Million Dollar Cash Game S5E2 FULL EPISODE Poker Show

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[Music] we're in london for europe's premier high stakes cash game tonight eight of the world's best will sit down with at least a hundred thousand dollars of their own money in this no limit texas hold'em poker game [Music] i love playing in big games the most exciting part about any cash game is the amount of money you can win a chance you know to show your skills it really matters to be a winning poker player and with one of the strongest fields ever assembled our stellar lineup are under pressure to perform in this europe's biggest televised cash game the reason why i want to play against these guys is because they are the best in the world [Music] i'm not intimidated by nobody at the table nobody intimidates me i feel like i have something to show down it's just the nature of my blood i don't think you're gonna ever find that tougher lineup this is the full million-dollar cash game originally from helsinki finland and known by most in the poker world as sigmund it's illari sahami's [Music] from toronto canada with nearly two million dollars in live tournament winnings is peter apathy just 22 years old justin boosted j smith has substantial success in high stakes short-handed ring games tom duan or durr he plays poker online in the highest stakes regularly against the best in the world a british-born player who apparently turned 20 to about four million used to be a paperboy is andrew feldman [Music] former model and tennis player patrick antonius from finland is always one of the most dangerous players in any game mike mattisau mike the mouth the mouth himself he has three world series of poker bracelets and over seven million dollars in live tournament winnings and finally in seat eight it's phil ivey his record speaks for itself eight world series of poker bracelets one wpt title and over 13 million dollars in tournament winnings welcome along to the full tilt million dollar cash game and when it's a cash game people can come and go as they please chris ferguson going to take his pocket aces and his chips and he's out and our new player in is this one it's andrew feldman he is uh one of many outstanding internet players to storm the poker world apparently turned twenty dollars into four million phil ivey has opened this pot for a raise with ace three off suit race 2600 feldman with over six hundred thousand dollars in tournament winnings that's live tournament winnings considering the majority of his play has been online that's that's not a bad amount of winnings for tournaments too he just started playing tournaments i think about a year ago this is feldman's second appearance of the million dollar cash game in his first appearance he won don't quote me but i believe he won about 90 thousand dollars cool well the meta game begins again phil ivey checked siggy bet zeggy takes the pot down hillary some [ __ ] what's up buddy i want to put it again you want to pop this vote for me poker being an international game it's nice to see the international flavor at the table got a couple of finnish players got one brit we've got a canadian next coming up a few americans too i think if i'm right yeah a couple of americans there as well you know we've got texan in the uh raise 2 000. it's almost like a different country i was going to is its own country that's for sure it's pot feel free to leave the union anytime you want buddy i wasn't a successionist oh well speaking of succeeding ziggy's opened this pot with a pair of twos and the other side of the spectrum justin smith wakes up with aces he's going to try to play a much bigger pot it looks like race 7200 justin smith's first three bed of the afternoon durham not gonna play feldman gonna pass antonio is gonna pass and it folds around back to ziggman i think i start i think i started now it's a question of implied odds and when i say implied odds what exactly am i talking about it's not what you can win right this moment it's what you might win if you hit your hand i've like uh started hammering like 50. and uh to be honest with you i don't think justin smith's deep enough here he's looking at 42 back i think this is a pretty easy fold but once again what do i know ziggy says you're wrong robert fold schmold here's the flop four seven seven four rainbow flop it's a dream flop races isn't it yeah it's such a dream flop you almost want to check but you just can't there's enough money in there there's already 16 000 in this pot but about 8 000 try to get them in there thinking maybe whatever hand my opponent's holding might be good but if he bets a big bet he's certainly going to blow him out remember justin smith three-bet pre-flop would a check on the flop be believable hard to believe a check absolutely not but half the pot 8 000 it could be a continuation bet that's what i would have bet 11 300 i think that's a little too much i'll see how he can get ziggy to call here unlike you said i mean ziggman's gonna he's not gonna like almost every flop out there and he's forced to muck and justin smith wins himself uh a smallish pot but decent size eight of the best seeded at this table i was just hoping he had ace king i heard that pears were better than ace kings uh that's what i was hoping for raised two thousand zigman gonna raise it up with the king jack suited kojak cool duant calls if spades come he's going to be in trouble queen 4 spades versus king jack of spades oh and speaking of spades cool this could be the perfect storm developing a six of spades for mike the mouth here comes nine deuce three of diamonds and no spades out there not a surprise at all king seven four a couple of clubs top pair with jack kicker for ziggman and sigmund's gonna play a tricky three check it's a pretty coordinated board to be checking i think we'll see a little bet now for sure from ziggman and here is the bet seven thousand seven thousand from ziggman wow almost a pot sized bet cool and a call from tom dewan not real sure about that call oh remember dwan had a pair on the flop but when i checked around he probably thinks his spores might be good especially ziggman sigmund's type player he's betting anything he bets when he has a little piece of it now he has top pair and he checks it 25 000. but he bet pot size and this time he bet over the pot i mean it's the size of the bet too it's not just that he bet he bet a large bet and that usually means one or the other a really good hand or a bluff i think that's why he's trying to disguise the medium strength of his actual hand and maybe get paid off here if you've watched sigmund enough the one thing about him is his bet sizing is always a little bit unconventional very unorthodox yeah he confuses opponents like that he definitely uh definitely gets out there and and doesn't mind dancing i'll tell you that and of course juan knows ziggy so well these guys countless number of hands online they do have a lot of history together that's for sure i think that's going into consideration here tom juan knows that ziggman is capable of a bluff in this spot i don't know why but i think tom dwan is going to pay this off i just got a gut feeling cool he doesn't cause i thought he was going to pay him off wow well zigman by doing that unconventional check on the flop made himself an extra thirty two thousand dollars in all likelihood of ziggman bets that flop everybody folds and the hand is over for sure by playing it tricky he got the maximum payout [Music] well small hit for tom duane he's still our leader though up 144 thousand ivy's still up 22 000 but ziggman has crawled his way out of the basement he's only down 72 000 and i say only but you gotta remember this guy was down 110 000 just a few moments ago that's true i'll tell you what mike the mouth is sitting in the cellar right now button in front of phil ivey durham not gonna play raise two thousand and feldman gonna raise it up again this time he's got a little bit more of a hand he's got king queen of diamonds yeah and i think phil ivey thinks this kid's raising a few too many pots seven thousand feldman played a little bit on his back heels last year and i'm wondering if maybe ivy remembers that you know ivy remembers that and maybe ivy's going to take advantage kind of say ivy doesn't forget too much king queen's not a very good hand to call three bet he calls wow well he's got phil ivey dominated but if he doesn't hit a piece of this flop five five ten well that's the problem with king queen more often than not you're gonna miss the flop and even when you hit the flop you don't know if you're good so true so true oh this is the longest pause for a check i i think we're going to see a check be pretty strong leading into a three better talk about physical tell sometimes but players takes that long to check what does that usually mean well one of two things he's doesn't have anything or he's got a big hand usually it's one or the other in that situation in my experience i find that most often when a player takes that long he's trying to take a long time to almost make you think i'll make you think you i have something so i'm going to check and i'm going to think about it and all he's going to do is check and fold this is actually an interesting scenario here with this flop andrew feldman could represent a hand but i can't see him doing anything but folding right now and king hyde doesn't feel like it's the best hand here it is but it doesn't feel like it i mean you're just you're playing the hand out of position you're playing at the end out of position against phil ivey i mean you talk about position i asked you earlier how much does position mean this is evidence isn't it it is very obvious that uh and all poker position helps but in particular when you're playing against the great players look at this wow 28 500. now this is poker at the next level can i be re-outplay him though holy moly i didn't see that coming well i still remember the hand when i either got the best of feldman last year i remember that hand so well this ivy had a nut flush against feldman's king high flush and feldman paid him off this feels fishy and i think phil ivey might sniff this out wow this is great so this is the thing feldman so badly wants to outplay holy moly and now feldman could be in trouble unless he hits that turn card and he doesn't wait and now what do you do if you fell down you know he just called you know what i do pure and simple i check get ready to muck by hand or i push all in right now check feldman only has 64 000 behind the pot is 72. well that's what stack size he could shove there and hope that he bluffs phil ivey out i mean phil ivey's completely floating feldman here 27 000 wow i swear i love phil ivey i just love him this is great this is poker at the highest level straight out feldman so badly wanted to outplay ivy so badly and ivy knew it he sure did he sniffed it out i think part of it had something to do with his re-raise size too was only 17 500. and ivy takes it down feldman mucks the hand welcome to the big leagues buddy you're playing with the big boys now phil ivey shows him how it's done you're not a bad poker player there buddy i don't care what they say about you one of these days andrew feldman is gonna learn to stop messing around with phil ivey he's down thirty five thousand four hundred dollars tom dewan still on top madison still our big loser down eighty five thousand eight hundred dollars welcome back to the full tilt million dollar cash game button in front of ziggmund duane first to speak feldman going to raise it up raise 2 000. tilting anyone well it's got sixes well that's at least a part of a hand two sixes come on and mike's all in well mike's only got 14 000. this is a no-brainer for mike yeah just like i said while ago he's got the perfect shove reshave stack how much and uh he can get paid off with a lot of different things right here it's on ziggman right now sigma's got ace queen he's going to call 14 100 wow and that might save feldman yeah i think that saved andrew feldman i think it did you start putting mike the mouth on a range of hands and i think andrew felden probably would have had to call with the sixes i agree this is gonna save him though he's not gonna be in there against two players or is he i wasn't i'm sorry canadian nose on me just sitting there thinking about canada yeah pondering the motherland wow 12 000 more it's like at 62. i think i would shove all in here before i would call oh so they're using mike's singing donkey against them and look here andrew feldman has called this pre-flopped mike the mouth truly one of the characters of the game but he's got a lot of talent it's not just a mouth three two nine well top set for mike mouth so he's gonna win the main pot oh there's a couple of runner runners here still uh alive good point they're still running runners but i'm gonna go on a limb and save mike madison who's gonna win the main pot which is going to be forty four thousand dollars now the question is will there be a side pod and this is the problem what do you do now with the sixes eleven thousand well i mean pure and simple if i've called it pre-flop and i get a flop of deuce three nine i'm shipping right here especially against eleven thousand so you're gonna check raise all in stock size wise i don't think andrew feldman has a choice i mean the weird thing is there's no side pot before that eleven thousand there was no side pot so you might think why is ziggman betting zigman must have a real hand then right yes and no it looks to me like he's trying to to isolate mike madiso for cheap 11 000 only i i i feel weakness here i would shove and zegman by the way has got 220 000 behind feldman just did not just was not deep enough to make this call i think sometimes you know and he's gonna let it go now yeah he shakes his head in disgust i think he knows he made the mistake and he lets it go the good news is i'm in the lead the bad news is how many houses he have hopefully none i heard nothing oh he's got no outs that's even better just no running four or five and i'll be all right mike the mouth the commanding lead here yeah ziggler needs running cards your world ain't over yet oh and a six on the turn it wouldn't have been enough no would not have been enough and mike the mouth takes that down subdued applause i just moved that is a donkey i mean i move in east queen moves in and 2-6 is overcall it's ten turns right we're like even money the cash ones really is that right okay you got you me and him even money more cash now you guys are always holding your way into the money though robert i want to talk to you about short stack play unless you're your partner because mike the mouth who was down to 14 400 is back up to 44 000. he maneuvered and dodged and he did a lot of things with his stack 600 to play odd play here though mike madison limping with two aces well wait a second we talked about this earlier on remember he limped earlier with it with like some garbage hands and he was getting raised off and you said well if you're gonna if you're gonna limp with the garbage hands you gotta live with your monsters occasionally occasionally and i like especially if somebody else is open raised he's out of position here i don't know you don't like it huh i'm not a big fan of this one well normally ziggman would be the one that would have three bet him or at least raised it nobody did and now madison is gonna have to see this flop four ways king queen deuce rainbow unlikely anybody would have a king queen in their hands i have you with threes well i think if mike betts here that's 1600 he might get paid off by somebody probably not cool phil ivey with two threes that's a pretty dangerous board to be giving him credit hello to the boy hey mike you got anything they're gonna do the job myself yeah might as well jack jacob yeah he's just calling one time i think see what happens i might get a free card now that definitely uh it's a scary turn card that's three thousand pretty cool and mike is in check call mode yeah i think that uh turn carter reassured that not sure if you love that river though if you're mike i gave him another chance to swing i'm looking to check call again let phil swing at it again that 8 000 well mike's already taken longer than i would have taken to me this is pure and simple if you caught a queen he caught a queen i pay him off with the line that mike took you're saying hey you know what there's no way i can check for all this absolutely no because he hasn't represented any strength at all phil could be betting just about any part of this board and matter of fact he's a favorite to be betting the king not the queen if he's got the king uh i just got to pay it off now i wouldn't raise which looks like mike at first was considering i wouldn't raise but i would call this absolutely hello philly hey mikey you got anything i think so you think so i hate to hear that yeah mike mike has underwrapped his hand he has to take that into consideration here i mean that's a very important factor that he's never exposed the fact that he has what he has two aces i can't believe he's taking this long he calls it aces up he hates it but now he loves it i'm sorry do you see the surprise on phil ivey's face am i right can i beat anything king i can be king jack that's all i can be ace king you need to raise ace king and just like that mike madison's back up to almost 60 000 from being down to 14. once again this is not a tournament mike the mouth could have just reached in his pocket and gotten more money but he decided to kind of battle back you can't like two to one you got even a donkey can cat lucky in one time you just said that 175 was fair to lay phil ivey oh i see i got to sweat to both of you you guys could have me drawn dead after yeah you're right he's a better bet to go two to one against you i i do agree with you there that's the problem thinking about it i could be drawing dead i could too almost i could too no you can't you are drawing dead that's scary i think about that 600. let me tell you one yeah that's he's right you the guys play one hand bad all day long and cost me a hundred thousand thanks peter we're still friends all right all right that's good i'm glad you're over it now oh i am okay i was over it after lunch dinner actually it was perfect time for dinner for me actually yeah i was able to invent 2000 yeah yeah he never flow plus leading right into this pot i think fellaini's just simply trying to outplay andrew feldman right now and he's doing a darn good job of it so far i was gonna say simply trying i don't think a matter of trying i think he's just doing it feldman is definitely in his head or vice versa you're a polka player what does that look say it says what just happened to me or what's happening to me and how do you turn around when you're in that kind of place where nothing's going your way how do you change it probably needs to take a walk uh maybe a five minute ten minute break from the table kind of gather himself he's uh definitely pretty frustrated right now [Music] tom dwan's still on top of the leaderboard up 142 000 our big loser is sahami's at zegman down 82 900. i got to fill it before it's over with that won't be our biggest loser maybe he will be but it's going to be a lot bigger figure than that you're a poet you didn't know it nothing to it the way i do it i can't believe that that dirt that tom is that stupid that he's got ivy taking him down there golfing like he's his good friend when all he's taking him down there he's gonna have his money golfing when we got to the bahamas he he kept paying ten thousand ret hit his tee shot i don't know it was like one thousand and two we started off vetting like 200 a whole or something like that and by the end of the match it was like he was putting 280 footers for like there was one time that i like literally just hit it into the water 17 times in a row at like 1 2k a pop or something well you know it was just small enough that i was like not that mad at myself for wasting 2 000 and then after like 10 of them i was just angry and wanted to get it right and then at like 15 i just quit angrily should go to the driving range it's cheaper 600 to play feldman takes a peek queen eight suited not going to play 600 raised to 2000. phil ivey getting into the raising action we raised to seven thousand at least we haven't played with the guys who are telling you that they should 95 and they should 76 6 700 that hasn't happened so far happened to you already it's happened 20 times already if you're justin smith if you're paying attention to ziggman zigman hasn't played a hand in a while but he picks this spot to three bet yeah ace jack doesn't look near as strong for justin smith in this situation where it's an open raise by phil ivey in a re-raised by ziggman yeah and sure enough justin smith going to throw away the best hand and phil ivey's as well this is going to work and zigman takes it down watch out zegman getting handled on this table and here we are in london it's a great town and it's a great town for poker and some of the best in the world have assembled here and it's 600 to play in covent garden there's one of them philanthropy with queen 10 suited queen 10 suited flats wow this is a new fill to play that's one thing about phil ivey i mean he's always going to change gears mix it up you never know where he's at now feldman's in the small blonde with ace jack off scene how do you play this because phil ivey and zigman have both limped in i just left okay i was gonna say because if he raises he's probably gonna get both players to call and he's got to play ace jack off suit out of position i know he doesn't want to do that too dangerous here's the flop all hearts 983 feldman with the ace of hearts the best hand right now is actually ziggman i believe but feldman's got overs plus the ace of hearts i can think he can play this hand pretty strong okay yeah and he he figures to just take this down when he leads out i love his pet sizing there a little over half pot and everybody folds and feldman wins another one didn't hear that much early on i gotta tell you i think feldman's won three and lost three unfortunately for him he's losing the big ones and winning the small ones and it's 600 to play sunny london it is actually sunny i know it was a beautiful day i saw it on breaks 600 plus i'm from an arid climate so i must have brought the weather with me i'll take credit for it all you londoners i love it here by the way it's just like you a guy from texas so humble raised to 2 000 2 000 to call 2 000 from dwan feldman going to call 1700 i think that was a button call not a i like my hand call oh he's got position 14 to play it looks like we're going to have four players to the flop i know mike likes this kind of hand because it's kind of handy where he can draw to the nuts well there's a lot of dominated hands out here there's three eights so if the fourth eight came we could see some action on this 97 check all that mike the mouth's going to like this one he's flopping nut flush draw nobody else really thought much i mean patrick antonius has an opening straight for all that six thousand and i guess he likes his opening straight draw it's just a little semi bluff and when i say semi bluff help us out well basically when you're bluffing with outs in other words he led into this flop because he's six has a straight draw so it's really not a bluff but it's not a made hand either all right now right now he only has 10 high so he's hoping you take it down but if he gets called hey he still got outs that's right i don't think feldman's gonna call this unless he gets creative he would be extremely creative i don't know we've seen it before from him heads up the mouth versus the fin that's a good card for mikey mike with top pair and the flush crawl antonius drawing very thin well needs a jack or a six it's not a club with that card there that might freeze up patrick antonius oh wow and mike madison checks back i'm not a fan of that check back well you can't like the river card as well because if patrick antonius was betting the nine on the flop well now he's got trips and patrick antonius very well could represent that i mean if you're mike the mouth because you have clubs you probably put antonious on what a seven or nine right yeah absolutely but you know the only thing here if he had a 9 13 000 it feels like to me he might have gone ahead and bet the turn with that much of a coordinated board two hearts two clubs gonna punish once to punish the draws it's a very tough call for mike mainly not just because of the ninth threat he has a weak ace i mean his eight kicker plays but most of the time his eight kicker isn't going to be good yeah he can only beat a bluff here antonius is either betting a bigger ace or nine mike makes the call though i guess we've got it oh you got it don't worry we want it great call from the mouth absolutely great call well played by what used to be our shortest stack by far and he's managed to work his stack right up mike's less than twenty thousand loser now uh oh let's enjoy it for a second i'm waiting for somebody to punch that donkey in the face join us after the break for more action from the full million-dollar cash game welcome back to the full tilt million dollar cash game chinese poker game after this real high yeah where is the sky we're starting at 11. excuse me so i think you should all play as late as you can tonight and enjoy your chinese six hundred to cool it's pretty sick play like 10 hands of it too you win right i've just had like 800 and he went all back in like two hands so i think i'm gonna quit 1800 to play i think i was ahead like 20 something points or something i lost it all back where's that donkey now yeah race to 6 600. come on texan what are those those are the cowboys right they're the cowboys and mike's trying to spur them on six thousand three hundred more mike three bets up to sixty six hundred ivy gets out of the way i think the only thing that might save peter jet in here is that my mouth has been playing so tight now this this one's a little bit different four thousand eight hundred more the mike the mouth is such a tight player can jen fold jacks it's so hard to fold these pre-flop do you have any blacks mike you might want to see at least the flop but at the same time mike the mouth has been playing extremely tight so i got a feeling we're gonna see peter jet jetting this hand he might even four bet here i think he thinks he's got the best hand i don't like it i wouldn't do it i would either fold or flat you know any flats chet's gonna flat and the only thing if you're flooding if you are gonna call pre-flop you are gonna flat so to speak you better have a plan on the flop if all babies come out there queen 8-3 rainbow madison still in command with his kings oh now that might actually really hurt peter jetten because mike the mouth slow plane is two kings it feels like the two jacks are good now i i might even lead here jack hold that and check check wow mike just content to win what's in there i mean it's okay to have pot control but this is ridiculous i mean he's not making any money off this hand he should have bet the turn for sure now he might not be able to bet the river because there's three diamonds on the board he's gotta bet this though pot's nearly fifteen thousand i don't think he's gonna get the chance to bet it i think he's gonna have to call now which i think he'll do in a very quick manner at least induce this bluff i mean it's actually not a bluff i think jen thinks he's the best hand i call i thought he had coins and madison snap calls shows his two black kings that's him i got my stack of jack come sorry i put you i was sure you had coins in my head wow and look at this for mike the mouth mike the mouth is now up 200. what a turnaround for the mouth wow what a great recovery by mike madison you gotta give him credit i don't know if anybody's played better at this table mike can we bet a thousand yeah i got red well i'm running good man dude don't be pulling against my boy phil i'm not whatever phil's side is i'm even going oh no and i'm not paying it back but can you just bet me for just for me please not gonna bet anything okay still thinks it's gonna thank you drink something i mean i turned like four hundred dollars in the 120 000. he thinks i'm jinxing let me look let me look i'd be anxiously waiting for mattis how to fold let me small i have one of each here so what side do you have i bet i'll take red i have a red no you don't take red red mike obliges i'll take but you know what the red red is coming up anyways it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because it's already there ivy with queen seven is that the computer hands it is technically computer hand meaning that it is the average hand now if he's not going to play the average hand earlier he called a raise with the average hand boosted jay justin smith the 22 year old not going to play his button and it's a battle of the blinds dwan versus feldman my donkey wants to know if that's the old tom juan he's back well it's kind of added value he's got two flush draws right that's the way i always look at it oh and what a flop for andrew feldman dwan with top pair feldman flops the wheel wow now normally you wouldn't think a big pot would develop but this is blind on blind action sometimes strange things can happen when it's blind on blind agreed agreed i think i just lost 50 000. four 3400 two on bets how do you play it if you're feldman well first of all i don't look back at my hand uh you don't wanna expose this you flop the wheel it's the second best hand in the world you know what i do if i'm feldman i raise right here not a big raise but i raise i want to get dwan tied into this pot in case a scare card comes on the turn i i wanted him to put some money in here right here right now all right if an ace a six a four if any of those cards were to come off that would definitely scare do you want to be honest any over card would really square tuan short of a queen well he didn't agree with my strategy but i think he should have played it that way nine of hearts on the turn now queen or five on the turn would have really been devastating for dirt i think if derbet's out here we'll hear from feldman pot 11 6 dare to speak they're looking for any kind of read oh yeah see der still thinks he has the best hand it's funny most live players will actually watch their opponent as they bet feldman did not bet 8 800 and that in itself is a little bit of a tell he's not interested in what dwan has because he has the nuts he knows he's got him you know actually in the big picture of traps andrew feldman might just flat call again because he's almost guaranteed if it comes a blank for tom juan to lead again personally i like to make a raise here i like to make it about 25 000 to go see i agreed with you on the flop i would have raised in the flop once i call the flop if i took feldman's line and i called the flop i probably just smooth call here again raise to 27 600. that's about what i said 25 26 000 yep i like it so far i mean he very well could get called here that's a fairly decent size raise almost 20 000 more now let's look at this hand from dwan's perspective can you continue you're out of position with queen five now you raised your opponent called you've hit top pair you've let out on the flop and the turn and now you've been raised what do you do i'm starting to feel like i don't have the best hand right now if i i mean honestly the guy flats me on the on the flop and then raises me when the nine comes on the turn it doesn't feel like a hand what hand could he have that had a nine in it then call the flop and the only hand i'm trying to invent that maybe he could have something like a six seven of hearts where he called with a gut shot and now he's picked up a double gutter and a heart draw something like that that is that i'm inventing a hand that's definitely that's probably about the only one i can see six seven of hearts juan calls oh wow cool well a queen or a five on the river here we could see thunder and lightning strike that's not the card you want to see the eight diamonds we're never going to see a bet from andrew feldman it's a matter of what size bet we're going to see how much would you bet plot 66 8. you know what i i i like to bet about 40 or 45 i mean just enough where it looks like i'm trying to blow him off the hand he could even push all in with 76 000. i love this pause by andrew feldman hands are shaking well i tell you if he goes for the payoff he's gonna be about 35 000. he wants to get paid off 47 000 might be a little too much to get paid off here but tom dwan is capable of making these kind of calls but unfortunately he'll be wrong hero call hasn't worked real well today for anyone crowd is watching every move right now they're on their feet at least a couple of them are forty seven thousand back to duan the pot is a hundred and thirteen eight dwan's done everything right until this hand a tough position for tom duan he's gone with his instincts on the flop and on the turn now another 47 000 worth of instinct on the line if you call the turn yeah you just follow the river you know what i i think you can i think if you called the turn great instincts by him he made he made that call turn and i thought he might call here but his instincts tell him that he's beat he folds and he saves himself forty seven thousand dollars he's still our big winner today yeah i i think andrew feldman bet a little too much there on that river card [Music] duane's still up nearly 120 thousand dollars ivy up over 51 000 mike madison yes mike the mouth he was on life support earlier he is now up 8 000 and andrew feldman he climbs back he's still down 6 700 but he'll take that after his early misstep our big loser is ziggman he is down a hundred and ten thousand dollars that's it for day one join us after the break for more high-stakes action from the full tilt million-dollar cash game we're into the second day of the full million dollar cash game i'm david tuchman joining me in the booth today is world series of poker bracelet holder and texan character it's robert williams in the third two new players join the action one is only 21 years old she's norwegian superstar annette oberstad she shocked the poker world when she won the world series of poker europe as an 18 year old our other player frenchman well known in the poker world david benjamin he has won world series of poker bracelet to his name was once a professional tennis player but now he makes millions on a different green surface i spoke with annette before today's action and she expressed concern while she's a superstar in the tournaments she feels like she's a bit of an underdog against this field she is a great cash game player but she's playing against incredibly talented other cash game players she's probably not in her comfort zone in this lineup i have a feeling with the stack sizes being what they are i think if they were deeper right now she would be at a big disadvantage i actually don't mind her playing more of a tournament philosophy in a cash game when she has a smaller amount of big blinds in front of her straddle's on for 1200. we've got another straddle here once again blind to 300 600 to 100 auntie with a 1200 straddle what exactly is going on with this the straddle is when basically the person sitting to the left of the big blind decides to put double that amount on there but they also get last action so it's not a complete gamble because you get last action which is definitely a big advantage pre-flop well i'll tell you right now they came here to gamble they're ready to gamble raise to 3 500. we've got some big hands developing here annette oberstad is going to raise it up straddle she raises it up ace queen then you mean right behind her with two nines now if we were eight-handed you might not see as many chips go in but six-handed these are monsters to eleven thousand two hundred ten thousand nine hundred more we gotta raise from overstock to thirty five hundred benjamin has three bet up to 11 200. yeah i don't think annette can possibly get away from this pre-flop how much more it's 11 200 in total 7 700 i assume if she decides the four bed she's plot committing herself that she's not going to fold then no she won't if she makes the initial mistake which isn't a mistake it's a coin toss but if she makes the initial mistake she'll follow through with it i know annette's played very well i played a lot of hours with her well she decides to call and then two newcomers waste no time getting involved patrick and tony is smiling as he joins in the game he's going to watch this hand though and here's the flop queen five five good flop for overstock and you know why it's even better flop there's only one overcard to the nines she might get paid off oberstad checks over to benjamin i got a good feeling for that here that uh it's going to be hard for david benjamin not to lose some chips in this pot and he has to bet a decent bet here he has to about at least like 15 000 13 14 15 000 as a continuation bet so uh i think that's gonna have a good feel for where she's at in this hand these players bought in for a hundred thousand dollars but after a bit a three bet and now a bet on the flop they're almost gonna be all in soon i think if a net were to push shove right now she might be able to get paid off if she just flat raises maybe not but it could look like she's on a diamond draw and she could get possibly called and double up on the right off the bat entering the game she's trying to decide right now what's my proper reaction to this action i think she knows or believes that she has the best hand and she decides to call pot now fifty two thousand seven hundred dollars benjamin oberstad the only problem with this hand is now it and that could get unlucky in a nine cops or a king deuce jekyll well i'm talking about scare cards here come on if you think your opponent might have an over pair more than anything and overstud now has a flush draw as well overstud checks one more time she has top pair top kicker with the flush draw well this is the moment of truth for david benjamin does he believe and that's on a flush draw if he does if you believe she really has a flush draw here he's got a bet again and then she gets his entire stack or she lays it down if she believes david benjamin has kings or aces like an over pair especially if he pushes all in here it's a slight time and a half to pot all in would be uh be a tough call for a net it's actually an awkward stack size for david benjamin as well meaning that he can't really afford then you mean big bet here from benjamin twenty thousand two hundred twenty thousand two hundred he's left a little over fifty thousand behind twenty thousand two hundred to call i think that's more because if annette is to race he can get away from the hand here this actually looks like a value bet it may scare a net even more i would say that she's either shoving or folding i don't i don't think we'll see in between there's no way she's folding no i don't think she's planning to fold either i feel pretty positive she's going to go ahead and take a chance if she's against an over pair she has outs she's got the nut flush draw with top pair top kicker no chance she folds wow a little surprised she just flats there that seems a little awkward pot is now 93 100 to the river oh now i'll tell you what that's a terrible river for both players this might freeze the action up check check because check check and over style is going to win a huge pot the 21 norwegian takes in 93 100 it's a great start for her it's got to feel good i know she went into this table she's a little bit scared she felt maybe some of the players at this table had a little bit more cash game experience than she did it's got to feel good to get that first big pot under your under your belt well this is one of those situations where she's right to be afraid how much do you think i'm ahead of you seriously lifetime on the poker maybe six six million come on i still have some money i said you said he's up six million i'm poker on you 1200 that's what he says i don't i don't see how but i'm sure he's probably off by only about raised to 3 500. that's what he claims what about the golf how am i doing that let's hear this fantasy of yours you really want to talk about it here no national tv with this lineup i wouldn't be surprised if so a lot of straddling once again this time benny means straddles feldman raises the 3 500 with the 10-9 patrick antonius calls 11 500 now madison doesn't believe it he is going to three bet this to 11 500 and this pot is ballooning up remember the blinds are 300 600 the 1200 straddle you've got a raise in first position from feldman a call from patrick antonius and i think a lot of dead money out there madison thought it was the perfect opportunity to squeeze 8 000 he couldn't help himself i'll tell you what a squeeze play is probably the right play here but madison's squeezing with the best hand squeeze play is where another player has opened a pot especially if there's some dead money out there you get a caller or two and then the last player to act they make a re-raise to try to win the pot well the action is on andrew feldman he's deciding what to do how are you guys doing and while he's deciding none other than tom duan our big winner so far has joined the table you just wake up hour ago or so half an hour he's got his cup of coffee and he's ready to play all of them should be drinking coffee i think they were all playing well into the night last night wow shocking poker players playing poker waiting for the night 8 000 to call and the play is going to work by madison feldman folds antonious gets out of the way and madison who uh way back when was down to about fourteen thousand dollars did not rebuy interestingly enough but he's up over a hundred and twelve thousand he's developed a tight image his image alone got him that money right there the million dollar cash game leaderboard these are the players in the game dwan our big leader overall he's up over 118 thousand dollars zigmund and patrick antonius are big losers combined they're down nearly two hundred thousand dollars mike madison now up twenty five thousand one hundred dollars doesn't seem like that big a win until you start thinking wow he was down eighty six thousand dollars antonius on the button ivy in the big blind [Music] action on the brit it's feldman you're convinced that i'm gonna win that i think you are now well this would normally seem like a great spot to try to make a steal but i feel like we see the big blind here cool any race i will probably probably nope no no you look a little funny there my friend i always look funny 10 full queen queen 10 4 a couple of diamonds that 2 000 top pair and he's gonna bet two thousand ivy calls ivy decides to float this flop queen wow he can float all day now madison's got three queens about four thousand four to call okay this is a question for me madison is going to be on the 4000 would you ever check if you're mad at knowing that ivy's probably floating i would absolutely when that turn card comes right there i go ahead and check i'll give aggressive player like phil ivey a chance to hang themselves we've got to give him a little rope i mean although it is it is a draw heavy board i mean there are two diamonds out there there are straight draws out there maybe you're scared if well there's diamond and aid a king or to come up but you can't play scared poker i don't want to beat you a lot of tennis players in the game seems so odd patrick antonius was a former tennis player i know gus hansen was a tennis player david benny mean a tennis player what is it with athletes that turned to poker players i think that being an athlete being competitive gives you that drive that mental urge to win and it carries over on the green felt just as well as it does on the court so robert what sport did you play um i was actually an all-state basketball player believe it or not really yeah looking at me now you look like i'm hiding basketballs 600 race to 1900. this time zigan picks up a real hand snowmen said with 10 nine the people living in warmer climates snowman referring to the two eights in his hand cool oversted calls and benjamin picks up another big hand in the blinds this time ace queen 74 i suspect we'll see at least a three bet here we race to 7 400. and sure enough there's another three bet we just saw this it's like deja vu this time instead of the four bet you got the raise from zegman's the call from a net and a three bet from david benjamin seven thousand four hundred total this time i'm not sure if sigmund's gonna fold so quickly no matter of fact he he might actually consider a re-raise here in this spot well i guess he's considering the call cool 1400 title maybe 16. segment calls and is that going to bring in overstud now it very well could and that's checking out the stack size of david benjamin she's getting a little bit more than three to one on the call plus implied odds by the way implied odds well basically in a nutshell when you have the right implied odds it means it's not what you can win right here on this hand it's how much can you win on later streets how much in the overall pot you can win all right if you hit your hand how much you can potentially win flop ten four three two clubs annette would have made top pair but she folded sigmund the best of it right now with the snowmen and you means got the betting lead he was the free flop aggressor he's got the whip especially with uh one over card but i'll tell you right now zigman's not the kind of player with only one card out there to not make this call if they've been even does leave this flop i think ziggman would definitely call here pot eighteen thousand defending means gonna check check i think that's a smart check by david benjamin not really running up the white flag he's not saying i surrender but at the same time he's saying okay that's a disjointed flop there's a good chance that he knows i'm on big cards but that might not have fit my hand i actually like this especially against the aggressive finish player and a check check turn is another 10 and that's not kicking herself that would have been trip tens for her especially with the check check flop it would have been a very very good turn card for annette overstuds hand well now it wouldn't make any sense to me if david even led this pot here on the turn that's 9000. i'm really surprised not telling a very consistent story so many times in poker it's the story that you tell well is there a chance that he thinks he has the best hand i mean there's a chance i mean remember ziggman who sometimes will call lightly is there a chance that sigmund's got king jack well here's the problem by leading this turn card even if he thinks he has the best hand right here he can only be called by hand that beats him cool and uh zigman does call and you're right you can only beat him well that was bingo now ziggman if he wasn't sure if he was ahead before he's pretty sure now check check he's got to make a real odd bet to get paid off here it's kind of basically over the pot over bet or drastically value bet yeah we've seen this from ziggman though we've seen 12 000 like a third of the pot he's got to do one or the other to get this hand paid off but i would think knowing how zigman plays we're more likely to see that 100 thousand yeah we're more likely to see it over back we knew it you knew it was coming out you knew the overvent was coming and zigman does this with his bluffs he does this with his made hands it's one of the reasons he's so dangerous speaking of over bets there was 36 000 in this pot now there's 136 thousand wow of course david bateman only has 43 000 left i i like it from ziggman's side of the felt right effectively the bet is only 43 000. that's correct but it just looks so odd because most players go you know if you had a made hand wouldn't you want to get paid off that's the conventional thinking zigbee goes the other way around and he goes you know what that's what you're thinking so i'm going to do this instead yep he's definitely an unconventional player but i'll tell you what his style of play works he could definitely be on a broken flush draw right here he could he could have a club troll david benjamin might try to make a hero call here you could have six high he could have five six i mean you think of all the hands he could have right easily easily could be on a bluff i i think there's actually over fifty percent chance that they've been gonna pay this off and i can't say that if i'm david benjamin that i fault him exactly it's kind of a tough spot i bet david benjamin wishes he didn't make that turn back because turn back is what's really got him in a perplexed state right now i have you watching on there's a call yep there's the call from me i thought he might get paid off here and he does full house and i think benjamin knew it benjamin said you know what you got a monster or you got nothing at all it had to be one or the other yeah i don't i can't really fault david benjamin for that huge pot and it goes to ziggman 122 800. nice and thanks and benjamin's gonna have to rebuy he has been felted and he makes the signal is that for one hundred thousand or one million you never know what david ben you mean yeah with this crowd you never know david benjamin down a hundred thousand patrick antonio is down 93-8 oberstad up 30 000 our big winner tom dwan up 106 000 zig mint still down 48 000 but remember at one point he was down 110 000 and we talked about it earlier he's really starting to get a feel for this table now he's going to take swings his style of play is going to cause swings for himself and whoever's playing the plot against him he's a uber aggressive opponent and uh his style of play fits this game very well welcome back to the full tilt million dollar cash game benjamin ivy antonius oberstad zigman dwan benjamin down a hundred thousand dollars he has rebought for another hundred thousand raise two thousand we get a raise from antonius with six deuce when i go out cool ziggman's gonna call with the nines and we're starting to get some bigger deeper stacks at this table zignan with a quarter million dwan with over 200 000. ivy with 164 000. what's as we suspect that this game would play bigger and bigger and it's starting to already it's getting there four-handed jack ford deuce rainbow opening straight draw for tom juan bottom pair for patrick antonius nines right now are ahead six thousand cool yeah i suspect we will see a call here from tom juan and opening straight trail yeah i'd like to see at least one club out there but even without the club it's a rainbow board and he's got to draw the nuts well plus he's already got another caller so he's getting you know good pot odds yeah no definitely i mean he's getting more than three to one and we talked about implied odds already so he's getting more than three to one already plus implied odds that's correct he's also got to think in a raised pot if he were to hit his hand with an ace it's a good chance maybe the ace hits somebody else yeah absolutely so if he hits one end of his hand it's a good chance he's gonna get paid off in his mind obviously we can see that nobody has an ace now there's one way to play this hand by calling the other way 21-6 21 600 it's by raising it's a strong semi-block and do you like it you know against these other two opponents i don't mind it at all patrick antonius is so aggressive ziggman so aggressive i like it i like it fight aggression with aggression you know it's funny against players that are a little bit more predictable like a madison or chris ferguson sometimes you want to make that call because if you make that call if you hit your hand your opponent's actually more likely to have something that will pay you off in this case though these guys don't necessarily have anything and we can see that antonio's only had six dudes well in addition to that ziggman makes this call he's the kind of player that can make these type of calls so oh but that was gin for tom dwan by the way if antonius had made that call if tom dwan had just smooth called that and not made the raise antonius would add two pair yeah he could have won a really big pot here could have been a monster of course there's already 58 000 plus in this spot so i guess it's already a pretty big pot yeah it is this is actually a spot where i might check hoping that ziggman would lead here knowing tom juan though he's not much of a checker i think he's gonna lead at this point 35k probably strong semiblow from tom dwan and when you're semi-bluffing you're kind of hoping you're going to take it down right then and there but if you don't take it down you still got out he's hit one of his outs check oh and he does check it i like it i like it a lot even though i think we'll see ziggman check back to him it could lead to a payoff on the river juan almost makes it look like he was making a move and now once he gets called he's shutting down absolutely so tricky i like it looks like he's still getting ever aggressive ziggman wow he's reaching for chips well right now ziggman's thinking about betting to protect his hand he thinks the nines are good he really does believe he has the best hand interesting play here zegman gonna bet 39 nine thousand from sigmund well easy come for easy go because we can see that ziggman has zero percent chance of winning this pot action back to duane pot nearly one hundred thousand dollars already i mean dramatic pause by tom juan is how much can i get paid off how can i get more money extract more money from sigmund gone with the nuts trying to figure out how to get paid tosses it away quickly folds dwan must have really thought ziggman had a big hand he did he thought he had top pair minimal you play good man very good i'm gonna think for a second so i can set a fair line when a poker player starts talking about setting a fair line scares me every time us really wants to get the best of it raise 2 000 antonius makes the raise with 108 of clubs gap suited connector plus over to oberstad 1.35 who you guys oberstad the youngest world series of poker bracelet winner at 18 years old no way you agree you should be lame right matter of fact she couldn't even play in the world series of poker in las vegas because it's 21 to play there a dollar fifty six thousand five hundred is more on the ball and a re-raise from annette oberstad with king eight of diamonds that's the position raised there i thought dollar fifteen was pretty close to the price i think i don't think it's that far off i think it's you know about 20 cents off maybe 19. you know you're saying 35 years is the right price that you're saying maybe a dollar 34 but i want to make a cent of value you're trying to steal from us man it's trying to steal from us three king fool an interesting flop here top pair for annette overstodd and a flush draw check for patrick antonius pot just under fifteen thousand dollars i think that's pretty fair what do you think the favorite part are you gonna leave you against the dollar ten dollars i'm gonna take a net against you no your favorite thought against me what are you gonna do don't look at me like that you're a favorite that look was out of line nine thousand bets from overstudy annette do you play peeler oh she doesn't have she doesn't she doesn't play plo yeah a little bit but there you go she saved me a little awkward for patrick antonio's here because if he just flats it looks like he's on a drawing hand and may not get paid off i think he almost needs to fold a raise here i know that sounds strange because he obviously has 10 high but i think he's considering those two options i'd be surprised to be just flats well check race here would be a semi bluff obviously he'd be bluffing with a drawing hand if he makes it about 25 000 to play like unless annette has a really big hand he might get her to lay this down i mean she doesn't have much of a kicker so if he does raise and it looks like he's cutting out chips to make a race yeah patrick antonius's style of play is to re-race right here i mean if he raises here if he doesn't check raise overstock can only beat a bluff yeah and i don't think we'll see a call i mean honestly that's why it's such a great play sometimes these semi-bluffs are really strong plays because you're actually on the drawing hand raise 27 000. just like that 27 000 to go well 27 000 it's 18 more thanks to overstud really tough call for annette overstud i mean if she's against another made hand her hand's probably not good if she's against a draw he can still get there i don't think she can call here what's he gonna bet on the turn you know that's what has to go through your mind it's not just calling the flop she might have to face a big bet on the turn as well well she wants to get a count she wants to know how much antonio says behind and antonius has 61 000 she hasn't covered so she's that's what she's figuring out if i call this it could be 61 000 more i mean is there anything wrong with her calling here and seeing how it develops in the turn i mean she is in position it's an awkward stack position for her not because of her stack size because patrick antonius isn't deep enough where if he was to move all in on the turn or make a substantial bet if she calls she she's almost guaranteed to have to call more on the turn so i i really favor a fold here even though she does have the best hand you know i'm just thinking it's or she could push all in here that's her other two options action on a net antonius has check raised here to 27 000 and it's 18 000 back to oberstad i think she's actually honestly considering pushing on him there's no call in her range it's push all in or fold annette a two-to-one favorite if it goes to showdown you can see the percentages but that means nothing she's got to get the showdown and she's all in cool it's all in antonio's a club and only a club on the river will save what do antonio mean here's the river it's a five of diamonds and annette overstud has felted patrick antonius 190 000 well played well thought out a nice win there for an ed overstud gotta love it when two great players tangle like that the the metagame the mental side and she knew there's a good chance he was on a draw and she made the call actually made the raise oh is my matter so even in that hand [Music] mike the mouth pouring some salt on the wound patrick antonius now down two hundred thousand dollars tom dwan up 179.5 annette oberstad a 21 year old she came to this table a little intimidated she thought she might be a little out of her league out of her league she's up nearly 150 000 i think she might be out of she might be out the door mike madison has gone from zero to hero after fighting his way back up our leaderboard to earn himself a tidy profit no such luck from patrick antonius who's our big loser so far the finn is down 200 000 after being felted by newcomer annette oberstad tom duan is still way out in front but with a world-class field eyeing up his chips how long will that last catch us next time on the full-tilt million-dollar cash game [Music]
Channel: The Poker Vaults
Views: 101,130
Rating: 4.6401029 out of 5
Keywords: Million Dollar Cash Game, poker, poker show, full tilt, full tilt poker, full tilt poker million dollar cash game, phil ivey, phil hellmuth, mike matusow, patrik antonius, sky sports, poker 2019, poker after dark, poker tips, poker strategy, daniel negreanu, pokerstars, thepokervaults1123
Id: WeO2UzYRrss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 15sec (4335 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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