Millionaire Trader Who Only Started With $500

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you started with was that right five hundred dollars did i hear that right uh i probably started with like a 200 robin account really really welcome back everyone to be the trader today i have a very special episode for you and an awesome guest seven points capital trevor trevor is joining us today if you don't know who he is then just check him out on twitter he's gonna be giving out his handle his hand will be down below as well in the link check him out there he provides a lot of good content and he's been a very successful trader we're at his place today and he invited us in so thank you so much my man and welcome to the show brother thanks for having me man i'm stoked you guys were able to come out absolutely how are you liking arizona so far i love it over here yeah i love it i mean it's winter and yeah we're outside i'm just drinking a t-shirt right it's it's good for a couple months out of the year and then everyone is yeah oh my god it's all up in arms about you know the frying eggs on the streets and stuff but because i know it gets hot yeah it gets real hot but it's uh yeah we enjoy it awesome well for people who don't know your backstory trevor if you could just kind of shed some light on you know what got you in this world of training to begin with like how did it start um so let me give you a little back story i i've always been kind of a big addictive personality and so as a kid i i turn to you know not so great things yeah as uh you know with that you know addictive personality um and you know i'll spare you any details but i i you know i had struggles with with a lot of drugs as a as a kid and um you know overcoming that uh you know taught me you know i got sober when i was 21 and overcoming that i uh you know i learned a lot about myself you know the you know and being able to use that that addictive personality or that magnifying mind to my advantage um and i just had to focus on things that were good for me yeah right and you know there was a lot of ups and downs with all that a lot of failures um you know amongst just getting sober itself and then you know figuring out life after that you know i'm 21 i haven't done anything with my life what do i do um and i fell into fitness yes um and from there you know i built you know i started a personal training company and then i got hired to actually work with uh recovering alcoholics and addicts yeah at a few different rehabilitation programs and uh that that was a really great experience i was able to get a lot of business experience and then also you know just connect with people um and but as i went on i kind of knew that it was always kind of a means to an end i didn't uh i knew i didn't want to be a personal trainer the rest of my life it's just not what i envision myself doing and it's you know it's pretty capped on i don't know how far you can go um [Music] and then from there i uh you know i started reading business books um and i just kind of fell upon i i read have you read uh robert kiyosaki's book rich dad poor dad i mean i mean who has it oh my god that sets you on the path hey we wouldn't be able to do these face-to-face interviews if it wasn't for our great sponsor cobra trading so if you could just give them a few seconds of your time we'd really appreciate it cobra trading is the broker for short sellers if you're a short seller and you're looking for the best borrows and the best service in the market look no further it's why i use them every single day and why i'm happy to have them as a sponsor so make sure to click on the link below to learn more about cobra trading and now let's get back to the show yeah and so like it just like it it's just one of those those entry ways into this new world where i was just like i have no idea about any of this stuff and it's just like that got my addictive person like i was just like my magnifying mind was just like okay like i don't know like but it's like it's just so interesting to me because it's this world you know uh you know where you know kind of like having this epiphany of like what capitalism is yeah essentially right and like how you can how you can position yourself into you know into uh in into this world in like a in a positive way and um you know it was just kind of set from there you know i i downloaded robinhood you know i i watched all the movies i could what year was this so i first opened up my first brokerage account in 2015. okay um and from there it was just on running you know as i i think my very first trade i made i i googled uh penny stocks to trade because you know i think i had found those gave the best returns and um [Music] i i found stock twits immediately and that brought me into this whole world of chat room trading and and and pumping and just you know in the small cap you know grimy world that it is and like i just kind of like immediately fell into it and my first trade was on uh dcth i don't know if you know the symbol but um i'm pretty sure they're de-listed or they relisted again um and i i made like two or three hundred percent on the first trade i was up 200 300 and i'm like oh dude this [ __ ] is easy um but then uh you know you know how the story goes right and so and then you know that's that's basically you know in a in a very tight nutshell of how how i got into it so let's let's let's continue though because you your first tray you did well right and then you know how it ends from there like it's you know start to realize that maybe it was luck maybe it was just whatever it may be and you start to lose how long did it take you to kind of get on the bicycle and actually ride with balance you know what i'm saying like how long it take you from there so i would say from there it took me i you know i'm just trading based off of what i see on stock twits and what you know people are you know the hype that's around social media or whatever i can google search um it wasn't until um and i had joined a a paid chat room where a guy would trade on voice and i you know i actually have to give credit to the guy um well i i'm not going to say his name but he uh he even though he was an alert room he was very organized he was on the voice chat at like you know at whatever 8 30 you know new york time every single morning doing like a pre-market thing and he you know he was very disciplined and so i picked up on that um but then i found a free chat room where i met a good buddy of mine um tj who runs this chat room called united traders and i just traded on voice with them every single day really um i was i was still working as a personal trainer um but my i had worked it with this place where my hours were like basically i was only in their gyms for a few hours a day and so i got to trade most of the market hours and i you know i wasn't trading with anything at all you know just a few hundred bucks at a time possibly um in the beginning and but i would just trade on voice with these guys and um you know this this guy tj had kind of turned into a mentor of me he he lives up in canada and his his dad was a traitor and he he's just an epic really good trader and he just runs this room for free and and and he was this guy who would just message me out of the blue hey how are you doing so i i was i was that just set my learning curve off you know like quickly like i like anything i have is from other people you know i mean like nothing i have is unique um i was just i was very fortunate to like fall into the hands of some of some good traders early on um and so like i think that's probably like what really like got my like um you know the the motion set you know first off awesome that you were able to overcome and become sober so congrats on that that's awesome yeah and and i love that you said that you have an addictive personality started there because there's a lot of people listening to this who might have an addictive personality i know i definitely do yeah and how you're showing that you're using it for something that's gonna help you grow and become better which you have done and how you're channeling that energy you know like that's really awesome to hear but on top of that you said that you met a you know you're trading and chatting the exact same time or voice can you explain because there's there's two sides of that coin right obviously it worked out really well right but there's two sides of that coin where you know it could be uh you know influence in a negative way and also influence in a positive way so i'm curious like how whenever you were doing that like what was really helpful like what was it was it just like like just hey this is what i'm doing so i'm going to do it too or how was it helpful you know what i'm saying so i think the the number one thing is like just seeing people in action live action is like the like for me like i don't i'm not someone who's writing dms on twitter asking a million questions i'm i'm a good observer um i think maybe it's probably due to like i you know can be a little bit socially awkward and like a little shy so i don't like wanna like reach out but i'm really good at observing people um so i just one one of the things that motivates me is when i see people being super disciplined and like being successful right and so and i'll give an example of that later on um but if we get to it but uh so literally just just having that live action around me and then um you know as you're being an observer you kind of like you're able to like pick up on the things that like work and don't work right like um you know maybe you know so and so gets excited about a trade right and you're like kind of observing like their their emotional response to like what they see in a setup right and then like the result of that setup and you know okay this person was real excited about this and like those were a lot of like the things that i really picked up on when i was listening to experienced traders or you know even newer traders over voices okay like this is like it's not just like you know their entries and exits and stuff is like how are they responding to the you know the market information yeah and um i think this like picking up on like you know people's emotional responses like really helped me like understand like okay like if i'm feeling real excited i can't sleep the next night like i realize like that you know everyone else kind of struggles in that area too like maybe like you know my emotions are what are getting in my way too um and so like there's a million different things but you not only pick up on you know what what to do but plenty of things of what not to do um they're you know they're i can't you know the plenty of new traders who who would enter you know and you know blow up their account within a day or you know um just come in just to pump a stock or whatever but i was definitely like kind of born into this like chat room trading world um and just kind of thrown into it and so like i i but you know there's so many people and so many like so much stuff being said and flown around that like you you almost immediately have to learn how to sift through the [ __ ] um and if you don't um you just end up falling for everything and like and that's just not gonna work out and so like you almost have to like approach it you know those those types of situations with like a hard amount of skepticism um or you know or uh just you know you know uh you know with a grain of salt you know can i ask you something then because you said something that that really stood out to me and you said not only did i see when a quote unquote maybe a good trader uh see something that they really liked how they acted versus someone who wasn't you know maybe newer and they saw and how they acted and you saw the differences and what in the end result was can you highlight on like what that difference is if anything stands out in that instance absolutely i mean so i mean you take an experienced trader for example and you know someone who would say like you know oh you know i i have you know this position on you know with you know this size um or you know i just covered this amount of this position or whatever and like you know they're pretty like melancholy about it um when they just made you know a 50 000 trade or something like that right and uh and like to me that's like you know with a 500 account i'm like what the f like 50 like you and like seeing on the chart like man they were down like 12 it's the 15th out like what like i can't imagine um losing that much money but then like realizing like okay these people like aren't affected by this like for some reason and um and then you you know watch a newer trader who you know you know is getting you know obviously like very emotionally built up about like you know a a trade that that they see and and um they you know impulsively just like get in without like oh this is flagging just you know get in yes no matter what um and not not really like having like a good like basis behind their their trade or you know a good uh thesis behind their trade or uh or they're just seem to be completely blinded by a rush of excitement you know and so and excitement is like one of the number one kill at least for me yeah uh in in in approaching any trade so it's interesting so that you said like one's mellow and laid back and doesn't really get affected one way or the other it seems like and it also seems like they're slowing down right before they just jump right whereas the excitement makes someone just rushed into something yeah there's certainly a good amount of of critical thinking that that goes into an experienced traders like approach versus like someone who who just like sees you know something uh you know sees a wedge and just you know or you know whatever it may be and just jumps on it um based on one variable and you also said that by you started with was that right 500 did i hear that right uh i probably started with like a 200 robin account really really and then and then tell me when how long did it take you to you said you were in that room and you started to chat on voice and start to kind of get some bearings learn some things how long it takes you to get consistent and then how long did it take you from there to you know join seven points and then go from there so i would say from 2016 to 2018 was like pretty like rocky it was it was you know i would take two steps forward five steps back type of thing yeah and um probably had to probably blew up four or five accounts um i had uh pro i was introduced to i started shorting actually i don't know if you know what trade net is i heard of it yeah it's a cfd broker they're not really like supposed to uh operate in the us but i i used them and because i was under pdt and i wanted to learn to short anyways i blew up that account pretty quickly um and i i had gotten another one with them but um uh all right and so that was probably like 2018 and then i you know just multiple accounts blowing up and down and then i finally started finding consistency um uh end of 2017 like mid 2018 it was like really like i i hadn't blown up on the count in like six months i'd like you know i'd build up you know up 50 and then i'm back down to like where i started type of thing and then um 2018 uh was when i really started taking uh journaling and like and you know taking my my performance and metrics like really seriously like everything outside of the market seriously if that makes sense yes um i started working on my head a lot more um in terms of like you know i would write down not just you know my entries and exits in my journal anymore it was more of like okay like how did i feel when i entered this and and that was really like a big when i started to like take that mental approach versus just like i just need to be in the chair approach um things started to change really right like i i just like i not only like do because like sitting in the chair you learn the patterns on the screen right but like you're not learning the patterns in your head uh or the the patterns of your example um so for instance like uh in my when i first started journaling i would just write like oh i panic sold oh stop and i would beat myself up you know like your piece of [ __ ] you know you learn you know not to sell you know until your target hits or whatever um but then i started breaking it down it's like okay like what what was like what was i thinking beforehand it's like oh i was thinking like okay this is that high of day this other thing is running and so like the you know same sector um and started trying to like piece things together and it's like oh i got in this like for completely the wrong reasons right i think i'm working towards you know i think i'm uh applying my process but really my process is based on like my emotional decision making and not like a you know a uh the process itself if that makes sense no it does and and what's very interesting is that so like when you start to see more pro more progress or yeah more progress towards your trading where you were no longer blowing up you were just like kind of making some maybe coming back down a little bit kind of like treading water if you will and then when you took trading journaling more seriously on your mindset when you start to see like more uh faster growth right what exactly besides what you were feeling before you got in the trade where you actually tried because i know a lot of people are probably hearing you say this and they're probably like well i've blown up five accounts i track my trades but what do you mean when you when you journal specifically can you give me an example from today like a trade you took and like what are you like in terms of just how you journal from beginning to end yeah so the the number one thing actually what i do like i call it a report card right and yeah i'm sure you know from bella fury his his report card thing and that's yet another thing that i've taken from another experienced trader um than just like built into my own and so i give myself a daily score just an overall score and then an individual score on each trade okay um and and so it's just a b c d f or like regular grades right okay and uh and then i i you know i have all like the metric stuff on trading view and whatnot so i i this is strictly for what what what went on with me okay um and it starts off with you know my daily routine did i follow my daily routine were there um you know where were there any any parts of my routine that i decided to skip today um what is that what do you mean your daily routine so my daily routine just is basically i just wake up you know go downstairs you know play with my cat drink some coffee and then uh i i meditate um and that's big brothers yeah yeah so so meditation was another thing that um i i included on top of journaling that like really just like helped me like kind of get back on that trajectory of like just consistency and profitability um and so um i i would definitely say oh a lot of you know my success to just like being able to slow down meditate and um and imagery really like focusing on like so like that's part of my um [Music] my routine i don't know if you've read the newest market wizards book but there's it's highly it okay um jack shwager picked some amazing futures traders in the beginning of that book that um talk about what you know imagery and and meditation and uh that really solidified it for me like um recently in terms of like using imagery with my trading assistants what do you mean so i sit down in the morning i do just a quick couple minute meditation just clear my head it's just some breathing techniques and then i i kind of scan the market and then i kind of walk away from my desk and just imagine like every scenario possible right what if what if i get jammed up at the open right i've been jammed up before yeah true right um and so like it's it's just i'm emotionally preparing myself i like to think of it as like you know just like keeping my heart rate at bay yeah almost because like the second that starts to spike like yeah i know i know like i'm i'm out of my i'm out of my comfort zone um and so it's just listening to yourself man yeah and uh what you're doing i'm starting to wrap but what you're doing is is so i'm i just started doing it's funny you bring up the whole idea of visualization because i just started adding that to my meditation but not in this way but i love it you do it this way because now i want to try it because what you're doing is you're you're visualizing all these scenarios because they all have happened at one point in our life yeah and then i'm sure you're i interrupt you because i'm not trying to be rude but you you said i'm sure you're also visualizing how you're going to react to when that happens right so that when it does happen you're not reacting anymore out of emotion because you planned it out i never want to be surprised i love it like if you're listening to this like you probably don't know how important that is what he just said but you need to go rewind and listen to it again because that right there unless you if you haven't been training for over like a year you're probably like that doesn't matter but if you've been training for more than a year you know like i need to try this yeah you definitely try it yeah go ahead no it's i think it's it's really important it's something that's uh not only you know i i talk about like having you know that addictive personality and like that you know having so much focus on one thing can like create imbalances in your life and having having meditation and breathing and and just in and walking yourself through your day or or your trades in your head before it all goes down is like is is such a good way to like keep yourself even keeled yes right um you know i i never want to get in a position where i think i'm too good or i'm not good enough right um like i i'm i just want to be a participant of the market and and and the meditation just allows me to just recognize that every single morning because sometimes i can get that twisted if i'm on a good run yes um you know i can think like i know more than i do and then if you know if market's slow or just not you know i'm just not you know really like you know hitting the trades i should be or you know whatever um you know i can think like you know maybe i've lost it i don't have an edge which is like such a dangerous road to go down like you like losing confidence yeah losing confidence in yourself is is like one of the worst things you can do as a trader right um as you know i'm sure yes and so it's uh i look at every day as like a search and destroy mission of my trading faults right of my emotional faults right and so like i'm i'm that's all meditation is doing for me is like looking for those like potential faults constantly like um mark douglas has i don't know if you know trading in his own yeah his his principles he talks about constantly monitoring your susceptibility to make mistakes right yes and if you can do that like you can avoid mistakes right um and so or avoid it you know avoid big ones yes and so um you're always gonna make mistakes but it's uh it's it's just another tool in the toolbox that i've and and it helps me in life too and yeah i interrupted you earlier which but i want you to continue on the uh so you you medi so you meditate then you look at the charts and you meditate and visualize what happens so is that the routine that you're grading yourself in your journal is that what you mean essentially and so and then step by step is like you know was what did i take this trade on based on you know impulse was an emotional and that's exactly what i'm grading it on not by piano okay um pnl is just piano okay um that's just you know that i can look at that on on my on my equity curve if i want to um but you know i have to create you know an emotional curve to look at right like you know and i always want to try and stay on like an emotional baseline i never want to get too far up or down um if that makes sense it's just uh you know i want to create the the best uh like vehicle for my for myself you know uh to trade it based off of a buddy of mine his name scott he's been training for like i don't know 30 years it surprises me that when i talked to him he like i just had a phenomenal day yesterday so i'm not gonna i'm gonna downsize today and he'll tell me that and he's been trained forever but he knows himself yeah and he'll be like yeah i i downsize a lot because i mean i don't really need to force it i can tell i'm happy and excited right so i may trade different yeah and when you tell yourself that you're not going to force it then like you know and a good opportunity comes in it just naturally happens you know versus like thinking like oh i just killed it yesterday i better kill it today people don't get that right you just hit it on the head because so many people are going to do a good trade absolutely and then see everything as the next best trade yeah yeah it's uh it's the and and that that's back to where you know you know that finding those those faults in yourself and just and you know not just not just your your execution but like what what's deeper what's going on with you like you know you had bad execution but um you have a process right and so like if you have a process but your execution's off obviously you have to dig deeper into yourself and um and you know most of you my you know my trading faults are going to come from in here and so i have to figure that out before anything else so i want to ask you this because i know i don't want to keep you too long but i do i do want to get into some of these things so you join seven points right yeah september 2019. and does anything change like do you notice anything in yourself that changes once you join standpoints is it anything different so back to that what i was talking about earlier about like being around people and being like motivated by other people's discipline and stuff um i knew i wanted to get with the firm uh kind of in the beginning of 2019 uh i had applied to smb a couple times it got denied a couple times um and then you know i had reached out to mike and that that was a real long process but um i knew if i could get around guys that had been doing it for a long time and like be like physically around them and like and just learn that from them and be able to you know just pick their brains whenever i wanted that i knew if i could do that i could set myself on and put myself on the you know on a path to the next level yes um and so 2009 beginning of 2019 um i decided i was like okay this is what i want to do like i'm gonna like i'm gonna go all in because i knew i had to i couldn't be one foot in and you know one foot in the personal training thing anymore it just wasn't gonna work so um i knew that i started applying um i started just making sure i was tracking every single thing so that i had you know data to show and everything and um about summer hits and i uh the house i was living in and i was living in california at the time and um i was living with a buddy and he was gonna sell the house and so i was like you know what i'm gonna quit my job i'm gonna move to arizona live with my parents for a summer and just try and just get hired somewhere and uh so i i moved in with my parents when i was you know 27 years old which is a humbling experience but i just knew that this is what i wanted to do and this was like the the where i wanted to be um or what i wanted to work towards and so i i had seen my cats actually post on twitter one time like hey we're hiring for the new york office and i was like i'll [ __ ] move anywhere yeah i'll just i'll do whatever it takes i just quit my job i'm leaving my parents house i'll go wherever and so uh i messaged him and kind of got the cold shoulder a little bit like it looks like you're on the right path but you know it's training you know small you know um [Music] and he was like why don't you just message me uh every week you know stay in touch with me and that was like my golden ticket i was like oh you want me to stay in touch with you and that was he was probably a mistake for him because every friday for the longest time i would email him an update on my week just charts uh full breakdown of like what i did and he probably didn't read a lot of them or i don't know if he read any of them but um one day i decided i was like screw it i'm just gonna go get my sie i studied for that and sent that to him and he was like oh that he saw that and it was like okay i mean this kid is yeah yeah all right and uh he set up a phone call with nico and um it wasn't i'll to be honest that interview didn't go the greatest because it sounded like he had already hired people and like i was i was like one out of a a ton of people that applied yeah um but last minute they they took me in um you know right before like the san diego office opened so um it was i was that was uh that was and i it sounds silly but that was like actually a very emotional point in my life because i was like i had like i had accomplished something that like i was working so hard for yes um and it was really just to get you know just to get my foot in the door yeah and that's all i i knew that's all i needed to do so you got your foot in the door i got my foot in the door and then um you know i remember this was probably around january 2020. uh stan krishna yep and a couple other other guys riley who's uh another manager at seven points um who i you know i've all been able to become close with but um you know i got to trade with them you know around them in san diego together and i remember like the first day i was sitting next to stan i had like my best day ever and then from there it was just like you know me and him were sitting next to each other and we were trading the same stock and he's got like 10 times the size that i've got and i'm like and i'm thinking in my head i'm like oh like i just i just need to add a little bit more right and like and like and then you know i had my best day that day and it just like it slowly started to click i'm like okay like the opportunity like i got i i came here for a reason right and that that is to excel and so like i'm going to start like i have the consistency i have these numbers behind me like i just need to like show that i have the balls yeah right and like and show that like you know i i'm i'm i i have what it takes to to excel in this in this very um fleeting business right um you know i posted something the other day about uh from one of the market wizards books uh paul tudor jones talks about he says like uh you know i'm i'm very aware of how ephemeral the you know success is in this business right is how fleeting it can be right and so um being around all these guys who've been doing it for so long and and seeing what they do was just like such a boost for me like knowing like okay like this can work like and i can do this for a long time as long as like as long as i like as i pick up continue to like follow the people that have done it before me yes right yeah that's awesome that's awesome and and everyone who's watching if you're like who's krishna who's stan they've been on the show before go check that episode out we'll have links below great guys great traders but look man i'm gonna have to bring you back on the show because absolutely because i can already tell like we're just scratching the surface right now and i'm just like no no no no there's so much more right yeah but let me ask you a couple two more questions and we'll wrap this up right if knowing what you know right now okay let's say you can go back to 2018. [Music] that was i think if i'm correct if i remember correctly that's when you were kind of finding some success but kind of treading water but no longer blowing up right right yeah but let's just say there was no such thing as a prop firm there was no but you could go back now with that experience that you have currently and go give yourself some advice what would you tell yourself to help you get to that next level if there was no other door because there's some people out there who might not have a door right they might not have that option yeah and uh i think you know it's trading is a funny thing because it's you know it's you you don't need a firm you don't need uh all those things um i just it's just the the path that i had decided to go down but if i were to tell myself something back then that i know now is go slow and anything can happen um i think well one of like one one of the biggest like attitude shifts i had was you know um i mentioned trading in the zone earlier that was a big pivotal moment in in of learning in in my trading career but um adopting the attitude like that anything can happen go to or bad right and so like you just need to be make yourself available right and as long as like you continue to make yourself available and and and and put in all the all the work outside of those market hours like you're going to make it work and and like just believe in yourself like if if you can like if you can like invest like your because you have you have a certain amount of energy every day you have a certain amount of belief every day if you can invest all of that into you and and what's in front of you um there's there's no way you fail right over time and so it's just um i think you know having that that uh inner inner belief and and just okay you know what's been your biggest and you could be recent well what's been like your biggest like challenge that when you finally got over really stepped it up a notch for you you know what i'm saying like you could be when you were consistent there was just something that was kind of not whole you didn't know how bad it was holding you back until you overcome it you know what i'm saying uh what could have been earlier i think the number i think the number one thing is like is quieting the noise for me like i i used to i used to fall for you know all the hype social whatever you know um you know and and just and i would i would allow price action to to get me excited and and and the the second i i started slowing down and kind of like taking a step back and getting like a bird's eye perspective of like okay like this is this is how i respond naturally to to you know this market information like maybe i need to take a step back and like think before i i jump in right maybe i nibble right and and see how it goes and like so like the idea of scaling in and scaling out the you know those those little things and and how you execute it and you know what percentages you put where um really like really like allow you to like kind of like uh you know pick like decide like what's working what's not if that makes sense like like sift through all of the [ __ ] and not only like in you know outside of the mark but like that that's in your head as well gotcha gotcha now so slowing things down i couldn't agree more and i mean i'm nowhere near you okay what i will say is that like meditation has helped me a lot and it's i have a personality i get i can get very emotional right and so that meditation has helped me recognize that and here's the thing about meditation i'm sure you agree but like it doesn't get rid of it it's just more of like i can see it now happening and then now i can like say okay i'm i can i'm frustrated i can make a decision you know instead of just letting it take over yeah i mean we're humans and like i don't think you ever become an emotionalist robot yeah um i i mean there are times where i'll you know i'll be like you know i'll get you know yeah fist you know i'll do the old tiger swing i'm like yes you know but um the how fast you you come back to that emotional baseline is like so important you know i you know it's um i i i can remember you know when i when i first i made my first like ten thousand dollar day yeah um you know back in the day and like i was like i was also i was all jazzed up and i would call you know my dad and you know call everyone and like letting the world know um and now it's it's just you know it's just another day at work right and so like it doesn't matter necessarily the outcome anymore it's just you know again like making myself available and taking what i can right and and just and not letting it affect the rest of my day right um one of the one of the biggest things i've learned you know getting married and and uh you know being in a relationship and stuff is like you can't you can't carry that stuff with you and the the more you do the the more detriment it is to your next day right yes um and so uh i think uh you know all those things we touched on with with meditation and in imagery helped that awesome awesome well look trevor i appreciate you being here man i want you to do me a solid let people know like if they want to find you where they can find you or get information yeah i'm just on twitter uh at killer t underscore um and that's basically all i use cool cool so again everyone check him out i'll have a link to his twitter below and again trevor thank you so much man for sharing some of your wisdom brothers absolutely it was great having us being here thanks man
Channel: B The Trader
Views: 382,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading for beginners, day trading strategies, learn to day trade, beginner trading stocks, how to trade penny stocks, how to trade penny stocks for beginners, how to make money trading stocks online, day trading for dummies, day trading tips, day trading tips for beginners, learn to trade penny stocks, learn to trade stocks, learn how to day trade penny stocks, robinhood, robinhood account, $500, Personal Trainer, robinhood stock, robinhood investing, trading penny stocks
Id: KBdUzXwLy6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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