Millionaire Finds Out CHILDHOOD LOVE Is HOMELESS, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann Studios

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the media is already buzzing about your proposal I mean it's all anyone who's anyone is talking about yeah I don't I don't understand this was supposed to be a secret how did anyone even find out I have no idea babe you know how people are with Cab's lives total disregard for their privacy on the lighter note I have good news and great news which do you two love birds first let's save the best for last start with the good news Okay so the good news is Kimberly now has modeling offers seems like everyone wants a piece of Caleb Brooks's new Su to be wife and the great news is drum roll People magazine offered 100K to buy the exclusive photos of your wedding no sorry I I told Kimberly that we wanted an intimate wedding No No guest list no media just s who told you to get offers oh I was just trying to be proactive but no worries are all I can tell people it's off sorry I I don't recognize this number but it's from my hometown in Flagstaff just give me a second yeah no media I'm I'm going to convince him to say yes I mean I convinced him to get me this big rock and hire my best friend as a publer say didn't I good because I get 20% for this deal yes don't worry I'm going to give you your Kickback too in that case make that 200k ooh okay but serious question now when is Caleb going to put out the next song people are starting to call him one hit wonder I'm working on it okay trust me I wouldn't marry him if I knew he was going to be a one hit wonder but he just keeps saying that he hasn't been inspired lately will help that man get inspired there's a lot of money on the line for all of us first off I'd like to offer my condolences for for your Dad's passing last month thanks but um to be honest we weren't really that close Liz my mom was much harder actually sorry who who is this again uh I'm an estate uh attorney in Sedona that your father hired prior to his passing I'm calling because I was curious so what you wanted to do with the house what house uh your father's house uh you don't remember here I can uh I can send you a photo give me one second ah there [Music] Jesus you are so selfish I just dare don't you dare call me selfish when I'm the one who put food on the table huh suppos water stop your whining I pay for this I pay for that I'm pay for this water get back in there get back in there you finish dinner finish dinner parents arguing again First's two I don't understand why anyone gets married me neither I'm never getting married Let's Make a Deal Laura we'll never get married but if we do the only way is to F be to each other okay are you proposing to me Caleb you can't propose to me silly you need a [Music] ring let's go uh hello Caleb you there yeah sorry I'm I'm here ah well uh so what would you like to do with the property would do you want to keep it or sell it okay I can do that are you sure you don't want to see it again first one last time there there Charlie your food's on its way okay you're hungry here you you can have mine you have mine there you go there you go good job all right I know Mr Peterson I'm working on getting the money together okay I just need a little more time we've already given you 90 days that's plenty of time but I just need a little more this house has been in my family for Generations the property goes to auction in a few days this is your last chance to pay up no you can't do that what am I supposed to do with my horse if I lose this lot not my problem hey I don't mind working for free to help no no no no you've got bills to pay too but I appreciate the gesture did you know Caleb actually grew up in this very same town wait you two are actually around the same age did you know him at all you won't last a week without me I'd rather be homeless than be with you drive off once you drive off that is it there is no coming back don't worry we won't mom can we stop real quick [Music] [Music] wait the ring is supposed to go on the LIF hand you know [Music] [Music] I know I know buddy you hate it when Daddy has a suitcase but listen hey I promise Kimberly and I we're going to be right back and I'm going to bring you some trats does that sound good yeah sound good buddy okay you be good I know I know I know I'll miss you we'll be back soon bye buddy okay here we go have you figured out a flavor for your wedding cake yet a lemon raspberry uh Caleb loves anything with berries definitely not chocolate uh honey why did we uh hire a wedding planner remember I said to keep it intimate small I don't think we need a planner for that come on babe we can't have a wedding without a planner uh where's your suitcase we got to go we're going to be late for the flight well I was going to go but I booked a two-day modeling gig so unfortunately I have to stay here in Cali honestly you should skip this trip too I don't see why you have to go all the way over there there just to sell your house I mean h is even my hometown Flagstaff Arizona uh oh that's right the country I looked it up and um there's no Ritz Carlton's or St reges is so even if I wanted to go there's no place for me to stay no honey it's one night right it's my childhood home I'd really like for you to see it before it's gone my dad it's a big moment for me okay I haven't been there in years well this is a big moment for me too you know how important my photo shoots are to me I can't just abandon my career and goals just to drive down some dirt roads with you you can FaceTime me while you're there it'll pretty much be the same thing as me seeing it in [Music] person well I'll see you in 24 hours I'll miss you I know oh hey okay I know I'm going to miss you too so much okay hey don't forget to feed him while I'm G all right oh I've got lip gloss on don't worry I'll take care of him you have fun [Music] okay sh oh you're going to get SLO and fur all over me disgusting go where were [Music] we oh are you a singer uh yeah I um I wrote a viral country love song and uh I'm trying to follow it up with something just as good but uh to to be honest it's it's a bit of a struggle actually do you mind um can I run something by you real fast sure yeah yeah down the Heartbreak Highway neon signs flicker memories linger in the rear view mirror Broken Love Like A Worn Out song down the heartbreak highway driving along it's good yeah yeah uh to be honest it does sound more like a heartbreak song than a love song Sorry not much help to you is there anything else I can get for you uh some inspiration would be nice got any of that in the back well listen what takes you to Flagstaff today I GRE there oh it's nice getting back to your root sometimes you know something I've learned in my years as a flight attendant is going home sometimes you find your heart again who knows maybe this trip you'll find yours [Music] crap um sorry man I just realized I put on the wrong address no worries I knew where to go but how did you everyone knows where Caleb Brooks grew up man dude you're a living legend around here after a hit song hey um I hate to ask but do you think I can grab a photo okay sure okay all right thank you yeah we going one um hey I can't wait for your next song I'll be on the lookout for the release hey stranger I brought you a chocolate pie Laura how'd you even know I was home well I still live next door and I saw you pull up and besides it's all over social media that b Caleb Brooks is back in town someone must have spotted you at the airport oh come [Music] on wow it looks like you have quite a few fans nowadays jeez this is supposed to be a lowkey trip I'm not sure I hav't H me to interact with any fans right now come on I know a spot we can go to [Music] are you okay why you why are you looking at me like that I sorry uh being back here it just brings back a lot of [Music] memories [Music] yeah he still have the ring after all these years yeah I'm surprised it still fits your husband doesn't ask about it oh I haven't gotten around to getting married after my parents left for the East Coast I kind of just focused on veterinarian school and then becoming of that but sometimes I feel like I'm married to Charlie it's Charlie your um your boyfriend or Charlie's my horse oh okay so he's your neighbor yeah sorry but um what about you I saw that you were getting married I'm happy for you how did you to meet uh actually really strange thing she uh she wandered into my dressing room after show H should we should probably explain you see ah chocolate whoa hey oh my gosh Hur you cute little doggy how'd you even get in here oh my gosh bear I've been heart sick I'm so sorry for intruding no no you're not intruding Hello dogs he must have SS that cuz he wantes Tre to you what's your name Caleb Caleb thanks again and nice meeting you yeah nice to meet you too Kimberly Kimberly hi hi so you see that's how we met and then 3 months later we were engaged and the rest is history as they say so you're telling me she just happened to wander into your dressing room and she had no idea who you were even though she was at your concert yeah that's what she said man I almost forgot how beautiful it is here I can never get tired of this view yeah you should have your wedding here if you don't already have a venue wow that's that's actually a great idea and I bet Kimmy would love that yeah let me I'll ask her is it okay if I yeah hey babe let check out who I'm with this is my childhood friend Laura hi um did you sell the house yet uh no not yet actually I wanted to run something by you what if we keep it and have the wedding here absolutely not I already have everything lined up with the Beverly Hills Hotel that'll be so so iconic Kimmy that's way too big I I told you I wanted a small wedding I was just thinking I don't know 25 people tops okay but it's too late to cancel now I had to beg them to make an exception to get Italian food and play A hip-hop at her wedding and they normally don't do that don't worry it'll still be around 25 people okay oh look my papis is calling I got to run but I'll see you soon okay okay I love you hey don't forget to feed the dog I don't mean to overstep but shouldn't you be having country music and barbecue at your wedding I mean hey at least you still have your chocolate cake right I remember how obsessed you were with chocolate and how you hated any and all ber I mean unless you grew out of that I don't I can't believe you remember that it's like you know me better than the girl I'm going to be what are you doing just hold on a [Music] sec she knows me like no other like a up on a dirt [Music] road in your eyes I see the sunrise in her Smile the sunset glow what do you think I think you have the start of your second hit yeah yeah all you have to do now is finish the rest of the song well that's a good thing I got 24 hours here aam where I'll find you with a wind blowing through your ha BR to my [Music] knees in a long lost Dream It's where I'll find you the look in your eyes makes me feel the love [Music] again beging please come with me beg please come with me cuz there's no one else like you cuz there's no one else like you say there's no one else like you there's no one else like [Music] you in a long lost dream where I'll find you with the wind blowing through your hair brings me to my knees in a long our stream it's where I'll find you oh the look in your eyes Mak Me Feel The Love [Music] Again Taking Chances I Wonderful Life and I'll choose you no matter the [Music] cost I would run to the end of the world just to be with you just to be with you my [Music] Lord will you wait up will you you wait out will you wait [Music] again will you wait up will you wait up will you wait again in a long lost dream where I'll find you when I open my eyes hope that you find [Music] my well were you able to find that inspiration you were looking for sweetheart I'm home oh hey buddy oh buddy I missed you you're so Jud and I got you something what's that you want that yeah ain't going to treat yes you do you deserve it oh easy buddy it's like you haven't eaten since I left [Music] hey Kim I'm back from the airport we Kimberly [Music] [Music] who are these people Laura perfect timing I have some investors interested in purchasing your property yeah it's a very Charming estate any idea of the acreage we're looking about 3 acres um and with it being right next door to Caleb Brooks his childhood home I think this is a great investment opportunity why don't I give you a tour and then we'll talk numbers after [Music] are you trying to suffocate me with that and and where's my champagne that I asked for 3 minutes ago Kim I need to talk to you it's urgent what is it I need a yes or no on People magazine they are willing to pay 200k but we need to sign today I'm working on it okay can you see I'm busy right now bother me later excuse me don't forget you were a nobody before you met Caleb [Music] Brooks and you're still a nobody you're my publicist remember you work for me now really remembered how you begged me to help you meet Caleb that's the only reason I gave you that VIP pass I let you borrow my dog to go to his dressing room and act like it was all an accident healeo this was all the setup so wait so when we first met that that was what completely engineered no oh she's just mad about it you told me that Bear died why would you lie about that and it wasn't even your dog ha was my dog and he did die I just took your dog out to use the restroom I can't believe this I'm done and for the record I like chocolate I love chocolate I hate berries wait does this mean I have to tell people magaz know hello hi Caleb uh since you decided to keep the house I thought it'd be a good idea to let you know that the property next door is up for sale it's a foreclosure if you're interested well you mean Laura's house I want to let you know the house sold congratulations wait why are you handing me the keys cuz the new buyer put it in your name she knows me like no other like a pick up on a dirt road in her eyes I see the sunrise and her smile the sunset glow she knows me like no water like a dog that loves its bone I finally found my heart again I just had to come back [Music] home Laura for a long while now I've been lost and I didn't know what to do and I I I couldn't figure out what was missing but then I came back here and being with you again I feel like I found my heart again because my heart is well it's you Laura Alicia Aila will you marry me are you [Music] okay what's wrong sorry this just brings back memories of course I'll marry you Caleb I got him the right finger this time [Music] yeah for [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 4,110,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: HSz2gNa20Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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