Mind Blowing Moments On Hell's Kitchen!

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we've seen some shocking eliminations on Hell's Kitchen but these are some of the times that viewers like you and me were left absolutely speechless and I'm Coming Out Swinging on this video let me tell you since this Chef had the most brutal mid-service elimination in the history of the show yeah yeah get your open off get packed and pop out wondering why well Ramsay gathered all the chefs in the pantry observed Kevin's presence and loudly yelled at him to remove his apron pack his bags and leave that's it straight to the point no frills he didn't get a single elimination remark or the customary portrait burning scene Kevin simply vanished Into Thin Air what's more his exit interview was never even aired so what exactly did he do to deserve this let's recap real quick so during the family night dinner service Kevin was in charge of the fish station between his raw Lobster and raw risotto in the previous Services he knew that all eyes were gonna be on him that night it's 45 minutes into family night at Hal's kitchen but here's the thing just like any other contestant on the show Kevin desperately wanted to prove he was there to stay However trouble started when he accidentally plopped his scallops on the grill too soon the thing is scallops only need 90 seconds to cook well Ellen's dish on the other hand needed a full five minutes and since the whole team was thrown into disarray Ramsay got pretty mad he blamed Kevin for messing up the team's first orders Now Kevin had an opportunity to fix things but instead of redeeming himself he screwed up even further in his very next order Kevin scallops ended up being overcooked and we all know how Ramsay feels about overcooked scallops Ramsay himself had to jump in and show him how it was done in the meantime the team sparked a huge huge mass with Joe spilling sauce all over the place and then out of nowhere this happened 100 grade A chaos right there as a result the whole blue team had to hustle and remake their orders from scratch despite all that Kevin managed to get the scallops ready right as Ramsay asked for them and considering he'd been schooled before you might think he nailed the dish this time but if it had we wouldn't be here talking about him yep they were both overcooked and undercooked at the same time God how the hell do you even do that and Ramsay had just shown Kevin the right way to do it so you know the guy was pissed the mistakes kept piling up and the next raw thing we got to witness was Ramsay's temper when Ramsay starts throwing stuff around you know we've gone past the point of no return and now we're up to speed that's when he pulled everyone from The Blue Team into the pantry and demanded an explanation and before anyone could come up with a decent excuse Kevin got the Boon but Ramsay had one more question to ask who's next wow I guess he meant every word he said I mean the shock and Dread on their faces were palpable jeez that was crazy now do you think Kevin had it coming I mean this dude actually served packaged food for the signature dish Challenge and he never really bothered to recover in my opinion Caesar salad dressing but you have to agree this is one of the most brutal ejections we've ever seen on the show I mean do not ever even got the chance to plead his case it was as if he fell into the void never to be seen again but this neck Chef was the first contestant to be eliminated despite being on the winning team jacket off and you're leaving Hell's Kitchen let's break down what happened with Carol during that fateful dinner service shall we so Carol was in charge of the meat station and had this Groton dofinoa dish on the menu to go with the red team's halibut but things got messy real quick first up when she brought the Groton up to Ramsay it was raw and tough and that wasn't gonna slip past him taste them now you get a nice nice to you yeah when he asked to cook the potatoes Carol owned up and said she did well good on her for that at least but she made a grave mistake when she thought Andrea was supposed to oven cook them before the orders came in and that left JP to play the bearer of bad news to the customers undercooked if they go in when an order comes in they should what's undercook that explanation was not sitting right with ram he made sure to give a quick lesson to Carol I've got some dolphin walls need to be cooked before service and then out of nowhere Ramsay threw a curveball accusing Carol of sabotaging Andrea's game and what did Carol do she tried to talk back to him and that only made him even angrier at that point Andrea was feeling kind of embarrassed for Carol because on any given day Carol would be the one pointing out others mistakes and this time she was in the hot seat herself sometime later when Ramsay asked her how long it'd take to fix the potatoes she guessed 10 minutes even though she still had no clue what had gone wrong in the first place meanwhile Ramsay let the customers know they'd have to wait about 10 minutes for their food but not before letting Carol have it for messing up their food look at them the pool souls are you stupid no Chef I'm not turns out Carol had boiled the potatoes in cream for a whole hour during prep time and well Ramsay's reaction speaks for itself cream for an hour crunchy gratin Dauphin was useless trust me when Ramsay's calling you useless consider your time in the kitchen pretty much done in a desperate attempt to redeem herself Carol tried to salvage the potatoes by pouring hot cream on them but nothing could save those potatoes now are you mad there was no saving those potatoes none whatsoever stop stop they're already dead and Ramsay had no choice but to force the red team to come up with a new side dish because of it I wouldn't even serve that to a [ __ ] Farm Adam anyway after the potato disaster Carol thought she'd give it another shot with the steak but nope that steak turned out rare instead of medium medium and it comes out mid-rare my head is buzzing Jean Philippe even had to walk back with one of Carol's Stakes because of how poorly she'd cooked it that was the final straw for Ramsay who decided to shut down both the kitchens then and there during the elimination round Carol was called out for her inconsistency she set a precedent for being the first one on the winning team to be sent home and didn't even get a chance to defend herself and to add insult to injury Kyle knew she was out of the depth in Hell's Kitchen I just put her out of a misery talk about rubbing salt in the womb it doesn't take much for things to go terribly wrong on a show as intense as Hell's Kitchen but the ones I'll be going over today have to be the worst of the bunch do you remember Joy Parham Thomas from season 12 you know the same person who decided to leave the competition and later vented her frustrations on Instagram it didn't excite people to see a girl who was actually just there to cook and you know mind her business and keep her head hit him down and do her thing like they needed to villainize somebody yeah she actually did that but here's the deal I believe Joy really grabbed the attention of the whole Hell's Kitchen Community well after the show because of a pretty serious claim she's convinced that she was just judged based on factors other than her cooking and Leadership skills she was convinced that the show set up the black woman to be the villain of the season and even if we entertain the notion of racial bias for a moment she still walked away from the kitchen during service which I mean the producers didn't make her do that was on her she could have left before or after the service but nope when the pressure was on she simply threw in the towel and called it quits but what exactly unfolded during that service so Joy was responsible for the fish station when asked to taste Melanie's capellini she bluntly said that it tasted terrible because say it with me now it wasn't seasoned when it came to coordinating entrees she kept Rochelle and Jason in the loop as far as timing was concerned but then she served up the Halibut before Rochelle was ready with her wellingtons Ramsay had to remind her that the sauce needed to come first and he wasn't willing to stop and start over I'm not stopping and starting Jason was puzzled by the screw-up and she presented her sauce without any muscles in it she got frustrated considering she had a lot on her plate with the fish station but she eventually managed to get her second attempt accepted and sent out to the dining room on the next order she failed to give Rochelle the correct timing which understandably annoyed Ramsay she rather impolitely told him this if you feel like I'm holding the kitchen up and I'm slowing everything down how about I'll leave and you can have somebody else work fish oh boy here we go naturally Ramsay accused her of having a bad attitude are you gonna start getting attitude I'm not getting an attitude Chef okay well then talk to me when he asked her for the time on the garnishes Jason stated he needed 90 seconds but joy went ahead and served the Halibut without waiting for the garnish which only fueled the fire that was Ramsay's temper Jason understood the situation but she seemed confused prompting Ramsay to pull her aside and explain it to her look at me when I finish my sentence plain English I would like the garnish the Halibut before the halibut and I think you already know it was not gonna go down well a young lady if you're in the mood don't take it out on my food done that was the Tipping Point for her as she waved the white flag of surrender despite Rochelle and Melanie pleading with her not to quit she removed her Chef's jacket and headed back to the dorms to pack her things Ramsay followed her and called out her selfish attitude for giving up over a single mistake this escalated into a heated argument with both sides accusing the other of not listening which I mean is kinda ironic it concluded with doubling down about her quitting well Ramsay retorted that her cooking reflected her attitude back in the dorms Joy was hastily stuffing her clothes into her bag when sous chef Andy walked in and asked what was going on she felt like Ramsay had lost his cool and painted herself in a much better light than Ramsay but sous chef Andy gently reminded her that Ramsay's temperament was nothing new and she wasn't any less guilty than he was for her attitude certain things you just can't deal with or whatever and then it's just like I've been beat down enough I can't take but so much and just tired like I'm really just tired that's all it comes down to is like anything I do when I put everything into it is Never Enough Joy was well aware that the competition had been bringing out her less admirable side but when sous chef Andy told her she needed to tough it out she felt utterly beaten down it seemed like no matter what she did it was never enough for Ramsay man I mean I get that must have been a terrible feeling I couldn't help but feel bad for her however sous chef Andy offered a different perspective she reminded joy that Ramsay was in fact her most significant supporter and reminded her what he had said during the evaluations that's what he's doing the people that are the hardest on you in your life are the ones that care about you most in the Moment of clarity Joy realized that she had squandered a genuine chance to win because of her impulsiveness as she debated her next steps it dawned on her that she needed to apologize to Ramsay and plead her case for another opportunity however she never managed to summon the courage to make amends with him I feel like I let Chef Ramsay down and I didn't think of did because Ramsay following her out of the kitchen shows that he cared for her I bet he would have given her a chance at Redemption how about you but on the flip side she believed it was too late for her to apologize to Ramsay and Men the bridge that she had burned she had come to terms with the fact that she had thrown away a once in a lifetime opportunity and now she was stuck living with the consequences of her decision and I threw [Music] and that's just something I have to live with man everything about this situation sucks I don't even have a funny quip or anything about it to make us feel better so let's move on but nothing is harder than watching this next elimination outside of this competition you just got ready to be a head chef please give me your jacket ah rest in peace Jessica you will be remembered so let's dig into what went down during the cook for your life challenge Jessica was named as the weakest link by the red team and you could almost see her turn pale as a result she had to face off against Richard from The Blue Team in a very intense challenge but you see she was all about proving her doubters wrong back in the kitchen Jessica was full of fire and confidence having worked with these kinds of dishes before but oops she added pepper to the risotto and joy told her off for it never put anything black and something that's supposed to be white Jessica then asked about adding wine to the risotto but the guys reminded her that it was against the rules [Music] later disaster struck when she dropped the halibut and it completely broke apart oh God what is she doing but thanks to her quick thinking she put another piece on top and sent it right back into the oven as judgment came closer and closer she was a bundle of nerves but she was even more determined not to go home so she kept fighting finally it was time to present her dish she presented scallops that were cooked rather nicely despite being paired with some overcooked onions the risotto however was piled too high was a bit too dense and overcooked by just a mere 30 seconds not too bad right well a last minute unintentional addition soured the whole thing is that toothpick [Music] yeah a toothpick damn how did she not see that earlier but hey on the bright side her halibut was praised for being perfectly seasoned anyway despite the mixed reviews Jessica was still hopeful about winning and when Richard's risotto ended up overcooked she was even more relieved now that things were leaning in her favor I think that his time is up then that other shoe finally dropped Jessica was eliminated for serving undercooked Lobster and overcooked halibut Jessica was heartbroken and tearfully begged Ramsay for another chance please exceptionally well you could see that even Sandra couldn't get a grip on her emotions but Ramsay stayed firm on his decision but he at least praised her for being a great competitor fake life please I'm sorry yeah Ramsay encouraged her to stick with her love for food and send her out with a pat on the back but she was a mess all through her exit interview Jessica sobbed over her dreams being crushed Ramsay's decision was tough and Jessica's elimination was definitely a bitter pill to swallow what's more the absence of the usual coat hanging and portrait burning sequence only added to the abruptness of it all if you ask me I think she had her share of highs and lows and even though Ramsay recognized her efforts the few mistakes she made cost her big time it's clear that this elimination hit her hard but Ramsay's words showed that he saw potential in her in spite of it however some viewers are convinced that she didn't deserve to be kicked out like that Chef I'm a fighter I was homeless about a year ago I mean I can totally understand why Jessica broke down the way she did the competition was her only lifeline and she couldn't handle going back to the Grind she was trying to get out from under well at least Ramsay didn't let him hard work go unnoticed but this neck Chef oh Ramsay cared so little that he didn't even bother to listen to his plea I'm not listening to you give me a jacket [Applause] Matthew from season 20 had a shitty start and I mean that literally during the signature dish challenge Ramsay praised the classic presentation of the chipino but I didn't take out the crap I didn't devein it and I'm like shoot now Ramsay wasn't happy about that little Discovery one bit he asked Matthew why he didn't bother cleaning it and Matthew came up with a really lame excuse he said that he just didn't notice it Ramsay even offered Matthew a taste of the shrimp's Special Sauce which he wisely declined what's more Keanu actually reminded him to get the poop out I know you now legal to drink but were you actually drunk when you put this dish together but that was just the start of Matthew's Antics sometime later during the alcohol challenge Matthew was making a bourbon rubbed chicken with cream sauce he knew he had to bounce back after the disaster that was the signature dish Challenge and he thought he had really stepped up and rocked it this time surprisingly when The Blue Team discussed their top three dishes Jay gave Matthew's dish a thumbs up thinking it was executed pretty darn well and that was how Matthew landed a spot in the blue team's top three and was the last one to have Ramsay judges Dash but Ram Z still fondly remembering the shrimp mishap was hoping Matthew would make up for it this time and well he did or at least it looked that way when Matthew presented his bourbon glazed chicken breast Ramsay loved its rustic look but then when Ramsay cut into the chicken that rustic facade came crumbling down you guys wanted me to eat pink chicken seriously raw as the day it was born what's even more infuriating was that this dish made it into the top three and still ended up being undercooked now let's cut to the 300th dinner service and this was a big deal since it was Matthew's last chance to prove himself but sadly things got off to a rocky start he brought up a lamb dish but Ramsay took it to the end of the line and had everyone touch it wondering why well Ramsay pointed out that the meat was rare but hold on just a second later he corrected himself saying it was actually raw to make things worse Ramsay noticed that the chef was smiling about it despite being right in front of Mike Tyson that night's guest yeah I wouldn't be smiling like an idiot in front of the Mike Tyson I'll tell you that much dude was begging to get punched in the face it's not funny Matthew after that embarrassing situation Ramsay called the men out and asked them to get their act together now since Matthew was slowing the team down Payton decided to step up and take charge of the meat but when the VIP order was called out both of them completely blanked how do you forget how does that happen Ramsay was bewildered as to how both of them could screw up like that there was only one way to fix the situation and so Ramsay asked Peyton and Matthew to apologize to Tyson personally and you can tell that Peyton was beyond embarrassed at that point just as he should have been I'm embarrassed in front of Mike Tyson I'm embarrassing from Chef Ramsay in a desperate attempt to prevent any more disasters from happening Matthew resorted to using a digital thermometer to check the cook on the chicken and while that might be pretty normal for you and me it had no place in a professional kitchen Trenton was surprised he even had one where the hell did we get digital thermometers and just then Ramsay asked for time on the order and things got chaotic Peyton and Antonio gave different timings and we all know how much Ramsay loves that he gathered the team and warned them they were going too fast after they returned to the kitchen things didn't get much better the team was eventually kicked out because they were acting like they didn't even know what was going on back downstairs Ramsay showed them something that Matthew left behind in the kitchen wondering what well take a look meat thermometer foreign he couldn't believe they were still messing up even while using things like that as a crutch we still couldn't produce any coats protein during the eliminations Matthew was nominated along with Peyton and Jay Ramsay rolled out all of his greatest hits the unclean shrimp the raw chicken and now the raw lamb Ram Ramsay's patience for him had run thin and so he got the ax citing him as the worst performer among the Young Guns thus far worst of all your attitude sucks now here's where I disagree with Chef Ramsay a bit Matthew took his elimination like a champ check out this post he said one of the many hard lessons I've learned through all this process is that life is silly crazy and we have zero control over how others view US laughing at your own mistakes takes away their power over you I have made so many mistakes on the show in my personal life and in my career but now I just try to laugh and have fun because all my mistakes have helped me grow life moves forward and so do I gotta commend the attitude well he had a horrible run on the show at least he's honest about it glad to see he's doing well now and viewers definitely had his back now how can we talk about brutal eliminations and not mention the spaghetti King himself you're standing there you scream me and you're [ __ ] useless so dude was in charge of the appetizer station thinking he could kick off the final five with some awesome starters but things didn't go quite as planned first off Ramsay noticed that he was already cooking risotto even though there were no orders in yet a few minutes later more and more risotto started piling up on the hot plate which totally baffled Ramsay how many [ __ ] results are they doing up front look all those pants Ramsay wasn't too pleased and made sure Josh knew it and since he was losing the restaurant money he didn't think twice before calling him this what a [ __ ] donut after the risotto it was time for the spaghetti and once again Josh got started even before anybody thought about ordering it Ramsay questioned if he'd do something like that in his own restaurant to which Josh admitted it was a mistake even my mom cooked spaghetti seven minutes before she wants it but that didn't stop him from making it over and over cooking spaghetti as if he was on autopilot move spaghetti in there sorry we cooked spaghetti to order Ramsay even remarked that a low end Italian joint would cook pasta to order the man's patience was running thin and he warned Josh that he was on thin ice an hour into the service Josh's appetizers were finally leaving the kitchen oh my God yep an order of risotto came back undercooked Ramsay was Furious and Unleashed his wrath on Josh berating him about how he was single-handedly ruining the service finally Ramsay was done with Josh and decided to eliminate him on the spot take that off get out get out although Josh walked out of the kitchen Ramsay was still on his case he was so angry that he even followed him demanding he leave his jacket behind he was fuming this Outburst inspired a ton of jokes and some of them are downright Savage like this one here Josh is at his wedding he pulls back the veil to reveal his bride's face and Gordon yells get out and just like that Josh became the first ever contestant to be thrown out mid-service not to mention at his wedding the lack of comment from Ramsay and the absence of a retrospective Montage highlighted the gravity of the situation Josh's time on the show had come to a Swift and disappointing end but I have to say he took it very graciously many would have broken down in tears or maybe even fought back at Ramsay next up this elimination needs no intro production I don't want to leave do you check awesome get out nilka had the worst meltdown on the show Bar None during that fateful dinner service she was assigned to the fish station and right from the start things immediately got out of hand when the first ticket came in nilka dropped her scallops with excitement wanting to prove herself to Ramsay but whoops they turned out raw Ramsay wasn't pleased and asked her to put them back in the pan later she faced more problems not being ready for salads and sending out raw turbot but instead of fixing the turbot she had the goal to throw it on the floor which Ramsay took as a sign of giving off don't give up as the service continued noka's nerves got the best of her if they hadn't already she was struggling dropping things left and right and feeling the pressure Ramsay tried to encourage her not to give up but her confidence was shaken there was a moment of support from her teammates but mistakes kept piling off noka's Lobster got rejected due to being plated with the wrong sauce and Ramsay pulled her into the pantry to understand what was going on tearfully she expressed her frustration admitting she didn't come here to lose Ramsay gave her a serious talk and warned her that if she didn't get a grip soon that would become a reality I could come in and lose I'm not weak I don't know about to cry right now despite the pep talk Noka just couldn't get it together she panicked made more mistakes and Ramsay had enough he called for the scallops one last time and she thankfully got it right after a reassuring chat with Jay however things took another turn for the worse her communication with the team faltered and her Lobster turned out raw again Ramsay lost his patience and eliminated her on the spot she was ordered to leave but nilka initially hesitated trying to make her case before finally leaving for time accepting her elimination his frustration milka had an emotional meltdown tossing things around and pleading to stay in the competition [Applause] noka's determination led her back to the kitchen much to Ramsay's annoyance he was Stern and telling her to leave but she resisted insisting on staying to cook Ramsay finally had enough asking Benjamin to escort her out back in the dorms Nokia packed her bags clearly disappointed by her elimination her journey ended abruptly leaving her frustrated and emotional about her dream being cut shorts well it happens to the best of us chef because this situation wasn't even half as bad as what happened in season seven episode 12. when Ramsay entrusted the hot place to sous chef Scott while he stepped out of the kitchen for a sack meanwhile Jason and Benjamin promptly sent in their tuna and garnishes keeping things rolling so far so good right well sadly it was just the Calm before the storm Benjamin made a bold move when he tried to call out the next ticket in Ramsay's place which didn't sit too well with sous chef Scott and boy did he make it known he confronted Benjamin with a fiery intensity that honestly rivaled Ramses you think for one minute you're gonna start running this pass you may be a [ __ ] good cook but as a leader Jessica do you think you're gonna do my job I'll leave right now you think you can do it no shot I know you can't get them over there oh boy but um at least he complimented him for his cooking skills right anyway as the disagreement escalated sous chef Scott's Fury only Rose further he asked he asked Benjamin outright if he should just hide and let him take over the hot plates I understood that was a rhetorical question however sous chef Scott wasn't about to let this slide he got right up close inches away from Benjamin's face and let loose making it abundantly clear that trying to snatch his job was not to be attempted again like whoa that would easily make it to the top 10 angry meltdowns on the show and Ramsay wasn't even involved this time anyway sous chef Scott had essentially torn him a new one and he wasn't too thrilled about it Chef Scott you know ripped to myself this big totally but hey at least Ben wasn't being an ass about it and took it in stride that's something now this dinner service was terrible with a capital T Ramsay had his hands full that's for sure first off Ramsay decided to give Nona a little Steak Diane tutorial probably scared she'd burn the place down without it and who could blame him really I mean we wouldn't want Nomar Garcia para and Mia ham going up in flames right but despite his efforts it all started to unravel Sabrina let's go is out on 30 seconds that might seem like a little dummy on it outside but on the inside I'm one cooking machine I mean agree to disagree and that's when Sabrina walked up with her risotto and let's just say Ramsay wasn't shy about telling her it was cooked too um let's say extreme lengths Sabrina that is fried risotto meanwhile trev's frustrations boiled over when Sabrina asked him for the time left on his spaghetti but guess who stepped in to cool things down or rather heat things up further you don't stand over here and scream I'm the one that's waiting for food from you together and cook a pasta I'm sure that felt like a slap to the face I mean Ramsay's reaction said it all after probably way too many refires Ramsay finally sent out the first ticket Hallelujah but here's the kicker Trevin Sabrina couldn't even communicate on the next ticket oh four minutes now how do you get a little whiny bit like that to just shut up and cook the whole thing left Gail fuming while Ramsay had to pull them aside for a little chat look at me come here I need a team less shouting and how about a little bit more cooking I'm getting dragged down yet no one's come on in the section yep all the shouting in the world isn't gonna make you a good leader their teamwork or lack thereof caused a traffic jam of orders and the diners were probably checking their watches more than enjoying their meals Ramsay clearly frustrated decided to throw in the towel on appetizers and jump straight to the entrees but he was honestly just kicking the can down the road when Gail's halibut got stuck to the pan this happened this is like a sabotage nothing coming out did you see that a pair of tongs just flew right in front of his face and my man didn't even Flinch and just when you thought it couldn't get more dramatic about an hour and 15 minutes into the service nothing was leaving the kitchen Ramsay decided to throw the reins to Nona and ordered her to start serving up that Steak Diane you got this Nona you practice this dish with Ramsay himself after all Gail realizing her timing had to sync with Nona's managed to get her salmon approved and finally some entrees started making their way out of the kitchen but then Sabrina oh boy Sabrina Ramsay asked her for the Truffle salad and she decided to play the forgetfulness card once again that earned her a rather harsh accusation from Ramsay who questioned her commitment look at my [ __ ] eyes when I'm talking to you what's wrong with you what's wrong with her gosh where do we even start Sabrina said she hadn't given up but her Redemption attempt involved sending out a salad without dressing more dress no yes and to add to the confusion Jillian brought her Mash potatoes to the past but Ramsay found them far too salty that is saltiest you're seizing like this man when I say it's always the seasoning that usually means there's none of it in there not too much but finally when Gail presented her grilled salmon Ramsay noticed a small Lake forming on the plate and he rightfully thought she was giving up then and there then came Russell the bearer of bad news with a treasure Trove of raw wellingtons Trev feeling like the entire service was spiraling out of control only added to the chaos Ramsay was on the brink of erupting and so he assembled the beleaguered chefs and delivered a stern lecture on the importance of teamwork you've got your hands full out there and you screwed me work as a [ __ ] team oh and he also dropped an unsettling warning the next person that makes the next mistake get [ __ ] a lot of you get a grip well it seems that got the chefs moving but Russell decided to push his luck by sending out a raw rib eye that was the straw that broke the chef's back I can't take any more I can't I can't do this I cannot do this any [ __ ] more that's the face of a man who's lost faith in his team God even I feel disappointed and I'm not even there left with no other options Ramsay kept his promise and kicked everyone out of the kitchen in a final dramatic flourish he tossed the raw rib eye to Trev signaling the end of a disastrous dinner service but hey we all learned a valuable lesson don't mess with Ramsay when he's reached his boiling point but sometimes it's not just the contestants even the customers end up ruining the service to bring outside food into a restaurant without a doubt is an insult of the highest order after enduring three long hours of what can only be described as a turbulent service in the first season with hungry and frustrated customers leaving something crazy happened [Music] no you saw that right pizza was getting delivered to a table of cheering patrons and then something even more terrible happened no you did not I got the food I wish your education could be as good as your as your voice Jean Philippe found himself dealing with a particularly self-assured customer this customer tried to establish his credentials by mentioning his Doctorate in music from the University of Southern California but I wouldn't call what happened next polite you have a doctorate I do have an education do you have a doctorate I do have an education then you are less educated than me so don't get on my face buddy this was completely out of line let's be honest I think many of us would be ready to step up and defend jean-philippe here he basically said sure this guy might have a fancy doctorate but it doesn't mean he's educated enough to know how to behave thankfully a courageous member of the crew intervened and escorted the unruly customer out of the restaurant thank God Ramsay was so appalled by this that he slammed the brakes on both kitchens seriously you guys it takes no effort to offer basic human decency but that reminds me of another contestant from the same season and you wouldn't believe the comments he made about the wait staff and if you want to revisit that moment you need to watch this video right here I don't like waiters come they're annoying now next up is wait let me check my notes Here not a dinner service not even a puke inducing signature dish not even a shouting match I mean I guess all that leaves is well this is it Benjamin or is it Nick and well everyone knows what came next Nick got screwed over he had an incredible run throughout the entire season like I could count the number of mistakes he made all season on one hand many thought he deserved a spot in the final two and some even believed he should have won what made it even more frustrating was the way his elimination was handled no proper goodbye no acknowledgment of his journey on the show nothing thing it's completely baffling how a Vegas entrepreneur who's not even a chef got to decide his fade it's like they glossed over his elimination completely God it had to have been the worst decision ever it's a tough pill to swallow when even a front runner for the title doesn't get the recognition they deserve instead of a heartfelt farewell Montage or some parting words from Ramsay he was left hanging on stage emotionally drained and then swiftly brought back to cook on Michelle's Brigade talk about unfair who else do you think was unfairly eliminated don't forget to drop those names in the comments hint up next in episode 13 we had the King of the Hill Challenge and it was quite a ride each Chef had their dishes scrutinized by Gordon and chimarusti the coolest part the front runner got to sit in a first-class airline seat for the rest of the competition but here's the twist if someone managed to cook an even better dish they'd overthrow the current leader and the chef left sitting on the throne at the end would emerge Victorious chimarusti was pretty impressed with Cheyenne's shrimp jambalaya with andouille sausage describing it as a tasty mountain and giving a nod to Cheyenne for nailing the sauce and guess what happened Cheyenne I think you're you can stay right where you are Cheyenne won the whole shebang her prize a thrilling ride through the stunning Canyons of Los Angeles she was beyond excited and Gordon even asked her who she wanted to take along she chose summer as her co-pilot during the reward Cheyenne was all revved up to take the wheel of a UTV and cruise those Scenic roads on the flip side summer who's usually into extreme Vehicles was a bit hesitant about the whole thing Cheyenne initially took the driver's seat and was pretty cool about letting summer have a turn but that's when things took a sudden and dangerous turn but then this happened thank you foreign that whole scene had me on the edge of my seat so terrifying to watch thankfully both of them emerged unscathed with no major injuries Cheyenne hopped on Reddit for an AMA that's in ask me anything q a thread for those of you who regularly touch grass and when someone asked her how the accident had affected her she came clean she admitted that it had really shaken her off she had this big nasty bruise on her lower belly thanks to being locked in the seat by the seat belt during the whole ordeal they were stuck in that awkward position for what felt like forever and the seat belt was digging into her making it super uncomfortable to make matters worse she had this pounding headache that lasted quite a while afterwards which only added to her stress she couldn't help but wish she'd gotten more rest before the dinner service because this incident seriously threw a wrench into her entire day and I mean if there was ever a reasonable excuse given on Hell's Kitchen that was is it well that was a pretty rough ride 2 and 2 soon anyway if you want to talk more about what happened and dissect each of these moments make sure to join me on my Discord server for free and guess what I even have an exclusive server for those of you who are interested well I'm excited to see you there but before you leave make sure to hit that like subscribe and turn on my post notifications also don't forget to check out my latest video right here it's even crazier
Channel: Film Traveler
Views: 133,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen 2018, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, “Gordon, Ramsay, Likes, The, Food”, “Raj, Hell’s, Kitchen”
Id: wWs1n2dDUag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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