Minecraft Babies CHEAT And Don't Get CAUGHT!

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me and my friends become adorable babies in Minecraft to play hide and seek and our babysitter is the seeker will do they know we have insane hiding spots some that even cheat the game will our hiding spots win us the game or will we drive the seeker in state Oh baby sitter watching the baby I will have you know that I am a very very good babysitter and the best seeker in hide-and-seek what no way don't believe her guys don't believe her lies I've seen you sit on a single baby since I got here and babies won't even know what elder me Wow all right adults how about you go and get some coffee and count down so we can go high okay well I'll just have you know that I wanted coffee and I'm doing it because I wanted to do a decaf okay all right okay yes I watch this watch this watch this watch all right come on guys come on no never fight Oh oh she's got me oh no that doesn't sound like decaf where are you babies at yeah we're good for babies that were hungry babies only I just realize I'm allergic to wood I underestimated you babies where are you guys give me a hint give me a hint you're smarter than I thought yeah tell you what we'll give you a little hint you ready okay yeah yeah I'm ready to have this really great blue visible button here that'll off though do yes you can't swim in lava baby okay you can't fight you're not gonna get up here you don't know how to get up your trust me like a little for orange okay give me a headline read skills we kind of flew up here so you're going to tell me that you poo on this little toy helicopter yeah we did we did but I have a ball up here why don't you come down in show me no no no there are no too easy and we figured it out no I can't do it like that my independence well well okay the turbines babysitter thank you I am now in charge of all three of you making sure you stay right here yeah I got a brand new game you know you know what it's called oh my god you guys are so excited for this it's called I'm sealing you in so you can't escape VN that's the game that's the whole game your role is a very important one here your role is to not so I'll see you guys later have fun okay Shh I have the best way to get out of here at you guys ready because obviously he's a big dirty head so sorry I know my language why I have a secret way to gain you so you could get any much fam I'm the best babysitter God so good if you make adorable minecraft babies be sure to leave a like maybe subscribe thanks Noah go alright alright so annoying I know you don't know come over here babe get in there either say like nice he's a little snack and you're gonna be gold you're gonna be the full course meal still go in there oh I'm a full course go get inside kids I go all right kids you know I felt bad about locking you in here so I figured I'd bring you some nice there's a nice hot chocolate chip okay I'll see you guys for years all right this one house left and I'm determined to find you guys so I can finally get my tips that I so gratefully deserve for babysitting you three crazies yeah and we hide and seek no I promised to play a new game with you which was called encase babies in glass know what be - I've been working up an appetite by looking for you like taking ten minutes look for you guys that's been alive yeah go have a nice snack okay yeah I mean there's this looks pretty appetizing Bechet back means oh well you know what maybe the fridge has some nice snacks for me today here we go all right where do you store potatoes in a kitchen oh is that little potato foot see before I forget all right guys now you're all safe and sound nothing bad can happen to you at all and it's gonna be your nap time but I'll tell you if you guys are really good I'll give you something special like a cookie you're good guys let me get some more in the car so you be good and I'll be back in just a moment okay I was trying to babysitter [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how do I get to you oh no oh no oh no don't figured out all right now none of you good cookies until after your nap time Matt Lee tell our adorable little babies you know what time it is it's time to play some hide and seek that's right it's you hide and seek all right now we know makes extreme what's better it's better than cookies it's better than it's better than potatoes it's better than what it's better it's better than cookie filled potatoes exact sounds gross yes great brighter is money money money I know you don't have a trust this is the best all right cuz you can buy the houses of cookies you can buy toys you can buy a Ferrari but you can't actually read about my question yeah no yes can you eat the money I mean you guys can do anything you set your mind to hey everybody my count to 15 and if I find you you don't get the money but if I don't find you you get the money all right so you have 15 seconds go okay you guys ever got money before no and if you know what it tastes like eat this money guys it's important babies in the fire no no babies in the fire all right it's good fairies in the fire we disappear like the fast of the furious yeah oh man I really uh really need to get to take a shower where the better the snow piling for decor I wish we had some rubber duckies can you pass them to me please so mortgage they'll ever duckies backward all right well I guess these babies are there something wait a minute you guys hide together like birds of a feather so I know someone else is still in here are you inside piers are you sure you counted the right number of babies I'm pretty sure you already have three count all right I don't know what counting is you evade her you're sharing the money with us no you know Wow knows how to count oh there's a baby in the toilet oh my god [Applause] anybody want my toilet cookies follow me this we have the best place all right right so there's two peanut butter on it no oh you babies have had enough I am gonna find you and I'm gonna make you eat your vegetables oh my god I'm so scared oh my god there's some vegetables like potato chips alright guys it's getting the Ferrari I do I do I do babysitter I help you really just still like still like car keys it is just finally paid it off and I'm really excited about it and it would just break my heart if it got destroyed we'll take good care of it drive safely and at a hundred miles an hour okay alright where are you wait a minute baby's in the car [Laughter] [Music] two babies where's the third one oh ye you'll never catch me oh my god no pop hey hey no what do you got for me huh [Applause] [Applause] oh the water the link the light come on life you're welcome
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 12,085,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby hide and seek, minecraft aphmau, hide and seek in minecraft, the best places to hide in minecraft, hide and seek aphmau, tiny hide and seek, baby pranks aphmau, hide and seek pranks, secret hiding spots in minecraft, minecraft challenges, extreme hide and seek in minecraft, minecraft funny moments aphmau, hiding in minecraft as a baby, minecraft no swears, hide, seek, trick your friends in hide and seek, minecraft mini games, camo pranks in minecraft
Id: 4fHYXZo7OX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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