I survived Hardcore Minecraft as my full time job for a year - This is what happened

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this is the story of how i turned minecraft into my full-time job one year ago the world went into a lockdown and from one day to the next my job as an artist making installations for mostly music festivals didn't exist anymore suddenly i had a lot of time on my hands it was a perfect moment to try something crazy so with three months of casual minecraft experience under my belt i decided to become a full-time hardcore minecraft player there was just one small problem i was really bad at the game stay around until the end of the video to find out how i managed to overcome the olds in a world that will be lost forever if i die even once when i came up with the idea to start a hardcore series i decided there was no time for second guessing myself i had to get started before i changed my mind and i would just figure everything out along the way so i went ahead and i made my first hardcore world and i died pretty much right away [Music] after two more test runs i devised a dubious strategy to completely avoid all mobs and i realized it was time to try my hand at the real thing so i came up with a channel name make this terrible skin i would have to do for the time being and i spawned into a little valley with a tiny river mountains on the one side and a forest on the other a blank minecraft world full of endless possibilities and looney was ready for it well mentally ready his um skin needed to work [Music] when i started this journey i had absolutely no idea where it would lead me i started out just wanting to survive for a little while but i had high hopes this is the first minecraft world i named before i started it if you don't believe that something special is about to happen then you're probably right but i was ready to believe like so many other worlds that came before and so many that will be started after this one is over the journey started with a fist and a tree the first steps i took in the world were very careful ones so right after i got some basic tools i set up a little mountain home right where the adventure started before going underground for the night i explored a little bit and as soon as the adventure started it could have been over right here without ever meeting a single zombie during the first couple of nights i was so afraid of mobs that every time night fell i would go down underground to do some mining while i had blocked off my mountain cave with a dirt block so no mobs could sneak in when i started mining down i found my first bit of iron and before long i had some proper armor and my first little base camp was taking shape around me with my armor a shield and a bunch of torches i set out to light the cave system under my little hideout it was right there still on the first day that i had my second close call luckily i reacted quick enough and my shield saved the day wow [Music] my first short-term goal was to get enchanted armor and tools but to get the best enchantments i needed to get to level 30. the safest way i could imagine doing that was to my nether quartz for experience and because i found a lot of iron in the cave system i decided to make a bunch of buckets and use those to cast an obsidian frame for the nether portal up in my mountainside cave when i first went into the nether i was so terrified of the idea that a gas could attack me when i came out of the portal that i made this little tunnel around the portal to secure my exit back to the overworld the lava lake right next to that safe passageway was my early game fuel source my coal supply simply couldn't keep up with the amount of cobblestone i was smelting to prepare for my first house i mined the cobble down on y11 of course because i was also looking for my first diamonds with these i would be able to make an enchanting table soon that just left me with leather and sugarcane to collect so i went outside and lured a couple cows back inside the mountain base so i could safely breed them here with all the resources covered on the overworld side i went back into the nether to get my levels by mining quartz level 30 was the last thing i needed to get busy with the enchantment so it was time to finally move out of the mountain not all that far from where we started out i found this village i decided to build my first house right next to it because getting villagers would be a much more reliable way to get all the enchantments we needed wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up looney you just showed us three minutes of living in a cave and now he built a house and called villagers in 10 seconds what's going on i could hear you guys just thinking that well you know what this story i'm about to tell you isn't actually about this house it's about what happens next i spent the first part of the journey by myself me against the world and it had been terrifying but things were looking up for me now i had my diamond armor and my protection for enchantments even at a house but slowly but surely making the world mine and that's when i found dany my first friend on this adventure that meant i was no longer alone on this journey danny and i we were the stars of our own fairy tale both of us equipped with diamond armor galloping around the plains in search of gunpowder and then their pearls nothing could stop us so riding around with a smile on my face i started dreaming about defeating the ender dragon dreaming of getting wings of my own to fly around the whole wide world and then in a fraction of a second everything changed [Music] i had been unbelievably dumb and then he paid the price that's the moment where it all clicked that's the moment where i realized that i wasn't ready for this world at all [Music] i needed to be way more careful or this place would end up eating me alive [Music] so i picked myself back up and i continued my quest to the end but i developed a level of being careful like you have never seen danny was with us for the shortest moment but he left us with a gift he gave me the mindset that would make me miraculously survive the first 365 minecraft days in this world once i made my way to the end there was just no way i was going to mess up this far into the game i had to start facing the toughest challenges head on i had to start forcing myself to get better at the game this world wasn't mine just yet i still had to earn the right to call it that and for the time being everything that i lacked in skill i made up for indetermination but i was about to be tested for the first time with an inventory full of slow falling i felt ready for that test time had come for me to slay a dragon danny's death had taught me a valuable lesson that moment made me realize just how bad i was at combat in the game going into this fight i decided that it wasn't about killing the dragon it was about trying to prevent any scenario where i could die so i pressed that pumpkin head firmly onto my shoulders and rushed into a fight it would take me nearly 10 minutes i got most of the crystals with my bow but aiming for the higher ones was very awkward because of my impaired vision so i towered my way up there and slowly drifted back down with the potion effect and slowly but surely i started wearing the dragon down as she got tired i grew more confident until eventually i inflicted the final hit and as awkward as all of this looked i made good on my promise to danny i got through a major obstacle and made it out alive we were one step closer to the point where i could start writing my own history one step closer to creating a special minecraft adventure and one step closer to being able to do minecraft as my full-time job before entering the dragonflight i had made a method portal in the stronghold because our business in the end wasn't quite done i made a quick trip back to my house and loaded up my inventory with a lot of stone but most importantly i took an anvil an unbreaking three book amending book and some rockets with me because i intended to come out of the end with a couple of elytra that first part of the journey over the void was so scary but after i found my first end chip i felt a sense of relief and accomplishment because this this was the moment where the adventure really started getting an electrode changed everything for me not only could i now safely build an enderman farm which got me all my maxed out enchantments it also opened up the entire overworld so i took my wings and set out to find a location for my first project and after a little while i came across this ocean monument which i would turn into a project that i called the heart of the sea before i could get any building done i first had to get rid of the guardians that protected the monument and that wasn't without any risk i had brought enough water breeding potions to survive underwater for more than 30 minutes so i decided to seal myself in a little box and enter the monument from the top this strategy gave me safe entrance but entering through that tube was tricky and would nearly get me killed later defeating the elder guardians was a daunting task but occasionally taking cover made all the difference and before i knew it i could start draining the inside of the monument structure from that moment forward this place started functioning as my main base soon i installed an iron farm above the ocean and a guardian farm inside the monument both of which would start collecting resources while i started draining the area around the monument as the surrounding area started to dry up my plans for the base began to come together as well and i realized that i wanted to locate my essential farms under the monument that meant i had to take another big step in developing the world i needed to get a beacon to get the haste effect but wait loony hold up we're going so fast again well yes but this story isn't about iron or guardian farms guys we are about to see another pivotal moment right here i made my way back to the nether fortress i had found earlier and i started looking for wither skeletons it took me about two hours to get three of their skulls but ever since i defeated the enderdragon things have been going so well i felt like i was flying through the progress full of confidence i traveled back to the end ready to get my first beacon since i had never fought the weather before i decided to spawn it under the dragon's nest and suffocate it a friend showed me how to do it on the server one time and at this moment i was fully aware that i didn't exactly remember how we did that but i figured there were only two scenarios one a minute from this moment i would have a beacon and two i would have to be ready to run for my life because i had no idea how to fight a withering hardcore luckily i remember the setup perfectly so i trapped the weather in the bedrock of the dragon's nest only to shoot it free a moment later the moments that followed were the most stressful ones since that explosion had ended danny's life there was a wither right behind me and i had no idea how to fight it so my only priority in this very moment was get out of here i i just took off i looked around i couldn't find the weather i had no idea where i was but somehow i made my way out of the end safely and i had to collect myself my first move was to gather gas tears so i could make regeneration potions with the potions in place i felt like i just had to go back in and give it my best shot but i still went with the pumpkin strap because i was terrified of finding the wither and enderman at the same time that strategy didn't work at all i couldn't damage the weather enough so i rushed out of the end yet again i reflected on the fight and weighed my options finally i decided to make my way back with an all or nothing mindset this was an obstacle i just had to overcome if i wanted to push forward on this journey so i took off the pumpkin head and i went in for round three which now looks like the most awkward fight anyone has ever had my focus was completely on my health the region effect and my hot bar wow i intensely spammed my ex to try and bring the withers health bar down which it did very slowly it had been a long fight it had been a scary fight but after i killed the wither i felt like i had tackled the hardest obstacle i would ever have to face on my way to turning this world into something special i had my beacon and i was becoming a better player or so i thought until i learned that weapon cooldown was a thing i had been spamming my weapons without letting them recover inflicting minimal damage on just about every monster i had fought up to this point it honestly was a small miracle that i made it this far but i'm incredibly glad that i did because we were getting to the part of the game where i intended to shine it was time to start the first big building project to make room for that project i dug all the way to bedrock under the ocean monument to create room for farms that would support my entire world meanwhile i made my way out to five more ocean monuments that are raided in surge of sponges so i could clear the bigger area around my ocean base of all the water sources that were there i found two sponge rooms and got more comfortable with clearing out the ocean monuments even though i had just found out about weapon cooldown i was really becoming more experienced and less stressed in combat situations the wither fight had been a harsh reality check and i could feel that my mindset was shifting on my way back home after the sponge mission i followed a treasure map to find a heart of the sea so i could set up a conduit once i had all the required nautilus shells underwater breeding would make working in the ocean a lot easier and i had a lot of working in the ocean up ahead as i started making the glass circle around my ocean monument it was time to prepare for the actual draining process an operation that would end up taking around 40 hours including the cleanup at the ocean floor but these draining machines made it a whole lot easier it was the most satisfying thing in the world yet to see these behind me just cleaning out the entire area the 180 block diameter circle during this part of the project there were so many first times i found my first trident collected my first mob head crafted my first sea lanterns from the guardian farm drops and eventually i designed the floor for my first real build as that spawn proof floor started to come together and i lit up the caves around the area and my base was gradually starting to become a really safe place at this point in the game one of my friends made me a new skin while i settled into using my bow way more than any melee weapon distance to mobs kept me safe but it was also what would make me feel my first ever raid i would make up for losing that raid later because for the time being nothing could pull me away from working on the heart of the sea with a gunpowder farm a sugarcane farm an auto smelter and decorations all around the ocean monument the project really started to come together and i felt like i had overcome so many obstacles to now be in control of my world and the direction where it was heading around this time something else changed i started streaming the world three times a week and for the first time since we lost danny i wasn't alone on my journey anymore i was sharing it with a small group of people several days a week and they were there when i had one of the scariest moments in my entire adventure because as the heart of the sea started to look better and better the 1.60 nether update came out and the entire world changed because of it i was excited about the new features and blocks so i decided to venture deeper into the nether than we ever did before up to this point i had never explored further than a thousand blocks outward so very quickly we entered unexplored terrain it honestly felt incredible to fly through these new colorful biomes inevitably we stumbled upon a bastion curious to see what it would look like and hoping for some cool blackstone blocks to take home we entered the structure i took out my pickaxe and started swinging but i was unaware that mining gilded blackstone would aggravate all the piglets in the area when the first couple turned the corner i wasn't actually that worried once they started really pouring down the staircase though i decided to run down towards the middle of the bastion to have an open area where i could properly assess how many buildings were actually there to find so i ran down to the open spot looked around and then i realized i was in trouble the only thing i could do here is run and with my heart racing and adrenaline coursing through my veins i had to make my way out of yet another tricky situation unfortunately i shot down a dead end room and the piglets quartered me i intended to put up a fight but i realized it was never going to work so i charged right through the piglens and chuck two golden apples there were a couple more tense moments as i tried to organize my whole bar to make it out of the situation i put myself in luckily i managed to block myself in eventually and find a way out with my heartbeat still through the roof i eventually managed to make my way home but on that trip a major realization set in at this point in the game i had a lot to lose with all the work that i had put in the heart of the sea was starting to become a real base and for the first time i had the foundation for that special world that i wanted so badly but up to this point i have never really doubled down on my survival skill set so i changed my approach at that very moment i started practicing combat under far from ideal circumstances by playing super flat night only sessions without armor but more importantly i decided that i was going to do the hardest things that i still had to do as soon as possible because of my skill set really wasn't up to the task then i had to lose the world now not later so i started farming gasters in the nether to craft and crystals and i made my way back to the end again but this time things were different last time i entered here to fight the dragon i came in with a pumpkin head still trembling with fear and crippled by grief of dany's death just days before that was a long time ago i was wiser now stronger and more confident i could hear the voices of everyone watching cheering me on from the very first step on that island we could all feel the energy of what was about to happen last time i came in with hopes of slaying a dragon this time around though i wasn't just here to kill the dragon i was here to challenge her for dominion over her domain i was here to end her once and for all [Music] throughout the 19 dragon fights that we did that stream the practice and the confidence showed as i'm pulled off move after move that i couldn't have even dreamed of during that first fight about two months earlier as i was flying high though i made mistakes too and in the 17 fight i was foolish enough to try and finish her in the air where in a moment of panic i reverted to my spam clicking ways of old i was immediately reminded of the power that my foe carried in her wings as she slammed me into one of the pillars breaking every bone in my body it didn't shift the tide of our battle though that day i took everything from her once my biggest fear in this entire world now vanquished forever that was the day i became my own worst enemy but we would only find that out much much later after 20 dragon fights we had all the end gateways completed that was one major risk out of the way but there was another one ahead of us to be able to really build up the world i needed more than the one beacon i had which meant that there was another dimension to conquer so i made a new fire protection armor set and i went to the depths of the nether to build a fortress farm for wither skulls and blaze rods a little while before we went back to fight the dragon again i used an enderpearl to make my way onto the nether roof once i found a fortress that had a lot of lava surrounding it i marked down the coordinates and flew to that location over the roof when i got there i made my way back down through the bedrock to have easy access to this remote location i remember coming back here and setting up the storage on the first stream where we went out to prepare for the farm i was honestly terrified to start building there but it all went surprisingly smooth that day and before we knew it i was building the technical backbone of the farm this was the first time that the infrastructure we had built up at the heart of the sea really came into play we ended up using about 40 000 red stained glass to spawn proof the method without ruining the feel of the area surrounding the fortress getting to that number would have been very hard without the farms under the ocean monument we used the tunnel rockets to fly back and forth to the desert for sand while the auto smelter burned through all the coal we have been saving up fuel started to become a bottleneck towards the end of the project but we managed to get the spawn proofing done well enough to get the remaining fuel from the fortress farm itself on the next stream after the farm was completed i put my combat practice to the test by fighting two withers at the same time but that is not what the stream would be remembered for now that i was in control the world and i could truly call it mine the time had come to replace danny he had been gone for too long and i felt like i deserved to not be alone anymore so i made a new friend called gerald keeper of the conduits and protector of the loot gerald quickly became the heart and soul of that base and the awesome vibe on the stream where i built him sparked the idea for a special event we called it the tidal wave it was the first ever week where i streamed every day the mission was to finish the heart of the sea over that seven day period we ended up needing a bonus eighth day but we got most of the project done and every single stream i felt a new wave of excitement as i realized that we were past the trials and tribulations of the early days of our journey when we built up the map room i got a clear idea of what the world around us looked like and that became the inspiration for the second major construction project in the world a project destined to define this world as it would carry the title of the entire series so as gerald's cave the nether portal the metro the museum and everything else came together i took all the cool white mind out from under the base and started building letter frames in the ocean i had overcome so many obstacles to get to this point but now that we were about 500 hours into the world i wrote my name into the very fabric of it as we started construction on the city of looneyville by the time we're done with this place it will be a thriving medieval city on a ridgeline pushed up from the ocean floor but for those with wings to carry them high up in the sky it will forever read out the looney adventure while the city was rising out of the water one district at a time i knew there was one more quest that i had to embark upon i still needed to get all the advancements ever since the beginning of the world i tried to sleep as little as possible so with around 60 nights of sleep even though we had done a lot there was still time left before we would get to 2 000 game days so with the 70 days that i had remaining i gave it everything to get every last advancement in the game during that mission i got into a really scary situation but this time it was my experience rather than a lucky break that saved me when my strider suddenly halted and this magma cube attacked me i had very little time to think but because my chest play was in the right spot i could prevent more damage go under the level with a potion and heal up there that gave me a little bit of time to think so i looked up and as i saw how many magma cubes had gathered around me i figured that fighting them wasn't the best move so i went down under the lava with my potion made all the way to the bottom and i mined my way out from under this lava lake yet again i had survived a risky spot this incident happened on day 1959 of the world and it was a good thing that i survived this one because i was about to see the biggest moment since i had started this adventure on day 2000 though there was one advancement that still eluded me and i vowed to do it on my live stream once we got to 5 000 days despite that one failure though i felt like i had a story to tell so i took a break from streaming and i sat down to edit my story together in one video and that video was a turning point this is where i touched on the potential for minecraft to really become my job i've been grinding full time for five months believing in something that was very far away but now at the beginning to my special world and a growing audience of awesome people to share it with and that feeling really made me want to step it up a notch while we built up various districts of loonyville during the streams i spent a lot of time doing other things at this point in my journey i really believe that what had started out as a dream several months before wasn't a dream anymore it was something i could work my way towards if i just kept putting in the same effort that meant that i was ready to take it one step further so i spent a lot of time writing parts of a story that nobody will hear until this minecraft journey is over but i also tried to come up with an answer that i needed much sooner we had spent a lot of time decorating the heart of the sea and during that entire period the guardian farm had been steadily producing resources i've been crafting all of those into sea lanterns that i put in storage for later use but i want to do something with them i kept thinking of a way to use water and light reflections for a cool project ever since we made gerald's cave the possibilities of light and shaders had me extremely excited it took me a while to figure out what my sea lantern project would be but eventually something hit me at that point i didn't even know if i could make that image that i had in my head but i went on google to research because there was a missing piece to the puzzle that i had to look for once i found a resource pack that connected sea lantern textures i knew i could make it work i was about to really test my building skills in this game and i decided that i was going to do it on live streams rather than in a creative test world i was going to take you guys through every step of my design struggle the inevitable had happened i got so excited about this project that we just had to get started but once i came up with the design there was no other option we had to put loonyville on hold for a little while because this project was a game changer before we could get started though we had a lot of preparation to do so i took a page out of phil's last book and i bombed my entire end island out of existence every last block of endstone had to go we had defeated the ender dragon 20 times but now was time to take her home as our own at this point in time i had started streaming every day of the week as a rule rather than an exception i was having an absolute blast with the live streams already and on the back of that 2000 day video so many new people showed up to see the progress on stream the channel growth was still new and scary but i was determined to not be that 2000 days guy so i pushed forward and gathered the resources for our end project foundation i was going to make a massive mirror in the end that needed a 501 block diameter circle of black concrete as a floor 200 000 concrete blocks that had to be placed close to void level once more my game knowledge was lacking so i thought we would start taking void damage at y 0 rather than y minus 64. the thought that death was so close below definitely added to the nerves i realized i was going to be scared focused and a lot less talkative than normal but i decided that this project was going to take so much time that we had to push through it on the streams as well as the hours i normally took to prepare what happened during these days blew my mind as at any moment during those streams several hundreds of people would watch me drink slow falling potions look down and place barely visible blocks in straight lines for hours on end for eight days in a row i did a granny job for a literal 80 hours but we managed to get it done and we were about to get rewarded with a beautiful side as a tidal wave that some have even called a lunami washed over the foundation that we built and turned what was once the end island into a giant mirror we were ready to get started with the actual build and i couldn't be more excited about it i've been thinking on the sea lantern project for so long but i decided to truly take this place from the ender dragon and make it my own therefore i was going to be building a massive looney statue around her nest this was truly my world and my dimension now and when i said massive statue i wasn't joking i counted the blocks between my foundation and the building limit then spent 20 minutes in front of a mirror trying to replicate the exact movement i was going for and when i fully understood the pose i sat down to calculate the proportions of the statue from there i put reference markers up in the air and we would get to work as simple as i made that sound this build would turn out to be the hardest challenge yet but i couldn't have hoped that it would end up any closer to the image i had in my mind when we started it since we were almost coming up on 3 000 game days and i wanted to make another video on the progress i tried to prioritize the most defining characteristics of the build which had us end up with just the eyes hair and weapons of the statue while it was hard to see where we were heading from just the wire frames this was a really exciting stage for me although i had never done this in minecraft it wasn't my first time working with wireframes and as we started coloring in the first bits with stained glass i knew that we were working towards something awesome right here after day 3000 i took a break from streaming again as i made another big video during that break i realized that i hated the fact that the portal to the end was in the most boring room of my entire world and while i took a small break to work on the portal room i actually found out something incredibly important trapping enderman inside the pillars here was honestly a welcome break from the end statue as i was a tiny bit afraid of the next part of the build although it wasn't my first time working with wireframe it was definitely my first time i tried anything of this skill and complexity in minecraft and the thing is when working on anything creative there is always a chance that this little voice comes creeping in from the dark depths of your brain to tell you that you might be in over your head here and in this case the ant statue was scarier than most of the other projects i had done because i was doing all the work live on streams and my negative self-talk alter ego let's call him gooney for the occasion heck come around for a visit this wasn't my first time meeting gunito and over the past years i had learned that there was only one way of dealing with this guy talking to him is absolutely pointless the only thing that makes him go away is doing the work so once the portal room was done i rushed my way back to the end to continue progress on the statue the thing with those feelings of insecurity and doubt is that once you figure out how your negative self-talk works that doesn't mean that it never comes back truth be told i had to struggle with it at several moments over the course of me editing this video but every time you manage to get over yourself and just start moving you get better at shaking off that doubt once i got over that little bump and started building out the wireframe for the end statue i was completely in the zone and every stream it would look a little bit better one more reason to just get moving when you're feeling uncertain about something is that even if you mess up you're probably going to learn a lot from being outside of your comfort zone to me the end statue was probably the project that gave the most back out of anything so far at times during the project i did mess up for the most part though i was absolutely fine and the biggest takeaway from his entire build was that i could work on the most complicated thing and people would still enjoy the stream even if i felt like it might not be the most entertaining thing to watch in those moments so the next time we press pause on the ant statue it wasn't because i was struggling with the build it was because we got very very very excited about something else the end statue was starting to look great but we found ourselves in a surprising spot when a stream tradition to hunt for enchanted golden apples became so effective that getting the full stack was in reach the strategy was pretty simple i had plenty of wings and fireworks to work with so i started flying strips of a hundred thousand blocks to the west of my base the goal was finding desert temples and ruined portals because i felt like they were the most accessible and easiest to fight consistently with every temple that i found i sealed myself back in before making my way down because i had seen way too many clips of people dying as they were excited to check the temple chest there is honestly only one reason that i made it this far into the world even though i was admittedly pretty bad at the game early on i literally play out scenarios of how i can die in any given spot all the time while playing this game i'm continuously ready for the worst to happen my stream moderators have tried to tell me that i'm paranoid but i firmly disagree i'm just being realistic here i understand that most of those scenarios are never going to happen but statistically speaking as you spend enough time in a world unlikely things are going to occur and some of those unlikely things may indeed be worst case scenarios the thing with hardcore minecraft once you get this deep into a world isn't the fact that it's the hardest game in the world because it's not but when you land yourself in one of those tough spots you get only one chance to make it out of there and the price of a mistake in that moment where you get tested becomes really high at this point i tend to lose a year of my life's work that's pretty steep during this apple quest there were a couple moments where things got a little wild but i had enough fail saves in place to never get into any real trouble and after scanning a hundred thousand by fifty five thousand blocks we found 600 plus desert temples a whole lot of ruined portals we ended up with a stack of enchanted golden apples which i don't carry around instead i put them on display in my museum sometimes you have to flirt with risk a little bit during the final apple hunting stream i hit a new all-time high of 3100 consecutive viewers which was absolutely mental their record would only stand for two days once we got back to the end statue grind my stream got raided by an indian youtuber called triggered in sound the intro on my stream oh my god all of a sudden there were more than 5 000 people watching that moment in itself was amazing but what was even more awesome was that a lot of people who came from that raid have stayed with me to this day and very shortly after that they alongside everybody else got to see me finish the end statue the project that had given us the most trouble yet had turned out to be everything i had hoped it would be the plan at this point was to go back to looneyville and continue that worldly fighting build that we had started earlier things didn't go as expected though because the ancestry and portal room had made something clear my least favorite moments on stream were me having to fly from one location to another through what felt like rough terrain i was starting to have a world that was cool to fly around in but there were transitional areas in between projects that killed that special feeling the worst place out of all of them had to be the leather roof we used this place to quickly travel to any and all remote locations in the world but it was awful to look at there was nothing there except a giant slab of bedrock with a bunch of nether portals and that had to change quickly so lunaville had to wait for our return a little while longer as i shifted my focus to a project that would be called the nether hub this place was designed to make all the builds in the world be one connected project and i can tell you that is exactly what it would end up doing this project was supposed to be a quick fix before we headed back to looneyville but everyone except myself probably realized that wouldn't be the case at all the netherhub ended up being the biggest build yet but i can't tell you much about it right now because it would spoil the surprise if you are curious how we managed to go from this to this then you might want to hit that subscribe button real quick and tune in soon for my next video where we reach 5 000 days of survival in hardcore minecraft with only 63 nights of sleeping game that video is coming very soon because this is now my full-time job after all thank you very much for watching and welcome to the loony adventure
Channel: Loony
Views: 5,949,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Hardcore, 100 days, Minecraft but, Minecraft Survival, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, minecraft survival mode, I survived minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, here's what happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days hardcore, 100 days minecraft, loony, survival minecraft
Id: Z0g5tOI7-b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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