right we got it boys oh that took forever that took so long okay let's go let's build up super quickly oh i've never been so excited okay how do i get up what am i doing go i could just build outside what am i doing the portal is right over here oh yes perfect let's just oh oh my god that scared the poopoo to me oh my god my heart oh oh oh i forgot okay imagine if something big spawned and it broke the portal i would have been in shambles man i can't believe i just said that shambles oh my british okay let's uh let's get in here okay let's break this spawner here go away okay and there's no under eyes inside but no problem we could just go to the nether and trade really quickly here i should have enough gold let's make a portal right here all right and let's go all right please have another wait i'm not even looking for another fortress what am i talking about i just need a trade oh oh my oh there's a lot okay perfect i kind of don't want this guy because these little babies steal so i'm gonna have to trap this guy here i'm gonna yeah see you later and see you later make a hole here and get in there oh i know you guys want this gold all right let's start trading all right just finished trading with all these piglets there's so many everywhere i'm not even sure why but i did get 12 ender pearls let's turn these into blaze powder into eye of ender and let's go back to the overworld all right we are back and let's put these in bam bam bam let's not miss click here okay and there we go let's get my crossbow ready all my arrows let's get some food here and i think we are good to go and yay all right let's quickly build up here imagine spawning it end city in the end oh we're gonna have to do that here okay let's take out all these crystals oh my god i [ __ ] aim hello hey got one got another okay got one more oh this is light work okay let's go there's one up all the way up there that one's a really high one okay got that one and there's that one up there come on come on i hit it i think i got it okay and there's this one over here okay i think i got them all oh never mind there's one up there okay let's build up here take this one out bam and that is it all right now we gotta kill the ender dragon all right let's jump down here and bam and let's kill this ender dragon if you ever come down he's coming down here okay and let's uh get right underneath him and let's take him out we're doing oh my thing broke okay got another axe we're doing a lot of damage here yeah he's out of here all right let's use the uh crossbow now oh he's coming back down again that was quick okay let's go he's really low now he's so low all right he's coming back down let's go this is it boys this is it this is where the dragon dies all right and we're gonna get him just one one more hit and we got him let's go all right dragons defeated all right thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys enjoyed that video this video was extremely fun to make please subscribe guys we are so close to a million subscribers join the cookie army let's hit 1 million soon drop a like if you like this video and i'll see you guys on the next video i think the next video is coming out friday thanks for watching and take care you
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 733,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft but, minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft but eating spawns structures, minecraft but when you eat structures spawn, minecraft but structures spawn when you eat, minecraft but structures spawn, minecraft but structures spawn whenever you eat, minecraft but food spawns structures, minecraft but eating food spawn structures, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but whenever you eat a structure spawns, acookiegod, minecraft but eating food spawns structures
Id: D39P2m5LER8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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