4 Layer Double Decker Brownie Recipe | A Crumbs & Doilies Classic! | Cupcake Jemma

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to the crumbs and doilies kitchen here in soho back with me dain and here today i'm going to make for you a recipe that we've gone back through the crumbs and doilies archives and it's one of our really amazing tray bakes it's a brownie and it's the double decker brownie it's got multiple different layers it's got a rice crispy chewy marshmallow base a decadent fudge brownie topped with a vanilla nougat and then a milk chocolate ganache on top it's so good you're not going to want to miss this and we posted it on instagram a couple of weeks ago and of course you guys hounded us for the recipe so we're here today to show you how to make it first things first we're going to start with the brownie so i've got 165 grams of unsalted butter it's going into a bowl and 165 grams of 70 chocolate which i'm going to melt in the microwave [Music] so the chocolate is all melted it's nice and glossy and smooth of a pouring chocolate shot is necessary always here so we'll set this to one side and next we'll get on with the mixture which contains eggs and sugar so i've got three large eggs here i'll crack into a separate bowl we always crack into a separate bowl just in case you get any shell not going for a double-handed crack today because sally's not here and i don't feel as confident okay so we're just gonna go one-handed crack and that's that and i've got 330 grams of caster sugar going into the bowl and we're gonna use a whisk attachment to get it nice and frothed up you'll see this mixture go really light and pale and fluffy onto a high speed [Music] so as you can see that is really pale fluffy whipped up that's exactly what we want it to be because that will get a nice shiny kind of crackly brownie top and next we're going to add a little bit of vanilla vanilla extract that you can get from cupcake gemma one generous teaspoon just adds a little bit of extra flavor in there and then it's time for our chocolate and butter mixture just gonna look super sensual are you ready sam [Music] so that is all in we don't want to waste any of this chocolate mixture because that is when it's going to make the brownie nice and rich and decadent it's got chocolate and cocoa in this recipe so it's extra chocolatey so let's give this a little mix on a slow speed for about 10 seconds just to combine those together and then we'll allow the dry ingredients so that's all nicely combined and then i'm just going to take the whisk out just to sieve in the dry ingredients so here i've got 120 grams of plain flour and 45 grams of cocoa powder now this is um dutch processed cocoa powder so it's a lot darker if you check back through our cookie master class that sally and i did a few weeks ago you'll know that there's quite a bit of a difference between the cocoa powders this is more intense and the other version that you kind of get more in supermarkets you can find this online it's a little bit lighter save that for maybe your hot chocolates where you're adding actual chunks of chocolate so they're going straight into the sieve and then we've got some salt always because it gives flavor and we've got some baking powder half a teaspoon of both of those sift this in and then we'll get back on the mixer put it on a low speed until it's combined and it'll be a really nice thick mixture [Music] this is ready are you ready though [Music] look at that that is exactly what we want it's super glossy really thick shiny and uber chocolaty okay well now we'll leave this for a second because we need to prepare our tin and before we put it in the tin we'll give it a scrape down just to get any bits of flour at the bottom but as usual i've got a 10 inch square tin you could do it in a half a size it should be about 7 inch tin and we'll put the ingredient quantities for that down below in the description box and i'm just going to grease it with some tin spray this will make your life a whole lot easier we also sell this on cupcake gemma.com it's just the best thing if you're an avid baker and you're always flowering and sugaring your tins this will make your life a lot easier so papered one side give it another spray and this is just greaseproof paper you can just cut to size for whatever tin you're using and we'll pop another one up here so that it's all protected and this will just make sure that our brownie is easier to get out of the tin so back to the mixture get all of this goodness off of the whisk and then we'll give it a scrape round because these mixers are great but you might get some little bits at the bottom that you just it didn't catch quite so i could just watch this all day but we need to get it in the tin and get it baking so pop this all into the tin don't waste any of this mixture and then oh guys sisters to grab an offset spatula but that's the great thing about this kitchen everything is in arm's reach and we'll just spread this out so it's nice and level before it goes into the oven there we go and we're going to pop this in the oven for 17 minutes well about 17 to 20 minutes will depend on your oven at 175 degrees celsius until not kind of a skewer comes out clean because you want a brownie to be nice and fudgy and ooey and gooey so i would say bake it until um you kind of put a skewer in and it comes out with a little bit of mixture on it will be kind of wet still that's what we're looking for [Music] our brownie is out of the oven it's been 17 minutes so it's cooled down and it's really nice and shiny and crinkly and crackly on top just the way we want it to be and when we cut into that brownie it's gonna be really decadent and fudgy so now we're gonna make the rice crispy layer that i was talking about at the start it's got marshmallows it's kind of like a rice krispie treat layer um so we'll start with some butter and this is 55 grams of unsalted butter going straight into the saucepan and we just want to get this a little bit brown so it's got a little bit of flavor to the marshmallow layer otherwise it would just be super sweet with the marshmallows this will take about five minutes or so [Music] so the butter is ready it's kind of smoking it's got that kind of nutty almost toasted butter smell um you've got those kind of flecks in there that are obviously burnt as in butter and that is exactly what we want because that's going to give a lot of flavor to the rice krispie base so that's done we'll turn it off and next in we'll add some white marshmallows you can use the pink and white ones that you get we just have a little bit of a pink kind of tinge to it and but these are going straight in and we've got 160 grams of those along with a pinch of salt just to balance out the flavor and we'll give this a mix we just want to melt the marshmallows [Music] so this should happen from just the heat of the pan because it's still super hot but if you need to put it back on the heat just to melt them a little bit more go for it but be careful and don't burn it because we're not looking for a burnt marshmallow so this is kind of a marshmallowy mass now looks really yummy but it's super hot and then we're going to put the rice krispies in so this is just like puffed up rice breakfast cereal and we've got um 115 grams of those going straight in now we need to be quite quick with this because the marshmallow will start setting and just give it a mix around until it's all combined this will take me a minute or so look at that super sticky gorgeous it's crunchy we've got the burnt butterflex in there we'll give a lot of flavor now we've got to be quick sticks and pop it onto our brownie base before it starts to set so we'll just pop it all on here and just level it out using the spoon don't you just take when you're halfway through and you realize you need to switch implements i've got it for the um cranked palette knife because it will just give me a little bit more control and i'll be able to smush it around a lot better just to get it right into the corners there [Music] remember saying you need to work fast we really do because it's starting to cool on me now and set the marshmallow that is good it's all leveled out i've pushed it right into the corners and you want to make sure you press it up against the edge um of the tin and it's nice and neat because if you don't when you take it out of the tin and you're going to have those kind of gaps and we want a nice straight edge tray bake right this is going to go into the fridge for about 10 minutes just to set this layer then we'll flip it upside down because it goes rice crispy layer brownie and then the nougat off to set [Music] brownie base with the rice krispie top has been chilling out in the freezer just to set that top layer now what we're going to do is flip reverse it because we want the rice crispy layer on the bottom so handy because you can just pop the bottom of this tin out and we'll just peel back the paper so you can start to see the layers come together already which is super cool i'll just take the base off that always makes it easier to cook and then we'll just chop it straight in half just make it a lot easier to pop back in the tin so what we're going to do now is re-line the tin got two extra bits of paper slide this along and we'll get back our grease spray very handy grease spray and just line it in again nice so what i like to do is it's quite stable this so you can just pick it up pop it on its side and then it'll make it a little bit easier just to peel back the paper like so and it comes clean off so we'll take this half flip it upside down and just place it back in the tin just make sure that you don't kind of nick any of the bits of side of paper and because you don't want that kind of going down in the layers that we're going to create with the nougat on top and then also the ganache there we go and once it's all in just give it a really firm press down just so that the rice crispy layer and the brownie are nicely sandwiched together um because if not it might tend to come apart and it also could come apart if you kind of weren't quick enough in working earlier on and let it set a little bit too much so it didn't stick enough to the brownie right that's all done i can go over there and now we'll get on with making the nougat layer so back to the hub i've got my saucepan and 55 grams of unsalted butter going straight in and we're just going to melt this no need to burn it this time the butter is all melted now and then we're going to add in our caster sugar so we've got 200 grams of caster sugar here and it's quite important to use caster sugar in this um part of the recipe because you want it nice and super fine so it dissolves um in the nougat and to the caster sugar we're also going to add some evaporated milk we've got 60 milliliters you can find it readily available in the supermarkets as well it usually comes in a in a small tin or a large tin and it keeps in the fridge for around two to three days so you can make a couple of these brownies or find a different recipe that uses evaporated milk just to use it up and we're going to keep this stirring on the harbour constantly it's super important with this part of the recipe to constantly stir this mixture because you don't want to burn it and you want to dissolve the sugar fully or else when we cut into the final brownie it might just ooze everywhere and it might look super cool for a picture but it's really messy to eat and it's not very presentable we're going for presentable looking brownies basically [Music] the nougat is ready and this is kind of like a cheap snooger so it doesn't require any temperatures but it requires a little bit of time and patience so you saw how the texture should be it's kind of like a really sloppy mashed potato next we're going to add the marshmallow fluff so this is kind of like whipped sugar and corn syrup and dried egg white basically it's super sweet and it's almost like a kind of spreadable marshmallow so one jar of that is going in which is about 213 grams to be precise but listen guys weighing this stuff you're going to be here for days so just one jar please so that is all out and then we're gonna add a little bit of vanilla which um i'm gonna eyeball this one about half a teaspoon that's in and we'll just give it a really good beat around [Music] this mixture is super thick and what i forgot to tell you is this takes about 10 minutes so do have patience and you want to wait until it's that really thick kind of really sloppy mashed potato mixture before it's ready it will kind of look a bit like cream of chicken soup and then it'll go to the mashed potato but this is really smooth and it's going all onto the brownie layer [Music] again this is another layer that will start set quite quickly which is also kind of a good test because you can know if it's you've made it correctly and it's not going to kind of ooze once you cut into it and when i've kind of spread it out with my offset spatula i'm i've just scraped it against here and you can see it's kind of taken the shape of that blob so you know it's going to set and we're actually going to put this back into the fridge and to set this layer and then we'll do the chocolate topping [Music] our brownie is chilling in the fridge now time to make the ganache this is milk chocolate ganache and i've got 200 grams of milk chocolate chips here and you could just use a bar of milk chocolate that's totally fine and some double cream i'm going to weigh out 100 milliliters into the bowl and i'm going to make this ganache over a bain marie so just a pan of simmering water about a quarter full and it's just kind of a more gentle way to make it and also a little bit more interesting i don't want to hop up to the microwave and just leave you guys standing here so just give this a little bit of a mix and just leave it on a really low gentle simmer and keep giving it a stir every couple of minutes just to melt the chocolate you don't need like a super fiery hot heat to melt the chocolate remember chocolate melts in your pocket so this won't take much to melt it [Music] ganache is ready and i actually ended up turning the hob off halfway through this process because the water kept on simmering and so there's enough heat there to melt the chocolate and just give it a nice stir so that all the cream is mixed in we'll take this off grab our brownie and we'll do the final layer this is going to go straight onto here [Music] i just want to lick the bowl but we need all the chocolate for the topping okay and again these tray bakes um any kind of multi-layered thing is always really handy to have this tool the crank palette knife which you can also find on cupcake germantoptalk.com we've got all the tools there and you need to create all the masterpieces that we do here on the channel and it's going to spread it out touching all of the corners [Music] i've leveled off the chocolate layer and you can give it kind of a few taps or bangs on the table just to get the chocolate layer really nice and flat and you're gonna tell me off but this is gonna go back into the fridge for about two hours this time all of our brownies and tray bakes we always set in the fridge for a good amount of time because remember we baked that brownie and kind of under-baked it a little bit like the blondies i made a few weeks ago the chocolate and the eggs and the sugar and the butter in there is still kind of a little bit soft and wet and so we just want to set it nice and firm so that it's a good dense brownie and you get a nice clean cut so off to the fridge [Music] it's been a couple of hours but i'm back i've got the brownie ready to slice up so that is the best thing about these kind of pop out loose bottom tins super easy to get it out and hope it doesn't fall over just take the bottom off lay it back down and you might have seen this before on the channel you might see them in general it's kind of like a pastry roller you can extend it to well this long and it just makes sure you get like um an even slice and each one is the same size which is really handy for here at the shop we're doing like a lot of tray bakes you want to make sure that they're all even so peel back the paper [Music] and hopefully you should be able to see those layers on there it's super sticky but you'll see them more once we cut into it so i'll just extend this to each edge of the brownie and just go lightly over the top just to score it so that we know where we're going to cut [Music] time for the cutting first of all though i'm just going to heat up the knife just a little bit it will just make it a little bit easier to get through that nougat and the ganache that's all it needs and we'll go in [Music] look at those layers the super fudgy brownie in the middle that i was talking about it's really shiny and wet and then you've got the kind of chewy crispy layer of the rice krispies you've got the milk chocolate ganache this is going to be i cannot wait to tuck in but first i've got to cut it up into little pieces because i've got other people here that want to eat it i can't just eat this whole slab myself although i would devour this if i was at home nikki's shaking her head but i can do it i can do this i've got to cut it up let's go [Music] so what i'm doing after each cut because the knife is a little bit dirty i've just got a clean kitchen damp clean kitchen cloth here wiping it in between every time and just reheat reheating it on the blowtorch just for a couple of seconds just so it's easier to glide through and also once i take the knife out i'm sliding it out i'm not lifting it up because then you're kind of lifting up the chocolate and stuff and the cut will get a little bit messier [Music] [Music] look at this those layers look divine and you can still see the white bit of the nougat that's really important that we didn't burn the butter and also we didn't cook it for too long because we want to keep that nice kind of white ivory colour so you get the contrast right it's time to dig in this is going to be epic look at that listen guys and debate brownies put them in the fridge i am not i want to take i'm taking all of this home so sorry i have to bake another one the brownie is so fudgy you get the crunch from the rice krispies the nougat is super smooth it's almost a bit like the nougat that you get in like a milky way it's just divine and the base isn't too sweet as well because we put burnt that butter put a little bit of salt in there this is epic you guys need to make this and also we'll have it in the store in soho this weekend so come grab yourself a slice because listen i'm telling you you need this in your life and if i'm telling you you need this in your life need this in your life yes well that's it another week another recipe thank you so much for watching i've still got brownie in my mouth so i'm going to finish this and um don't forget if you make this brownie taggers at crumbs and doilies at cupcake gemma at dane pemberton so i can see that you've made this and you are loving it because you guys made so so many of you made the raspberry blondie that i made a couple of weeks ago and you're killing it so we love to see it so thanks so much i'm going to continue eating this and don't forget to like and subscribe as well i can't believe you've got all the way through this video without clicking the subscribe button because it's just there don't be a lazy ass see you next week [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 127,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert, double decker, rice krispie, brownie, double decker brownie
Id: kFQLmKaj9ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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