Millionaires Shortbread Recipe - Layers of WIN! | Cupcake Jemma

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to the crumbs and doilies kitchen here in London thanks for joining me again now last week we made that amazing lemon meringue cake and you all loved it thank you so much for baking it I've seen loads of your Facebook Instagram so today's recipe I was like oh gosh I've got to try and beat the lemon meringue cake which was like a huge hit which is a scary thing to do so I thought we'd go and do something super traditional instead something that you all need to know how to make and that is a millionaire's shortbread it looks kind of simple but look how pleasing it is so at the bottom we've gotten really delicious shortbread it's super buttery and it just completely melts in your mouth and then we've got a delicious caramel here which is a little bit more like a toffee and then on top we've got milk chocolate so you get the snap from the chocolate you get the news from the caramel and then you get that melt in the mouth shortbread and it is so amazing I don't know why it's called a millionaire's shortbread this is something I probably should have looked at so maybe you know why and you can let me know but let's get on and make this so we need to start by getting our shortbread in the oven and that is really easy we are just going to start by creaming together some butter and some sugar so I've got 225 grams of really lovely soft butter we want it to be soft because we want to cream it and we need the sugar to do though so make sure your butter is nice and soft you can always pop it in the microwave for really short kind of bursts stirring it between so we're going to pop in 225 grams there and then on top of that we've got 125 grams of caster sugar so I'm using a stand mixer for this mainly because I'm just feeling a little bit lazy today but you can very easily do this with a hand whisk thingy electric one or you can do it with a wooden spoon and a bowl because your butter should be nice and soft so it should be quite easy to beat it all up so I mean it's going on a medium to high speed and we're just going to keep mixing until it's smooth and the sugar started to dissolve should be a little bit kind of smoother less grainy than it is now so now we can add our flour so I've got 340 grams of plain flour make sure it's plain not so freezing because you do not want any rise in your shortbread and I'm also going to add a teaspoon of salt if your butter is salted then you might want to go with just half a teaspoon like this is why I prefer to use unsalted because then you can really control how much salt you're putting in so I always recommend going for unsalted and now I'm just going to put my mixer back on and we're going to put it on the lowest speed nice and gently until it sort of starts coming together okay so turn that up and you can see it's sort of starting to clump together like so but now I need to bring it all together so what we're going to do tip it all out on tower surface just drink it and there might be some little bits of flour in there that haven't completely mixed in don't worry we're gonna do this next bit by hand so this is kind of the fun part so what we're gonna do is bring it all together squishing it and very gently giving it a bit of a need just to bring it together to form one nice smooth dough right so now we need to get it into our tin and I am using an 8 by 8 inch square tin and I've lined all the sides completely because remember we're gonna put caramel we're gonna make chocolate we do not want any layers sticking to the sides because it's gonna ruin our lovely shortbread so what I'm actually gonna do to get this in is I'm gonna break bits off and I'm gonna crumble it in to the pan because that way we're just gonna get it a bit more level than trying to squish this out in one big blob so I'm just kind of making sure that I fill any big holes so that it's all kind of nice and even in there and now we just need to squish it all down start with my fingers pushing it right down and into the edges so that's all good but it's looking a little bit lumpy bumpy still from my fingers so what I'm gonna do now is I've got a little bit of greaseproof paper here and I'm gonna use that and I'm actually gonna use this cake smoother and I'm gonna push on top of it and just kind of rub it around [Music] so that's just looking a little bit more level which means that we're gonna get those nice sharp kind of stages of our millionaire shortbread but guys if you've just wanted to make some shortbread fingers you can just bake this and eat it what I'd recommend is just give it a score now pop it in the oven and you don't need to worry about the other bits and bobs but we're going to go and bake this now at 150 degrees C for 35 minutes okay so my shortbread was in for 35 minutes and you can see it's ever so slightly golden on top but it's not too golden so I know that's a tricky instruction for you guys but 35 minutes trust me okay it's really hot still but I'm just gonna leave it here and we're gonna get on with making our caramel slash toffee layer which is super super easy it just takes a little bit of time and you can't go off and do something else I'm afraid we're going to make it all in one saucepan and we're gonna put in some golden syrup and some sugar so I've got 25 grams of caster sugar and 75 grams of golden syrup and we're gonna add 120 grams of unsalted butter and finally a whole tin of condensed milk which is a very specific 397 grams there's one of those regular sized tins so just chuck all of that into your saucepan [Music] now we're simply going to heat this up so first of all we're going to melt the butter mix them all together and then we're going to keep it on a very low steady boil and it takes 20 minutes I made it yesterday and I've timed it for you guys and you need to whisk this constantly because it will catch on the bottom and birth and 20 minutes of whisking we have got ourselves some delicious caramel and it smells absolutely divine so we're going to pour this straight onto our shortbread and now we're going to use a little cranked palette knife to very quickly push it around to make it nice and even and that is setting very very quickly so you really want to spread that out as quickly as you can but just because it's setting and does not mean it is cooling quickly this is incredibly hot so please do not be tempted to eat it put your fingers in it put your face in it you can smell it from a distance but that is it I'm afraid we need to let this cool down completely before we put our chocolate on top but don't you worry because I have made one and it is set it is nice and cold so now we can get on with our chocolate topping which I've just kept all my stuff ready here so we're gonna go for a nice thick layer of milk chocolate because that is the traditional way you could put something like an ash on top but that kind of stays soft and what you really want is that nice snap of the chocolate as you bite into it delicious so first we need to melt some chocolate and I'm sure a lot of you will know about the troubles of chocolate and tempering it it's a very complicated thing so I'm gonna do a really simple kind of cheats way of tempering the chocolate and I'll talk you through it so first of all we need our pan Marie we've got about an inch of water in this saucepan and on top of the saucepan we're gonna put a nice heat proof Bowl the most important thing here is that the water does not touch the bottom of your bowl and now we can add our chocolate so in total I've got 300 grams of milk chocolate if you want to go for dark that's fine but milk is really the way to go for this recipe now I've taken out a set so I've got a hundred grams in this one and we are leaving that to one side so into my ban Murray I'm gonna put two hundred grams and we're gonna stir that constantly until it has just melted so once it's just about melted I'm gonna take it off the heat and first of all I'm going to make sure that my bowl gets nice and dry because any water that goes into your chocolate it's going to seize the chocolate and it's gonna ruin it so just give it a good white and I'm actually going to pour it straight into a separate bowl which is nice and cool because what we're doing now is cooling down the chocolate so this is all because chocolate is a very complicated little thing made up of all sorts of particles and they need to be in a certain formation otherwise they bloom when they set so sometimes you'll have seen chocolate with love white smears or speckles across it or maybe it doesn't snap like you want it okay and it's all about heating and cooling it down to certain temperatures it's very complicated and this is really a very kind of cheats way so now I'm going to add in my fir just for my hundred grams that I saved back we're gonna pop that in and stir it until it's melted so just keep stirring all the time it will melt the kind of movement of the chocolate as you up there kind of motion that will help it melt as well and feel like it's taking a long time but it will get there there we go and you can actually see it's quite a lot thicker now than it was when we had it melting in the bowl so it's cooled down a lot that's a good indication of how you're doing with the tempering there now we just need to pour it on top of our shortbread couldn't make it look pretty so again using my trusty cranked palette knife you know spread it around and then I'm just going to put a little bit of a wave in there with my paradise [Music] and now all we need to do is let this set completely so if you've had your caramel chilling in the fridge it won't take very long to set and then we can cut it and eat it [Music] [Applause] [Music] it looks so good this shortbread I've got a feeling it's perfectly crumbly and we've got that really neat layer of caramel and a bigger budget chocolate on top okay here we go [Music] that is like maybe it's called millionaires cuz you feel like a millionaire and you eat it because it tastes so good but that makes sense because that is incredible all those textures and all those flavors going on at once it's amazing and it's so so easy to make so please enjoy making this you could jazz it up as well that you could chuck pretzels in it I know that Nikki over on instagram has been baking like heaps during this whole coronavirus situation and she made one the other day with like firm butter and can - so there's loads of stuff you can do go and check out her Instagram as well I've got all of this to eat and I cannot wait they really do feel like a millionaire when I'm eating it please the tiger so over on Instagram will put our tags on screen now use the hashtag hashtag cupcake Gemma and make sure you subscribe to the channel as well and press the bell so you get all the notifications and you can see all our uploads and all our videos and we'll be back very soon with another recipe [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 408,910
Rating: 4.9670944 out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, new york, dessert, cookies, treat, bake at home, piping bag, DIY, baking tips, pro tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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