Wisdom of Gayatri Mantra - Pravrajika Divyanandaprana

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Very nice lecture :)

ЁЯСНя╕О︎ 1 ЁЯСдя╕О︎ u/[deleted] ЁЯУЕя╕О︎ Apr 05 2020 ЁЯЧл︎ replies
Gayatri mantra comes in both the rig Wade and the user Wade and today now I'm going to dwell only on this because many of you have asked for it and since you want to know everything about it and how to chant it we will do something of that for the next half an hour but you must grasp everything that is being said because this is the most powerful mantra available to us to bring us to this level of experience to awaken us to reality you know it is actually like a lighted torch which will open up the doors of wisdom for you Gayatri is the most powerful mantra what is a mantra mantra means mana not riot a mantra when you think about it repeatedly it will liberate the mind that is a mantra and Gayatri means guy anthem try a te Gayatri one who chants it it liberate him that is Gayatri it is the most powerful mantra which which is also a prayer it is a prayer kama mantra to open your day the higher Faculty of the human intellect which opens you to the heart of reality it is called the spiritual heart it opens the spiritual heart so that you perceive reality as it is I had told you about faculty development it is one of the ways of perceiving these higher subjective realities what we have been discussing consciousness and all that one of the potent ways to do that is to awaken than hey this is a Faculty of the human intellect which simply brings the truth into your heart it floods you with the light of supreme truth so the guy 3 is a mantra to do this it is a prayer for this faculty how do you use the guy 3 see first of all let me give you some basic information about guy 3 guy 3 is usually given during our opening ceremonies isn't it for Brahma cherries for householders it's a very important mantra because it will develop this higher intelligence in you and Gayathri is personified as a day and she's called Gayathri Devi you must have seen the picture a five faced goddess she is called Veda matha she's the mother of all knowledge from he comes all knowledge and the right perspective to everything hmm so it all depends on the development of this Faculty of they please remember this Gayathri has enormous benefits and blessings even if you do a little of it you will understand its power it will not just awaken the higher intellect it will open all your faculties of intuition in the Vedas it is five faculties of higher intelligence are mentioned they are like this de which is your spiritual heart then you have made ha which is a very bright higher intellect then you have pragna which has higher awareness 3t higher will and Smithey great memory Gayathri awakens all these five these are five powerful faculties of your intelligence which gives you transcendental brings into your heart transcendental knowledge Gayathri awakens all of this it gives great inner stability to your mind deep inner calmness just the chanting of Gayatri and it will remove obstacles from your path it will remove dangers from your path that is the power of Gayatri it also gives you very strong memory you see the last thing which we discussed concentration memory all these capacities of the human mind are awakened and enhanced by the chanting of Gayatri so it is a very powerful mantra I will first give you the story behind this mantra and then go into the mantra there is a big story behind how the Gayathri was given out you know how these mantras are come out of the mouths of sages do they think about it and invent them there are mystic syllables which are discovered in very states of Samadhi and meditation they are mystic syllables which lead into which give you a direct insight into reality lead you into reality as it were so it is not a matter of it's not a thought construction sort of thing they are the outpourings of enlightened sages and this mantra Gayatri mantra was given to us by Vishwamitra rishi the person who gave out the gayathri's Vishwamitra the presiding deity of the Gayatri mantra is the son Sumitra son was the symbol of Brahman in the Vedic age mmm the supreme reality and the meter used in Gayatri chanting also is called Gayatri now this vishwamithra Russia initially he was a king he was a very great king a very powerful king who had conquered a lot of kingdoms it so happened then one day he was along with his entering along with his army he was passing through a forest when he came across the hermitage of washis timoni Vashta was a great brahma Russia of olden times you must have heard of the names so washed as hermitage he came across and he got down to pay his respects to the Brahma Rishi so you see this was our culture always the greatest administrators would come and ask for spiritual knowledge would bow down to spiritual knowledge because they understood its value they understood its value to human society so Vishwamitra entered the Hermitage and his army also entered his all his troops and he came in front of vasishtha bowed down to him and asked for his blessings and what she asked asked him that everything is well in your kingdom and he said yes by your blessings everything is well please bless me with more power and wealth and all this and then why should have said please rest here for some time your men are also tired and I will offer you some food refresh yourself and then you can proceed now Vishwamitra refused initially because he's he thought how will they provide as food there are thousands of men and why should we simply disturb the hermitage so he said no it's ok we will go to our kingdom and have our food but Vashta insisted so Vishwamitra stayed back what did what should I do he got up from his seat he went inside and he had a cow or divine cow comedy I know you have heard the giver of all boons so he whispered something in her ear he whispered something into her ear and it seems this divine cow she was a goddess in the form of a cow whatever she was asked for she could give so he asked for food for the entire army and very quickly huge vessels of all sorts of delicacies and rich food was presented in one corner of the ashram and the sister went and invited the Vishwamitra and all his disciples non disciples his soldiers to come and have the food all of them relish the food and it was divine like nectar and then Vishwamitra was so surprised he asked Vashta how did you get all this in this forest and then he said see I have a mother I worship her as mother and she is but the one who provides us everything that we require and she's a Devi so then Vishwamitra you see greed came into him and the Yugo was already there he thought this cow should belong to me because I am The King everything in the in my kingdom belongs to the king so he told what she said give me the cow I will give you any price you want for it well I said don't make this mistake she cannot be sold she's a goddess she's a Devi and she's the giver of all boons I will never part with this cow because she will she wants to stay only close to a place where there is this ambience where there is Brahma Vidya being practiced where there is Brahma hog nyan she will not go into your palace but Vishwamitra was furious now he said what do you mean I must have that cow and he told his men go and forcefully bring her at once the cow ran behind Vasishta and Sheeta said don't make this mistake I told you once more I tell you she is a divine being don't make your soldiers touch her otherwise you will pay for it and we show meet us and I don't believe in all this I'm going to take the cow and go and then Vasishta just raised his brahmananda you must have heard of the story and the entire army was destroyed all of the men fell down on the ground and Vishwamitra was simply stunned what happened it was the power of the realization of Vasishta which is that Brahma Honda which he would hold he would just hold that wood on which he would do his spiritual his japa and the entire army was simply destroyed so he said that there is some great power in this in this particular thing then he tried to attack Vasishta again just by raising the Brahma Thunder he became powerless without any strength then he said thick Balaam Kshatriya Balaam Brahma Balaam Ava Balaam which means all this this promise and strength which I had the ego which I had in being so strong and courageous with such a huge army such a huge Kingdom it means nothing compared to this strength which this sage has this is the real strength a knower of brahman is so supremely strong just by his mind by his will he can control a whole army so then he said well I will acquire this kind of strength and then I will come and show you and he turned back he went back to his kingdom he gave his kingdom to his sons to manage and he went into the forest to do austerities and it seems for a long time if you go to the Puranas they will even say thousands of years because you know that sense of time is different you know how they they sense time time is in you so for a long time he performed austerities and then after that he came to this understanding slowly his mind was changing but still he had not overcome the tendencies of his mind the tendency towards arrogance ego pride this was still not completely gone so at this point of time comes the story of three shanku have you heard that story you know there was a king who wanted to go to heaven with his body and he went and his name was three shanku he went and requested Vashta please help me well I said please pass on I do not do such stupid things and he was angry he went to his sons Vashta sons and said your father cannot send me you please send me so he was cursed by his sons and he became a very ugly person and then he comes to Vishwamitra who was doing his austerities and he says you see washed eyes refused to send me can you do it now you see our enemy's enemy becomes your friend so this he became automatically became issue Amira's friend and Vishwamitra said what washed her refused then I will do it for you I am there don't worry I have performed so much austerity with the power of this austerity I will send you to the heavens and he did all sorts of his rituals and all that and through shanku started rising to heaven in that very body but this is against the law of cosmic existence isn't it one only after death one can go wherever according to his Karma wherever he has to go and he cannot go to heaven like this so at once Indra came into the sky and said you can't do this please stop it and Vishwamitra said what do you mean I have done so much tapasya he will go up and so through shanku hung in the middle they would not allow him into heaven and he could not come down on earth so it seems Vishwamitra with his powers created a heaven for him right there and like this in a state in which he was upside down you know he hung there and even now they say three shunko heaven when somebody is undecided about something they say three shanku state so this was Vishwamitra power after this episode was over we shown with us suddenly realized that he had spent all his power spiritual power in doing all this for that three shanku just because he hated Vashta and he helped him he understood the level of his pride and his ego it's all you see but Vishwamitra is life shows you how important it is to get rid of all this to control your mind to actually reach the knowledge of Brahman is no joke so when he understood all this further he went into austerities he said all my spiritual power got exhausted by doing all this I will perform more austerities he went deep into the forest again he sat down again hundreds of years passed by this time another big obstacle came before him in the form of an Apsara called Menaka you might have heard of that story also so she seduced him and then he again he went out of his austerities and for a long time he was not in touch with this this deep goal which he had fixed for himself that of becoming a Brahman regime getting the knowledge of Brahman becoming equal to wash nahi forgot about that after a long time he came to his senses and then Monica also left him and he came to this understanding that how am I wasting my powers how I am wasting my time lust anger ego hatred this feeling of malice towards somebody jealousies all this can actually ruin you completely it it will stop your progress towards your fixed goals this is what Vishwamitra is life shows it also shows that truth through the triumph of his will and his understanding he overcame all this he again plunged into great austerities and this time he got a certain level of illumination after a long time of austerity he got the vision of Lord Bramha who came to him and asked him blessed him with the title of Maharaja Maharshi then Vishwamitra said but don't I deserve the title of a Brahma Russia then Brahma said no for that you need the blessings of a Brahm Harish a so go to ashish to take his blessing if you have really removed all these negativities from your mind if you have conquered them not just remove temporarily please see this what tapasya you must have a knowledge for self-knowledge the is required such tapasya means purging your mind of all impurity completely cleansing it not simply emptying it temporarily becoming absolutely pure in every way then only this knowledge is possible so he said go and take the blessings of Vasishta and Vishwamitra came to wash star when he came near the Hermitage he heard the conversation between Vishwamitra and Arundhati Vishwamitra sorry between washes tine arundathi Vishwamitra has come to the hermitage of vasishta so Ouachita is telling Aruna the-- you know I have been following the spiritual progress of Vishwamitra and I am supporting him silently that he attains this illumination he's a good man his very name indicates vishwas Sumitra is Vishwamitra he is the friend of all but this arrogance had come into him I hope he will be able to overcome it I'm helping him in a spiritual progress as soon as he heard this Vishwamitra was so ashamed with whom that's why he's a Brahma Russia he's beyond all this duality all this stupidity and so he came and fell down at her she starts feet please forgive me for what I have done as soon as his head touched the feet of the sage a spiritual current passed through him and spontaneously in his heart arrows the Brahma Gayatri oh boo boo SWA that sumithra rhenium Virgo they were said him he and he o Yanna pressure the earth spontaneously it is rising within him it inundated him and he merged into Samadhi when he came out of that state he found washed up blessing him and this Gayathri Amanah ting from within his heart continuously when he went back then Vashta told him now you have become a Brahma Russia you have attained the knowledge of the Supreme by overcoming all weaknesses at all levels and then when he returned back he gave this guy three to everyone that is why he is the rishi who gave the world the Gayatri so that this is this means you see what is the CD for the cyntha becomes a means for those who are trying to become Sinha's so the guy three that is how it comes to us it is it encapsulate the essence of vedic wisdom because it is a prayer for day if you have understood the value of this higher level intelligence what is called the spiritual heart the awakening of this then you you get entitled to receive that knowledge if you don't understand its value the value of this level of spirituality how will the knowledge ever come to you so this is the Gayatri mantra let's just discuss the meaning and then we will repeat it oh poor bua swaha ohm is the symbol of brahman the sound symbol of Brahman who bhuva swaha are the three planes of existence which boo beans actually this earth hua is the world of means patrol of joke a thing sois is Swarga lok the heavens now all these worlds there are slight different interpretations also which you will get of these three words boob was for her like for example boo is considered the embodiment of vitality who is the destroyer of suffering swear is the giver of happiness like the slightly different interpretations also you will find typically in our Shastras boo boo as wah are these three words of this earth the world of main spitter look and the world of the gods now all these three are illumined by what light touch savitur varenyam by the light of the Sun who is miranium who is the most the best the choicest the most adorable one he is illumining all these three worlds bright the bright Sun Virgo the destroyer of all sins they ever see that divine one you see there are two for Dave is div which is divinity shining the shining one deema he may he imbibe my intellect Geo this intellect which is ours Yona ha hecho they at may he lumen that intellect and imbibe may my internet become capable of imbibing the supreme knowledge in this way may he illumine my intellect so that I may get this Bromham jaan raghav India so that I may experience the knowledge of the supreme reality may he so inspire my internet the son the most adorable one the Divine Being who lumens the three worlds may he saw illumined my intellect that I will get the knowledge of the supreme this is the prayer of Gayathri so let us repeat it once repeated after me Oh more bua swaha tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yonah prejoh they are so every syllable should be very clear confidently you must repeated hmm see I have put it here please see this every syllable should be very clear when you repeat it you can't mix up words and repeat it anyhow it's a very powerful mantra oh boo boo as swaha once more repeated after me Oh more bua swaha tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yonah prejoh the earth now how do you chant Gayatri usually it is prescribed that you must chant it in the sunday period which means at dawn and a dusk these are very special times when nature is very quiet naturally the Gayathri will fructify blossom within yourself if you practice it at that time dawn and dusk at least these two periods and usually one not eight times repetition is recommended you can also do it 36 times at dawn 36 times in the known and 36 times at dusk time and another thing you should remember is you can't do guy 3 anywhere and anyhow you must do it in a clean place in a posture proper posture treat her respectfully I told you it is a very powerful mantra she's a Devi how would you worship a Devi so just repeating it anywhere repeating and half don't do that it is something very sacred something very elevating so you must do it with full respect and then if you cannot do it one not eight times at least 12 times intensely with concentration you should do it with the meaning going on in your head and then Gayatri will heal its own fruit you know people do guy 3 puris Turin you might have heard of this in Maharashtra thousands of people do it every year it is repeating 24 lakh guy 3 in a specified period of time and they do it with such intensity after that period you should say they're very face has changed it awakens your entire energy and lifts it to the level of realization it is actually demonizing you so that you may include the highest in you Brahman in you so this is the power of Gayathri only if you do it you will know it if you don't do it it will again remain like a theory to you you know mother Mohan Malviya who was the founder of BHU Banaras Hindu University he was a great advocate of Gayathri pure Sharon he used to did it many times in fact many people have done it and it is the best way to change your entire mechanism your very body will change I am Telling You your genes will change your mind will change because it is awakening the Faculty of day within you if it is done with concentration with with complete mind it will awaken what it is meant to awaken right within you and these fivefold faculties of higher intelligence are required for success anywhere in your life please remember this I told you what are they he then made aa prog Nia 3t and splitty these are the fivefold qualities of your intelligence he is your spiritual heart where you get this knowledge of Brahman maiya is your higher intelligence pragna is higher awareness 3t is the higher Will and Smith is memory complete memory so if you want all of these put together practice Gayathri and see it was part and parcel of our life I received the Gayathri when I was very young and usually in India during whooping Anna ceremony they give it so the the thing is this all these things have to be done to be known you have to do something about it it's not a theoretical concept I just told you you listen to it and it's done not like that mmm this is you practice the chanting you will see the change coming over you mind will just clear up intelligence will just awakened within you you will understand all the dimensions of intelligence not the stupid one unidirectional intelligence which you don't know where it will take you which is dependent on outer objects not that kind a wholesome holistic form of intelligence which is all integrative which sees the whole thing all together this level of intense is required for higher you know understanding and made high truly helps you understand the scriptures the subtle it is a very refined intellect will be generated the subtleties of scriptures become graspable so all these blessings come with Gayatri practice in Tennessee and you yourself will understand what it is about that's why I gave you the whole story of Gayathri so that you remember the story and practice the chanting you
Channel: VivekaVani
Views: 1,073,896
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Keywords: Origin of gayatri mantra, gayatri mantra importance, gayatri mantra significance and meaning, gayatri mantra significance benefits, gayatri mantra story, meaning of gayatri mantra, power of gayatri mantra, gayatri mantra explained, benefits of gayatri mantra, gayatri mantra meaning, Gayatri mantra benefits
Id: Gc4zYw11Emw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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