Millionaire Trader Started With Only $2000

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I had some time in my belt already gotcha I knew what trading was I knew what losing was which was more important because risk management is the key and if you don't know how to lose then you're never going to learn how to win welcome back everybody to be the trader today is going to be a fun day because I have Jose Ramirez here AKA yo Ramirez on Twitter he is a former Air Force individual who also taught himself trading by working underneath Jets which is insane went to prop trading and also then left and became his own retail Trader manager Zone money successfully and today Jose here is going to share his whole story and instead of me just going all the way through it on my own Jose so welcome to the show brother thank you my brother absolutely man absolutely thanks for having me so absolutely man I was so excited to bring you on the show I saw you talked on another show before and I was like you know what I gotta bring this guy on I gotta learn more about a story and then hanging out with you immediately felt a connection so I love it man absolutely but I'd love to know you know what got the trading bug like what happened what bit you to get you into Trading what bit me to get me into trading obviously I don't know but I didn't know about trading I didn't know what a stock market was up until One Day 2014 I met a guy who had some money in stocks he didn't know what to do with it because it was hereditated to him it was giving up to him or his grandfather and um we just decided to buy a bunch of books and learn buy books buy some DVDs and it took us a couple tries we lost a bunch of money but we knew that because we were losing somebody else was making that money we just needed the education we needed to learn how to be on that side and uh here I am but like tell people because I know I said that you were in the military and thank you for your service appreciate it but how did like when did it bite you like the butt like when you just discovered training I mean you stood for some other dude but like can you tell us that story for me for me of course so I just knew that I didn't want to keep working forever um being in the military I missed a lot of time with my kids and I was just waiting for the day for my contract to finish so that I can get out and I can go enjoy my life I also knew that leaving the military I was gonna have to go find a job and it would still be in the same cycle so I wanted to go another route I thought maybe real estate but I'm not really a good people person so investing and I found out investing it would take me a couple years just to make a couple hundred dollars and then I came across day trading but while I was deployed when I was studying I had very short time to myself I was working 12-hour shifts so I figured at work I can try to squeeze in some time to start learning how to day trade so my job was to prep the jet launch it up into the air the Jets go do what they do and while my jet was in the air I'll go find another jet where I can get some shade because obviously I'm up in the desert and it's 120 degrees and that's why I was able to keep cool I was sitting under a jet while reading my book and learning how to day trade that's nuts man and and was it like easy for you at all like I know you say you lost some money at first you're dealing with the buddy of yours who I guess was at the military right who inherited some money so how long did it take you to figure out like what worked for you like did it take a while was it pretty easy so besides even trading itself learning how to trade was extremely difficult for me because I would read a page and not understand anything I would have to read that same page five times until it finally click to me um but I still didn't know the terms I didn't understand it that's where um learning from other Traders was my scapego like that's why I was able to learn by buying those DVDs studying those patterns and no it didn't happen right away maybe two years of straight up losing yep two three years of straight up losing maybe blowing like a hundred thousand dollars in as far as accounts yeah which to some people is not allowed to some people's everything to me it was everything I had um and there I am back broke um I ended up going back to a two thousand dollar account with uh trade zero and I took it from there um I was still in the capitalize even though I was above PDT at some point that's where prop firm came in and I decided to go that route hey we wouldn't be able to do these face-to-face interviews if it wasn't for our sponsor Cobra trading so if you can just give them a few seconds of your time we'd really appreciate it Cobra trading is the go-to broker for day Traders and short Sellers and I'm not the only one saying this in fact benzinga awarded Cobra trading as the go-to broker for short selling they have a heavy focus on Direct Market access order routing so you have the fastest execution they have some of the best locate 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bigger people out there making a lot of money I actually came across a Trader on Twitter or was it Instagram I came across a Trader on Instagram I saw his pictures yep on Twitter people don't post many pictures but on Instagram all you do is post pictures and this guy was posting a bunch of pictures of charts the big computers 10 monitors so I hit him up on a DM I just slid in there you know yeah um so he told me I'm a prop Trader and then I would just I didn't even ask him I just went on Google what is a prop Trader and that's where I figured out proper trading man dude and so you find out what it is I'm glad you said you Googled it because a lot of people won't even utilize that they'll like ask a simple question but how did you find out though like like or how'd you get in next like you find out what it is right was it just like okay here's a proper here's what a prop Trader is yeah next day I apply I'm in like no I didn't apply like that I uh in the DM conversation I asked uh Stanley who's from Seven Points like hey man can you give me a tour of your office and he's like do you want a tour do you want a job and I'm like yeah I want that so he's like yeah come see me tomorrow so I go see him we met up we clicked right away um he told me well this is what we offer you but uh you need to pass these tests so I'm like man how do I pass these tests and I bought the books that I needed I took the the training yep I actually took the test three times again I'm not very good at learning on my own that's why online school was never it for me um and then I took it from there it took me a couple tries to get in finally got in and I got my account so first off you took the test three times I think I love hearing that right because it just shows like the tenacity that you well it's two tests so I took each of them three times and that makes even more bro that's crazy I'm saying this because there's so many people out there who might fail attack give up so and they stop bro and then you took it three times for one and where most people would have been like you know after two man that's not gonna happen you know I was really changed your life I was really going through a lot at that point when I was taking my second exam my older brother passed away he committed suicide and I was going through a lot of stress I was like I'm not even gonna freaking try anymore I'm not even this is night for me I'm just gonna go back to fixing planes and um I don't know I I just you got to keep living after stuff like that you go to adversity but you gotta grow from it you can't just dig yourself up even deeper so that's what you're saying I understand sorry about your brother man I I have a younger brother and I just I couldn't I couldn't imagine so that on top of trying to learn something that's as difficult as trading is very difficult for anybody for sure let alone just by itself I want to know were you somewhat consistent when you apply to the proper room and and because I know there's people out there right whether they're thinking this they're asking themselves well I'm not consistent right now so I can't even approach or I am does that is that the requirement you know so what what was it like like do you need to have certain criteria I don't know what they do right now okay yeah but like I said I met Stan we clicked he liked me he gave me a chance um you know whether I was consistent or not I don't really remember yeah but I was making Maybe 200 500 a day maybe 100 averaging like 200 bucks maybe yeah he said you have a good strategy um I think we can work with you and we can better your strategy and that's what I like so you had results some of the results I had to show him I had some strategies I had some time in my belt already gotcha I knew what trading was I knew what losing was which is more important because risk management is the key and if you don't know how to lose then you're never going to learn how to win 100 and I want to go down that road in a minute now what I want people to understand is that he had we knew you know you had a track record right you can't just apply somewhere and like have no like you put effort in yeah right even though you didn't know what you were doing at the time you were putting effort I want to learn this and you pursued it so it props off to you on that man and when you joined right what like was it easy for you then like was it or is it still like you know it was a process honestly it kind of got a little harder because seeing these successful Traders trade all the time you feel like you need to trade all the time until I actually spoke with the risk management team who just basically broke it down to me like you need to wait for your setup man like you see us clicking buttons but it's because we've been waiting for weeks for the setup and then I was like wow okay that hits you differently they're like because you think you're sitting down there clicking buttons it's like right now right now right now yeah these are people who've been planning trades yeah yeah so was when you've discovered that and you talk to your risk management was it easy for you just be like okay well then you know tomorrow I'm not trading unless it's there like was it like pretty soon no I still kept making mistakes you're gonna keep making a bunch of mistakes every day you're gonna make a mistake and you're gonna learn from it the trick is don't it's not even avoid repeating them is work on how to make it less Because You're Gonna Keep you're gonna keep making mistakes just just bring it down a notch less mistakes can you give an example of like what's a mistake that you made that you've over time made it less and less and less like when you talk yeah I was talking to a buddy of mine my biggest mistake was smacking lows looking for another leg down and I was Notorious for that I would hit lows and then get swiped up stopped out didn't hit the top because I'm thinking it's going to keep going then it slams back down and there I am hitting lows again swiped up getting stopped up so it became a point it came a point in time where I was just I saw the lows I looked left I identified that it is the low I would not take the trade I don't take the trade I wait for the exhaustion Now using risk is like everything earlier what do you can you explain what you mean by risk because you know some people might not really understand what you mean when you're like you know risk is so important risk is important um so what is so what is risk is what you're saying yeah what is it's just speculating that something that you think is going to work but identifying what the loss could be before you even get in and just be able to stomach that loss you got to have you got to be able to take a loss that works for you knowing that when you win it'll be two three four times that loss when you take those losses though I mean was it like just easy to take losses for you like or is it something that you kind of have to like learn to accept to be honest I think I became comfortable taking losses okay because it took it so much yeah and I didn't die yep you know so it's like I could take another loss but you have to know that when you win it's gonna work out for you if not then you use gonna be a consistently loser losing Trader so going back to the prop firm did you end up like developing your strategy and really getting all your confidence during that time and then decide to leave or like how did that how did that all pan out um I learned maybe two or three um normal strategies nothing too crazy yeah but it was just me um I told you before I recorded my screen I record myself that's where it really clicked for me when I was able to identify my mistakes because anybody can tell you their mistakes but what are your mistakes like I was like okay this guy makes those mistakes and he doesn't do it again and then I go trade and I make the same mistakes I make more mistakes I try to do what they doing whatever they doing is irrelevant to you you got to figure out what's what's you yeah I love that you said that man because you're just showing how unique trading is yeah and like strategies can be similar like you know big picture ideas you can have similar idea but like how you excuse can be different for someone else because of your mannerisms what works for you what you can handle what I can't handle you know so forth and so you make rules that really cater to your personality yeah is there is there a specific role that you feel like is universal though like for a lot of people that you feel like people can benefit from the problem with those rules is that it's very cliche like oh don't add to a loser and everybody knows not to add to a loser but what if in this in this case I'm scaling in but then you keep thinking in your head oh I'm scaling I'm scaling I'm scaling and you're adding to a loser oh and then wait so would you say if you if you're planning out ahead of time then it's it's a little different in that case then well it's a whole different trait it's a whole different strategy like if you're scaling for a specific number on the chart then that's one trade but if you're in a trade your stop supposed to be hit but you don't take that stop you actually just keep adding and looking for the exhaustion and you're the one getting exhausted yeah you know I'm thinking about right now and the whole reason you left the military is because you want to have more time with family right you want to have more time instead of always being deployed exactly and then you pursue trading which takes up a lot of time to release right yeah so where are you at now like how's how do you balance that family life because now you're doing it for yourself right is there is there things you've learned through this journey where certain things are more important to you now or whatever of course yeah I'm at that point where I'm able to identify what times of the day I want to be trading what benefits me the most and that comes from tracking my personal experience trade not tracking trades as far as gazelle but looking back at my recordings looking back on my trade review my stats where is it that I start losing money and I avoid that again going back to avoiding the mistakes just bringing it down some um I'm at the point where I'll trade two hours leave go to the gym take my kids to school or walk the dog I'm comfortable with that come back if there's nothing there I won't even sit there I'll have a standing desk while I'll just look at it if I see it I like it I'll sit down if not I'll just walk back up up right back on my office you know you brought up a recording and we talked about it off camera right but for those who are like probably like what do you mean recording like you're recording yourself straight and when you review that what is that like are you rushing the whole thing or are you like narrowing on certain things like what are you doing so when I'm recording on OBS Studio I can record my screen I can slow down the tape when I'm when I'm re-watching I can slow down the tape and when I'm recording myself I'm looking at my emotions to see how I feel whenever these these things happen like I go back on the chart I already know what the chart did the day is over I know when the stock topped out I go back in the recording how did the tape react to that Top-Up how did I react to that Top-Up was I in was I stuck was I making money was I scaling in and I just write everything down and then I can go back to on those days like oh this day I had a really big loss let's go back and see what was it out there wrong all this day I had a really big win let's go back and see how I can repeat that anything surprise you when you went back and watched watched it that kind of like yeah um something my wife always tells me I realize I'm a very angry man you know I'm very angry even when I'm losing I mean even when I'm winning okay I'm angry because I could be making more and you learn from yourself unless you unless you're there in the situation where you're looking at yourself you wouldn't know that you're making these mistakes so um it's to the point where I get angry but I don't react as bad you know what I mean yeah bro talk about that real quick because because yeah you get angry but we're like what do you what are you like doing like was it just like I get angry okay cool I know that now it's like like what do you got to be mindful of knowing that you're angry because what were you doing before you knew you were getting angry when you was banging on a desk I was shutting down the computer yep I was throwing that bombs and then we had the screen when you win it's just business yeah so before I would get super excited but then I'll size up too much your adrenaline comes up and now you're overconfident so now you want to size up thinking this is it and then you get swiped out yeah and then there you goes back too yeah yeah I feel you so I love that you said that because I've recorded my screen just a couple of times and there's things that you notice that you you weren't even thinking about looking for you just kind of find it yeah and yours is like you're like man I know so I was angry when I was good or or not doing so well and for me it was like I noticed like I would like start to like say certain words like mine would be like I don't know about this and I'll take it anyway you know so it's cool like I don't say that because I've been there obviously we've a lot of us have been there like oh this was really good you start sexy talking the charts like I come on baby you do this give me this money you know then that's when you get overconfident so you gotta like try to find a medium where you're like neutral 100 percent there's people right now who are in the military right for sure and they're watching this and they're like yo like um I want to do something right if you could actually go back though and talk to yourself when you're on the net plane reading that book and be like hey here's what you need to do or here's how like just yeah like one to two minutes to give yourself a piece of advice what would you do to help you get to where you are today a little sooner listen Alex there's nothing you can do about it like you have to go through the process there's nothing I could tell myself to be better because even if I try to sell myself the secret sauce yeah me then wouldn't get it you have to go through these things where your body and your mind gets used to you got to take these steps like you can't just skip you gotta go through yes you gotta go you gotta kind of like go through the pain so me going back I'd probably just tell you don't give up tell me don't give up because five years from now you're gonna be making a lot of money awesome man awesome now what has been the hardest thing though for you when you found what you're good at you were consistent and something that was kind of holding you back from real growth you know like unless there was nothing for you everyone's different but does that bring up anything in your mind yeah me me I'm the one stopping myself with my own growth I I'm the one that taught to talk to myself like all right you can make this amount of money and that's it but no you can make 10 times that and it's it's just you bro all the time it's just you limiting yourself from your own excellence is there anything because you talk to a lot of people now and you meet a lot of Traders and you've been blowing up in like in this Twitter game and everything so is there certain things that you've noticed from newer traders who reach out to you and you're just like like that you wish that they would get through their head that maybe they're confused about whether it's risk whether it's strategies whether it's the head game whatever yeah I get a lot of messages like man what is a good strategy I can't tell you what a good strategy is I don't even know what a good strategy is my strategies change yeah all the time I don't trade the same as I did two years ago I don't trade the same as I did six months ago six months from now I'm not going to be trading the same way I'm trading right now you just gotta adapt to change but you hear these people who are like saying things about you know just learn one strategy right just learn one's strategy So when you say like your strategy has changed are you saying like it comes it's completely different no it doesn't completely change but I gotta tweak it you know like the market changes so you got to change if you stay the same that's why you lose and it's like that and everything you do in life I got you well before we wrap this up bro I really want to understand if you could accomplish something within this year that you're working on right now what would that be within by the end of next year like I would love to really work on this and get better at this so there's going to come a time in my life when everybody asks for help right and if you can give help then you fulfill yourself it's fulfilling to help out I want to be able to help as many people as I can as to the extent that I can go because like you said I talked to a lot of people I learn from different Traders I learn from traders who position size I learned from scalpers I learn from swing Traders and if I can bring that in to the people who actually want it yep I'm not talking about no no chat room and all that stuff I'll never do that stuff but um just help out as much as I can and I'm real big in philanthropy like I love giving back I'm from a very poor country I go back and I I take suitcases full of stuff just for these kids and when you see these faces man that's dope man and stuff I didn't even know that stuff that's cool man I love hearing that about you and you said so I know something wrapped this up but you said something about you meet all these Traders and you brought it back up at your swing Traders and just different styles right yeah you feel like it's important to surround yourself around like all types of Traders if you feel like you should focus on like one Niche yeah 100 100 because you don't know what's good for you until you do it you don't know um right now I'm in a good comfortable spot but I don't like being comfortable now I want to level up now I want to swing trade now I want to trade options I want to learn currencies different things yeah Branch out um learn as much as you can and find what works for you perfect perfect well Jose man hey it's been a pleasure bringing on this show brother thank you I know all of y'all are probably rewinding this or sharing with another Trader friend of yours so again brother thank you so much for having me here appreciate your dog take care brother take care thanks
Channel: B The Trader
Views: 80,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading for beginners, day trading strategies, learn to day trade, beginner trading stocks, stock market for beginners, how to trade penny stocks, how to trade penny stocks for beginners, how to make money trading stocks online, day trading for dummies, day trading tips for beginners, learn to trade penny stocks, learn to trade stocks, learn how to day trade penny stocks, bthetrader, b the trader, b the story, bthestory, live trader, stock trader, day trader, trader
Id: af61KiIUBnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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