Young Trader Turns $500 Into $100k

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probably like five hundred dollars yeah that's what i wanted to ask because like i want people to know that you don't need to start with a big account no just to trade no and get some medicine welcome back everybody be the trader today is gonna be a fun day and i'm curious if you know this young man and if you don't you're going to find out a lot about him today he's a newly profitable trader who is doing great things and i know all of you have requested like let's talk to other different traders who are finding their niche who are getting their things going because you want to see where they're at currently in their head game so today i have been for you and ben is where you want to be soon and i think after listening to ben's story you're going to be very inspired and learn a lot of things so ben thank you for being here my brother thank you for having me man it's been it's been an honor hey man i appreciate that for sure but look what got you into trading man well i got into so i'm 22 now and i first got into it when i was about a senior in high school and it just was like pretty intriguing to me like i didn't really want to you know like just go through school and just do like something you know just something that maybe i wouldn't enjoy in the long run yeah and i don't know really kind of like what gave me that idea but just from like kind of a younger age i guess just wanted to have fun man just do my own thing and you know not have to go by you know what we're like grown up and told to do you know so that kind of got me interested in something i was like i want to do something and so my dad is actually kind of the first person who like sparked my interest because he was you know getting ready for retirement and he was you know telling me all about this stuff and like and i thought like a passive income even though trading is not technically a passive income just something that is like that i was like that's you know that's how that's like okay like this could be it so i got into it man and i started doing some research man i was about 17 at the time and i looked on youtube dude i looked up penny stocking and then you could probably guess what the first thing i saw hey tim sykes here you know you know it's everywhere you know you know love the guy bro love him so so that's like the first and i was like this is it it was like this is what i was looking for you know yeah and so i saw him giving interviews and like i was just so intrigued like that it was like night and day dude like as soon as i started seeing that stuff i was just like that was my world for like the next several months and every day did i be at school i have like my e-trade mobile with like my paper trading i'd be like man i need to get in you know i just didn't even know what i was doing but it was so fun it was like a it was just like a passion dude like i wasn't trying to like get rich like right away or anything like that because i knew i was a noob you know absolutely i just didn't want to you know because and i had heard like all the horror stories that we still hear yeah and it's just kind of where i started so and i signed up for for tim's just like the alert silver service that probably most people that know him have and i just started watching so many video lessons and just trying to understand and wrap my brain around things right and that was when i was i would say like winter and fall of like 2017 2018 so i'm kind of grateful that i started around then because if anyone's been trading for the past few years you know we had we obviously had the 2020 market it was insane but even before that like a little similarity that was in the 2017 market and like the early 2018 when the bitcoin stocks and weed stocks and stuff are going off because like those are the first stocks i saw and like i just saw him going from like five to twenty that's where he came into the world that's when i came in and i was like oh my god dude oh it was like i was like all i gotta buy is one yeah you know you know what i mean and then but i was like like i understood that's like not how it worked right and because like yes i wanted to like find something that i could just make you know a passive income from but i also knew that it's a game and it like it takes a long time to to master this game because it's so tough so luckily i had like a good good mindset going in because i you know where that come from dude i think what it was i just i just got lucky with finding the right people early on because before like like sykes and and you know then i found out about roland timbertoni you know all the all the guys and i just got kind of lucky with finding them right away because i didn't you know i didn't sign up for the that options thing or like you know sign up for my forex course you know yeah i don't know what it was but like i was only drawn to penny stocks and you know i'm not sure exactly what it was i think it was just just luck honestly just because a lot of people they spin their wheels even trying to find what to do you know yeah so i think i just got fortunate with finding the right guys early on and that help you kind of prepare yourself that this is going to be hard and not quick and easy yeah i understood that it was going to be difficult and i understood that like you know i'm not going to be sitting here and be doing this good like good for the rest of my life for like the next year like i understood that that wasn't likely to happen right so and i just wanted to learn about it too like i wanted to be able to understand it and i just wanted to be able to you know have good trades and be able to look back and you know felt like i did a good job hey we wouldn't be able to do these face-to-face interviews if it wasn't for our sponsor cobra trading so if you can just give them a few seconds of your time we'd really appreciate it cobra trading is the go-to broker for day traders and short sellers and i'm not the only one saying 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for like a semester and a half yeah um just because you know just to try something just to see and you know i was cool with that um so i was doing that i was working part time like probably 30 to 50 hours a week i also play a lot of guitars so i was working on music stuff yeah yeah and then i was also learning trading which is like the biggest kind of yeah kind of the biggest one and i was like man that's like one of these things gotta go only one of these things got like you're like hedging your beds you're like trying to yeah dude i was like okay well love guitar you know love music love trading you know and i was like gotta work because that's how i was you know i used all my own money i just built it up from from working and so that's when i decided to just uh you know be done with school because i knew i could always come back to it um and i i just understood that like at a young age i'd found what i really wanted to do so i was like we just gotta you know work at it just just work at it and just you know believe that it's going to work if you keep trying would you start with so like my first ever account was like probably like 500. yeah that's what i wanted to ask because like i want people to know that you don't need to start with a big account no just to trade no and get some yeah and you shouldn't do that dude because i'm telling you like first likely like two to three years probably like you're gonna lose money and if you start out making money you're gonna give it all away and then probably then some and then you start you know it's just a really big mind challenge versus if you just simply start small understand the price action the charts the patterns feel a little bit of the emotions too because you you have to feel those that's like 90 of what it is and then so you have to battle with the pdt role of course yeah so then there's that and that is like you know a lot of people don't want to start small because of that right and you know i have multiple small accounts yeah yeah yeah so i had the 500 and i just like would like refund my account like 500 or a thousand and then just like bleed it away pretty much because i knew i didn't know what i was doing like you know it was like your year one year too like i understood that i didn't know what i was doing and so i just kept it small and like i was super cheap too so i didn't like losing money you know obviously i didn't like losing money but yeah i mean who does yeah yeah no but so i just kept it small because the odds are like i'm gonna lose right and so dude yeah i just did that and eventually i found a little bit more footing when i started or stopped going to school and i just was like okay i got to focus on training what it was was i went to the one of the sex conferences in 2018. okay and that like after that it was like so motivating man like after that like before that i was just kind of like oh you know let's kind of figure it out maybe maybe like you know a side gig or whatever right and to be honest you're like you just really have to do it like if you want to if you want to be a good trader like like jack you know dom honey tim gratani like you gotta do it like this has this has to be your life and you have to understand that it's going to be difficult so in 2019 i just started going to like a bunch of different conferences which is where you came from too is from roland that's who that's the guy that got me kind of like like he asked about my footing and that's the guy that kind of i think you know really helped me understand like what to focus on yeah so i feel like that's that's the most difficult thing because you know if you if you have like a stock scanner there's like 16 000 stocks that are like doing volume it's like dude what which one do i look at yeah it's like one i don't have that much money to put in all of them and two i don't even know what that what's going on yeah so it's like where do you where do you even start and so you start to focus on longing yeah yeah yeah so i started focusing on longing i hadn't taken a short trade until about maybe like two years or year and a half into my journey so i found roland and then that's kind of what started everything for me because i i would say what was your niche whenever you found that i would say my my niche so at the time uh like the specific patterns that i was like wow like this this could be something that i could do right um at the time and it's it's unfortunately a dead pattern as far as i know now but it was uh called like like a reverse split pump and i'm sure yeah i'm sure you had people on here talking about it um but it was pretty much like just buying a low float stock that needs to raise their price to a dollar yeah do it to a dollar yeah they have their state list so it was like i thought that was really cool because it wasn't really a you know like it wasn't a breakout or whatever um so i kind of found a little bit of consistency in that but you know of course like when everyone starts finding out about something it stops working so it was like i only had a couple of those and then it was like back to square one again um but he just really helped me find out which stocks that you could have some sort of an edge on and just not really like i didn't really learn like one specific pattern from him but i would say the niche was just understanding that that there's an edge to be made in certain scenarios so and that was really huge for me because that's that was like one of those light bulb moments where i was like you know i had like my first green month in january 2019. yes man dude it was like 150 bucks yeah let's go i was like we're good at that time oh dude like i think my biggest loss was maybe like a hundred dollars okay so like that was a big loss for me and i had like a maybe like a 3k account at the time why not even and that's what i'm talking about like the process like you you got there yeah and then what happens next so dude like that happens and then you start feeling like oh like you know this is this could be something like this right this is even more yeah it's like you go up one of the steps that's like the long staircase that we're all walking on right now you know it's like now i'm on the second step out of like 5 000. but so it was just like good to feel that and i remember like when i made my first hundred dollar trade yes dude it was just unreal it was like euphoric i was like oh my god i did it so that's kind of when that when that happened and like what that got me doing is is starting to narrow my focus into one area yep and i still didn't have it yet i still didn't have what i was looking for but i was like okay like i'm going down the right path so i understood still that like this isn't it you know like i can't just do whatever i'm doing forever and think that it's gonna work um why do you believe that um it was just like i had heard about so many people like about the patterns stopping to work and the cycles the cycles is like what it was a simple answer to that question because because like the entire market come and go it's just coming it just comes and goes you don't know when you don't know how but it does and you like just feeling that is like really huge and that's kind of why i had that mindset because i could see them like stopping to work and like then i was like back to losing all the time and i was like like oh man like you know gotta do something else next um so that's kind of like why i thought like that way at the time and oh yeah go ahead go ahead so whenever you started to find your success right was it did you start to size up pretty quickly or like did you did because you said that like yours how you trade it kind of came and went right yeah yeah did you end up changing how you traded to where you're trading all the time now or is it still that way is it more of like a cycle like you wait for the right times like like now my current training um i try to yes um and i'm still kind of experiencing it because as you go it's like i think i was telling somebody this you know a few days ago i was like as we go along like people who are starting and people who are you know seven figure plus traders we're all going through the same problems it's all the same just on very different scales and levels right because like you know maybe somebody like me when i was 18 starting i was like okay well how do i find out what works but then these guys who you know have been doing it for you know 5 10 20 years like they understand what works but they're like how does it work for me so it's essentially the same thing just on the completely different level so that was like you know just realizing that and feeling that it's is pretty huge for sure explain that a little more like how it works for me because that's something that's very important because you even said that you learned a lot from roland to help you get on the right mindset and train and think differently and view trading differently yeah right but yeah you don't trade like him right and so people are going to hear this who are not consistent and they don't understand that whole idea of like make it work for me can you explain that because people are so way they're quick to just learn the strategy and like if it doesn't work this way then i'm not gonna be successful yeah and honestly like that was so when you asked me like what was next after i found that that was my problem it was it was that exactly i was like what is what what's my thing like you know like i understand that everybody in like the sykes and honestly all the successful retail traders we all for the most part trade the same stuff like but for some reason there's some guys who do really bad at certain times there's some guys who do really good at certain times so that's like and that means that they found out what has worked for them because it's okay to not do good all the time it's usually what happens so i would say like like how to find that out because that was my question like you know i'd ask roland and i got to know huddy jack and and dom right four very different people but all the different traders totally different so i was like what can i take from all of these guys and what works for me and and just the simplest answer to that is you just got to try stuff you just have to try stuff and you have to keep your wrist small that's why you start small yeah that's why you bleed out accounts right and it's okay to do that there's a lot of guys who've been trading for five ten years that literally bleed out their accounts you know and it happened so you can't feel that way you know i love it you said that you try you just you gotta give yourself permission to try new things you have to right and try and small because what i've noticed when i did that and i don't know if you agree with this but like i noticed that you find yourself gravitating certain things and then it's because there's something you recognize that you notice and that right there is your niche because like you know how to trade that whereas like i could talk to roland all day and he was like i love this you know blah blah blah gap fake gap down reverse shoot up to the sky i'm like well i don't freaking like that at all you know like either you know like but that's just like he loves that yeah and i think what you just explained i think traders didn't understand like for me it was the same way like you need to just keep give yourself permission to try everything yeah for sure and then track it all though that was what i was gonna say right check it out you gotta track it all and i'm not talking like just track the pattern performance you need to track your performance because it like theoretically there's thousands of patterns and every pattern works right why why do they say stick to one six to two six to three it's it's it's because we're people you know we we don't we're not all just like gray you know we're we're different our minds are different or why are different we grew up in different situations so you have to and that's all trading is when you when you see like the framework and if anyone doesn't know that it's just pretty much a stock that does a euphoric move to the upside and comes all the way back down all that is is human emotion that's what the whole thing is that's why the stock market is the way it is and that's that's why like you have to just try a bunch of things because i was like that too with rolling like the gap and crap reversal yeah i was like dude i lose every time like you keep trying to do it it's like stop it yeah like it doesn't work for you bro it's not just yet it's not just that one it's a lot of them you know yeah but i only know that because i tried it because i lost on it and i was like i just can't do this it's not for me yeah and and then that's where you know they say discipline trading discipline traders are the ones who are going to stay around and that's where that comes in is because if you know you're not good at something like why would you do it and it's kind of just like and it can be a good pattern for for for you right maybe this is your a plus right but i have no idea and that doesn't mean that i should do it just because you're doing it so that's where the discipline comes in because you have to see other people doing well when you're either doing nothing or you're doing really bad you need to be able to see that and you need to be able to step back and say i need to do nothing like that because that's what those guys do when you're doing well so it's like why would you not do that because like it's like uh well when you're new yeah you're just you're thinking of the impression that i should do well every single day yeah oh yeah and talk about that i mean because like is that life for you like every single day it's just easy no it's and it's just green green green green all the freaking time you know what i'm saying yeah i wish it were but it's quite the opposite so yeah that's it's not like that at all like no matter and it's not just the noobs it's not just me it's not just you know the seven figure traders just everybody like that goes goes back to they're dealing with the same stuff we're dealing with like it's just it's just not that way like there's a very um you know specific window of of time where i do well versus somebody else and you know it's common saying that like you know most of traders 80 of their income for the year comes from only a few trades and that's really how it is but in but we do this because it's a job you know yeah and we want a payday every day we want to be able to cash the checks at the end of the month right right and because you're sitting there brother because you're just sitting there because then it's like you wake up you're all tired you're ready to go play crazy you lose money yeah you lose dude and like like honestly like what that is is if if you think of it like a job it's like you're going up you're clocking in on time you're staying over and then you pay the boss yep you know so it's like you just really cannot think about it like that because you're gonna lose it man you're just going to drive yourself crazy so you just have yeah go ahead no go go go ahead okay yeah i was just going to say like just understand that you just have to be okay with losing and you just have to be understanding that there's like your time will come you know it's going to come it always comes even if it doesn't feel like it will what helped you with that though what helped you with being taking losses and and growing through it instead of looking at negative and not being able to grow yeah that's that's a big thing because i think especially this recent market a lot of people made a lot of money um and a lot of people don't have that anymore you know they bled it out over the you know whatever last six months 12 months whatever it was a lot of people don't anymore and that's usually how it goes that's that's why you know going back to the human emotions that's why it is the way it is people come and go they'll always come and go and then you have to ask yourself like well how am i going to be one of the ones that stays you know and that's kind of what helped me get through that is you know i had been this was this past couple years was the first time that i was able to capitalize on like a hot market because i had messed up on it so many times in the past and when i was learning i was always told you know like people would just say a lot of people are gonna you know you're not gonna hear from a lot of people anymore after this mark after this market this one yes yes and it's true it's so true it's so true so i knowing that going into where i do feel like i know what i'm doing and i feel like i'm making money every day every week every month yep you have to be able to just not be okay with that which is very difficult and that's why a lot of people are out of the game because they don't when you're so accustomed to feeling one way like how we were just really blessed with that adapting that's where adapting comes that's why i say adapt adapter like adapter parish you know like that's what it is it's like also adapt your expectations adapt your mentality yeah not just adapt to the stock market like adapt to how you're thinking about it everything yeah yeah like adapt your mindset like even adapt the things you're doing outside of trading like you can't you can't be forcing yourself just to sit there all day because if you do that like at least for me like i'm gonna do something i'm gonna see it i'm gonna come in i'm gonna see something that's not there you know i'm just gonna force myself to do something so you just have to really adapt your entire lifestyle if you're as invested in it as you know the guys who do it for a living are absolutely and here's the thing man like you said that you kind of like put yourself into trading completely at some point in your life and you went to conferences events yeah and i met you at one of these events yeah and i'm like dude you're literally doing that and you're just you want to surround yourself with traders because you know the biggest thing is people are like well i can't find people that are like-minded and by myself yeah but then do something about that right connect with other people which is what you did i think that's helped you grow to where you are 100 but let me ask you this man what has been your achilles heel like something that was either kept you back from consistency or something that you still deal with to this day that if you can eliminate or do improve on it can help you grow even more yeah and that i'll say like my my current one that i think is my is my biggest problem yes um because you mentioned you know going to all these things and networking putting yourself in the right group right and that's what i that's what i did you know i i definitely think there's a lot of luck for me involved but at the same time like you have to put yourself in those scenarios to you know be presented with those opportunities so doing that and being with these guys who are way better than me you know wakes yeah more experienced than me my achilles heel is seeing them do really well yep on whatever it is that they do because i know that i trade similarly to them so subconsciously i'm going to think like okay well if they're doing good i should i should be doing good too right and that's kind of my achilles heel because you know i'll see them pushing the size i'll see them pushing the number they'll see them pushing you know their patience you know everything like that and then i start doing that to to a degree that's maybe too much for me right for where i'm at currently and you know i'm a big believer and you like you have to push yourself and for me personally like i would rather mess up and do poor on a really good setup with with the correct size and the correct you know the correct risk and just pushing myself right then being in it small and conservative and to in taking that gain you know because i think that's what comes down to the 80 of your profits come from 10 of your trades so but doing that like i see these guys pushing it on these trades but they've done it more times than me right so i would say my main achilles heel is just learning that and it's a challenge and like to not focus on that like focus on yourself or what do you mean yeah like focusing on myself is kind of what i mean by that like even though like they're pushing these numbers and i feel like i should be pushing x numbers right like i i should be pushing myself but also not to the point where it gets out of control gotcha and just because you know and i'll see them doing something on maybe a setup that's not really my a plus yeah and then i start pushing it because i see them pushing it and it's not a setup that maybe i'm as familiar with and i'm right but without even thinking i'll just see them you know trying to exceed their expectations of themselves and i think well i should be able to do that too even if it's not something you know that i should be doing it on how are you working on that just going back to the basics honestly because right now it's not the best market we've ever seen and if we're talking about the past two years which is to be expected you know from from the amount of insanity we saw like last year in the in the year prior so i'm just really trying to just push off the gas yep or push on the brakes when i need to and then really push on the gas when i need to as well so going back to back in 2019 when i found what was good for me and i started building on that building on that building on that i just went back to my you know one to three setups that i know that i'm comfortable on that i know that i can push myself on and only doing those and just trying to not let anyone stray me from those things even though they don't mean to but it's it's me who's making myself yeah but i'm just trying to listen to everybody and also just stay in my own lane just the simplest way to put it just staying in my own lane and building upon what i've already built on i love it you brought that up because i went through this and i actually did a fasting of trading i think we met when i did my fasting oh really yeah because i kept comparing myself i would compare like i would compare myself to one of my good friends who's been training for 30 years so like right i'm over here comparing myself to him yeah great trader and instead of staying in my own lane understand that i should be happy where i'm at with what i consistently say you know i was like i should be here and so i love that you shared that because i'm sure there's other people who are maybe going through that and they are good at what they do yeah but they find themselves maybe cheating on their own patterns because they see that this pattern looks better today and mine's not you know so like you know what i'm saying you gotta stay loyal stay loyal yeah it's like but this pattern you know isn't gonna cook me dinner later yeah right right i'm not gonna make money like this is a good one you know so it's the same thing it's the same thing one thing i wanted to say though is if you could go back man and and give yourself any advice like to help you get here faster help you overcome something what would you tell yourself oh man that's a tough one i would say just to narrow it down to a couple things is just getting with the right people and just really committing to it because i i think i did commit to it pretty early on yeah but but for a while you know there was a couple years where i was like oh i don't know like you know i don't really i wasn't like super confident in myself yeah and i didn't really learn the right things like you know right away which most people don't and that's totally that's totally cool but just just telling myself looking back is just like always trusting yourself and because there's a lot of times where i don't get confident and you know i go i experience drawdowns i take losses and i just would love to tell myself like you know like it's okay if those things happen because when you first deal with them where it's it's an amount of money that emotionally affects you it's it's one of the hardest things to overcome and i would say right now like has been the past six months and and up to this point have probably been the most troublesome for me in my in my trading journey just because it's it's new things it's pressure now it's stress it's all these other things and if i could just tell myself like just understand that you're going to go through these things like understand that these guys went through these things understand that they do they go through these things and because when you look at these guys you know on twitter on youtube or whatever it is and you're seeing they're just killing these these moves just know that they are going to the same thing that you are when they're not killing those moves right and i didn't understand that for a long time and i really would get hard on myself and get down on myself when maybe i wasn't doing as good as i wanted to or if i was losing or giving back my gains or whatever it may be just telling myself that like it's going to be hard and you're going to be able to make it you know yeah absolutely man well look i love that piece of advice because i know it's gonna help a lot of people out there and they probably have questions yeah so where can they find you or are you anywhere on social media yeah yeah so i'm probably most active on on instagram and i have a twitter as well okay um i don't i don't have any of my own content out but you know maybe if if i get to a point where i feel like that could be beneficial for other people you know or if people want me to do that or if they have some sort of question maybe i could do like some sort of q a thing but it's literally just on all my social medias just my first and last name it's just been holiday it's in the my last name's hol-ida super weird you know it is what it is but we'll have that on the link below yeah and again ben hey man i appreciate you sharing your story and i will wish you so much on your future success thank you as well thanks man
Channel: B The Trader
Views: 223,929
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Keywords: day trading for beginners, day trading strategies, learn to day trade, beginner trading stocks, stock market for beginners, how to trade penny stocks, how to trade penny stocks for beginners, how to make money trading stocks online, day trading for dummies, day trading tips, day trading tips for beginners, learn to trade stocks, learn how to day trade penny stocks, day trader, bthetrader, bthestory, b the trader, b the story, trader, stock trader, live trader
Id: jGKy5U6hh-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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