Self Management II Pravrajika Divyanandaprana@ IITD

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[Music] Oh Oh sir Thomas Edgar Maya Thomas Oh ma jyotir gamaya breath your ma unwritten gamaya ohm shanthi shanthi shanthi hey today's session is on self management self management as you have been hearing for the last few sessions human personality we consider it to be body mind and self the Atman essentially the self manifesting or functioning through a body mind complex so there is no managing self the self is actually managing everything because of its presence the body and mind are enliven illumined and so they are functioning so essentially self management means management of body mind complex so this is what we will be discussing in detail and of course we will be discussing also how the discovery of the self which means self-knowledge how it helps you better manage your mind mental capacities your thoughts emotions with attitudes motivations all of this and also your body especially the diseases of the body the limitations of the body how to manage if we allow the light of awareness to stream into these portions they get rejuvenated as it were renewed so this is how self-knowledge helps in the management of body and mind we will be discussing all of this as I have told you always the seat of your experience is entirely within you you are the experiencer because you are aware experiences taking place that is why you have the power in you to subordinate thought to awareness you have the power in you to subordinate feelings - values you have the capacity to subordinate compulsive behavior to conscious behavior its you are at the helm of change you can lead the kind of life you want but all this becomes possible if you awaken to the reality within you otherwise it's very easy to develop compulsive habits what's the meaning of compulsiveness you are controlled by an external factor you are compelled to do something you are not doing it out of your will you have so programmed yourself that you have to do it this is compulsiveness so we can make us as compulsive human beings are conscious human beings the more you awaken self-knowledge with a new what happens is the mind becomes more conscious intensified awareness is generated in the mind using that is a light you can do everything you can manage your mind and of course the body mind mechanism but if this is not awakened we can get into very compulsive habits completely dedicated to something which will which is supposed to keep me happy completely dependent on something to keep me engaged so this situation can come if we have not awakened to this reality within and learn to use it in our everyday life so essentially self-management is about this I was going through certain self management textbooks and this portion is lacking entirely although you have such a huge scriptural heritage behind you we have sort of not been able to draw the essential aspect of self management which is ability to open to the reality of your being in order to handle your body mind complex so this we will be studying today as part of this session first of all let us come to the external aspect of your being which is the body here I am going to give you certain ideas which you will not find in medical science all the knowledge available to us which medical science gives us is already you have access to it it is on the net and you can also go into it deeply but here I'm going to give you certain thoughts which you will not find anywhere which are characteristic of the yoga don't extend hmm like for example you know in our width in the science of Health which was developed here the indigenous science of keeping the body healthy the characters characteristically distinguish two types of diseases what is what is the meaning of disease this is is disease but you don't feel at ease you feel no calmness nothing keeps you happy that is disease it can be physical or mental now diseases are of two types one is called according to Ayurveda one is called nature agha another is called organ to Kroeger nature alga means disease caused by imbalance in your in the internal factors which is self-created inner sense and algún tokoha means the an imbalance created by external factors so what are the signs of higher weight pranic healing Reiki all these alternative forms of medicine will tell you primarily is a lot of your disease is new girag a-- it is due to imbalance created within your system not due to external factors are Ganta krob can be created by external factors like say an infection due to viruses or bacteria or due to an accident something can happen to the body so this is all due to external factors this is minimal in human life they will tell you but this nature agha which means I create a certain amount of imbalance within myself through my wrong ways of thinking through my wrong attitudes through the abuse of the body mind come complex and that creates a kind of dis ease within myself and I attribute it to all kinds of factors so this is what is greatly happened today medical science has come to this understanding you know there is our term called psychosomatic disease you must have heard of it so many of the so-called diseases are psychosomatic in nature psyche means mind soma means the cells of the body they are connected and many of our ailments are psychosomatic please try to understand this almost everything in the physical system starting from your blood flow hemoglobin level heart rate then the mechanism of the liver the stomach there even the lining of the stomach the flow of blood in the arteries the lung mechanism then the musculoskeletal system the release on the endocrine system release of hormones enzymes the functioning of all of this greatly depends upon the kind of thoughts you have today if with chronic ailments if a person goes to a doctor one of the conditions the doctor will put is please try to maintain a calm state of mind a happy state of mind even the absorption of food the function of the villi in the stomach and the endocrine system a lot of it depends upon habitually what you are used to what states of mind you are used to are you an habitual happy states of mind or in depressed states of mind does negativity is it a huge part of your everyday mind everyday thinking or is it a rare thing with you all this matters a lot you know there are ways of measuring happiness nowadays happiness levels there are different ways which we have covered here some of it has been covered in the first course which I took here you can go through those videos there you can see clearly that there is a way of finding out your negative positive emotional level in a given time span say in the next one are how much of negativity do you suffer and how positive is your mind are you in a habitually cheerful state of mind or at least a glad state of mind or is it perpetually negative and you constantly need things to keep you busy otherwise you will go into negativity this kind of a state so if we are used to this kind of continuous negativity which many youngsters I am very sorry to see this they are suffering from this if this is your habitual state of mind there will be problems in the body so to overcome this there are definite techniques even our weight will point out to this today's medical science has come to this any number of experiments have been conducted on this and they will tell you very plainly today even if you go to a physiotherapist you know he will tell you perform these exercises but keep a very calm state of mind keep a happy state of mind why it affects your body so we will try to understand this a little deeper how is it that it affects your body you know the nature of the body is it follows mind the problem as we have learnt to think mind is because you can't see it it is somewhere in the brain or somewhere mind is all over your system every cell has memory that is why it follows a particular pattern what you are calling heredity it is nothing but in a sense memory because of this what has happened is your mind your your body follows the nature of your mind which means if your mind is by nature positive you have made it like that don't think mind got created itself how we make it I told you mind depends on two factors the whatever the content of your mind one is what you take in through the senses and your memory is what you have taken in the past two to a great extent these decide the content of your mind so your body has this tendency to follow the content of your mind so if your mind is perpetually in a negative mode the body will pick up all that and if mind is fresh and positive glad cheerful by nature bubbling with joy if you can maintain the mind like that it will show in the body there is there is a famous incident of our doctor who led a wonderful life a very beautiful life in which he made a huge contribution to destitute children he had a very good practice he helped a whole lot of people during his amount fifty more than fifty years of practice and after that he dedicated his time to lifting destitute children out of poverty about a thousand children he saved from rank poverty levels and then when he grew old when he was he would always say if anybody asked him how are you keeping daughter he would say I am very well thank you how are you he was always very well so even when he reached the age of 80 if anybody asked him how are you he would say oh I'm excellent I'm doing very well because really he had such a beautiful mind he always stayed very happy and after a few months after he turned 80 he passed away and when he passed on everybody was everybody who knew him they were where they felt very sorry about this such a great life and then when the post mortem report came they saw that you know not a single organ in his body was actually functioning to perfection although he always felt very well because of the nature of his mind which was always positive always giving always sharing you know the body never felt any pain in fact cancer had spread to some areas of his body but he never knew it the state of his mind because of he had made it you see how do you change the state of your mind if you develop right positive attitudes isn't it caring sharing kindness if this becomes part of your system your mind will naturally remain happy so that is picked up by the body and if only thoughts of violence and anger and revenge all this is taking place in the mind jealousy then this will affect even the body so this is what is happening it was found that his his body was not in perfect order but his mind never felt it it because it was so habituated to sheer and goodwill and happiness his body got along with his mind very so this is a possibility the the mind the body will tend to follow the nature of the mind and you know when you are in a very depressed or sickly state of mind you would always keep feeling pains and hurts and eggs even if they are not there have you seen people like this constantly worrying constantly complaining grumbling blaming others because their mind is not in their hands at all they will constantly be telling you something which it hasn't worked with them the whole point is you must learn to refresh the mind renew the energies of the mind from time to time and enforce positivity not enforce what I mean to say is make it your default state naturally always you can do this easily through yoga you can replace thoughts you can replace your habits you can replace the worries anxiety modes of your mind if you make these things your default state you don't then the mind radiates sort of a kind of happiness a kind of joy a kind of ease and well-being so this makes you successful wherever you are not just health-wise it will draw very good minds to you you know you will enjoy your experience of life like anything in fact this is this should be the natural state for every young mind isn't it when all your energies are just now in your hands this should be the natural perpetual state of mind so now how do we manufacture this first of all correct your relationship with the body this is very important please see this this is an instrument given to you to function in this world how will you treat an instrument you will treat it with care your scriptures tell you this is the temple of God if the Earthmen is of the very nature of consciousness bless the supreme uck come Shahab then this is the external manifestation of that this is the temple for the soul how will you keep a temple how do you maintain temples you'll keep them clean and pure so this is part and parcel of good living never never think that well the body is just something you are not contained within it you are using it as an instrument so it is something you must care for it is something you must keep clean and fresh always this should be the attitude towards the body your relationship with the body will be will is going to affect how your mind is going to behave you know it is not just that the mind affects the body even the body to a certain extent affects the mind if you keep it clean and pure you know your mind will be functioning in a particular very positive way so they influence each other this is you will find this in a huge way in William James psychological theory that your postures your attitudes the way you handle your body all this is going to create the moods of your mind that is why in India you know art forms were always committed to the highest ideals have you seen this traditional art forms they're always based on very high ideas so that whatever you do by way of art whether it is music whether it is dance everything is geared towards lifting your energies and emotions to a higher ideal it is geared towards something which elevates human life I can tell you a simple story here it is also a real story mmm there was this American girl who write from the age of 16 she developed very strong depression and such a level of depression some people can suffer that they are on antidepressants every day and nothing is making her coming out of that face so she'd finally left college and she she was in high school at that time then she entered college could not do it so she left it and then she had fortunately she had some friends who invited her to India and she came to India and here for the first time she saw this Bharatnatyam performance somewhere and she liked it very much and she came home and she told her friends that what kind of a dance for mrs. I would like to learn it and they introduced her to the teacher and all that and she started taking lessons over a period of three months she completely overcame her depression she stopped taking antidepressants she was seen to give more and more time in pursuits like this listening to good music dance and in a cheerful state of mind all the time then she herself was very surprised because for years she had been going through these phases of depression so she went and asked her teacher how come just learning Bharata Natyam has brought me out of this depression and you know what the teacher said she said what are you doing in that Natyam you are depicting the modes of gods the powers of Krishna or Shiva or Durga the moods of gods that has an impact on your mind whatever you depict however you handle your body that has an impact on your mind because you are depicting such elevating emotions innovating power in our culture always it was refining them how not polishing just the behavior under cup Howcast our head that was paramount so because you are working at that level it is naturally your whole system is becoming very positive and so you are getting out of depression so how you handle your body that will affect your mind further on this is one system please see it's a composite body mind unit through which you are functioning so learn to handle it with it with care this is primary knowledge then let me tell you one more thing this is regarding in behavioral sciences you know this is coming in today there's a huge branch of psychology which is called behavioral psychology what determines the behavior of a person if you finally go to the core standpoint it comes to yoga death what determines the behavior of a person his external actions his motivations his work towards others his attitudes towards others it is finally the content of his mind what attitude he has and that content of the mind is determined by what it is determined by his orientation towards life and reality so if there is this kind of a spiritual outlook naturally your mind will be functioning in a particular way you will not go into negative phases of life depression and anxiety stress all this will not come into a mind which is perpetually positive so how to manufacture this kind of a mind is something we are deeply going to go into in today's class because self management includes managing your thoughts emotions your will your levels of awareness and finally your your life that is the manifestation of all this through the body mind mechanism so this is the essential part of you you know your thought and emotion is essentially your mind and of course your will so be the difference between compulsive person and conscious person is this that compulsive means you are not in charge of your thoughts and emotions you are some other external factor is deciding how you will think and how you will feel so you are at the mercy of your gadgets other people's emotions other people's feelings for you you are at the mercy of the external but conscious behavior means you are not at the mercy of anything I am conscious enough to know what is happening in my mind and hence I replace negativity with positivity consciously you get that capacity so the whole difference between compulsive and conscious behavior that is actually the measure of intelligence you know if you are more conscious you will become more intelligent and if you are compulsive even if you wear intelligent at one time you can degrade that intelligence are you seeing this the connections easily genuine intelligence is becoming more and more conscious of your inner faculties taking the whole thing your body mind complex in your hands so that you lead the life you want to lead you are not a slave to anything external you join your happiness and peace by yourself this is the essential independence and glory of human life so today even intelligence is being studied with respect to all this you know intelligence is a multi-dimensional something up Amos I'm Joseph IQ intelligence a today I am going to give you all the types of intelligence available that we have come to so far let me show you a slide on this intelligence is multi-dimensional and look at the multiple intelligences available today to you in our study of intelligence we have come to this you see there is logical intelligence visual musical intrapersonal kindness thetac then what is that interpersonal naturalistic and linguistic all these are the different dimensions of intelligence rpm are some GI self logical intelligence is there there is no musical or kinesthetic intelligence that means you are the intelligence is not fully developed yet all this is included under intelligence today so essentially development of all of this constitutes intelligence and this includes your not just your logical analytical ability but your emotional abilities it includes your power of willing your attitudes your motivations it includes your talents it includes everything so development of everything is the real development of intelligence your logical analytical ability upon which we are laying the greatest amount of stress in today's educational system that is an a very essential part no doubt but that is only one dimension of intelligence so you see in the hierarchy of human intelligences today you have at the bottom of the pyramid speak you physical quotient it is called which is actually your body awareness and it skillful use the proper spatial orientation understanding your relationship with the body then IQ levels that is the next level of higher intelligence you see there you have bad verbal intelligences all of this is included night you essentially your rational logical analytical ability is IQ then over that is EQ it's a higher form of intelligence it includes what managing ourselves and our relationships basically managing your emotions making them positive so that they work for you they don't work against you you know your intelligence can turn against you if your emotions cannot be managed properly isn't it this isn't this true huh if my intelligence cannot be managed properly my emotion cannot be managed properly my intelligence will turn against me and then the at the top of that pyramid you see this today's science is telling you this is askew which is spiritual quotient acting with inner wisdom guided by compassion so if this is there every other quotient is going to work magic for you otherwise your PQ physical quotient IQ intelligence quotient EQ emotional quotient s Q if sq is that all of this will work properly if s Q is not there you never know your intelligence goes in with you it can be lopsided development your intelligence quotient alone is there the other questions are lacking there's another quotient called VQ which is not here in this diagram vqs volitional quotient which means your power of willing how strongly you can will and stick to your will not that the will is changing direction always you stick to what you have willed and achieve it this is VQ and there's another quotient recently discovered called a cube which is adversity quotient which means in the face of adversity can you stand up and achieve your goals otherwise a little bit of adversity in your life and you just break apart this can also happen isn't it a really intelligent person is one who turns adversity also into opportunity adversity can come into life but that doesn't mean you break down so that is also a dimension of in all of this together give you success in life and that peak is always askew please understand this because if you're spiritually not mature which means you have not learned to stand up for who you truly are and handle your body mind as an instrument in your hands none of the other quotients will work optimally this is essential part of today's understanding of intelligence levels so handling thought and emotion this should be our priority see in your everyday education this may not come that is why courses like this are introduced for you and this is happening in many universities today because everybody understands the importance of this without handling this system how can I handle the world without handling my thought and emotion properly can I handle your thought and emotion responsibility itself means I told you your responsibility if your responses and reactions are totally out of place you cannot handle anything in this world so first I get charged over myself I take charge over myself this is the first thing to do so let us go step by step handling thought handling my thought mechanism what does it mean what does a single thought what is its structure what does it feel like can you tell me any of you one single thought what does it constitute see in every thought when you think one complete thought there is an idea portion right it's an idea basically to which you can attach an emotion and the whole thing has been in lament by your vital energy now if the idea is prime main thing about the thought then it's called a rational thought if the emotion is the main thing it is called an emotional thought and emotion basically so it is only our difference in degree your every thought will have an idea and an emotion and vital energy invested into it so this is a single thought like this constantly thoughts are taking place in your mind and with every thought your mind is getting modified that is why yet your restlessness we feel in the mind is due to that whatever you think your mind is tinged by that so if you learn to think in an orderly way with considerable positivity in your idea and emotion your mind is constantly getting tinged by something very positive so it will remain order which will be very balanced otherwise it can go into very erratic states of mind isn't it if constant negativity is there in the idea and in the emotion your thought is very unstable so mind also becomes unstable so please understand this your thought mechanism how it functions you must learn to pay attention to it a little bit of meditation every day will help you manipulate your thinking it will help you bring your thinking in order otherwise you you go off-track many times this happens see suppose your teacher told you something which you did not like or your friend told you something which you did not like if you spend fifty percent of your day worrying about that or thinking harshly about that you know how much of energy you waste and this is happening that is why all these over anxious depressive phases of your life you have given things the importance they don't deserve the whatever the rebuke or whatever it was for a particular purpose you must solve that and go ahead you must drop the matter there but no the worry continues so unnecessarily investing energy in what is not required is one of the causes for your negativity another thing is allowing only negativity to enter into you through different external influences which means if you see today's youngsters they do a half an hour of study or one hour of study then they need 15 minutes of entertainment after that somehow with great effort again bring your mind back to study after sometime half-an-hour of entertainment I thought you how much is this if this is your normal default state then you better change it because if you are allowing all sorts of things to come into your study period you are not applying your whole mind at all that's the meaning so sustained attention and focus you can only maintain if your thoughts are aligned if your thought world is ordered you see lay the importance of taking conscious care of your thought mechanism that is why limit your exposures when you are if you want to be in a concentrated state of mind my exposures will be only positive and limited to specific hours maybe but not all the time not like this any time any time is entertainment time no such thing consciously if you follow these few things when I say limiting your exposures please understand this what you take in through the senses becomes the content of your mind if constantly violent things you are taking in harsh things gross things yeah you mind will start functioning like that unawares you don't want it to happen but it's happening this is what is called compulsive thinking you are compelled to think in a particular way tomorrow it will become action what you think today will become action tomorrow many people you know who who are who become very negative they don't want to be like that but they are they have entered that compulsive habit has entered so they are like that it's not a question of knowledge I don't know everyone knows what is the right thing what's the good thing to do but we are not able to do it that is our problem you know in Mahabharat there is this very beautiful incident which concerns Duryodhan when he is standing in the just before the war started Bhishma bheeshma pitamaha lling Duryodhan you you don't know basic dharma that is why due to you this war is taking place you don't have the basic knowledge of Dharma you don't know how to behave with elders you don't know how to be a with anybody that is why today all this crisis and you know what the Rosen's reply was don't tell me I don't know I know everything I can't do it John our meet her mom much I'm a problem Jeremiah her mom much I mean everything this is my problem I know what is Dharma I can't do it I am compelled to do the wrong thing I have entered this compulsive modes of mind compulsive habits and Johnna me other mum not sure mean everything I know what is other mom but I can't desist from it because my habits have become like that once we will discuss habits how to change habits it's very important habits of mind habits of emotion thought and emotion and habits of willing these three habitual patterns should be very correct and strongly positively aligned otherwise constant negativity and struggling with unnecessary things your energies will go in that so this is regarding the thought mechanism if you force forcefully bring only compulsive habits into your life by careless ways of living heedless ways of living today after getting this knowledge knowledge at this level at least you this group should not be like that you know the nature of leaders is they are independent they are not compulsive in by habit they are conscious decision makers they take conscious charge over their life so they become leaders so this capacity should naturally develop with this knowledge isn't it hmm this is the expectation from this course that you become really mature adults handling your thought first thing second thing is most important handling your emotion because he motion is such a huge part of your personality you do not know but emotion for most people emotion dominates the thought process most of your thinking is emotional so if you have no charge over it it will carry you away blow you away somewhere a poppet abhi na chalega case a Bop asana unless you take little charge over your system what is emotion basically see today no they have studied emotion in a huge way you have certain elementary knowledge in Patanjali Yoga Sutras also in our scriptures like they talk of clashes Trish Dorothea crushed everything all this how it leads to be perry i wrong knowledge wrong emotions will lead to wrong knowledge all this they talk about but today we have substantial amount of knowledge on emotions and emotional intelligence we should be able to utilize that see what is emotional intelligence basically look at the diagram there it includes all of this self-awareness self-regulation motivation empathy and social skills this together we are calling emotional intelligence if all of this is there you know the level of EQ will be very high emotional intelligence basically emotional intelligence deals with how to make your emotions positive which means through self awareness through self-regulation you develop high level motivation empathy and social skills all together they have put it under emotional intelligence right now we will go deeper into this in order to develop this you must understand first of all what is an emotion emotion is a high energy thought with feeling emotions our thoughts charged with feelings so they are high energy thoughts isn't this true anything which has emotion in it becomes H tune your memory please see this so they are soap such powerful thoughts so you must know all the more how to handle them because they are charged they create waves of Ruthie's one single emotion in your mind will create it's not just one breathy if you create a wave of commotion in your mind positive or it can even be positive I should not call it commotion that's why it can create waves of ritas in your mind so they are a formidable force actual emotions if they are positive they will produce quality abilities isn't it I'm just somehow okay thing if you are used to only positive emotions of courage of how what I was son baba if they are negative then they produce not just wrong knowledge they will produce a wrong kind of Bhavan you disco kuba ka achar pavni kudia channeler giga if they are of the negative nature and they deflect knowledge see suppose there is anger in your mind even what the other person is saying in front of you you will not hear it you will have a biased view a prejudice will rule your mind if your mind is tinged with the emotion of anger or hatred or jealousy isn't it you miss out the real knowledge about the thing its contextual but whatever it is so please understand this that your emotion to certain extent generates your knowledge so take care take charge of your emotion that is why in today's context you know they say emotional intelligence is far more than IQ what your IQ will give you if there is EQ higher level of EQ you will be successful anywhere not necessarily just with IQ so this is an essential part of your education how do I make my emotions positive and elevate them like for example you see here I have given the example of road rage suppose you are driving and somebody overtakes you on the wrong side or maybe traffic signal has come and rest too long you had to wait and somebody goes through that traffic traffic signal and you can't bear it because you are waiting so all this leads to what is called road rage this is a common thing for youngsters because you are you know speed is life for you you want to go fast but there is an impediment now so what will you add to this this is the situation but you will add your anger your ego your pride loathe maybe for the person who sped away and the the negative emotion in your mind becomes huge it overtakes your mental thought process and maybe you curse that person or say bad things about him all this habit you spoil your mood and the mood of people around you also so contribution came from where your emotion right whatever the external circumstances the emotion your mind generates is going to rule over you and if you do not have these negative emotions a habit really calm state of mind which has positivity you will let go of the incident because after all you can't do anything about it you can't change it just now and you won't allow it to affect you so this way you can work more positively productively maybe tomorrow when you meet your friend you can tell him in a very balanced state of mind that that was not the right thing to do and he will listen to you but if you have anger and loathe in your speech do you think he will listen to you do you he bath hey if I cannot my responsibility is my responsibility if I cannot take responsibility of my emotions you cannot make any change in this world you won't know how to deliver the thing even the right thing so a primary Hey now how to do this is what we will learn here see how to handle negative emotions what is the source of your negativity first of all let us understand the source of our negative emotions negative emotions come from toxic thoughts this is something very important as your culture always told you there is a group of six groups of thoughts whose presence leads to negative negative emotions in the mind calm crowed mother low bow Mohammed Syriana Sunna hoga at least school made though home a - Kabir - Aikido homey apply Sunnah hoga the other are yes six groups of thoughts which lead to negative emotions in the mind all of this you see lust anger pride greed infatuation jealousy all of these are responsible for the negative emotions of your mind they come from the toxicity of these thoughts so the methods of self control it will start with changing your habits of thinking now they can only be charged changed by replacement techniques you know a habit how do you change a habit through replacing it with a better habit if you attack the habit as it is it may not change then there will be opposition from your mind only in our mind is not one whole thing your own mind can work against the higher mind which is telling you through this not right to do but this mind is saying now let's do it so habits if you can replace them you make better habits in your life you are not able to get up at a particular time you can give yourself habit cues which means triggers which will help you form better habits and then you can that that's how you make the better habits like for example I know aya Tian's are all not journals you stay up late in night you know actually I heard that you sleep at 3 o clock or 4 o clock because work labs are open at midnight so ok anyway you are doing all that but then you are expected to get up it is at 8 o clock in the morning once you go to sleep 8 or maybe holidays 9 whatever now many of you skip breakfast somehow you raise to your classes and maybe when you find time you have your breakfast totus augury a level regulate now karana the meditation that we are speaking of it will become very difficult Hadassah is called regulate karna which means as far as possible fixed hours for your breakfast you must have Rec first fixed of us for your lunch and then throughout the day your study hours I'm not telling you don't sit up late at night you can't but do it at this stage of your life you have to do it but as far as possible to regulate your sleeping eating habits as much as you can so that you know once it becomes a habit your life will be moving like that day after day and you can only change habits by replacing them with better habits the habit was to skip lunch deliberately I will not skip lunch deliberately I will give myself habit cues at at a certain period of time I will go and do that thing deliberately so this conscious effort on your part is required to change to make the changes required when the mind goes out during concentration I will keep the habit cues close to me which means what maybe with your laptop you're sitting you can have a cup of coffee you can have triggers which help you study but not straight away jumping into the media jumping into the what your YouTube or whatever and going away from your subject if you do that you lose your call the energy of your concentration focus so you you replace the habit with a better habit by replacement techniques you can change habits the second thing is bringing the bringing an opposite emotion during action it is called protip action Barnum in York sutras which means there is a tendency to get very angry at a particular moment deliberately I will smile I will subdue my emotions I will speak something good I will do some positive action maybe I helped somebody but I will not give in to that anger at that moment yes some power Hey you feel like blurting out something at somebody because that person irritated you deliberately you will do an act of service to subdue your emotion bringing in the opposite emotion through action is important in order to not create a terrible situation for yourself also and for the other person you can only change people if you are in a very balanced state of mind please see this not by shouting and screaming and torturing other people and talking behind them these are not the ways to change if you want to change another person's attitude behavior whatever it is you can do it only if you are in a very balanced state of mind then only you can affect the other person so bringing in the opposite emotion is important for you and that is why they in potentially oxidized you have all this my three Karuna mudita apeksha which means no matter what the reaction is from other side you will only have a positive state of mind even if you don't go deeply into this just now this much you should understand deliberate positivity in the mind has to be practiced in road rage for example you smile you say sorry if you have said something negative use all this so that the mind remains in a balanced state the use of sorry and thank you is quite common in the Western world it is for this you stay in a state of gratitude and positivity all the time not with negative emotions raging in your mind if you allow that to happen negativity to reign in your mind people will keep away from you obiagu Pathan a chelate more in the workplace you will understand the importance of all this then you must learn to see the whole picture this is a way of changing the emotion which means what temporarily if you create a problematic situation for yourself meaninglessly for small small things you are the loser you see the whole picture what will this lead to this sense we must have you see a well-developed analytical mind will have this sense that what will this lead to I use a word what will that what what is the reaction which will be produced in that person due to that word I can't just blurt out anything your speech your action your thinking everything it should pass through the conscious filter of your will not just it came out I couldn't do anything so that is why we are saying that certain a level of control and this level is required if you want to be successful otherwise you will be mediocre Anna are phk they co equate hearing and this is the practical application of your vedanta in your life you you might you can show you are in charge by the level of control you exercise at all in all these planes then good works must be made a habit you know this is something again lacking from our education system if you believe in something you must be able to do it if you are constantly caring sharing if you make this part of your life a habit with you you create good impressions in your mind mind will be habitually happy by nature so good works creates good impressions thoughts of compassion love and service substitute thoughts of anger hatred and jealousy I told you substitution replacement is the way to change habits and all these thoughts actually have therapeutic effect on your body isn't it so you will gain by all this and the final way which is usually given to handle your emotions is meditation stop the thought process at least for a few fractions of a second every day it will give you charge over the thought mechanism so these are all the ways usually to handle this you know you will refer to any book on self development self management and all that they will tell you the importance of fixing the outside fix this person fix that person keep away from such people that is secondary primarily fix this primarily you must be in such a state of balance and orderliness that you know how to behave in every particular situation so this is the essential part of leadership the last course which I gave here was on leadership effective leadership is only possible if you are in charge of your physical and mental mechanism so there's an essential part of leadership training how to manage negative emotions because you know there is something a part of EQ is called ambiguity tolerance ambiguity cometh no way have you heard of the word ambiguity two types of the same person is saying two types of things your ability to manage such situations understanding contextually why he is saying two different types of things in this context this holds in that con this ability if you have you will be able to manage all such ambiguities in every situation if you don't have this ability it will clash isn't it so easily Macario this system has to be first of all yes improved changed now we go to the next aspect of okay I have not finished with emotion just one minute there are certain fundamental things which you should know about emotional intelligence if emotional intelligence is developed you naturally get what is called self-confidence and self-efficacy yes sharpness when I self-efficacy was a very huge concept in the 1970s and 80s is efficacy common abhay ability to do something if you are efficacious it means you're capable self-efficacy means I know I am capable this confidence this positive idea so this only comes if your emotions and thoughts are manageable by you isn't it you become self efficacious the I can do it stand comes when you find yourself reliable through all of this understanding and application when you find yourself reliable you become self efficacious so this is also part of emotional intelligence don't take emotional intelligence lightly it is going to play a huge part in your life in every life it plays a huge part and it contributes hugely to your success so one last point about emotional intelligence is there is an equation for you to understand what causes the maximum amount of suffering in our mind is it pain it is usually the resistance of your mind any situation there may be certain level of pain as I told you somebody said a wrong word towards you but the resistance of your mind the additional amount of information which you are mind added in the form of hatred anger all this created an explosive situation so pain maybe even physiological but suffering is psychological because of the addition of your resistance a huge amount you can suffer somebody call you a phony it is just outpouring of somebody's mood but you made it into a big thing and for a whole year you didn't talk with that person this can happen isn't it it is because suffering is equal to pain times your resistance we give this equation s is equal to P into R where s is suffering P is pain R is resistance now see if your resistance is zero suffering will be zero even if pain is there which means if your mind does not make any contribution even if you are suffering some marginal pain it's okay you can handle it it will not lead to suffering but if resistance is huge then suffering is always huge no matter how small the pain is so a large part of your suffering is self related mind related you see it okay then the basic training for the human being is how to become sattvic sattva agar ho share maim on me so what will happen you are able to control yourself at every level so these unnecessary reactions will not come at all just the required responses will come so you don't create suffering for yourself our garages and Tamas is overactive in you then only all these problems come the basic training always has been that is why for this how to create a basically sattvic human being so this is regarding emotion now let's go to will you must know certain basic things about will when I will something and it fails I must know why it has failed what is lacking in me that my willpower didn't work how do you define will see you just look at this this definition only your vedanta will give you will is actually a compound between the self and the intellect it is a compound which means it is again changeable that is why your will keeps changing directions but you must learn to fix it for a long span of time a long period of time so that it works this is you can't do it the more conscious you become from within the more you can fix your will I told you if awareness content is minimal in the mind you can neither handle your thought emotion nor will it naturally becomes compulsive it is decided by the external if awareness content is great in your mind the will will function as it should the thought emotional mechanism will be in your hands that's why the essential thing is to become conscious this is real intelligence more and more conscious because you see the roots of your will are very close to the Earthmen will is actually the dynamic aspect of the self so if you want to develop willpower culture awareness the more aware you become from within the more your will will function for you naturally you become a person whose will works not just for yourself even in the outer world what you will will happen wake somehow now the more you awaken the inside the within the more you awaken completely to your own true being the more will power develops so here let me tell you this point-blank that the extent to which you become conscious to that extent your memory which means your retention capacity your concentration which means your focus your creativity your analytical ability will get hone sharpened immensely as a result of this you will be successful everywhere and to the extent awareness has been blotted out through all kinds of erratic thought at activity negativities in the mind over cluttered mind no touch of yoga to that extent the mind all of these faculties contract because there's nobody in charge of them so that is why work on the ascent the essential aspect a seal a always you know it was stressed in especially in our spiritual culture then the self has to be awakened first up kata through hey yo art mother to hunky thing that has to be brought to the forefront and the rest of your personality blue gets imbued by that that light and it will function magically for you so this will get you all possible success in life you know wherever they have spoken of spiritual intelligence spiritual quotient all over the world today and anima studies are taking place I can give you a number of experiments but we don't have time here for all of that where they have found this to be actually true the culturing of awareness in the mind takes care of the rest of everything about you because spiritual intelligence entirely depends upon this and the qualities which you develop with spiritual quotient spiritual intelligence which are you see here are those qualities purpose self-discipline morality courage love giving excellence and detachment all these come as part and parcel of spiritual intelligence this will become part and parcel of your personality if once you arouse yourself to complete awareness you become more and more conscious from within so all this follows naturally that is why the emphasis in other scriptures especially in the open Isha's to awaken the self within you this is not an option this is not a matter of choice it is it is compulsory to human life that you first awaken yourself to bring all this glory into your life into your mind let me give you one simple technique here to do this because naturally are putting a how do I do this how do I become more and more conscious so here I would like to give you a technique today to help you understand what self awareness means and what will do to you this technique I have drawn from a theory open assured it is called drew Buehrle commonly it is actually a it's a bindiya with there means a kind of a meditation technique we takes you to the knowledge of the self which awakens you to full consciousness what we are discussing just now so this technique takes you there that is why it is a it is actually called Varga Vivah Rooney Vidya it's a Vidya so let's discuss this briefly here to make you more and more conscious and aware within what is required and what it will lead to see it starts like this this portion starts like this there is this young sage called blue goo it's a story so you will enjoy it this blue goo Rishi is a young man his father is Verona he is also a Rishi and this young man goes to his father and says I want to know this Brahmin what you are constantly talking about the the substratum behind this world of manifestation the one unchanging reality which I am which is the real I I want to know this how do I go towards this knowledge how do I know who I am then Varun do she tells him tapas Abramovitch igneous but do some level of tapasya and you will know this who you are employ self inquiry and both apasa so this blue who goes and spends some period in meditation and then one day he comes and tells his father I think I know what you mean by self what who I am I think it is isn't the body unknown competitive edge a lot because you see I can I feel this sense of identity with the body then the father says tapas oblems of a jig gnosis we do some more tapasya now can you tell me why you are not the body we have discussed a considerable amount of Vedanta so far why are you not just this body why do I keep saying this is an instrument in your hands it is yours it is not you why because it is an object of your perception isn't it it is an object of change it is an object through which you are functioning you are perfectly conscious of it as an object I am speaking I am conscious that I am speaking so I am NOT by speech I am that through which this speech is becoming possible this is the standpoint please see this anything which is an object of your perception cannot be you it is yours but it is your speech as yours but it is not you you are that which is using the medium of speech to express something you are that which is using the medium of the body to function in this world so you are not merely the body so go and do some more tapasya and find out who you are the father says Andrew who goes and does some more tapasya then he comes and says father I think a little more I have understood pranam brahmadeva janeth this prana the white energy means that Brahman is that the real I and then the father says no my son go back to your meditation now why are you not the pranic energy merely the vital energy because that also has moment that has changed that is also an object of your perception you can feel the prana energy within you your vitality that increases that can decrease also that changes so that cannot be you then he asked him to again go and meditate after sometime Bravo comes and says mano Brahm hate image on earth is the mind me see this is a the condition of most people they think that they are mind nothing more than that but the father again says no why are you not your mind can you perceive your mind do you know what is happening in your mind you can know isn't it your thoughts see what is memory but the recognition of your thoughts of the past so you can know your mind if you can know something as an object of perception it can't be you again your mind sometimes it is in full bloom sometimes it has become dim it can block awareness it changes how much it has changed since your babyhood so you cannot be the mind you are that which is standing and the mind The Watcher of the minds processes you are the witness of the mind so go back to your meditation after some time Prabhu comes and says I think this time I have understood Vignan bravia tv on earth he says which means the higher intellect the booty I am that booty yeah be humble Tina I am my intellect you see I am recognized for my intellect are you your intellect why why not now you are catching the spirit of the open oceans because you are giving the right you're nodding correctly why are you not your booty merely you can sharpen it you can hone it you can also unsharp on it you can make it blunt it is changing and you again perceive your intellect as an object so you are not merely your intellect then again he goes back to his meditation after some time he comes and says anandam grumpy vagina I think that aren't my quotient the causal body it is called through which strains out the light of the Earthmen that is me and then the father says you have come very close to the source of your being now at this point if you ask yourself who is it who's feeling the Sun and who is it who's feeling this streaming out of consciousness into the body mind you will come to the core essence of your personality and this is how Warren rigorous a just throw self inquiry and meditation plunged into self-knowledge into the Earthmen and came to know that he is that consciousness which is in livening this entire apparatus he is functioning through it but he is totally apart from it he's of the nature of existence consciousness bliss he is the very source of that mental awareness through which he is studying all this he's nothing but an image of brahman what he is worshiping he is nothing but that in the form of the Earthmen pure consciousness and that is actually lumen in all aspects of his personality and what comes out of this knowledge this also this operation will tell you under bar and nadu poverty which means due to this understanding Prabhu became developed a very healthy physical system under one another but they actually means this that he developed great health because I am Telling You if the light of awareness is made to stream unobstructed in the body it results in health the science of Ayurvedic I read will tell you this if you block pranic energy vitality is nothing but an aspect of your awareness the physical aspect of your awareness that's why if you commit plan you develop a higher awareness so if you actually allow awareness to flows unobstructed in your system it results in health and if you allow it to flow unobstructed in your mind it results in mental awareness great mental awareness where you can actually see thoughts object to me so you can handle them under one another moti Mahon father he becomes great naturally pragya / should be Praja here is like-minded it doesn't essentially mean children it means like-minded great minds will come to you Basho Bipasha was a measure of wealth great wealth will come to you Brahma hwacha Sena by or Brahma verges by the tej of your personality by the light in your personality and Mahon killed a great frame will be yours due to this if the self is brought into full manifestation you see Vivekananda says this in so many so many ways he has put this call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakens he says power will come glory will come goodness will come purity will come all that is excellent will come once the soul is aroused to self conscious activity this is what they are trying to tell you in open essence you awaken to the reality the body mind complex will be taken care of in fact your health is guaranteed even mental health is guaranteed if awareness comes to the forefront in your mind so this is the method given to you and what basically what this will bring into your life is utter clarity and confidence you are clear about everything any information coming in front of you you see or your present-day study material coming in front of you your mind is so clear you soak in the information high levels of concentration will develop you do to this immense clarity remains and confidence due to one of that clarity you know how confident men of realization are that is why they are the great Wars of this world one mores way become there is to call them once somebody are told the Buddha well what you say does not exist in the scriptures then Buddha said well then you put it there put them there in the scriptures then the person said what you say actually contradicts the scriptures then he said that means the scriptures need amendment this is what is called confidence because it is an experience with you hmm if the inside is absolutely clear if you have found your way to the source of your being everything is taken care of it gives you from clarity comes power you know the power of our personality is due to his clarity the confidence was due to his clarity so in sub cheese and Co gendered character Iike a development from within self management essentially means this you have learnt to manage yourself perfectly so everything falls in place you know a person the outside world only trusts a person who trusts himself if you are not sure of yourself your own thoughts your ideas your convictions do you think anybody will trust you so if you want the trust of people the faith of people if you want to be a real leader in the workplace this level of confidence in yourself is required you have found yourself 100% reliable it comes from the spiritual knowledge so you are trustworthy first to yourself and hence to others this is self management essentially we will stop today's session here because a lot of ideas have gone into today's session think over it
Channel: NRCVEE IIT Delhi
Views: 64,244
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Keywords: IITD, NRCVEE, VEV731, Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
Id: avWUk5CwIpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 59sec (4319 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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