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hello everyone and welcome back to the crazy Minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you guys something really cool now me and Mark are in the clay soldiers arenas and we're gonna be fighting soldiers two soldiers now it's not gonna be easy because today our first arena is an arena I think it's gonna be really cool mark are you ready to fight cuz I am huh what's going on mark hello Naveed your friends have demanded a rematch yeah guys it's true you guys commented in so many videos that you wanted to see a rematch so I think it's a good idea oh and so does mark I think that's an amazing idea get ready to lose loser hey Mark don't be so mean you're crazy well let's go see what Mark has and woo today he's fighting skeleton soldiers - he has loads of skeletons on horses with shields and armors and swords and everything ha mark you are crazy well let's go into creative mode and let's get started I think it's gonna be so cool so here we go inside our chairs we have loads of carrot soldiers which look a little bit like me like I'm a carrot man and we also have some blades some shields some armor and loads of blades rods and also a block of M boards you guys ready for this here we go there's spawn our soldiers and a few more and let's spawn their horses come on good look at the move um for their horses that is crazy and let's just go and chuck it in loads of blades and hopefully they can go ahead and equip them there you go good keep going guys you're doing amazing perfect get ready to win guys because this is gonna be so quick and good and perfect hah that's amazing well now's the time to go and see who's gonna win good luck mark guys who do you think is gonna win comment down below to be so cool to find out and three two one good wait for it Pickers one of mine take as a few of mugs come on skeletons versus soldier carrots Wow don't fight him in the middle did you guys see the lightning because some of them have those words like other ones alight no one of mine dehyde whoa this is gonna be so quick I think everyone is fighting right now good oh no I can see quite a few of my horses I have a feeling Marc is gonna win I see too many of my horses fighting I look fighting good keep building guys okay we'll see a few marks now few skeletons flying around crazy come on guys who's gonna win against these fighting yes we won that one okay there's still quite a few people fighting there no come on guys we can do this good almost there Oh No loads of Marc's ones okay mark are you been looking this is who's gonna win oh no only one at once you've minor left only one no mugs ones one look because he has loads left holiday dad take that take that yep blows left huh that's insane well mark well done you want the first one Schumi one into the next map now and we are ready for match number two which is gonna be in the ice skating rink and I can't wait mark are you ready for this I this is gonna be so cool wait mark has intamin soldiers now how did he manage that how did it get so mean little Entenmann's ha and the own lapis lazuli horses I think that is crazy well let's go check out our soldiers and see what we have because I think we're gonna get some cool ones here we go keep going keep going good and Oh pumpkin soldiers we have so sand horses let's get out all their weapons and armours there we go good and down we go come on perfect come on and let's pawn these guys good and good and now their horses and a few more horses and let's check in loads of their weapons good good good just checking everything come on quick this is so cool good good come on we can almost do it and I am ready to see them fight ha guys Houdini's gonna win this one I have a feeling it's gonna be mark again which I'm actually not really happy about and I would love to see my soldiers win because if not I just don't think I'll ever win well let's do this here we go three two one and here we go good wait for it wait for it guys okay oh here they go and because of the ice is a little bit slippy for the move whoa come on come on soldiers get out get out ha ah this is insane yes good we're doing good now keep going keep going wait it's already a few of mine dead uh-huh I can see a few of marks Taylor well this engine is dying it's traffic good you could have all fighting in one corner never kew hidden in there come on who's gonna win I'm just so happy to see so many of my soldiers around ok good good come on guys get out why these guys are they stuck or something ah-ha they were stuck oh that better not make me lose good come on better thanks ok keep going he's gonna win this one have a feeling it's gonna be mark again because I can see quite a few of my horses ok wait for it it seems quite even at the moment so I don't know who's gonna win mark tricky things gonna win what here you get a very good view actually oh no I'm a little bit nervous everyone's fighting this one Cornyn is on mark side ok we're getting close to see who's gonna win I can see so many of mine now that is so sad ok keep going I still think it's quite even I don't think there's a certain person who's gonna win mark you know you've been looking we're looking at okay we're getting close now oh this is insane ah guys who do you thinks gonna win I just can't decide from here this is just crazy ok doing well and this fight is going on forever as well I didn't actually expect it to go on for that long should we gonna collect a few stuff just so you can see easily good good good okay I can see that I've collected loads of mine so far I can't see any of marks up we're almost even oh no I've collected so many of mine okay keep going keep going keep going there we go perfect yes we're about even now good come on wait guys I think I might win I can see quite a few of mine still around come on no I better not die to mine just died at the city 3 no laughter - no no no no no I even have a guy not on a horse oh man no mark won again mud you guys are so strong should we just do one final one and whoever wins this one will pretty much win every single match we've ever done should we try another one I think we should well wait around guys for our next match we have the smallest map on the actual map itself look how small it is so this is gonna be perfect we have Mark's team which is a bunch of creepers on horses and we have my team which is a bunch of pretty much sand monsters on their sand horses and I am ready to fight here we go three two one good watch them go good good good well don't fight in the middle keep going Wow wait see the Tory stuff that is insane you're going yes I can see one of my soldiers dead already who's gonna win this fight smart goofy things gonna win I have a feeling I'm gonna win good come on okay I can see a few people forces good routine well so far okay this is insane this is gonna be so quick and is there anyone left wait you're a few people left everyone else ever get out come on guys get out get it I'll get out let's check marks side oh well let's open this up for them just in case you wanna get out good and pap x okay we're doing it well so far this is actually insane and I have a feeling I'm gonna win mark soldiers are dying so quickly here we go good you have like three games one over here and we have like a two against two over there as well come on don't lose a soldier on that fight come on guys you can do this come on this is so cool who's gonna win okay so I can see a few soldiers in here fighting but that's not okay come on and there's even like a fight inside the water whoa who's gonna win that here we go keep going keep going Oh give us this you no one on land almost and that fight is still going on come on guys we can win this okay and where where's everyone okay there's a girl and a horse over there well like jumping out the walls like dolphins okay keep going keep going I can see a few of Mars um I don't really know who's one I can't see anything guys get out the water come on huh okay hit this a few fights in there keep going whenever the noises stop I know someone's one and it better be me come on no I can see if you bugs this is gonna be so close okay there's a few of mine good keep going keep going and wait have bill finished oh I can see one of mine I could see two of mine I think I won guys i won that is so cool I can't believe I won that's my first match winning almost mark I want well does that mean I've won every single match wait are they still fighting I can't see anyone fighting so I'm not sure well mark well done I haven't feeling I won I'm not sure oh I think we're both winners so just because I won one match II think we should both win you did really well huh thank you mark you did as well yep guys I think we both won because mark won two matches I want to find a one so we did really well comment down below who you think won didn't call me a loser at the beginning so me winning one it makes me really happy so guys I will see you all soon at the crazy Minecraft video definitely comment down below and us to subscribe and I will see you soon and peace out you
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 4,801,862
Rating: 4.7232432 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, skeleton, mod, mc, naveed, battle, mods, minecraft skeleton mod, skeleton mod, minecraft mc naveed, minecraft battle, minecraft mods, mods minecraft, skeleton minecraft, skeleton mod minecraft, battle minecraft, mc naveed, mcnaveed, minecraft wars
Id: cJv5qukWOBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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