Dwan makes French Millionaire QUIT! Sick poker action

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[Music] if you're scared of losing what's going to happen more often than not is you're going to lose we'll get a raise here from cyril muli who's definitely not afraid to mix it up plus he has a legitimate hand ace nine suited tom juan not a legitimate hand but well for tom duane it is come on jack deuces and uh he has flopped the flush draw molly has absolutely nothing pot is sixty one hundred dollars and tom dwan is a favorite right now even though he is technically behind molly that's four thousand six hundred wouldn't be surprised to see a check raise here by tom dwan no how about a call i guess is now 15 300. he's worried about having no over cards to the board well i don't think he's worried anymore three of hearts on the turn completes his flush and morley can beat absolutely nothing yeah but he might bluff at this he's been bluffing quite a bit mooley maybe he can beat jack ten and i'm inventing a hand he can beat i think if mooley bets it'll be on a complete bluff and then shut down on the river if he gets called but uh otherwise i don't think we'll see it but i think he's been prone to bet here ten thousand well maybe maybe he's trying to represent the hearts if he thinks he got called by a queen or something like that and he can represent hearts and take it away that's what he's gonna try 14. and he bets 14 000. he's not shy about putting chips in the pot tell you that much almost a pot sized bet that almost forces tom dwan to raise here because tom dawn can't take a chance on letting ace of hearts or king of hearts or pardon me queen of hearts have a free draw at this i think we'll see a re-raise from tom duan here i don't think he's thinking about folding that's for sure exactly my thoughts yeah he's really gonna choke on this hand if he gets raised that's for sure it's not just gonna be a cough well the one thing about mooley's hand i mean he can put chips out there because if he does get raised it's an easy mock obviously he's got absolutely nothing that's true i i prefer like a ten thousand dollar bet versus uh fifteen thirty six two hundred i mean i've seen some players at the ace nine let's say he has the ace of hearts if he would have bet in that spot it's actually a really dangerous spot because then you can actually get raised off of a big draw which can be you know catastrophic in this case though he's getting raised off of nothing tom dwan does he takes your advice he's raised up to 36 200 and mooley clearly taken his time to stop him from betting adam next time obviously he's not going to do anything this time you wouldn't think so but you never know i mean we've seen stranger things action is on cyril moolie it's 22 200 to call pretty sure he's not going to smooth call you imagine a raise or a fold here but we'll see what happens yeah i would say we'll see one of the other part is sixty five thousand five hundred ceremony i think he's asking for a count yeah he is asking for accountant maybe he's trying to figure out if dwan is actually pot committed well he might be considering uh over the top here wow with nothing but air well he's going to fold yes taking a little bit of a break but uh he knows how to play this one he's gonna raise it up he looks a lot fresher now dwan's raised it up with a jack nine off suit we saw mooley's king jack this is patrick antonio's hand and here's the flop comes queen king well king queen four a little bit something there for everybody tom dwan the pre-flop razor has got a gut shot molly with top pair antonius with bottom pair and antonius is going to bet that's 4 500. well he's in position it's not a bad bet a majority of the time and part of the reason why you call in position is so you can take it away when your opponents miss right that's exactly right patrick antonios has been a master at that tonight he's really played position well only that's 4 500. okay and morley has decided to call this and tom der juan taking his time deciding whether to call raise or fold i think this has got to be a folding hand after watching tom guan in season three of the million dollar cash game and most of season four i've stopped trying to guess what he'll do and if he smells weakness sometimes he does the uncharacteristic thing and that's racing right here that's exactly what he does 18 800 total i'm sure playing fearless poker movie has underrepresented his ham in here normally he plays top pair a lot stronger i don't know if he's going anywhere dwan has raised us up to 18 800 dollars how much 14 tom dwan wasting no time getting back in the action sure isn't putting molly to a tough decision and willie's out of position here as well i mean molly with top pair but i mean top parent in no limit gaming you know to be honest with you i wouldn't be surprised if molly wait flat calls i wouldn't have been surprised if molly re-raised right there both players started with virtually the same amount of chips movie started with 155 000 chips well dollars i should say tom dwan with 161 thousand dollars tom dwan barely has him covered six of diamonds it's a pretty safe card for molly's hand if he had the best hand to begin with they're fairly irrelevant i mean king jack really just a bluff catcher though you can't really beat much i mean i guess you can beat jack 10 if he's in the draw i think mooley actually thinks he has the best hand right now and he's letting tom durr dwan hang himself i only say that because wooly's had a tendency to over bet pots and lead at him he's definitely played this hand check a little bit slower oh duane is going to take the free card it goes check check on the turn oh wow look at that nothing is gone nothing has gone tom dwan's way and just like that look at his eyes have lit up he hits the straight he doesn't have the nut straight ace jack is the nuts right now well but he's got the second nut i was going to say he may not have the nut straight but he's got the second nuts on the entire board i think we'll see about a 25 or 30 000 bet just because he wants to get paid off will say molly has checked action on tom dwan i like tom dwan taking his time here making it look like he might be considering a bluff tom dawn with the king high straight he makes the move and he gets lucky on the river moly with top pair pot just under fifty thousand dollars maybe a big bet by tom dwan would look suspicious here maybe that's what he's considering whether he should make a really like an over bet a la molly style well you said an over bet and here it is it's an over bet it's a huge over bet tom juan is all in he started this hand with more chips than muli it would be for all of muli's chips morley by the way started with a hundred and fifty five thousand if morley calls it's a three hundred and ten thousand ship pot or three hundred and ten thousand dollar plot i should say unbelievable turn of events all your chips movie i called oh he called only calls it's unbelievable unbelievable the over bet by tom dwan confused the frenchman and molly gonna pay off the tune of a hundred and thirty four thousand he is felted and remember just a little while ago molly won that monster pot off antonius he was up to 288 thousand he had nearly 300 000 in front of him now he's got nothing yeah i'm gonna have all of it has rebought for another hundred thousand dollars he's going to raise this up oh he's raising it up even more now raises up to 3 400. tom duan with the ace king 10 000 and he is he is re-raising here he wants to play big pot poker i think he's also isolating the possibly tilting frenchman twelve and there's the call and the flop comes out some sort of ace jack blank we could see fireworks here's the flop we might see fireworks anyway ten seven deuce not much there for either player molly with a gut shot straight draw tom dwan's still the best of it with ace king about a three to two favorite to win this one he's gonna check it don't blame him he knows molly's capable of there's making a play at this pot well the deuce of hearts on the turn doesn't look to change anything well now if he checks it's different molly now only a 23 percent chance of winning this part unless he can get duane the fold when you want 21 000. that's 21 000 it'll be interesting to see if tom dwan folds calls or raises i wouldn't be surprised if he folded or raised i'd be surprised if he just flat called i gotta be honest i wouldn't be surprised if anything happened there i think he's gonna call there it is i was about to decide i didn't want to say anything but it wouldn't surprise me to have a flat call there i've seen tom duan call down with king high and it was right i've seen him call down with ace high and he'd be right and i got to tell you six and a blank on the river actually puts three hearts on the board could slow the action down it wouldn't shock me off mooley bet big here and dwan caldwell is king let's see what happens 67 000 in the pot action is on muli i think that's about what muli's got left in front of him maybe a little less well i see two black chips there's a 50 000. i'm telling you he's gonna bet i think dwan's calling i think he's gonna bet for sure just a matter whether tom der juan is gonna make this tough call 58 000. especially with a heart on the river very tough call for dirk oh and dwan throws it away i was sure dwan was going to call that i was sure juan was going to call and molly with a lesson in power poker against der i mean this is not the easiest guy in the world to bluff you know no not at all tom dwan i mean i tell you i've seen him make huge huge calls with less than that it wouldn't have surprised me at all if tom dwan made that call i think it became a more of a blank card right he might have called but six of hearts puts the straight out there and a flush tough call for anybody much less tom duan we have two million dollars at the table i guess we're gonna have to change the name of the show to two million dollar cash game wow two million dollars at this table three six tom dwayne going to raise it under the gun his first act raises it up with the suited queen queen five ivy get a call patrick antonio's getting out of the way and molly is going to re-raise this and that's why ace 10 of spades 18 total oh and he makes it 18 000 total big overbet cool wow tom dwan got a call with the queen five of hearts and that's gonna bring in phil ivey cool and we haven't even seen a flop yet and this pot is 55 000 and we're seeing the likes of hands such as queen five and seven eight seven five jack jack seven five well tom dwan's got a small piece phil live he's got a bigger piece and cyril mooley yeah absolutely nothing is ten of spades pot is fifty five thousand five hundred dollars now cyril molly started this part with 134 000. 36. and he bets 36 000. now tom dwan he's got to worry about phil ivey behind him tough spot if you're in if you're in tom dwan's spot yeah this is no easy decision on any player tom dwan this is a tough spot because he got phil behind him as well as the pre-flop razor leading into him well let's see what he does plot is 91 000 and it's 36 000 over to tom doan andrew feldman watching on and there's the call now after tom dwan calls can i the overcall with just second pair second pair and no kicker and no way no he can't call even though he has the best hand right now almost impossible for him to make that call pot is a hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars tom dwan is the best of it right now oh i feel like he's gotta be sick seeing that card oh you had the best hand already on the flop and that would've given him two pair well molly has picked up some more outs he can catch a nine to make a straight a 10 is also good and an ace is good tom dwan with bottom pair the amazing thing is you look at this pot it's 127 000 and it goes check check here's the river six it's the six and five there's straight on board though it's a very very scary board who's gonna bet this up wow molly's giving up has given up now this is the question though does tom dwan think he needs to bet to win this part does he think his paraphrase is good i think there's no way that tom duan can lose his pot though i don't think that mooley's deep enough to do anything different even if tom dwan bets how many block checks do you have wait just interesting to see just interesting to see the young poker phenom think this one through and he checks it down and tom dwan is going to win this with a pair of fives oh 127 thousand dollars on a pair of fives on phil live he's got to be sick he had the best hand in the flop would have made two pair on the turn and a hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars phil ivey probably wondering if that should have been his andrew feldman and ceremony trying to combat these three seven well seven thousand dollar reigns from ruling and a call from tom dwan with the king queen ivy gets out of the way and tony's gets out of the way tom dwan's got to love it heads up against molly with position here's the flop five king queen well he might have just got his wish he flopped top two and moolie flops a flush draw yeah this this this has got uh the makings of a monster molly a two-to-one he's got the flush draw he's going to lead out for 15 000 it looks like 20. actually 20 000. he over bets the pod tom don tom dwan with top two i wouldn't be surprised to see a flat call he might try to trap mooley mooley with 172 000 at the start of this pod you called it tom dwan does call pot is now fifty six thousand five hundred oh it's the nine of diamonds tom dwan not drawing dead though mooley has made the flush dwan needs a king or a queen on the river i think molly has to bet again because he can't take a chance that dwan has a diamond in his hand patrick antonio's watching this one big pop brewing 53 and he bets 53 000. how much more do you have 80 80 maybe 100 two block trips or three eighty eight thousand eight zone just two black ships the one asked for a county wants to know exactly what he's up against how many chips and i told you morley started this pot with 172 thousand dollars duane has him covered and molly has bet 53 000. announced the question does dwan think he's got the best of it or not and he's all in tom dwana is all in there's no way molly's pulled in this one i can't imagine him folding this one no chance i called and he calls he calls molly calls and tom dwan has four outs he needs a king or a queen or he is going to double up molly and a 346 thousand dollar pot at stake one card left a flush for muley top two pair for dwan here's the river it's a queen oh my god unbelievable oh what a dagger in the heart of moolie wow well you know if there's any justice oh unbelievable that's all i can say and you can see the dejected look on mooley's face wow remember earlier tom dwan lost a half a million dollar pot when he got all his money in with pocket aces against patrick antonio's kings way 150 more what 150 more i don't know oh wow molly gets his money in good tom dwan down to four outs with one card to come catches the queen and that pot actually puts tom duan winner in this game morley now down 450 thousand dollars and it looks as if the frenchman is accepting defeat and sarah molly is taking the long walk away from the table he was once the big winner he was once up two hundred thousand dollars he's going to leave our big loser losing nearly a half a million dollars cool well it's a long long walk out of the casino i'll tell you that
Channel: The Poker Vaults
Views: 324,681
Rating: 4.7972631 out of 5
Keywords: Million Dollar Cash Game, poker, poker show, full tilt, full tilt poker, full tilt poker million dollar cash game, phil ivey, phil hellmuth, mike matusow, patrik antonius, sky sports, poker 2019, poker after dark, poker tips, poker strategy, daniel negreanu, pokerstars, thepokervaults1123
Id: epTrGvrXZ0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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