Minecraft, But All Drops Are Custom...

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today every block you break UPS crazy custom items go go go go go go my friends and I have 20 minutes to break as many blocks as we can and fight in the Ultimate Death Match okay hold on Gamers you know how this is random drop so if we break boom grass I get a pickle hey what is this ridiculous pickle provides 10 extra Hearts oh my God I can eat it and then I just got yo we got extra Hearts from literally doing this it only works once but just in case we lose that health I'm gonna keep these pickles we're already getting insane stuff and then okay well we get some blocks from Oakleys that's not that great I don't even know what these trees are but wait we got chunk leggings 150 plus armor bro there's no way everyone is gonna have like the best leggings in the game the chunk leggings and did we already break grass I don't think so we got a Golem Gauntlet 10 attack damage bruh hey bro no no why you looking at me I just took my pants you fool oh thanks bro come on now yeah we can one shot pigs with his Golem Gauntlet baby boom and then wait what is the cornflower drop oh an Enderman spawning hold up we can go and just whoop this guy's butt oh I put them to the heavens and then you're like we got an ender pearl hold up and boom oh my goodness it's raining Enderman you guys love these randomizers and it's about to get crazy because I actually have a secret up my sleeve and boom let's go we got six ender pearls so you know what I'm actually just gonna go and end up Pro really far from quiff because dude that guy is gonna be spying on me I already know and oh my God lager has the pants how about these flowers though we got a hook shot oh my goodness and cut copper which I don't know what I can do with that wait we can break it if we get a pickaxe and I don't think we broke wood yet the basic item of Minecraft is gonna drop us oh oh my God a chunk binder I can now go ahead and break this block and then oh my goodness oh my goodness we're getting so many new items I have the hook shot so I can literally just oh my goodness Turtle to the bottom and then hook shot just in case okay there we go yo what did we get we got Ruby hammer and then this just breaks a bunch of blocks at once bro look at this this is insane we got a bunch of these slabs and if we go and break these there you go we get n Stone okay this is cool so if I shift with the Ruby be hammer it doesn't do the three by three drop and we get cake we don't have time to celebrate the only time I celebrate is when we win and whoa whoa whoa whoa there's literally a brand new oil right here which drops Alexandra oh my goodness wait this is huge and there's gold right here hold up what is this it drops seared Bedrock can we break the sheared Bedrock I don't think so yeah no we can't so gold is kind of useless what is this drop okay the Deep slate drops a campfire oh wait we can just cook our meat yeah we'll break it in a second or actually I could just get this one place this one right here and then break this one I'm so big brain boom TNT Minecart okay I'll keep that and yes there we go we got our food let's go and hook shot out of here oh wait there's actually some lapis and a cave right here come on come on yes okay perfect there's so many blocks in the surface that we didn't break yet so I might want to head back up we really need a crafting table and okay wait this just drops me cut copper which we already broke I'm pretty sure we can't forget about these blocks right here oh we got where's Marine okay oh wait I don't think I even broke the Slime because we just got Ruby boots okay we're almost full armor we got some new ores right here which drops me raid light gray terracotta oh my God slap his toes Lucky Feet lucky drops usually it just like multiplies the drops but wait what did I just break iron ore gave me this block called the super healer click on it to instantly heal yourself no way if I literally right click that wait it takes away my extra Hearts though honestly I low-key wanted but I think if we break it we're gonna get something else I got a warped button from it and if I break that okay we got lilac which I'm gonna go and keep so we can break in a second oh another or right here I'm gonna break that a helmet oh yes there's more iron yo let's get a bunch of these superhero blocks and Copper's right here we get okay stupid shovel oh wait there's coal right here let me yo we get wait what is this mysterious ax negative 95 attack speed what is the point of that oh wait I actually can swing pretty fast wait does it work you could say this ax is pretty mysterious get it because this okay I'm Gonna Keep it just in case because it does do 12 attack damage our best weapon so far let's hook shot back to the surface oh in a birch tree what is this a crafting table oh my God I'm gonna get a bunch I'm gonna get a bunch of crafting tables Gamers crafting tables are arguably one of the best items because you never know what you're gonna get when you break something else and then wait what happens if I break the church I'm not Birch King so I honestly hate it but oh okay I'm at the sword see I'm telling you guys I literally hate birds however wait if we use this mysterious ax and then oh there you go we can oh we get a shield oh that's awesome how about the Tall Grass have we broken that okay wait we got a candle candles might drop really good stuff a diamond ax poppies drop and a right under right helmet is it better than oh dude yes it is there you go yo look at us wait I see liger down there what is he doing wait what he broke Bedrock little did I know lager was actually abusing a Bedrock glitch oh my God this guy's spying on me yo what are you looking at okay something is up liger I'm on to you how does he have the Bedrock oh my goodness wait he has a creative Apple no no no no this is sauce how did he break the wait I just what oh my God liger liger you sneaky son of a gun how did you know you could break bad Rock dude you added this you know this no I didn't know this wait don't tell anyone anything but every time you break bedrock you get it back and you get this creative app I know I have a stack you have a stack wait what does it do oh my God you get insane effects wait quiff is here now too I hope you didn't see the Bedrock Gamers we need to duplicate the Bedrock we just found a literal glitch in the mod yes these mods are custom by me for the most part but I didn't know it was gonna drop a creative apple and still give us the Bedrock what is this drop oh it drops more blocks we gotta just make sure quiff doesn't find out about the Bedrock glitch and then what does this give me oh insane boots okay I'm gonna end a pro away because yo yo yo yo yo there you go yeah yeah Gamers check this out if I literally break the bad Rock there you go do you get it we're still getting a creative mode Apple which gives us these insane effects strength 10 resistance 10 regeneration 10 Health boost 5 and yet it gives us Bedrock again oh my goodness okay okay hold up I think it's best if we literally just boom make our way back down and whoa wait drops were just randomized what is this oh no wait this could be a bad and a good thing an axel block wait what is this what the ew why is it slimy it's made out of I don't like that wait but what is iron drop now oh my goodness everything was literally just changed why what this could be a bad thing or a good thing and Loki makes everything more interesting okay wait Stone drops the axolot a block wait more importantly we're just the Bedrock drop now if I break it oh my God wait we got a creative carrot what the what the heck does this do oh my God okay it's not nearly as strong but it's still really good and we can still duplicate the Bedrock okay Gamers let's make our way all the way down to bedrock we need to there we go yes we're at Bedrock let's collect as much Bedrock as we can bro honestly wait we could just mind that better off and this low-key means oh my God there's the void yo we gotta be so careful right now Gamers the only bad part is that the creative apples are way better and Liker said he had a stack so I'm thinking what if we scam him I had an idea to scam liger out of his creative apples liger I see you what do you want from me man listen bro listen I I have a little bit of a trade offer I I yeah yeah you have a stack of those apples right you have these babies though you see these carrots are you willing to trade 25 of the carrots for your apples the full sound oh wait those are creative carrots yeah they're the same as the apples but they focus more on the region which I have like right regen is way better and you have 25 I'll give you 32. there are two creative apples that's cool bro let's go we have 36 creative apples we had like four before that idiot bro like these are literally more overpowered by far like I literally just liked it and it worked and I just realized since we literally have new drops what if we break the same stuff oh my God oh my God wait wait wait wait wait a log Shield that is way better than the regular shield literally everything that we broke drops oh we got dirt boots okay well that's not better wait how about dirt though what is dirt drop okay drops food which we don't really need because we have so many of these creative apples what do these things drop okay wait polish deep slate which drops what exactly okay another hook shot oh there's a bunch of new blocks here we still haven't broken Netherrack gives me pink glass stain which gives okay due to trash how about iron blocks what do iron drops break oh we got a new block foreign Coral thinking about Bob and that gives me okay we got some wool berries that gives me that boom I feel like we're on to something we got the lava chest plate oh my goodness wait that is way better yo let's go bro we honestly have pretty good armor I'm not gonna lie I don't think I've broken sand yet so if I break that oh dang I thought that was a water block for a second we got a big spawn egg hello and pop wait with the lava chest plate yo we put everything on fire oh this is gonna be such an easy death match or maybe not ooh there's some clay right here if I break that we get charcoal okay that's trash Oh and there's a village over there and a pearl oh please drop me something good cobblestone gives us sheered Oak block no maybe that'll drop something good oh my God wait someone has been at this Village okay well honestly that's fine because remember the drops did change I think they might change again and okay Diamond ax we don't need that how about mossy cobblestone oh my goodness shut the front door Gamers Gamers Gamers we got ourselves a TNT bow which I don't even think yeah it doesn't require anything I don't even know what happened here but all right what does hey give me oh yes the Ender ring I can teleport everywhere now let's go and please ring the bell that Bell sucked but the good Bell is the one you should hit or the channel notifications that was Shameless plug bionic he comes out of nowhere and just says those things oh cold sore don't really need that though there's no way quiff is cheating he has a full set of armor that gives 150 plus armor this was bad quiff arguably had the best weapon and best armor you could possibly get defeating him was gonna be really really hard to say the least okay well let's just hope he doesn't have creative apples and safa's butt booty naked that's cap he has stuff I know he does she looking at I'm Gonna Act homeless in the death match and wait for my perfect window to attack bro we're screwed if we don't get better stuff guys quiff literally is overpop oh my God I need to kill him right now hey you you're a little too close bro trying to kiss I even said kisses oh my stripped wood is actually giving me really good oh my goodness we just got an apple totem you guys know I'm literally not Birds gang at all but dude we need these Apple totems this is amazing this is actually amazing I actually like birds now and what death match in two minutes honestly I'm not even that scared we have 46 totems 53 baby I'm honestly ready and go go go oh my goodness okay the death match started honestly Gamers I'm just gonna teleport right up yes okay okay I see Seth he's literally naked what is he doing okay initiating plan a act homeless that's kind of sad can I just beat him with a pickaxe no one would ever kill a homeless wait what the South was slain by quiff what was that I hit him with a p what was he doing he had armor okay let's get him let's go let's get him let's get him let's get him yeah I'm doing good damage he's using the carrots peace out peace out buddy yeah yeah come on yes yes yes wait what where did he disappear to I see Cliff over there bro Cliff is literally cheating there's no way come on come on come on come on come on come on what he just hit me with a glass sword I know he has the Bedrock sword bro he's literally trolling right now oh my god dude that sword is so annoying hold on we can maybe kill liger liker's pants bro we have the totems bro I'm honestly not afraid come on come on let's get quick let's get quick let's get quick we can honestly just freaking spam click and yeah we can break his armor he thought he was indestructible huh yo we might actually win this he's fighting in these stupid nerds I can literally just one shot whoever's actually trolling but yo we broke his boots oh my God whoa whoa whoa oh my God yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he doesn't have a he just well let's get him oh my God what is happening he's literally dead he's literally dead these stupid Emerald Defenders bro leave me alone and wait quiff died to lager yes yes levels let's get them boys spam click come on come on oh my goodness bro I literally dude tiger hasn't even hit me once come on come on come on come on he's naked oh my God we're gonna win we're gonna win we got this we got this TNT bow come on hey come on hit him once yes come on come on come on let's hit him let's get him let's get him let's get him he's literally naked come on just die nerd oh my God teleport oh yeah no he keeps sending me upwards how is he not dead what he can actually survive without armor how is he so strong liger was taking my hits despite having Zero armor bro he's literally not dying all right I'll be right back boys I'm gonna go get a drink you ain't killing me oh you son of a wait is he gonna be APK he's that confident he's that confident in that case if I just mine him down wait we just break the pet around and then hello Mr liger bye bye he has no idea yo this is perfect oh my God he's surely gonna die eventually right or is he gonna forever be in the void foreign let's go baby
Channel: Bionic
Views: 5,375,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But All Drops Are Custom, minecraft but drops are custom, custom drops, random drops, minecraft mod, mod, minecraft mods, mods
Id: 90UvpM_u73o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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