Trading Psychology | Why Normal Doesn’t Make Money | Part 1
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Opto CMC
Views: 542,721
Rating: 4.9072905 out of 5
Keywords: stocks, stockmarket, trading, tradingpsychology, tradingstrategy, stockstrading, learn, education, events, psychology, stockcharts, shares, stock price, share price, opto knowledge, opto, opto opportunities, assets, asset management, investor, investing, investment, listen, business, finance, expert, #OptoTradingInterviews, opto investing, learn trading, learn investing, strategy, investment strategy, global markets, emerging markets, stock market, investment outlook, stock trading, trading psychology
Id: xoGOZD7-3gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I watched this video he’s worked on the opposite side…. He’s an amateur with good points and good intentions…#1 stop worrying about what everyone else thinks….. I’ve made $117,000 in stocks since March of last year I work in a warehouse. Make $70,000 a year… started with $2,300 turned it into $117,000… when I seen Clov I knew … sometimes you have to do what you know and not rely on anyone’s approval… you try to explain…your wasting your time… a lot of people are not looking for life changing money they want money now…. And the stock market will eat them alive…as Steve Jobs said “think different”…. But we are trained to think a certain way…. Break yourself from everything and think freely….. I can say it but you will know when you actually do it then you will know you are actually free….
Watching now…
Very insightful, thank you