Mindfulness for Mind Management by Pravrajika Divyanandaprana @ IIT Delhi (Session 6)

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] management and the techniques of Mind management so a lot of points I have put on a PPT we will just discuss that and then we will go into one more technique which you will actually practice see these are basic techniques to control thoughts please see the slide I have put in front of you see one thought involves three things there is usually an idea an emotion associated with it and vital energy which is which is what is end living the ending the thought um so to control one thought what are the different factors first of all you know I told you the inlet for your mind is your exposures you are generally thinking about what you have been seeing and hearing for the next week you'll keep on thinking about that so the right exposures will give you the right thoughts so is in upanishads also this is not just what you eat so if you eat good food you will have good Health good nutrition good mind this is what they are saying then rhythmic breathing and posture I told you if you breathe properly your mind will come into your hands right um these are all methods please see and posture you maintain the correct postures if say if you drop naturally you will feel sluggish um then you have right conduct why you know your external Behavior how you handle your body your body language all this impacts your mind so to a certain extent all of this isilato conduct foreign because ultimately it's going to impact your own mind if you behave anyhow think anyhow dress anyhow well you live in anyhow so take care of this that's the thing then this is an important point which comes in patanjali yogsutras is cognitive reframing this part of Neuroscience today which means you can replace thoughts bring in opposite and Noble thought currents whenever you are in negativity you can replace that thought consciously for some reason you are feeling very bad and you are feeling like crying immediately you must try to switch that thought to something positive in your life think of the good times in your life think of being grateful to somebody in your life think of the bounties of your life you can do this consciously only when the mind is gripped in too much negativity prati paksha bhavana becomes difficult because you are carried away by your depression and you know depression actually the heart of it is everybody is against me life is against me why should anybody be against you your own mind is against you wrongly conditions ultimately I told you toxic thoughts negative emotions low energies and depression this is the scheme in yoga toxic thoughts what are toxic thoughts you know ah yeah these are toxic thoughts see the six enemies of man a hamari culture calm is lost passion growth anger mud Pride meaningless Pride mother lover delusion material jealousy mother Loba Loba is greed so these group of thoughts you check your thought life and see these group of thoughts will put you into this sequence it will generate all sorts of emotions finally low energy depression so easy in this culture that they are the enemies of man finally they will put you into a state of stupor disco bypass to come out of which you have to really struggle so take care initially only prati paksha bhavana is the method to take care which means cognitively you are reframing you will read good things you will talk good things so that you have reframed the mental state so you please practice this whenever you are in negativity don't dwell on silly negative ideas I told you what you repeatedly think you will become what you repeatedly feel you will start experiencing it and what you repeatedly imagine you will create capacity foreign so don't waste that mental energy on silly thought For Heaven's Sake you know you actually don't require anybody to support you or talk good of you if your mind is talking good about you if your mind is happy and healthy and positive you don't require anybody's support or anybody's nod for your life but if your own mind is guilty negatively conditioned you require the help of hundreds of people to you know just to have a good life what you repeatedly think you will become that so you must this these are these are real magical techniques for your life Suicidal Tendencies this should not happen here then regulated lifestyle and habits see thoda life regulation because every day if you are doing things at different times your mind will not get used to anything foreign for as much as possible try to wake up at the same time every day I know Applause that I know very well all the labs are open here but suppose you are getting up at six o'clock or seven o'clock every day get up at six o'clock and seven o'clock we we always advise the Brahma yes especially at this time it is difficult for you I can understand that Brahma is one hour 36 minutes before Sunrise is called Brahma it's a very powerful time where your thought naturally gets subdued and awareness comes to the forefronto if you have practiced like the iCloud so later on in life once you pass out of this phase this is just a face you can you should practice these things and see for yourself very powerful time that is so if you can get up at that time and even at dawn it is wonderful at least get up at the same time daily and everything you're eating sleeping studying all that if it is in a at the same time every day your mind will get used to it the work regulated lifestyle this is what I'm trying to say um so that's why satwik habits are important to do all this Rose other fast food do you do that then you can't do all this I'm telling you because the body will not behave as it should have healthy food as much as possible like in not everyday basis and regulated lifestyle try to do this then have a noble self-image but you know people who go into deep depression they even develop a wrong self-image nobody wants me don't do all this is meaningless I am telling you if your mind is working for you even if the whole world is not working for you it won't matter this is the power of your mind you require only one person to think good of yourself you know who you should be thinking good of yourself which means you are free from guilt you are free from Fear you are free from anything if your mind is working for you nothing else matters don't go into all the silliness then higher impulses contract lower ones that is why you must get used to this make service a habit they have to go and do service activities right around IIT that doesn't mean you should not do try to be of service to others how much gladness comes into your mind this is the meaning then meditation and prayer all these things lift the Mind naturally deep thinking and studies yeah you're very busy but every day if you read some elevating literature your mind will remain at a particular level and then mind affects mind which means The Company You Keep also is important you know you are the mean product of The Company You Keep so take care keep good company you will not mine will naturally behave well hmm remember toxic thoughts lead to negative emotions toxic thoughts and this will lead to low energy and depression you will feel it immediately in your system so take care of all these factors Fair understanding stress this is the only problem I want to develop on a little because it is practical problem for all of you stress over anxiety in the entire system Body Mind mechanism body and mind are deeply related whatever happens to the body affects mind what happens in the mind affects body that's why many diseases are psychosomatic in nature isn't it psych and Soma so my cells and the psyche these these two are very closely related now what happens in stresses your body will start showing symptoms and your mind is over anxious so it becomes a state where you become depleted of energy that much low energy module function foreign so why is this happening see at the heart of it all is the negativity of your mind the negativity of your mind is you don't feel good about this person yes you are unable to handle your mental mechanism that is why stress is building see I have put it here all problems are due to negative attitudes and complexes in the mind if your approach to life is only exploited negativity will come is you are not competitive you are more than competitive but you are good good mind towards others wishing well for others you have a good will towards everyone but no negativity is towards anyone this is the state of mind I'm talking of see all of this can be resolved through effort your stress problems stress and stress related insomnia all different phases of depression and your you lose appetite for food and addictions so if you take care of this particular thing this is Stress Management you will take care of the rest negative emotions plus defensive attitude build a wrong value system in your mind which creates a complexes see in your subconscious if there are strong negative complexes due to condition negative emotional emotions oh finally blocks so example why example when you are preparing for an exam psychological stress factors may be laziness procrastination inattention and anger or abundant into a complex and dishonesty if you indulge in that that will increase your stress also so Jitney complexes so fundamentally the cause for stresses uncontrolled mind not that person or your somebody who irritated you or your teacher or your boss not all this not the Institute and not the government the cause for your stress is you you are unable to function normally and it builds up in the system and finally you feel you just want to get out of this system so easily take care initially I told you positive habits everyday basis May being thankful grateful appreciative of the efforts of others service-minded loving and kind compassionate a fundamental hair to the good life and the good mind then there is one last thing here stress and time management just go through these points learn to relax and relaxation means calm not sleep I hope you know that is calmness is the property of a noble mind isn't it um calmness is the property of a noble mind okay true inner calmness comes from honest hard work so calm mind is equal to calmness is equal to success a calm mind has plenty of time when mind is over busy overactive and with all sorts of things 10 tracks running it is our restlessness that swallows time mind has limited cognitive capacity so you utilize it best ASA tracks are positive only positive will rain in the mind then plan your routine self-discipline and time management go together I told you um yoga and exercise some method to calm the mind like meditation breathing exercises all this can be adopted then resolving your emotional complexes through right attitude very important I told you prathipaksha bhavana opposite emotion and thought has to be brought in whenever you are in negativity honesty is always the best policy and positive attitudes have therapeutic effect see so many young people in other universities are going regularly to a more psychological psychiatric cell hair in some places they go there regularly then a positive outlook appreciation and savoring I already told you this gratefulness contentment simple living High thinking principles it will manufacture a good mind for you see there is no substitute to a clean life that is why honest purposeful pure and dedicated to high ideals it keeps the body and mind healthy that's the bottom line naturally you will enjoy life happiness will be there in your life so don't condition yourself wrongly that is the whole point now I will go into your practice today we are going to practice the second part of this mindfulness which is pranayama pratyaha and dharana technique come on go back to your straight posture asan one each class one technique see last class you pla you practiced pratyahar by concentrating on your breathing right so that time for that few moments your mind was withdrawn from all kinds of sense activity from too much thought it was withdrawn from that today you will go one step further after practicing that is you will learn to maintain a continued thought process towards one thing I will give you that also on what you have to maintain but first sit straight chin mudra just observe your breath initially initially you just have to see how things are going in my system first minute yes see this whole system tones down calms down once you start watching as a witness now I will introduce the second pranayama to you um it is very easy the next pranayam which these are the only two you should know essentially is the brahmari pranayama which immediately removes stress because it gives you total you know you're blocking of the senses and mind in this pranaya it is very easy also like all of you just see how this pranayama is done it is a important tool to remove stress immediately see these are your fingers we will use a special mudra for this pranayama it is called shanmukhi mudra mukhi mudra which means you are you are closing six things with this you will put your thumbs in your ear put your forefinger on your forehead your middle finger on your eyes the ring finger on your nose and under that just place the small finger this is shanmukhi mudra is in this mudra you are closing the ears to all sounds and you are also closing the eyes to all external visual stimuli you are blocking out and you are placing the the forefinger on the forehead close to the eyebrow so this mudra will naturally help you block out external stimulation external stimuli Audio Visual after getting into shanmukhi mudra take a deep breath see with the ring finger you are not blocking or closing the nostril you are just placing it on the nostril take in a deep breath let it out with a humming sound like this good this is the first cycle you exhale with the humming sound again inhale Deep Breath Again exhale with the humming sound just normal exhalation yes not so long just normal exhalation again inhale seven Cycles exhale only exhalation humming inhale exhale [Music] only exhalation humming inhale exhale [Music] inhale foreign yes yes seven Cycles um see remember that the last person sitting there I don't know his name okay let him complete only exhalation not very loud but um you know your throat and upper respiratory tract in a particular way it is expelling air so you get completely de-stressed because your senses are closed and the upper respiratory tract is inhaling and expelling in a particular way if you watch your mind you will see somehow it is free from all the silly engagement the intense engagement with whatever negativity was there so brahmari pranayama is de-stressor to remove stress stress management you must use this technique to remove stress you remember only exhalation May um normal inhalation acceleration [Music] so it will take no more than seven to eight seconds to Exhale you got it so practice the technique correctly once you finish the seven Cycles you you can watch your mind and say somehow it is very clear calm or the stress factors hey you have put down successfully because you closed your senses and breadth regulation was in a totally different way mind will become very calm so immediate removal of stress to brahmari pranayama now keep sitting in the chin mudra we will continue then adopt the same pratyahar technique as last time just watch your breath senses are withdrawn mind is withdrawn just watch your normal breathing check your mind and see how calm it has become now imagine a point of light in your heart imagine a point of light like a spark in your heart this is the light of your awareness concentrate on this intensely make it a single track concentration from your breath your attention has shifted to the light in your heart imagine it intensely it is shining flooding your heart with positivity with love with kindness compassion it is the light of your awareness it is the power that animates your personality it is pure being you are this light of awareness identify strongly with this light see when your dharana is intense like this I can say you are doing it very well now you have generated the state of dharana you can clearly check your breath and see how calm it has become how long drawn out it has become that is why dharana has come into the mind See Clearly how breath and mind are related concentrate on that spark of light which you are and no you are the source of all strength power awareness love this is your real nature you are pure awareness shining in the heart slowly You Will Open Your Eyes very good see all of you have strongly identified with that spark isn't it hmm that's why I felt a Stillness in the room did you feel it um remember this that your awareness is you your mental modifications are yours but they are not you are you getting ma what I am saying do you feel the reality of this hmm awareness objectively in your heart Shining that is the real you can yeah that is yours your thoughts but they are not you yes only by this dharana you can know it otherwise you always feel are you are you sensing this is there any truth in what I am saying see the more dharana and dhyan you practice the more you will understand this is somewhere I am aware of my thoughts so I am not the thought I am aware of the happenings in my mind so I am not the mind mind is mind functioning for me but I am not mind I'm quite apart from it you become mindful only when your attention comes to this level of understanding then mindfulness will rain so you are in the present moment right foreign no thoughts thought was subdued just you were imagining a spark of light and identified with it it is the light of awareness Hannah she automatically all these things came to you you have this capacity for deep calmness and pointed attention meditation will help you build this further otherwise you will Fritter away your Energies it can be about something different so practice this though techniques technique dharana technique very simple you have to achieve the state of pratyaha to come to dharana and dharna will be on a point of light in your heart which is the light of your awareness foreign so you have put some distance between you and your thought this is the way to generate mindfulness did you get it um simple technique so let's move on okay after this you gradually educate the Mind along these lines mind should understand the value of this see vivekanda used to say to will rightly is education isn't it if it is in the right direction then that is the fruit of your education what is the point of all this education so see that your will is oriented towards public good towards making a huge contribution to our society towards bringing welfare to others Hannah tell me um then Vivekananda also says education is the nervous connection of ideas how you are associating ideas that is again the product of the true education process and education is the manifestation of the Perfection already in man foreign it is perfect or I told you all strength and power is Right within you you have to bring it out information is not right within you that you can collect through Google but knowledge wisdom and strength is Right within you power is Right within you Consciousness is Right within you ideas get used to them that is why I told you five minutes of Vivekananda per day and your days will be different then no not this this one bhagavad-gita what does it tell on mind control a mind management study you must get some ideas from this also bhagavad-gita is in a way the essence of the upanishads the essence of The Vedas so what does it say see it prescribes two basic disciplines for mind control one is abhyas and one is now you must understand these words correctly abhyas is the workout of conditioning mind along positive lines for you this is what abhyas means and viragi what does it mean it means to rewire the inner circuitry of emotions through Vivek which means you don't have all sorts of negative emotions bundled into a complex emotions which are good which are noble which will bring good to others essay emotions that is why ragya it is in your mental capacity to choose what you will think what you will feel life is a matter of choices isn't it your life is your choice what you choose accordingly your mind will be according to you will live so this is what say bhagavad-gita for mind management is prescribing this practice it will condition you in a positive way and yeah which means strong sense of discretion between what you should do what you should not do how much you should do how much you should not do this is important for any life you know for it to fully Bloom as a complete life it is important for it to exercise this discretion you have done it many times then you will develop life further growth will be there otherwise you can end up anywhere isn't it then you also have two powerful ideas from vedant for mind control why I am giving you this is I told you there's a connection between yog and vedant when the mind is very steady so through yoga if you manufacture this just now you are in a steady state of mind you will understand these ideas much better I will put to you a question vedant is all existential inquiry sir inquiry so they now they are they ask you you tell me are you conscious of body or is body conscious of you you are conscious of body now body is not conscious see now I raised my hand I am conscious of my hand my hand is not conscious of me right I am speaking I am conscious of my speech so what is it that is conscious of this I am conscious of my thoughts my thoughts are not conscious of me isn't it which means you are apart from both this body mind mechanism because you become conscious of them they are not conscious of you so you are the subject Supreme subject which sees these as objects you have this capacity oh you objectified many something a spark of light and you saw your thoughts isn't it your imagination you felt it so you have this capacity to objectify body and mind which means you are quite apart from them see this is the first question I have put that am I conscious of body or is body conscious of me am I conscious of thoughts are or my thoughts are conscious of me obviously you are conscious so who is being conscious that I is your awareness you the awareness acknowledge the thought process through that your identification with body and with the world of objects so you are always aware occasionally identified with your thought process but assuming you are your thoughts assuming it is pure assumption it is in your own experience you should check it out vedanta koi buddy philosophy it is existential inquiry and experience which means the nature of your existence you are exploring so you can't say it is this religion or that religion religion you are trying to find out the nature of your existence the fact is you are conscious of your body and mind you are conscious of the happenings in your mind which means you are not the body and mind something in you acknowledges all this you are the isolated the self or the Atman pure consciousness functioning through Body Mind complex and because of lack of this kind of Investigation you remain identified with it only being body conscious it happens only because it is a strong assumption with you that I am only that it's assumed it is not the real nature of things it is not the fact of your existence naturally it will not bring you your fulfillment what is not true will not work because you are the self only self-knowledge fulfills you try as you may senses and mind will give you very limited experience only though easily a understanding this much I am the witness of all mental activities hence I am unaffected by them I am not even my mental problem not even part of the problem I am totally separate and hence I can solve the problem any problem anything happened to you this background knowledge should be there I am the awareness that animates this entirely so once you have this sense of awareness in you naturally see how you see yourself know you see other people also like that you will see the whole world like that you will find solutions to your problems also accordingly so apnea is what's the point so you have we have forgotten our home address this is the whole problem actually giving you your home address telling you who you are a question hey do you find Body in your awareness or awareness in your body tell me you don't look at the answer there you should tell me the answer do I find my body and my awareness or do I find awareness in my body you always will find Body in your awareness I see the body I perceive it I can work on it I perceive my thoughts I can work on my thoughts isn't it it's all happening in my awareness I am the thought and the body and not nothing to do with awareness it's only due to lack of Investigation vedanta if you have a sparkling intelligence this will strike you like anything okay I find the body in my awareness I find the world in my awareness and not the vice versa not the other way around here so I am the awareness that precedes body and mind henna hmm so always you will find body and mind only in your awareness so understand all these are vedantic ways of understanding Who You Are if you I have given you only two like this there are so many just to give you the an intellectual conviction and as intuition about your true being will be easy because I am not the thought I am not my stupid thinking and all sorts of erratic emotion I am not that control because I put a distance between the two isn't it um that is why all these this also technique of Mind management are you seeing both it is doing see the nature of yoga the mind in yoga is when I watch and not participate I control the mind when I control the mind I can use it as I want henna so isilia yoga Karma whatever you do you will reach perfection in that if the mind is in yoga don't think Yogi means ran away to Himalayan cave and sitting there Yogi means one who does perfect work absolutely committed one pointed job successful that is a yogi he gained that capacity from that meditation but came and applied it in the world here so you will all be Karma yogesh in your studies in whatever you do so that you Excel Excellence is the mark of iotians isn't it you must not fail in that in the name with the excuse of yoga yoga is meant to bring out that excellence so use it like that yoga the very definition is whatever work you do when you excel in that it means the mind is in yoga so the Yogi's mind its characteristics are it does not vacillate is such thing it is very very pointed purposeful it is free from all negativity it is still and tranquil but intensely aware it develops immense capacity for knowledge and work and is successful everywhere see this is what I want for you is you must have real achievement in life which fulfills you and satisfies the world it will come through yoga naturally because yoga takes you to your own being does not lead you away from it now I would just like to dwell on model of development based on the human personality Paradigm see all this that we are studying in this particular course how relevant is it in the present context and how exactly does the model of development how is it affected by the human personality paradigm so this is of practical value especially to researchers when they are trying to see whether any any model ah is it relevant to our study and we are studying the human personality in terms of an in-depth study of human personality and finally we come to the fact of pure Consciousness so how is this relevant to human progress now if you want a really good safe happy world to live in it goes without saying that we must have very good individuals dwelling on the planet isn't it now how do you change a human being how do you make better him so this is a model for that what this model tells you is just focus on the image which I have given there see the image is a trichotomous structure of the human personality there's a body there's a mind and there is the core Consciousness that animates the body mind complex actually speaking it is in your Consciousness that you find your body and mind so the diagram is not perfect obviously it is in Consciousness in the Atman that you are going to find the body and mind it is in your awareness that you find your body and mind but this is a model to show you this is the nature of the human personality so if you want to change a man obviously you must change his sense of himself this one thing is enough to change his prakriti jokes ah it is enough to change his mind his attitudes his feelings because when he has an exalted version of himself identity for himself he will naturally have an expanded consciousness so this is what this model is trying to say as long as I think I am only the body only the pleasure of the body will be the aim of life isn't this pretty obvious when I start thinking I am only the body then only material gains for the body will become the goal of my life so we will have a purely material civilization when I start thinking I am the mind then thoughts higher intellectual development all this will become my priorities and naturally we will have a knowledge Society so you see how this is how the civilizations have grown ultimately if you analyze it from the human first person perspective or the psychological standpoint it will come to this that what you consider yourself to be you will create the world around you like that and if you think you are the spirit you are the Atman you are pure Consciousness essentially which animates this body and mind complex and and helps you function as a individual being if you start thinking like that naturally your Consciousness will have a it won't have very strong small borders it will be an expanded Consciousness this is where value is coming to life I will start thinking of you as I would think of me your experience I would like I would empathize with it I would get into your shoes and try to experience what you feel uh in yourself through this method so you see this is the starting point of empathy and compassion please understand why we say values have a spiritual basis is only because of this it is in an expanded Consciousness that you are able to feel what the other person is Feeling by just getting into his shoes empathy the source of empathy lies here in a unitary consciousness so this is why we say that the spiritual Paradigm in in the what I mean to say is the spiritual aspect of the human personality Paradigm will make for a society of values as long as I think I am a little individual I wouldn't mind exploiting other individuals as long as I think I'm only the body only the material gains of life will be the priorities of my life it is only when I understand my own Consciousness is what animates other bodies and Minds also so the human being the other human being there is no other actually but whoever appears before me will appear like me in another form me with another name and this makes for a tremendous ah you can say expanded Consciousness and a model of tremendous growth so I will naturally become unselfish I will naturally become inclusive I will learn to feel for others as I feel for myself so all this that we talk in terms of values you know values cannot be actually taught they can be caught by a really a personality who has who really radiates that kind of a Consciousness so ultimately speaking if you want to change the world you must change the human being's awareness of himself and that is why this model of development where you identify yourself with the core aspect of your being becomes very important now see I have put there on the slide what exactly is the human being the Jiva according to vedant please try to understand this the light of pure Consciousness reflected in the mind which is called the current is called shidabhas it is the light of awareness that pervades the buddhi and percolates into the mind and body complex it generates empirical awareness our sense of being this is technically called the Jiva The Entity that designates itself as I so when I say I this is what we mean actually so you see naturally your hand will go to your heart because that is what you are at the core if you analyze your personalities about pure Consciousness functioning through this body mind complex and it is in it gets reflected in your intellect your buddhi generates the sense of awareness and that's why you feel self-aware and through that kind of an illumin intellect you are doing all your physics and chemistry and everything else every other form of study begins after that but essentially you are of the nature of pure Consciousness if this sense of a deep and wide big identity comes into our life naturally you will learn to be inclusive because the other person is the same Consciousness in a different body and mind this will be the perception so this is what makes for a model of development in today's world really you can see this most civilizations which have collapsed there's a book called Collapse by Jared Diamond you can go through it many civilizations have collapsed when they took up a purely material view of life just satisfying the body how long is the body going to last so then what is the real nature of my being what Outlaws this body frame this becomes an important question in fact this is the science of Consciousness because of the fact of death we understand the seriousness of this you will feel it intensely at some point or the other in your life just now you are too busy with your studies but when your mind is relatively free this will become a very deep prominent question in your mind so then this is the model of development based on the human personality Paradigm the more we dive into this in a clear State of Mind the more you will understand this will make for real development real growth not just in terms of material gains not just in terms of GDP but in terms of a really developed human personality which is compassionate which is inclusive which is kind and can go along with everyone and if we had such individuals populating our planet do you think we will have wars do you think we will have this amount of violence and negativity in our atmospheres will we exploit the Earth in this measure if we had such individuals so you see your model of development is directly connected with what you think yourselves to be this is what I want to say with this slide so we will end today's session here and we will continue with two more sessions are there we'll continue then I will end it here Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Channel: NRCVEE IIT Delhi
Views: 28,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mindfulness, Mind Management, Pravrajika Divyanandaprana, IIT Delhi, NRCVEE, NRCVEE - IIT Delhi
Id: YZnxGhlPGzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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