Minecraft 1.16 Survival : Building City Walls & NETHER WORK

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so hello hello hello hello hello hello how are we doing today folks great to see you all out here how's it going happy happy wednesday happy wednesday stream good to see y'all in here i see we got lord warhawk we've got amanda we have milk always always get milk build strong bones uh we have bella lala sky cap what's going on oreo what's up jam how you doing ella lilly lovely played a game sky cap by everybody uh waffle oreo uh nut uh baron everybody hi everybody how we doing good to see y'all out here today it's another stream i um i have been building interiors because i made a promise to you all that if we somehow i put it at 8 000 likes i don't know why i did that number um that i would do the interiors for every single room in the entire mansion at this point i finished them all we're not going to look at them on today on stream but i started working that on them at noon yesterday uh or no two yesterday after i got off among us when i was playing with everybody i wasn't streaming i was just hanging uh after that i decided that i would start building the interiors and i did that until about eight or nine o'clock last night and then i woke up this morning at eight and [Music] it's uh it's now one pm and i just finished the last one 20 minutes ago i don't even know how long that is but it's a long time but they're all done if you want an exclusive preview i put one in a youtube post uh tommy boy thank you so very much for the gift sub dude i appreciate that thank you very much dubs is working on a car right now ooh very cool man very cool the lies lies what what the lies can't wait to see the videos yeah it should be out tomorrow i mean i'm all done with them i just got to finish the final things on top of it so it's it's good long time a lot of work done i do hope you all enjoyed it i tried i tried to summarize how i build interiors into a set of rules that you could follow as you go through the steps so hopefully the video is one cool and it's two is helpful for people to build their own interiors that's my that's that's my hope i've been on all the smoke and stuff it's been it's been better i went out this morning and for the last few days i was only taking coda like a block or maybe two blocks and then uh done with that and then come home and this morning we went about five six blocks because it rained a lot it rained last night and rained the night before and so that's much it's a lot better since the rain here but it's it's still been a little bit it's still been a little rough in oregon it's been bad yeah i'm sure man i'm sure oregon seems rough uh but yeah so it's been a lot better up here but we it's it's it seems to be getting better it's supposed to be cooling down and everything like that so as we're going it's going to be good i'm i'm looking forward for the weather to improve and i'm also looking for fall to step in here uh when you actually do interiors they're also good but you seem to have an allergic reaction actually doing them they take so long building interiors in survival mode is one of the worst things to do for in my opinion like i can i can do like a small house like a small house in in survival mode all that stuff that's fine we can do that it's okay we can get that stuff done it's just like one room maybe a small little kitchen area maybe it's something over here got a tiny bedroom and that's that's cool and all those are great done do that great put some barrels around the place turn it into a storage room also that just looks nice and then you get into the big decorative interiors like the one i'm doing right now that is just massive and it was too much it's too much i need to i need to do like i'll do a half of this episode half the next episode is what i should have done but then i decided to spend 13 hours building interiors and now i'm out of stuff so what we're going to be doing today folks to get ourselves started here is first and foremost jumping into the minecrafts where we are going to go gather up some jungle wood because i am straight out of jungle wood and so i want to do that and then off of that we're going to jump over into working on the walls and everything like that yeah so all of those are done you your your previews can be looking through the windows you can see a few things through the windows but yeah after we do that uh because i've been doing a lot of stuff we've been exploding the nether i can make you um i can make um the art make i don't know i'll give you all an update right now what we've got going on in the nether uh over here is what we're gonna be working on today my hope is that we can finish all of this stuff today all the way along there and then maybe get a few of the top towers on them as well because that's just dark oak and spruce wood which i have thousands of pieces of dark oak log that i'm just sitting on or if we need more we can start chopping this stuff down so first and foremost we're gonna go get some jungle wood um and then we'll continue working on the wall and everything like that but we just gotta chop down a few uh no more layered cake now we're gonna fix that today we're gonna fix that but also um i think it was fire ice wizard if i i believe if you're here in chat you feel free to say something but they sent me over a texture back change for iron bars so we have 3d iron bars in the texture pack i'm not sure on them yet i'm not hooked on them but i'm i'm gonna keep them for now and see how i enjoy them so we're gonna see those those are a thing right now i don't know if i'm actually hooked on them yet you're gonna put locks on the canal because that's really exciting so i don't know if we'll put like locks or anything like that like i don't think we need like harbor walls or anything in there maybe on the outside but it's not really meant to be a place that's like open or it's not it's meant to be like sea water it's not meant to be fresh water type stuff but yeah i've been afk for quite a while now uh doing different stuff and just kind of hanging in here and cleaning up the lava as it goes and uh here's a here's a little bit of a glimpse when we left last time we logged out right here we left last time on monday right there and this is what we've done so far this is what i've cleared out so far you can start to see a lot of where the netherite is or the ancient debris is like sitting in the sky because i didn't clean any of it up but everything basically like take a line right here and i've done the rest of that it took like five hours so i'm really glad i didn't save it for us to sit here on stream and do it i'm just gonna kind of keep doing it as i go and get some time done uh so we might jump in here later and do some gather up the ancient debris and do like an hour on it today maybe so the plan is just to take this all the way across i don't think i'm getting rid of the lava at the bottom i think we'll build over the top of it at this point because that's that would be terrible to clear out this is the same energy as i did some mining off cam except you can actually see the explosions and this thing just went over here and oh my god it was awful it was so time consuming and when i would get bored of interiors like when i needed a break from doing the interiors everybody i would come over here and be like all right i'm gonna let it go back and forth four times so when i needed a mental break from building in tears i came in here and exploded the nether and expressed my frustrations by blowing up thousands of blocks of netherrite or netherrack whatever we want to call it and uh it i think it i think it was a good way of blowing off some steam uh but we can see down here there's still some ancient debris sitting around here because i didn't gather up any of that i figured i'd save that for streams oh yeah so we got like two right down there we got one right there there's four uh there's a few more pockets that i know there's oh there's five uh so there's at least five down in there right now that we can get and i know there's like a double or something right down in this point too that i saw yeah it's looking that's where we're at that's that's where the nether's at today why are you exploring another i'm building another hub in here and i wanted to do something stupidly big i don't know why um but that's that's where we're at all right i'm gonna turn this color protection filter off and unfortunately because i was not a smart man i never hooked up the um land nice i never hooked up the nether hub to get me back to the jungle no no i did i did i did i did oh back over here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i know where we can go i was hanging out with the family on friday it was really nice it was really really fun it was good to see my brother he i hadn't seen him in uh about three months he was working on a boat up in alaska doing tours and like cruises and like basically working on a uh like a single family cruise ship like a yacht um and so he did that all summer so i didn't see him for a long time so it's nice to hang with him for a bit how do you run out of jungle wood uh you will see in the video tomorrow uh i use i use a lot of jungle wood on interiors i really like the color of strip jungle log especially for interiors i think it's a great texture for like the inside of a wall we'll keep that magma cream because apparently i need a lot of it uh but if we run all the way over here there should somewhere yeah if we follow this rail i believe this will take us down here and then we just go straight i think i think i think it's like right over here right because we tried bringing that panda back with us that once way long ago so yeah there it is perfect sweet you watch jimmy's stream i didn't catch all of it i saw some of it i saw in the x-live discord uh a conversation about what happened um i would say i for the people who were there and saw it cool congrats uh don't talk about it in this chat here because i am 100 sure he knowing jimmy he will put that into a video somehow uh so don't spoil it for everybody okay so if you saw jimmy's stream earlier please uh i know it's super funny and it's the talk of the town right now but uh no need to spoil it okay next x live stream i maybe later this week or next week or something like that i've been i just i'm having so much fun working on this world that i'm just like not really wanting to stream anything else uh i'm gonna be on x life literally all day tomorrow finishing joey's castle though because we got that project started which is fantastic finally to be doing that so i'm gonna be doing that stuff all day tomorrow so i think i'm gonna be a little ex-lifed out for a bit uh as far as doing a stream on friday so maybe next week but don't hold me to it i'm having way too much fun in here and i really want to keep working on these projects i've been loving building with whip streams i'm i'm glad i i'm really happy to see how many people have been like because i was for a while there when i was doing the x life streams like people would show up for x live streams and then i'd be doing these and like viewership was like thirty percent lower um jtn uh i actually don't know how to say jtmx thanks for the raid dude i appreciate that welcome on in folks uh but yeah so it's been cool seeing the viewership and everything like that picking back up for these streams which is really cool this has kind of been my pride and joy of my youtube careers this world here so it's uh it's been nice to be able to focus on it a little bit more i'm really not good about sharing responsibilities and trading back and forth between things i'm very much very much am the type of youtuber who just goes all in on one thing for a while and then swaps back to something else and right now the all-in thing is this is this series i'm just having so much fun on it i'm gonna obviously continue x life because i have a lot of fun on there too but i'm just so inspired to be working in this place diesel brothers is the biggest fan anybody want to contest that diesel brother says they are the biggest fans any other biggest fans out there jt and vex raid oh it's oh jt and max that that makes a lot more sense for what i was trying so what's the plan for the day uh we're gonna be gathering a bunch of jungle woods we're going to uh a wedding here at uh like end of next month pretty much um and girlfriend's dress just got here for it so she's very excited we need to sleep as well yeah the gf whip no idea how that one got started but that's what stuck oh how what the heck how am i out here i do not know but yeah so we're going to gather some jungle wood real fast folks because i need to i need to uh get a lot of this stuff so i can actually have everything and then so i can build more because i need to build more and then we're going to be diving over to working on some of those city walls because i want to try and finish those up today so a little bit of resource gathering i know i've been we haven't been doing much resource gathering on the streams so doing a little bit tonight but i'm starting to run low on a few things i have like a billion netherrack and cobblestone and all that but i'm starting to run low on some of these more precious things hi queen chloe thank you so very much for the tier one sub i appreciate that thank you thank you thank you imagine not being subscribed to flip on youtube imagine how could you actually i'm always interested to know like people who watch the twitch streams but don't know that like i did youtube or like started here first because i feel like for me it's always like oh it's people from my youtube audience who also want to see me do live streams they come over to twitch but i know that there's obviously some people who find me through twitch first but thank you so very much again chloe i really do appreciate that what since when can you place beds on one block uh i don't know i think a long time i don't know is there a there is a log there's a log we're going up this tree officially patreon supporter and twitch club sub thank you for all the support enjoy all the emotes and everything two castles what will there be another castle in the port city uh there's gonna be like a palace there will be a palace type build in the port city i don't know if there's going to be another full-on castle because i i don't want to castle the area out i don't want the port city to just look like oh here's five castles with some houses in between that just doesn't feel right to me so we're gonna do like a big grand palace structure which will look very castley uh but outside of that there's no big plans to do anything hi goodbye okay i guess we had a friend alright i'm so lost guys i've completely missed notifications for this series i mean we're just gathering some some jungle wood right now we're not building anything out here just gathering up some stuff and then we will uh we'll jump back over to the city soon and do some more stuff but i'm being called right now folks i'll be right back with you all right we back sorry about that folks we're back we're back i had to go be a photographer it looks fantastic saved by that chair all right let's get back in here and uh chop up some more trees very very important things are happening here very very important things we build some cool cyberpunk stuff in this world probably not this world uh i'm not writing it off for something else though honestly with like all the stuff that we have in x-life i thought like a futuristic thing could be kind of fun to do i just need to find a good excuse to do a futuristic build so we'll we'll see future because like x-life would be so much easier like a million times easier to do something futuristic looking because if we if we use like the wallpaper craft stuff there's so many more textures and colors to work with than just concrete and it's also a billion times easier to make than making concrete so like that for me i'm like that could be kind of easy to do a futuristic thing like i i wouldn't hate that how about a sky city i don't really want to do a um i have a i have a weird thing against floating cities in minecraft i think they look real i'm trying to see if there's logs in here i think floating cities in minecraft they have to be over an ocean or it just looks off i don't like that you can build a floating city all the way up in the sky and insulate the land below it it's just dark uninhabitable and it's just gross like it just it doesn't it doesn't work floating cities in minecraft just because they make everything mob spawnable below it to me is a massive turn off from trying to do one uh but alex thanks so much for the four months dude i appreciate that four months already indeed thank you so very much i appreciate that are you using the yeah fire ice uh wizard we were showing that off earlier i'm using it right now i'm liking it so far i just gotta i think i gotta play with it more to make a full decision but it looks really cool thanks for sending that over man i appreciate it there we go there's that and we can keep going upwards been subbed to youtube for over a year now you've quickly become my favorite minecraft youtuber it's in the progress on this one all the things you've done and got it they're still around hey adam i think so much dude i'm glad you've been enjoying it it's been a lot of fun to work on as well i kind of want to go back and like do like uh i'm almost thinking about doing like a weird video of like a reacting to my first building with whip video or something like that just maybe if i need a pillar video eventually just being like how different is it now like how different is it i actually don't know what color the ten hearts are in next life i couldn't tell you yeah i just i literally just don't remember i keep forgetting the log i keep forgetting been here since papyrus that's that's the very beginning papyrus was the very very first one so if you've been subbed for uh over 300 episodes anyone but k been kicked for max life yet nope uh i see a creeper over here [Music] some people are getting uh dangerously close to being kicked off though with their their lives now uh there's a there are some people dropping like flies us these past two weeks there's been a lot of deaths on the server which has been kind of cool to see it not that i'm like everybody needs to die but it's it's cool seeing the series like moving forward at like a crazy rate right now it'll be cool to see like what people come up with but it'll be it'll be fun been here since bleak rock awesome awesome awesome that was a fun one that was my first big build i did in this world i guess we kind of did like the mob farm back in papyrus like with the palace above it but i feel like that was kind of like not that insane especially considering what it held underneath it so if we take all that into account like factor in the time digging building the mob farm and all that like that was pretty big build but i feel like bleak rock was just you can't even compare so much bigger what are your plans for the upcoming x-life videos um probably finishing joey's castle since we started that last time uh we're doing that i've got a game that i'm working on so we've got a new game coming i need a i need to reach out to my redstone expertise friends who can teach me how to do things because i need to set up a redstone circuit that i don't know how to do i know what i want it to do i just don't know how to make it do what i want it to do so after i get that figured out and get all that stuff sorted is i'll have a new game coming on x-life which would be great i'm super excited for it i think it'd be really really fun yeah that's that's kind of the plan over there on all that stuff and then yeah that's that's where it's going right now and then um after that probably starting a new project well definitely start a new project just need to get around to doing it i'm kind of done with my base on x-life right now like i feel like there's things that we could just mess around with and do and mix things up every once in a while and like go back and be like hey i never really did this but i feel like for me i need to start taking a break from the base and just doing something new like a lot of the stuff that i've been doing that's outside of the base working on other people's stuff or helping out or doing stuff around spawn or whatever it might be like that's been a lot more fun so i think i'll start doing more stuff like that because i've kind of finished my base right now i think i might be worse at redstone that's not good then vertical slabs or horizontal fences plus horizontal walls uh out of all those uh probably vertical slabs because i don't know where i would use horizontal fences or horizontal walls that would require those i think overall i want to have walls of like the wood textures i want to have like walls that are like like a jungle log wall would be a great texture to have in my opinion or a great block to have would be like jungle wood walls oak wood walls spruce wood walls and like all those that would just be amazing that would be i would be so so happy with that chat is popping today and i am struggling to keep up with got my energy drink going over here but it is not kicking in yet uh season one season two and season three of building north whip are all the same world so building with whip has all been done in the same world i've been working on it since 1.12 snapshots and it is at where it's at today so we've been in here for a good while all right we need six more stacks weirdly exactly we finished a stack on that okay hi i'm new to stream welcome my name frog what's the jungle wood for uh mostly just to have as reserves because i used all of mine uh i've been doing a lot of interior decorating for the mansion for a video coming out tomorrow and i used a lot of jungle wood and i actually ran out i've been really enjoying jungle trap doors recently since i changed all the jungle wood textures back over to being this color like that color because i had turned them green i changed them back over and i was like wait this is a great excuse to use them like i'm really excited so i've been taking it as a let's go use this block again so it's been fun starting a permanent world like this one i got a few videos on that if like how to stay inspired in your minecraft world it's the big thing the big thing i can say is if you want to stay in one world and you want to keep working on one world is you got to find goals to work for other than getting diamond gear getting netherright gear getting to the end killing the under dragon setting up your base like you need to do things other than that so you got to find what in the what in minecraft you enjoy and what you want to do outside of that stuff um then the um then just the typical minecraft progression if you want to play in one world for the entire time you're playing minecraft you want to get something kind of like what i've set up here is you got to find a way to make that more interesting for yourself you got to find a way to be like oh i really like all this stuff like this is what i really enjoy doing in minecraft and for me it's like i like building so i keep building and all that stuff if you like to do redstone i don't know why you're watching this channel but i don't know how i could help you there but like do redstone projects don't just build like the omega gold farm of doom and whatever that gives you a 100 billion gold per hour build like a smaller one that'll just help you at the time right there and then you're like okay i met that need now i need some more iron so let's make an iron farm but build like the basic iron farm and then slowly work your way up to having these big big farms these huge things that you just like you don't build those straight away because you might spend hours upon hours building those first ones but then you're never going to need to upgrade it you're never going to need to tweak it so do things that will kind of keep you having new projects and things like that going forwards just having something new to do that would be like i know you're saying iskall right there like that guy they play hermitcraft because they're like progressing story lines and things like that they're not playing hermitcraft isn't really about like the i guess creation of like their own stuff it's about the whole world around it uh maddie thank you so very much for this for the the raid that's the word uh welcome on in folks how's it going good to see y'all welcome welcome welcome i appreciate the raid thank you thank you thank you how was the stream today we all playing among us still murdering people in space or uh what are we up to uh when you're gonna finish joey's queen of hearts house uh i'm not i'm not building him the castle i'm gonna do in the next episode hopefully it'll be done by the weekend got somebody projects to work on a new city with venice european themed that's a lot of different themes in there sounds like good good project though any ideas for a long bridge take a normal bridge and just stretch it out a bunch uh we were playing ooblecks having dance-offs i've i've heard of that game i think i saw scott playing it a while ago i haven't checked it out myself but it looks entertaining looks really entertaining all right how many more stacks we need we need we need six okay we need two more stacks uh where are jungle trees i'm losing them i feel like i need to be getting all these saplings as well because i am not i've kind of just left them all on the ground i just kind of left them to do their own thing and just despawn i found that logically geekboy simply minecraft series is really cool for building simple farms yeah logic's got great great series of that stuff he's he does a good job of making redstone understandable he's my um if i ever get stuck on redstone projects where i'm just like i can't figure out how to make this work i'm trying usually i ping logic and i say logic please help me i need i need you logic you're my only hope and then he usually helps eventually super cute very wholesome just so i need today awesome that's really cool i feel like it's um because you're trying to like repair a village right inside of uh the ubletz game like it's about like trying to repair a village it feels very like not very but aren't you like trying to have you have a farm and a little house and everything like that feels kind of like stardewish but with dance offs and everything that's what i that's when i first heard about it i thought of i think if i'm remembering it correctly stonewolf thanks so very much for the 11 months dude thank you thank you thank you that's awesome what's my favorite color i like like a good like royal purple recently i'm more oranges oranges and light blues as well i've been really liking but i think my classic all-time favorite color is like anybody's played warcraft 3 uh there's the the team color for purple maybe i think it's like team four or something like that that that right there that shade of purple is like my favorite one of all time it's just such a good color i'm looking forward to a simply simple minecraft creeper farm by logic yeah we'll see if that happens if he makes that i will build that well you collected jungle wood for i completely ran out of the stuff i was doing a lot of interior work for the mansion got all that stuff done and they're all done now but i went through about nine or ten stacks of jungle wood in the process of doing all of it so i kind of um i needed to restock because i realized i use a lot of jungle wood when i'm building doing interiors of builds so if i apparently uh depending on how the video is received if everybody really enjoys it i'll do more interior work stuff um so yeah that's kind of uh that's kind of where we're going but yeah yeah you grow ooblecks which are kind of like pokemon which you battle through having dance offs to win seeds for new ooblets to plant you could i like how you have to grow the ooblets that's awesome grow their crops have milk taster brother town oh very cool that might be i feel like that'd be like a perfect like off stream game for me just something to just chill and like hang for an evening be like you know what i'm gonna go far in some ooblets feels weird saying that but i'm gonna go farm some movelets interior of magic castle when probably never i'm on my single player world today building with wheat if weep if it says minecraft 116 survival and the header or the twitch title that's right single player world if we're if basically right now if it doesn't say x life it's on this world when you record videos of world of warcraft um i didn't want to make i don't want to make videos on wow wow it's a fun game that i enjoy relaxing with i might stream a little bit of it when the new expansion releases just kind of hang for a while but it's never something that i've wanted to create content on if that makes sense i like leaving i like leaving some of the games i play as not as not stream games if that makes sense like i i enjoy gaming i enjoy being a content creator but there's definitely times where i like to play games and not be a content creator if that makes sense so for me wow is a big one for that especially because i play that with all of my buddies from college and whatnot so yeah it's like it's my break it's my break from recording and being an entertainer and everything and so i'm usually hanging out with buddies in a discord call and just chatting with them and messing around and everything like that content creators aren't legally allowed to sleep so maybe it's a good choice yeah exactly hello nether there we go now it's loading okay we got that that's all the jungle would we need let's head on home but yeah i might i might don't hold me to it when the new expansion releases i might stream um leveling the first stuff i've been talking to scott about it because scott and i have been playing wow together jimmy plays with us every once in a while catherine's been playing with us every once in a while um and so who knows we might do like a joint stream hang out all of us and level in world warcraft and the the new expansion release is in like a month hey i've heard these things are pretty deadly right magma slimes magma cubes pretty deadly who would die to these fun fact magma cubes these guys have killed me more than uh creepers inside of this world i've died to magma cubes more than i've died to creepers and that's pretty sad usually it's getting out of another portal and there's one on the other side that's just trapped [Music] usually it's like i'll leave the nether and go somewhere and then i'm just trapped with all of them huh we're getting him we're getting him huh oh we don't even need to get him he got himself goodbye buddy oh i think he's bouncing off that way welcome to the nether folks hate magma cubes they're evil slimes i didn't know slimes were good yeah if you get stuck against a wall with a magma cube it's all over that's it that is eat okay update the resource pack uh check the curseforge page dude it was updated last week with everything except the new iron bars yeah i i heard about david don't spoil it here in chat i'ma go get some water real fast folks i'll be right with you brbs [Music] all right short chair stream sorry about that folks okay what should we name the chair it's just chair it's mr chair all right we ready we're ready uh if you know if you know what david is in relation to please do not spoil it for everybody uh watch jimmy's channel in the next few days and you will figure out what's going on there yeah for everybody who didn't tune in this is uh this is the update on the nether hub i've been doing a lot of afk just letting it go uh and currently it's exploded that much which is just a little bit of stuff what's this resource pack called the do exclamation point texture pack here in uh in chat and you'll get a link to the cursed forget nice nailed it wrong portal it's fine texture pack not resource pack elytra expert the expert flyer [Music] rapist no i still hit i still hit the wall who's jimmy uh solidarity gaming he's a youtuber i play with on x-life he's a cool dude he's a good dude all right i'm new you're from the us i just found you on twitch three days ago and i've seen like eight streams hopefully those are old streams otherwise somebody's been streaming on my channel oh by the way here's your spoiler for the day everybody for everybody who's hung out in here you get a free spoiler look at this i finished the other half of the inn look how cute this is do a face reveal peek-a-boo oh my gosh there we go look at i why i gotta like fix this something's up with my microphone arm and it's like keeps falling um but look at this thing i love it it turned out really good now that feels like way in my face we're gonna go we're going like that basically where it was there we go uh plushie thanks so very much for the raid i appreciate that so many raids today welcome on in folks i appreciate that welcome welcome welcome three of them i know how's it going everybody yeah so i just finished this up uh the video will be out with a little time lapse of this build tomorrow but check this area back here oh i was like this or another one no it's a just a double notification thank you so very much again plushie i appreciate it we've got this back here and these things the little weeping vines or crimson vines whatever they're called what the i don't i don't those those little red thingies the little red vines uh they're they're really cool i love using them as like a little bit of like a hanging fruit on the bottom of these things so i made this whole area down here got a few little crops over here and they're so cool i just they just work so well just do one high a lot of people said they look like almost like a chili pepper or something like a little tiny chili pepper hanging down here i thought it was cool so it's uh oh i think i broke that so i've been using those things like crazy the only problem is you have to put string below them so they don't grow but yeah it's it's pretty good it's pretty good if you had to pick one of your youtube friends who do you pick to help you out in a zombie apocalypse i feel like if i had to pick one i feel like somehow scott would know what to do something tells me scott would know what to do all right uh we need to get some cobblestone and what we're gonna be doing now for everybody who's just joined in we've been uh gathering up a bunch of stuff today we got a bunch of jungle wood uh because i was running low on the stuff and now we're headed off to do some wall building it's just kind of a do-it-all day i did a lot of exploding things in the nether they lost stuff around the base for the world i don't think i even have a traditional base in this place i'll be honest i got this shirt at target for like ten dollars uh 15 in college and i just needed a t-shirt for like an event or something i'd like i know i i listen to the red hot chili peppers every once in a while but i'm not just like i'm not like super into them uh no this is not the x-life server this is my single-player world i like to i've been really hooked on streaming and building in my single player world so this one's just a vanilla survival world where i do a lot of stupid insane stuff um why i pick these projects i don't know but i do and oh we need jungle wood or oak wood sorry that we can fly so yeah not x-life today probably i i gotta i'll be on the x-life server all day tomorrow so i figured i need a break today yeah this one i'm building up a giant city it's all survival mode just doing a lot of crazy stuff over in here fov is so low it's not it's not normal dude what do you want i can't play above 70. single player what i know single player wow who would play in single player mode all right we need that i think that's gonna be it so the plan is right now is i've been working on creating the wall going around the city eventually this will all be city as well and we've been doing this section bringing out all the way around here and the place that we've been working on is this bit right over here why it's so framey i don't know but it is so the plan for today is i wanted to extend this stuff out i wanted to get it working all the way over there but i think please get me out of here that's that's a danger area uh we need white concrete but why is my world what is causing my my game is going so slow right now something must be going in the background why what the heck chrome is using 60 of my cpu right now chrome what are you doing why i literally just have one tab open it's my twitch stream manager tab that should not be using 60 of my cpu okay let's close that down for now that's fine chrome is bad chrome is great outside of this or do i have white concrete in here we that's not enough we need to go make some more white concrete okay good thing we harvested a bunch of sand uh and then we get the cobble over here let's uh we're gonna do a little bit of a flight everybody a little bit of a flight every channel and i set aside time to watch every day but today i got stupid math homework uh two plus two is three just and just do that on every don't do that don't no you should do your homework homework do homework good good doing homework what have you done so far today uh we gather up the shulker box of jungle log quick mass hey all i said was the math was quick not that it was correct it's really fast a bunch you know like an hour of on stream of you collecting sand yeah we got a bunch of sand a bunch of sand school doesn't give homer that's kind of nice i have to write a poem and i don't wanna that could be the start of your poem that could be the first line of your poem somehow find a way to work that into the poem crow my goals are beyond your understanding no we just don't need it chrome we just don't need it all right what do we got down here let's go put this magma cream away because we need that stuff because you all told me it's uh there we go yeah we got we got a good amount of it i'm stocking up i'm stocking up do i have any food that i can nap those are raw empty empty why i have this many chests dedicated down to food and they're all empty oh we have some cooked cod we could take some cod with us but we needed white concrete right right yeah okay why nothing nothing nothing nothing okay start school tomorrow it seems really late i thought this was among us this is a very very sneaky among us game over here we are obviously the imposter and nobody will know because we're actually just playing minecraft that's it that's that's how you win who doesn't have a chest for food only yeah the problem is is i don't just have a chest for food only i have nine 18 plus six quick masks 24 double chests for food that are basically all empty that's where i went wrong this storage room is really really not good i want to build a new storage room i'll be honest i really want to make a new storage room i do not like this one at all like this one to me is just so bad [Music] oh i need i need 32 more white it's just so so poorly designed i think i could improve it if we wanted to like if we if i wanted to we could fix this entire thing and not build a new one but i also kind of want to build an automated one love to be a youtuber someday do you have any tips [Music] make videos because you want to make videos and share what you have with other people is big tip number one uh and don't expect to go full time out of being out of making videos it's gonna be a grind it took me four years to get to the point where i could go full time on youtube and i was very lucky so if you uh if you want to do it you have to be willing to commit four years and that was four years of working college etc work i worked a full-time job outside of doing youtube videos for two and a half years of the four years that i did it and built it into what it is today and now no yeah i guess four years will be um uh next week is actually my one year anniversary of being a full-time content creator so that's pretty cool what degree do you have i got a degree in human resources for like business management and then i got a minor in computer science books and game design so you ever lose motivation to build or play on a certain world all the time i i'm a little down in the dumps on motivation right now to be working on x life to be honest i'm like i don't want to leave x life or anything like that but i'm just like i would rather work in this world than work on x life right now which is kind of why the videos over there been a little slow out because i don't want to force them but i'm i'm working on a few things that'll come back with some new fun styles of new stuff to do so should be good uh before i did youtube i worked in it um i pretty much held consistent with two to three uploads per week uh uh before i went full time but the amount of time i put in each episode i limited myself to two hours per video it's only been post going full time that i do the insanities of what i'm doing in these videos uh previously i was like all right we're building this one house or i did a lot more creative videos because it was those were so much faster i didn't have to build or gather anything i could just jump in there and make something for a quick time lapse and do those so i did a lot of those types of things i did a lot of concept videos and stuff like that and it was mostly on my single player world and doing um like creative videos uh i tried a few times joining smp servers and it just never worked i felt like i was in single player because the hours that i played nobody else was playing so it just did not work out well youtube is one of those careers you gotta deal with a lot of stuff and no recognition for a while until success oh until the chance of success that's the big part of it is just because you're being a youtuber doesn't mean just because you're uploading videos does not mean that you will become a full-time youtuber that's just the truth of it the fact that i got to hear shows that i worked my butt off and i also got really lucky i for me a lot of people who are full-time youtubers say that like uh youtube is like there's no luck involved with it like i worked my butt off to get here like that blah blah blah like not trying to diminish themselves or anything like that basically just being like look at all this hard stuff that i did to be able to get um like to where i am today like i i did all this myself which is true like i think youtube is one of those careers where you're gonna get chances where you're gonna be given you're going to be given a chance by youtube and it's you're going to get lucky you're going to get a video that's going to do really well or you're going to get a video that's going to be randomly given out to more people than it normally would have beforehand just because the way youtube does those things they will just occasionally pick videos to like try and suggest it to new audiences and if your videos are good if you are basically it's you get these chances you get these small glimpses as you're going and if you're there in the point where your content is good enough to be able to take you the rest of the way and get you all the way up there to where you want to be you're good to go but it's not so it's like it's a bunch of hard work but even if you produce amazing stuff you have to be ready to take that opportunity like that chance when youtube gives it to you you have to take that and capitalize on it so a lot of it is that and then like knowing what type of stuff to upload when you do get that chance to help keep that audience so you can keep going and everything like that it's not just a it's never just a game of uploading things like that like if you want to be one of those 20-minute minecraft youtube let's players who literally uploads 20 minutes of gameplay and does a 20 minute video and tacks on a 10 second intro and outro on either side like nowadays chances are you're gonna fail nobody wants to watch that the same way people used to want to watch that back in the day like that's just not how it works anymore there has to be more into each episode and more work and more thought process and how to present yourself just because the game's so much harder there's so many good people who are doing it now that it's not there's no freebie in it anymore have you ever used map art to make custom pictures not really i don't i don't find that interesting i don't want to put eight hours of work in to make a random thing maybe i would do it on like an x life or something like that but like we have the uh we have the picture mod so i don't have to do it i don't think i would do it on this are there any tips you have on fabulous hair i'm jealous get a good barber all i can say is get a good barber um the the barber that i go to um i walked in there the first time i've been going to the same barber for like two years i think at this point now at least i've been going to him longer than i've been full time on youtube uh and he uh he's suggested a lot of things being like hey maybe we should try this with your hair or maybe you should try this like how about we cut it this way this time and i'm always just like hey man like you do this all the time like this is your job is like cut people's hair i was like whatever you think would work like i don't want to do anything too crazy but i'm down to give it a shot and so he's uh a he's a good dude uh where are you from i i live in seattle growing your hair up for 10 years and it's taken a lot of practice to learn how to take care of it yeah all right what do we need that's all spruce wood oh i need to get more spruce logs that's what we need sorry there's sorry there's so much like prep here i thought i thought i would just grab shulker boxes and go i didn't realize how much of the stuff i was actually missing i was out when you say your past job before youtube i i did i t work uh i should there we go that should be enough should be more than enough i used to basically like buzz my hair like all the way down and i've slowly been growing out longer interior of the bank i'd always planned on it i really need to add windows to it because i always plan to do the interior of this thing that we have in here and through doing the interior i was going to add windows to the side so it's really just like not even a finished building and like it just it needs something i feel like this is one that needs an interior to it maybe one day okay so we need what we need what i need white concrete i need oak trap doors i believe i need spruce fences zombies dark oak stairs dark oak slabs and some torches okay are there aqueducts in the city uh not really i figure because we have like a river running through the middle of it we don't really need aqueducts but there may be something to work in torches torches look how much ancient debris i have i got 28 just chilling here and we still have more to go gather let's keep two stacks on us and then we can take you and then we need all the trapdoors and then we need we need more fences than that for sure heyo flip just got here what are you doing hey zakar thanks so much for the four months dude what are we doing we're working on the walls today we're going to try and get these things finished up make them look a little bit more like the finished versions over there we're going to do that and just get these things going throughout so it should be pretty good are you planning to terraform your whole minecraft world probably eventually i like minecraft terrain i like minecraft terrain like in its in its own thing i think minecraft train looks really good but i don't so we won't transform absolutely everything but a lot of it like in the areas where i do have my builds they probably in the end they'll be their own unique thing i think that's everything we need for the base then we'll come back and do the dark oak top to it so we can just kind of get building i guess what do we do is it like what so it's three blocks oh no i just messed that up oopsies one two and three and then we do one two three one two and three one two three and then these are all gonna have this and we do that and then we do i think it's if i remember correctly i think it's just this and then we just do this yeah i think that'll be it that should be it for the sides and we can do this kind of copied all the way down to the end there i know it's a lot of repetitive stuff today but i think it'll be a lot bitter once we get all this stuff in it's going to look really cool around this area can you say eddie eddie sure take me back to the 10 hour stream not today man not today if you all get me doing a 10 hour stream anytime soon i will be amazed i don't i'm thinking that's like a once a quarter thing maybe maybe i could maybe do that once a quarter that was brutal i got a lot of fun hanging out with everybody but oh my gosh i was tired afterwards [Music] all right let's jump over here and get these fences in going all the way around here real fast i definitely need more fences than a stack why did i only bring a snack i don't know 72 hour stream good luck good luck oopsies it's all good it's all good caught me watching you bummer dude sounds like they really caught you if you have time to say that in chat okay can we get up here we can and then we gotta do i think i'm just gonna bring you up and then like this we gotta go make some more spruce fences here because we're gonna need a lot doing these next sections we're just going to do like all the layers like this folks and then then we'll go we'll go do the rest i was watching flip in the middle of a class my teachers just think i'm doing assignments on a different device there you go there you go i think the true the true play to go for nowadays if you're doing like the homeschool stuff it's just like have a tablet on the side because i don't i know there's some softwares that schools are using where they can like see what the students looking at any time they can like access their screen so you just like have a phone as like a separate thing not connected to your computer at all you watch things on there also make sure you stay in school and learn things okay uh let's get rid of all this all right yeah so we can just do this bring that stuff all the way down and that should help a lot one two three one two three three i'm i'm just gonna do these things all the way down i think that'll be faster we just do this and then we can come back in i forgot to add the white concrete powder to that last bit of stuff that we had well we can go back and do that i haven't had school in 20 years sure there's a lot of people who wish they had in that school in 20 years i still can't believe i've been out of school for almost five years no four years um yeah it's gonna be uh what no what what would it be i don't know it's been that long i can't even remember we're just going to leave these here as little temporary blocks so we can go do our dose having at school in like 20 minutes wow dude you've been uh threw the ringer over there warhawk no patience for the building and building a wood shack is good enough hey if that's what you enjoy doing then go for it that's that's what matters right that's what matters i have my inside of when my school laptop sits in front of my main computer with my phone plugged in i feel like the everybody being homeschooled and things like that just during quarantine gave students and kids so many more so many more ways of how can i just not pay attention but look like i'm paying attention uh cheesy bits thanks so much for the biddies dude uh building walls and making great halls just just walls today man just walls today just walls today we just actually wow i just looked up and saw that number we hit 45 000 followers here on twitch sweet thanks folks we get some get some poggers in the chat everybody get your foot pogs in the chat we got the 45 000 followers that's really cool this time last year we had less than 10 000 followers on twitch in total so that's really crazy so thank you thank you everybody who stopped by the streams and checked them out and enjoyed them enough to click a follow button even if you've never come back again inflating that number real good can you show me the wall design uh we can take a look at it here in a sec but this is this is this is the design that we're doing right here i need to do some fences on the outside of this too ooh i thought i was about to fall i thought i was my life flash before my very eyes actually i'm just gonna do these at the end we'll go from above uh senior in high school here things are weird my school is in control of their digital learning stuff and the same way the people were in control of jurassic park i will say i've appreciated all of the memes being made from uh people who are like changing their skype name to like uh zoom admin or skype admin or whatever it would be like that and then requesting access to control the teacher's computer and then just doing weird things and like closing all the programs i think that is hilarious i really think those are funny not saying do it i'm just saying i think they're funny uh maticus thanks for the prime sub and uh chloe thank you so very much for the five gift stops holy cow so we're in there matic is his name and then he just disappeared off of the thing thank you so very much chloe i appreciate that can we get some hype in the chat here folks gotta get some hype what do you mean when you say you're gonna change the biomes uh so there's a mod that you can use in minecraft called world edit which allows you to edit the world it's really self-descriptive uh but part of that is you can change the biome so if you want to change the grass color in an area or something like that you could change this to be like a jungle biome here so i've done that up in the mountains to get rid of the swamp color because i don't want the mountains to be that gross brown color so i've done that i know it's not the most vanilla thing in the world but it's one of those things that i'm just like i feel like it's fine because all i'm doing is changing a biome to make my build look better like and we're completely we're building a biome so i feel like it's warranted me being able to change the biome a little so when when i've done that stuff i've i do it in bulk like after we complete a huge section of the mountains i'll go back and change it and i i don't change it to like some like mushroom bombs or mobs can't spawn i change over to birch forest so it has the same attributes as a swamp biome besides spawning slimes which were too high up above ground for that to happen anyways and then two beyond that it's a it's one that has the same like snow level type stuff as swamp bombs do so it's not that much different it just has a better grass color can you show chords i want to see what you have there we go don't know what you're looking for but there you go so hard jumping there's that section done now we just got to keep on working down here we'll get the concrete powder stuff in later we'll just come back and do that after do i need any more blocks anything that we're low on we're uh wow okay no we i didn't bring all eight stacks i was like did we go through that many stacks of white concrete already we might need more i think we actually will need more the builder of biomes han please don't spam i already already said that once you i'm not going to again if you were afk that's your own fault for asking a question then going afk i am sorry i'm really not but i'll say i'm sorry do you prefer playing in modded or vanilla i i'm a vanilla boy i'm a i'm a vanilla boy to the to my core i like the vanilla minecraft but i also do enjoy playing our next life throwing fire today dude it's a it's a wednesday i'm just like i'm good uh josh thank you so very much for the prime sub dude what are your ideas on attention seekers hasn't you been since we've been asking about a bunch i mean thank you for the 100 bits dude i appreciate that or eddie eddie as we might say uh what was i looking for here spurs logs don't cross the flip you don't mind talking about it what are your plans on joey's palace thing i realized after i published the video that i forgot to include the picture so um you'll find out next video i realized after the video went live and i was just like i forgot to post the concept that i made and drew and everything like that so that's fine sound tired no i'm pretty good i'm uh actually to be honest i didn't sleep well at all last night it was it is very hot here with all the smoke we haven't been able to open our windows and it's just been warm and everything like that it's so it's just uh it's a little it's a little gross here right now i'm looking i'm looking forward to when the smoke goes away we've gotten rain the last few days so outside feels fantastic but we don't want to let the outside air in because it's all smoky and gross and everything um so we've just been kind of like leaving it and so i took the dog out this morning i was like this is fantastic it feels amazing out here and i was like oh it's uh it's way too it's way too hot also i didn't realize we got a hype train going it's already level two wow thank you folks i really appreciate that if you want to get some exclusive emotes here on the twitch channel this channel in particular uh you can gift subs you can sub with twitch prime for free help somebody else out all that cool stuff so i appreciate it but no no need at all i appreciate all the support folks all right let's do all this going throughout here uh what are you up to uh we're working on the walls today a little bit there's something that we started continuing or started again i guess we could say uh during the 10 hour stream that we did a few weeks ago for the subathon and i thought today would be a good day to take a little bit of a break from the nether we've been exploding stuff in the nether i've been going through and uh cleaning all the explosions up and making sure it all looks nice and purty and all that stuff and i've done a lot more work on it since the outside of streams and everything like that so i was just like maybe today we don't do the nether so today i want to come over here and work on building this because once this is done then i can finally put it in a video because i want to do a video of it being completed not just a random here look at what everything we did uh do you ever get tired of building i do i i get tired of building i'm not gonna answer where i'm at in the seattle area uh cloudy sorry about that i'm uh i'm a seattle native though but i uh i like my privacy but and then uh faith thank you so very much for 100 bits i appreciate that thank you thank you thank you uh but what was i saying what was i saying uh tired of building yeah i do a lot um i i build a lot it's my job to build but they're definitely it's my job to create cool stuff in minecraft really really hard hard life over here everybody um but there are definitely times where i'm just like you know the last thing i want to do right now open up stupid minecraft and build something just i don't i don't want to do it um but usually it just i take a break and i play other games i just hang out with friends or do something like that and just kind of relax and then eventually or usually the thing is i'll go like on a dog walk and then like halfway through the dog walk i'll be like what if i built this this would be a really cool way of doing it um but on the on the privacy note that i was talking about we've been watching the michael jordan documentary uh called the last dance it's on netflix it's fantastic if you haven't watched it and you are curious about michael jordan because i like i always knew he was a good basketball player i always knew he's like one of the best people out there and but i never knew much about him and it's been really cool but they go through this whole there's a whole episode in it dedicated to him dealing with being like the number one like person in the world uh poggers indeed lord warhawk thanks for the 500 bits dude i appreciate that but he goes through this uh best baseball player did i say baseball uh basketball you have the same birthday that's cool joseph how you doing man but anyways uh for michael jordan basketball player right not baseball um they do this whole episode in the documentary that's about him going through like dealing with being a celebrity and a star that everybody wanted to be a like know and be a part of and just like meet and bother and everybody wanted to interview him all the time and they do this whole episode on it and halfway through the episode i turned to my girlfriend while we were sitting on the couch watching it i was like i don't think i ever want to be that famous i don't and she's just like you don't even want random people to come up to you on the street and say hi like you no you don't want that i was just like that's true but just kind of this moment for me i was just like i like i've had people come up to me now since being a full-time since being a youtuber i've had i've never had somebody walk up to me and be like hey are you flip but i've had people like stare at me weird on the street and like look at their phone and like look at me and like look back at their phone and stuff just like when i'd been walking downtown seattle and so like that was always weird um i i had somebody do that and then like i saw that and then 30 minutes later i got a dm on twitter being like were you walking in downtown on this street earlier today i think i think that was you that i saw and i just was reading the message i was like that was me i don't want to respond and tell them that was me because that's weird um but anyways yeah yeah chosen you probably know it uh it's just it's it was one of those things that was just like i don't think i could physically deal with like that level of fame like i would be the first person like i was just like i understand why celebrities sometimes freak out and just like with reporters bothering them in their face like trying to get a reaction out of them bothering with these consistent questions and things like that all day long i was like you know i could kind of understand why a reporter once in a while might like just or why a celebrity once a mile might freak out and like hit a reporter or shove them back or something like that i was like they're just like they're being abused by reporters and the paparazzi and everything that i was like oh my gosh like i could i could never do that i would just go insane apparently i seem approachable but i have a really annoying resting face me too i look very grumpy a lot of the times i try very hard to smile on stream because otherwise sometimes i'm just staring at the camera like like i'm just like and people are like are you are you okay today are you fine like if i'm not like actively thinking about smile smile smile be happy like sometimes people come to stream and be like you okay today dude because i do not have a very approachable resting face there's a term out there that i would use but it's not family friendly so i will not say it how do you feel about coffee i i don't like coffee i really don't like the taste of it i'm not i'm probably one of the only seattleites that you will ever meet that does not like the taste of coffee anyway oh my gosh chloe thank you so much for the thousand bits you have been so kind today tea i drink a lot of tea uh let me uh he's out here he was on stream earlier here he was on stream yesterday he was literally like curled up in a ball right here for a few or on monday stream let me see if i can uh go coax him in here because i can see his face he is he's asleep right outside of my office just like on the tile floor just like um rbf there you go that's a good good good way to say it oh yeah i drink a lot of green tea green tea has been my go-to recently and we got these things called they're like celsius energy drinks that are pretty good uh that's like a herbal green tea energy type of thing it's really really tasty yeah let me finish this up here chloe because i think this is the last one then i'll see if i can coax koda into coming over here and saying hi hot chocolate i uh depends on the hot chocolate depends on the hot chocolate and it has to be very cold outside has to be very cold outside and it needs to not be super chocolatey i'm not a huge fan of chocolate why doesn't the fence have the strip log texture when it's in your hand um because i don't know how to texture pack i just i've never updated it i really need to fix it but i just don't know how i haven't bothered i got farther enough as fixing the fences so they look better i have not figured out the other side of it yet drink so much green tea it's unhealthy i mean tea is pretty healthy for you i mean anything in excess is not healthy i made a belgian dark chocolate the other the only way to have some see those are the type that i'm just not not a big fan of uh we our old neighbors uh for christmas last year they gave us this little goodie bag which was really nice of them um and it had like one of those like belgian dark chocolate things of just like here's the best hot chocolate in all of seattle that we just absolutely love and they gave it to us and like i tried it once and i was just like this is just so rich i don't i don't like the richness of dark chocolates i i would milk chocolate more than anything is what i would go for all right uh let me get some torches on these places because otherwise we will get some mobs as we're building the tops well that's it flying please okay things are hard things are hard opinion on chocolate covered almonds oh my god they are addicting chocolate covered almonds and chocolate covered pretzels are just like they're just so addicting it's really it's bad we buy the trader joe's chocolate covered pretzels like we get like a bag a week just kind of have like a munchy little snack a little candy snack thing to have around the house we started buying those because we kept eating too many almonds we're like maybe this would be better and no it's it's worse we eat so many more of those okay there's that cool i i still feel free me today i still feel very framing i don't know why let me see if i can go coax koda in here to come out hanging out okay everybody let me go let's go get some dog treats shall we i'll be right back let's see does this work is that working hey yes hello hello how are you look at our doggy hi doggie hi you're so cute you're so cute look at this do you see this you want this do you want this today no like i don't want that can you shake oh you're so you're so tired do you want this one he wants that one everybody that one's okay that one's okay the other one sucked they're the same treats but that one that one sucks the one he just ate a million times better hi how are you let's let's hang out down here shall we this is how we stream now hi hi this is what the stream's turned into everybody do you want that is that a good one not a good one not not again not a good one we're oh we're we're one for three is this a good one you want that no yes no what's your matter what's your matter you still not feeling okay he's had an upset stomach like all week so he's not he's not doing too hot all right you okay are you okay look at that look at all those people look at all the people who are here they love you you don't even know you don't even know buddy he's so you're right he is so over it all right no that's i don't want you to lift my hand right now you shake i know you're so hot okay bye oh there's the butt wiggle there's the butt wiggle oh he's just gonna hang out over there all right no where are you going buddy he's like i don't want to be that close to you but i'll still hang out he's like i just don't really want to be right next to you like like six feet please covet safe six feet also i'm gonna lick my my wiener that's that's what i'm gonna do that's what coda's gonna do everybody you know buddy if you want any of these you hung out you can still have your dreams [Music] i don't have time for it but i'm too lazy to leave exactly he's such a cat he is very cat-like it's true he's very cat-like how old is koda he will be three in october have you ever gotten a trader joe's chip which no i have no idea what those are he's a baby he's a big baby yeah we've trained him well he knows how to social distance there's the coda wrangling chloe i hope you're able to catch that one if you're still hanging out in here let's get back to doing this stuff shall we boop glad i could see koda before i leave but hey pigs you have a good one right dude apparently my cat's foster mom named her and her sister after the kardashians her name is kim and her sister his name courtney nice nice you sure it wasn't after the kardashians that uh scott's kardashians i don't want to be close to you also you were in my spot so i went and laid down over there but now i'm gonna hang out in this corner can you guys see him panting he has to be he's so hot right now it's it's a lot warmer in this room than anywhere else and he's still just like i want to hang with you but it's warm buddy it's really hot in here you should go back and hang out in the laundry room you'd be a lot cooler out there i'm telling you dude you'll feel a lot better if you go out there he's not he's not doing good in the heat he's like are you talking about me he knows i'm talking about him he's the he knows exactly what i'm talking about i know he's he's had a rough summer everybody with just all the heat up here in seattle he has had a very very rough summer what kind of dog is he he's a siberian husky hey don't lick my wall why are you licking my wall what are you doing now you're licking the floor why hey hey you that's gross you don't need to do that kids oh that's wrong treat as bad but wall is good wall is okay he's helping me clean yeah she's a seattle yeah i live in seattle i'm a shadow boy we're just gonna not finish the wall after like we'll end like the wall right here i don't know what the rest of it's going to be yet so i don't want to finish it no come on now oopsies i think oh my gosh do i have exactly enough fences i think i do did i plan this perfectly oh my god also i love how i um showed code on stream and viewers went up to like 670 and now i stopped showing code on stream and we're down to 600. you live in kirkland nice very cool i grew up over there so for the longest time a fun fact about kirkland for me was uh so if anybody goes to costco or knows of costco it's a big wholesale thing in the us um like buy-in bulk store i until i went to college legitimately until i went to college i thought the kirkland brand for costco i thought they named it after the cities that you were in so i thought because we went to the costco in kirkland that we were getting the kirkland brand of everything and then i realized after going to college in california where i was not kirkland that things were still called kirkland brand and it took me it was a serious eye-opening experience for me to be like what it was a i was very concerned with my own mental health there for a little while that i was just like wait what koda is a popular boy yeah yeah so that that's my um that's my dumb experience that i've had dealing with costco hey it's honest mistake honest mistake not my best moment but a moment nonetheless uh let's go ahead and do a little event marker let's pause dish and now we gotta go make a bunch of dark oak stairs and slabs what are you building we're working on building up the walls so we're trying to get the tops on the walls right now and then we'll come back and we'll add some texture to all of the walls uh so they don't look like layered cakes we'll kind of mix those lines up a little bit blur them a little bit and then after that we'll go through and uh work on these tops of the towers if we can if not i'll just do them upstream heard stupid things it's not that bad yeah i know it's not terrible but it's also not my best moment it's somewhere in between uh oh we never added the concrete powder to everything lame we only have a stack of concrete powder anyways all right let's go add this i don't really care if it's in the time lapse we can just go at it real fast the time is in seattle it's almost three o'clock in the afternoon so i will say folks um in not this weekend but next weekend my girlfriend's going out of town for a week so i might do some late night streams or something just like some bonus building with whip streams during that week don't hold me to it or anything like that but if we're feeling we're feeling spicy we might do some bonus streams there for for that week i don't know why um i might play some random games if i'm feeling lonely uh so if you see some random streams like that i've been really want to do like a civilization stream like a civ 6 stream just hang play civ for like an hour or two on stream and do that just like a very very chill one because i've been addicted to that game recently i think it's kind of a it's such a nice chill game to just hang with i know it's not everybody's cup of tea but i think it could be fun we do be feeling spicy very spicy is lizzy online i don't know i'm not on x life her discord is uh is online that is that is a true statement which i have for dinner chicken nuggies skyrim streams we'll do uh we'll do a skyrim stream where we make it to blackreach our one and only goal of the entire stream is to make it to blackreach play on the hardest difficulty yeah one one life uh you have to make it to blackreach sorry sorry yes chicky nuggies gotta get some nuggies is it after building the entire nether hub we have to get to black reach and get inspiration for what we're doing with mandatory mods installed of thomas the tank engine uh instead of dragons i think it'd be good i will say i have come to the realization that me building i'm good at parkour me trying to attempt a parkour map i'm not good but building i can like weave my way up just by looking at something and get to the top of a structure but the second somebody's like oh come do this parkour challenge i'm just like it's not gonna work it's i'm dead i'm gonna fall off and die i don't think that's why we can get up here though for this no the door i could have made it i flipped the trapdoor too early nope nope nope nope we're making it we are making it through that gap that is gonna happen nope too low too low too all right all right let's try closing that and i'm i think saying dude you have it going all right no tula i don't i don't think that's possible it's not waste time not waste time no deserve that one it's all good though it's all good for mcc they need a separate parkour challenge for him to build the stages i have to build a parkour course before anybody finishes the actual one that'll be that'd be good did you have dino nuggies i mean at some point growing up yes did i have dino nuggies in the past five years honestly couldn't tell yes or no it might have happened at some point in college there we go there's all of them a white concrete how much longer the stream probably like another hour i don't know you think there'll be an x life too we'll probably mix it up and do something else if i think i don't i have no idea though what do the dino nuggies taste like chicken nuggets they're just shaped like dinosaurs uh the wall is not going to go any further out that way it might go a little further but it's probably going to result turn into some sort of like a fortress or something right out there something to protect the harbor because this whole swamp area here is going to be dug down and turned into like a nice harbor of sorts for some boats isn't sad i've never had dino noggies if you don't live in the us i wouldn't be too surprised if you've never had dino noggies i don't know how worldwide dino nuggies are oh that's uh those are logs those are not stairs how many do we got we got that we got that so i think we need probably this we need some planks more planche more planche let's do one of those that should be good on that and then we can do bam bam sweet perfect that should be everything we need i hope i really hope that's enough otherwise this is a lot of stairs there is something special about mcdonald's chicken nuggets though i'm not not a huge fan of like fast food and things like that that's a lie fast food is pretty good every once well but like mcdonald's chicken nuggets they're pretty good any suggestions for first time pc builders uh do all the research you can if you've never built one before and you're diving into it just do all of the research that you possibly can um a lot of the times if you're looking at a certain computer case there are typically if it's a popular one videos on youtube of people building with that case and putting a build inside of it watch some of those see how people maneuver around it and stuff like that um if you're like me and you have pretty big hands you got to be conscious of that when building a computer because it's uh it can be a huge pain in the butt did i mess all of those fences up i feel like i messed all those fences up because that's uh it's supposed to be three and then they're supposed i missed yep we messed every single one of the fences up around this entire area all of the fences that we placed folks we gotta move them all block down they all need to go block down well let's just start taking them down we'll go collect them here in a second that is a big bummer rip we'll just place them as we go just tear them all down right now and then we'll place them back as we're going throughout we'll do it like section by section i'll be fine i i knew something was off i knew something was off when i was building this i was like this doesn't seem right hello creeper i get i don't know why i'm like taking these all the way down and like not just replacing them because i just literally need to do this i just never had one on this huh that's fine i really messed this up really really messed this up just got here hey no worries how's it going good to see you have you ever played fortnite i literally never installed the game i do not have any intentions of playing the fortnites either no hate towards the game if you enjoy it play it all you want it's just i one i don't like first person shooter games too much they're just not the type of video game that i typically play uh and two uh fortnite just uh the community that has been created in fortnite i feel like it's just uh not really what i want to jump into not not harp in the game at all it's just a not the type of thing that i want to spend my time doing so that's gonna get rid of this like if you enjoy fortnite play it all you want that's uh i'm i'm a big proponent of if you enjoy video game play the video game don't let other people tell you to not play the video game that's it for me that is a huge thing because i spent i spent probably six or seven years of my life playing minecraft and all my friends were like why do you play minecraft that's a kids game that's so stupid and now all of those same friends are like oh my god it's your job that's so cool how did you do that like that's so crazy and i'm just like seriously like you're the one who last year was giving me crap for playing this game so i'm a big proponent of if you enjoy a video game play the dang video game if you want to play hello kitty island adventure play hello kitty island adventure i haven't played it since it first got popular but i'd be interested to see what you knew in the creative mode uh i saw pearlescent moon build something in the creative mode way way long ago if i remember correctly she had issues with it because it like you're limited on how many tiles you can place and like details you can add in just by factor of the game lagging out so they don't let you do too much and i remember she said she was very frustrated with it like she couldn't build what she wanted to build because the game physically would not allow her to place more blocks so she couldn't actually finish a build which i was like that seems a little weird to have a creative mode where you can't be creative enough so after i heard that i just was never like uh i'm just not really gonna bother checking it out about door explorer that game was fire on the leapfrog dude go right ahead go ask go look for the map find the map do all that stuff i don't know where you're going swipe or no swiping whatever you want to do this takes so many stairs to build everything here puppy pals was my whole entire childhood quietly backside of stream to install hello kitty nice nice devil spawn i always took you for a hello kitty player it really your uh your twitch name really makes me think you'd be huge into hello kitty don't you practice building creative sometimes uh yeah for the the mansion that we built recently i built that whole thing in creative first um i i when i feel like my building skills hit a bit of a plateau to where i'm like i feel like i could do something better or i feel like i've been doing the same thing for a while or i need to come up with something new or i want to do something new that's when i usually build in creative first just to get an idea of like oh hey i could do it this way or whatever that might be so recently i've been doing a lot of creative mode stuff not in this world like inside of a test world or i'll make a duplicate of this world and test something out then come and build it in survival um but i've been enjoying that a lot recently it's been nice here's our first section done though almost there section one is almost done whew we did it poggers in the chat or whatever new viewer here your build looks dying to see the rest uh are you playing on peaceful no we're playing on hard difficulty but we'll come on in daftness uh eight-year-old me personally jumping into the water to get eaten by crocodiles was very fun looking back i was not very well not a very well managed child nice nice have you ever considered doing a video on resource gathering techniques i just break the block break more blocks blocks will break you get blocks build with blocks you break i don't know why not hardcore i'm honestly like i'm very highly considering doing a hardcore series in the next little while why i want to go and do that level of insanity i don't know but i've been very interested in checking out hardcore minecraft and doing building and hardcore i think it'd be fun i think it'd be a well-needed break if i get bored of this series and i'm just not wanting to play on here and like x-life is over or whatever might be going on if we get kicked out x-life before the series ends all that stuff you know i feel like a hardcore series could be a good a good filler to focus on for a little while i feel like that could be a lot of fun i think it'd be really entertaining that we did like building in hardcore i feel like now i'm pretty confident in my minecraft abilities to not die not overly confident just pretty confident i think i could last 10 episodes on twitter as a series it would probably be both it'd be one of those series that i do where i basically everything that i do inside the world is either gonna be done for a video or gonna be uh it would be it'd probably be a lot of live streaming uh a lot of it and then the building side and the youtubes and everything just kind of the same way a lot of this stuff goes same style i really like how i do videos for this series right now um so it's probably would be similar to how this one works but who knows joel did put down a layer of dirt we'll see we'll see jeremy ism's been a little off its rocker recently so wait how did i i don't know how i got this extra spruce log did i already have it on me i just da da da da da i don't know where i got the spruce log from oh right there no did i duplicate a spur slug i don't know or did i take one down off of something survival in adventure mode adventure mode you cannot break blocks adventure mode is for like maps that somebody's made for you so if somebody makes like an adventure map where you explore through a story and it's supposed to go in certain directions and do certain things um they're outside the walls everybody the pillagers are attacking uh but adventure mode is for if somebody builds a map for you or if you're inside of like a server hub or something like that you'll be in adventure mode so you can't destroy things look at them they're on the outside of the wall you can break blocks in adventure mode but what you break is limited by the types of tools you're using oh really oh i didn't know that i thought it was full that you couldn't do it my mistake then i was misinformed i apologize check his sign for der animal kingdom at no tulare dirt yeah i'm sure if he's ever if he ever calls dew on that what i said if he two layer dirts everything i'll i'll just fly around his face and be like i need to check some things that we're gonna have to certify this as a double dirt area everywhere and uh we'll go find some you'll be blessed most of the time to not take fall damage so you mean i'll carry my ring of flight on me as i already do would i continue lizzie's parkour if i didn't die i probably would have went until i died no matter what hey wait that's what i did all right continuing the walls are we paused no we're good we are good to go there's no jeremyism embossings i good keep it that way let's go like that that'll be fine what's going on today uh we're working on building up the city walls a little bit here today and well not a little bit we've been building them for a solid while the goal is to complete at least this layer of it doing the roofs and everything and then mix up the terrain down below then after that i think it might be time to chill for a little while jump into the nether again and uh have some fun blowing up things in the nether and watching the lavas and dealing with all of that stuff we got some ancient debris together that's sitting down there waiting for me with my name on it and then we'll just kind of keep the machine going for a little while how am i doing i'm doing good i'm doing good it's been a good day it's been a lot of building today so i'm a little bit more on the tired side because i in the last 24 hours i have spent not even an exaggeration more than 15 hours yeah in the last 24 hours as of right now because i stopped playing among us yesterday at this time and got in and started building i spent more than 15 hours building things inside this world all interiors of the dang thing right over there the mansion you're right about not being able to box that's it for the creators map since it's three commands only oh yeah yeah okay cool cool cool cool i thought i was by the way it's fine with me yeah and uh i did not sleep very well last night and i went i went to bed at like 10 and i was up by seven and outside of that i've been sitting at my computer building things in minecraft one week i spent a hundred four hours on animal crossing in one week that's uh that's insane i don't think i could do that for any game uh no what was it uh how many hours do i have logged in i gotta look at this one sec i'm curious the last game that i full on binged the last game that i binged from start to finish and loved the entire thing was star wars jedi fallen order that's not as many hours as i thought it was i uh oh they just released achievements for it so um that's a bummer so i got star wars jedi following order as soon as when basically like a week after it came out i basically played it until i beat the game and i logged um close to 30 hours on it and i finished it within a week and then i gave my brother my steam account so that he could play it too because i was like this game is amazing you have to play this it's fantastic don't bother buying it because like i know it's a 60 dollar game but like i need you for me you need to play this game so i'm gonna have somebody that i can talk to about the video game so so i'm giving you my account right now so you can play this game and he was just like okay i put this down one too low uh there's the fence we want to go right here with it okay yeah that was the last game that i full on was just like hooked on it was a fantastic game if you like star wars games and jedi games i think it was great i know there's a lot of people out there who criticized it heavily but i think overall it was a really really good game it was one of the first star wars games i've played on a long time where you actually like full-on feel like a jedi and that for me is an absolute win for a star wars game kingdoms of ammo or re-reckoning was the last game you've been i haven't heard that one i'm really sad i played for tonight i have over 230 wins in a roughly 400 hours gracie inside of this world in minecraft number 34 deaths we have what is that 89.54 days um calculator what is this 89.54 times 24. 2148.96 hours that is how many hours i have spent playing minecraft in this one world and i have over 300 hours on x-life as well i also which i'm less happy to share about have uh on one of my wow characters it's a character i've been basically playing since the release of world of warcraft 15 years ago it um it has close to four years of play time i'm not very proud of that one but it's a it's a true fact it has uh quite a few years of play time over the 15 years i basically played that game just off and on it's got like four years of play time on it it's disgusting do you play wow classic i am level 56 right now on a human rogue and it's a very horde heavy server so i'm not playing very much right now because i don't like getting ganked all the time when i'm trying to do my little quests cyber man have a good one enjoy adapt to your style just from watching hey very cool dude glad you enjoy it um i wanted to get into wild classic a lot i have a group of friends that are playing it uh that basically told me if i get my character to level 60 they will run me through all the raids and give me gear because their entire raid guild has been clearing it since they all released so they're like if you want to play the game at all and you want free gear just get a character to max level and we'll do it for you i'm like you all are the nicest people ever and okay i'll work on leveling and then i got to like 56 and i'm like i can technically go in the raid you all should bring me and they're like no we can't convince our officers to do that yet so i'm like no so i've finished leveling all the way to 60 first how do you check stats statistics in here look at this though times used 244 000 uses with a netherright pickaxe that is since this is since freaking 116 dropped we've broken almost 250 000 things with that it took three years for the diamond pickaxe to hit a million nether pickaxe is already a quarter of the way in just a few months i guess i'm playing in this world a lot more but we've also been doing a lot more massive digging projects got over 2 000 hours on rocket league yeah i mean there's a lot of games i have uh on skyrim i have like 500 hours played um on civ 5 civilization 5 i have i think i have 600 hours logged in that it's like 600 or 800 and then on civilization 6 i just hit 300 hours um because i've been playing that a lot recently apparently joel and ollie are big into that game recently and lizzy's been playing with them so i might see if i can bug them all and join them on a sieve game here soon but i've been playing all this so much i've been really enjoying that just as a way to chill and relax i've been getting really good at sieve again i used to be able to play civ 5 on deity which is like the hardest difficulty and like consistently win which i was very very happy with myself about being able to do and so now i'm just like i kind of want to keep doing that i want to get good at civ again um so i've been playing a lot how do i do that i don't know put about 85 hours into origins 190 hours into odyssey i've always wanted to play odyssey i really wanted to check that one out just joey not sure where it's been asked but you also play assassin's creed origin i i yeah just said i want to check that out or i want to check out odyssey more than origins i've i haven't played either of them but i feel like i would enjoy odyssey more just because the art style behind it all what was was origins the one in like egypt which was that one i always want to check that one out too are you big on lego games not so much lego games but i love building legos i use uh not so much anymore as a kid you could not get me away from the lego bin i had a bin of all lego pieces that you'd ever want and it was amazing the best thing ever every single birthday holiday whatever it be i would ask for more legos and i got way too many to the point where i had like a it was heavier than i was when i was like eight years old i had the bin of legos that i had was basically as heavy as i was if not heavier and i would you could always hear me when i wake up in the morning because i would go down the hallway at our house pulling the bin of legos with me down to the living room just so i could sit in the living room and build little legos all day and it was just like the scrape of the the plastic bin with all the legos and i just like slowly pull it down the hallway just and then i would just sit there building legos until everybody else woke up if i didn't wake them up by dragging that down among us has been really fun though i've enjoyed among us a lot it's been it's been a good break from everything else uh i've wanted to stream it more but i've also really really really enjoyed just chilling in among us and just hanging with everybody um like yesterday i was playing with all the x-life people well they were i think pretty much everybody except me was streaming and i was having such a good time just hanging out it was awesome so i'll probably stream among us here in a next time we play i'll stream it i think i'm gonna do like every other i'll stream versus just chill because it's been a good mental break for me too still have my legos however given your sister yeah there you go love the lego story i've been building stuff since i was a little one yeah i always like to i like building star wars legos but if it wasn't a star wars lego i liked building my own stuff so i i think that's where i like that's where the story of whip the minecraft builder begins in the in the ancient days of before minecraft times he built legos and built his own spaceships i was obsessed with using legos to try and recreate um buildings from age of empires 2. i always like to recreate stuff in age of empires 2. so just like the grain terminals or whatever like the stables and all those like the little structures that you you had to build to train your units and everything i always tried to recreate those like the castles for all the different civilizations and things you could have all the different styles always try to rebuild them like come up with my own design for it it was so fun i love doing that i sold all my legos i haven't stored at my house i could probably pay for college i i helped pay for college by selling one of my legos i uh i think i've told this one here before but i was so obsessed with legos that um i like that's all i ever asked for christmas and everything like that and i always specifically asked for star wars legos and then there's one year where uh my parents didn't talk for gifts that they were giving me um and so i was at christmas morning at my mom's and she gave me the lego death star like the big big lego death star and then like it was a huge deal everything like that and i was like this is the best present ever like that's so cool and i didn't want to go over to my dad's at all so i didn't i i was just like i just want to stay here and build this lego and then i went to my dad's and he gave me the giant lego star destroyer uh so i had the big i had the big death star which i was like yes this is the best duck ever and then i get over there to my dad's and he's like here's your big christmas present and it was a giant box and it was the massive lego star destroyer like the big ship and so i got both of them and obviously i couldn't build both at once so i i never started the the death star took me so long to build that took me like months of building after school every day trying to get it right because i accidentally tipped it over once and broke it i had to basically restart um but i had both of those and then i just ended up getting too busy could never find the time to build the star destroyer and then i was talking to a friend who was like hooked on legos and he loved it and he was like dude how do you have like how have you not sold that he's like he's like i've been looking at buying one of those he's like and i found they were on ebay for like a thousand dollars i was just like that's crazy so i looked on ebay and there it was lo and behold listed for literally a thousand dollars because they no longer they no longer made those ones so they were like a full-on collector's edition that you could you could get you could buy it for like a thousand dollars and people are selling them they're selling like crazy so i was like i'm gonna hold on to this for a few years because obviously it's only been discontinued for two years and so it might be worth more money in a little while and we'll see and i just don't have time to build it and so i waited until i went to college um i think it was like the christmas of my freshman year or something like that i looked again just because i was like i'm a broke college student i need money to pay for things and so i looked and it was up at 2 000 for the dang star destroyer so i ended up selling it on ebay to some dude in like nebraska i think is where i ended up shipping it to but it was it was so crazy just the fact that a lego that i got for christmas one year and just never got around to building because life got too busy i ended up turning around and selling on ebay randomly for like two thousand dollars that paid for a lot of uh a lot of food at college just finished school what'd you miss we've been building the walls over here we're almost kind of getting through this stuff got itchy eyes all the smoke here my eyes have been so itchy this whole week it sucks it's starting to get better though they're a lot better today nine you need to have to sell half of myself so i can afford somewhere i'm sorry about that man that sucks if anything it turned into a lesson of do i actually need these things because there's a lot of stuff that i could probably get rid of right now that's sitting here that i just don't need how long i've been live for two hours you like history i enjoy learning about history i don't enjoy studying history if that makes sense i think there's a big difference in that i love learning one-off history facts just finding random things i love having one-off facts i can share but i absolutely despised any form of a history class what my of all the courses i took in college the two courses that i hated the most were statistics and history i the history class i took i it was all due to the teacher the teacher absolutely ruined the class for me like i went in there loving history it was an ancient world history i just started my youtube channel i was building ancient world things in my youtube channel and i was so excited for it being like i can take some of this inspiration turn it like really study the architecture behind it and learn more about like the cultures and so then i can use that into the minecraft builds that i do and like that would be really cool to be so fun to do and then we finished the first week of class basically we finished syllabus week and the teacher looks uh it's an online class of course uh and the teacher looked at all of us and said all right by the end of this week i want you to read through chapter six in the history book and i was just like through chapter six what are you talking about like we have an entire semester why are we reading through chapter six on week one of a 14-week course like what are we gonna do for the end of it and well it turns out the history book that we had had 50 chapters and each chapter was more than 50 pages long and spent the entire class basically just reading these awful awful things and then the quizzes in it like there's every of course because online class he had to ensure that we were actually reading the stuff uh so the quiz happened at the end of every single week and it was um unp it was an open book quiz and it was basically questions of like in the history book we referred to this section at one point what did they say in line 50 sentence two on this paragraph like what what did what were they talking about and then it'd be like a choose from like multiple choice and be like who's gonna ever remember what they like why does it matter that i know in paragraph four that they said blah blah blah blah on the second sentence like who cares about that like why does that matter like this is the most biggest waste of time of a class i've ever taken and it just that was the entire semester and since then i've just hated it just absolutely ruined it for me i hated learning about history stuff outside of random facts before i used to love history classes i used to love looking into the architecture behind everything and that that alone for me one person completely ruined the subject for me and the teacher ended up getting fired from the school um after my class took that course because so many people complained about how terrible it was it was like for some people was an elective course for other people is like a mandatory if you were a history major that was a course that you had um and so many of the people who were history majors taking this course complained about it that they ended up looking into the professor and like interviewing all of the students that like took his class and every single person basically described what the class was and like what we were actually doing versus what the history teacher apparently told the school board we were supposed to be doing and they just fired him they straight up just got rid of him because of he was just so bad i was just like come on that just absolutely ruined it and i i i wasn't the i wasn't the perfect a student like i didn't really care about getting all a's like i was gonna take i was gonna do my homework and i was gonna pass the class and everything like that but i never fully cared about like oh if i have a b it's fine but in this class like i worked my butt off and i think i came out with a um i think i got it i got like a you need it i think i got like a c minus and it was the most work i ever put into a class yeah it'd be hard to care but like if i didn't pass it i was gonna have to do an extra year and i did not have the money to do an extra year of college are you playing among us are they playing among us today are people playing among us i don't know i don't know i'm not going to play among us today probably i'm i'm enjoying chilling in here and sharing random stories finally caught a flip stream what's up bun bun welcome on in you just remind me that i have to read for a test tomorrow good good glad to remind you uh i'm not in the next mcc originally i had wanted to do just that last mcc that i unfortunately was sick for um i want to do that one because they're so close being back to back that i was like i don't want to do two so i told scott i was like i'll be a reserve for this next one if anybody needs to drop out i can take their spot and fill in but like don't put me on a roster and so then unfortunately i call that sick of the last one and now there's no space for me in the current one but it's all good i'll be i'll probably be in the next one hopefully it's all good with me gotta study some alert for a bit no worries no worries i really hate how expensive legos are nowadays i looked on amazon yeah there's they're really pricey in some spots it's crazy actually i think i'm gonna leave that one there do that one there we'll leave this one here that'll be fine uh it was the original lego star destroyer ella it's the big one there's like 5 000 pieces or something like that it was insane it was like i think it was three feet long or five feet long like after you built the entire thing like it was massive absolutely massive let me take a picture of it original lego star destroyer um what is this no that's not it [Music] huh i know they released a new one since star wars came back and got so big i know they released a new one i sold it before they did that was it there we go it was this one i got it uh open image let's see is this gonna work desktop look at that yeah it was this guy this big old thing i know it's not the best image quality but the ultimate collector series imperial star destroyer that was the that was the uh this is the giant lego this thing goes huge like it came with like that little tiny ship like it came with one of those with it and they had to make it so small just to make the scale on them work it was insane it was so cool what does this link lead to uh what's it going for three thousand pieces was released in 2002 it's um oh this is actually like an inventory of how many parts you can buy to be able to get it it weighs 20 pounds this thing weighs 20 pounds i want to see if i can find it on um what is that ebay lego imperial star destroyer it's 10 30. i i just found it for i just found it for 1900 on ebay uh can i share this webpage i think i have i think i'm okay don't don't steal my stuff there anything's on here about me look at this 1900 u.s that's the one i had it was the one zero zero three zero i had i never opened the box i still had the original tape on the box and everything um i'm going to use the restroom real fast folks i'll be right back with you and get some more water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we back okay yeah that the patience required to put that thing together was too much for what i had i built the death star that was my uh that was my highest level of lego building experience okay uh so that one's good this one needs to go down i can't believe i messed it up across the entire board i should have checked it before building everything but it's okay that will be fine i want to be fine that'll be fine these both need to go down i will say um not as bad as the five thousand five hundred puzzle piece i do those kids yeah geez one thing that i've been really want to go back to recently did anybody any old school gamers here play the what was it i think it was called anno 1480 did anybody play that it's basically like your you pick like uh it's like settling the new world time like settling north america and everything like that when like europeans came over and it's like you can basically you pick your boat you settle a little island and you do all the things off of it i just like for some reason like recently that's been like stuck in my brain of like it'd be cool to go play this again i'd need to find it somewhere but the new anno games i've tried and they're just not there's not the same it's not the same but old original one was so good the new ones are just so complex there's so much to them that i just get overwhelmed but the old one was just such so easy where am i building we are working on um the walls outside of the city so we got the city over there these are the walls this will eventually be city in here um but for right now we are just building the walls just something something chill today a lot of rep repetitive block pit place in but uh just chilling what's this wall for to look pretty just to look pretty like many things we build in minecraft just to look nice keep the pillar jurors out just kidding they'll spawn inside it's too big i wish there was a way to basically like use a beacon effect if we could use beacon effects to say like inside of this area pillager patrols cannot spawn or if there's like can they just like not spawn with a certain distance of a bell or something like that or is there a certain distance of a village maybe we'll need to start staging we'll need to start staging fake villages throughout this entire entire place once we get through it we'll stage fake villages everywhere to make it so pillager patrols cannot spawn inside of our village i think that'd be really entertaining chill streams are the best i've recently been very much embracing just yeah i'm just chill stream for a while there i was i was trying to be like more like hyped up and just more more fun and everything like that now i'm just like meh i'm not just chilling i can't the other one makes me exhausted man i am a very chill person when it comes to most of it that i just i can't i can't do the whole high energy level thing no matter how hard i try i cannot keep up with any of that like even playing among us with like the x-life crew which they're pretty chill most of them on there are pretty chill people i just i can't keep up even with the energy level i'm just like nah i'm just i'll let you all take the forward i'm just gonna chill in the background but like when we've done the among us games with like tubbo and tommy and fundy and all them i'm just like you all are on another level you that youthful energy i am not even gonna compete next episode of xlife is gonna be on saturday i gotta i still gotta finish it i still gotta build joey's castle it's it's getting there uh it's i've got the design for it i've mocked up a few concepts for what i'm gonna do and i've just gotta get around to building joey's castle it's a big one you remember me um from earlier sure a lot of people stopped by these streams dude i'm sorry it's making me sleepy sorry man i'm sorry sorry i'm sorry we're just chilling though we just chilling this is going to look really weird but that's fine that's the point of this wall bread addict aren't we all how's it going dude neither really quiet or a demigod of chaos there's no in between i would say the same i see i say on here i'm quiet and then if i were to ask my girlfriend she'd be like yeah but you never stop talking if i get if i start talking about something unless somebody tells me to stop talking about it i usually don't stop talking it's one of my uh one of my things i should work on oh no um we gotta redo this boop boop then we can go a boop and a boop there we go sweet is that cross country very cool very cool no worries dude we're just chilling we're working on the walls today everybody just getting some work done on these so we can have it all finished up ready to go here for the day and uh we're almost done we've got this segment here which i don't i think we have to go make more stairs i made like 20 stacks of stairs and we used them all but it's going to look a million times better having all this stuff finished up out here oh i am so excited to have this done it'll be very very nice having these things finished cozy fireplace tea and a flip stream where is it cold enough that you can have a fireplace right now like have a fireplace running i'm jealous of your cold temperatures that you're living in i'm very jealous i want cold please i beg of you give me cold weather uh let's go like this and like that no that's not gonna nope that'll be fine and then we do this and we do that so cold in new york right now and i'm living for it oh i'm jealous maine is cold enough [Music] yeah we uh we since all the smokes come in and everything it was really starting to cool down here in seattle but it's uh i think since all the smoke came in and everything like that it's the temperature is unfortunately picked up again so i'm hoping i'm hoping that we can get some chill weather here in a little while i'm i'm ready for fall to come on and just it's already getting darker earlier in the night so it's not as hot during night time here excluding last night we were baking in a in our house and i'm gonna have to raise this tower up this is that's a big bummer we're gonna raise that up a good few blocks [Music] never stops raining we've got in a tiny bit of rain here in the last few days it's been so nice because all the smoke and everything i swear one of these days i'll stop talking about it uh but it's just been it's been brutal um so having the little bit of the rain and everything has been awesome there we go look at that this looks weird but i think it's okay we got two stacks left let's go make another little bit of log stair there we go look at that we got all that done today everything in there sweet once the walls are all the way done around this entire thing it's gonna look really cool looks sweet i think it'd be really cool once we can get all the tops of the towers on and make them not look like cake uh it's gonna be a lot better but right now this is good it's good so far yeah i wanted a wall design for this that was like simple enough to like be easy to repeat because i knew how grand i was gonna make it like i knew the scale i was gonna take this thing out eventually even though i never told any of you all like i knew for a long time that i was gonna make something stupid here stupidly large and so i need to come up with a wall design that was gonna work for that and that's harder said than done at first i went through a lot of renditions before i came up with this one a lot were like stone only or were just like open across the top and didn't have anything else going on and i'm really glad i went for like the covered walkway i feel like that also helps with like the environment that we're in just being like well it's really kind of a rainy region it's wet it's cold it gets dark and damp here and there's a lot of water in the area so there's a lot of moisture in things and so it kind of makes sense to have a covered area for the guards who have to stand out on night's watch you don't want to be in the rain all the time that's kind of what brought to this which i'm very happy with it if you want to finish this will you copy the map and let people download it uh every 25 episodes i give a download out to everybody who's a twitch sub a patreon member or a youtube uh youtube member but i don't do public downloads anymore i've had too many times where i've given a public download and people have stolen it and used it on servers without my permission and i'm done dealing with that so as long as if i at some point in time get to be insanely famous where everybody's just like yeah that's whips world like and nobody could even think about trying to steal it and use it as their own like then i would consider maybe doing it as a public download again but right now because i'm still kind of at the growing content creator point it's a lot of people have the ability to or a lot of people don't know of me yet which is fine that's just how it is um and i just don't want to deal with that i've had to uh contact too many servers popular servers at that too which is really unfortunate uh and pretty much be like hey you don't have permission to use this and do like it's i might like a simplified season does it desist without the paperwork basically like if you don't stop using this i will like i will move forward with like dealing with you all and making sure you don't use this because thankfully minecraft like the community management team if you reach out to them and be like hey this guy stole this from me they don't have permission they're actively using minecraft stuff like this is breaking minecraft terms of service like they will look into it really quickly and have helped a lot on stuff like that in the past um so thankfully i haven't had to do anything like that most people have been like oh oops sorry i didn't know i couldn't use it so we i got rid of it they would just get rid of it but yeah when i start playing minecraft i started playing minecraft back in 1.4 but i've been playing minecraft a long time i played it off and on since then uh since 1.8 i've basically played minecraft on a monthly basis at least like once a month i usually would go through like stints if i'd play it only all the time for like three four weeks and then i would take a break for like two months but usually i'd play on like monthly basis slightly a little bit but yeah if you are uh when the d when the world downloads dude come out a lot of people are very kind here on twitch and gift a lot of subs and if you get us if you're hanging out on twitch and you get a gift sub just by happenstance of getting one uh you can get access to the discord and get the download in there as well so hanging out in the twitch stream can also can also get you the download for free if you want to just hang out here and wait for generous people to be able to give it to you sweet life of sleeping on the roof you know how it goes man it's just some days you just gotta sleep on the roof goodbye forever stare i am not going to get you what biome should i live in dark oak forest or jungle i out of those i would say dark oak dark cook i've been really really liking dark oak recently dark oak forests are one of my favorite biomes i think right now folks we've done it we've done it look at this look at this that's all of them that's every single one all the roofs are in minus the thompson inhumans what has happened we've spent a long time building i really need to take this thing down i just haven't gotten around to it look at that oh that looks so much better now we just gotta get rid of the cake slices darko and birch four so the favorite times i like burger chores but they're just so bright uh no we still got a little bit left to do on the stream we're gonna go for another half hour probably yeah maybe an hour we'll see i still want to get into the nether for a little while today so let's do let's do a poll shall we let's do a poll for what we're going to do next ready everybody it's poll time manage poll new poll what do another explodey or d uh now texture walls all right if you're on desktop you can vote in the poll now vote in the poll there's a poll need a name for a small medium kingdom that is on top of a mountain mountain top there you go i don't know birch forest grass color is really nice i really like dark oak forest grass color like look at this this is like planes that's planes look at how good that green is look at how good that green is all right you all are insane all right no now it's it it broke away okay i broke away it was literally 50 50 like exact 50 50 for a while there this is the closest pull i think i have ever done on twitch everything's always like 90 10 or 80 20. this is the closest poll i think i've ever seen i think if you do like exclamation point vote one or something like that or vote two i think it could i think it works i don't know i don't know how you can vote via chat i know there's a way well it looks like we're going to the nether everybody with a 52 to 48 52 to 48 that was uh so i'm gonna stop this one we're gonna log here real fast just to let this thing save itself uh let me go into here we're gonna turn this filter back on so it'll be a little bit brighter in here for everybody i built the computer myself you can scroll down and see the panels below and you can see the parts that i have it's under the amazon blacksmith tab whatever has the most votes i choose what does nether and exploding entail oh you're gonna find out uh we need to go make some more potions first that's a thing as soon as this replay saves we'll get back into there i need to go make some more lava resistance potions sure that we can go get some ancient debris by flying around and then we've got to uh do some more exploding things so why explode another i'm building a giant giant nether hub where uh we're exploring everything from bedrock in the ceiling down to lava lakes level and uh then building it in it uh i don't know if it'll be in the next building with whip episode but it'll be in there soon it's a it is a huge project the nether hub is a very very big project but it's been fun i've enjoyed it a lot it's been a cool project to do sorry anytime now save we'd be saving are you duping tnt yeah we have we're using a 3d quarry it's pronounced debris i know i always i always say the s i always say the s on it all right so we need to get a little bit of redstone dust we need to get some ruin stands and we gotta go brew please load thank you world swooping schwooping dibber debris debris deborah we've got our salmon we've got some salmon do i have any potions in here i have one potion we have a one eight minute potion that's not enough uh we need to go get some more from the thingy then we gotta get back over to papyrus and broom up okay turn him from the three minute into the eight minute i found fantasy 14 i've not debris like the cheese debra i think it's debra i think it's debris okay so here's the white screen big old white screen right big white screen hey look hello hello something's been up with this world recently loading uh loading dimensions in 116.2 has been terribly slow anybody who's new to the exploding exploding in the nether hello and welcome to exploding exploding in the nether so far we have exploded exploded in the nether this much we need to take it all the way to that wall welcome to my project we gotta fly over here and go to my old piglen trading farm we're gonna name these guys we we did name these guys they got some great fire resist potions for us shoot uh look at that and then there's one right there there's these perfect what did they take off of the trade for this i can't remember then they take some like they quartz is still on it right i know i came through and raided it i they took out what was it um it glowstone got removed right like glowstone got removed from them and then it was uh magma cream got removed oh that's bummer and magma cream we'll have to remember to loot all of those don't you like my arrow telling me that hey go this way to get back to it i get lost in there very easily how's my electric electric's good pull up make it land it land it so close only two buckets we'll go we got more we got more we can make more i'm going to get the splash potions uh because i feel like because i like to have them in case i need to throw it in the lava or like i need to drink it while i'm in lava you can't throw a potion on yourself there's much more planning involved with that instead of a og's button which is what i use these for mostly where did i put that brewing stand didn't i i think it's over here right yeah these bunnies have sat in this boat for three years by the way they've legit been in that boat for three years together that was my original boat that i used to get around the area and the bunnies took it and so i never took it back [Music] so we've gotta use we gotta just brew these up here real fast and then we'll go back in there those bunnies are old they're on a date they've been on a date for three years okay they're still feeling it out but i think they like each other okay i'm going to sleep now bright wing have a good one thanks for stopping by okay good name i don't know what i would name him at this point i really wish the potions like had a different effect like to them like there's no way to tell the difference between these is one like slightly more gold than the other no they look the same potions need to have new textures or they need to be able to like you can tell the difference between them there's no way to tell the difference between them unless you have like an enchanting glint like mine like you have the default enchant glint you all potions look purple bunny and clyde name the bunny jeremy nah never can't do it i can't bring myself to do it all right we're almost done i guess while we're here we can do some oops that's wrong we need you we need the buckets we don't need these we don't need that we need that and we can do this and that's good so i did test it uh ancient debris can go into lava and it's uh it won't burn so we can just break we can land on them break them all and follow into the lava with it and pick it up as they go down and hopefully during that time we don't get blown up by tnt while it's going across that's the goal so we got two left again i have a set of two it's annoying i acted like i was worshiping him nice nice okay uh we can put these away we can put this away boop and a boop check this with us because we're gonna need it we'll keep these two in our inventory can you not have two tnt flying machines going at the same time i could but it wouldn't well actually technically no we can't the area is too big so if we did that like we did on one on each end bringing towards the middle uh that was changing a three minute fire resistance pot to an eight minute one that wasn't a used magma cream to make them the first time but anyways uh we can't do it on both ends because the area is too big so you have to have them loaded in otherwise it'll bug out and they won't work so if we had one on each side it just wouldn't that wouldn't do anything lord warhawk i apologize excuse you skeleton okay uh before we start the tnt machine let's see if we can't get some ancient debris i almost landed it can we land this one oh look how good i am so then we can just do this also uh fall damage that's probably what's gonna kill us where did that go hello thank you careful of the fall damage remember jimmy died to this everybody forgot about that one whole landed landed on the magma cube my one true enemy we're gonna we're gonna sneak up on him everybody we're sneaking he can't oh god he can he can see it's us get out of here i will destroy you and everything you love mostly just you um i would like to know where my ancient debris went ancient debris look at that right there just casually swimming through lava that's fine okay we're doing it everybody this is not the best thing i've probably ever done uh we have a firesis potion on right now which is making it so that we can swim into rava and do this i wish you could just get passive fire resistance that'd be all you'd need on your armor that'd be amazing i'm kidding uh did i get both of those i don't know if i got those hello anything anything [Music] we must have got him i don't know should we have six right now or seven which makes more sense we have five minutes left on the potion though i mean fire protection armor can help but it's not gonna be perfect whereas this is uh pretty perfect and also works on magma blocks i'm surprised they didn't add an enchantment that makes it so magma blocks can't hurt you too scared to go to the nether just drink fire resistance potions just kidding you have to go to the nether to make those do we miss any i'm looking for ancient debris i think we got it all nope there's one right over there what is that eight more nine more in total oh come on now oh we had that that was so close we're not gonna make it we're gonna need another one ready for this oh i nailed it perfect didn't know frostwire couldn't do that crosswalker makes it so magma can't hurt you really i've never put frost walker on a piece of armor that's why i never or on a pair of boots that's why i'd never know hello thank you all right that's all of them let's put them in here with the rest of our stuff we got 37 now 37 ancient debris from breaking all of this worth it i think so now uh pure number wise of ancient 37 ancient debris has come out of all of this folks how's that how's that sound for everybody here let's get some more rockets before i forget and fall somewhere that i don't want to fall more than i've ever gotten that honestly i don't how much have i gone in total i'm curious items times mind has to be under 100. uh penguin thanks so much for having me yeah i'm sure uh you re-entry and sponsor it where you can run tournaments for your computer and resupply the prizes uh i don't appreciate you reaching out to me on here i'll i'll check twitter dms when i can dude thank you for the bets though but uh please don't use this as a way to advertise for that do not depreciate there we go 145. i checked the twitter dms i'm very very cautious about any advertising things that i do all that type stuff so if i didn't get back to you i'm sorry no there we go nailed it i can still destroy my engine debris oh come on now come on now don't you do me like that that one right through him we're gonna win this we will win this battle he will despawn before maybe but he's so good he's dodging he's dodging and weaving better than we can dodge and weave we need a squishy snack and then we can take off okay let's start this thing no worries lord warhawk i appreciate you hanging dude so for those who are not aware this right here is a design by raise works fantastic dude uh very very smart redstoner technical minecrafter he makes really really good farms so naturally he and some of his dudes that he works with figured out a way to make magic happen like this where we can just destroy our little peeler that we made right here and then it just goes and drops tnt and it goes back and that thing over there will move it one block over to the left and bring it back and then this will move it one block over to the left and send it off that way so it literally will clear everything inside of here and all we have to do is watch for lava and because lava is the only thing that can screw it up really so we're basically on lava watch lava watch 20 20. first bit of lava right there we're failing lava watch lava watch is not going well hey what are you doing please don't eat that sock that'd be great thanks just joined whatever i missed uh we're we did a lot of building outside on the city walls and now we're over here working a little bit in the nether to try and get some more stuff over in here cleaned out is that the only the one lava that we have so that's the part that can kill us that'll kill us we're safe against the lava how long am i gonna stream we'll probably go for like an hour doing this here see let's see what happens half hour maybe i don't know we've been live for three hours we'll probably do a half hour of this what farm am i making here this is for my nether hub what's a farm just clearing the nether to build something cool well we're gonna do a weather skeleton farm inside of it there is just just happened to in the area that we're at over here there is space to include a wither skeleton farm uh and there is another fortress so we're probably gonna do one of those uh and then on top of that i wanna do a gold farm in here somewhere but i think unfortunately for the gold farm is i might need to clear more space on every side so depending on where we build those farms we might have to spend more time clearing out these walls lava alert ready for this ready for this pro electro player right here smash the face into the lava and put the block down and watch it just go away fly away like nothing ever happened please tell me we got it we did otherwise that'd be awkward the lavalier there we go there is an ancient debris up here right there look at that guy i thought i saw one yeah so i basically been coming down here and spending a few hours doing this every once while and just kind of just chilling and we started this on monday i think since monday outside of stream i've probably spent another three four hours doing it just kind of i've been playing wow or something i'll just let it do a few passes then come in and fix the lava and then i'll come go back to playing games for another 15 20 minutes you see sausages streaming again oh is he streaming that's cool good for him i haven't been on twitter outside of my um thingy today of saying hey i'm going live so if he's live good good good is he live right now he is live right now good for him yeah if we finish streaming he's still going we'll drop her right over him he's a good guy no way my dog is called kodo at british coda uh he's a wow weird uh sorry mine blank he's a siberian husky boxers are super cute though i'm sure he's a good boy watch oh look another ancient two more debris see there's the there's another another fortress for ourselves uh and that one i've got an area lying down in it that's gonna that'll be like a crossroads and we'll clear everything else around that so once we do everything in there then we can start making stuff happen we'll build the farm and then we'll judge the distance of stuff that we need to clear around it afterwards because i'd rather just build the farm first and get something functional because i realized that one thing i want to start building with and using in some builds is wither roses because i think they're cool and i literally don't have i've never gotten a wither rose in this world so i'm kind of on a little bit of a kick right now in this world of where i want to start doing some stuff that's about like things i've never done or like items i've never done advanced ones i just haven't completed yet a little bit inspired by jem she did a video recently on that i was like that's kind of cool that's something i just haven't done that'd be kind of fun to do uh so like there's lava over there but like if we go into advancements like i don't really care about furious cocktail uh that's easy i need to just throw gold at one apparently i've only done it through my farm uh but like things out here like we haven't killed every hostile mob we haven't i've gotten a trident but i haven't done anything with it i haven't had to use the time i've been dying haven't done that one and we've done all those but there's even like we haven't bred all the animals i haven't like taming all the cats eating their different foods and stuff like that i've never cured a zombie villager that's a thing it basically shows how little i work with villagers in this world if i've never cured a zombie villager so i've uh thought about doing that or i want i want to do that i want to get a villager trading area set up and actually get like good trades and everything um but so i thought that could be kind of fun to do there's one over there that we got to get but that thing is coming through thing is sweeping across dog's name smokey cute dude i've met a black husky named coda and he's very sweet we thought we were being very unique naming our husky coda and it turns out it's one of the most common dog names for huskies or it's one of the most common names for huskies is coda for male huskies and then we're like huh yeah we're really unique good job us that's fine he has his own unique personality you know i kind of want to get all these magma blocks just there's magma blocks on the walls because they're going to get blown up anyways i kind of want them because i'm going to be using a bunch in here so we might as well gather them as it goes if we got time let's get the magma blocks before i come back i'll probably tear them all out of the floor here and everything too so i can use them as we're going uh i don't know what's going on over there should have gone with kodak like the camera here's our dog after the camera brand he's very unique what's always interests me in minecraft is that magma blocks these things right here they spawn next to the lava right but if they touch lava they just they get destroyed i never understood they literally are magma it's a magma block but if it touches lava it will be destroyed why i don't know are you coming back you are coming back this whole thing is just it's just death it's just death right there coming right towards us what packs using uh texture pack is my own there's no mods installed oh i forgot to start replay mod i have so much replay footage of this i'll do some like halfway through once we get this thing like halfway going that's when we can do more replay footage come on man i was swimming in lava you can't be shooting me while i'm swimming in lava that's just rude all right where is haha he's swimming in lava now sucker oh no no get wrecked so what we do need to worry about here soon is uh well one we're getting close to the portals but that bit of land out here it comes out too far so we're gonna have to break all of that down so i think at the end of stream today we'll probably end us with something around here and outside of that i have to be very careful about clearing some land before we move this machine any further because otherwise we'll have to rebuild it because it'll get caught on something which is not good that's not what we want at all but also that i'm worried am i too far away oh no did i break it no it's good okay good good good i thought we there's like a slight time if i am all the way against this wall over here it's just big enough that that wall and the movement will cause the minecarts to despawn which breaks the machine so then you have to stop it you have to reset it rebuild it all that the minecarts just will despawn it's really annoying so that's like we have to stick in the middle here which is why i'm kind of being so picky about where i'm standing what's up zorlor how you doing can you update it to 1.13 please it should work in 113 i don't know why it wouldn't i mean nothing changed with how packs function so you should be able to turn it on steel can that's a probably a that's big big game play right there it really resets phantoms forever if you sleep in the nether you'll never get phantoms in your world again just has a heads up for people sucker first time air is a little bit better in seattle it's not perfect yet but it's it's improving we've gotten rain the last few nights which has helped a lot but it's not by any means fixed yet it's getting a lot better though like i my lungs are doing a lot better now which is fantastic because there is a good while there where i was hurting pretty bad i think i can get it i think i can get it i think i can come on we only got we only got one chance one chance we're good professional fly away fly away from the explosions we've been leaving the windows closed and everything like on where we live and all that stuff and so we've been doing as good as we can really the fact that it takes multiple rockets just to get anywhere inside this place just shows how stupidly massive it is cool guys don't look at explosions exactly that's why we were flying away so i don't know what to tell you there i think we met the criteria i'm gonna murder you [Music] i can't believe a cat made that sound that's just really disturbing that that sound is just very disturbing i give up on the getting magma blocks by the way i'm just i'm so out of it right now i'm just like yeah i'm just gonna watch the thingy go boom and wait for lava to clean up i'm in full on autopilot right now so how is everybody's wednesday going as i'm over here collecting number box i have to make sure we get out of here before the thing comes back and blows us up wouldn't that be sad i'm just sitting down under here and all of a sudden all this tnt starts exploding out there and it's like oh god take cover enderman noises are just human yeah that's true that's true we had the electro break while doing this not yet thankfully thankfully not yet i've actually major knock on wood moment i've never had an electro break on me no that's a lie i have in the last year i've had one break on me once but i'm usually really good about catching them and repairing it before they break i am way picky about like durability of tools and keeping them capped out and everything like that that i am just always constantly being like all right when do i need to repair this tell me again when i need to repair it oh right now because it's at 90 durability got it okay i'll do it i think that's the i think that's the wow the wow player inside of me if anybody's played world of warcraft if you ever like going into any dungeons or things like that or raids like you always have to repair your gear so i just like anytime i was ever at a place where i could repair i would always repair everything it was like hooked on making sure everything i had was always repaired so i think that's just carried into my minecrafting it's like if it's getting close to breaking even like halfway halfway is too durability is too low we gotta go gotta go repair didn't know you did twitch streams we've been doing twitch streams for a long time dude excuse you mr skeleton i am trying to get some ancient debris up here there we go i've done some huge project and broke a few picks but barely fly enough to get it to die i i mean as i'm not opening my wings i've repaired this twice today i repaired it once before stream and i repaired it once this morning i've been flying back and forth between papyrus and the city so many times one because this nether hub really needs to get finished or at least the other portals need to get laid out on the ground so we can move around doing that i think the first plane is going to be coat the floor and whatever flooring materials we're going to be doing making sure it's all mob proof and everything then we're going to fix the walls to make sure those things work and are looking good and also mob proof and then after that it's going to be get the nether portals down honestly that could happen before we do any of like nether portals need to come after the floor because i want to be able to use my nether hub to actually move and i think it's about time as weird as to say i think it's about time that we need to install another portal inside the city i'm in the city so much and the fact that there's no nether portal in there is really starting to bother me the fact that i know originally i was like oh i'm just going to use it to like i'll walk into it every time just so i get that grand feeling of like look at this cool stuff i built and now i'm just like i hate just walk takes an extra 20 seconds pull hello tnt coming right at me you should make a copy of your world then we can see what it looks like what do you mean how long have you had this world i've been playing in this world since 1.12 we've been here for a good while the suit yeah i should make it in the sewer or like just somehow put it in the bank or something so it's just somewhere like important honestly i could put it down in the map room and call it good it's like an easy way to get in and out of the map room that would even be better do the map room and then get like a way to actually get out of the map room that's what i really need getting in and out of that place sucks it's like thrill it's three of rockets the hole is so deep and skinny that's three rockets to get enough lift to get you out at the top how are we doing we're at six more ancient debris though so that's sweet are you guys gonna hate me no you guys are all zombies you don't have brains 43. remember the goal is to get enough ancient debris that we can make a mountain out of it inside the nether or at least detail a mountain with it we're not gonna smelt it for another tools we're making a mountain out of it you play any instruments uh i used to play guitar and i used to play piano i definitely can't play them anymore though i think we can plan it but we don't ruin the one you're in right now no i'm not gonna do that there's downloads if you'd like to plan it if you're a twitch sub or a patron patron member or a youtube member you can get a download of it um but no to everything else i'm not putting on a server for people to check out because there are ways for people to download a map on a server just simply by logging into it uh so i don't want to deal with that i do have plans once i finish enough once i finish enough of the city i will say once i finish the left side of the city and the right side of the city kind of all the way across like that middle stretch uh i think i'm gonna do an event with however many of my subscribers can make it we'll split everybody up into even teams and we will do a giant capture the flag inside the city that's uh that's that's a big project i've wanted to do for a while or not a project but like a big thing i thought would be so fun to do is just have a giant capture the flag where i'm like an overseer in the sky watching it all happen and of like team a and team b i'll have like my mods head up one like they'll divide into like each side and everything manage it all and then they'll all they can be in their own discords and everything and i think it'd be really cool so we can get patron members and twitch subs everybody everybody can join and play the game it would be hard it would be hard to get a server that can manage that many people because probably like 200 300 people but it'd be fun uh queen chloe thanks so very much for the five more gift subs i really do appreciate that thank you very much don't have java oh bummer yeah that's that's the other problem with it it have to be java only because otherwise things would not work very well in here it would look a little awkward for folks who are not on java i i know there's some people who've recently been saying that like jimmy oh no we're getting those things to spawn down here that's not fun you go run over to the tnt right real fast but people i've heard people saying that there's something people can do to make it so like a bedrock account can connect to a java server if that is the case i might see if i can get those and stuff like that installed so people can do it that was called a hogland it's a like another another boar pig they're very they're very dangerous if i'm gonna die inside of here it's either gonna be me getting caught in that thing or to a hogland that's i think that's how i'm gonna die in this my next death i would be very much willing to bet it's gonna be to a hogland you should get a shield i'm lazy i would i'd never remember to open it there's one lava start all of that did how rude favorite minecraft animal i like sheep sheep have cool faces sheep faces are just funny looking they're just so funny all right i need to come down here just watch any ancient debris in the area it's so cool to watch this thing just go across i know we've only went like from like here over to there in this time frame but it's just watching this area grow it's just it's one making me really scared for how big this project is and two it's uh finds the little things that can walk on lava the striders striders are pretty cool there there were some around here there were some around here a while ago i think they all got blown up by the tnt though no there's two right over there look at him look at him nope that was another quartz false alarm not a strider oh there's a strider hey buddy hi hello how are you how's it going good day yeah good day mm-hmm okay let's put this oh we're getting blazes spawning inside the nether fortress now we're that close to it it's almost time to start exploding the nether fortress everybody which is going to be very cool i'm gonna have to install that mod that shows you like the bounding boxes for it and i'll have to find one that'll be like super good to build a uh wither skeleton farming i'm excited to get that set up though i've never made one before i've made a really crappy one but i've never made like a one where you clear out the entire nether around it i think that sounds like really just intense striders are pretty cool the way they walk they're like walking animations really cool hey felix i'm doing good things just chilling man oh my gosh that thing's already coming back huh fly i thought i could do it i did not did not make it in time my wings would not go that would have been a very bad death everything would have been gone all i want to do is place that block who's this is ray's works design raze works 3d 3d quarry more lava i'm always so scared about hitting it accidentally breaking that thing that would be that would be a sad day that'd be a very sad day for me there's my fish we also need some more rockets because we go through those things so fast in here any ancient debris that we haven't gotten yet any ancient debris nothing down here oh that's getting that's again chunked up up there okay okay okay anything am i missing any i don't think so oh yeah get him get him oh he's getting flown around oh the piglet died yeah nothing up here okay we got all of it ready for this ready for that look at that look at that look at that it's blowing up get the skeleton please somehow get now the skeleton's gonna survive hey toxic how are you doing man uh sorry it's been a while i've been been at the hospital because things are pretty we're pretty bad but just want to stop by and say hey hey talks like i hope you're doing all right man i'm sorry to hear you've been in the hospital hopefully it's uh hopefully you're on the the better end of that one now i'm gonna save up for the ucs lego millennium television that's 800 biggest lego set ever very cool enjoy it hope you have fun do you think most insurance companies have a person as their mascot i don't know why why was that relevant at all what are you working on uh we are clearing the nether so that i can build a giant nether hub nether hub also we need to drink this coming back this way watch out everybody he's coming back hey warhawk you have going army geez hello that was dangerously close um yeah so we're clearing the nether for everybody who's just joining obviously as you can see things are getting destroyed in here uh but the whole purpose of this is to be able to create another hub because i for some reason decided that in 116 instead of just building a regular nether hub with tunnels and cool stuff like that that's simple and easy i wanted to clear out from bedrock all the way down to here so we could build a giant cavern still don't know why i'm doing it but we are we're here we're doing it i'm not gonna be backing down there's too many projects i've started and not finished so we're changing that we start a project it's gonna be one that we're committing to how big is another hub uh this isn't even half of it it goes all the way back to there so slowly but surely it is moving and getting destroyed by this little dude right here thomas the tnt duper that could this share sizes project yeah i don't know how i'm gonna build that big of mushrooms i think there might be a lot of dead space be flying around above them which i'm not against or that means we could do sorts of mushrooms that like hang down from the ceiling or maybe just like crystals or something that hang down we'll have to find a way to light them make them look cool but yeah there's some way of having like some things hanging down from the top we'll have like some stalactites kind of like what they have in the soul sand valley with the basalt and everything because we're going to use a lot of basalt like all the walls would be coated in basalt kind of like that one over there the most i gotta say the part that i'm least looking forward to is fixing the walls to one make them look good and two make them mob proof the mob proof part is uh what i'm not excited about that's gonna be a lot of basalt holy cow why are there so many hoglands holy pig look at all of them it's a death trap waiting to happen right there it's okay though we're fine we're good we're a professional minecrafter no need to panic everybody we're fine now what the heck hit me i don't even know what hit me professional minecrafter i've tried to do it it's just too much there's a lot going on up here all right you hoglan you want a tango following the lava i'm in the lava what you gonna do buddy what you gonna do buddy ol pal find some way to hit me make me very sad that's probably what he's gonna do hey sausage thank you so much for the raid dude i appreciate that but you uh why i i can't i can't believe you did this because uh we were going to raid you in like 10 minutes so or in 20 minutes i can't i can't believe you did this to me we were gonna raid you not you rating me today that's the other way around thank you so very much dude how was the stream i saw you guys are doing the hardcore stuff well come on in folks how's it going did sausage die yet what's what's the over under on sausage dying in his hardcore world soon that is that is that still a good bet are we still taking bets before episode 10 uh death no i didn't didn't die sure sure you didn't sure uh we got two and a half minutes well for everybody who's coming in we're working on my netherhub today which is uh a little insane we are actively trying to clear the nether so that we can spawn proof the nether uh for my entire another hub so so far we've cleared everything inside of here and we're using this little tnt flying machine that just goes along and makes some boom booms and takes walls out one at a time and it just goes back and forth and back and forth and uh we're kind of just letting it chill today we did a lot of building earlier and now it's uh it's just chill time it's chilled asmr tnt explosions time also brutally murdered yes i'm very chill got some sushi delivery just coming in oh i'm jealous man that sounds delicious sounds delicious uh we need more potions because otherwise we gonna burn death in the lava we do not want to burn to death in the lava that is goal number one yeah so we're just kind of watching all of it this is a design by raise works if anybody wants to check it out uh raise works 3d quarry r-a-w-s-w-o-r-k-s i really need to get a link to it and put it into a command but that's it how much city walls you get done uh we got everything except the towers done actually which is sweet uh so i'll have to get the towers done soon i might just do those off cam because they're kind of very very repetitive to make so i'll probably just do them off cam and try and get the time-lapse footage rocking for them so we can have that in an episode here soon but yeah those are those are all going they're chilling they're doing their thing we're gonna have to be careful of our electro here soon i just need to start bringing back up elytra with me like i i feel like i just need to have multiple elytra on me in my backpack that are enchanted and ready to go this is my only pair of elytra that i have that's actually enchanted also i don't have a mending villager really so that's a problem no no my minecart the thing broke everybody panic panic it broke we have to go turn it off quickly now quickly nope that's now please don't kill myself where i'm trying to turn off there we go that'll turn it off and bring it all the way back not sure how the mine cart fell off but it did so only one of them is going that sucks do you still play conquest no i haven't i haven't done anything in conquest for about two years so yeah when this guy gets back here we'll pill her up there and fix it all um i think anybody around here not gonna like me probably somebody oh looks like no piglens right now that no let's let's fix it uh we'll do another like few swipes we'll do another few swipes for this one because we need this we need you and then i just need a dummy block because the rails still on there yeah the rail's still on there so we just got to reset that one side we still have everything else on there as well i would like to take care of the gas before he blows up my thing at one of these times i will do that correctly but today is not the day it's a lot of exploded nether it is a lot of exploded nether yeah so we've done all of that so far not specifically today but all of it has been done at one point in time i need to get down a block so i can go actually we can go up and over so we do this we do that [Music] can i not make this jump like thank you and then we need to take one of these and this is how you reload it if it ever gets messed up you have to power it and push it on i don't know why but ray's work said if you don't do that it will mess up so as ray's work knows all we do what we do as he says when it comes to making this machine work i recorded a video today that's true i did not post a video today the video will be out tomorrow uh that's i think that'll be i hope this works yes we're good we are functional yet again folks the boom booms can continue look at that flip did redstone he can follow instructions somebody gave him on the internet dang he's good at this game are we trying to get rid of the lava uh not so much getting rid of the lava uh we're getting rid of the lava falls that come with everything but we're not getting rid of the um the floor lava i'ma build over the top of it this cave is already massive and i don't think i'm gonna be able to fill up the space that we have right now anyways very efficiently with anything that's worthwhile so i think what we might do is we'll figure out a way to make that bottom area mob proof um whether that's like buttoning or whatever the open areas or just covering them in lava so that it all gets covered but that's kind of the plan right now welcome to fort flip where we already have an arrow inside of us uh i'm gonna go afk for a quick sec folks and hopefully this thing doesn't blow us up before i get back and gas doesn't kill us so i'll be right back i'm gonna go use the restroom but there we go we can watch it go bye foreign all right folks we back did it go was there a ghast do we stay safe where's the chair stream everybody i have a general idea what the nether hub's gonna look like when it's finished but there's no there's nothing set in stone yet per se maybe a little bit of a stuff set in basalt oh it did go by hi betty look at you let's go pick some lava i'm sure there's lava pillars that need to be removed because that's what we do hey queen chloe thanks for all the support today i appreciate it thank you thank you thank you you have a good rest of your day all right there is stuff that needs to be removed pull up pull up nope not up not up enough wait a chance to have the pick uh this one has silk touch efficiency 5 and the works uh mending unbreaking 3 everything you want what i carry around on me typically is a silk touch pick but then i usually i'll have like a fortune pick in my backpack or something that i can grab super easy please land yes thank you not sure how i landed in here but we did then i think there's uh is that dying no that's the one i missed there's also one we can grab down here look at that there's electro's down at 82 durability though we don't have much we don't have much left that we can do unfortunately we might have to call it here after like a next sweep or two because uh the if the electro durability is down we cannot move around and by another hub currently we it's it's mandatory elytra you mean you just got a new excellent episode yesterday i don't give me some time man give me some time i'll get the x life episode finished when i can get it finished but don't expect one every day with the amount of hours that i put into each video that i make it is impossible to produce them on the daily but there was literally one yesterday i put a redstone block away and this is going to be awkward because that dude is not going to like me i i'm gonna go in here nope dude i'm trying to i'm trying to do something that you won't be able to see don't follow me ah i knew you were coming let's go turn this thing i died when you found joel afk that was really entertaining i had a lot of fun doing that that was just something so random that i would just never do anywhere else and it just happened that he was afk like right in front of you i was like this is my chance we don't want those we don't want any of this netherrack soul soil i'll keep nothing else we'll keep okay all right this dude's gonna come back and then i think it's time to go repair everything oh okay uh we've been streaming for almost four hours uh the thing we're doing the nether is we're clearing it all and then we're building a giant nether hub the heck did these arrows come from did you just kill him did you save me if so i appreciate it but i still don't like you oh come on i cut i caught my pinky toe on there man is the pinky toe not strong enough to hold me 16th hour yeah i started playing minecraft about 8 a.m today that was terrifying uh i started playing minecraft about 8 a.m today 8 30 a.m and now it's 5 p.m so that's a full nine hour work day of minecraft and then i played minecraft until about 9 30 10 o'clock last night as well so it's been a lot of minecraft in the last 24 hours uh kind kami thanks so much for the five gift subs i appreciate that thank you very much that's very kind of you thank you thank you thank you been lurking in here the whole time west coast yeah give yourself more breaks i was just a project that i need to get done i took like three hours off yesterday during the middle of the day sweet that's how quick you're repairing elytra that's why i never bother making a second one there's poor enderment fern how you doing good to see you uh we've been live for almost four hours so i think unfortunately folks for everybody who's just getting in here that's going to be doing it for today's stream i think oh you're you're all you all ready for this no it won't actually be a sweater ha ha because we streamed for a long time my bed was set inside of the mansion but it's not anymore she got home from work hope the rest of your stream went well it did it was good it was a good one let's head back over to the city for now uh we can i don't need any of those actually i got to go put these mega blocks away almost missed the almost missed the show spawn i'm sorry i'm sorry you still trying for that mount magma blocks magma blocks magma blocks yeah magma blocks is there any way to automate magma blocks like can you automate a uh magma you can automate magma cream because there's no spawners nowaday right all right let's head back over yeah i need to get a magma cream farm because we're gonna need a lot we which is unfortunate because i need a lot of magma blocks for this build at least the way i'm envisioning it in my head it involves a insanely stupid amount of magma blocks have you ever looked at the world without textures texture pack on i mean yeah it looks pretty much the same most of the colors i have not altered that much uh most of the colors inside of here that i have are very similar the only big difference is bushy leaves everything else is very vanilla friendly but check this out we did the spoiler at the start of the stream for tomorrow's episode look what i finished building [Music] look at that right there i really like this i think it turned out really well how early is an early stream view uh starting like 9 a.m night time probably it's about the release we're gonna do i'm thinking friday we're gonna go for an early stream again folks uh i like the orange window yeah it works well with the warm of the mushroom box uh but we're gonna do [Music] a early stream on friday most likely i think i'm gonna keep doing fridays as like morning streams that's kind of my plan right now uh so i think we're gonna keep up with that as we go but folks if you haven't already please be sure to click the follow button on the stream so you can be notified next time i'm live which will be on friday and we do monday wednesday friday streams here as often as we can but i hope you all enjoyed today's stream uh i lost the person i was going to raid because they went offline uh and i don't know who is online right now do do yeah yeah lizzy's live uh let's go ahead and raid lizzie there are a lot live playing among us it looks like a good amount of people on there uh so let's go ahead and raid lizzy uh flip raid in the chat if you can folks if you got the emotes spam them i'm i feel like she's probably in a moat only mode over there because she's playing among us but thank you everybody so very much for hanging out i hope you all enjoyed today's stream i will catch you all later though so join me on this one just kidding we got 10 seconds um yeah join in make sure you join there we go cool stuff sweet already said bye this is really awkward so it's an awkward time when we're like we both said bye and then we walk the same direction and then we're kind of still going um yeah all right i'll see y'all later bye everybody oh great and then we just ran by [Music] okay so i definitely trust mika now because she reported that with me and she would not have done that to her fellow imposter she probably would have thrown me under the bus instead so why am i running around like it's safe now it's not safe i just have one friend on this ship everyone else is probably trying to kill me was there a raid oh my gosh i didn't see why are you spamming the raider mode
Channel: fWhipTwo
Views: 154,845
Rating: 4.7432666 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, minecraft, minecraft 1.16, minecraft 1.16 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival wall, minecraft 1.16 wall, minecraft 1.16 wall design, minecraft 1.16 survival wall design, how to build a wall in minecraft, minecraft wall, how to build a wall in minecraft 1.16, minecraft walls, minecraft 1.16 survival walls, minecraft survival walls, minecraft castle walls survival
Id: PCcwGZzBChg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 55sec (13915 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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