Million Dollar Cash Game S4E6 FULL EPISODE Poker Show

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[Music] hello and welcome to London where we have the biggest names in poker and unlimited cash buyers all the players trying to make as much profit as possible in order to walk off with the much covered at 2009 Million Dollar Cash Game trophy we've got all the ingredients we need so let's hand you straight up to your commentators hello and welcome to the Full Tilt million dollar cash game we're in the heart of London and some of the best and biggest names in poker have come together to put their money where their mouth is there's Chris Jesus Ferguson the 2000 World Series of Poker Main Event Champion I'm David tuckman alongside poker Phenom Robert Williamson III quite a lineup we have here on Robert I'll tell you what this is one time I'm glad I'm in the booth and not down there on the felt what a tough lineup we've got there's Gus Hanson got off to a rough start in this million dollar cash game this is season four by the way quickly lost a hundred thousand dollars but he is now Gus Hanson is now up 98 000. There's Tom dwan doesn't need much of an excuse to mix it up he's going to raise it up with Ace Deuce of Clubs Madison gonna call with the queen 10. no surprises there yet I know Tom dewan's gonna play a lot of hands and uh people are going to try to take advantage of him playing so many ants in position I don't blame Mike I think six nine oh wow it's an interesting flop how would a flopped flush for Tom dwan yeah the nut flush and Mike Madison not normally the player to mix it up but he's gonna he's gonna flow one here he's gonna take one off you like to play you know I don't like it I know what he's thinking why not reevaluate on the turn get give his uh give him a call on his flatbed float him well the seven of hearts on the turn changes some things Mike Mattis out well it goes check check I was going to say the seven on the turn Madison actually double got it could have caught a Jack or an eight to make the straight obviously we know he's drawing dead yeah well on top of that he did make a pair on the river here so he might be he might be in payoff mode he might he might feel like he has to pay this off now well pot 14 200 and it's a small tiny bet there 2 800. yeah he's gonna get paid off uh you know once he's decided to float this now he made the hand he was drawing it I mean you know besides the straight you're probably the best I want it huh I won I mean it's a ridiculously tiny bed there I couldn't turn my cards over from Tom dwan and he says I won and yeah I've only got the nuts queen queen High flush you didn't want to go broke this time Mikey for the queen high five does that mean you fluffed repair it means I means you got the absolute maximum you're ever gonna get oh no they're never getting more than that 2800 you bet on the road I hadn't picked there if you bid like 3 100 on the river he's up just to refresh our viewers blinds are 300 600 Auntie is a running 100. which that'll force you to gamble a little bit right there it's a lot of dead money in that pot already Gus Hanson's gonna gamble he's in there in first position with 85 of diamonds yeah he's gonna be a real hero someday Tom's one raises again pocket sevens that's the great part about playing a lot of hands like Tom dwan does when he does hit a hand or catch any big hands he'll get paid off yeah and we've seen that Tom dwan by the way he's up I want to say about eighty six thousand dollars and he has gotten paid off Patrick Antonius he has re-raised this with the ace 10 off and look at this Chris Ferguson wakes up with a pair two sixes decides to make the call as well I saw them do this one time in a movie an action back to Gus Hanson the Great Dane gonna call there's a lot of flops could get these hands in trouble five eight of diamonds two sixes two sevens anything involving those kind of cards could be straights versus uh sets we could see some could see some excitement here well it's nothing like that Jack Jack 10. Patrick Antonius for the best of it right now he's got two pair and Pardon Me by the way Tom dwan is actually the free flop rage Apache Cantonese did not re-raise pot is fourteen thousand one hundred dollars I suspect with the coordinated board here though if it checks around to Patrick Antonius he's got to lead something out of this too too big of a pot already out there with a coordinated board well you called it it did check around the Patrick Antonius he is going to bet looks like he bet around 9 000 I think yeah those red chips are 1 000 the purples are 100 the blues are 500 and if you see a black one that's 25 000. I don't really think anybody has anything to call do they you know I'd be surprised if he if he gets a call here I think the only one that Mike can call and really not is Tom dwan because he's going to be last to act and as I say that Gus Hanson decides to to call a lot of floating going on here uh at the billion dollar cash game I don't think that's a call I think that's a raise from Gus Hanson just trying to get a confirmation no I think you're right I mean that black Chip is 25 000. so he he's made it uh 25 500 to play he's representing the jack wow and indeed the race is the 25 500. it's another 15-5 back to Antonius and it this is actually a tough spot for Patrick Antonius I was gonna say these guys have a lot of history together Patrick knows Gus pretty well yeah yeah well here's the problem I love I love Patrick's call there I I think that was excellent but there's a slew of cards that come off dangerous eight of clubs I mean that's a pretty dangerous card for that board it puts it puts us straight out there as well and two flush draws if custom makes a big bet here I'd be shocked if uh Patrick calls but boy it would take some big nerve yeah he doesn't have the nerve there he checks it a check raise on the Flop and you get flat called I'm giving up position to Patrick Antonius another great player it's tough now if you are Patrick though can you bet this you know the reason why I don't like to bet this right here I know normally saying people would think that if I think I have the best hand I have to bet and I have to price the draws out but if he's wrong here he could possibly get in a situation he can't call a re-raise i I prefer a check and hope for a safe card on the on the on the river um I know a lot of people that don't believe in that school of thought but that's my thought here my opponent's already showed strength by Chuck raising me on the flop I don't like a bet here I mean anyway you cut it it's a tough spot to be in but uh Patrick Antonius definitely not afraid of tough spots he bets 37 000. you know and if I was going to bet that's about the bet I would bet a little over half the pot and uh but the only problem with that is you're really not shutting any draws out if somebody's on a draw now you've basically you've given the right price to draw so I don't know that's a tough spot I don't like that bet but uh I guess he was afraid to check it to Gus because Gus might lead the river that's the other school of thought and the winner of the Full Tilt million dollar cash game gets a prestigious trophy obviously beating a field like this not easy by any means and right now it's a close battle between Tom dwan and Chris Ferguson Tom dwan up 93 000 Chris Ferguson up 97 000. Mike matisau by the way still in the running with the A7 clubs and I think he actually straddle you're right and we got to raise right under the gun there from Patrick Antonio's with the Cowboys whether you're not actually a tough spot for uh Mike Madison well it may not be Gus Hansen wakes up with two eights now he's out of position with the eights he's gonna smooth call this it looks like yeah I like that I like a smooth call right there wow this Tom d word pardon me Tom der dwan he's actually um might be priced in here plays a lot of hands but I don't think we're going to see a re-raise but he might flat call this and if he calls that starts to Avalanche that'll bring Mike matiso for sure well you said it when you straddle a pot these pots just get artificially bigger and bigger well everybody everybody tries to represent a hand and looky here speaking of trying to represent a hand Tom Dewan his uh re-raising this pot well you've got a lot of dead money in there I mean you've got the straddle from from the mouth you've got a bet from Antonius you've got a flat call I mean it looks like a squeeze plate doesn't it looks like a perfect squeeze opportunity but the only problem is Patrick tonight's got two kings I got a feeling that he's gonna get squeezed all right squeezed squeezed into a a trapping play here by the way Antonio started this pot with 352 thousand dollars Tom dwan 293 thousand dollars and that's a black Chip there that's twenty five thousand dollars and he is going to re-raise he's taking your advice dealer will count it down to exactly how much it is 6 000 200 total and obviously Tom dwan caught with his hand in the cookie jar that's the fold happens from time timeline whatever you like to steal cookies well take it let's take a look at a leaderboard here Chris Ferguson in the lead he's up 97 000 and at present he will win the trophy very prestigious one at that Alan Cunningham is our big loser he's down 124 thousand dollars Mike matasau who was once up a hundred thousand now only up thirty five thousand [Music] foreign [Music] welcome back to the bright lights of London where some of the biggest names in poker are battling it out for the prestigious trophy we'll hand you straight back to your commentators it's a close-up there Chris Ferguson oh and there's what's exactly why we got the close-up how about the Cowboys for Jesus he makes it 1800 quick call from Cunningham and that's and interesting here Cunningham's going to call a race from Ferguson with pocket threes well he's trying to flop a set I think that's more Alan Cunningham's version of course Tom Juan calls with a deuce for off suit I think they also realize some of these players especially Tom dwan that Chris Ferguson gets in a big pot with a big pair they flop two pairs some odd two pair here they may get his whole stack and I guess when Chris Ferguson is Raising under the gun he's certainly representing a big pair he is absolutely or big cards for sure this is going to go four ways pod is eighty five hundred dollars gosh just like we talked about Tom Tuan has flopped bottom two Chris Ferguson with the over pair oh I carumba this is going to be a tough one for uh Chris Ferguson really could be yeah we could see fireworks here wow check I don't think Chris is checking to because he's afraid I think he's tracking to check raise the one thing about in there with Kings I mean a board like that especially with two clubs it's hard to give your opponent credit right yeah yeah now this is going to be this could end real bad unless Chris gets some help along the way six six yeah I suspect when the action gets back around to Chris we're gonna see a check raise oh Tom's one makes it 6600. Patrick and Tony's gets out of the way and it's back to Chris Ferguson pot is fifteen thousand one hundred the action is on Chris Ferguson with the two with two kings Chris has got a very precarious chips stack position as well right here with 200 000. ugh Tom dwan has him covered if that does come up oh Ferguson is going it's kind of slow he's gonna play a little pot control let's see a turn turns to five of hearts that doesn't seem to change anything Chris Jesus Ferguson against Tom dwan pot is 21 700 Ferguson's gonna check it one more time at least Chris is telling a consistent story here if he led there it would just look unbelievable so I like to check well if there's anybody at this table that knows how to play Things tricky even when it's not supposed to be tricky that's Tom dwan taught 21 700. how is he gonna play obviously he wants to build this pod up right now and he got sixteen thousand eight you called it Robert yeah that that seems about right to make it look like he's playing a drawing hand here oh this is big big problems for Chris Ferguson Chris has got to be tempted to re-raise here but I don't think he will just because of the coordinated board I have a feeling Chris is really trying to decide whether the flat call or raise but I think he's going to just flat call it I can't see Chris doing anything different here cool well he does call 16 800 and this pot is quickly fifty five thousand dollars Chris Ferguson needs a king a queen or a five on the river here's the river the river oh oh wow unbelievable oh Chris Ferguson has a river two pair and that is destroyed Tom dwan's Hand he knows it I think what we're going to see happen here is Chris Ferguson's going to check Tom's gonna either lead 35 000 or Just Surrender this pot I think der is a great reader of of situations and I think he realizes that he missed that this is an opportunity that was missed just because of the River card no it's an ugly rare for Tom dwan yeah real bad River especially top pair because Chris could have had the queen himself how many Black Ships do over there I think Tom's gonna realize that and uh not even swing at this well he's asking for a count he wants to know how many chips Chris Ferguson has wow I think that's kind of irrelevant right now well he might if he makes a big bet well Ferguson started this pot with 200 000 Todd is 55 000. how much can he really bet over bet the pot if Tom Dewan no he checks you know that's that's smart I I like I like the way Tom Dawn played this hand and I like the way Chris Ferguson played his hand sometimes you're both right Chris Ferguson gets the luck of the River card uh unlucky break for Tom Dewan and Chris Ferguson adds to his lead he is now the overwhelming winner in this uh in this cash game so far well that's pot control shown by Chris Jesus Ferguson kept the pot small enough for he could play that until it was the winning hand [Music] I'm Chris Ferguson 2000 world champion I've played poker all my life uh you know I don't remember when I learned the game I'm sure my parents taught it to me at some point it was 1994 so when I really decided to take the game seriously and study the game trying to be one of the best poker players in the world it's not something that I decided to become a professional football player I played poker because I love money poker and eventually I was making more money playing poker than anything else and that's when I realized I was a professional poker player [Music] lovely dealer Donna Doles out the cards in front of the Finnish Superstar Patrick Antonius table still dwelling on that last hand a little bit that's a huge hand asking what would have happened if Tom dwan would have shipped it there and he was considering it I was right I thought he might make a big bet or no bet oh Dewan takes up the aces that'll help console him a little bit from that last spot and he makes it 7200 now we had the original race under the gun from Alan Cunningham he made it two thousand oh my gosh oh wow wow this is an unbelievable spot for Tom Juan now any other player Patrick Antonius maybe gets away from the Kings but Tom dwan with the aces that's why Tom Twan gets so much action he plays so many hands he mixes it up when this happens it's paid off oh this is unreal just to recap here Alan Cunningham under the gun raised it up with pocket threes Tom dwan has re-raised it with the aces the seven seven thousand two hundred and Patrick Antonius with pocket kings has made it 19 000. no if Tom dwan plays this tricky this could get real expensive for Patrick Antonius and both players are very deep Antonius is 371 thousand dollars in front of him Tom dwan two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in front of him well that's why we could see a wide variety of ways to play this we could see a re-raise right here by Tom dwan just to get the pot pumped up we could see a flat call I think that as deep as the stacks are I prefer a re-raise go ahead go ahead and put a little more money in the pot the thing is this the way that Tom dewan's table image is I think it looks great to go ahead and re-raise right here I think he gets paid off by even Queens maybe Jax Ace King I mean obviously he's got Patrick Antonius dominated it's only four to one favorite he's gonna lose one out of five times against those kings that's why I like a re-raise right here take the lead on this pot make it uh 19. make it 50 something you know 55 60 make it really tough on Patrick Antonius and help Define the hand as well 47 600. I like it and he makes it 47 600. you said 50 something pretty close yeah begging good I owe 93 you know when when rage rereads they had Kings race I was back in the good old days what's up it was King's raises well that's how it is in these days except when you're playing with what what these guys everybody had to put out tapes on how to play it's your fault you ruined everything like nobody knew how to play that was like Patrick trying to work this one out check Antonius started the pot with 371 000 Tom Juan 250 000. and look at this oh my gosh Patrick Antonius is all in Tom Juan calls immediately they didn't have bases and kings would you say they don't have Aces and Kings when to raise re-raise I guess they do sometimes and we have a monster half million chip pot unbelievable turn of events here Aces versus Kings oh we've got Tom dwan's dream here and Patrick antonius's nightmare we've got a house in the middle of this pot this isn't a poker hand this is a house I mean look at the size of this pot good luck boys Patrick Antonius really thought long and hard about Vlad calling now I wish she did well here's the Flop it needs a king it's unbelievable at least the pizza's here oh my God Juan gets all his chips in this is a 500 000 pond anyone have a nice unbelievable what a turn of events Juan needs an Ace and only an ace oh there's just half a million in the pot that's all and here's the turn it's the Queen of Hearts oh Tom's one down to one card and only two outs or he is going to lose a half a million pot unbelievable he's got to be about to puke right now I'll take 100 more I'm about to puke it's the four of Spades oh wow wow just like that I mean what is he feeling right now you played poker your whole life what's he feeling right now half a million dollars in the pot he got his money in good and he loses Patrick Antonius just won himself 250 000 yeah he's got to be physically feeling like he's gonna be sick I mean those situations happen they got his money in with the best of it sometimes uh like I always say some days tricking some days feathers right now Tom Dewan is choking on those feathers I I I I I know I swear this sounds crazy but I I when that got turned up I said I said good luck boys I swear I felt the king coming with Tom dwellers not really much one can say other than when your Aces get cracked it's a case of ouch isn't it I mean our philosophical lawyer about a hand like that uh I wish I had won that counts as philosophical it's about as far as I go on philosophical part get a feeling that something like that's going to happen or not the car is flipped over and I know I'm gonna lose sometimes and win most of the time and that time I lost whatever happens it's part of Poker you always need to be ready for it to happen you know just move on and keep playing [Music] hello and welcome back to the million dollar cash game and the tables have been turned especially for Tom dwan who is now down two hundred thousand dollars now we're talking about a seven hundred thousand dollar swing he flopped to bottom two pair against Chris Ferguson an unlucky River against him and then his Aces against Patrick Antonius his Kings went up in Flames Antonius by the way now up 224 000 Tom Dewan down 200 000. how could he come back from this well if anybody can come back from being down 200 000 it's time to one I mean he mixes it up he plays a lot of pots and uh I have a sneaking suspicion he's going to be in some more big ones so uh we'll see well he's back in the game for another hundred thousand that's a little surprising I actually felt like 200 000 would be the right buy-in here with as many opponents you know with steps Stacks that deep but uh maybe he's got a master plan pass well obviously still affected from that one not only is he down 200 000 but you've got to talk about about a half a million dollar swing unbelievable yeah and that's that's not taking an effect that if he wins the pot against Chris Ferguson he's going to have even more in front of him to play even bigger punt against Patrick Antonius so I mean it literally could have been a million dollar swing yeah the back-to-back hands there for Tom dwan unbelievable you got a raise here from Patrick Antonius call from Chris Ferguson of the small blinds King Nine of Hearts that's a pretty wow and a very loose call from Alan Cunningham with Jack six of clubs two loose calls from the two of the tighter players the table oh wow this could be some good action here yeah flop is king queen sick two clubs out there nothing there for Antonius but how about top pair for Ferguson and a pair and a flush draw for Allen Cunningham and you can see the percentages 50 for Cunningham 47 for Ferguson Antonio's pretty much irrelevant and it checks around I guess both players were kind of waiting on Antonius to bet yeah he did not oblige turn brings the four diamonds yeah that was a very coordinated flop he realizes the two tight players Chris Ferguson and Alan Cunningham were very capable of having hands in that range oh Ferguson is going to bet I think he bet a little more than four thousand that's about right two-thirds through four spot and it's a forty five hundred dollar bet I like that size bet kind of lets him get a feel for where he's at I mean he's got top pair but he only has a nine kicker so two diamonds out there two clubs out there doesn't want to let another free one come Alan Cunningham is going to call this pod is now sixteen thousand dollars and it's a nine now if you weren't sure about your kicker before you've got to like it now he's got Kings up yeah but it also puts a straight and a flush out there Jack 10 makes a straight and the nine of diamonds puts a flush I suspect we'll see Chris Ferguson check and then either Allen's gonna make a play at the pot and get called or Alan's gonna give up but uh I think we'll see a check right here by Chris two two made hands get there flush Hannah straight are you worried about the I mean I can see the straight obviously on the Flop but are you worried about the back door diamonds yeah absolutely because it goes check on the Flop that means uh if Alan calls the turn he could easily have been on diamonds well you're usually right but you're wrong on this one it's eleven thousand dollar bet from Chris Ferguson 11 000 into 16. yeah I don't see how Alan Cunningham could even consider a call and he can't yeah I prefer uh check call there with that type of a hand but uh Chris Ferguson decides to lead at it instead action on Tom dwan who uh just like you said he re-bought for an extra hundred thousand he's now in for 200 000. he's in the game for four hundred thousand yeah I had a feeling with the stack sizes the way they were that we would see Tom dwan definitely add on another hundred thousand and I guess uh from my lips to his ears one way or the other it was the right play Tom Dawn a phenomenal player didn't have much luck in the million dollar cash game season three and that trend is holding true in season four as well well this one has gotten real unlucky I don't know that he's misplayed these two hands I like actually like the way he played him but uh you know sometimes luck plays a factor in this Patrick Antonius has raised it up with a queen Jack Andrew Feldman gonna call it with the suited Ace Ace nine of Hearts Gus Hansen in the big blind with King jack off suit it's a tough hand to play out of position but Gus Hansen's not one to throw a hand does he I was gonna say two-faced cards a little pre-flop raise yeah I don't think we'll see anything but a flat call here from Gus cool and that's exactly what you do so you see the flat call is now seventy three hundred dollars here's the Flop wow what a flop for Andrew Feldman Ace King for a couple of hearts out there he's got top pair and the nut flush draw I wouldn't be surprised at all if the checks around the Andrew Feldman if he checks it back why get tangled up with a bigger Ace and give him a free card Patrick Antonius has got a gut shot to Broadway but he needs to catch a 10 that's not a heart Gus Hanson he's got second pair can catch a king or a Jack as long as a jack is not a heart and Andrew Feldman's gonna bet forty two hundred dollars well we might see somebody get out there on air but that's the only way we'd see it I think well it's a pretty smallish bet he's betting about 50 of the pot look at this I think and Gus Hansen has flat called yeah he flat called here five turns to five of clubs and Gus is gonna check he gives the old finger check and Andrew Feldman now does he take the card here or does he think he's ahead I mean it's a tough spot there aren't many cards that can hurt him I mean he's only going to lose to a king or a Jack that's not a heart here's the river ten the ten oh wow and Patrick Antonius would have made Broadway this queen Jack with the 10 of Spades there sure would have Andrew faultleman in the lead well because Hansen's gonna hope his kings are good you love a small value bet you know something like 6 500 a little less than half the pot but that's about all he could bet because otherwise he's gonna get called by only hands that could beat him and of course if he does bet 6 500 he opens himself up to the big check race Gus Hanson is very capable of making that yeah so that's why maybe maybe if he does bet he bets more like that's ten thousand he's gonna bet pretty much two-thirds of the pot pot now 25 700 and it's ten thousand back to Gus Hanson you know wow there a little frisky a little frisky and uh re-raises him and then he's got a tough decision so that's probably why but two-thirds the pot um Gus Hanson a decision here and actually the monster Parts we've just seen this looks like a small pot but the pot is 25 700 yeah I think we're gonna see a lay down by Gus because it looks like no Feldman has a weak Ace well Gus Hansen's gonna call there it's a crying call wow and Andrew Feldman Great Value bet there on the river by him surprised it gets called by the king and Gus Hanson gives away ten thousand dollars there the Great Dane can't be happy with that one it usually makes that read I'm really looking forward to playing with Gus Hanson because everyone's everyone says Gus is just a great person to have on the table and might matter sell also he's a very good character Patrick Antonius let us see him as like an absolute robot and he's just so so composed so hard to pick up and reads and obviously Phil Ivey is will be very intimidating as he's just like achieved everything there is [Music] we're in the heart of London and some of the best players in the world have come together to play a big big cash game well over a million dollars at the table everybody playing with their own money oh the Cowboys we've seen a lot of them Andrew Feldman with pocket king he's gonna raise this up now he just won a pot if you can ride that momentum to another win yeah I may play to his advantage that he just played the last part with an ace nine it might look like he has a weak Ace well Tom Duan doesn't like to give up his blinds even with a hand as weak as A7 and we'll see this heads up how about a 7-7 king flop I'd call I'd call that a cooler six ten check no not quite seven seven King how about five six ten with a couple of spades up there now Feldman has the King of Spades which actually could come into play a little bit you know guys has a few more cards cut off makes a little harder for Tom dwan to have a big drawing hand against him check well he's gonna check it here maybe check it for pot control at the same time to get some value out of his hand later on yeah hey he's also playing a little tricky he knows Tom dwan is liable to uh lead at this pot I don't see how now though with the King of Spades and three spades on the board and he does he checks it back wow yeah Ace well he's backed into the nuts how's that he's back into the Ace Ace King High flush I mean he's got the absolute nuts actually I shouldn't say that I'm sorry there is a straight flush out there Tom dwan makes top pair four seven of Spades would actually be the nut flush I don't like the way Andrew Feldman played this hand at all I I don't think he was going to make any money it just seems awful hard for him well he made 2100. well actually the way he played it he made more than he would have the other way so I stand corrected he gives away a lot of information though everybody at the table probably wondering scratching their head going wow that's the way you play Kings on a board of 1065 you don't bet am I tell you yeah I I don't like giving up information for 2100 additional dollars in a game like this you've got a bunch of caged Tigers here at the table with you I don't like to give out any information at all I would have rather had the pot without the extra 2100. [Music] foreign million dollar cash game I'm David tuckman alongside Robert Williamson III and we have been witnessing quite the poker game absolutely what a game this is and the game is on when Tom dwan gets the loser he's always got a lot of gamble anyway but when he's a loser the game is on Antoine is now down 205 thousand dollars Patrick Antonius as if he need any help getting the ladies well luck be a lady tonight and what a shocker Tom dwan he is in there with the 10-7 off suit six eight now ten seven got a gut shot gutter ball Antonio still he's gotta like his Queens right now definitely I think we're gonna see a lead he'll lead at this 6 000 between five and six thousand he usually likes to bleed a little bigger bets he might even lead 6500. that's seven thousand no I bet seven thousand it is a big lead like you said and the one thing about all these poker players all these phenomenal poker players the one constant they all take a long time at the decisions they're very deliberate yeah absolutely and I think anytime you're playing deep stack poker especially like they're playing it's more important to take your time for many reasons one to think the hand through thoroughly but two also two position I mean look at all the straight draws out there five sevens a straight draw a nine seven to straight draw nine ten is a straight draw race 22 600. 22 600 total part is thirty eight thousand four hundred times one has raised this up to twenty two thousand six hundred now this is the interesting thing we saw this earlier from Tom Duan it was like when he's got something or if he's got a draw he'll often just call there he seems to be raising it only when he's either flop the monster like a set or in this case kind of a drawing pretty much nothing I mean like a slight draw right like a semi-bluff but more of a bluff than a semi-bluff because he's got only a few outs yeah you know that's a pretty dry board I know there's a lot of straight draws I would have rather flat called and waited till a scare card came on the turn that puts us straight out there I don't like this race by Tom dwan at all right and a re-raise by Patrick and the re-raise by Patrick Antonius he's re-raised it back to 57 000. well I don't now Tom's Wanted only he started this ham with 195 000. we'll see one of two things here we'll see a full baton dwan or an all in I don't think we'll see anything short of it I mean can he move all in I mean at this point absolutely has Patrick Antonius I mean can Patrick and Tony's fold the Queens at this point he can he doesn't have enough money in the pot he can get away from the still so it's actually Patrick Antonius gave him the right leverage for Tom dwan to move all in right here cool wow a flat call by Tom dwan I don't like that at all that's a strange flat call there so let's see the turn well if there's any Safeguard in the deck it was the Deuce of Clubs and I think we're gonna see a pretty big bet from Patrick Antonius here I mean the way dwan has played this hand I mean it's almost as if he's either slow playing I mean he smooth called the second or he raise with a set I guess a straight draw is a possibility but he really played this very strange very odd line to take yeah I'm surprised I I figured a call was the only thing he wouldn't do on the turn so um this one's shaping up real bad for Tom dwan he's played it so that he can't win the pot well now Patrick Antonius has committed himself and Tom Juan's Gotta Throw his cards in the muck I mean Patrick and Tony spent 75 000. that's why it was such a bad call he's got to either move all in right there or or muck it because he can't call any lead unless a dangerous card comes and even then I don't think he's gonna get Patrick away from his hand now Tom dwan obviously a fantastic poker player I'm not taking anything away from him but even the best players in the world have been known to go on tilt do you think right now Tom dwan after losing with four Deuce when he flops bottom two pair after losing with pocket aces is he maybe tilting just a little bit I don't think he's tilted at all I think he's playing his style of Poker and that's keeping the pressure on his opponents Hanson gonna play Sue he's gonna limp in hit lips in that position with a wide range of hands yeah we've seen that well Antonius is going to call not suited Queen that's the computer hand Queen Seven known as the computer hand because it's what's considered an average hand now Andrew Feldman after a couple of Limbs here on the small blind with Ace jack off suit you know the kind of range that Gus Hansen and Patrick Antonius have is this a re-raise spot well it's one of two things play it tricky and just flat call and see what the plot brings or uh I think you're gonna get called if you even if you raise pre-flop I like what he did I like just a flat call he's picked option one he uh he just flat called played it tricky so he's flop top pair but now he doesn't quite know where he's at because Ferguson is flop second pair antonius's plot bottom pair and Gus Hanson with the gut shot straight draw yeah you're right that's the only problem with this kind of a flop with Andrew Feldman's hand but as long as the pot stays relatively small he can stick around play a little small ball here absolutely hot control right here this is total a pot control hand Todd is now seventy five hundred dollars wouldn't be surprised we saw a call with a gut shot and middle pair from Chris Ferguson either wouldn't wouldn't be outside of the realm of possibility cool and he's gonna call I thought maybe we might even see a raised after Ferguson see if he can take this one away he's kind of played those sneaky aggressive plays every once in a while playing for his image five of diamonds what gives Chris Ferguson another gut shot yeah exactly normally you think it doesn't change anything but now actually Chris Ferguson with the double gutter can catch a six or a ten yeah that definitely helped Chris his hand a nine will also win it for him V8 though all the eight does is give Gus Hanson that's great yeah let's just uh actually a kind of a tricky hand for Gus to play he gets called by one of the tighter players on the table and it's an over call I mean to me when Chris Ferguson overcalls running for the exits don't you yeah that that's when you start to not like this hand very much very much well I guess Gus is playing Power poker trying to money whip him now he he is with the two tightest players at the table so far from what I've seen today Andrew Feldman and Chris Ferguson definitely has two tightest players at this table yeah Gus Hanson is trying to blow them both out of the hands wow and Andrew Feldman folds top pair just like that and I suspect we might see the same thing from Chris Ferguson but with two gut shots that's tough to fold well the interesting thing Andrew Feldman he kind of underrepresented his hand by not raising pre-flop then didn't bet out gave the betting lead to Gus Hansen and allowed himself to get bluffed off the hand s right now the action on Chris Ferguson the pot is 17 400 and he's got a decision to make it's 7 700 to him yeah I think there's a at least a 70 chance Chris Ferguson is going to call here I just have a gut feeling that he he has enough outs even if he doesn't have the best hand right now cool and it does call he is gonna call now what's he gonna do what's he gonna do on the river if he misses I wonder if a deuce comes off on the river I think he's gonna check and then make a decision if Gus makes a big bet or not well let's see what happens oh wow well it's the third diamond out there it also completes Gus Hansen straight it also gives Chris Ferguson two pair there's four twists straight a six or a ten makes a straight this is a tough spot for Chris Ferguson for sure but I think he can get away from this I mean the way Gus Hansen has played this hand would you put him on a 10. check thoroughly but it could easily have something like Jack 10 top pair with a with a gut shot yeah I think we'll see a value bet here from Gus Hanson hoping that Chris has a six or some kind of two pair hand I'd be surprised if we didn't see a value bet from Gus Hanson 15 15 000 or roughly those are the twenty five thousand dollar chips and he bets 22 000. wow and I think there was no question we were going to see a value bet yeah he's betting with nothing the whole way finally hits his hand why not bet you know the ironic part is I was thinking a value bet would be half or maybe a little more than half the body he bets nearly the whole pot maybe he's representing a bluff now well that's one thing about Gus Hanson that makes him so dangerous he's so unconventional normally when you think okay value bet time maybe we're going about half the pot that's exactly what he kind of he kind of throws everything out the window and he goes for it all and the glasses have come off ladies and gentlemen oh my Madison summarizes the situation I'll make the mouth said it the best the Sun the glasses come off Chris Ferguson got to think this one through he's made two pair to me and you're the pro but to me Gus Hanson either has to have a flush or either has to have some sort of a straight yeah to bet this or air or nothing at all except for air yeah I think yeah Chris Ferguson certainly taking his time with this one and you know what you can't blame him 22 000 there's Melissa Hayden Alan Cunningham standing up everybody standing up watching this one well very excited we're talking about a 50 000 product for grabs I think this the the parts confusing Chris Ferguson is the size of the bet it looks like either air or a big hand by Gus Hanson because he bet so much he bet almost the entire pot Ferguson's got the black chip in his hands it looks like he's definitely considering this call flip a coin Chris I'd be surprised real surprise if Chris Ferguson calls here I think the size of the bed is exactly what's confusing let's see he takes one more check yep I do have two pair here's the chip I have a 10. your hands good and it's a great bet by Gus Hanson wow I can't believe that really thought Chris Ferguson would make that lay down fairly surprised yeah you gotta imagine the big bet by Gus Hanson it looked like a bluff and that's exactly why he made that big bet yeah I'll let you get there Chris Ferguson fell for it pays him off 22 000 well played by Gus Hansen it's a great day that's the new Gus makes the right decision well we have certainly had some colorful poker under the bright lights here in central London plenty more of the same guaranteed next time we'll see you then but from all the team it's bye for now
Channel: The Poker Vaults
Views: 116,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Million Dollar Cash Game, poker, poker show, full tilt, full tilt poker, full tilt poker million dollar cash game, phil ivey, phil hellmuth, mike matusow, patrik antonius, sky sports, poker 2019, poker after dark, poker tips, poker strategy, daniel negreanu, pokerstars, thepokervaults1123
Id: Abi8R5rzLOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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