Minecraft’s Gas Mod is actually funny...

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this video there's a huge cloud of gas following us the entire time and we've got to survive it and try to beat minecraft installing this mod not only made the game hard but surprisingly hilarious oyster support at the moment's been just unreal so if you enjoy please subscribe it's totally free and i won't spam your subscription box subscribing is just if you want to since most viewers don't enjoy me and the boys phil turn around oh that's some green gooey gas oh boy charlie was that you charlie it's getting quite a lot bigger this isn't this isn't the time for him don't worry watch this charlie are you gonna mine it you can't are you you can't fight gas time is it you can't win again how do you have diamonds i'm very busy phil this isn't good phil oh no no no no no no no no no no i'm not having this i'm not having this guys guys guys i saw the gas and then i froze sucking it back in where are the others where are the others i think you find diamonds like already by the way just curious i i there was a shipwreck oh i went in there that's why i said filzer wait because i was like i want the treasure yeah playing half wife alex phil no i've watched you play it though it was pogba you're gonna love it phil you're gonna love it because you're old and haven't experienced young people things yet bruh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait charlie wait where did you are you gone i'm in a bad place i'm gonna laugh i'm in a bad place i spawned in the tummy fumes i could literally look at me right in the eyes look at me right in the eyes look i'm not buttons charlie oh oh my i'm going up the trees charlie i'm just gonna get mauled to death and we can't die now phil when do you think you start to be old i know what you're gonna say i still feel very young yeah we get it like but like when did you get old honestly i still feel like you you hit the nail on the head i was gonna say it i was gonna say it i was gonna say so i think it's 25. i wonder what the boys above us are up to right now i'm gonna sit in my oh smile right [Music] okay okay okay considering we're in hardcore this is not ideal it's what we do here's what we do what we do is we we we we grow seeds seeds seeds grow please i hear the spiders under me okay i've got to be delicate now so [ __ ] oh no it's either drown or die okay oh the dolphin thank you thank you okay i should be okay i've got i've gotta run now i barely made that out my own full hearts but failed your food pal a little bit yeah yeah i'm not too honest oh what the [ __ ] did you see me go help them it's not as good as mud but it's all right well but i've got you on my leash but it seems as though you're kind of taking me with you calm down man i've i've i'm gonna clock out of doing work [Music] you're in charge now phil oh that's everything that's oh slime circle we've got work to do come with me charlie look over there man i want you to breathe it in smell that oh oh is that you a [ __ ] man charlie green gold charlie's slime circle do you know how much that goes for your your gas is as good as mine billions are you sure it ain't just gas though because to me it is it it is just looking like ass natural gas charlie that's all you have to say does my net worth go up if i just breathe it all in charlie i think you'd die i die a rich man [Applause] i'm getting work on a refinery charlie slime so cool we can harness the camera build me a door charlie yeah i noticed you just switched accents there partner what's going on there friend i don't know what you're talking about mate oh phil phil phil come here oh phil are you okay uh no i'm dying actually there's a skeleton down here kill him soon he said he's dead oh phil you seem like a merciless killer not me i have mercy even on those tinier than me ants phil they're real i'm a one heart by the way pally watch out protect me i'm the president phil i'm the president i'm going to make a new law you give me all your food you're protecting the president he's made you and you oh no wait you're not you better not be drugging me again bill it's fine that you'll be all right you'll be okay you'll be fine okay well this thing is it wasn't that big of a trip don't worry you have a carrot and you didn't [ __ ] it what the [ __ ] i need it oh we got money and knocking we got money and walking right now comes a knock and you hunker down we need to get work on a pump i think now how we refining this is it like snake venom i just suck it up and spit it out close to it okay let's get underground charlie slimes oh man let's just quickly slick up the old hole like this there we go why'd you gotta say it like that you can't take me down here tell me if you slick up that old oh what ever since i moved here from padilla boingo to idaho i always knew i'd find myself a friend like you wait a second you're from italy boingo hoe yeah tucker is that you big duck is that you that's right it's me big duck wrangler of the big bucks got my tractor license right there just like my paw oh this is getting slightly sturdy too that here refinery is full of green gold we need to get to work on a piston you all have any coal what the [ __ ] is that they call it black gold oh now i know it i got some black gold sticking you said it i had it pass it to me pass it to me oh thank you very much partner thank you very much phil i've been on half a heart for about three minutes man and it's not it's not looking good for me please can you come and help cause if i die i'm stuck in there now do you want to like make a little house in here i reckon we make our own shelter out of cobblestone because it's my favorite block it's coming up on my birthday so the one thing i want phil is one to make myself the house out of my dreams which would be a cobblestone shack and two to not [ __ ] die from this gas fill so let's make that please i'm going to go and meet our friends and hopefully not die oh [Music] [Music] they're not worth it they've gone full trucker i must tell you i i i i'm starting to get the inclination that you may also experience the same thing but when i go below the level of why 57 i am adopt a a deeper more eloquently spoken british accent but the men and i go up one of these hero blocky blues ice tend to adopt a much more thick southern american accents tucker let me see right here if i got the same reaction to that black gold he's talking about ello what what is um brit ish we we pronounce ortiz duck we duck this isn't twitter we we say british and one of the important things you must know about britain is that it's full of damn commies that's what i tell you it's nearly my birthday what the [ __ ] wait they're under the gas i mean that's small i guess oh no i'll go to them i'm gonna teach you how to soften it out look at this oh there we go kiss me tucker kiss me tucker let it down into me let's refine it i see him i see him i see it my friends guys so guys guys i'm here i'm here to rescue you all we don't want no rescuing yeah the gas has gotten so much bigger guys you gotta stop talking like this i'm gonna hit the southerner out of you right now charlie if you don't stop it go ahead and give it a oh well would you look at that you can't do it to me though you damn demi craig i will it oh hello tommy that's all right you can take me out of south but you can't take the sound out of me [ __ ] phil it's my birthday home done i just want to celebrate my birthday in peace no it's not wait no it's not today it isn't a month oh the oh my god that gas is swallowing the horse no it's my birthday in a month there is we need to focus on the gas now the gas is right over there no no no no it's not it's not my birthday no no no no you have to do quite the opposite actually quite the opposite my friend look at me will yeah stop i need to go into the game no no no no no no just come with me guys the tests just came back um the gas can have some weird effects on you you guys have either of you been acting strange or noticed anything use me gentlemen this gentleman here excuse me how are you not how are you alive well but that's the horse this is a classic horsehole maneuver they taught me a medical school wait what's its name oh it's called gorb are you oh oh i'm i'm dying to death stop that horse wilbur stop playing dead stop playing dead you're just sat in the gas going me me me me phil look at me i've got i've got an above iq idea i'm going above the gas like hercules in his film still man's going to save the dead so is will just stuck in the gas right now i don't mean to make it about me or anything but i am also stuck in the gas don't worry boys i'm going to rescue you i'm sat in a pond phil phil can you drop down some water quick phil or else i'm gonna die i'm on my way i'm on my way i'm here uh yes tommy when you spawn head left well where was that oh hello you can live in here bridge to us are you boys oh we vomit wait where are you charlie you're gonna make a tick tock about it whereas we're gonna be living life to the fullest phil please come quick i'm trying to wait absolutely i'm breathing it in oh okay guys guys guys let's let's all relax i am like the common family thank you phil holy [Music] and you know it's like it's like you know i wouldn't have been born if i was you know the middle sperm man hey phil are we are we kind of screwed how do we get obsidian yeah we'll stop charlie let me be straight with you for a second if we were in the same womb i would have won all right oh they call me the fastest sperm let's do this help you left me to die wilbur oh tommy this is not that's what we're gonna end up being like will okay well but follow me no you gotta who was it who placed the block wilbur say it was you it was slime circles charlie slime circle that rap bastard we've gotta go [ __ ] him up okay i'm gonna do a pro gamer move right i'm gonna mlg and i'm gonna leave the water there for a little longer so you can land on it too okay me that [ __ ] give me that [ __ ] okay quickly quickly run run run run oh i just made it i just made it oh my [ __ ] god wait charlie charlie hello fog brothers charlie how [Music] he's acting like a classic tory i think we go into another vc i think we do okay i can't even imagine what he was going to say then at the beginning sweet caroline keep running keep running keep running to the home to the home i'm making the big run for it you've got to also build up will about i'll drop you block so drop your blocks together now we will make it to the nether yeah don't get the wrong idea you know i don't actually have anything but i i'm here for motivational support great job nice shot excellent work here we are oh and our chest at iron and gold we couldn't stop it look it's failed wait it's [ __ ] slime tommy he's on lava what does that mean we can knock him in we take this okay we joined that callback right hey remember hey charlie you looking you looking average you don't mean that dude hey charlie take this food i've prepared for you in my cooking i don't mean to judge you it looks [Music] pain and misery in the gas charlie and it's all because you place that dirt block you vest [Music] hey wilbur what the [ __ ] he talking about is that or is this this is this i genuinely don't remember i genuinely don't know okay so while we were down there i told the uh that you had been the guy go go go go go go go go okay destroy the cobblestone destroy the cobblestone oh my god i thought you died oh no i don't die because i'm me i barely avoided that i heard something tommy a sign what was it okay i'm just gonna take your things yeah whatever oh [ __ ] hey oh charlie charlie i got it i got it i got it where are you where are you charlie come here mate i'm having a rough time hey can [ __ ] keep going come on big lad oh i got one oh here we go you [ __ ] i'm gonna fog on you that's called farts i'm going to fart oh i got another rock that's how this whole thing started don't don't fart on him charlie we gotta go in quicker we're gonna be quicker here we go here we go here we go just gonna hit this guy gonna hit this guy real quick bam got him got a blaze rod let's go they call me dude perfect why because i'm a dude and i'm perfect okay here we go here we go are you doing your pickling trains now charlie what's that i see the little red yoda's in the lava can't you like can't you like ride them or something what are the chances i can land this uh one in a million one in a million those are good odds for me baby charlie charlie oh oh wow this is the perfect amount of obsidian oh [ __ ] can you destroy that don't worry man i've got feather fallen wait can you not can you not break crying obsidian no you can keep this all in get oh what the [ __ ] is it [Music] why aren't i a billionaire yet because it's nearly my birthday and i wanted the cash and i've not received it and you you promised me though where do you think it comes from what do you mean what the [ __ ] listen i list i once received one hundo pounds from my grandmother in a uh in a little card so i i think i know that's not an ah phil that's a that's a hell yeah you know what i spent it on no one's gonna give you a hundred pounds well it was 20 but 100 over five years like my grandma just took me to ruby tuesdays and scolded me how's that oh it's here okay well is the fog in here tommy look behind you what does it look what does it look like i know where the fog is i'm gonna get rid of the crystals go i got it i got one i got one i got one oh [ __ ] oh my god go on without the boys in the nest i'm out i'm back in the miss it's down to you and phil wait where where did you go i died what the [ __ ] wait what you said wait wait he didn't play why did he not place the [ __ ] bed you know that we don't do this in one shot bill it's down to me and you come on okay i've got one i so nearly just died do you have a bow oh my god you are [ __ ] me let's go please i'm trying dude i'm trying join the fog no become one okay i mean fair enough this is going to be the most dramatic clutch we've ever seen holy [ __ ] that that almost killed me approaching phil for this damn it man
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 8,265,752
Rating: 4.953927 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, funniest minecraft video, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, wilbur soot, slimecicle, philza, dream war, dream smp, gas mod, toxic, fun, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, Minecraft’s Gas Mod Is Dangerously Funny...
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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